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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"Harv 2. i l McKa r Holly '- 1 Mrs. Gord to leave d, California? sister, and! weather db l sunshine. Abstl‘acl, lason _. L. 'acts, ReE is and Ill BELL BUIL ON, l H 0 ll LOA,‘ onvenien, Th easonab '0 DEL” in Count,t goan Ass tle lnsu ran 2: K a“... , . . , I {VICE SHELTON . Indian, F6 v :f, Milwaulfi .3" l . l ,u lows: .y, at 5 p.111" 1 '. ; Sunday HT [.1 ; President~ ..u r; u? 33,; '. o S C I: r their 5 f the fist it I Mill-lay *BRNAL . w“ 1s all. February 25, 1941. —“h_w ‘YOU C X By BILL DICKIE 0-0-0-0--- Snoilomish County . . . big Don gets; a chance at professional baseball next month, reporting to the Spokane Indians of the Western International league sometime in March . . . Don gets a break going to Spokane as the Indians seem to be in a bad nay for catchers, Satra’s posi- tion . seems the Indians traded one of their last year’s receivers to Tacoma and the other was caught in the draft, leaving the Inland Empire team completely denuded of receivers. Probably one of the best formed individuals in Shelton on Caught in the draft past Olympic Games is Adrian st , 0 report to the in- lFrancken, who also can truthfully aa‘lon at Tacoma Wm, [claim the title of the city basket~ 961:?“ County men order- lball league’s staunchcst fan . . . 'abl ‘C6 on March 5’ SO helFl'ancken has been interested in ease t0 complete the citvlthe Olympic Games for a period on by an eyelash. ' (Ax-high- baseball Ving at Marysville. 1‘ hffi‘e last weekend 9 IS in the pink or "31' building roads 3 logging works in “e of o Climber , for Ala s- l l reduced the y leae~ MCCOIlkey Phar- en gue basketball squad p’eso the druggists will rfol‘m an iron-man Srimaining t h r e e .9 edule, .lus the .m‘ Eélsiibel on, iii-st half ' ' . liming, of course. nSCafigSts breeze in with If crown, as they f doing. McCleary Timberl 6 first city league I Obe earlier . . . he ran in the quarter mile and broadjumped, high jump- “sito lln the 1908 Olympics at London . . he remembers the quarter mile particularly for during the semifinals, while he was running up amongst the leaders, he was spiked and put right out of the meet. EBOWLING wmows l Quite a number of Shelton wo- men probably will solemnly an- swer “aye, aye” after reading the following poem, written by Lew 'Stanley, sports editor of the lVVaukegan (Wis.) Post, and print- Eed ill “Bowling,” official publica- m. .. ,.. Million PADS . in- ‘ dating back to 1900 or perhapsl ANT ’sELL‘UNilL YOU FIND A BUYER! USEWAN l l l EEAE; HARDWARE EAlNlNl} ER0UNDI Theatre Squad Spreads Margin To , Three Gaines; Laundry, ()ilers Also Gain CITY LEAGUE BOW’LING l W. L. Pct. I’aramount Theatre ..35 25 .583‘ i Iainmaranos .............. ..32 28 .533, Driskcl Hardware .... ..32 28 .533 2 Mason Laundry ...... ..31 29 .517: Pastime ........ ........... ..29 31 .483 1 Associated Oil ..28 32 .467; Wilson’s Cafe ..27 .450 i L. M. ......................... ..26 34 .433 2 High Scores Game—~Paul Fredson 239. Total—w Mark Fredson 645. Matches Friday 7 p. m.#rMason Laundry vs. Driskcl Hardware, Pastime vs. L. M. 9 p. m..