February 25, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 25, 1941 |
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Willkie visits-Ah- Raid-“Shelter
Wendell Willkie visited king and commoner alike on his tour of
England to get first hand picture
his white tin hat, borrowed from
of conditions there. Here he is in
an air raid warden, chatting with
occupants of an underground shelter fitted with bunks.
Smith Supports WPA
Legislation, Funds
Washington, D. C., Feb. 27. «q
o l
' Much Prominence,
(Special.) — Continuing his policy,
which he has adhered to at all
times, of vigorously supporting the I
WPA program, Congressman Mar- .
tin F. Smith voted for the $375,-
000,000 appropriation to carry for-
ward the Work Projects Admin—
istration until June 30th. The
legislation was passed in the House
by an overwhelming vote and
Congressman Smith and other col-
leagues succeeded in defeating all
the crippling amendments which
were proposed.
Realizing the work that is be-
ing done to the plywood, lumber
and forest products industries,
Congressman Smith has appeared
again this session of Congress be—
fore the House Committee on Ap-'
propriations urging increased
funds for the forest products re-
search laboratories at Madison,
Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon.
0. E. S. Public
March 7, P. M.
25¢ per person
Why not Have the
Inquire, Then You’ll Buy
Seventh St. Bridge Phone 123
1941 j %
Ellison Motors
Washington Wines
Given Position Of
Recognition of Washington as
one of the potentially great wine
producing states of the nation was
accorded recently in the na-
tional capitol by members of the
Washington State and Alaska So-
ciety of the District of Columbia.
According to word received from
J. J. Underwood, president of the
society and Washington repre-
sentative of the Seattle Chamber
of Commerce. the wines of VVash-
ington for the first time played
a conspicuous part on the menu
at the society‘s annual dinner, at
;which more than 350 persons used
it to toast the “Territory of Alas—
ka. the great and soverign state
of Washington and the Republic
‘of the United States."
I Washingtonians who joined in
ithe tribute to Washington’s six-
:year old wine industry, according
'to Underwood, included: Supremel
.Court Justice William 0. Doug-
llas; State Senator Mon C. Wall-
Egren and Congressman Knute Hill.
g Washington wineries recently
lcompleted. their fifth year Of DI‘O— iserved for sport fishermen, l
duction With the announcement ijthough the supply has been shortESisters. l
i1,854,084 wine gallons produced ex-
clusively from Washington fruit.
EA total of 20,180,000 pounds of
IWashington apples, grapes, logan-
berries and other wine fruits was
iutilized in the production.
l Edgar Wright of Grapeview,
twine council president, hailed the
Dog Fish Livers Used To Replace
The Coil Liver Oil
l The F} ropean war has an un-
lcxpected reaction on Puget Sound
.in the revival of an old industry,
although on new lines, and from
an entirely new slant, creating a3
demand for the livers of the dog:
lfish, a pariah of the [salt waters?
:and the bane of the sport fish-f
erman. Because of the war which i
has stopped all trade between this.
,Counti‘y and the Scandinavian wa— ;
,tch the supply of cod liver oil.‘
from Norway has, been cut offfl
land drug houses have turned tell
the lowly dogfish to meet the de-l
mand for supplies of the vitamin?
containing oil.
I Fishermen are reaping a liar-l.
‘vest now with the season near at
lhand and are reported as making
as high as $150 a. week, working]
.the waters between Shelton andl
the lower Sound, with headquar—l
ters at Steilacooni. So far only}
one family is at work, setting!
their lines at night and following
the herring runs which mean that;
dogfisl'i are near. Using Set lines;
Imorc than 1800 feet long with al
nook attached every six feet, bait—
.ing with herring, the fishermen!
expect a fifty per cent. catch, oil
50 to 75 pounds of livers, taking
about three hours to set each
(line. I
i The current market price forl
dogfish livers is cents, but tenl
cents a pound is expected later
on, as the fish get scarce. Rat-
fish, resembling the dog, are,
onrthless as are mudsharks which {
frequently take the bait, but when
a bed of lingcod is found their liv- i
ers bring 40 cents a pound. Thel
fish carcases can be sold at $2'
a ton at the Tacoma fish meal
plant, but when livers bring real;
.money the rest of the fish goes:
overboard, which is against the?
law in California and Oregon, and
soon will be in this state.
