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Page Two
Rejected Draft
Men Should Have
Old Posts Back
Declaring Selective Service reg-
istrants who are rejected at in—
duction centers because they faili
to meet Army physical standards
have a “moral right” to be rein—
stated in their‘former jobs, Brig-
adier General Maurice Thompson,
The Adjutant General and State
Director of Selective Service, to—
day urged all local boards to "util- l
ize every facility" at their disposal
to aid these men. While State
Headquarters has been advised
that most Washington employers}
are reinstating selectees in their‘
former jobs, the General said the
Selective Service System wants
to make certain that no man is
unjustly treated.
The Selective Training and Ser--
vice Act requires reinstatement by
former employers of men inducted
into the Nation‘s armed forces who
satisfactorily complete their mill
tary training. The State Execu-
tive indicated that employers also
should feel a “moral obligation"
to reinstate men who were not
actually inducted but who had ful- l
filled their duty to the Nation by!L
responding to the call for service. I
“When a man responds to a,
call 'for military training," he}
said, “he is fulfilling his lobliga-i
tion to his country. When, for
some reason beyond his control,
he is prevented from entering its
armed forces, he nevertheless
should be considered as having
discharged his responsibility and
should be protected in doing so.
Every effort must be made to al-
leviate hardships and suffering in.
these cases.”
l 011
lCountries and Scandinavia in ad-
World Traveler
To Speak at Farm
Program March 6
A vivid word picture of condi—i
tions in Europe and their effecti
American life, particularly,
agriculture, will be given by Karl?
Olsen, brilliant young world trav—T
eler and advisor to the National,
Defense Council, who is scheduled‘
to speak at Rochester Grange.
Hall, March 6, at 1:00 p. in;
(Rochester is located in Thurston;
County on the highway between?
Elma and Centralia). 1’
A native of North Dakota, 01-:
sen attended Cambridge UanCl.‘
sity in England and spent several.
_months on the European contin-l
ent just prior to and shortly af-‘
ter the beginning of the present
war. Hitchhiking, riding on coal
barges and tramping through the;
countryside, the young traveler;
visited Germany, France, the Lowi
dition to extensive travels in Eng-
guages, he was able to talk with
hundreds of students, laborers and
other common people and thus ob-
tained information and impres-:
sions not reCeived by an ordinary
Olsen has also made an exten-
sive study of economics, especial-
ly in relation to Pan-American
defense, and is now making a
nation—wide speaking tour under
the auspices of the Department of
Agriculture for the purpose of in-
forming farmers and others of
the background of world events
in their relation to current agri-
cultural problems.
“I had the good fortune to hear
Mr. Olsen when he addressed a
meeting of farmers at Spokane
last month,” Bert Rau, county
committee chairman, declared'yes-
terday. “He held the audience
spellbound for several hours and
Familiar with several Ian—i '
Swillingl‘y answered questions piit
DEVELOPED and to him from the floor. “He car-
PRINTED ides a message that every Ameri~
2 n can citizen should hear.”
Plus per to Anyone interested in attending
lthis meeting should contact the
Free enlargement lCounty agent so’ best use of trans-
Coupon lportation‘can be made. i
Your choice of I ———— l
negative "
.10 Commandments
l. Placed In New
l 1 Order by Survey;
tR. Farnsworth of Stanford's psy-
Sanford University—Prof. Paul
_chology department today revised
'the order of the ten command-
ments in the light of modern so-
cial importanCe, on the basis of a
survey of students and teachers.
Farnsworth asked 119 Wiscon-
sin students, 52 Stanford students
and 55 “old maid” teachers of
Wisconsin to re-rank the com-
mandments of Mt. Sinai as they
would best apply to the modernl
Fir Drug Store
Two shows every night . '
Starting at 7:00 PM.
Matinee 2:15 p.m. Saturday
and Sonday
Adm.. 10¢ and 25¢, plus tax I
te 2 ; F de a 3 . , x,
(Sta ¢ e r 1 ¢) All three groups agreed on thel
five most important command-l
' merits which varied widely froml
Last Tune Tonight the order on th‘ele'gendai‘y tab-
, lets of stone brought down by
i Deanna Durbin Moses. i
"if “Thou shalt not kill” was movedg
A; ‘
up from sixth place to first almost;
unanimously. Moses’ first com-l
mandment~“’I’hou shalt have 110‘
at other Gods before me" was placed
h seventh,
The concensus ranked the com—I
mandments in this order, with!