—.Associated vs. mount, Wilson’s Cafe vs. Cams. ‘ l I I l Para- edge on the city league bowlingE pack to three games in Fridayi odd game from Wilson’s Cafe while? second place Caminaranos were surrendering the odd one to As- sociated Oil and thereby slipping into a tie with Driskel Hardware, 2 to 1 winner over Pastime. Mason Laundry fortified its post 'at the bottom of the first divis- ion' with a to 1 verdict from tailend Lumbermen’s Mercantile. The Fredson clan took care of iindividual scoring honors for the 'night, Dad Paul hitting a. 239 fig- ure for ten-frame high and son lMaI-k picking off three consis- ltent games for a nifty 645 total, ltion of the American Bowling Con- ! gress: R—REVENGE! lI’m just a bowling widow, 1S0 won’t you hear my plea? IVVhat are we poor wives to do— I’Specially you and me My hubby’s bowled for 20 years, Has seen them come and go, Will surely steal the show. He makes excuses every night, -Has business calls to make, llt‘s getting most too, too much, For even me to take. 8 There’s only one thing left to do lIn my home filled with intrigue, 'And that’s to get an average, . l - wika fellow made it l Then join a bowling league. to sell through the ant-Ads: ilw "fl lAnc‘l at night when he arrives, (Always late for dinner) ‘I‘ll just laugh with utmost glee As hubby gets slowly thinner. i-Biit I‘ll.».sa.y.-withahaughty stare: :4 1“Think of the :years I stayed at home — r . But did you seem to care. .Lw Your Child ehlnd in Typing Rent a Typewriter $3.00 mo. First two months rental may be applied on purchase price of machine. The lelnllll ion“ ML, da— A NICE arr or: 51¢, MAC ‘$ \. v5 . I -.~ll¢,g HEAR THEM i; NCE THE TITLE? ‘ We noel iHe’ll rant and rave about his food' I '56 l f. , , [its ‘V [quite a sum each year with the H . SORT OF FAMlLIA‘R.‘TO-O~- ‘1 BUT I CAN’T THINK OF THE 1 NAME or: IT TRANe ,which was no little aid to the lhardwaremen in their ’climb into la second place tie. 1:59:91“ ,kets made by Shelton and added- SHEL PERFORMANCE 0F SECONDS ST EAL PREP H00? SEW] Reserves Brilliant In 353-20 “’in Over Raymond; Varsity Hits Basket But Loses NORTHERN DIVISION I l l i l W. L. Pct. For Ag.' Hoquiam ........ ..8 1 .889 318 217 Aberdeen ........ ..8 2 .800 369 .218 Raymond ........ ..6 4 .600 370 306 Olympia .......... ..5 4 .556 326 289 Elma. ................ ..3 7 .300 243 303 Montesano ...... ..2 7 .222 235 314: Shelton ............ ..1 8 .111 152366 Scores Friday Raymond 45, Shelton 22. l Aberdeen 38. Hoquiam 27. Olympia 35, Elma 32. Games Friday Shelton at Hoquiam. Aberdeen at Olympia. Montesano at Raymond. The Highclimbers found the range on the hoop again Friday: out‘by Montesano last Tuesday— and scored eight field goals, but led and pole vaulted for Holland‘night's matCheS by capturing thelthat wasn’t half enough to stave off a 45 to 22 defeat at the hands of the visiting Raymond Seagulls. Jim McComo, senior guard, tal- lied three of the eight field bas— l l three from the free throw line for a nine point total, but Johnny Mil- ler racked up 13 markers for the visitors to top both teams. Ray- mond led at the half, 23 to 8. Best news of the night, how- iever, was supplied by the High— climber reserves, who found them- selves after a slow first half in which they trailed, 11 to 6, but then staged a second-team scor- ing spree the likes of which