Recalls Old Industry
Back in the days of ox-team
logging the dogfish were caught;
by fishermen, using seines, now
outlawed, and the livers were tried
out in camps near the fishing
grounds in coal oil cans, and
sold to the small loggers of the
eighties and early nineties forz
greasing skids over which the
logs were hauled. The fish then
making most of the catch was:
perch, with some salmon, which
were sold in the Portland mar-
kets, but perch and poggies have}
llong since gone out of demand for}
food fish, except for the occas-l
ional plunker with line and sink-.
{er; and seining for salmon is also‘
Iout, the main supply in market.l
coming from the lower Sound or
the ocean; the upper Sound pre-
al— 2
ifor many years. i
_____.._________ j
[Seattle Loses
! Gamble On Rain,
lheld and Mrs.
|to soon make her home near Olym-
Icomed into the club Thursday.
Twelve Escape
. 3%
ath in Airliner Crash at St. Louis
,Scnate fisheries committee
Hood Canal Fishing
Bill Is Given Study
Olympia. Feb. 21. Senate bill
No. 272, prohibiting beam trollcrs
and purse seiners to operate on
Hood Canal and parts of Puget
Sound, underwent scrutiny at :i
ing Wednesday night
Chairman H. N. Jackson, Demo—
crat, Pierce County, said no action
was taken on the bill, but orc—
dictcd some amendments to
regulate gear and set seasons lfl
the area affected.
Commercial fishermen would be
prohibited from throwing,r dead or
imutilatod fish into waters of the
Estate under terms of a bill, intro-
;duced by Senators A. E. Edwards, ;
chmocrat, 'hatcom County, and1
Judson A. Shorett, Democrat, King
County. Violation would be :i
J.P.S. Honors Judge
l ‘Wilson With Degree
Twelve of 14 persons aboard survived the crash of this TWA skysleeper a few
blocks from the air-
port at St. Louis, M0. The chief pilot and a passenger were killed when the
plane plunged to earth
and broke almost in half in an accident similar to recent crash of an
airliner near Chicago’s airport.
Homemakers At
Pickering Meet
With Mrs. Barnes
By Virtue, E. Hanlon
Pickering, Feb. 24. Mrs. Elida
Barnes was hostess to the Pick-
ering Homemakers Club Thurs-
day afternoon. There were eight-
een members and five visitors
present. Election of officers was
Elmer Wiss as
president and Mrs. Isabel Dro-
scher as secretary, were chosen
for the ensuing term.
Mrs. Arthur Beck, who expects
pia, was presented with a hand-
kerchief shower.
Mrs. George Carlson was wel-
The next meeting of the cluh'
will be with Mrs. Helen Harrell
on March 6.
refreshments w e r e (
'served before adjournment.
Mrs. Roy Longacres of Shel-
ton, spent last Week at thel
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I
Elmer Wiss. I
James Anderson, who is work-l
ing in the Mercury Manufactur-l
ing plant in Seattle, spent the!
weekend at home.
Mrs. Isabel Droscher recentlyl
returned from a three months’(
trip during which she visited her
old home in Sioux Falls, S. D. and
relatives in Detroit, Mich. Shel
reports a grand time.
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Trudeau of,
San Francisco, are visiting at theI
Maldor Lundquist home. Mrs.
Trudeau and Mrs. Lundquist are
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Harriman‘
and Miss Christina Roberts were
ldinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Peterson Saturday evening.
Musi-Comedy In
Jr Hi Auditorium
Thursday, Friday
“Swing Out," the fast moving
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ,musi-comedy which is being spon-
“I see you have a new baby.”
'Wiss Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. .sored by
the Shelton Valley
Eugene Brown and sons, Mr. and lGrange, will be presented for the
Mrs. Roy Longacres, Mr. and Mrs. entertainment of local play-goers
tribute to Washington's n e w e s t
ilargc industry as the forerunner
of continued expahSioh- h Tacoma, Feb. 20. ~— It was “just
. “With Euereah Wme WPPUCS water over the dam" for Seattle
.lcut off, the Wine industry of Amer- .when rains were so heavy in D0-
ica is bound to become increasing- camber and early January that
'lmPGTERHt" he deqlared- “It |Lake Cushman overflowed, it was
:3 Imposmble to predict the fu'1disclosedin.the public utilities of-
ture. but W€_ hope for 3-“ ever'“fice Tuesday. Seattle city power
greater year in 1941 for the state ,authorities had gambled 10,000,-
'fFUIt gT9W91‘S; fal'mers and pICR' 000 kilowatt hours on a
lers Partlmpatlng “1 the induStW-n rainfall. It rained excessively
"' land Seattle lost.
