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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, February 1965 S -] LTON--MASON COUNTY JOUrCNAL Published in "ChHst a. tow,, U.S.A.", Sh.e!ton, Washington ...... -' .... "-- PAGE 7 ~' Ii' !II TEACHERS LEAGUEw L ~ Rithn]etic ........................ 50 26 I j Reclin ................................ 48 28 Riten ................................ 391:,36 i:, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, 1INC Publishers ~ J I ~ ReceSSTardies .............................. ............................ 3530 " ,t146 " Founded 1886 by Gra t C. A1 gle " ] [.I I W Skippers .......................... 25V, 5()~ cessers 3-1 with the help of t.x- Ent ~,,aL ~nmton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday. [ ered a~ Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington I :~ ~ V I [~ pert bowler Lyle who rolh'd a 601 .. ~vtember of National Editorial Association ........ 223serieS'and He215,alsoBrucerolledsehwarel(ga ln eNroll.Of ~ember of Washington Newspaper Publishers Association ~,~ , ~-- __ ...... pson Men s League I MERCHANT'S LEAGUE ed a game of 211. -- ~uI4IPTION RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, ill advance .-. . W L I , W L In the women's, ,~aan Temple ~utside Mason County $5 00 ~mgmeers ........................ 18 10 Prepp's Rexall Drugs .... 19 5 r~lled both high g'ame m~d series --_ Raih'oad .......................... 18 10 I Olympic Plywood ............ 18 6 with 178 and 447. High bowler for - COPY DEADLINES I B.P ................... 17 11 I Ralph s Serve....U .' ........... 13 1l Reeer~s w'ts Gladys Martin with "~ RURALCORRESPO .......... Loaders ........... 17 ll I Stewazt, Foodhmr 12 ~:~392 1.~G4)i:~i '!ii!i:'!::ie ~'~,i!ii:i DISPL^ .... NDENCE AND NOTICI~3~ -- Monaay ±u a.m. --" ' ........................... / .. " ',_ ' ". .......... ' 32 '~ S---~- "~ AI3VERT]SING Tuesday noon ~nops .............................. 14~ 13~ Fmmrs const. Too ........ 1] 13 ~ETY NEWS TII~.~--~Av .... ~ Mill 2 12~ 15V, Miller's , 10 • -~T .... - ........... " ........................... o " . . ................................ 14 wA~UREs AND NEWS Tuesday 5 p.m. Loggers ............................ 9 19 Klmbel & White~y's ........ 9, 15 ~ i{1 "'J'~ ~ Wednesday 10 a m Mill 3 ................................ 6 22 I St. Farm Ins, . ' 6 • 18 .... "] 1 . " ( / .... " J " " A new high for the season, in I High Jzame---~:~v~i:,~. o~a Smith 3,t2). --',~ .~ team series, was set by the Shops I High s%rie. I ~ II with a 2839. A high team game J nau 578 " ~ ,,'- SHELTON BANTAM LEAGUE I ~ -- I was also set by the Shops of[ " ~ .... W L I I "~'- ~ ~~ ~ ~ I 10,11. They are now tied with the/ Ralph's Serve U 3 (Dan Dib Shelton Journal ............ 32 19 I ~ ~ ~W~7~'~I~II~ ~ J*~,~ ~ ~r/jl I Engineers Who als0 made this l.ble 498), Ktm~)el & Whitey's 1 Willour Ins ..................... 29 22 I IF- ,~V~' ~ ]F ~l~]~ ~ ~ ~ • total. I (Hank Coffey 484); Prepp's'Rex- Jay Birds ...................... 28 23 l ~lA~lfl~I/J • I High game and series: Roy An-l all Drugs 3 (Morley Preppernau Lions Club ................... 27 24 ~.____ ~ Railroad 3 (Start Ahlquist 519) lard Fuller 562); Stewart's Food- Til:nber Bowl .............. 23U, 271,I., .~.~ 7"J- ~0D D ...........