February 25, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 25, 1965 |
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PAGE 6 SHELTON--MASON CO ,UNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, WashinL-ton
li~mi~L ' ' " ~ , J i .....- .... , I, II ..... I , L~III ,, II ~'- i ,~ I , , | I II I , I II .... II .... , I ..... , ~',I I I
w L 18-Pound King Leads i ='" "' " F ughcllmbers 'l
ixe,'s _ .................. 46 30 |. NA,,k. J '9
Pin Bendel's " 43 33I |! 1.vu,,m~mlae! lWU~u
) ........................ , , ~ IN .
~ : J ~ ]~ {~ *' N O " 2 ...................... ~ 0 :~ ()I Ruth Chambers weighcd in an EAr ! AdP~J In ri .... nl
•vood Worm,~ ...................... ~ 4 4!! 18 lb. Spring King Salmon at Bay ~ ~ i
(A,,L, ets ................................. ,l 4~.iSh0rc Grocery to take the lead , 4~I~~ 4~~ IW'~k
.. ...... < ., , C; IU |||Lit H @ @ ! NI 9
]:hmtlockers ........................... 31 45/f)'om Jim Okonek who is now in jl~nll A _ | _ _. I -- ~ - ] The Shelton Highclimberbas-
t~igh game Floyd Howard 218. second place with his 7 lb. Black- ~T~ ~fi{]r~ m~_~||~ /ketball team, playing itsfinal
tiigh serie.~ John Lmld 590. mouth in the annual Simpson Sal- V~.~ ~qSi~V maaV~HV ............... ] home game ofthe season, bowed
Planer No. 2 3 (Bob l~:rickson men Derby. Yolmg Jimmy Okonek - . [] • A dl~ m al~ III R ~ [ before the leagnle-leading Port An-
4(.)0) Mixers 1 (Ken Knight 531): is in third place with a five lb. City uasketball LeagU~VL ~a]lll|l~iA q~,AIM~J[~|'@ ~d~t@ ~A~ti~g~| li~glm~d~ ~geles Roughridcrs 45-34 here last
l~cmh)ckcr:~ 1 (D,)n ? 497) Pin bh~ckmouth. ! ..... o -^ - J~[U||~ ~l~l~|ll|~|~ ~1~ ~lP~][~'~| ~[~ [Saturday. .
• - , . . ~- " ............. ~ :orreetlon ~en[ r -to `t U With on! a non lca le role
]~enders 3Jonu Ltma ,)90); Woos l~l tn caugul~ tne nig lee(mr ~; • " -. - -~- -" ............... -~ - ' / y ' - gn . g~ ,
~Vo~m.~ 2 (Floyd Howar(l 480),lwl~ile fishing with her hnsband vezlJ, c,,s~Ptg" ~.iooos ............ 1o ~o,i[~,~_U ~,[]~AaA"'J ~ d~d~ .... {witll,.~Vest .Bt~emerton remaining
s "' 1 """"""'" ... a ,, on tneirscneoulebetozetourna
C, ha.~evs 2 (J. StAts 4 7). Vern off Harstine Island on the E "1 -- "" iie ...................... . finn! np_m:,rn ltil I~-R~Ililt_~-~lN~ll|V / ' " -
' .... , ~.~" ~ ..... ~ et s & val y .............. o o i VllU|~ g~w~VVllU I1-~ ~IP~A!il~VU14~I~RMtw /ment time thc Climbers finished
......................................... )4ccKena or/'co .3 --he oKoneK s). ".. - • ........ . .. ~ • • • '
~;*"--'---------== ....... "~l,~-,-)ved tha• tt~r~tino I~land was ~xamtmne ................................ a ~ .----. i ~ in thc middle of the tough Olym-
20th (entury 3 8 Laume Somer,, son of Mr and " e wit ~ • •
| .., . =. a m, l]still the hot spot last weekend by ~,_...~." ~.~. " ....................... ,) ...... : . " li i ~p,e A~ i agu.. , h a o:o d.
