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February 24, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 24, 2011
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m ....... • ..... . ...... . • - • * • .... • • i Shelton-Mason County Journal 0 Pow wow brings together many cultures in Shelton Journal photo by Natalie Johnson A dancer competes in the men's fancy dance category at the Sa'Heh'Wa'Mish Days pow wow on Saturday at the Skookum Creek Event Center. By NATALIE JOHNSON The Squaxin, Skokomish, Yakima, Colville, Navajo and many other tribes from across the country came together this weekend in Shelton to celebrate their culture at the Sa'Heh Wa'Mish Days pow wow. The Sa'Heh Wa'Mish Days pow wow, spon° sored by Squaxin Island Tourism and the Little Creek Casino and held at the Skookum Creek Event Center on Saturday and Sunday, brought together hundreds of people eager to celebrate and learn more about Native Ameri- can culture. "Pow wows are a spiritual and ceremonial event back east- this one is an intertribal pow wow," said Leslie Johnson, Squaxin Island Tourism's director on Saturday. "People can come together and share cultures ... It's about the regalia, and how they put it together... It's a teaching time too." Dancers came from across the country to demonstrate their skills at the pew wow. The featured dancers were Buck Wallahee of the Yakima Tribe and Leah McGurk-Brown of the Navajo tribe, but dozens of others competed in categories including Men's Traditional, Fancy and Grass, Women's Traditional, Fancy Shawl, and Jingle, as well as many children's and teen categories. The pew wow also attracted many different drum groups who accompanied the dancers, including the host drum, The Boyz, an award- winning group out of St. Paul, Minnesota. Ray Fryberg of the Tulalip tribe was the master of ceremonies. Johnson said that putting on a pow wow of this size took months of preparation. See Pow wow on page B-5 rln Journal photo by Natalie Johnson American Legion volunteers Joanne Samuels, left, Jackie Mallon, Pete Laserinko, Amber Lav- ender, Ralph Henry, Mike Clift (not pictured) and James Coffman (not pictured) recently were awarded Presidential Volunteer Service Awards for their hours of service to local veterans, Memorial hall volunteers honored with service award By NATALIE JOHNSON and James Coffman were awarded "They're all in shock," he said. Seven volunteers who give up- with certificates commending themThey may be in shock, but several wards of 500 hours a year to help vet- for their efforts, which only just came of the volunteers said that they were erans in the Shelton area were hon- in the mail last weekend, thrilled to be recognized for their ored this month with Presidential"It was Jackie's birthday Monday work. Volunteer Service Awards. so I said "Happy birthday, here you "I think they're (the awards) fab- Last month, Pete Laserinko, a Vet- go," Laserinko said. ulous," Mallon said, "It's nice that eran's Service Organization (VSO), The Award,-from USA Freedom somebody put us in for it, it's nice Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Corps, an organization created un- that somebody thought we deserved American Legion volunteer, nomi- der George W. Bush's presidency, is it- we worked hard for it." nated himself and six other Ameri- a yearly award designed to recognize Henry said that many people don't can Legion and VSO volunteers at any volunteer's many hours of ser- even realize that he and the other vol- the Shelton Memorial hall for thevice in a community, unteers don't get paid for their work. service awards. The awards are either bronze, sil- "We thought we should put it up "I saw them in the Veteran Voice ver or gold, and correlate to the num- on the wall so people know we're ac- online newspaper, they had a thing ber of hours volunteered. Laserinko's tually volunteers, we don't work for in there. A little link that said accept- group of volunteers all got silver cer- the VA," Henry said. ing nominations for the Presidential tificates, signifying that they each Most of the volunteers at the me- Volunteer Service Awards," he said. volunteered for between 499 and 999 morial hall have their own history "Everybody in this office is being rec- hours last year. with the military. ognized for the work they do to help "I think he (Laserinko) spends Laserinko is a Navy veteran, Hen- the veterans in the community." most of his time here," Henry said. ry is an Army veteran and Mallon's All seven volunteers - Laserinko,Laserinko said that the six otherhusband was in the army, Laserinko Ralph Henry, Jackie Mallon, Joanne volunteers had no idea that they Samuels, Amber Lavender Mike Clift would get any award. See Cookin' on page B-5 Volunteer Firefighters needed on Harstine We were visiting the north end of Hartstene Pointe and as we pulled up to the gate there was a sign saying, "Warning cougar and bobcat sightings." After checking with Jan, the se- curity officer there, she con- firmed that there have been several sightings. Now, I've heard that before and the rumor turned to be some- thing less than a rumor. But in this case Jan told me that there were definite signs, there were drag marks and game stuck in a tree where those marks ended. So, I think this is the real t.hing. The fish and game people were out and gave warnings to the lo- cal residents. It is suggested that if you do see a big cat, make a lot of noise. If you are walking alone, al- ways have a whistle with you. The big cats don't like dogs, so take your dog with you on those early morning walks. Here is the new senior lunch menu for the month of March - oh, it must be getting close to St. Pat- rick's Day because on the menu for March 9 they will be serving corned beef and cabbage, carrots, colcannon, soda bread with honey but- ter and sherbet. Okay do you know what colcannon is? It's a traditional Irish dish mainly consisting of mashed potatoes with kale or cabbage. Then on March 23, there will be roast pork loin, tomatoed rice, apple- sauce, cheddar cheese bis- cuits with tapioca pudding and whipped cream - yumm. Speaking of seniors, I was talking with a friend the other day and he told me he Thursday, and his wife were going to the movies for three dollars each, and the movie was "True Grit." He told me the Shelton Senior Center has connected with our Shelton Theater to offer this great deal. As I understand it, two or three times a month, se- niors are Offered the chance to see these first run mov- ies once the center and the theater coordinate the date. To take part, one has to join the se- nior center for $15 a year. The senior center offers a ton of events every month. So, if you are over 50 and need to get out a.nd visit with friends, MIKE, this is your oppor- CALLAGHAN tunity. This informa- tion is from our friend, Nick Neuerburg. After seeing him at this last community club meeting, he reminded me that I hadn't sent him any fire department news or information recently. I agreed and promised to get him something in the way of fire department news or in prevention tips. My topic for this article is the need for volunteer firefighters on the Island. Currently there are only five volunteers for both North and South sta- tions, all of which work full-time jobs off the Island and are available normally nights and weekends only• Combine that with family restrictions and conflicting work schedules, call re- sponse by Island volunteers decreases further. To those calls that Island volunteers do respond, it's usually one person responding, two if you're lucky. Thankfully, See Harstine.on page B-7 Feb. 24, 2011 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1