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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. February 25. 1 0. Dre eOItllls T e Cflntfiaiifall hold a prac- s This 8” on Thursday evening 94]. I l I ... __ ._AV.__..._ I ock at the Odd Fellows “hav‘ww'wmmwh mm.- m Imurw‘s‘mm amateur Se lar Frida n _ . that they, held My tlfeghltg‘geé. I “0031 to 31"“ J. E. Martin hi} I 1 = e . . . .un Eilivsrtcrwhi andmeetmg WI“ begm l . :cgée; _, , I two new members ,(xarden .Club Meeting Is Refreshments ,Illterestmg Affair Monday 3 utiful All visiting Re-, Monday afternoon the Shelton by the 5t“? d t0 attend. IGarden Club met for their regular First pr oth‘“ 'meeting at the Memorial Hall. tea Set; Se". t erg iThere were three (st and thi. M98t of the Rainbow Girls rrmen‘s W111” dheld a regular meet- lay of CrO.e nesday at the Ma- was 50 p0 hf- FOllowing th e i 1‘ 883 meeting they on- ith a tea , for may M r. members iIlvite ‘jL. Catto and Mrs. C. C. Gibbs, and :a guest, Mrs. A. N. Parrctt. Dur- 3 display , Iin Seattle at the Civic Auditor- tablccloths I Iium. That date is Southwest —— . lner of Port Angeles will repre-‘ DERS AT Store has gcncy for (press "I scording t0. ;sent the Olympic Peninsula Gar-v Iden Clubs. It is hoped a group I jwill attend from Shelton. It was :also voted to join the Rhododen- ‘oprietor. 18. At the close of the business ~—/, meeting, Mrs. Harry Perry gave ane , ,a short talk on “How To Raise Advertise jAnnual Phlox. I S. J. Walsh, landscape engineer unt—Ads—P; . for the state highway department, fshowed colored motion pictures of 83V “ w ihighway scenes in the State of I “‘ . IW‘ashington. The pictures werci b i ivory lovely and there were many Bring Cor". Etaken along Hood Canal showing Id HappineSl - . Ithe rhododendron in bloom. AL DESIGN There were several fine ar- TAL BOU0‘ Erangements of fIOWers brought by anywhere, 23-30 'Mrs. A. E. Hillier, Mrs. Walter . jKullrich, Mrs. Ed Faubert andl ; c K E T 5 ,Mrs. George Cropper. [ W o N I Donations received in the past Hardware 'a s A L E ifew days for the Railroad Avenue "Cesale Pn'ce Ibeautification project include theI jfollowing: Library Board, Alden EC. Bayley. Dr. B. N. Collier, and EHerb Angle. Letters are tot. ill. PHONE 100 i Large Gathering ‘ new memberslP.-T. A. which was :present, Mrs. J. T. Burke, Mrs. J.' ing the meeting it was voted to; attend the flower show March 25I :Washington day- MrS- Wm. Wen- Igreatly appreciated by the audi— lence, and idron tour which will be made May being mmw—umn.-.m no... I WW3 For Founders Day Meet j I A large gathering of parents and ‘ {teachers attended the r e g u l a r Imonthly meeting of the Lincoln held la 5 t 1 Thursday. Following a brief busi— ness meeting the group adjourned‘ Ito the tea room for Founder's" lDay program. I Miss Johnson’s Glee Club pro- Isented “The Mill," “Brahm’s Lulla- 1 lby“ and “Swinging,” which were‘ a one should be justlyl proud of these grade school sing |ers. Mrs. George Cropper conducted the candle lighting service, aidedj by little Marilyn Lakeburg light-l ing the white candle for mcmoryfl IMI's.,Hiram Barron, one of the} earliest presidents, lit the blucI candle for National P.-T. A., and iMrs. Nellie Pugh, teacher, the rch candle for the State. Mrs. John Dotson, president of the l'ocall Igroup, lit the gold candle for the local unit. I Mrs. Clyde 'Wclls outlined in ,brief the history of Lincoln P.-T. 