i“,lindovv Display Shoxvsl The theory was that Seattle,
, . having water to spare on the Ska-
CrOSS SCWlng workigit river, would supply Tacoma
. with energy and Tacoma would
Portmymg Clearly the tMealstop generators at Cushman and
Phases 0f the Rea CFO-“'5 soWlhgistorc water for Seattle. This was
project now .under way here 1111- ldone until Lake Cushman was full.
der the Chall‘manshlp 0f ,MTS-lThat was Seattle’s water on top
Herbert Miller. a display wraps-.0: the lake. Then it rained and
ed by Mark PiCkenS- adveltlsmfi”[water began to spill over the crest
managerv in 0110 Of the big Win‘lof the dam; That was also Se-
dOWS at the Lumbermenys Mercan' attle's water. If the excess could
[tile store shows the sewing donelhave been anticipated, and used
; for. European W1” rehefi for locali’by Tacoma. Seattle would hav 0
l {Chef} and for war Veterans re‘isaved the power sent to Tacoma. I
‘hef- ~ I Unless there is an exceedingly
—’—““‘—""_‘ ‘late spring, Tacoma, Seattle and
FLU PATIENT. TODAY ,Bonneville are all expected to be
Joe dean, Rayonier employe, [in the market for power this sum-
:was admitted to Shelton hospital mer for a:few weeks. Just where
.today for treatment of an attack it is to come from has nOt been‘
of flu_ figured out yet, but Nature may
step in and provide rain to save
the day. i
.1 Width-glen Slut. Progrou Co-mlulo- !
In 1880 one national bank and
.six private banks were in exis-
ltence in the State of Washington.
.The first national charter had
been granted to the First Nation—i
al Bank of Walla Walla in 1878.]
lBanking was beginning to be
lrecog‘nized as part of the business}
of life of the growing Territory!
lDuring the decade of the eighteen—
Seighties and early nineties, the
Inumber of banks grew rapidly.
Transcontinental railroads open—
ed the new Territory to settlers.
In 1886 the prohibition against
territorial restrictions, including
Dexter Horton and Company, se-
cured terri orial charters. In
£1889 statehood was granted to
the Territory. In the same year
the clearing houses of Tacoma and
Seattle were founded. In June,
1889, the Washington Bankers
Association held its first conven-
tion in Tacoma, more than fiftyl
banks having signed the call. |
5th & Railroad
Phone 100 for :1 Journal Want-Adi
Chas. Droscher and son, Jerry,
Miss Dorothy Wiss and Bruce Wil-
ley, all of Shelton. l
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hanlon and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred F.
Chitty and daughter, Lois, Miss
Dorothy Irvin and Miss Doris'0'-
Donnell, all of Olympia, enjoyed
a birthday dinner Sunday at the
Claude Hanlon home in honor of
Mrs. J. B. Hanlon.
Mrs. Lillian Cameron spent
several days in Olympia visiting-
her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Cam-
Mrs. Roy Knowles and daugh-
ter and Mrs. Mike Martin of
Bremerton attended the Pickering
Homemakers club at the home 01’.
Mrs. Elida Barnes Thursday.
Mrs. Gordon Simmons of Shel-
ton spcnt Wednesday with Mrsl
J. M. Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Harrimanl
and Miss Christina Roberts spent
Wednesday evening at the LaPage
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rempel and.
sons, Ainley and Ray, spent Sun-
day in Montesano with Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. McFadden and Mrs.
Rempel‘s mother, Mrs. M. McFad-
Ralph Droscher, who is work-
ing at the Boeing air plant in
Seattle, spent the weekend at
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bailey and
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Show of
Mariette. were luncheon guests of
Mr .and Mrs. Claude Hanlon on
Mrs. J. LaPage visited Tuesday‘
in Bremerton at the home of her.
son. Ted LaPage.
Mrs. P. E. Ball spent Tuesday
with Mrs. Claude Hanlon.
The Community Get-Together
will be held at the Grant school-
lhouse on Saturday evening, March
1st instead of the usual Friday
night. All are cordially invited
to come out and enjoy a pleasant
evening. Please bring either cake
or sandwiches and a cup and spoon
for each member of the family.
Alaska Railroader In :
Shelton For Vacation,
Albert Lanier, who has just!
come down from Alaska Where he
is foreman of a road crew at Cur- l
ry on the Alaska Railroad to'
Fairbanks, to spend several mon-
ths, was here last night for a brief
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harry.