hasn’t Ibeen seen in Lincoln gym in many ’a year if ever for a 32 to 20 vic- ! I mason Ldy (2) L. M. Co. (1) l Handicap 138 Handicap 54 I Dodds 550'SteWart' 481 1 Woods 508lDummy 501 'sFerwerda 526 Roberts 459 lFunk 388iElliott, Jr. 486 ,A. Ferrier 579‘Carlson 593 lBut says that nineteen forty-oncl940 944 805 2682,32‘5 906 843 2574 [squad played beautiful ball in that Paramount (2) W'ilson’s (1) tory. Lanky Sam Wilson, sophomore center, tossed in a dozen counters during the big second half surge and showed the earmarks of fu- ture varsity tipoff timber in his performance. The entire second second half as they rallied from l Handicap 135 Handicap 90 in. Skelscy 504lSargeant 541 l Dummy . 510 Miller 440 { Smith 462‘Fourre 503 4, Marshall 513jDummy 522 Durand 515 Forbes 484 879 881 879 2639' 891 815 874 2580 {Associated (2) : Cammarano (l) I Handicap 138; Handicap 60 Cottcrell 532jAronson 575 McConkey 477,?eterson 490 Dummy 510LScott 467 Noblctt 432ch‘rrick 571 )Daniels 5373?. Fredson 578 3892 899 835 26203866 876 999 2741 i Pastime (l ) 1 Driskels (2) Handicap 134: Handicap 180 Dotson. . 560,527. Snelgr-ove 578 Friend 488iDriskel 508 Allen 534 lMcGough 422 B. Ferrier 540iBayley 465 Staléy 493M. Fredson 645 816 958 975 2749906 981 911 2798 ,u I’ll say with a chilly glare; “’Cause I’m due at the bowling alley, For my regular strike and spare." AN ASSIST Credit Prof. Loop with an as— sist in the train of events which prompted the city basketball league to turn over its share of the split from the Red Heads ex- hibition to the Garden Club's Railroad Avenue beautification fund. The league stages these exhi— lbition games each year with trav- leling teams to raise funds to pay gym rent, which runs into schedule the league and the town team plays throughout the sea— son, a sum which entry fees, gate receipts and player feesl fails to meet. When Prof. offered to deduct' So take your medicine my dear,” I ‘lbehind and Went on to administer lthe most lopsided second team licking the Highclimbers have dished out in the memory of the' ’oldest Shelton hoop fan. I This Friday Shelton goes to Ho- quiam. The lineups: FIRST TEAMS ,Raymond (45) Shelton (22) Sacek 8 ........ ..F ............ .. Woods 2‘ ,‘M‘iller 13 .. F Lumsden 3‘ lilo'ffer 6 ....... .. Eddy Hiarlis 6 . .. Dickinson 2. gPlato 7 .......... ..G ..... .. McComb 9 l Subs: RaymondaRubstello 4, ,B. Ponzola, DeForrest. J. Pongola. Shelton—Phillips 4, Rose 2, Val- ley, Loop. i 'M 'I‘ONflASON COUNTY JOURNAL vvvvvvvvvvvv "V Real Estate AMAAAMMMM "' JFOR SALE: , Lakewood Plat J, on‘ Block 10 8 lots, 24 to’al. Lake Deborah, near Allyn. Small bunch of timber on lots. Write to Mrs. Z. M. Coppock, 4th Ave- nue at Virginia Street, Seattle, Washing L—2-20—25-27. ton. 3-4—4t. Ens'rm—BUYS WATERFRONT— Puget S age Arc for slashing. Moines, ound Home sites acre- adia Road. Trade land- E. A. Carr, Des Wash. 2-11—-3—6——8t. FOR SALE: DeLuxe, modern ca— bin. A bargain. Laurence For- ck, two blocks south of Cascade on Holm an. 2‘25—1t. FOR SAL—E: shake ho pia on S 2 acres and 3-room use, 8 miles from Olym- helton Highway, across from Val D'Or Farm. Price for quick 58. Coppock, coma, W 1e $500. Write C. W. 5620 Pacific Ave. Ta- ashington. 2—25-27. 