'A. from 1011, when It was first, lorganized by Miss Ada Mycrs,‘, Superintendent of‘ chools, up to the present day. ; ,A most enjoyable tea followed, ‘with a beautifully decorated three ' )tier birthday cake. Two past1 Ipresidents, Hiram Barron, and Mrs. Betty Decgan p0urcd.1 IThis meeting was arranged byi‘ I then County I ‘5 S the special Founder’s Day com— ‘mittee, Mrs. Milt Clothier, chair- ~man, Mrs. George Cropper, Mrs. SHELTO ! Here are a pair of coats that will protect you from those chill coal, at right, features three zipper poeketS, is all—wool tweed, and N—MA SON COUNT Y JOURNAL l | Spring Coats Are in the Breeze l I I I event of Ia number of the club women busver- Shaffer was called to “'33” 1m,- Was the Club ington, l). C., Friday to act as {luncheon given at the lovely home of E. K. Bishop Thursday. ‘members of the Hood Canal club Iwho reside on this SlClc oi tile ‘canal were hostesses to those on .the Hoodsport side. \vas not able to be present due Ito the fact that she and Mr. Bi- :shop are away on a trip of sev— reral weeks. :the sick . ,down for several days with flu. I 1'; iHarry liess and daughter Beverly 1 ihave had the “three day measles.” Several of the McHenry and Mor- :ris Eboth the flu and measles, and the lMcHenry baby is still quite ill. Hood Cana Women Hostesses To East Siders Union, Feb. 2 .1. several days, The Mrs. Bishop Mrs. Alice Martin was a guest lot the past matroils club of Elinor Chapter last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Lon Webb in Eldon. Ed Hegaas went with Mr. Huss- man of Potlatch last Tuesday eve- ning to a meeting of the ‘Arch Masons at Olympia. Royal Virgil Rarey of Bremenon was a number on Main There have been list. John families have been ill with The Lud Anderscns have im- “’QS‘ I I l I I I I I I I I l I I I l I l I I I I I I I i . a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. ! .} Harley Neldon last Wednesday. ' ‘ :provcd their old home with a newi breezes of early spring. The wool twill number, at left, with rows of tucking formingT an attractive design around the middle, comes , in black, navy and RAF blue. For the junior miss, spring sport comes in oatmeal, gray, green, blue and rose. CANAL WOMEN’S CLUB FETES :cciling and paper in the :room. 7a houseflll of company over :weekend. They gave up their room lSaturday evening and stayed at IMrs. Butlers so as to accommo~ Among them were. Idatc them all. p Bierbrauer's sisters of Scat-I , I, Mr. I tle. living- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bicrbrauer had ‘ . I I I the I, I l I . I I . Prominent National Personages Visitors At ‘Lilliwaup HomeI Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaffer of Minneapolis visited the past week The social] 'witb the latter’s parents, Mr, and the past week which kept I Mrs. Frank Robinson of Lilliwaup. . liason officer under tween the Mr‘ggs Aircraft Pro- duction and Civil Aircraft. Mr. Shaffer is president of the Inter- state Credit Corporation of Min-3 neapolis that has had the widestI contacts in the U. S. in financing' the private purchase of airplanes. 1 Mrs. Shaffer organized the Min- neapolis chapter of the “99 club," I I Knudson be- I I I bulldozer and has put ,a road in; for his brother-in-law, Guy Mor-E ris who has built back from the county road a short distance. I The county equipment is busy on the “McGee cut-off" road which will soon be finished. I They’ve got Isent out this week by the Gar- I . Idem Club to business men of the lSherman Soule and Mrs. Loui Lar— .county asking for whatever do- Vson' Inations they feel they can give Itoward this project. Honors Birthday , The regular meeting of the Dou- ' I Eagles Auxiliary FCURTEENTH A N N I VERSARY ic.3332.Néi‘l‘itiafiififiigw ‘23 BY HONCRING PAST LEADERS: lOlympia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Horn where a. ilovely dinner was served by Mrs. IVan Horn. Accompanying the (lerson S m 311 tables f Neldons Were Mr. and Mrs. Fran- engineer who planned it. and strain have been margin for error. to be RIGHT The construction of a bridge fol- lows exactly the blueprint of the Stress le go Three national organization of women Ipilots. Ifor an extended visit. She remains in Lilliwallp See The WERVERS EXI-llgll HOODSPORT GYM March 6 1to5p.m. Admission: Adults 25¢ figured accurately and there can be no Prescriptions, too, must be RIGHT! They must follow exactly the specifications set down by the physician. Quan- Se (1 .. 