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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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_( )ruary 20 treath “:9. , was ad'“ {0 _.__,______/ ' fl» FRA I new” A Gas Silo unwfiifiilffii'i'fi ,{s & Tra “Wiloiacdcsiaqg' noes; AVATI ' 1-784”: fl}! 1,, T 1 -LV‘NO. 16 31‘s ——[_ R BONES r ANCED BY l ”‘ 53 Company Bid Ac-' lity As Lowest } Submitted; T0 Delay De- featcd . 2:83:15 a recommendation g wadvfl???’ Charles R. Lch— 50,000 1:80. for bids on the, Q Ca Water revenue bond‘ ncel the previous Cflll,‘ 9a. a i . . cow-fell accepted the bid; I Wltt l r 01‘ & C(m an 01‘ I (E? gyrchase thd libnd); atl 23.000/27: interest for the' remé. and 234,7, interest; VS coming $27,000 at last QOuncianCll meeting. 8 mat 3 action was taken I ‘ ter had been referred l 9 Committee for study dation, the commit- l mu he Dean Witter bid' thefp of five bids sub- . Our other bidders be- ; l V Harpe a 0n bal 1‘ & Son, 213% tol . 1 ance; Blyth & CU., I H 952 2347. on balance; :1'ngl‘1izton, 2’35, 9; straight . tem 3, Hardgrove, Bram— Lipslick in ’ llul shades. clin in” lip 1 , ml gfifidmfl ce, l42% to 1954, 2% 7,, art’ést . Efrem“, ses .... ,ean Wit IntereS e is no Step . ' it , l1 6 April 1 tcr bid would take until 1952 and ance. The finance 8 t W taking the ncc- WP Prepare the bond asm become effective , Ma sPeelficd in the call 7- Clergot‘ William Steven- ‘ theriz Glenn W. Landers Inter/ ecesSaed to sign the docu- 1 gal fr W to make the bond 1. 0’71 the city’s end or" ------------ i hgin . g Will r 3 . A lab , ate Burwell Bantz re- be possible to se- °_!‘ on the proposed , lInprovemcnt anc‘ age oprolect. ____________ _, r01 a Ford car for p0- ce c as _recommended by ‘ mmlttee and author- c$>uncil, the car to with a 90 h.p. motor “generator at a price om th action was a carry- ‘. I hm: last council meet- ilu. we on the new police . e p01}? opened and left . “38 committee for I _____________ .. .\‘ egg Request Made fitter: Chamber of Com- secongquesting the widen- I = klin and Third streets . HauStI‘eet in front of .facilit, to make greater - refles 1n the downtown .aps lee towed to the street in" Study and recom- t council esia'nd Signed by many ems requesting the stof Turner Avenue 5 Tume “3012 from Ravens. 'r' No action was ens was presented by! 'Ouncq , theft Eropcrty committee tration he. National Youth ‘ ten Wlll furnish labor : 300mg mm Work the cityl egn he property com- , POWered to act on] ;, eerjM-erchant A etm\g Tonight I) .. Muslness men will be an County farmers meeting to be Ggange hall this an 8' dairy farmer at member of the 11"“ Conservation e the main speak- . ’31 local entertain- T‘rplsouhd motion pic- Awill)” 0W3, Planes, and They Shown Court 113%: 2% Charges filed 'v viola? County youths . 3.13m, 1011 charge filed i‘gere heard in su- d“ by Judge D. . fofffrl'ed sentences each hree year per- in is thefcourt iew Woffenses. 0 the ere Char ed with ment frOrn gthe Roy robbincc’mpany, t w o . A d th g .311 Allyn gro- Fe; Sixth with kill- l‘uary 12 out-of- \\ IST ENS EN BE h . TTER hamlet} “mpS‘mps ‘- I 3. loader emp10y_ I as ling deer}: gging 00m- ; ial eport ,On the water— .- 3 ed 1rl'lproving I‘om th . l s e sevele “fired last Thurs- 3’ a pole which ‘ including wheat tr"Ideas helping unload‘ 'COMMUNITY‘ CALENDAR TONIGHTVWS h e l t o n Cemetery Ass’n annual meeting, 7:30 p. ll‘l., courthouse. WEDNESDAYeeActive Club din- ner meeting, 6:30 p. m., Shelton Hotel. THURSDAYYAH 0 o d C a n a l Sportsmens Ass’n February meeting, 8 p. m., HoodSport School. . THURSDAerCommchial league bowling, 8 p. m., bowling al- leys. TIIIIRSI)AY*H‘.‘CIL‘V league bas- ketball, 9:30 p. m., Lincoln gym, a twu games. LARGER FARMING UNTTS NECESSARY lN TTASQTCOUNTT County Agent ()kerstrom Shows Kiwanians Problems Of Agriculture Here A brief glimpse of the farmer problem in Mason County was giv- en the Kiwanis Club today by Clinton Okerstrom. county agent, who exhibited plats showing how the prices of basic farm products. and butterfai seemed to follow the same course through the years, with the probj lem for the nation growing more acute since great surplus is pro- duced in some lines while all ex- port is cut off due to world war troubles and prices hold low. In Mason County the area of cultivated lands is low, less than two per cent. of the whole, while at least ten per cent. of the lands are cultivable, and the individual farm tracts at the average of eleven acres to the farm, is much too small to make general farm- ing profitable. In too many cases the farm is merely incidental to .a job in industry, and until some way of financing larger clearing of lands is found. the growth into more profitable farming will be slow; present farms are too small to provide hay and feed, and much of the profit of stock and dairy goes to outside products which shbuld be raised at home. In his opinion, there is’ a future for ber- ries, poultry, stock and dairy in Mason County, and more atten— tion should be turned to the lands for the future as the lumber in- dustry wanes. Joseph Hitch, 69, Retired Miner, Is Buried Yesterday Funeral services for Joseph E. Hitch, 69, retired miner, were held from Witsiers Funeral Home yesterday with interment in the Masonic cemetery. Mr. Hitch passed away February 20, at the Shelton Hospital. Mr. Hitch was born October 12, 1872 in Iowa and had lived in Shel- ton for the past 13 years. He was a member of the Odd Fellows. Rev. W. B. Lambert officiated at the funeral. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Young of Shelton, and Mrs. Mable Stockam of Seattle. and one brother J. E. Hitch of Se- attlc. UNDERGOES APPENDECTOMY James Grimes, McCleary plant employe, underwent a successful appendix operation at Shelton hos- pital today. A Rockefeller Dons the Khaki From a private office to a D“‘ vate’s uniform went Winthrop Rockefeller, 28, scion of wealth. pictured toting a dufflebag .al a New York army camp after 1011“ ing up. He’s one of five sons of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Tuesda y, February 25, 1941. ' 0i WAR VET S l l l l STARTED HERE Questionnaires Placed At 4 (Ion- , venient Spots For Voluntary ‘ Registration For Home Emergency Defense Fresh off the press in Indian- ?lapolis. Ind, a shipment of ques- tionnaires for local registration of ‘members of The American Legion and other World War veterans Ihere, for national defense purpos- has reached Fred B. \Vivell fpost and have been placed with 'Ed Faubert at the Shelton Hotel, iwith Harold E. Lakeburg, Herbert 1G. Angle, and Cliff VVivell at Wi- Tvell's Texaco Service. Post Commander John Eliason :announced that all arrangements ‘have been completed to register levery local Legionnaire and World iWar veteran if possible. The lo- :cal registration is part of the na- jtionwide program of- The Ameri- 1can Legion to catalog the qualifi- ications and talents for future pos- lsible home defense service of all iLegionnaires and war veter- ians. The registration is to be entirely voluntary. There is no- thing compulsory about it. The registration will provide 10- cal posts everywhere, their de- partment headquarters, and na- tional headquarters of The Ameri- Ican Legion with complete indexes of the qualifications, experience, education and special training or every member, and war veterans in general. These indexes will constitute a vast pool of Ameri- can Legion resources in manpow- er and potential abilities that will enable the government to draw upon it for national defense purposes according to its needs. For instance, if the government requires the services of some sort of a technician of proved loyalty in a certain locality it can locate such an individual without delay by appealing to The American Le— gion in that community. The post hopes to have a complete index of every local World War veter- an, showing his capabilities, and thus will be “athlete, produce quick- ly the man with thespeelnc quali- fications for the specific job. Sim- lilarly department and national headquarters will have indexes, on- ly on larger scales. “The registration will be entire< ly voluntary on the part of local Legionnaires and World War vet- erans,“ said Commander Eliason. “We must not lose sight of the fact that the national constitution of The American Legion specifical- ly provides that the Legion is a civilian organization. Member- ship in The American Legion does not affect nor increase lia- lbility for military or police ser- vice. _ “Accordingly the duty which might conceivably be requested of the Legionnaire or. World War vet- eran as a result of his filling out The American Legion national de- fense questionnaire will always lbe voluntary in character upon his part. “We know that practically un- animously American World War veterans will welcome this oppor- tunity of placing themselves in a position of serving their coun- try and community in case of an existing emergency's requiring such service. i “It is considered that the vast reservoir of practical experience existing within the membership of The American Legion and the po- tential utilization of this experi- ence, Should be cataloged in such a manner that the information contained therein will be readily available to the leadership of The American Legion, should the need for our services be made evident by the constituted authorities of the Federal, State and Local gov- ernments. "We appreciate that the volun- tary accomplishment of the regis- tration provided by the use of the questionnaire forms will be a task of great magnitude and that its completeness will be. de- Pendent upon the loyal coopera- tion of