~ ...... Mill 31 (Ted Blair 486)', Shops liner 3 (Bob . .L 521), Olympic V.F.W. Aux ............... 1S - :~3 T" RIVERS GET CON~IOERATION 3 (Roy Anderson 592), Loaders 1 I Plywood 1 (Jnn Baxter 507); Cook Plant Farm ........ 17 :l,t ne drive to fi ........ ~..1..^I1 ~...h~ o,.t..,~ 1.~.~ ....... (Harold Moore 519); I.BP 3 II~iller's 3 (Bob Rirfey 565), St High game-Gregg Hughes 219. ~fb ~7~~'~% IlL LIle (l~a~n ~u~x u=~ ~==~, o~I:~ ~ ~ ~tw~ a • ' " .~ • Hig'h series--Gregg Hllghes 3,l,I. j.~, 1TlllSt al~ ,_,_ . . g 8 3 (Harry Greenley 499), Mill 2 l lBarm Ills. 1 (Jerry Christ 537 ¢ tro* " "~ ~aze into consideration the good driver who obeys 1 {Val Sienko 524); Loggers3 I ~ ..... 'mty ). e % atfle regulations and ~h~.~,,~ ch. 1.w (Norm Castle 570) Engineers 1 Mixed Foursome Leag~m Timber Bowl 2 (M. Thompson The (Glen Robertson 570). [Board Busters .... . ........ 18b, 9~/.; - .................. ~ 282), Willour Ins. 1 (D. Thomp- can .... our drivers fall into this category but they -- tTwlst,rs ........................ ~6" 12" son 291); Jay l~irds 3 (B. Turn- ~_ ? __.. ' eOUr~:U tile victim of the "nut behind the wheel", the dis- Wotaea's Commereim League [TilmbertsDueks ............ 15 ,, o.. v Fw o ,o Littleln ngs l! ~." urlnKlng or tne errant: Qrlver• Richfield Oil ................ 21 II ,Knock Outs ................ 13 15"Churchln 270), Cook Plant F',,rmIJ~th----i~l'f ~~!¢"-~'.[~°"~([~--~" . nose who res'nect the traffic laws are beinn Ogdens Radio & TV 21 11 IOda.Balz ..- ................... 13 15 0 (B. McClamd{en ~9.1); Taylor remembered bq~ ÷~'-r,.;~+ r~^~-~t.... ~,~ ....... ~ Gott's Oilerettes ........ 19 13 I What s Next ................ 13 15 Wowne Cafe 3 (C. Cronquist 234) ,~ ÷~._ ' Y Kelly s Furniture ........ 15,= 16~, ] S PP " • ..................... 10 18 Shelton Journal 0' (L. Peavy 253). ~.4/t/ Co~t/ " "L committee,s priority package of seven bills Darigold ........................ 15', COMMERCrAL LE-AGuE Which hay ...... ' .... Ming Tree 14½ 17½ I ~ne~ron ~ec.reanon ~sownng of the le-i:.°een ptacea oe$ore the current sesswn Eells & valley .......... 1117., 20½ [Shelton Ree~eahon l~9V/ L/, . W L IaJce, ART POINT wedding invitations! One of the most im- y tature. Allyn Shell .................. 10 22"I , ' " • ....... 9 ~e ,,Ritner's Highballers ........ 23 9 uric 1 ' • • Olsen s Furniture 1 ]/. i7 neasure seeks H~gh game Marles F, scher 198 5 8 on m,1._ - to enact a completely revised chapter : • " ......... ~ '" . '"GottWils°nOil CompanYcompany ............ ........... 1821 portant little details which are necessary to make your wedding -'~,~ ot the High stoics Jean Ream 523 .................................. ~ by the State paR:ol%?hese rules are printed and distributed " : , • [ Retmn~sS PienkmL:dies ..~1,~[, 19~zZieg'le~?sWingard'Sc-mmraSp°rt ShoPshop .... .... 161o 16~7 a S Cr e Soint invitations are always socially correct in every detail, driver " r persons to study before taking theirSimpson Womens League [Lucky Lager ...... :]:::]:]. 9" " B S: re Oil Company . ....... you will be proud to send them to your friends as it marks you - -- mg examination. The new version will follow W L [Boysen's Construction .... 7 17 Motel Timbers .................... 11 21 aS a person of extreme good taste. . ~usely as ossih *~ ~-:----- ~r-~.'-,_ ~ :_ ....~_ Olympic .............................. 19 5 [Northwest Evergeen .... 