5123:1113; iHonors Past Presidents nal Flower The Eagles Auxiliary held a 98. Olympic Iregular meeting on Monday night t(E‘Orthrough Iat which time their past presi- rden Club. Idents, Mrs. Teresa Cooper, Mrs. iBertha Lord, Mrs. Stella Thrash- er, Mrs. Marguerite Lemke, Mrs. iKatherine Able and Mrs. Audre lAustin were honored. I A class of six members was initiated and dedicated in honor Iof the past presidents who put on ‘the initiatory work. Visitors were present from Elma and Olympia. I During the social hour Joan “mm/C dim ‘Soper, accompanied by Mrs. Char— 15 with sat preserved' Ical solos, Jack Pinckney gave Idramatic skits,,Mrs. Lucy Pierce . -ln 3 , 'Store “'9 Igave a skit dedicated to the past n clcthgsm ,presidents and Charlotte Garden- greaoy s 1 {er gave a recitation. -n methodi' ; Refreshments were served at and lea m” ,the close of the evening to over I100 who were in attendance. Itables were attractively decorated ,in red, white and blue. I ,Ervin D. Parent Married At Bellevue Friday , Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Elliott and .Mrs. Sarah Marshall were called ,to the Congregational Church at {Bellevue Friday evening to at- tend the wedding of Irvin Dural Parent, a nephew of Mrs. Elliott‘s and an early resident of Shelton. The church was elaborately deco- rated with 200 relatives and {friends present at the service and the reception which followed. “cleaning ‘ i HONE 83 r Mrs )N 00 I15¢ Feb. 27 . . " LEOGORCEY a menu! , Pith/ll Helen Cole Sherman of Bellevu :, and their home will be at Medina where the groom has operated a garage for several years. The Saturday Parents lived in Shelton in early “h years and left for Bordeaux when the Mason County Logging Com- pany moved its logging operations there. Triple T Meets This Friday A regular meeting of the Triple T Club.will be held on Friday afternoon, February 28, at the home of Mrs. Mayme Taylor. The .meeting is scheduled to '2230 p. m. y l Iles R. Lewis, rendered several vo-I The j Ervin Parent was united to Miss I I I i Club Meeting I I I ,ble H Club was held at the home of Mrs. Lantz VViss last Thursday. , IA delicious 1:30 luncheon was" Iserved, a feature of which was the Ilovely birthday cake honoring the Ibirthday of Mrs. Willis Burnett, who was presented with a lovely .gift from the group. I Two tables of contract were in play during the afternoon with Ihonors being won by Mrs. Leo ‘Martin and Mrs. L. McGinnis. Gal~ lloping Goose prizes were awarded Ito M‘s- Ed Lewis and Mrs. Bur- 'nett. Daughters Of Pioneers Hold Interesting Meet I j Members of the Daughters of the Pioneers met last Thursday Iafternoon at the home of Mrs. iWarren Dickey on Bayshorc with a large number in attendance. At- ltending the meeting from Seattle iwere Mrs. Charles Horrocks, state lpresident; Mrs. H. E. Bowman, istate recording secretary; Mrs. iGeoro‘e J. Evans, past president of Ithe Seattle Chapter; and Mrs. ITygn Libby, president of the Se- :attle Chapter. Those from Olym- ;pia who attended the meeting were IMrs. C. Burford, state librar- Iian and Mrs. Mark Ipresident of the Olympia Chapter. i During the afternoon a dis- icrlssion was held on the Senate ,Bill, introduced by Senator Robert [McDona1d, regarding the teaching {of State and U. History in the lschools of the state. The year’s Iwork was outlined by the state president, and the club was ad- vised to adopt some project of community aid. The serving of a delicious tea brought the meeting to a close. IAttends Meetidg Held In Seattle Mrs. Bernice Stewart was in Seattle last Saturday, February 22 to attend the Charis Spring Opening. A 1 o’clock luncheon was served following which the Charis Spring Styles were model.