3—4—6—4t. ' Paramount Theatre stretched its night—after their 00mplete black- JFOR SALE clearing. provements. : 80 acres. Some Buildings, other im- Consider truck not older than 1936 part payment. %—mile Price $1350. south Dayton scho‘ol. Terms. Hays, Matlock Route. 2-25—26—w2t. FOR SALE: 2-room house, fur— nished, with woodshed and nice garden ground. Close in. Will make fine home for one person or couple $700.00 with at least $350 down. 4~room modern home on hill with Miss Nemberger’ cooking. expert, good yard $1650.00 terms. HERB ANGLE wood. piece of FOR SALE 7 acres of property on the Bay; about 4 miles from Shelton, has: 175 feet of waterfront and 1,900 feet deep to the road. Spring runs through the property and there is lots of nice timber and This is about the last waterfront property on; llI the Bay close in and is we worth the price of $1075. Somel terms. $365.00. 1 room house with brick chimney, cement basement and founda-i * * room modern home with large unfinished upstairs. finish inside. Best view lot in= Walker Park. This will make a fine suburban home close Priced at $1,600.00. * $ 1n room house with lot close in. Nice place for a bachelor. Terms at =l<* tions. Good garage and wood— shcd, well and small spring run- ning through property. Aboutl ’ acre good ground mostly cleared. Property is all fenced: 1/2 A good buy at $475.00. Terms. * :- is ' HERBERT G. ANGLE Evvvvvvvvvvvvvvv»(vvvvvvv Lost and Found FOUND : SECOND TEAMS l Shelton (32) Raymond (20) Pierce 6 .......... ..F ............... .. Fillo 6 Klink .............. ..F ............ .. Zygar 1 Wilson 12 ...... ..C ............... .. John 4 Clothier 6 ...... ..G, . Vaughn 1' .Chase 6 .......... .... .. Briggs 7 Subs: Shelton—~Trotter 2,- ‘Co- lburn, Page. RaymondaJackson, Hall, Cooper. IELMA RALLY FALLS SHORT, OLYMPIA WINS Elma, Feb. , i 22.—(Special.) ‘ ——l iOlympia nipped Elma 35-32 here! last night in a fast, rough north- ern division basketball game. A fourth—quarter spurt by the home five was stopped by the clock. Elma lost two regulars, Grass and Metzger, via four fouls in the first half. Bob Van Eaton, Olympia. for- ward, was hitting the hoop from all over the floor and totaled 17 points. The lineups: i i i Olympia (85) Elma (32).“ Rockey 3 ...... ..F ............ .. Jasper 4: B. V'n Et’n 17 F.. Anderson 7 Boettcher 4 .... ..C. .. Metzger 6, Hansen 1 ...... ..G .................. .. Grass’ Beck 8 .......... ..G ...... .. Winders 12 Subs: Elma——Cameron 3, Boyd. ' as much from the gym rent as‘ the leauge’s split would have come to he opened the gate to ‘ the extra dollarswhich the beau- tification project realized! "A BRlEF‘ CRIBED . CAL lNTERLLlDE” Olympia—O’Leary 2, Randall, J. Van Eaton. l ABERDEEN HANDS HOQUIAM FIRST LOSS Aberdeen, Feb. 22.—~(Special.) —— Playing ‘near-nerfect back'nthalld Aber cell’s battling Bobcats hand- ed’ 'oquiam its initial northern division loss last night before 1,- 500 spectators who jammed Miller gym to the rafters. " first quarter 3-3 deadlock, th e Cats went on convincingly to drub their ‘rivals 38-27 and remain in the race for the conference cham- pionship and a berth‘ in the state tournament. ' Clamping a man-for-man de- fense on“ the Grizzlies, Coach Way- nc ToiVar‘len’s aggregation check- e'd their opponents to a standstill keys and container on Arthur ‘ Excellent i l l l l I Classified Servic ..O....