every local Legionnaire and World War veteran.” W.P.A. Road Project For County Approved Presidential approval was giv- en this morning to the $156,140 WPA project for reconstruction and improvement on 153 miles of Mason County roads during the coming year, according to tele- graphic advice received today by Chairman Robert Trenckmann of the county commissioners from Congressman Martin F. Smith. The project is now eligible for Operation at the discretion of State WPA Administrator Carl Smith. Full Chorus Rehearsal For Cantata Tonight Tonight at 7:30 o’clock in the senior high school music room, a full chorus rehearsal will be held under the direction .of Ben Hall- grimson for the Good Friday can~ tata, “Crucifixion,” which will be held during Holy Week this spring. All members of the chorus are requested to be present, Requests being made for the , historical pamphlets . on Mason County which were released for public use two weeks ago have. been coming in at a rapid pace, reports President Ed Faubert of the Shelton Chamber of Commerce, indicating they have struck a pop— :ular note with local residents. The pamphlets may be secured ‘from Faubert at the Shelton Ho— ter, from H. E. Lakeburg, Cham- Tber of Commerce Secretary, at his offices in the Title Insurance Building, or at The Journal office. The pamphlets are available both for local resident‘s personal pos- session or for mailing to friends and relatives in other. parts of the country, and President Fau- bert 'urges strongly that anyone desiring to do so should secure as many copies of the pamphlets as they wish and send them to their friends and relatives. For mailing purposes envelopes have been provided for the pamph- lets and included in the envelope beside the pamphlet are copies of the tourist advertising folder which the Chamber of Commerce had printed last spring. The folders give information and pictures on Mason County‘s beauty spots and main tourist attractions, and to- gether with the newly released historical pamphlet, which was Historical Pamphlets ProvemUNTY Popular; Requests FrequenthGflED L ,TT STATE DEPT. compiled and printed through the courtesy of Rayonier Incorporated, make a very valuable advertis— ing medium as well as a highly interesting factual account for Ma- son County and Shelton. Many letters of thanks for eo— pies of the pamphlet sent persons requesting them, with requests for 1 to additional copies, have come President Faubert and Secretary Lake‘ourg of the Chamber of Com- merce already, indicating the first printing of 5000 copies may be exhausted early and an additional printing necessitated. Old Timer Writes For Shelton History W. J. Countryrnan, of Route 6, BOX)- 568, Tacoma, writing for one of :the Shelton Booklets recalls having landed at Kamilchc in Ma- son County in February, 1890, just 51 years ago, and that he first met Arthur Govey, at the old “Y” on the Port Blakaly Rail- road; that he had one of Pete Peterson’s bib: overalls and was greasing skids at camp. His over- alls fitted from the ground right up under his chin, and looked odd to me, a tenderfoot fresh from Kansas. He sends best wishes to all old friends. RAYONIER EARNINCS CLIMB SHARPLY DURING PAST YEAR; PROFIT DOUBLE PRTOR TERM San Francisco, Feb. 25th.——Ray- onier Incorporated reports for the nine months ended January 31, 1941, first nine months of its cur- rent fiscal year, consolidated net profit of $3,031,953, equal, after allowing for regular dividend re- quirements on the $2.00 Cumula- tive Preferred stock, to $2.17 a share on 963,871 shares of com- mon stock outstanding. This compares with $1,425,193, or 50 cents a share of common stock, (for the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year. During the first nine months of the current fiscal year the com- pany actually paid dividends on the preferred stock in the amount of $2,504,820, or $4.00 a share, thereby clearing all accruals and placing the preferred stock on a current dividend basis. In addi- tion to paying these preferred divi- dends, the company prepaid $1,- 000,000 of its long-term bank loans during the nine months, and a further prepayment ’of $500,000 ,was made as of February 10, 1941. United States 1941 1940 Dissolving Pulps 99,964 75,989 Paper Grde. Plps. 54,432 28,365 Fine Papers ...... .. 