February 25, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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.-- _________.__.___ Grays Harbor ..
l’ege Four .
Entered as Washington I
BY MAIL: in Mason (‘ouniy (outside of Shelton city mail curril-r
53 DOT .W'al‘: 1; months. $l.'_’.'.: 3 months, 7;".
l“(il'i-i;:;il $3.3M 1)~‘l‘ your. Postal ,
regulations forbid l'I':1l(I"lllS ol‘ Shelton Served by city
mull cztl‘l'li’l‘ from I
jGrays Harbor, St. Helens Clubs.
rt-(wghing their Journal by mull.
BY JOURNAL CARRIER: in Shelton. 25¢ pcl‘ month (collected by carrier) I
Trail In Triangular Ski !
i Competition Sun. 9
or $3.30 [)cl' year in advance.
Published every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon I
l, , 7' With Martin Kemppenian show-1
GRA‘NT Ar‘GLE J' EBER ARGLE Ling form which may lead him in- ‘
Emu” “Mag” ‘to the Silver Skiis tournamentI
Number of \Yasliingion Newspaper Publisllcrs‘ Associaiioil inCXt
1710311313, the Shelton Ski C1111);
and National Editorial Association. {made its second venture into com- I
fpetitive skiing a victorious onei
Blast Sunday at Mt. Rainier.
The margin was mighty close,:
I '—‘—_“ I land the feminine contingent of the ;
The state legislature is now on its seventhlsquad can be thanked for that:
. . ‘b‘t ev rth less 't W s the b" 1
week Without much of worth while or construe-302d 1;,» etheescm‘ whih
tive nature enacted into law, and all the argu-iggginetd, SZI83HEO Grips
. . i », o . eens . ,
merited Issues still held back, some even not drop . Kcmppemn again
captured the ,
ped into the hopper waiting for behind-the-sceneslmenls downhill race in
the splen_i
caucusing to lay the program in the hope thaizfdld “me of 45-4 sewndsv
and he
. . Icamc home second in the men’s
the last minute rush Will put over some of theislalom for a total of so
“rackets” that conservative legislators are hop-Evelyn Peach”: with
firsts in
- both the womens downhill and
ing to smash.
,slalom. earned 56 points with Ann
-,, ' Cedarquist, second ill the sam 6|
Governor Langlic is the bone of contentionlIcventsI adding 48 more to the
because his is the other Side to the democrathaShclton club’s totaL ,
elected officers and legislative majority which is! Kenfipcgiapt.
- - CT on ‘ C on m ‘l , .t’ l
strivmg to change the laws and Ithus deprive him Eobta-m 5,, ,n,.,,,gg,, to
of all appomtive powers; the major contention be- :ir; git; Silver Riki
r— - - a . r i r i. e 1"
ing the $53,460,000 highway budget which is the Ever Skugmgolgatgga,
plum it is hoped to take away from the Governor ltion.
and give to a new democratic commission to playl The indmdual Places
“'0” 111.
- lSunday‘s triangular meet follow:
It IS fair to say that the better element of i Men's P0thi" I
‘Martln Kemppenlan, Shelton .45.4
the oppos1tion party has so far refused to playpon McKay, Grays Harbor
politics With state funds and appointments, and
Igel?gtNelzeléfahegtglnarbor iigfq;
. . . . . = o ree , : t .oi
is disposed to follow Governor ILanglle in his;Jim Moore, Stfimms 1:06.0I
promise to effect many economies in state bureaus igohnl Clléooks,
iII-IicIlens {(1)33 i
' ‘ i. , . HS .
and boards and material saVings in state funds,
llrips‘prifigICSShenone° 1,15
if he is not handicapped by those who are more‘H: 8.13m“. gays
interested in politics than in the welfare of theigg‘égfigp $2,310,,“
°’ 1g4'0I' I
state and its people. Certainly there must be some iBob Spring. Shelton ,
economy Somewhere 13233 $222“ 3:56.35 323%!
——"— i MenS’ Slalom “
v 7 'B b St t, G H rbor 1:11.1
{Mgrtin figmppgiign, Shelton 1:23.
___._._-_, (Ira Spring, Shelton 1:253
- D M K , Gra s Harbor 1:26.1
lNhatever we may think of the so-calledlggf‘ph E93,; stlyHelens 1:27, I
lend-lease measure now being battled in Congress, ! gm Ilmfe. lftlelehs
em 1 61‘, e 011 . l
and there are some mighty good arguments onlBob wueyI Grays Harbor 2,01, I
both Sides of the issue, it is now realized by alllgefiesflebEICSheltriril
' - ‘ r , r 5 ar : .
that this is the last step onIthe road to placmggnfify Peg,“ 3,1,0,
2,4,, ,
the destiny of this country in the hands of oneiBob Sprigg. SheIltSn I
IIIII 3:02. I
man and depriving the direct representatives of {Evelyn 1,033,223,335 122 I
the people from all authority, at least for thelfinn
(fidefi‘guistéISlfilton $2.333!