-.w.. SALE VENETIAN BLINDS ' Steel or Wood 35¢ sq. ft. Olsen Furniture Co. oooo l It’s Fiesta Time at Shelton Electric Co. Featuring the Beautiful FIESTA WARE In 5 lovely colors, Green, Yellow, Blue, Old Ivory and Red. OFF YOUR FEED? See your Doctor—have your prescriptions filled at ~~ i FIR DRUG STORE ATTENTION! COOKING SCHOOL will be held at Robbins Electric Tuesdlay), March 4 a. m. i l will be in charge. l .- JOURNAL w m— 'vvvavvvv For Rent AAAA‘AAAAAAA i l 'FURNISHED APARTMENTS for 1 rent (2 and3rooms). Good lo- cation. ‘v‘borough Apts, Second and Knee- land Streets, Shelton. 5-7-tf. .“ FOR RENT: furnished three room apartments. Mill Street Apart- ments. Phone 2594/1. {FOR RENT: 2 comfortable sleep- ' ing rooms, 903 Railroad. F—2-25A—1t. , _ _ lFOR RENT: 4—room house on wa- terfront, lights, running water $10.00 month. Walker Park Ad- dition. Grace Springer. 2-25-27fi2t. FOR RENT: 2 small furnished l I i l apartments. Inquire Mrs. C. Hepner, 1211 Railroad, or phone 623'. 2-25-27—~2t. FOR RENT: Warm sleeping room for woman or g‘irl. Mrs. W. A. Brodt, 121 E. Cedar. Phone 582.1. 2-25-27—»—«2t. V'V'VVV‘V'VVVVVVVVVVVYV‘ Wanted l l WANTED: large pieces clean cot— ton rags with all buttons and snaps removed. No curtains or I outing flannel or knit wear. Journal Office. 1-16—'tf. WANTED: waitress, steady work, must be single. no experience v'v-vv Very reasonable. Golds-- C-1-13-c. i ‘L‘AL‘A‘A‘AA“A‘AAA‘JAAAl WANTED: lady for housework. Phone 112-J between 9 and 3 o'clock. S—-2-4—-tf Page Five NT ADS' RATES On Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line (5 words) first. insertion, 5c 3. line each subse- quent insertion. M 1 hi In u in charge 30c. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from 1 phone subscribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made before the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing’ls necessary. Card of thanks 500. Classified Display Rates on Request. i l l l I l VvvvvvvvaVVvvvvvvvvvaV , For Sale 1A‘A‘AAAAAAAAAAAAA‘AAAAAA FOR SALE: Electrolux cleaners. New machines as low as $49.50. For sales, service and supplies call or write Jack Manley, Hoodsport, Wash. 2-6--3-5—-1M l—T—T—.—*——~m—-T lFOR SALE: SOLOVOX repro- duces tones of all instruments, can be used with a piano or separately. Cost $190.00 new, used a few times. Priced at $110.00 cash. Call at Journal. l l l l l 1 FOR SALE: Jersey heifer fresh in March $60.00. Cow fresh in August $55.00. Also 10 months old heifer. K. V. Collins, Mill Creek Road. 2-13418-20-25-5—41‘. lFOR SALE: Set of Leedy drums. Reasonable Phone 6F14. In- : quire at Journal office. 3 2-25-27—72t. . Watch the Journal for further necessary. Heinic’s Lunch, 126: . . details. Cota. 2—18--tf. iFOR SALE: Young calfs. E. A. ~-~ r '- ~~ Rutlad ~ , s“. 11‘ V'n). . ,WANTED: Plowing by the hOlll‘,E L £9 1 L Lon ‘1 (g_25__1t_ ITS HERE With tractor. Leave telephone i l I l 1 America’s Most Sensational MATTRESS SALE Serta 12th Anniversary TUFT LESS MATTRESS Now only I $19.95 During Flebruary h See it MILL WOOD One Cord $4.50 Double Load (2 cords) $8.50 PHONE 38-J i l SAVE NOW Special Prices on SEWING MACHINES SINGER SHOP ! i l i l l l Lost Lake Route. Owner identi—. fy and pay for this ad. J—2—18-20-25—3t FOUND: pics. Devlin, 5 White markings. Two small black pup- Frank 05 Dearborn. 