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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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25, 1965 AGATE GRANGE TO HAVE OPEN HOUSE Grange will hold its an- house this Friday be- m g at 8 l,.m. in the g['anue The Ptlblic is invited to at- earn more of the fune- grange on the ecru- county, state and national SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christm stown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin ton MELODY MORGAN IS NOMINEE FOR CATHOLIC YOUTH GIRL OF THE YEAR le I~]c(nlonlics chairl, lan, VanderWal, and her . ..... "(/alk By Rod Olscn THE WALLS OF A ROOM O, re the firnt Place the tlVel'a~e hon]eOVVlt er Past Presidents Honored At VFW Auxiliary Meeting About 90 members and guests of tile VFW Post. No. 1694 and Aux- iliary met last Friday evening for a potluck dinner followed by a program. A list of past presidents for the auxiliary since 1930'.was read. It included Gladys Chittv, Catherine Stalsbury, Berniee Cl'lurch, Edith Parker, Eula Martin, Esther Morgan, Frieda Smith, Arnla Springer, Christine Olsen, Mary Schedule Of Events Slated For Canal Woman's Club Plans for several projects, in. eluding a card party, the annual club t,'ounde~s' Day Banquet, an antique show and a Fine Arts Exhibit Tea, were dieussed at the monthly meeting of the Hood Ca- nal Woman's Club in its Potlatch clubhouse l~ast Thursday. First on the ached,fie of com- ing events will be the dessert- luncheon card party to be held in the clubhouse Mmch 9 at 1 pan. PAGE 3 HILLCREST HOMEMAKERS MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY Mrs. ~Cllts Wells will be hostess for the Hillcrest Itomemakors Club in her home next ~rednesday when the group meets at 11 a.m, Tilere will be a p()tlnck i,lncheon at nooll. The club will sponsor a l'lun- mage sale March 12 in the Memor- ial hail. Any donations for the sale will be much appreciated. II POTLUCK MEETING World War I Veterans and Auxiliary of Madrona Barracks i will llold a potluck luncheon and AN~D''DETERMINE THAT THER ..... ~a-r nleeting at noon next Thursday vr~ vvU ill tile Memorial hall. Dr~ .... ' MEN BRINGING THEIR '~LEANING TO ..... EAGLES TO HOST DISTRICT MEETING Eagles Aerie No. 2079 will host a district meeting this Sunday in tile airport, hall beginning at 1 S. 2nd St. 426-3371 p.m. An officers meeting will be held at noon. Dinner will be serv- ed following the 1 p.m. meeting. The Shelton Women's Bowling Association annual dinner and meeting will be held thin Friday at 7 p.m. in the Memorial hall. Menabers who cannot attend the dinner are asked to be at the meeting which will begin at 8 p.m. METHODIST WOMEN'S RUMMAGE SALE A rununage Sale will be spon- sorcd by tile women of the Meth- 'odist church this Friday and Sat- urday in the PUD auditorium. The doors will be open froln 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. - I p.m. Saturday. PUD auditorium. Tuesday, March 2 Episcopal church p a n c a 1¢ e breakfast, 7 a.m. - 1 p.m., at the church. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, M:emorial hall. City colnnlission meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Amer- ican Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Lions Club dinner meeting, 7, Timbers restaurant. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ma- sonic temple. Salvation Army truck in town. Phone 426-6564 or leave on porch at 325 North 4th street. Pioneer PTO, 8 p.m., in the school. Wednesday, March 3 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 P.m., police station. Hillcrest Homenlakers Club pot- luck and meeting, 11 a.m., honle of Mrs. Ellis Wells. Thursday, March 4 Rotary Club hlnchcon, nooll, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers ,'esl aurant. Yacht Club business meeting, 8, clubhouse, m, Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p. . Menlorlal building, nd V¢orld War I Veterans a, Auxiliary potluck hulcheon, noon, Memorial hall s ]~.~ason County Tuberculosis A " soclanon rumntage sale to stipple- lnenl Seal sale 9 a nt - 4 p ln., PUD auditorium. ' " - EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS There will be all annual meet° ing of Exceptional Foresters, Inc. and election of Board of Directors at 7:30 p.m. Monday In the Ex- ceptional Forester building. @ 114 2nd FREE PIZZA SAMPLE Feature , , Ita ia Open 3-10 p.m. Week days 3-12 p,m. Friday and Saturday Closed Sunday ~I~ING TO LIGHT Our emergency fast SerVice. If You need an item of appareI clean- ed in a hurry, tell the girl at the Counter and ~'~e'll have it for you that Same evening. hi'COVER The fast COUrteous, free, Pickup and deliv- ery Service. WOMEN'S BOWLING- ASSOCIATION DINNER ruary 19. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Perry, Star Route 2, Box 150, a boy, February 20. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cuzick, Star Route 2, Box 130, a girl, February 20. Mr. and Mrs'. John Makoviney, Route 1, Box 12, a boy, February 21.