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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i~~ ; i~i~ , i' ! i~ • :{ i:¸ 9 i/iiii :i PA E 2 , HELTON--MAS0N COUNTY 30URNAL---Published in "CTlx stmastown, U.&A.", Shdton, Washington Local Smokers Still Puffing; • ' Ms,urn cmmty's retail stores, 196[, l'cport Callle ()ill ;t yC[1F $1go7 'tnl]()tlllCed iS t)r¢)11gh| oat by the \V}LS a }3,'1111191' year as local rcsi- Judging from the l:,t('~t figures new fi'Jures. They slmw that sales dents, armed with fatter poekct- ol ('igarettcs in the lJnite(t States Local Residents in Fast Year on (ig'aretl( sales z tile area, very (h~ ,~,)( q 30 ~mrc* nt ur ng the books, spen~ gene,ously for' goods NEW YORK (Special) Rest- Ill,tie Most people are s,nokingfo '~:.,i:i~"h,rm~t~ .... " " ~,.,,,.t s:ervi(, dcnts of Mason Counl;y are ap- /s nu eh as they ever (lid. A fe~,~' ", ' :" ' " , ' r"" Most line:; eft' bt!;;iness were able • " " '" .... ( .... h ix s,'ort lm~e m er r, ox~ev(r the parentlv li\'ing well within their %v(}re SllOCKe(] SLIIII(',I ratty oy t e . ' " , ." ', _ . ',, ;1~> t,~o.d no-.v, all-time records, tic- .... , " (" "" ""'t ]~AIIllC over .%]'n(ll-;lll[~ llaCl SUDSI(IC(I ' report wnlerl *A ;ll'i]ef| :)[ tl]e he,Lit I means. ; ) e "ed " ok(n- sou~what a ~d lhe lltshback to cor:lin:,~ it) lhe latest ln:t~'i.:et data nazar(m c( nn .ct:' w}m ~nl g, . " . ' ," .-, .... repru'tl Despite the fact that they have Clgare[ LCS v~C/~'D 11, V\Tl/[llrl a Ie\v ..................................................................... tAoP.Lh';, l.he silt::,!ior~ had returned It shows that the average con- been spending their money at a ,, ..... -- - . , , . faster clip than usnal, they have -7. - . .,().L1Ah D'III],?I' \Va;~ wiiling to spen~l I]101'O ..... t .M:ts,?n C, tm"¢ !e~i(h:rn!s sm,)ked lo /ive better. He ate fine:' cuts been able to set aside a record [ • ~ J ~ I:ttotal of ].6,50,000 p:~cks of eig- of nae.3t, bought more expensive ammmt of rainy-day c,~sh. i ~------'-'--'-----I bu::~;s' o; ~c-ional sial isti(m issued saved approximately $6 out of ev-[ |~ FOLKS FIR%T Ti4006Wr ~'~. ~!','.v the to"i:' indm;irv an(I ()n 'In! g.)t more gadgets for-hi,~ car. last year. t tl)0~DD t0~0~~ ~T~R~'ag~:~g F ~[ t.':t.': ','.pout:< from the ln'.~?,'nal Rev- The (/(,tail,,; :-,re from the comp- Evidence of their financial sta- 120 --l~ T I ][cn:e '.kuvi(:e r(!;',m"'ive study of consumer buy- bi!ity is to be seen in the favor- [al'rSPRE'T'TY ~tlCbl CROOKED;| 'rli~'. was at the rate of 151 ins,~ m:~.::e by the Standard Rate able' gap that exists between fam- [ l]n~.~ .,. ~.. a _ /"~__L ~[I):ink:; pc:' c~pita for the entire nn:l D:lta Service on the basis of ily in'come nnd f-tinily expenditures |~.CI~'~-~"R~I --/~-~]]hw:tl p,,9,,ialion over age 18. In I'ede,'a!, statc anA local reports. IT RI,3VEALS, 'for every see- ~':'i:[ and in the growth of bank depos- | 119(;3 the average \vas 1.7 packs Uon of thc country, just how the its and savings and loan accounts. ~ A~o~%.A~I.~'--_.-~. h ~-,/ 1)er capita. SkLSO CONSIDERED as say- | ~~'-~i~.L k~|l By way of compari,lon, the am-average family distributed the | [ ~:?,'~oq~r-~.~:~ ,/~]]ovn[ of 'smoRinv done nationally money remaining to it. after taxes ings, under Department of Coro- t ~~:~j.--/[~]i was' 207' packs "per person. Th'(, in the past fiscal year. merce definition, are stock in- I in 1.h(, l'aci;~c Sta~(~s ,,,as In Mason County, a majo,' per- vestments, the cash value of life | '~'/:¢~ [ | \W#" ~1180 packs, tion of the retail "dollar went for :::;i .: insurance policies and reserves ac- cumulated in pension funds. | .