2-25—27—-—2t. JOURNAL Wain-t Ads are used by scores neighbors with great success: Complete what you have to sell alwaySEWe also take orders for all kinds meeting helps, of your friends and information a b o u t Dairymen Gain Much Ground In Commercial Racei i l Mac’s Corner ............ .. 4-E Dairy Daviscourt M’Conkey Pharmacy ..19 W. L. Pct. 32 22 .593 .................. ..29 25 .537 Bakery ..28 26 .519 35 .352 . High Scores Game—Eddie Cammarano 242. TotalmL yle O’Dell 563. Matches Thursday Mac’s Corner vs. McConkey. Daviscou rt vs. 4-E Dairy. Mac’s Corner busted loose be- hind the pi stead and ‘Breaking aihang up a 2 to 1 v Davicourt's n spilling of Roy Ting-I Eddie Cammarano to Bakery which not only i protected the cornerites t h r e e ‘. ggame league lead but also shoved lthe bakers out of second place. ictory ove r' 125 So. 4th, . Shelton l i LARGE SIZE i Duplicating SALES BOOKS i 50 Each. or 55¢ per dozen lot special—- l PRINTED SALES BOOKS lOur prices are on low or lower lthan outside salesmen can quote I” THE JOURNAL .Visitors Divide Bowling Matches Shelton bowling lineups divided matches with invading , Bremer- ton pin teams Sunday on the {Shelton Recreation alleys. 4—E Dairy winning handin from Tony’s Place of the Navy Yard metropo- lis, but Mason Laundry, dropping a match to Richfield Oil of Brem- ,erton. Gus Skerbini paced the dairy- men with Pete Carlson topping the laundry crew. Best score of the day was hit by Meacham of ‘the Richfield outfit at 552. The 4-13 Dairy crept into the. run- llineupsz her up spot by shellacklng the ETony’s Place luckiess quintet, 3 McConkey Pharmacy to 0, in the night’s other match, although one decis- ion Was by a shaky one-pin mar- in the first half while piling up an gin. 18-6 lead. Daviscourt’s (1) M. Corner (2) Aberdeen (38) Holmium (27) Handicap 300, Handicap 258 Johnson 12 ...... .. Stubberfield!O'Dcll 563 Tingstead 534 Bowley 2 ........ .. Wayman 6 ll—Iilderman 3,97,0ittman 426 Nicholas 8 ........ .. Haneyicwwe 42’3.Mclalroy 4'08 Sliva 5. ........ .. .G .......... .. Graham 4,!Dummy 46EiiGerhardt 414 Goldsteln 4 .... ..G .......... .. Riddell 4‘1Dummy 423‘Cammaranos 556 Subs: Aberdeen—Bezel 7,..Un- 851859 861 2571,373 811 912 2596 derwo'od, Percini, Wilson. Ho— McConkey's (0) 4-E Dairy (3) quiam—'Wittren 6, Clayton 7, Si- Handicap 279 Handicap 234 den, Tokas. Struthers 501,White' 461 —“ '—‘—«' golin 353 Skerbini 504 \ unlmy 420 Dummy 438 {Dummy 390‘] Olsen 410 i , Young 455, Fourre 429 P31181011 Checks [766 826 806 2398 309 860 807 2476 During February; Olympia, Feb. —- Social 59—! 500 aged persons. who received as- l March will be the first month of l administration 141. Tile 40,500 DN‘lSlnl‘lCI'S receive”1 curity officials said yesterday 40,- l a total of $962,235 this month, and l the total under Initiative for March for those sistancc this month. had been! recipients will be $1,351,705. transferred 'to the rolls under Ini—l tiative 141 and would ‘ checks averaging $33.35 each. The initiative calls for maxi- mum monthly payments of $40, less certain income and resources. Officials said the Social Secur- , receive . ity Department staff is checking applications which have been on file, and when decisions have been Fri made on those. new applications Feb 28 will. come up for consideration. 