Deyette. He is accompanied byl
his brother Valk, who comes from
Montana for a brief stay. Albert
has been in Alaska for eight
years and expects to return for
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Grantof
Shelton spent the past weekend
Thursday and Friday evenings,
February 27-28, in the Junior
high auditorium with the curtain
scheduled to rise promptly at 8:30
Local people taking part in the
play are Oliver Constable, Marian
Elliott, Gertrude Wingard, Dixon
H. Murphy, Walter Elliott, Mar-
garet LeDrew, Jean MCCann, Jack
Renskers, Juanita McPeek and
Harvey Bea], Ruth Rowe, Pat
Wilcox, Louise Rector, Audrey
Freeman, Joann Faubert and
Frances LeDrew, Mabel Holman,
Kay O'Neill, Shirley Orcutt. D0-
rothy Elson. Charlotte Lynn, Gail
Robinson, Gertrude Slivers, Mar-
Jorie Constable, Merridee Wivell,
Jane McKay and Betty Jean
Committees in charge of the
play include the following mem-
bers of the Shelton Valley Grange
.Mrs. Dewey Bennett, Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Constable, Clinton Oker~
strom, Willard Adams and Juani-
ta McPeek.
Another Shelton Grad
' Takes Job In Alaska
George Smith, graduate and
athlete of Irene S. Reed high
school last spring, sailed for
Fairbanks, Alaska, last Saturday
morning aboard the steamship
“Alaska” to accept a job until
fall. when he plans to enter col-
He is the fourth Shelton prep
graduate to leave for Alaska in
the past few weeks. He will live
with his sister and brother-in-law,
Dolores and Les Dodson.
The 21/2-year-old daughter
1. was admitted
pital for treatment Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. McCormack
of Everett were Sunday guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
Saeger here.
Joseph Goodfellow of Bremerton
was a weekend visitor at the home
of his sister and brother~in~1aw,
Mr. and Mrs. James Amunds.
For 30 of its 31 years the Boy
Scouts of America has been ad-
ministered by
the Chief Scout Executive who
took the post for only "six
In 1940, Gold Honor Medals
went to 15 Boy Scouts and Cer-
tificates of Heroism were award-
ed to 21 Boy Scouts for saving the
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skaar of Rt.
30 Shelton hos-l
Dr. James E. West,
Shelton Grads Going
Thru Frat Initiations
Two Shelton prep graduates of
recent years, Bill Miller and Herb
Snelgrove, are undergoing initia—
tion into Theta Chi fraternity at
Washington State College this
J. B. Hanlcy, Simpson Logging
company employe, was admitted
to Shelton hospital for treatmentl
l omnm H
visiting relatives in Vancouver, B. lives of others at great personal lst
l Olympia, Feb. 20. The splcnv
idid record of Judge John M. ‘.Vil—-
ason of Thurston County Superior
lCourt was given new recognition
iVVcdnesday. when the Board of
lDircctors of the College of Puget
l Sound voted unanimously to award
lhim a degree of Doctor of Laws.
The award is for “outstanding
hi“ .
the fisheries director the. right to '
Tuesday, F '
then, is relished by j
___....s——-.-~,___.._..m.u..m ... _......m
“A little lllIIISf‘llSCi
DeliVercd rim/W r
221-3 Souti‘i lOt '
Shelton Call ,
lllllltll”! ill
v: j.
lservicc and ability,” the Board BEST PR'c ‘i s can
iDircctors said. The veteran jur- 48, of w.
ist will be invited to receive thcl HQGDSPOR during
degree at the CPS commencement t of the 1
exercises in June releHSed
b...— _.
Driver puts hand out
car window to shake
off cigarette ash——
Driver loses control,
crashes car into
passing bus. But happily—
An actual happening with a moral for v.
Because "you never am tell,” be insured.
M. C. Neil Zintheo
Blitzkrieg bee
strikes hand, deeply
embedding stinger.
“Comprehensive” and r A V
Collision‘lnsurance ‘
Pays $144 damage.
hvrolet Compa
Title Insurance Bldg.
Security Insurance Co.
The U.S.A. has given its verdict on motor
cars . . . given it unmistakably by awarding
Chevrolet sales leadership over all other
makes of cars for nine of the last ten years . . .
and now the U.S.A. is giving this same verdict
again by showing clear-cut preference for the
new Chevrolet for ’41!
"The U.S.A. picks Chevrolet!" And, if you’ll
make your own eye it—try it—buy 1'? test of the new Che
we’re convinced that you’ll pick Chevrolet, too. And get '
No. 1 car-value as a result! Please see your nearest
dealer— today!
iaiilllllflllll i llllll