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Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 24, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 24, 2011
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Joaquins Continued from page C-1 wrestling career. "It felt great to leave ev- erything I had out there," Pedro Joaquin said. "And it's especially a good feeling to leave it out here." Pedro Joaquin began wrestling in his freshman year in 2006 and the senior said he has grown a lot be- tween then and the week- end's state tournament. "I started my freshman year as this little guy that didn't know anything," he said. But the senior admitted no feeling was greater than watching his younger broth- er win only moments before his match. "I couldn't have imagined a better way to end my se- nior season than for my little brother to go to finals and take it," he said. "I was glad to see us go to the finals together," Zac Joa- quirt said. Both Bulldogs talked about having their matches during the tournament al- most back to back, especially in the finals. "I tried my very best to watch him [Zac]," Pedro Joaquin said. '%Vhen I got a chance, I watched as much as I could." Both Joaquin brothers said they hove been thankful for the coaches at North Ma- Journal photo by Dean Siemon North Mason High School's Pedro Joaquin shown competing in the 2A 119-pound championship on Saturday at the Mat Classic at the Tacoma Dome. myse]£" Coppinger said the Joa- sam into all of the above." quin (NM) pinned Logan quirt (NM) deft James Nolan son, including not only Cop- While the brothers said qui brothers not only grew Merkle (East Valley), 3:10(Tumwater), 11,4 pinger, but assistant coaches coaching has made them bet- athletically while he has Road to state champion- Semifinals - Zac Joaquin Quarterfinals - Pedro Joa- Bill McCarty and Wayne ter wTestlers, Coppinger said coached them, but also on ships - 2A Mat Classic, Feb- (NM) deft Daniel Page (Tum- quin (NM) def. Nolan Take- Jackson. the two pushed him to be aother levels• " ruary 18-19 at Tacoma Domewater), 5-2 : mura (Bellingham), 9-0 "They've always believedbetter coach "I've watched them trans T .... • ..... • " v v-o..v - oermnna,s - 'earo doa- in " • • vd . • • • me,.ZacJo,aqumsmd. , . I aeywar_l_ted to get bet- form.into .true gentlemen, ll2-pounds: qmn (NM) def. Ren Bishop qmn (NM) def. Cole Harris ix lc wasnc mr mem, t ana t nod to get better," into incredible leaders and First round - Zac Joaquin (Squalicum), 11-9 (OT) (Deer Park), 7-3 , . . . ~ • • • • • wouldn.t be here, Pedro Joa- Coppmger stud. "Those boysgreat teammates, Copping- (NM) def. Will Bardezbmn Champmnship - Jake Ve- ° qum stud. "They be.h.'eved in worked for everything theyer said. "They were quiet at (W.F. West), 14-4 ll9-pounds: larde (North Kitsap) def. Pe- ! me more than I believed m have; they know work ethic, first but I watched them blos- Quarterfinals - Zac Joa- First round - Pedro Joa- dro Joaquin (NM), 6-2 Newman earns fifth-place medal, three other Bulldogs end season at state y DEAN SIEMON i ng in an 8-1 decision to Ce- were eliminated on Friday easily could have placed. But 147.5 points, followed by Klahowya, 102; 4) Tumwa- v~-h;]~ ,h~ T ..... ;.. ,_..**. darcrest High School s Cody at the Tacoma Dome he ll be back [next season] Centralia H1 h S~ hoolat ter ..... ~,,~ o~a~l-~ u~u~.-~ .............. -,~ . . _ _ • g z , 86; 5) White River, 83.5; era advanced to their respec- raxman nna mmseiI in At ll~d pounas, jumor McCarty began with a 102.5. 6) Othello, 82.5; 7) Ellens- tive championship matches,meriIth.-place match. Rene Gaspar, who fmished first round loss to Othello WIAA 2A Mat. Classic burg, 64; 8) North Mason, onl one woppmger sma ±sewman, with an eighth place medalH1 h School's Matt Jordan team scores 1 Deer Park y other North Mason ........ " , " . "g - ) , 58; 9) W.F. West (Chehalis), Hiah. .. .,~.1 ...... WHO finisnea eighth-place in last season s state tourna- via first round pinfall at 1:15. 147.5; 2) Centraha," 102.5; 3) 54" 10) Mount Baker 53 a medal on Satur day at the !ast season, was a much ment, suffered an opening McCarty would remain ' ' 2A Mat Clasmc" at th_e Taco- petter_wrestler, in different round loss to R.A. Long High ahve m the consolatmn ma Dome ways this year. School's Josh Johnson in an bracket with a 3-1 decision I ~J~ ~~. : | Senior Sam Newman fin- ".His stamina 1re. proved;8-4 declsmn, win against Mount Baker I | |shed f h-place overall athe ,,mproved a lot riding on With a win over Medical High School's Cody Whayer I | I; " " " " ' ....... ~::! : : 152 Hounds aefe H, op, woppmger stud. He fin-Lake High School s Anton before hm loss to Hendncks ..... JuanCanalesfromBurlina-mhesalotbetter. Kingmad-3decmlon, Gas-Semor Andy H|cks was I [ lr ........ b • - .... . • • : .::i:~:~ ~#: .... ton Edison High School While Coppinger said he par was eliminated with unable to advance to the sec- I | _.7 ........................ 