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"Patch-work Tales:
The Life of Eleanor
St. Edward Alter Society
will be presenting "Patch-
work tales: the life of Eleanor
Roosevelt" with guest speak-
er Debbie Dimitre on March
5. Tickets are $10, lunch is at
Meet Eleanor Roosevelt
and hear her true-life story
about being a peaceful war-
rior for human rights, as told
by Debbie Dimitre.
"Patch-work Tales" is a
series of programs, which
bring women and young girls
in history to life though dra-
matic storytelling, folklore
and legends. Suited for all
ages, Debbie has performed
her docu-dramas for numer-
ous schools, churches, librar-
ies, bookstores, senior cen-
ters, women's organizations,
historical groups, museums,
rotaries, community groups
and for the Northwest Folk
life Festival.
Debbie has also served
on the board for the Seattle
Storytellers Guild and is
currently listed in the King
County Education and Cul-
tural resource guide.
Susan Thomsen, Resi-
dent Services Manager
of Northaven Retirement
Community said this about
Debbie, "Her voice seems to
change. Her posture is differ-
ent. It's amazing. When the
lights come back up follow-
ing her story you will feel as
though you have been on a
trip, at a movie or more ap-
propriately in a time-travel
For more information call
426-6134 or 432-0389.
Cooking with Xinh
set for March
Sherwood Guild presents
the annual "Cooking with
Xinh," featuring a lively
cooking demonstration and
dinner with award-winning
chef, Xinh Dwelley of Xinh's
Clam and Oyster House,
Shelton. Tickets are $50 per
person and include a cooking
demonstration, dinner, des-
sert and wine, beer or soft
"Cooking with Xinh" will
take place on two nights:
Sunday, March 20 or Mon-
day, March 21, starting at
6 p.m. at Xinh's Clam and
Oyster House, 221 W Rail-
road Ave. in downtown Shel-
ton. Seating is limited, so
reserve tickets now by call-
ing 427-4522 or 427-3623.
All proceeds raised by Sher-
wood Guild, an affiliate of
Mason General Hospital
Foundation, support Mason
General Hospital and Public
Hospital District No. 1.
Mason County
Habitat for Humanity
The construction volun-
teers have been busy at work
and the foundation for house
19 has been poured.
hope to also start
house 20 this year in addi-
tion to the infrastructure
work to be done on Shilling
Park," states Tammey New-
ton, executive director.
To help make that happen,
the eleventh annual Spring
Tea and Fashion Fundraiser
is April 3. By joining the tea,
you help build a house and
strengthen the community
without ever putting on a
tool belt.
Habitat for Humanity is
looking for event sponsors,
volunteers and table cap-
tains to help make this fund-
raiser a success. Tickets
are available now, $25 per
person or $160 for a table of
eight. For ticket information
or for information on how you
can volunteer for the event,
please call 426-8134 in Shel-
ton or 205-3250 in Belfair.
There was no hospital in Shelton until 192o, when Mark E. Reed donated
land and money to have one built in town. Before this time the closest
hospitals were in Olympia or Bremerton. This picture was taken in 1934.
Photo courtesy of the Mason County Historical Society
1 p.m. Irene S. Reed
High School class of 1950
will meet for lunch at
Roosters, 3001 Olympic
Highway North in Shelton.
All members and friends
are invited to attend.
4 to 5 p.m. Shelton
Timberland Library pres-
ents Reading Explorers,
for grades four to six. Join
a book discussion group for
kids, ages nine to 12. The
group's mission: finding
and talking about books
impossible to put down.
The first 10 to register will
receive a copy of the book
to keep. Please register by
calling 360-426-1362.
2 p.m. Stories
That Old Buildings Tell
Us" featuring Michael Her-
schensohn is the second in
the three part 2011 Inquir-
ing Minds Series sponsored
by the Harstine Island
Community Club and Hu-
manities Washington. The
program is at the Harstine
Island Community Club.
Doors open at 1:30 p.m.
Admission is free and ev-
eryone is welcome.
5 p.m. 40 ET 8 Veteran's
Club of Shelton will have a
steak dinner and auction
with all proceeds to benefit
Michael and Nathanael
Burke for Gastrointesti-
nal Pathologies in Autism.
For more information go
to www.twolittlebrothers.
6 to 8:30 p.m. Mason
County Literacy volunteer
tutor orientation. Training
is on March 5 for volun-
teers who are interested in
tutoring adults in Mason
County. You must pre-reg-
ister. For more information
please contact Kris Smock
at 360-426-9733.
11 to 11:30 a.m. Shel-
ton Timberland Library
presents Bilingual Story
Times for families. Story
time is for the whole fam-
ily. Enjoy stories, rhymes
and music in Spanish and
English. For more informa-
tion call 360-426-1362.
11 a.m. Horn de cuen-
tos; sabado, 26 de febrero,
La horn de cuentos bilingue
es para toda la familia!