4-E Dairy l r 452 V. Sava e 4 . :ggfilggn 365 Skerbinig 53$ 1941. CLARE ENGELSEN cers and for such other business ‘SChWartZ 399lC- Savage 467 MERRILEICRk WERE SEpel-ior cou'rt' £1:va the meeting. . C ‘, . . Egollines :ggiglsen 44:); laAOttorncy for Boer President 1n unas , ourre 4 Wallace ui Lle v ' la 2119‘ 2290 Breniei'tpil. Washington. MRS' EDIQH F' MATHEVVSON' Richfield Mason my 2-18-2o. 3—4H3t. Secretary. 2.20-41: Summers 463lDodds 516 N 1296 'Campbell 519lNoblett 468‘ 0' ‘ ‘ N0 1’0" l . 1 NOTICE TO cunnirons. , . a“. . 'Clark 529ismlth 460 In the ’fillpcrior Court of tlie'lb‘tate of In “$235535”130,,ffbpg9g? t f Meacham 552 Reader 486 Washington 'for Mason County. 'Washington in mind I0 nit" “lei or IK' 1w 4710 1 9 IN MATTER OF THE ESTATE M . l “r W "’3‘" 3 t ressm 3" so“ 53 OF \VANDA BOGDEN Deceased “"‘L 1" “MW” 3885 844 835 2564!?67 848 854 2469 NOTICE‘ HEREBY “GIVEN. {{IOBg‘gT MgggYfiif the Estate of l guilt tl-niundegsigged, J‘oc Bogden and ceasea. 0N ANGLE, De- , .. 'een cnne y: avc een appointed Notice i h ,- -. A . . , . . , . . . s mob) gncn that the un- , V and qualified as Administrators of the .. ~ 1 . g Tides of the Week 30...]... lasso“ lla".§.iil.§r€-§?$l*d a: l? n a a persons lavin" calms .. .. .. or 4 l, Computed for Oakland Bay against said estate are hereb; chllll"l::§,:o'd0;f pgigigilithavAigzl%lai(lilg I (llood Canal tides are one hour Egogomzerjgidtwanf‘fififim‘iyi}, WAT-{Va against said deceased are hereby re- ; & 5.» minutes carlmr) .‘ . 1 U. ‘1 0‘ 11”’11 quired to serve the same. duly \‘01'1- , then attorney in Suite 5 Goxcy Bldg, “ed on “pd mlminiouat r h»- ,t i . , Shelton. VVash.. which has been dosh:- ;,,,,.n’e,. of ‘mcmfd mime” “1311951,” Se: ' Low :34 cm. 0.4 ft {liztnwof‘hthfilge bgflfiggqfugfiggigi‘flmw low stated. and file the smile with the .Wed ngh 7521 a-m- 148 ft I and is in the office of the attorney of (’36:; 05f 5:33.11 ngf‘timtogfiiligr Wm! iFeb 26 LOW 1313 P-m- 4-7 ftficort‘i for Said {fidgliuiaum- a“: months after the said 'date {Sgt - . ‘ ~ it: c same wi 10 or: of said r" '~ r *' - . High 6.46 p.111 13 0 ft I Cpun tpgfither with pgooffof *Such eel" gofilloitiorlwol‘dthls notice or the same Vice, W1 n six mom 5 ll tor the (late ' r“ ,,’ .~ Low 1110 21.111. 0.9 ft fr first publication of thi9s notice and 4 m “1" In“ Dum‘mufln Fab' lThurs High 7:46 am. 14.8 ft 01W“ alter Feb- 11’ 1 4L 01‘ mid ' GIANT c. ANGLE ,Feb‘ 27 Lon' 1:47 pm. 3.6 ft Clam!“ wgbé’engSE& bax'md' Administrator of said Estate \ , High 7:27 pm. 12.9 ft HELEN KENNEDY, $3,511?”.B”{{;‘i§}} i _..—_ Administrators ul~ said ES— DOAN'E ERCDIR "' Low 1145 11.111. 1.6 ft tate. Atlorllcv for Estate ,h am J. W. GRAHALI. Attorney Angle ‘Building Ié‘w 2:22 p‘m’ 3'1 ft for said estate, suite Sum, 6 and 7 “f ' ' ' " Gove Bid .. he] , .' . ‘ , . , ,. . ngh $109 pm. 128 ft 52-11_1§_25-§t. S ion Wash Shelton Washington vhf} Lumbermen’s Merc. Co. orders at Cooke’s Feed Store. E-2-25-27. 3—4—6-11-13—7—6t. WANTED: Experienced girl or middle aged lady for housework and care 1 child. Call 354. S—2—25-27—2t. 