• Bia ~'lit'~ '~'~, [ g tl-,~,-*in~ 1%V~ wO~')~°" ¢~'°tla)S ,o,.).povH a~;~ ....................... ~* o /vtrs rtowarci bomcrs oI zlrape- It i ) AS In tHe last several ~umDer
| U ~ R ~ ~ |[ ..... A" re%ort"fr#om"Hood' C;nal Ma- Sunset Landscap!ng :.L.~ ...... 1 10 view, bzoke the all-time scoring ]i n ~contests, this one began ass rea!-
n ' a, .......... I )u=~ual ,~,~,,~ .... I~ i ly ClOSe one oelng tie(/ at z-z a-a,
~ I rllla~ and Rest While P~eso|'L Suows , ....~ ,~ ~o ,---- :. ,-- o^ recorfl ot the Unitefl ~t'ates Coast l/ l ! A ........ o ..~
~.^ ¢~..o,
,. . , W.t~.~. flS, ~aIllllCIlt~ OU. • :~-I0 anti
Ilnally, at; ~-o a~ u*~ ~S~
| ~II~|r~,(h~T XraTl[~r ~lthatthtCanallsputtmg°uts°me ~t .... i~h an .~,,naot T.nnd=,GuardAcadcmyby20pGets Feb. In i , .
• ~a~U~JL~.a'.Y~ vz-~Jt.~,.,~..u~t Id/four l.o 12 pound feeders. Johnson ........ :Y"".."" ........... 15 |~1 ill i quarter enaea.
,-~ ...... ~ 'it (" scapmg qo, • Tlic last time the game was
pom~ zs also domg well ~, .h .,.t- , . " "
I GRANGE IIALL . ,,. , • .o , d mac'- Verles SpLng Gds. 81, Eells &l Needing just five points to tie in i 4tied was early in the second pe--
" cJles I sexeIl LO l~ po Ul 'K- Val p 54 .... ..... *
| [~) ""h ' "y * ' the record, the tall blonde senior ii [] iod at 10-10 Then the Roughrid-
moat s Sire ' ' • " " " "
| ~--~. ~,~ ~=~ |i ,,. ,..:.,.. m. ....... , ...... fo- pson Rec. 76, 20th Cen-italhed 25 against the fie Uni- iBll]~ ~ ers began to pull away. With less
| ~| . ~'~ellH I~ |[.. ~ :h' ..... '2~ '* s ....... x'rtt'~'e an tury 70 versity of Hartford five This gave i~]~ i than a minute to go •in the first
~'~B,B~ il VI~u J~i~li xae Salmon nsnerman n - " " ~ . ' '
l i I.,,,, de.by The two leaders of tile City~ Somers a three-ycar total of 989, [] half the score was still only two
| MUSIC BY THE ~l ...... -~.:--~-: ................. Basketball League fought to stay just 20 more than scored by Bob ]:}:'~ in points apart, but Rider forward
| i I ........ , on top Tuesday night. The Cor- ~eggett of the Academy three i Bennett stuffed in a rebound shot
u TUNe TOPPERS II J0nrnal FV2LIll; 2~k(lS recti(?n~d Cent'er winning over years ago. !~ ~ and made his free throw to Dye
I I Thev Really Get Results Kar. i che 88-80 and Verle's Sptg. i Officials "+o')-'ed th- "am~ a- J~ ~ the Riders a five point lead at
- ~" ~ "' " "' " "'oo~s " .......... d ~^11~ ~ "'-"~'" o. t -- ~ t v ~ ~ ~ '~ ="~ ~~ in*ermission
............................................................................................................... i Some s made hm szxth .ana z ecotd- ~)~ 1~ !>J .......