Disfrutan cuentos, rimas y
musica en espanol e ingles.
Para mas llamada de la in-
formacion 360-124-1362.
1 to 3 p.m. Barnyard
Gardens will have a work-
shop on soils: types, geol-
ogy, basics, preparation
and enrichment and indoor
seed starting. This work-
shop is designed for both
the novice and experienced
gardener. Individual work-
shops cost $10 per person
$15 per couple. To register
call WSU Mason County
Extension Office 360-427-
9670 ext. 680.
7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Salty Sashayers Square
and Round Dance Club
of Shelton will be having
their monthly mainstream
dance at Skookum Com-
munity Hall, 3480 Lynch
Road, Shelton, WA 98584.
The theme is Old Salts
Dance. Capt. Bill Odam
will be calling the squares
and there will be rounds.
$5 donation at the door. All
square and round dancers
are invited to come. Clam
chowder and homemade
pies will be served at break.
1 p.m. The Friends of
the Shelton Timberland
Library will meet. The
friends of' the library raise
funds to help the library
with programs, furnishings
and other items outside of
the regular budget. The or-
ganization has helped the
community with hundreds
of programs, events and
items for the library. If you
have some volunteer time
to spare, the Friends group
needs you. For more infor-
mation call 360-426-1362.
1 to 2 p.m. Hoodsport
Timberland Library pres-
ents Page Turners Book
Discussion for adults. Join
in a discussion of "Life of
Pi" by Yann Martel. For
more information call 360-
11 to 11:30 a.m. Shel-
ton Timberland Library
presents Dr. Seuss Family
Story Time, for all ages.
Help the library kick off
Family Read Aloud Month
with stories, songs, crafts
and cake to celebrate Dr.
Seuss's Birthday. This
read-aloud event is part
of a Timberland Regional
Library district wide pro-
gram. For more informa-
tion call 360-426-1362.
6:30 p.m. Hood Canal
Improvement Club regu-
lar meeting at the Union
Fire Hall, 51 E. Seattle
St., Union. The Union Fire
Chief Clint Volk will speak
about the upcoming EMS
9 to 11 a.m. Shelton
Timberland Library pres-
ents computer class: com-
puter comfort for adults.
This class offers begin-
ners hands-on training on
the basic components of
computers and using the
keyboard and the mouse.
Registration is required.
This program begins before
the library is open. Those
registered will be admitted
to the library for the class.
For more information call
Noon to 1:30 p.m. Shel-
ton Timberland Library
presents Reading Not Re-
quired: A book group for
busy people, for adults.
Join in a lunchtime book
group celebrating the art of
the short story. No prepara-
tion necessary -just show
up and listen as librarians
read well-crafted short sto-
ries aloud, followed by a
group discussion of the sto-
ries and information about
the authors. There will be
two stories by separate au-
thors each session. Arrive
and leave as you please.
Bring a lunch and a friend.
For more information call
6 p.m. Mason County
Forest Festival Associa-
tion meeting at Roosters
on Mt. View. We have a
need for volunteers. If you
are interested please join
us at one of our next meet-
ings. We meet the first and
third Wednesdays of each
Unless otherwise noted,
all events take place at the
Mason County Senior Activi-
ties Center at 826 W. Rail-
road Ave. The Shelton senior
center hours are from 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Monday through
Thursday and from 8 a.m.
to 3 p.m. on Friday. The cen-
ter's telephone desk (426-
7374) is closed for lunch from
noon till 12:30 p.m.
Foot care by appoint-
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor-
ative yoga.
9 - 11 a.m., intermediate/
advanced line dancing.
9 - 11 a.m., EZ Crafters.
11 a.m., bridge - signup
the day before.
Noon, lunch: Lasagna
1 p.m., bingo.
2 p.m., treats from Lean
on Me at Home Care
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9-11 a.m., open line dance.
9 a.m.-1 p.m., sewing cir-
11 a.m., member social
12 p.m., lunch sponsored
12:30 p.m., birthday cel-
i p.m., open painting.
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 a.m., beginning line
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.,joy of paint-
ing landscape class: moun-
tain retreat
10-11a.m., intermediate/
advanced line dancing.
Noon, lunch: Swedish
12:30 p.m., game day.
1 - 3 p.m., watercolor pa-
tinting class
i p.m. pinochle.
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor-
ative yoga.
9 - 11 a.m., intermediate/
advanced line dancing.
9 a.m. - 1 p.m., sewing
11 a.m. - 12 p.m., music
at the center: piano favorites
with Evelyn Trenckmann
Noon, lunch: vegetarian
12:30 p.m., bridge signup
day before.
1 p.m., board meeting
Foot care by appointment
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
8:30 a.m - 4 p.m., AARP
tax aide
9 a.m., beginning line
10 a.m., intermediate/ad-
vanced line dancing.
Noon, lunch: tuna cakes
12:30 p.m., game day.
1 p.m., pinochle.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2011 - Page B-3