'VWVVVVC Classified Service I‘A‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQ‘Q‘ grower. Largest nursery southwest Washington. Cainmel- lias, Daphnes, 'Rhododendrons and all the best varieties of shrubs and trees. ALBERT NURSERY l 5 Miles from Olympia, at South Bay 1-28--2—25-9t. ! l I l ‘» ARE YOU SICK? See your Doctor—hive your p‘escriptions filled at —— l l l FIR DRUG STORE l ! I Mason County Maps ‘LARGE Mason County Township maps $1.00. Also maps of Olympic Peninsula, Puget Sound Country and State 50c to $1.00. ' The Journal Thurston Pioneer Ass’n Meets March 1 The Thurston County Pioneer Association will hold its annual at the Women's Club, in Olympia Saturday, March lst, be- ginning at 10 o’clock, followed by the usual potluck dinner. Mason County pioneers are invited to at.- tend and meet other old timers of the district. I l: l l I i l l l l l LEGAL PUBLICATIONS I No. 1376 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL l REPORT AND PETITION FOR lDlS'I‘BIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. ‘In the Superior Court of the State I of “Washington for Mason County. (In , Probate) lIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE :UF CHARLES E. LYNN, Deceased. lNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Flossic N. Lynn, Administratitix of the estate of Charles E. Lynn, de~ ceased, has filed with the Clerk of Said Court her Final Report and Po. tition for Distribution and Discharge. asking the Court to approve said Report. distribute the property to the persons entitled thereto and to dis— charge the Admiilistratrix, and that said Petition will be heard on Sat- urday, the 22nd day of March, 1941, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., in the courtroom of the Probate Depart— ment of the above entitled Court. DATED, this 15th day of February, BUY Nursery; stock direct from: in FOR SALE CHEAP: home light- ing plant 32 volt 750 watt Del- co', 32 volt radio; and two 32- , volt motors. Nels C. Nelson, Matlock. 2-18-27—~4t l l IlVVVVvvvvvvvvavvvvvvvvv' Used Cars 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVOV l iFOR SALE: 1933 Ila-ton Chev. I truck, dual wheels, excellent con- dition. $160 cash. Inquire 635 Dearborn. M-2-25-27~2t. FOR SALE: 1925 Buick touring car. $20.00 cash. Carl Gruver, Old Oakland. 2—25—27. 3-4——3t. rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv'vv" PROFESSIONAL CARDS MALL“. LAAm Aw“. i ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite‘First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton l l l I ! l l l lNSUFlANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE, Office at Angle Building . ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Servlces Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 CHARLES R. LEWIS l ATTORN EY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington i DOANE BRODIE Attorney-At-Law Angle Building Phone 337 SHELTON CEMETERY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETlNG Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Shelton Cemetery Association will be held at Mason County Court House, 'February 25th, 1941 at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of electing offi- i l I 2-4-11-18—25—-4t. l l i 1