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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r~ ,! :/ ;i/ LTM i} ili ......rides If you want one of the world's finest handcrafted hxury ears, look to Rolls-Royce. But if you want a popular-priced ear, consider this: By test,* Fords rode even quieter than a Rolls-Royce. And quiet means quality--the '65 Ford is exeeptionally strong, well designed, solidly built. Prove it, firsthand, with a test drive.., Feel Ford's Solid Quality • 100% new body--strongest ever on a Ford - Frame "tunes out" vibrafio • New suspension puts a big ltrasoft coil spring at each wheel Inspect Ford's Luxurious New LTD'I • Decorator interiors, thick nylon carpeting • Walnutlike vinyl inserts on doors and instrument panel • Rear-seat center arm rests, five ash trays (4-door hard- tops), padded instrument panel, and more ®T~ SM ~l%Rl~[ QF ~ MOTOR COMPAN~ ' 501 Railroad Ave. • Elegant nylon-vlnyl upholster|es--4reated with Scotch gard® to resist soiling, pleated for luxury ap1 aranca Test Ford's New Power • Big, new 289-cu. in. V-8 standard in XL's and LTD'I • New Big Six--biggest Six in any car. Not available Jn XL's or LTD's. Test-drive a '65 Ford. *Le ding aeoustieM eonsultem eo"d=ted which (Galaxle 500 Sedan, XL nnd LTD Heurdtol~.) wl~ 28~u m& v.Ii engines and automatic transmissions rode qmeter tl~n ~ ~¢w ~ou~. Royce. These tests were certified by the U.S. Auto Club, -- , i i 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 LTD 4-Door Hardtop Test Drive Total Performance '65 Best year yet to go Ford! From The MASON COUNTY JUSTICE COURT Appearing on the Mason County Justice court docket before Judge Glenn Correa last week were Viola Mae Sumpter, negligent driving while license suspended, warrant issued; Daniel O. Dorning, operat- ing without headlights, $12 for- feit; James Nicholson, speeding, $12 forfeit; Rodney ~ullivan, op- erating .vehicle over center line, $12 forfeit; Eugene E. Taylor, failure to keep •right of center line $12 forfeit; Myra Collier, no valid vehicle license, $12 forfeit; Don Bruemmer, over legal weight, $25 • So light and espy to handle that ever~o one ten ume I! • Only 1! Ibe. Im ber and chain • Cute throuih lP-lnch Ioge In I0 ace. ond~, frill trees up to ~ feet in die ! srneter • Portable. ge~ollne.en~lnn driven, with top profelelonel features t I WORLD'S LIGNTEST DIHEGT-DRIVE CHAIN SAW liar[ A [R[[ "[NONSTRATION TODAYI on Hillorest Shelton, Wash. fine; Nancy Bruemmer, no opcr- ator's license, $17 forfeit; Ray- mend Clark, over legal weight, $25 fine; Frank Burns, failure to yield rlght-of-way, $12 forfeit; Robert Mendenhall, over legal weight, $25 fine; James Stanley, over legal weight, $25 fine; Margaret Smith, i11egaly passing over center line, $12 forfeit; Douglas J. LaClair, no vahicle license, $12 forfeit; failure to keep right of center line, $12 forfeit; no operator's license, $29 fine; James Davis, negligent driv- ing, $29 fine, no operator's li- cense on person, $12 fine and driv- ing while license suspended $110 fine and 10 days in jail, suspend- ed; Francis J. Petersen Jr. driv- ing while license suspended, $56 fine and 60 days in jail, 30 sus- pended, no driver's license on per- son, $12 fine; Ronald E. Wood, illegal possession of intoxicants $50 fine, 10 days in jail suspend- ed; Neis Anderson, illegal posses- sion of intoxicants, $50 forfeit: James Denoyer, illegal possession of intoxicants, $50 forfeit. SHERIFF'S ,OFFICE Mildred Lemmon reported her home broken into and some bed- ding taken. Ralph Storman's cabin was broken into. A cabin belonging to Charles. Kerr was broken into. Steve Grout reported someone hit his car while it was parked. A Mrs. Palmer reported her mail box had been damaged by vandals and that there had been other vandalism in the Happy Hol- low area. James Maloney reported a skill saw taken. SHELTON POLICE Irma Riske reported a coat and a wallet containing $45 taken from a car while it was parked in the old Safeway parking lot. The wal- let, with the money in it, was found in the parking lot later. A Mrs. Snell reported someone had put a street barricade on her lawn during the night. James Morgan reported the theft of three hub caps. FIRE DEPARTMENT The Shelton Fire Department answered a call to extinguish a chimney fire in the Robert Sting home, 1722 Ferry St. The fire did about $25 in damages. SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS Booked at the Mason County Sheriff's office during the past week were Francis Peterson Jr., Arcadia Club meets March 3 at neth Taylor of the home of Opal Asche. over (lirectors. Used Fire Chief's Hat, Small Bell, Student Council Discussed Anyone knowing the where- [ Department, the tOll Hnd M:tSOll abouts of a used fire chief's hat, March of Dizfies. please get in contact with the Mary M. Knight fire chief. As of yet we haven't been able to afford a siren so we are in need of a small bell that will fit easily in his right hand. The fire chief holds two jobs, one of which is the maintenance man of Mary M. Knight School. So you see, we need these two articles so he can be easily rec- ognized as to which position he is filling at the present time. The Student Councl h e 1 d a meeting Feb. 16. At that meet- ing better ways of organizing concessions was discussed. Feb. 25, the Juniors and Scniors will visit a trial at the County Court House. The seventh and eighth grades will visit the State Capitol the first week of March. The 6-week grading period will end March 5. March 9, the Juniors will take the National Merit examination. Mrs. Killough, the first and second grade teaches', has been ill for the past two weeks. We wish her a speedy recovery. Parent Teacher Confercnces are being scheduled. Parents may have confernces schcduled at their convenience. All children in Tburston and Mason Counties of a g e s three months to 18 years will be offer- ed Oral Polio Vaccine. The first feeding will be on March 16 and the second May 11. Every person must have both feedings to assure complete pro- tection against polio. School ehildren will be given the vaccine in their own schools. This program is sponsored by the Thurston - Mason Medical So- ciety, with the cooperation of the Thurston - Mason District Health 30 jnstice court jail sentence; Bill Sorenson, minor consuming li(!uor. CITY BUILDING PERMITS ~uilding permits issued by t:he city of She!ton during Um tm~;t week were to William Marcy, car- port, $360; KIRO-TV, TV trans- lator, $500; Robert Smith, wood fence, $140; George Byrd, remodel residence, $500 and Ben Peck, c'tr- port and utility room, ~2,000. Lawn moss, of its host's winter been having a in reeent months is the time to do this pest, according at the "Western periment Si~ation. Dr. Roy Goss, ialist in agronom? Mason County Ig: Harold Van De a few easy-to-take much to give this moss problen~. I. Right of the down to the of 3/4 inch. 2. Rent a power 011t as lnuch moSS ched grass as 3. Mow the area inch. 4. Overseed by two pounds of a r~ bentgrass and 1000 square feet inerease the gl'ass.) 5. Follow iversity's dations, which are County Agent Riet's office. ing, Phone DR. GOSS points problems can be at this time of the disappear from the as the grass begins Don't b(£ fool;(1. If' ken, Mr. Moss just until exee:'siw} soil , 't lnd' ;i':':hl intensili,"~ : eol't~l]~ iotl:4 prevail and Lhen- bang! again. In a parting vises that one COU U~lF'enl ellts fol:' age of fertilizer. get ample amotll during the normal it doemft thus gives the me time of it next