4~fi19V, Verle's Sport Shop ........... :10 22 A- *~ t, ll~ t)IIIAU~'III Vl2111~l~ ~.~ULIU~ 111 UIU~J/JLumber 1 Obta -- . • ................................ 8 6 [ High game and series" Mary High game--Clyde Zieghn' 217. A price and a style for every bride-to-be; from $14.95 for 100 1,, -,"'. raaxlmum uniformity with the drivinu rulesof Acdounting ........................ 13 11/Wick-am ]9'3 ,and 51,S. " - High series Glem Roesxel and and up! Reception or At Home footnotes on the wedding--no ates. ~ Loggers .............................. 12 12 | Fred Snelgrove 556. extra charge. ' mL ... Purchasing 12 12 Ladies Thursda Trio 'ca ue • he W .......................... Y L g b - ashmgton Rules of the Road were adopted in ~B.P ................................... 9 15/ w L Let our Society Editot have all the details about ),our wed. ut the • • rcesearch ............................ 8 16 B & J Mart ..................... 17 7 din plan revis Urn.form Vehmle Code has been modernized Engineering ........................ 5 19/Rex Floors ........................ 15 9ZieglerZiegler's551),CameraB & RSh°p2()il Comp;'~ny(Clyde .; ~u conmaera~lv since th n Thirty two sections High game Phyllis Collins and/Mamies Cafe 13 112 (Fred Snelgrove .uul Gh'nn t ehumform code were revised in 1962, but Washington P?llih Z~ig::r )::n Sowel ]KaMm~Soo...~iio ......................... 1212 Roesse1556); Ritner's l tig]ll)aJlers as riot a "g " .. "s 535. P .................... Company 2 (Dan \Vi!;;on 554); . The dopted any of them to date" Loggers2(NoreneStevens495),IjCohtta, sgeRiCc ffeel .................. ;INII* e~T-o #oint Committee on Highways also has LB,P. 2 (Phylhs' Zlegler' 498); AC-]win~ard,s ................ 9 15 Motel Timbers 3 ~.Don Lund 513), . POSed to do aw ......... " counting 3 (Marg Tobler 489), / ~ ............................ Verle's Sport ShoI) 1 (J'lck How- . ~y "w~n conluswn in our taws re- Purchasing 1 (Phyllis Collins/ High game --- Dee .Gray 168.ard 494); Gott Oil Company :l (Bill Gott 475), "Wingard's Si)ort to suspending the licenses of traffic law 509); Lumber 3 (J. Sowers 535),[4 High series -- Bobbin Bamford Shop 1 (E. Todd 5,15). ~u~ators D~,~,..... :,, ~ ........ Olympic 1 (Jeanne Peterson 501) ; ] oo. L ..... "wut oe rreatea unitormtu wnetn- Research 4 (Evel White 420 EVERGREEN TRAVELERS .~ their v~olator8 occltr in i~corporatcd cities or Engineering 0 (veY~ra Elliott a~nL [ The Evergreen Traveler League ~:!:i:i? :i:! :!: ,:!:i:i: !.f.'~!!;:i;:ii!ii!i!!!i!!::ii!i!iiii~!!~i!i!!:: :!~!~!i!~iii!i!iiiii!i!i!~ii!i~i~ii!~i!!!i!!ii~i!!!!!!i!i!:i:!:!i!:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:!:i:i:!:i:i:!:!:~:!:i:!:i:~:i:~:~:i:~:!:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::`:`:::::`:::~::::~: ~::: rural n~.,.o Bey Graffe 396). |in the form of the Timber Bowl ~¢:,".::':i .............. i~e,. -~-,[~o. [team found the going tough when !i '-=ra lys ngsw beheldwithadriverimpr vementMr.andMrs.Handi¢apLeagu.[theyb°`s°uth.Ben.dsun7 H;--, -v orealice •.~g.nways WillraG at . " re drovers .auth°mtY Committee. rum nse ¢ should ......... . INtotne suspended, recommend be law se----h, changes and such ho, traffic suggested suspension " " " _ judges bySSUs" will "the bonn Griffey Thurston Eacrett s Dick mcKs- rapeview -" - " Sharers Marsh , Bros Lumber Savings " ...... Realty Const Diggers Co. ........ ........ .... W L lacy' "me mat the firs 41 5O 39 42'A 51 ' '" ' 45 43 34 44 A 41V- 32 [first |ntng /t | a three o ok The game. match 10-2 two g afternoon ames and out was b •Y losing ofi '28 round three by by atthe Mac by 2O. 2O team win- PMc- The ins . ' 'I" CU ' : GQ$ i!ii!ii .~, .... J. & J. Service.... ......... 38 46 I,neny with z, th Tne.secon(lwas T NA ER I I~R=,..a_ ----' . - .. Allyn Shell .................... 39~ 49~ [led by Start ~a_hlquist with a series . uuwr BE TO00UICI{ TO JUl}GE 21~. en's high game--J°e Engen [ ~f05?38 and games °f 225"208 and !i! ~f, thA~. :zr~ this %ori]~r~e,,ded 1~0 gr~,,d h~8 teeth 52M.en's high hseries--Fred Rupe/ ~h~i~:~:~o~,~ on + re-a tricting impasse in Olympia. It seemed V¢omen's high game Dorothy ]_ • , W^ L - ~,~ sur - ...... ' ~ ..... Griffen 1~2 /Jomin insurance ................ ~ Prevaiiin s neu very strongly ol powwows Women's'high series --- Cieo LHembrg.ff gency : ........... 15 9 Perh= - pumic gooa. H~et 468. ]~ec~with ............................ 14 10 • ~t S . . . , . rae Hut ............................ 12 12 ~iii!.~ eY:la:elt the same.way. Perhapsrant quite Anyn Shell 2 (Mary Peters ' ery's Tire Cap ................ 9 15 Will nato t~.-..~ matter . ursabltt°" make tna~ ........ assumption.. ~ter look- 438)EthertonDOnn452)Marsh;EacrettRealty"s Lumb2 (Weber |, 'leS 9oing2079his. ........................ best to defeat6 the18 ~ g &~ era a^_ . through sources available to news- co 3 ,Eln.... m^nn Die'-/Joslin Insurance team Chuck !!iii~ii !!~iii~ ', cvelops rather cl the lei ........... ne R " Thompsonof The Hutrolled a 620 t-.- early that g slators are SSharer s Diggers I (Way ' ob- [ . . . , . ,. ' " ,. !:i:i:i: !iii;~,~i " ' o u COme w series to llel nam ow tile Josnn "' , up with .... inson 485); Thurston Sa 'figs & -. p " i::::.:. ~i;i;!!~ The ..... a reasonable re-dmtnctlng bill ..... o ......... ~. ]lead Chuck also rolled high game ".;:i;::i ~'::" ..... m .... . . ...... F, .... , ........ • i:i$i: the .... frustratmn and despmr and dmappointment, J. Service 1 (Frank Marler 476); [of the evening with a 227. :::::::. ~'Ae~uLlsitjustisn'f,,~,~in~m~t thi~ ~ .... ~,1~...~ Griffey Const. 3 (Del StorinG/ The high woman bowler was !:~i::. ~ ietyo~-~u re,dist, ,,-. 52" ......... ~ ~'~, ......... o~ ..... ut~- 513), Stock's-Gr~peview 1 (Joe[Sonic Ahlquist with a game of dav:14 , Everyone wants to be done with it,En en 516) |175 and a series total of 491. '!';i!i!i!i!: 'f u CuaY it becomes mor evident that fililure is not -----...... | Joslin Insurance 3 (Frank .' "~'~.oZ an~, o ..... - .- ]Hughes 484) The Hilt i (Chuck er. . ' -e or .peome, or one art,, or'the - ' ..... •' ' . r Y # , I~nompson 620)' MetZ's Tire ~ap l~e a-:- ~'----------~_ _ ----l I3 (Mike Mills' 587), Hembroff ., .~""~rictin~, tl ............. I.IIII~PIIII ..I~ I[Agency 1 (Al Glouer 492); Beck- down I i°" 'vashin-. o, uuer ~ne pecmiar circumstances existent flff l ruR I |with 4 (Bruce 496), Eagles 20790 :::::::: :%("i~i '. ' ,:,:,:.: ~',~.:: ' esn this year, simply unleashes natural political IIN'I ' [ ](Duane 474). ----- ~:':':.:':':':' i.~t~!!'