- _ed and a very inspiring talk was given by the Seattle manager Ray ,LeVene. The meeting was attend- ed by thirty corsetticres from lvarious parts of the state, was held at the Hotel Gowman. W'. \V. Club Meets Thursday Afternoon The W. W. Club will meet on VVeinand, I ' ,'so many past presxdents and char— Imoved, the ladies gathered about‘ By J EH?“ E AN {PERSON l Publicity Chairman Ullion, Feb- 24- M The four‘ iroom provided the dining place and I serving. \Nomen‘s Club was Thursday in the lovely atmosphere IV-mms and snowdropg ‘of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bishop oflcarrged out here, Lovely cor-l ‘Aberdcen, With a one o‘clocklsages of Hood Canal luncheon honoring past presidents. Iwere presented the )mnored guests 1 it was a DUTIC‘CC SlJl'mg daYIand hostesses. land the beautiful drive along U101 During the luncheon, Mrs. Mar- canal brought the fifty ladies at—Igaret Anderson, accompanied by ‘ u tending this party in a fittinngl.S. Helen Anderson sang “out. Iframe of mind for further enjoy- Eof the Dusk” and “Beautiful Amer_, ment of the hospitality awaitingficmn Miss Dorothy Roseleaf, a ltllem at Bishopbrook. Mrs. Trout Seattle member and an accom_ ,wclcomed the guests in the. iiD' iplished pianist, played a difficult sence 0i. Bishop, explaininglarlnngmmmiC of “Blue Danube» later“ in a talK' at the lunch. 'ta— {and the first movement of Beet_ ‘bles that the Bishops were sailing ,hovenas 3m Sonota_ M13 stark, that day from _1‘ “5C0 on an ex.‘ Iin a few brief remarks regarding tended trip taking them tllx'ougnlculb Presidents in general‘ m_ Panama, some South American itroduced the present president Mrs. 1 points, to Cuba and much of the lgeneva Short, who reviewed the X'CLLU‘H tI'll? b01129" by air- ivl'owth of the club in a very clev- i MYS- M- C- Stark was 3150 a in" comparison to the growth of a hostess and in charge of the, ar- Icliild. She called the roll of char- {rangementsi 11111?!) aPPOintmentSIte-r members for responses, then ‘and l’rogl‘am- She tamed th(liintroduced the past presidents ,Pl‘flise 0f the 011113 1'01‘ the V'CI'YIcommenting upon some outstand-I 'succes.‘st‘ul affair it proved to be. ling accomplishment in each ad- IFurther, Mrs. Stark deserves cred- {ministration it for the effort put forth to bring] When the lunch things were rc— , tcr members as were there. Many‘the fireplace to hear a travelogue of these former members are DOW'Ifrom the following members: Mrs. far removed but had answerediRead, with a review from the. with letters and greetings whicl‘llscrap book record of the journeys call. Isummer; Miss Flagg told of heri I The buffet was a temptingitrip through Canada and of the, spread featuring an immense ‘feeling of a nation at war. also} ,birthday cake made of individual [recounting her experiences takingl ‘cakes each bearing a small red tdelivery of a new car in Detroit,‘ .candle. \Vith the dessert course land Mrs. Short giving the experi-' this lighted cake was carried and Iences of their family making a IVVycofz‘, Mrs. Lidren and Mrs? All those attending this party' buffet, with Mrs. Noseworthy, jextcnded the club .Mrs. Rscnthal, Mrs. McGee. Mrs. lguests by Mr. and Mrs. Bishop 5, Enoch Nelson and Mrs. M. L. An- for this very lovely occasion. } A. ..._.__ ‘ SCHEDULED FOR SEATTLE I A snow-capped replica of Mt.Itimc flowers. Ishrubs and flowers~~will fill the Ihuge Civic Auditorium stage when . exhibits which range f r0 m . cameliag I of their friends. . Eto have electric lights for the oc-: ‘ disappointed. . I casion, l However, they are being connected {were read in response to the rolliher family made to Colorado last! lserved at the luncheon table. Mrs. {journey to Kansas in midwinter. ; ' IDaviscourt were hostesses at the 5greatly appreciate the courtesy i and their I 1. INATlONAL 151.0er SHOW 13 ', iRai Kiervfltfllly living evergreens And this is