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Climbers start p
It's never too early to
start preparing for next
season, and Shelton High
School fastpitch softball
didn't wait too long after
the end of the 2009-10
"We have a lot to work
on before our first game,"
said Shelton head coach
Kim Goldsby, who enters
her second season with
the Highclimbers.
"We've got a pretty
tough schedule coming
up. We don't play Wilson,
Foss or Lincoln," she con-
tinued, noting teams that
moved down to the 3A
level this season. "Those
were our three no-hitter
Spring teams officially
begin practice on Mon-
day, Feb. 28. But teams
are allowed to have open
gym practices while the
coach cannot participate.
Earlier this month,
Shelton opened up
an open gym at the
Minidome, which is avail-
able to all players as a
pro-season workout op-
Goldsby said that there
have been a number of
incoming freshmen that
could make immediate
"Cassio Crabtree has
been coming into the
school's weightroom all
year," Goldsby said.
During the open gyms,
the players that choose to
come in work on fielding,
hitting and pitching.
Some from the past
have even" come in to help
instruct, including Me-
gan Lund and Natasha
Hamilton from last sea-
son's team.
"They threw in some
plyometrics in that they
learned from college
ball," Goldsby said. "We
had some sore kids."
Goldsby said the open
gym, in addition to sum-
mer and fall select-team
tournaments and sum-
mer camps, are necessary
to build on the fundamen-
"Not just the physical
fundamentals but it's the
mental fundamentals,"
she said.
Goldsby said after a
number of mental errors
Journal photo by Dean Siemon
Shelton High School's Lynae Brown practic-
es her batting during an open gym for Shel-
ton's fastpitch softball team on Thursday at
the Shelton Minidome.
during last season, she ting were key, infield and
is going to present a quiz outfield work were also
after making roster cuts. taught. Goldsby said she
"We were in the third was also able to learn dur-
or fourth week of the sea- ing the three-day camp.
son and they were miss- "They let me sit and
ing signs," Go!dsby said. watch the camp," she
"And simple little things, said. "I got to pick up a lot
like getting the bunt of things too and I think
down instead of getting a they benefitted from it
strikeout." greatly."
In July, a few High- While the camps and
climbers took part in a open gym work on the the
summer camp with the physical skills, Goldsby
University of Washington said there is one thing
fastpitch softball team - she can't teach that is im-
Madison Gaa, Jordanne portant for success this
Krumpols, Miranda season.
Graden, Kelsey Holloway "To have that competi-
and Kylie Schnitzer. tive desire to not want to
While pitching and hit- lose," she said.
ration e
Friday, February 25
School vs. Highland Christian High School (at
Timberline High School in Olympia), 4:45 p.m.
Saturday, February 26
High School vs. Lopez High School/Taholah High
School (at Timberline High School in Olympia), if
necessary, TBD
Coming up
• North Mason High School baseball is schedul-
ing their first annual Alumni Baseball Game Fund-
raiser on Saturday, March 12 at the Bulldog Base-
ball Field at 11 a.m. Former NM players that are
interested can contact NM head coach Bill Geyer at
360-275-0852 or the NM athletic office at 360-277-
2163 to sign up for $15 each.
• The Shelton High School fastpitch softball pro-
gram has scheduled open gyms on Mondays (7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.) at Oakland Bay Junior High School until
the start of the season on February 28.
• Shelton High School student-athletes who are
interested in playing a sport this spring must sign-
up at the school's activities office by Friday, Feb.
25. Practices for all spring sports begin Monday,
Feb. 28.
• Shelton Parks and Recreation and Shelton
High School Highclimber baseball are offering a
spring break baseball camp for boys and girls, ages
7-14. The camp is scheduled for April 3, 5 and 7 at
the SHS baseball field from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fee
is $40. Pro-registration is required at the Shelton
Civic Center located at 525 West Cota Street in
Shelton. For more information, contact Parks and
Recreation supervisor Mark Ziegler at 432-5194 or
at mziegler@ci.shelton.wa.us.
• All recreational and youth sports results must
be sent to the Shelton-Mason County Journal by
5 p.m. on Tuesday if they are to be printed in the
upcoming issue of the Sports section. No exceptions
will be made. For more information, e-mail dean@
Climbers' relay team ends season at state
By DEAN SIEMON split time of 23.45 seconds, followed by
Four Shelton High School swimmers senior Ricky Rutldege's 23,68 seconds. Ju-
nior Indi Endicott completed the last 50
comprised a 200-yard freestyle relay team
yards of the relay event with a split time
at the 4A WIAA Boys State Swimming and
Diving Championships on Friday and Sat- of 23.74 seconds.
urday at the King County Aquatic Center Shelton finished Friday's preliminary
in Federal Way. heat as the 15th seed, completed the event
In Saturday's consolation final, Shel-in 1:33.93, which was a season best by 1.45
ton finished 15th overall with a time of seconds.
1:34.20. The Highclimbers were able to hold off
The first place team, Central Kit- not only 16th seed Issaquah High School,
sap High School, finished with a time of who finished with a time of 1:34.40, but
1:29.55 and beat Eastlake High School by also Kentridge High School at 17th with
0.25 seconds. 1:34.44,
In the relay splits, freshman Andrew The top 16 individuals/teams in each
Grant started off for Shelton, completing event move on to the second day, with the
his 50 yards in a time of 23.33 seconds, top eight in the championship final and
Next was senior Jon Ramsey with a the remaining eight in a consolation final.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 - Page C-3