“ ’ ’7 015 OS ins, e on : . I
duration of the war. | Womens, Slalom I
This result has been taken step by step over 7, Evelyn Peachetr,ssIhIetlton
IAnn Ceder uis , e on :
the protests of many good Americans who fear;Lois Hosmg, Shelton SI
3. future dictatorship, and the issues along the Junior Downhill
_ ,Don Morgan, 'Grays Harbor 138.1
way have been clouded by so called peace advo- Penny ReedI Shelton ,40I4I
cates who are working hand in hand for ulterior iElwin Elerding, c. Harbor
:48. :
motives; that is, to fasten socialism on this warm“ Styner' G"
H” 1‘?de 2
. . . . Wally Spurgeon, G. Har.
country and in the end Sov1etlsm. It is too late Junior Slalom
.. Don Morgan; G. Har.
to check the trend to one man power, but not too Elwin ElemmgI GI Ha, 1:45
late to wake up to fight the subversive elements Warren Styller, c. Har.
2:16. ‘
which are behind most of these movements, if the Wally Spurgwnv G‘ Hal“
Team Standings I
truth were known. Shelton ........................................ .283
' 1:45.
l St. Helens .............. ..
,1 _—__ Shelton Kiwanis
ngfr years it has been the boast of California -
that its dwellers enjoyed perpetual sunshine, and? Wlns BOWhngel
Tourney Honors
this had attracted a million or so new people to
locate in that state, become natives and join in; A m b I, g H, II sts onl
' ’ no 01' 0‘” In 1 18 e '
boosting the weather. {the brow 0f Shelton pinmen todayi
For several years past there seems to have after the Shelton Kiwanis club?
' ke eling quintet had won a two-l
been a Changlng Wlnter weather’ Wen Spaced ping decision over the Seattle
with cold and heavy rains for which that section wanis club in the second
' . ’state Kiwanis clllb bowling tour-i
is poorly prepared and protected, and a soft-I,lament at Everett Sunday ,
pedaling on the radio and in newspaper boasting! Al FerSVI/eliila sett the
sfioring pace
n .as the ie on cam ung‘ up a
On the other hand the past two Winters onmm total to nose out their Sea,_I
Puget Sound have been “unsually” mild and freeztle rivals. Ferwerda and
I. H.‘
IlMcConkey Pharm. ..10 0 499 261 The lineups: Hidhclimber track star who
igzxfiileffl ------------- N g 3 GAMES_ LAST NIGHT dragged last spring
from Irene SJ I
‘L ivl "" 4 5 260 292 ,. first Ga?“ me“ high SChOOL was
3 (,- 349 or“ “1150355 (42) Klmhd (“1 (38) ‘step short of the
145-p0und boxing? ,
Vviiqoh’g3Caf(n ‘ H 3 7 13,51 Millikan, 16 "" "F
------- " Levett 8 , Championsmp at the University! Seatth Freight
should be routed via Str. Indian, F6 r
4-E‘D 9 7 "92 39‘ 'A‘ Daniels "F "" "
H‘ Graver 3 iOf “’3Shingt0n after his dechiOIL Tacoma Freight via
Str. Skookum Chief, Milwauk,
a ry U Du” 10 ---------- A-C rrrrr COl'mier 1'5 liil the annual
U. of ‘N. intramural: NO 2 '
4 E Dairy 2'7 hicmgary 95 iKeHY 2 ---------- ------ ~~ Mccomliall
boxing championships over Rayi
—- & d. 113- Daniels 5 ------------------ -- au Boa-v of Aberdeen
last VVednes— ' I ‘ 7 .
Kimbcl oil 39, L. M. 37. , Subs: Kimbe, 01,703,150“ I dayémght ; Time
Schedule as follows.
Tuesday. lv‘ehruarv 2.;
' ‘ v or“ . ay, Fe
Kite Flying Tune lGifl’gjfi . T
i Mi". and Mrs.— '
i . 1 planning to leaveI'
Hollywood, Californian.
. . , I McKay‘s sister, and!