9,389 10,385 Total Tonnage ..163,785 114,739 uary 31, 1941, Rayonier’s net prof- it totaled $892,844, equal, after al- lowing for regular preferred di- vidend requirements, to 60 cents a *After excess profits taxes com- puted on the average earnings basis, pro rating the company’s exemption, estimated at $2,200,- 000, in equal monthly amounts over the fiscal year. £After al- lowing for regular preferred di- vidend requirements. For the three months ended Jan- share N ct Profit—— Name .......................................... .. Address ...................................... .. Present Occupation ................... _. Married ................................... ,_ This reduced the outstanding long- term loans to $5,000,000. The company's provisions for federal income‘ and excess profits taxes for the first nine months of the current fiscal year amounted to $2,655,279, :is against a provis- ion of $281,170 for federal income tax in the corresponding period a year ago. The sharp imcrease in the com- pany’s net profit during the cur- rent year, in f cc of the spectacu- lar.“ rise in fe‘eral taxes,"- has re- sulted from substantially larger tonnage sales' of pulps, together with the higher average pulp pric- es prevailing during the period. Sales of pulps to domestic cus~ tomers during the nine months ended January 31, 1941, totaled 154,396 tons and were the largest for any similar period in the his- tory of the company. The pulp and paper tonnage sold in various markets during the nine months, and during the corresponding per- iod of the preceding fiscal year, is shown in the following tabulation: Japan Other Countries 1941 1940 1941 1940 42,600 32,549 27,084 16,074 1,413 None 16,744 1,686 None None 4,833 3,842 44,013 32,549 48,661 21,602 of common stock. This compares with $555,041, or 25 cents a share of common, for the corresponding quarter of the pre- ceding fiscal year. Comparison of earnings by quarters, follows: £Pcr Sh. Com. ‘ —] 940 194] 1939 1.940 ’40 ’41 3 Months ended July 31 ...... ..$1,085,552 $ 217,516 35 .80 $.10-(l 3 Months ended Oct. 31 .. 1,053,557 652,636 .77 .35 3 Months ended Jan. 892,844 555,041 .60 .25- 9 Months ended Jan. 31 ...... 3,031,953 1,425,193 2.17 .50 - The company's consolidated bal- anco sheet as of January 31, 1941, showed current assets of $8,658,- sets over current liabilities being 023.860, the excess of current as- sets ov‘er current libailities being $4,634,975. QUESTIONNAIRE ON JUNIOR COLLEGE OF OCCUPATIONAL SCIENCES l ............. ..No. of Chlldren......._._ Schools or Colleges Attended .................................................... .- Degrees Obtained or Work Completed ____________________________________ .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Car Demolished, l Would you be in favor of establishing a Junior College of Occupational Sciences here at Shelton open to any appli- cant ‘who is willing to apply him or herself? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “ day afternoon when a car driven _________________________ overturned three times and was _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ u on a slippery spot on the Olympic ......................................................................................................... __ cuts and bruises with Mrs. Sim- ......................................................................................................... .. their ......................................................................................................... .- and Tony Wells, escaped with lltoforcslation By State. Forestry Department To Benefit Lo- , cal People In Long ‘ Thirty six hundred acres of ilogged off land in Mason County situated at the head of Hood Canal in the Belfair—Dewatto area were yesterday deeded to the state for- estry department by the county ,during a reforestation program by 1the state department. Under terms of the deed, cov- ered by the laws of 1923, 90% of the revenue realized from the sale of mineral, timber or other resources, or leasing of the land for any purposes, ultimately re- turns to the county, minus the expenses of reforestation, protec- tion and administration. The oth— er ten percent goes into the state forestry department operating fund, according to the 1923 laws covering state reforestation pro- grams. Run, Says Board I commissioners to be held in trust ! Twice a Week TUESDAY and THURSDAY ' OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER __..___- Who Wants Junim Science College Established Here A survey to uncover what in- terest there might be in Shel- ton and Mason County for the establishment of a junior col- lege of occupational sciences, open to any applicant who Is willing to apply himself to the studies, has been inaugurated here. Questionnaires for interested persons to fill out have been printed and will be placed in central, convenient locations throughout the county. _ A replica of the questionnaires may be found in today's issue of the Journal and may be filled out in lieu of one of the regu- lar kuestionnaires and returned to the Journal either by mail or in person, then being turned over the the committee conduct- ing the survey. CREAMERT ETTOYS SOLID UPTREND lN 111 news for Skokomish Valley residents was received by the county board yesterday when the state highway department refused to