their Biblical number in parenthe—l
I—Thou shalt not kill. (6)
2—-Thou shalt not steal. (8)
3——Thou shalt not commit adul-
i try. ‘(7)
g" Clive Brook
An Exciting War Picture
4——Thou shalt not bear
false I
I witness. (9)
Thursday Only
15¢ NITE
5—Honor thy father and my
mother. (5) l
7—~I am the Lord, thy God, thou
shalt have no other gods before
me, (1)
l ' 8—Thou shalt not make untoI
thee a grav‘en image. (2) t
QeRemember the Sabbath day,,
, to keep it holy. (4)
10—Thou shalt ,not, take thel
name of the LOrd, thy God, in
‘ vain. (3)
Friday Saturday
James Cagney -— Pat O’Brien
7!,” g .» .~ .,«-.../
wmii THE
How many Heat Um'ts do you get per dollar?
The measure of heat is the B.T.U. (British Thermal Unit)
or Heat Unit. Find out how many Heat Units you now get
for your fuel dollar. .
Compare with the value in Associated Automatic Bums
Oil—approximately 2,250,000 Heat Units for adollar, .
the most you can get for your money. »
Associated Automatic Burner Oil is distilledramber in .
color, clean burning, 100% heat energy. Phone us for...
speedy delivery.
6—Thou shalt not covet. (10) I
‘Tables were turned on the Italians in the successful British attack on
Bardia, Libya. Advancing
Australian soldiers took Shelter from Italian shell fire in ditches the
defenders had constructed to trap
tanks. In distance is British supply train, presumably the target of
Italian shells.
Diiector, Nalional Farm Yoth Foundaiion
If we Americans would become
as concerned about accomplish--
ment as we are about “inconveni—
ence,” we WOUId an be better 03- Through most of the eighteenth.
Facing the facts leads to only one
conclusion — this
country has gone
We have been
so busy ,seeking
some easy way
out of the tasks
we have before
us that we have
made no progress
in their accomé
plishment. We
have become a
lazy people. “Self
discipline” is only the phrase of
historians. Each of us has sought
to minimize his efforts to such an
extent that we find it inconvenient
to do things which we know
should be done.
The desire for convenience has
caused us to buy merchandise be-
fore we could afford to own it.
Credit has undermined our think- l
ing to such an extent that a goodly
percentage of our people are con-
stantly in debt. Farm debt alone
has been doubled by interest ac-
cumulation. When one realizes
that farmers pay more than $400,-
000,000 annually as interest on
mortgage dcbt,~he can readily ap-
preciate the drain this is on the|
farm population. Consider what
$400,000,000 left on 'the farms an-
nually would do to improve the
status of the farmer. It is signifi-
cant that the family farms of New
England are in the best financial
It is interesting to note that
dairy farmers, as a group, have
low mortgage obligations. These
farms are usually run on a family
' basis. Dairy farmers maintain a
good balance between cash income
and cash outgo. A study of the
Ifarm mortgage situation clearly
_.-. ! land
l’llLOX FOR 1941
i The old tune botanists roamed
ithc land in the early days, pick-
ling izp new pl'n hero and a
{new plant there and many of the
ibest native species they discover-
.ed found their way immediately
iinto the best gardens of old Eng-
World plants
:CClltlll‘y the Now
' abroad and
‘Wcro very popular
quite often the early
botanists financed their trips and
ltravels by selling and shipping to
,prominent Englishmen the many
,new kinds of plants that grew
here. ‘
i One ‘of‘thcm placed himsle in
‘thc employ of the King of Eng-
liimself and contracted to
{find and send the best of the
North American kinds to the royal
lgardens. One often gets the feel-
ling that even today the foreign
lplantsmen are more appreciative
lof many of the fine natives than
Americans. But there was
:onc species of annual flower that
gv-Ias found in Texas in those
‘early times by the famous botan-
iist Theodore Drummond that has
[since come to occupy a prominent
lplace in gardens throughout this
lcountry. It is a species of annual
iPhlox that bears the name Phlox
{Drummondii and from it has
:sprung a long line of showy, re-
fillable garden flowers.
i This year another beautiful var-
liety of the annual Phlox is mak-
lSki Meet Entries To
Be In By February 28
I Entries for Olympia Day races
imust be at the Rainier National
1Park Company’s office at Taco-
ima, Attention of \Valt Franklin,
{not later than Friday, February
’28. Drawings for starting posi-
ltions will be made Saturday.
lEvents and their starting times
lare as follows: Junior slalom
Wage limit 18 years or under) at'
510:30, Sunday a. in Women’s
islalom (open) at 11:30 a. m. Men’s;
lgiant slalom (open) at 2:00 p. m.