~l , wer ul to be controlled, too powerful, apparent ....... :!ii Ii • coatrol, even by bi-partisan effort. V .......... :::::::: r m ormant in Olympia sm s there is no _ ' sudan;L,, f g, ht on this line if it takes all . When you want hot, water, You iiiiiii lot attitude, 2ather, expressions of res ect SALE "m: want HOT water..There, s no sub- • ?. ,,v view " • - P . *de Ve_, POint (zf not the tactics) of the other ....... - ..... stitute...nothing in between.., iii i ~,. ?~" aomi .÷,, -I I I / II =pu,,=u,=.~ u~ Afle.:l~,:_, ,- .... =]~ |11 women o, t.e nothing atmos as ¢Ood. !ii ! ^t' ,, s~lat0rs .... ~ Meth i Church a.. .houla ,.. tre zrymg, employing those procedures I II diag rmg SUccess if success is possible But ho e --. 2_'1]1 PU]D Auditorium • an. aut.omatic natural as i!/i!l now 71 a eadeS air is deepened by a growing fear of the IUKNIN AR$1 II Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 n.m. " " g ::::::" aia .. as it i ........ • J wa er nearer in home ::::::ii able . , s, however, thin seemingly m- II s.t..o- ,-1-m. . -::,, , lie N ~u, ~e~eaaae ~J ,a=. iS 'stiP efiotmtion between contending legislative [[ ' the ! i hou of t ;.:4:: he day :::::::" As t- '' erred to the alternatives. __ -,--, __ or ni J t,,, anywhere in the hou .... . ..... i::::::::.:.:.: Xpayersandco . , YOU REALLy HOT :iii:i Paytng. ",; thebills, we can-onfituents watching and T ..... !s uttaine ,. y ,hope success finally II ¢ I: n a a @ i!iii ,~o~ ,;%?.? ~o~,~ ~o ~oo ,,ar~,, o~ ,,o ,,,~ ,,,,'- ,, V ~ a ~ . A ~O-~o,., he,,t.~ ~,,,,,~ ~,~. !!iiiii ,v.. =. _ " g as that is. for your choice at JIM PAULEY iNC. ntense blue fZame of natu- S'ta'tei:L THE RIGilT TRACK '63 Ford ountry Ned. '59 Ford Custom raA^gas usually does the Of : :::ii )e,;a. and Commissio . " " ", T 4-dr., V-8, AT an U0-gallon flameless heater, iiii ! er-!!°n between sta'- Bert Cole, in h,s ca11_ for Comet 2-door ,.. _ . Firsp cost is less...fuel cds%B : '.'f'Woo t9 d 'Pro;.,make avanable. LU,a zecieralmax,mu, andre volumePrivateoftimbert'm* berlanafor ,60 6Mersey,., st[¢k r -- _ ov 2 '°rd- dr,, HTGalaxm, v - 8, AT are. lOwer, llii . uucts ind . c rar Lane , ' . ..: . ustnes, certainly is making good 2dr. hdt., V-8, A.T. 57 Chev And--most iI ortant of all-= iii iii! :Cqmmission . '60 Ford Fair. 4-dr., V-S, AT ' Private ,-_.--vote urges the Forest Service 2 dr. s d,. V '56 ..,__ your hot water never out.- o,, oe ...... , -- ...... See Your dealer today f0i a wa- i!iil;: N-" . owners to join his Depart- '60 Olds 88 4-dr., V-8, AT "" vhi6h Wo'u;durat Resources in an evaluation study 4-dr., v-.. AT, ,s ' , heater that will never let a ount ti-enable each group to know the total '60 Chev "" ..... 56 Ford ountry Sed. yOU down° state, n be harvested annually m 2-dr., 6-cyl., stick eels that the amou .... • ..... '59 FOrd Ranehwagon USEI1 TRUGKS % v NG iiiiill • n be raised .... !nt of hmDer avaiiaoie to.m- .__ ~-~r., v-8., AT ,--.~ -- in all the Pacific Northwest. Ask about; it. }ii!i!i each .... ,,--.ugh this study and coordinauon. '59 Ford Fairlaae 'ord Eeonoline ~,u W • • P Orks separately and estabhshes 2-dr., V-8, AT Vail CUts without knowing is in the state• what the total timber conf._C°le. " emphasizes that each timber land • . mue to fix i ann ts ow le cut pl , rallhgtudeS:;tained yield n:lla° bent practices, wh- ^ . the planned harvest would be bene- We u,~ indu can't atty. aCT zt Could be otherwise! Mas0n C~ufity's FORD.MERCURY DEALER 5th and Railroad BOB • BUS @ DICK