sanction the $8000 repair and renovation project on the Skoko— mish River bridge over the old highway which the commission- ers had mapped out last week. The state’s disapproval of the project said the work was “unwarranted.” However, approval of the state highway department was received on the purchase of a new tractor for road district three and a new motor patrol grader for road dis- trict one. The county board passed a reso- lution to set aside $1000 from the county road fund to widen and improve generally the Satsop-Clo- quallum road connecting the Sat- sop River road with the Cloqual- lum Creek road. The ninth in the series of pub- lic auction sales of county-held tax title lands sponsored by the coun— ty board was set for April 12 with applications for purchases of land at that sale to be accepted up to and including March 6. A motion was passed to call for bids on a super deluxe sedan car in the low price class for road district one but no date on when the bids are to be opened was set. Four New In Legislature By 24th District Among bills introduced into the legislature on Washington’s Birth- day were the following by 24th district legislators: H. B. 512——Savage (D-Mason), extending secondary highway 14A from Shelton to Pickering Pass- age. H. B. 513~~Savage (D-Mason), appropriating $10,000 to Mason county for operation of ferry be- tween mainland and Harstine Is- land. H. B. 514—Ford, Savage and Henson (all D-Mason), prohibit- ing taking of clams from Puget Sound between April 1 and Sept. 30. H. B. 517v—Henson, Ford and Savage (all D—Mason), authorizing fourth class counties to issue bonds to aid national defense. $110.37 Rais—ed By P.T.A. Tag Sale Success even exceeding last year's project attended the Lin— coln P.-T. A.’s tag sale last Fri- day for the hot lunch fund at Lincoln grade school, reports Mrs. H. G. Angle, sale chairman. $110.37 was raised by Friday‘s sale, Mrs. Angle said. “On behalf of the sale commit- tee I sincerely extend our deep thanks to all who contributed to the tag sale and to the many who l helped conduct it," the chairman said. “Every cent of the tag \sale goes into the hot lunch fund at the Lincoln grade .school. Funds ......................................................................................................... -- realized from the style show which i the Lincoln P.-T. A. will stage nextl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ «- month will go to our general fund.” Riders Escaped! l Five persons escaped serious in- jury or death by a miracle Sun- by Kenneth Simmons of Potlatch totally demolished after skidding highway near Triton Cove. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons were treated at Shelton hospital for moms the more seriously hurt, but daughter, Anita, 3, Mrs. .Simmons' mother, Mrs. L. E. Wells, nothing more serious than severe ................................................................. ,. shaking ups, BUSINESS VOLUME Ass’n Re-Elects All 0 f f i c e r s, Hears Report of $25,000 Increase In 1940 ‘\ Business during the fiscal yeardby Ar 3. s. TATE ATTET ST TTTTTE IN EATATTATERS TV‘it-lim Believed To Be Bremorton Navy Yard Worker; Dragging For Body. Plane, \Vreckagc Still (lows 0n l Apparently instantly killed when This airplane plunged into Hood lCanal near Hoodsport, the body ,of Charley Stevens of Bremerton, ywas being sought today by search- Ters directed by Sheriff Gene Mar- ltin, Deputy Fred Hickson, and State Patrolman Cliff Aden. A ,shrimp boat was assisting in the Edragging operations. I The plane fell into the Canal yesterday about two or three hun- jdred yards from the shore across ,from Hoorlsport. Numerous parts lot the plane were picked up in {the canal by persons who went Tout to the scene in boats. 1 Although the flier was not ‘dz‘finitely known to be Stevens, 1the fact that he was flying over Tthc art-a at the time and had not 1 returned to Bremerton, pointed .to his being the victim. Stevens, a Bremerton Navy Yard worker, was a novice in the .air, having had only three hours iof solo flying. Parts of the plane, a Piper Cub, identified it as be- the same type as that flown Stevens when he left the : ing of 1940 increased $25,000 or from lBremeI-ton field. $112,000 to $137,000, a 23 per cent, gain, for the Mason Coun ty Creamery Association, the annual report made to the stockholders of the association last Saturday showed. ' The annual gathering of stock- holders was well attended and re— sulted in the re-election by unani-T mous ballots of all officers of thel association. Mervyn Wivell was returned as president, Al Huerby , as vice president, H. Parry Jones as secretary, and Jack Liege] as treasurer, with Jones and Huer—, by re—elected as association direc-' tors. The tremendous gains of last’ year are continuing over into the current