but one of the hun- I Eupon its .slopes. the foreground dreds of exhibits to be seen at the I '* ‘banked With hundreds of native National Flower and Garden Show in Seattle the last week in March I " Up‘un—up will your IThursday for a 1 o’clock luncheon lthe twenty-second National Flow- at the home of Mrs. Mabel Chasoier and Garden Show is hold in ‘Hawaiian leis to garden club en-I ;' tries from Alaska; from roses with I . ISpread throughout the l—i-v-i-n—giCiS Wright- Mr. Lyle Bittle and family have ‘ tecnth birthday of the Hood CallulwaI-O gay with djsxbgardeu cen_ I moved from} the Francis Wx‘jghtl '. CGlel'ated Iters featuring moss, small ferns'lhome to their own new one built! , The V's/ash- l on the former Thos. Purdy Place. : of Bisliopbrcok, the Canal home I mgton birthdav mom was algol Saturday they had a house—\varm-I =. ing which was attended by many They had hoped but were p with juice today. Herb Allen has purchased a small Smart Fashions on a Budget . Spun Rayon DRESSES $1.00 They’re unbelievable at this price! Made of that univer- sal favorite, spun rayon. 1“ vivacious prints or sunny solid colors. You’ll wear these smartly tailored frocks now and right through the spring and summer. They’ll sell fast—so hurry! Dollar Day Value! Tea titles are prescribed for the indi- = ('0 o N H :- §. '5- E F S 931th, when every member of the fanally has enough milk each day. The fullest benefits can be derived from milk! Ask V doctor about it, and he’ll tall‘lise you all to drink it. 4— our on Mountain View. Baptist Women Meeting W'ednesday The Baptist Women’s Circle will meet on Wednesday at tile church parlors for a 1 o’clock dessert .luncheon which will be followed by a missionary program with Mrs. Francis Cole as leader. Her sub— .JOCt will be “The Lighthouse or the Church.” Hostesscs for the imeeting will be members of Circle ‘No. 6. Q; 'Eafi’fle Auxiliary Social Club WV!“ Meet On Wednesday will meet with Mrs. Paul Fred- rickson on Wednesday, February ‘26 for“ a noon luncheon. Cards will be in play during the after- ‘1100'11. All members are urged to :be in attendance. All Auxiliary members wishing to go to the Kclso meeting on March 4, are asked to please con- tact Mrs. transportation. go your g o o (1 Mrs. Noblett llEs‘t’e—ss To Bridge Club Meet Mrs. William Noblctt was host- ess at her home on Thursday for the regular meeting of her bridge club. 'A dainty 1 o’clock lunch- eon was served followed .by two tables of bridge. Honors for the afternoon were won by Mrs: F. McCann, Mrs. John Cormicr and Mrs. Charles Hurst. There were three guests of the club present for the afternoon. Mrs. L. Attwood, Mrs. James Dun- bar and Mrs. John Cormier. The next meeting of the group will be at the home of Mrs. Loui Larson on March 6. '\ I The Eagle Auxiliary Social club' George Andrews for} They were, i Itzlin side will be I I l I I . Tacoma Park ‘ OS I azaleas, Seattle March 23-30. And cascading down the moun— waterfall —— patterned from Snoqualmie Falls. This is the exhibit planned by the Seattle Park department; and the department also will have a “spectacular and beau- tiful” exhibit, Mayor Harry Cain of that city promised. Some of the materials to be used in the Seattle Park Depart- ment exhibit havo been carefully nurtured for years; others have been specially planted and forced for the great floral spectacle. And here are a few of the things which Jacob Umlauft‘, superintend- ent of the Seattle Park Depart- ment, now has “under glass” or in open gardens for his exhibit. On one side of the waterfall will be dozens of flowering cher- ries 12 to 18 feet tall, and mass- of rhododendrons. On the other side will be banks of rho- dodendrons and azaleas. There will be great branches of the sun- ny libernum, and in the foreground thousands of other flowers brought to their prime for the big show. The Seattle Park Department exhibit will include 150 large yellow and peach; hydrangeas; 100 heliotrope trees; laccy Wisteria: 150 dwarf pink broom and as many in the pale yellow; 150 streptosolen Jameso- ni with its deep orange sprays; several hunder cincraria 1n the deep shades of blue. and our“H i“. Ibekah Social Club will be heldgnia. I l Rebekah Social Club To Meet A regular meeting of the Re- 011 Wednesday afternoon, Febru- ‘ary 26, at the I.0.0.F. Hall be- Olsen and his son, Ben, formerly , Journal Want-Ads—l’hone 100 Ig'inlling at1:45. 