5Couples Costume-obstacle race at
indicates that a man operating aliazao p. in. All races will be start-
i‘ninily farm has the best chance
for permanent success—providing {his starting position will be au-'
ihe operates efficiently and applies,
' good farming‘ methods.
“LOOK behind the automobile,
Johnny Tax Collector, and
you will find a nice birthday gift
of $10,000,000,000.”
If you heard that" come out of
the radio loud speaker, you would
probably think that Orson Welles
had taken over one of the popular
’which listeners with birthdays
birthday salute programs,
are told about hidden gifts.
Such a , message,
in gasoline taxes
These billions of dollars in gas-
oline taxes are being paid largely
by families with modest incomes.
According to studies by the fed-
eral government, more than half
of the car-owning families in the
United States have incomes of
less than $30 a week. For that
reason they have small ability to
,pay taxes.
First inaugurated in Oregon in
1919, the gasoline tax was soon
adopted by all the states. In 1932
the federal government imposed
a duplicating levy, the rate of
which was increased in 1940. Most
of the states also have increased
their tax rates, chiefly in the de-
,”$Io,ooo,ooo,ooo ,3
, however,
. would be entirely appropriate for
use on Tuesday, Feb. 25. That day
is the 22nd birthday of the Amer-
ican gasoline tax. Behind the au-
tomobile is more than $10,000,—
000,000 that has been contributed
the motoring
public since the birth of the
led on time. Any racer missing
itomatic'ally disqualified. Awards
iwill be made at 4:30 p. m.
pression years of 1930 to 1933.
The overall burden of federal and
state gasoline taxes averages
about 46 per cent of the retail
price. For every $1 that the aver-
age motorists pays for gasoline,
he also pays an additional 46
cents in taxes.
At this time America may Well
salute the gasoline tax on its
birthday, for the roads built with
the revenue have eliminated the
isolation of the farm. These roads
have facilitated the movement to
market of products of field and
factory. By opening up the scenic
beauties of the country they have
made real the slogan, “See Amer-
ica First.”
These roads, built with gasoline
taxes to serve the peacetime
needs of the nation, now stand as
the first line of defense in our
great program of national secur-
ity. These roads already have
been produced. They do not have
to be built. Men, equipment and
supplies can be moved'ov‘er" them
today. There is no waiting until
next month or next year for these
roads. In a national emergency
the entire nation could be moved,
with a seat for every man, wom-
an and child in the passenger
cars and buses now operating on
our highways.
trucks now on our highways
could service the biggest army
Emil; this nation could put into the
e .
The 4,500,000 I
» Talia Ditch es Shelter to BritishAttackers
by’Dr. John H. Hanley .
Director, U. of W. Arboretum
i grower, and the flowers are bril-
'showy flowers.
'all. is about one foot.
Red owes Relief l
. To War Sufferers '
l Now $19,495,605?
Washington, D. C., Feb. 11. s
1The American Red Cross in an—
lnouncing today that relief sup—
lplies for war victims sent by the
lruary 1,
Iof January marked the heaviest
relief shipments by the organiza-
tion since the beginning of
The total relief valued at $19,-I
496,805 includes expenditures and
,icommittments of the American,‘
'Red Cross, estimated value ofi
chapter produced supplies and
(purchases from the U. S. Govern-
ment appropriation of $50,000,000.
Relief shipments of clothing,
{medical supplies and all types
‘of civilian supplies, shipped in
British boats for Great' Britain,
of medical supplies, clothing and,
foodstuffs was shipped to Greece,
a shipload of milk, vitamins, medi— '
cines, clothing and wheat flour"
'was shipped to France and Spain,
heavy shipments of shoes and
,clothing were made to Finland,
lshipped to China.
Red Cross relief to the war vic-
tims in Great Britain totals to
date $10,277,089; to France $2,—
i101,191; to Finland, $1,834,513; to
liant rose in color with a big,iChina $1,328,940; to Greece, $1,-
creamy-white eye. It is one of 432,304; to Poland $993,922; to
the new gigantea, or very large- ISpain $403,756.
flowered class, with big trusses of Relief sent to Great Brim,“ has
us helghtv over,been in the following categories:
ing its appearance. It is the var-
ioty “Rosy Morn“ and was one of
the best of last summer’s trials.