When a spring Wliid blows its' tum of Weather db
an ill wind as far as the power 30mg ma} sunshine. \
and light companies are concerli- -
ed. fififlw
I Spring winds bring out a juven— _ ,I. ‘
ile urge to fly kites. Kites mean 1
trouble 7131 many instances scr— AbstraC-‘I “ a“
ious trouble, according to Claude I‘: “(SI
:Danielsou, manager of the West
ICOast Power Company plant here. Diason I R
l Kite-flying times spells trouble. in
‘It means that box kites, funny-l A. I h 0V
‘,&‘I a
:the nearest Puget Souild Power 8: :
Light Co. office. Your kite will ' t i
be removed by men who know how & Loan kw. ..
ito do the job, without injury tol Title lnsuran
MCCONKEY PHARMACY NAILS iJunior Galloway iI " " «I.
CITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE Kimbel Oil, first half winners,l U‘W‘ BOXing I
‘ i Galloway, i
3V L PF PA square off in their playoff battle.
face kites and kites with danger- I
,ous tails get tanb‘lcd in p 0 w e l' ., “lie of Ge
lllllC‘S. It sometimes mean" that v- ~ . Ci-mb
l aerial-minded youn t I t Abs“ aets’ Re‘ Weeker a
, gs eis go. .i . .I th end
3jolt of high—powered electricity. . e M
More often it means that a power Loans and 5’ leagfie I
I'anId light elrcult goes out of com- i BELL BUIL eniIso th
mlSSlon and causes no end of trou- iI SHELTON ., Perforn
ble before service is restored. l ;"f their re
1‘ So, here, kids, are a few tips to. .4‘ itihe ISch
,I make your kite—flying more cn— ‘Iewai ~~~~ ' I ‘ Klmb
ljoyable, if not safer. Paste them t . é' 3:53“)
‘I on the tail of your kite, before you .I . “Wists
lwllip your kite into the breeze. H O tainhalf
lI 1. Do not climb poles or throw orgasffi
rocks to get your kite off of wires. 1 I, -
IIt’s very dangerous. L O A v ' Is the f
l ' , . l . i 0 be can
1 2. Always use c0tton string. ’ lI l is to 5
’Metal and tinsel are conductors of j '. station
IOlGCtI‘lClty—~leld gosh how it hurts. , I Iasml COL
l 3. Never fly your kites by run- 5 COl‘lVinCII‘, Service on
‘Iiling across streets or highways. ‘I 5‘; able to cc
. Y . . ‘ . v Gas
4. Fly your kites in open fields. l 3.; on by
lDon’t let them foul ill trees orI Reasonabih- Satin, h
llwires. If they do, leave them I footba“
Ialone. y all means keep them w livin
laway from electric lines. ‘ visitor hgr
. l ..
l 5. If a kite becomes cutting}.ch ‘ 118 he 1
,in electric wires drop the string, ,“d after
lat once, leave italonc, and calll ,. ad’s
! Mason Count. mg
I ,
Howard ( J unior)
Leaves Tacoma daily, execcpt Sunday, at 5 p111"
Olympia and Shelton '
Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday
Wilson's Cafe 42, Kimbel Oil 38. E
McConkey 48, 4-13 Dairy 45.
Games Thursday
Second Game
1 The victory made the fre hman
:l‘ieronkey's (48)
‘1‘i33331‘3' (‘15) from Shelton the inti‘ ural
l .
:9 'L. ', 's, R onier. lMV- Morgan 12 F --------- -- “733911
2 champion at his weight. He now
lgzggchC‘lIeaiv vsfwlfimbel. lM- T337101” 16 A- Cl9uuer 7 l meets
Arnold Thumlert, Seattle, T ‘
Games Saturday P. Smith 11 --------- -~ Gibson 17-. 1940 All-U champion,
for the All- I r I
7_Rayonier VS KimbéL gEacrett 3 ...... ..G. P. Cloutler lg lI University
crown in the 145 pound CLARENCE GARLANDER President‘
8#L. M. vs. McCleary. ‘RHSSCH 6 --G L- Gruver Oi class this Wednesday
evening. i
Subs: 4-E Dairy—~—Fourre 2. ,I ,, . a. . . . . ,
9—VVilson’s vs. McConkcy. I
Games Monday I
9—Wilson’s vs. Rayonicr.
10—4-13 Dairy vs. L. M.
. Games March (3
9:30——Kimbel vs. McConkey. .
10:30—Ravonicr vs. 4-E. l .
It was a rough night on league : ,‘
leaders last night in city league:
basketball skirmishes but out of.
it came the clinching action otll
the second half race when’ Mc-i
Conkey Pharmacy rang up itsl
tenth straight victory as Kimbeh
Oil was experiencing an upset atl
the hands of the reviving Wilson‘s l
Cafe aggregation. ,
McConkey just did skin by 4-D
Dairy, 48 to 45, in a wide opcnl
scoring duel in which Murray Tay- i I
lor, Marv Morgan and Pat Smith?
of the pharmacists and Mel Gib-l I
son and Percy Cloutier of tlie'
dairymen all hit two-figure per-
sonal scoring totals.