100 I :d so on through all the spring-‘ stems measuring six to nine feeti from Indiana, to MCI-square feet' of orchid seedlings from Oregon. Sixty thousand advance tickets, Fine uality cotton in color- ful prints. Cleverly trimmed. Buy all you need now. for the National Flourer and Gar~ Another den Show are on sale at 458 by, '. Dollar Day sgarden club members, florists and . Scoop seedsmen in many parts of the; Broadcloth state. and also at Sherman Clay ' - , .and 00., and the National Floweri PaJa'mas l 1.00 Just the bargain you have been looking for. and Garden Show offices, Olympic , Hotel. Seattle. After March 19,; or such previous time as the ad-; vanco supply is sold out, tickets; Iwill be available at the Show‘ gates only, at 75c for adults, 25c , for children. . . I I I Tailored Rayon Satin Slips .-—-—-—- ~————--1' I MARRIAGE LICENSES I? I Ivo R. Young, 48, Seattle, and Edna B. French, 48, Granite Falls. Wash, at Shelton, February 24. i Frank Thompson, 19, and Mar- [ian Cronyn, 18, both of Kent, at i Shelton, February 20. ' Robert A. Woods, Smooth fitting in a smart , Dobby pattern. Bias cut. Printed _ Rayon Satin Nighties 25, Kansas 'City, Mo., and Gladys Harmon,‘ ;21, Tacoma, at Shelton, Febru- xary 19. John Robert St. Clair, 28, and Vivian Chapin, 27, both of Seat-. tle, at Shelton, February 17. Roy R. Hintze, 25, and Irenei Bias cut for smooth fit. A real value at this price!! Juanita Frye, 19, both of Aubul'n.r Dollar Day at Shelton, February 18. Special! ~—~—————--- Women’s Undies 11 for 1.00 Full cut and firmly reinforc- cd. Big Value. any IT on I I Gospel Work Calls I l 3 Mason County Men} Three Mason County men ex-l pcctcd to leave here today to do ,gospel work in northern Califor—l ‘ They are Teofil Richert of {Skokomish Valley, and Martin of Olympia. I vidual varying accuracy. case and our painstaking methods assure that they will be weighed and measured with un- I'ir Drug Store PRINTED LUNCH CLOTHS $1.00 Brand New and very smart. 51" x 51”_ TU FTED CHENILLE BATH SETS $1.00 ea. Big 19 x 32 Mat and Lid cover to match. 4—.“ I . LACE TABLE CLOTHS $1.00 Luxurious yet practical! smart designs! 4 BIG sizes! INDIAN DESIGN BLANKETS $1.00 ea. Clear bright colors in jac— quard designs! COTTON HOUSE COATS $1.00 ea. Stripes, dots, florals and checks ,TAILORED NET PANELS $1.00 ea. 2‘4 yards long. Full widths. , I" _’ BIG 23" Steel SUITCASE $1.00 Sturdy steel covoring with baked-on enamel! Lock! VACUUM BOTTLE and LUNCH KIT SET $1.00 Streamlined! New sanitary white lining. I I I-i SOFT—BUCKSKIN WORK GLOVES $1.00 pr. With wrist-fitting tape fasteners BOYS—SLlP-ON SWEATERS $1.00 ea. Durable, novelty stitch w I1...) - w. DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL Airy Marquisette PRISCILLAS 1.00 pr. Pretty ruffly curtains brighten your windows! Choose from several styles. Fluffy cushion dots, clipped figured patterns on good quality marquisette! to m Marquisette Panels .. 1.00 ea Terry Towels 4/1.00 Terry WASH Cloths .. 10/1.00 Terry Towels. 10,/1.00 [luck Towels. 10/100 Kitchen Towels. 10/]..00 Men‘s Slack Socks 4/100 “Shams ,/1.00 tiliér Shirts 4/331 titties 8/1.00 Work Socks .... .. 8/1.00 Men’s UNION Suits .... .. 2/1.00 Big Savings on COTTAGE SETS 2 prs. 1.00 Cheery scrim cottage sets for new gaiety in your kit— Chen! ‘ I/I’573 4.,9. ptuuzr, OO....INO..