The plant itself is sturdy, a fine
{cash assistance, $1,077,143; food
These annual phloxes are adan— $153345; value of Chapter_pm_
table to a Wide variety of condi- duced garments and surgical
tions although tests show that
and thousands of tons of wheat“
cloth and medicines werc'
._/ /
IRed Cross had reached a t o t al ,
value of $19,496,905 up to Feb- , __
stated that the month, ‘
, , , dressings $4,056,993; manufactur-
tney develop beSt 1“ regions Where led clothing, blankets and bedding.
the night temperatures, at least‘
‘ 348 ' ' -l. ‘ 1 cl
in the early part of the summer, ‘53’ ’300' medics“ surglca
_ —» l
l .. ., E
New W S C Dean ‘;
were very heavy, a. full shipload, _‘ .,
New Dean of the School of Edur
cation at Washington State Col-
lege is Dr. J. Murray Lee, of the
College of Education at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin. He succeeds
A. A. Cleveland, dean since 1917,
who will continue to teach.
The new dean was graduated
from Occidental College and re-
ceived his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees
from Teachers College, Columbia
University.‘ He has taught at sev-
eral summer sessions at Teachers
College and has been a member of
the faculty at Williams and Mary
College and at the University of
Dr. Lee has published several
books, including “The Child and
His Curriculum,” with his wife as
coauthor; “Enriching the Elemen-
tary School Curriculum,” and
“Growing with Books.”
i As Dean of the School of Educa-
~ Ends This
‘ that
are definitely cool.
However, even i
hos ’tal su olies ‘1,0”6,324; , , ,
pl pl' 5 1, tion, Dr. Lee Will also be director
in sections where the temperature
stays high.at night, the garden-
er can get good growth on the
annual phloxes by starting them
The seeds should be
where the plants are to grow in
the garden, if the gardener plans
to sow them outdoors. But pot-
grown stock, planted out of 2-in.
or two and one-quarter inch pots
early in the season before the
become root-bound will give the
best results in those regions where
ithe summer season is hot.
The marigolds are always pop-
'ular in the annual garden because
they are so sturdy and floriferous
and because their colors are so
showy. In popular parlance there
are two recognized types —— the
French and the African. How
these names come to be applied
is something of a mystery since
'the marigolds are truly American
They grow naturally in the
drier, warmer parts of southwes~
tern United States, Mexico and
South America, hence to allude to
them as being either French or
African is somewhat erroneous.
The garden varieties, because they
have been derived from native.
species that grow under severe,
dry conditions, are perfectly adap-
ted for use in those parts of the
country where there is a dearth of
summer rainfall. Cultivation is
very simple and seeds can be sown
late in April or early May.
The new flowers for 1941 in—
clude several marigolds. Most
persons know and use the popular
variety called Harmony which ap-
peared several years ago as an
All-America selection. Subse-
quently a dwarf Harmony was in-
troduced and now, comes a big
improvement on the latter typeH
a new, improved dwarf Harmony
that is called “Spry.”
Nine inches tall, compact, regu-
llar, and covered with flowers that
are a rich maroon on the outer
ipetals and, surmounting these, a
crest of bright, light orange -
is “Spry” and it’s a type
that you will find very satisfac-
tory for low bedding or for edg-
ing. Its compactness gives it
added value for formal usage.
There is another variety in the
1941 novelties that is of the Dixie
Sunshine type — large-flowered,
fully double, strong-stemmed and
free-blooming. This Chrysanthe-
mum—flowered class has become
very popular with a great num-
ber of gardeners for cutting pur-
poses as well as for massed bed-
ding effects.
The new variety, Goldsmith, is
a stranger color than Dixie Sun-
shine—a. golden orangeaand this,
coupled with its early and free-
blooming habit makes it the more
desirable. A third new Marigold,
called Scarlet Glow, is also a new-
comer. It is a dWarf, double var-
iety, and is the richest rod so far
found in ‘this popular flower fam-
L.M. Co. Remodels
Meat Difloartment
Elimination of excess floor space
and installation of new and mod—
ern display cases in the meat de-
partment, was included in re-
iiiodeling work undertaken at the
Lumbermen’s Mercantile Co. over
the weekend.
The department will remain in
itlic southeast corner of the store
as before, but has been cut ddwn
:sible for greater efficiency
considerably in size making it pos-
smoking cases and serving cus-
A building permit listing alter- '
ations valued at $600 to the build—
ing housing the Grant Lumber
Company was issued this week by
City Auditor Gordon Hend'ry.