Troublesome Fair
The dairymen enjoyed a 25—24
half time lead and wore in the
ball game all the way as Gibson .
and Clouticr dummed the hoops
with telling tallies. .
Clayt Millikan stages a person-‘
a1 scoring spree in the first half
which kept Wilson’s Cafe right
on the heels of the Oilers at 2'1 ,,
to 21, then Ray Durr and Ali
Daniels took up the burden ill the
THE JOURNAL Announces The
Installation 01 New Modern
Printing Equipment And Com-
plete New Type Paces
This fine new equipment Was added to safeguard the J ournal’s
reputation for producing Quality Printing and to modernize
and improve the readability of Mason County’s home paper.
from snow, without an excess of rainfall; and
this winter is well advanced without either snow,
ice or heavy rains, with more than usual sunshine,
and perhaps fog instead of clouds.
It just happens that those who have gone.
south with the birds Seeking sunshine have been
more or less disappointed, and for the past two
weeks California has been suffering from storms,
heavy rains and costly floods. We still “tap
wood” but grow bolder as February ends.
Fly Flies With Flyweight Plane
Strong man of the insect world, the common house fly lowed a tiny
model airplane around a room in Kalamazoo, Mich., at Kazoo Aero-
Nuts Club exhibition. The fly, shown above hitched to the balsa
wood plane, flew a distance of about 10 feet before breaking loose.
the verdict after a serious let-_Cormier‘s 16 and Bill McComb’s
led to nullify a good start. The ithe Oiler cause. .
' i In Doubt To End
Woods led a strong Shelton rallylclosing period to pull out with a I «I L-
?in the last game which snatchedi‘narrow 42 to decision. Dan.
L, down in the second game threaten- ieleven markers were important in
‘Iscoring: I I I I .
Shelton Kiwanis Club I Two tight struggles went into Offers a Complete
Handicap 457 the league records Thursday lllghL I . I , I
=Elliott, Sr. 176 136 180 49235 g-E 2[Iiairy shaded McClIcaé-y. and Office
Supply Serv1ce. EY‘I?
,Funk 162 135 177 474i im er, to 26, and Kimbe l , _ . i
mom/cilia 192 166 196 asllgqucezcd in ahead of the L. My buSiness need can
be promp- ._ I»
lMcConkey 177 157 133 467 9 to 37. Art Cloutier’s 15 coui‘iL- .I ,i . ~
§wooas 173 143 210 526 iers were the big noise in the1 supplied. RPS I
5 Totals 880 737 896 2970 gdairymen's attack while Dan Cor-. I, r _ A
The five Sheltonians also cop- 'mier tacked up 19 for the Oilers. , I
I .I
iped two or three places ill the 'Bill Somers with a dozen achl‘ I,
e l . 'Mark Fredson with eleven it» . 1 .
iSingleo but hadnt learned )et ex , I I I I AD II
,actly how they had fared, [yoeman oficnSlve work for tho i , ~'
2 _.._..;.__.__._.. ~Merks. , CARDS ,
l ‘ i snturda ' ~ r r
a ys three games were I I
[G80 ra h Contest 5postponed to allow le'l. 1 ’- ' . V
. . cgue p a) . .
l Sgchelzi 3]] d b Gran e lets to enjoy Washington's Birth- 9 This
high-speed Webendorfer LEDGERS
u e . g lday weekend at other pastimes. .
k ”* ‘ T ' ' ~ ' “ v 1 rest” I" the Journal’s
second auto-
i Young folk Of the Skokomish lot-11:11:;licgé‘1’t en~iirbfétsr
tam-:1 Swleeeff pl V {U
i . . i l , Wi, u ab L _ , r ,
I’Gl‘ange W111 compete witst ,the ;on which second half games are « ,I
1112!,th JOb pI'CSS, added to meet
301d?" folk next Fndi’iy mg “1.10‘ lschcduled before McConkey
Phar- I- Y _ t
if“??? :ghooéo‘ma figglsv gmaey, second half titlists, andl II the
growmg demand for faster SALESBOOKS
efiin‘i‘ne magi g1? pwill nelson! W— * d t~ e ~ t f 1 1 WIZ
, . I I , pro uc ion oi prin ing or oca .
Ithe elders to resurrec» their old If you Wish to Sen you'll Have;
[school geographies. Ito Tell—Journal VVant-Ads.
l Cliff Wivell’s CERTIFIED
TEXAOO sanwc:
Representative in Mason County for
Olympia Oil Wood
High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils
Is: an.‘ Franklin
Phone 397
, u,
A complete new series of type
faces just installed on the Jour—
nal’s Intertypes insures better ap-
pearance for both advertising and
job work.
Your Community Newspaper T