1 6.o] going_to miss the skills a loss to Tumwater High and day of competition after I / solation match. ewman brought .toNo_rth School's James Nolan, 6-2. losing to Washougal High I | "ft' ....... ~ fa],~h~ ...... wo; h, ........... zvtason, ne stud he'll also His [Gaspars] weight Schools BrendenCasey m a .... a ton h draw, stud North miss ewman s sense °f hawas unbehevably t°ugh, sec°nd r°und Plnfall at 1:40." " " ' - " " " ...... / Mason head coach Tony Con-mar. Coppmger stud. It was just Hicks lost his first round I I | ........... " On Thursday night, Cop- a loaded weight [class|." match to Othello High I / Newman began the tour- pmger sma l ewman mace uoppmger continued to School's Amanda Deleon in a I Pamela Kellv. GRI • .... .... .............. / nament on Friday defeatinga prank pHone cmi me say mat aspar shoma re- nnal round pin at a'4z I exoerience t-o shar "-" ...... Y ' | .................. "-- " ,, I experience zo snare w zn you. we WOrK togezner as a rein Quincy High School's Ben eqmm rngn cnooi coach turn as a cougHer compeu- lne senior tmaog aia I estate team tc, nro,, .... ..... ..... | Horninginal0-5decision bout a name complaint toratthellg-poundwelght earnawmmhisfirstconso- [to'-'both-oid t'n n ....... ....... + ......... -^| o " towards ' .... " ................... ....... / • the Wolves hotel divlsmn, latmn match w th a 3-0 de-needs of " " After loam to Interlake our hentsflrs g .... li[ee :ift-o#rli i noti t and work hard to br, ng to a successful Hi h Sch ol's rooms. "We re pleased w th the ClSlOn over W.F. West (Che- ,. • • , • • / g o Jacob Marks ............................... s to all part,es utmost sattsfactton• • • • oppmger saa nex way ne wresuea sea- naus) m gn cnoo s ean m a 14 3 decm]on, Newman ,, We became R .... " da the Se uim wrestlers son he said • I We became Realtors back m 1995 and joined theWmdermere | e me " • Y, q , • l orels / a d himself a berth m " Famil in 1.q98 " told him th~-- receiwn ~ ]~" T..~'--~U--~-- ~,~,, T¢ ~;~]~o~.~a ~+~.-a ~, I Family in 1.q98. For these many years we have been helpm ~J, ~t a x~,- e.PU.LJULUIJ-;l I~L~£J.¥1~Ja~ ~j~ ~x ~x~ ll~tU ~t, ct.,y~u clb " " t g / Saturday's medal round by eo le fmd 'thetr r earning a pinfall against ture from the Sequim coach, was eliminated in a losers-171-pounds like he started I people find 'their nght place to plant roots m our commumty "Th " - ,~ ........ , .~ . ] and helping owners sell their homes as their needs and lives / • • , Newman, Top- out match to Blame the season ac, woppmger ,: , , Centraha High School s An- .,; ...... ;a I;,'~]r .... ~-l..p~ 1~,. ~g1,~%.1,O ............... I change. As a Windermere agent that s what it s all about -| t • • o nayaen menancKs sam wouta nave been • . . . drew Huerta a 2.18 m the -_.. 1.;,.1 y.... 1....4-.. 1..,~;.~.~. 1.;J.. ;-- - ~ ~ J ...... • ........... I helping people in the commumty wtth their real estate needs | a rand rn,,nd mS mu. xuu xx t e r, a o-'* uecmmn, losing oy cougn aavance co one since I in z rzrinr, ~ra4:ace-'~n-~ .... hc .... z L , . 14-1,, ..~-.I | ......... ._ - - like that" ,ok~n..~ ; ..... ~-;.-~.. * ........ * I ~1~ d td~Hl~.J profess .... a, manner. ,. yvu neeo nelp vv~tu ~eat / Newman would deteat " o.~,~,,.vxJ. IJLI v¥cl bllll~;. LOUlllallll~llb. I ............. / Three of ix -o , .... ,, I es~a~e can wmclermere toaay. ] R A l.anal-Tiah Rehanl' .Io the sN Ma- -lnat was a heartbreak- Andy dropped to 160 at son High School wrestlers er," Coppinger said. "He very the end of the season," Cop- I CONSISTENCY" COMMITMENT- CONNECTION ] e_ _afr ..... 11- .......... - . ....... I ............ - t pmger sma. wnen you / come up here at t,,his level, l I- ...... -- -- -II everybody is tough. I \hllnH#rm'-,r,-, / Pree l As a team, the Bulldogs I - - .- .----,-----¥ V I ! IUI U / [ ] [ finished eighth place overall [ R E A L E S T A T E [ I ................ '[ out of the 64 schools repre Emer eric WlNDEIWINDERMERE REAL E g Y ST T ,. ..c !H sented. North Mason fin-, ' " | I / M, m , ml Jlfll : 1 |shed with 58 team points I Stop in today at 920 Railroad Avenue n She ton [ I ~ ~ I ~ i~ ............... m"--AOl I • I ..... |1 Deer Park High School won I Visit us onlh:alwl us at 426"2646 | ...... .... .................................... ............................................... @. V. ts ' Ithe overall team title withI Visit us o eb: ~ [ with coupon ~ 4~ |~ ~ l L. Make our home page your HOME page ~ [ ~~~~ ~ ~::~ ~:~! ~~i~ ii~i~!%~i~!~i~!~i~i~!~i~i~il~li~i~i~i!~i!i~%~'~!~i ~1 I ,ll '~ illi ....... .................. :i1 ~L~[ 4TA o ~ o,~, co L .,ENTER /If HEAIIN( OIL ee why everyone is srn . , We delwer | 3604268401 I - Katherine j Ketcher, DMD COMPAR!!" 360.GO BRUSH " . _ OUR LOW PRICES. (462.7874) ~ We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson , -- ------- Industrial Park S;helton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 - Page C-5