Seattle Sal: “I knew you were
on the fobtball team by your
Seaman Sam: “How could you
tell by my mustache?”
Seattle Sal: “I can see the
first down on your upper lip.”
planted 1
small plants have had a chance t0|
bulance, canteens and other mo-
jtor vehicles $205,251; other types
The current relief being sent
to France, with cooperation of
the British Ministry of Economic
Welfare, which passed the Red
gCross Merch Ship, the SS Cold
lHarbor, through the blockade, will
be given only to the children, and
sick adults in unoccupied Franco.
Relief in
,under the supervision of Ameri-
can Red Cross representatives, and
is distributed through the Red
Cross Societies of the Nation. and
,other established social and chari-
itable agencies.
All relief given to Poland was
in the occupied or German Gov-
,‘ernment General Sections, and now
ihas been discontinued due to the
Iinability to ship supplies to that
‘region, with the closing of the
I Mediterranean.
lKamilche Man Buys
Registered Guernsey
I C. E. Buxton of Hamilche Val-
l . .. 17.71..
of the State ‘College summer’ses-
of relief, including transportation, l Slon’
iDriiik Makes Drivers
all of, the nations 18'
1may be or where they may be.
. or
lwhcel of an automobile,” said tlier
Poor Judges, W.C.T.U.
Cites From Court Cases
A Seattle police judge thinks
drink makes people poor judges
of themselves, no matter who they
should not
judge recently as he fined a mo—
torist for negligent driving after
the man had gone through a ped—
esti‘ian crossing.
The driver admitted he had had
two drinks of Wine and believed
that such a small amount was not
enough to affect his driving. “I
could feel it,” he bragged to the
judge, according to a Seattle pa-
per. Whereupon the judge ex-
:plained to the defendant that two
ley has recently purchased the lglasscs of wine might not neces—
registered Guernsey cow, Rosie of :sarily make a person drunk. in
Lindendale, from Meyer Brothers the common acceptance of
of Thurston County, according to ,term, but they do transform‘ a
the American Guernsey Cattlcnisually cautious motorist into a
loo-nonsnrownn 6-CYLIN-
can /
I Phone 114
If you’re one ——here’s a tip. Take
a look at the big, luxurious Olds
Special before you pay your money
for a de luxe model loWest-prioed
car. You’ll find but.1itt1e'differ-
once in price, but a tremendous
difference in cars. You’ll 'find you ,
can easin‘afford to own an Olds!
lbad and reckless driver.
0 many people still thinkOlds
is priced beyond their means.
“Too many people think they.
ldon't feel it and as a result are
poor judges of when they should;
climb behind the"
‘ *Optional at ‘Extra Coot
L ,
csd'iy, February 2'
y Febr‘
E1. M. C0. Dr gains
Make Cont ‘”
kaLhs will
if on Thu,
Ock at the
Shelton‘s amateur 3613.1‘ FfidaE
iarc reminded that they, held at
,until Friday noon to en, Mrs. J_ E
fies in the Lumber-men’s, he meet“.
. ltilc Co. dross contest w“ and two 1
ling held this week. itiated,
1 Three beautiful prizes Yed', A11
ing offered by the stole mv‘ted t
best dresses. First prom‘N
lovely silver tea set; 566 t "S
a large blanket and mi Meet
tablecloth. 0f the F
The Lumhcrmen's Will' Saheld a
another display of cro_ nBSday
ticles such as was so p0.e‘ Folk
year. The display V1: 1
bedspreads, tablecloths ‘~ ‘ 01
ghans. - ay Motl
‘, Fir Drug Store has
pointed an agency for
American Express Com
ey orders, according to.
Grenbei'g, proprietor.
l ,
l! A Vacant Binne V" O
i’I‘axes . . . Advertise .
Journal “’ant—Ads—l’i D GA R
SayIt H
They Bring Corn.
and Happine
Delivered anywhere.
MASON oo, '
Q We remove dirt: ’w
and stains with saf w
. r- ed,
; rics are preserved- )
8 We restore orig",l SPECTAQ
orings in clothe? 2,
moving greasy sclll l u
a Modern method? him
perfectly and le‘. H
trace of “cleaning‘
Goo'dby, cl}I
And gems"? h
on do is Ste
sytop! "You 5‘} ea"
' stantial staff 9
No (1an e
20 Phase Well