~-.-..~ U. ~ |] DATA I~EI,EASE1} by the De- food and for automotive equip- ,; ~!~;;~ • ~. ~'~ /-.% ~lnartment of Agriculture revealsmen( and supplies. They accounted The saving~ sizeup, locally, is I d [hat nearly 495 billion cigarettes for 54 percent of all disposable in- ~!~.,, , based upon national data gathered I "----~ ~. k k~Ilwere sold in the United States in come. . It by the Federal Home Loan Bank I ~ ~ ~) ~,,~|[~964. This was only three percentThe total ammmt that was spent Board and by other Federal agen- I I ~ ,..-------~"~ ~itless than in 1963, which was a: in these directions came to $10,- II eies and upon income figures for 569,000, as compared with the each area of the country. |I ~ ~"--'-'~ ~|¢"--'-'I te~.~o~,e~er: a newcord vea~ report by Sur- previous year's $9,809,000. They show that the amount a | Don't deceive yourself into |]geo'n Gen?ral Luther L. 'ierry, re- Of this, $6,236,000 represented Tally Kluh, manager of the Leroy's Jeweiers Sto~'e leaves March family saves depends primarily on I thinking y,ou want anything but I t leased last montn, expresses some purchases in meat markets, baker-20 for a six month tour of duty with the National Guard at Fort how ~'~auch it has left after paying I the best' We're ready to give I I satisfaction with the progress that ies and other local food stores. Leonard Wood, Me. Taking over his duties in the Shelton store its bills for the necessities. • you the service you require, IIh % been made., ........ The figure does not include moneywill be Toni Hall pictured above with Kluh. Icheerfully and expertly • I me hectored: ' n mnoKing names spent in restaurants. , , , , Those with after-tax incomes of | " |Jha(t continued at the level of three Sales of cars, boats and otherBEI~TONE R[]PRESENTATIVE NEW LOOK FOR $2,800 oz" less were not able to • ~ years as'o, there would he aboutautomotive equipment came to .AT 1'RAINING SESSION BOWLERS AT TI-MBER save anything. Thosc with $4',500 |~r~]~Jl~[~|][~[~[.,'l]13.5 million more smokers today $2,756,000. Outlays for gas, oil and put aside 4.2 percent of it, on " " - " ~[ than there actually are." The pop- services at fillil~g stations added Daniel E. Bmmer, Beltone Hear-L.L. McInelly, owner and man-average. Savings rates rose rapid- ing Aids, Olympia, announces that age, of the Timber Bowl has an- 15, beyond that level. ~ ~ ulation rise would have accounted another $1,577,000. Harry Bodenschatz has just re- nouneed a general overhauling of ]. _ ~.£,~ for a good part of the increase. TIlE REST of the retail spend- "" " " ':" laeze he at the lanes This overhauling in- IN MASON C0~mty, where net - ~i~,~ i How much does the average Ms-ing picture in Mason County ap- turnea ~rom ~ea~tJe w .' . - ~. . ,, after-tax income averaged $6,173 tended a three-day intensive train- ~...~ ...... ~.... | [] ~"~ son County smoker spend for cig- pears in the totals cbalked up clades new ball returns masking, per family in tim past fiscal year, [ [] ~[~~ ~ arcttes? Approximately $45 perby the other types of stores. Most ing" school for hearing' aid con- **"~. .......... ~==P ~ .... savings were at the estimated sul~nts conoucten oy ~vtr ~vt. ~er- ' ......... ~, .-~v-re,iv-,- :[ 5,car, it is e,~l:in~.ated, of them sho'~ed increases over .. " ............ it is nopea that tne DowJers will rate of 6 percent. It amounted to [l . , , , j For the commmtity as a ThOR the previous fiscal year. "ry ~mtnm," ....... western"" "" ,¢egmnalenjoy .tne. overnauung_ . :._ as..tins zs Assumedappr°ximatelYis that$370the ,'atePer offamilY'sav- P ~-- " the annual bill is about $495,000. Among them were general mer- manager for Beltone Electronics ~z~z::]~n°eZs 300 mgnt next to new ing locally, at each income stage, chandise establishments, with .......................................... sales of $2,685,000, shops spec- Corporation Clficago. " ___.___ ializing in wearing apparel, $619,- Studies were devoted to tech- correspondSgenerally, to that in the nation W[E I i~ 000, home furnishings stores, $730-niques in audiometry, the seientif' PIZZA GARDEN ADDED O00, and drug stores, $485,000. ic 'evaluation of hearing losses, TO SHELTON SCENE Taking into account the entire The total volume locally, forand the fitting of hearing aids.. ~ . , , . . local population, the overall sav- ' . ,. mr. ana Mrs. vannemmers, zor-ings in the course of the year were Mz Bodenschatz has t)een tne retail businesses of all ldnds, am- '. " " merly of San Francisco, have an- in the neighborhood of $2,061,000. ounted to $19,623,000, which top- representative for Beltone in Ms- nounced the opening of Henry'n This sum, added to the amounts LlffiTED SALE! HB~BAL ped the previous year's figure of son and Kitsap Counties since Pizza Garden located aL 114 2ndthat were stowed away in prey- $17,966,000. October of 1962, having moved to in Shelton. Mr. Van Hemmer has ious years, represents a huge res- It was at the .rate of $3,523 per Brcmerton with his wife, June, been a noted chef in both San ervoir of purchasing power. Save Up to Mask local family. It compares with from Hollywood, California, aL the Francisco and New York and bothThe reports show that personal 0r¢ $3,303 per family in 1963. time of the Seattle World's Fair. have had many years of experience savings in the United States dur- in the restaurant business in pre- Oil first time in history. The one-year Reg. $2.50 paring American and European ing 1964 topped $30 billion for the cuisine• increase was close to $2.5 billion. YARDLEY $,I The Van Hemmer's will operate -- Bath ,and I the Pizza Garden from 3-10 p.m. Complexion Soap NOW ~= [weekdays and from 3-12 p.m. on ~Friday and Saturdays. The mer~u consists of pizza, spaghetti, meat- HELEHA RUBINSTE|N SPEGIALS! "Water Lily ' ....... ~Young. Touch" G eansing Cream ' ....... Hand Lotion Reg. $3...,0 Reg. $2.75 $, NOW NOW Franklin Square 426-3327 lllll Top Quality Used Gars '63 VALIANT V-100 4 DOOR SEDAN $~li =a, ii~ Heater-Std. Trans.-Factory Warranty VOLKSWAGEN 2 DOOR SEDAN Heater - Top Condition '61 PLYMOUTH V-8 2 DOOR SEDAN R H Automot,c Power Steer, BraVo, FALCON 2 DOOR WAGON $1195 Radio - Heater - 8td. Trans. '60 FORD GALAXIE 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio- Heater- Automatic '60 MG MAGNETTU 4 DOOR SEDAN $49S Hc~tcr - 4 Speed Trans. -. Top Import .5.. C,,EV,OLE ,, LA,R ooo, SED. $695 Heater- Automatic '5g PLYMOU'[H CUST, 4 DOOR WAGON R H At.tomo.o Power Steer Bra es '59 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM SUBURBAN R. - H. - Automatic - P,ower Steering I II Sales Service and Installation F'R,|PAIR or NATURAL GAS Ranges, Waler Healers, CIo hes Dryers, Furnaces, Space Heaters or Gas Logs. Free Estimates- as to cost & installation Curtis B. Grout, Owner Hoodsport 877-5311 