year’s business, too, Man- ager Emil Lauber informed the stockholders, for duringthe first quarter (the association’s fiscal year ends November 30) business is 25 per cent ahead of the same quarter of last year while the month of January alone is 331—3, per cent ahead of January of 1940, l Lauber said. The increased business comesl from general up trends in the sales of all the numerous pro-i| ducts handled by the Creamery,! Lauber’s report showed. with the sale of frozen foods leading the list with a 500 increase, although it was not the leader in total vol- ume. ' Butter, the association's leading product, showed an increase of $11,500 over the previous year while retail milk sales were up $11,000 over the preceding 12 months, the annual report indicat- ed. In the order of volume (finan- cially), the Creamery Associa- tion’s products are butter, milk. eggs, ice cream, sweet cream, cot— tage cheese, American cheese, but- termilk, chocolate milk, ice, pop— sicles and other novelties, and frozen foods. Beginning March 15 a new product is to be added to the creamery's fish—soda pop wMana— ger Lauber announced. He attributed last year's excel~ lent business showing to the high quality of the products put out by T the association. “We have beeni receiving comments and compli- ments from all over the Puget Sound and Southwest Washing— ton areas on the quality of our‘ products,” he told the stockhold- ers. Milwaukee Trains ir Raid Wardens l According to witnesses the lplane seemed to be in difficulties lfor some minutes before it made ,its fatal plunge. Allen Foster, a long-time resident near where the plane crashed, and an actual eye- witness of the fatality, told those lat the scene that plane parts were scattered like shrapnel when it hit and the salt water spray flew 100 feet into the air. Sheriff‘s officers reported that they had let out 300 feet of line in draggingcperations, and had failed to hit bottom, indicating the great depth of the' water at this point. PTRATES -~lllEfiE FIRST OBSTACLE T 0 STATE MEET Victor Over Poulsbo By 38-32, Shelton Goes To Port Townsend Tonight Refusing to quit when things went bad, the Pantorium Pirates of Shelton picked themselves off the floor to hand the Sons of Nor- way of Poulst a 38 to 32 knock- out in the first round of the A. A.U. sub-district elimination Fri- day night at Poulsbo. The victory sent the Pirates in- to the second round of the elim- ina’tions against Port Townsend tonight at Port Townsend with the winner of that game meeting Renton Friday night on the home floor of the Shelton-Port Town- send victor. The Pirates showed their comb age at Poulsbo by coming from behind to snatch the verdict in a game which looked like it was all sewed up for the Norwegians 'at the opening of the third quarter. After the two clubs had finish- ed the first half in 3. 19-1111 dead- lock, Poulst came out for the second period like it was going to make short work of the Pi- rates, and when the Sons flipped -lll four baskets in the first four minutes while the Pirates got only a solitary foul shot it looked like curtains for the Sheltonians. , But Bill Levett and Bill Somers fired a couple of true ones, Pat Smith added a basket and a free toss, and Bill McComb nipped the threads with a beauty which sent the Pirates out in front at the third quarter rest period, 29 to 28. From that point on the Pirates never were worse than even with the Norwegians, but with three minutes to go the Shelton edge William G. Hoppe, above, heads what is thought to be the first U. S. air raid warden corps, or- ganized in Milwaukee by a group of ex-marines. Members will be rained in fire prevention, han- dling of incendiary bombs, first aid, and use of gas masks against bl possible emergency, was only 34—32 and it was still anybody‘s game until Bill Tay— lor connected from far out to ease the situation, then Bill Lev- ett picked a missed setup off the rim and dumped it through with the clincher in the last minute to end a spine-ticklcr. Both teams Were pressing hand and it showed in their erratic shooting. but the Pirates played the better defensive ball and were a shade steadier than their Nor- wegian rivals. , The defensive work of Somers and Taylor was outstanding while Taylor and Levett were the only Pirates who were up to par on offense. The lineups: Shelton (38) Poulsbo (32) B. Taylor 10 Gert'nberg'r 2 Levett 12 ...... ..F ................ .. Waag Smith 4 ........ ..C .......... .. Schyer 4 McComb 2 ...... ..G.. .... ., Skelly 5 Somers 6 ........ ..G ........ .. Downing 8 Subs: Shelton -— M. Taylor 4. _Cloutier. Poulsbo~Gausta 4, B. Kvinsland 6, S. Kvinsland 3. DAUGHTER BORN MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. Anton Anensen 'of Lost Lake Route, Elma, became parents of a baby daughter born at Shelton hospital Monday,