.............................. 54 ,, ~, ...... ~ ...... :__ :'Y:4:: ~:;| ] Lots of })all nanming anti ntuc
The highest scorer in the league I s~)~'*~,e"gmn~e ab21. %v~'~2i~ /o',;~ if'::" ~ 'shooting ~,as the story of t_he
was George Launeburg with to- place with three games remaining i~lli i tniro quarter as zone uezenses a,-
tal points of 30 all of which went on the Cadet ~hedule ~dK~:i lowed bnt seven shots. For PA,
~'~|11~$~ ~IE'~' Jl~lk~l~ ~lE'ff'l~||l~l~' to 20th Century "" :i:::: ~ Bennett and Sinnes each maae te
llJlJ nr_ a~rr anu ar unr.. ~ ''" Suf£ering from accumulation of u~ ~ field goal and Clayton sank two
. " . ^~-2" :injuries incurred during tim sea- i~ w},ile Center Mike Briekert made
Gr gg Matte 12 J~ rry Moon z(id
~1~ uIr~J~V T~r~lr~ ~ . e ._ " .0, ~: • . . .. son, inch, ing sprained ankles and :: all seven of Shelton's third per-
~e-t~l~ armY|Ira'-| mvv Jerry M'ct2oyzo Troy l-lunt xa "n' • • • o' ' '~ .... • '
• ~ ,I)~" ~ .. ~. .: ..... , an ~ 3uted toe, Some~s sc zed 2o md poets as the quarter ended
• liay 15ocaccn7, 19011genlon I, m31 '
..... 1-*~"m~'~ ,-, " , ~ "e points last Frida3 to raise at 23-29
tlnffertheprotect/verootof. Shearer 4 Barnhart 4Mike Car-'his cazeer to*~l to 1"12 -- th ..... "- " , ....
..... ' . ' ...... j . "~ u ,~ ~ All:nougn pJa3 lng controlGas-
roll 0 Nason ~" KAMJL~Iz ~u' , ' •
"" ' •'s", _ .-. . Cadets slipped by MIT 84-81 Oth- ketball, all the way, tile Roughn-
---r~oward Wu, on 6, Jerry uresn- er games on the Academy sehed- ders went into their "possession
, ~A~l~le~lmll er 17, Jerry. Westlund 15, Don ule inchlde Wesleyan and Trin- ~ame" early in the final'period
, ~'.~.'. "~" ."--'--~ l~arnes 0, Anuerson 13, Jim t~icn- ity. Continuing at his present pace forcing the'Climbers to come out
IN~I.IH~IMt=I~ ards 21, Clary 6, Don Jonker 2.Somcrs should pass the 1050 mark and get them, creating a sontin-
SKOKOMISH 60--Gary Peter- by the end of the season, uous parade to the foul line. The
Rocky Itembroff son 7, Dick Adams 16, Guy Mil- Somcrs has kept up a rather Riders made 12 of their 15 free
Agency let 12, Pete Pcterson 5, Ron steady scoring Face during his
506 W. Franklin 426-3357 Peterson 7, Dave Lewis 6, Har- three varsity years, getting 355
men Sparks 1, Dave Smith 0, points his Sophomore year and
Buck King 7; SUNSET LAND- adding 353 more his Junior season•
:---::_._L :. ................ = ...... :: ........ ::.:__=: ...... : .............. !L ......... ---_-=~.:::.:--__.-=--:__---~.. SCAPING 48 --- Ken Kneeland
throws of the night in this final
DE!~ENSIVEL~, this was one
of the best jobs performed ~gainst
the Climbers all year, as the Rid-
ers held the usually high scor-
ing Larry Powell to just six at-
.............. Thursday, Februa
t mpt. from thc field. Powell was ] ~ ~ ,. ,iil
two periods and was given only i !.!.~
one each in tile final two quar-
finalters'Al°ng with thiS,climbe,:the Rider de- I i ii~p~ $$1E_
fense collapsed effectively in the
period on Center SI
Mike BHckert and pe~*mitted him i[ lague |
just °ne field g°al Lattempt in that I ela~eI--
qnarter, forcing the Climbers to The one case of p
shoot almost entircly from the [ U.S. during 1963 is a ~,~ l~
outside. 'Ifrom the d'~vs when ~ ~
big PA Center SLnnes was fection to S-i
I J one-third of the popt~la..~. PI
the leading scorer of the game j London. ,~--J
with 16, while Brickert led the
was the leading rebounder for | term was aaol ~cu ,;~ /
the Climbers with seven, followed | Greek word meaning i'#J[ I
by Scott Swisher with six lusod h~ the aucien