balls, Italian sausage and chicken. The Garden will also have food :to go. SECURITY LIFE OF DENVER I[ONORS LES JOSLIN ' Les Joslin, general agent and life underwriter in the Joslin AS- ency, was awarded membership in one of Security Life and Acci- dent Company's top honor clubs, the Vice President'S Club. The recognition was earned for outstanding sales and service pro- vided his clients during 1964. The extremely competitive award is based on all-round excellence of I performance requiring conststent- l ly high production coupled with ]an excellent qu, ality of business I placed throughout the year. i,i i '56 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE Radio - Heater - Clean '59 FORD CUST V-8 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio - Heater - Automatic '58 ,PLYMOUTH STATI,ON WAGON 2 DR. Heater - Automatic 426-3433 707 So. First Ch rysler--Plymouth-r-Vallant International Truok~ Shelton HII Hi Veluo Ti'uek '62 INTERNATIONAL H.D, I/2 Ton Plokup $~ Long Box - 3 Speed - 6 Cyl, '57 ~/ILLYS STATION WAGON 4X4 Heater : Extra Engine - Very Clean ' '56 INTERNATIONAL ~ TON PICKUP Heater - 3 Speed '53 FORD V,8 ~2 TON PICKUP Heater - Autor~attC - New ~rakes '53 DODGE 1~ TON CAB & CHASSIS 4 Speed Trails. - 2 Speed Axle '49 GMC 450 4/5 YARD DUMP 5 speed - 2 speed - 900 Rubber $ SEVERAL OLDER PICKUPS & HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS TO PICK FROM WE FINANCE WITH LOCAL OWNED NATIONAL BANK OF I~ASON COUNTY AT LOW RA+ =AS US I I I Warren H. Nason Claimed By Death Warren H. Nason, a Mason county resident of 18 years, died last Thursday in the Allyn House Nursing Home. He was 86. Mr. Nason was born Feb. 1, 1879 in Wood County, Wisconsin. The funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. Eugene Knautz at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the Batstone Funeral Home. Burial was in Shel- ton Memorial Park. Surviving are four daughters, MrS. A. J. Downer, Mrs. Viola Wellman and Mrs. Victor Bisser, all of shelton, and Mrs. Merle Wellman of Wisconsin; one son, William F. Nason of Waukesha, Wisconsin; 11 grandchildren and 23 great-g randchildi'en. Grace Kullrich Passes At 65 Grace Lucile Kullrich, 65, died last Friday in her home at 703 Pine street. She has lived in Mason county the past 40 years. Mrs. Kullrich was born April 18, 1899. in Texas. She was a member of the Dirt Dubbers Ga/'den Club. Reverend Horace Mounts offi- ciated at the 2 p.m. funeral ser- vice Tuesday in the Batstone Funeral Home. Cremation follow- ed in Mountain View in Tacoma. Survivors include her husband, Walter W. Kulh'ich, Shelton; one stepson, Joseph A. Kullrich, Bak- ersfield; Calif.; three stepgrand- Children; her stepmother, Mrs. A. C. Edwards, Roseville, Calif; one stepsister, Mrs. John Frevert, Roseville, Calif.; and several nieces and nephews. Robert Kneeland Dies In Bellevue A former Shelton resident, Rob- ert I. Kneeland, died in a Belle- yue hospital February 12. Born in Shelton July 17, 1892, Mr. Knee- land attended Shelton schools and cooked in restaurants in this area for many years. He later went to Alaska where he cooked for Far West Cannery 16 years. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the local American Legion Post No, 31. He had made his home in Bellevue since his retirement in 1954. .There was no funeral in honor of his request. He is survived by his wife, Olive M. of Bellevue; one daugh- ter, Nell Maria, Spokane; and several grandchildren. HOODSPORT WOMAN SUCCUMBS HERE Josephine S. Peterson, 79, died Monday in the Shelton Manor Nur- sing Home. She had been a rest- dent of Mason County the past 35 years and made her home at Star Route 1 Box 210, Hoodsport. Mrs. Pet.erson was born Sept. 14, 1885 in Kansas. Local arrangements were made by the Batstone Funeral Home with burial in Seattle. Thursdav, FebrU: ELECTED--Four University of Washington s :lJden ern Washington were elected to student offices Jan. Quarter Elections. From left to right are Lari~y Iv! Associated Men Students president; John T. John, 1 ,of Control; Sheryll Schlegel, Shelton, Associated W~l corresponding secretary; and Kathleen Noland, u ciated Women Students recording secretary. Mle junior in Home Economics, has been active in many: the Home Economics Club, Parents' Weekend an~ ship Banquet. A member of Alpha Omicron Pi socl~ is the daughter of Mrs. Ray T. Drebis, Shelton al of Irene S. Re____eed H2gh Scho_____ol__ ~---~----~--~ Too Late To Glassify Legal J['~ ..... ,, The City Com~ FOR SALE --- 30 Westinghouse the right to reje¢ electric range, like new, was and to waive all $429, will sell $175. Call 426-.City of Sh~ 6118 after 4 p.m. R 2/25 ALMA K. F-6R--REN~----. C10se-[o-Hillcrest Clerk-Trea~ markets. Spacious 2 bedroom home, large living room, kitch- en, attached garage. Includes ~..,~:~, D~| fine built-in freezer-refrigerat- |l~|~|||~f~ Il~! or. Rent $70. Call John Dever- ~ --= ~ eaux 426-4666 or 426-8544 La- uourse IS tl Bissonlere Agency. 2/25 A refresher Legal Publications ' NO 3562 registered nurses NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL been actively ( REPORT AND PETITION FOR zor some tithe, DISTRIBUTION .tne ~rays l-la] IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF zng ~vrarch 30. THE STATE OF WASHING- The 64-hour TON FOR MASON COUNTY 32 hours of In the Matter of the Estate ofwill be offered Oletha N. Stark, Deccased. period in coo Merritt C. Stark, Executor of Harbor said Estate, has filed with said eph hospitals. Mrs, Court his final report and petition R. N., will be the for distribution, asking the Court rollees, who musl; to settle .,mid report, distribute ible for a Washi~ the property to the persons there- ease, should be el tO entitled and to discharge said nurse uniform. A Executm'. Said report and petition be charged for will be heard on the 261h day of Persons qualt March, 1965, at 10 a.m. in thethis class shoul( Courtroom of said Court, in the at the Washin Security Dept., County Courthouse at Shelton, Sts., Aberdeen, Washington. DATED THIS 23rd day of Feb- ruary, 1965. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of the Superior Court By: Teckla Vermillion Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER 125~,~ North 5th Shelton, Washington, Attorney for said Estate. 2/25 3/4-11 3t CALL FOR BIDS • Sealed proposals will be re- ceived at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, Shel- ton, Washington until 11:00 a.m. on Monday, March 8, 1965 at which time they Will be pubdcly Never needs an ink opened and rcad aloud by the City Efficient. Can be Clerk-Treasurer, for: One 35,000 lb. G.V.W. Cab and Chsssls specifications and proposal forms may be obtained at the office Of the City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, Shelton, Washington. meet any size, quirement. duce colors, fine Iogotypes- even accurate detail. THE J( xt**; g, I FROZEN DAIRY "7/you like ice cream, " you'/I ~ore Another from