February 25, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SI-rELTON--MA 0N C01YNTY JOURNAL--Published in t'Chr strnastown, U.g.A.", ghelton, Washington
....................... ISpecial Meetings . lPlans Progress For Surprise Dinner SCHOOL
' " ' ' Schedul-d: For " " Rachel Knott GuildParty Fetes Newly Monl,s ,or She,ton
I L..o. tl What s Coobng In Whose Kitthen? tl oooo,s oo .o,
[The Shel|on H0 el !/L°cal Garden Club . ., . . ..... [Ha| Sale Heft M0nihh Married Carlsons scboo,
..o / j~eclpe ~avontes oI t oumy tteslflents {/ When the Rachel Knott "t o- M,'. and M,s. Laurie Cn'lson Week of MarCh']
a 12:30 p.m. hmcheon in the home the dining room of the Shelhm tto- Monday---Sloppy JoeO
"Rel~NOllable" / home of Mrs. W. A. Witsiers with [ of Mrs. Selden Vandev Wegen tel last Saturday evening. Giw;n ~otato ehips m'ashed ~
1 7:~~iii~i)i::, ! 19 nwmbers pre~;ellt. [ iIlllch of the bllsiness hireling" w'as by Shelton First National Bank taters with l'nu'shrnall0'
Mrs. tIenry Hansmeier, presi-~ taken up with discussion of the employe,:~s Lo congratulate the cou- and milk. :
B ", de::t, conducted the b~:dness meet- | HaL Sale the guild will have March ple on their recent marriage and
Lag. Mr:~. V/it:~ie;'s Lep~led she! 19 in llie PUD auditovimn from1 welcome them home flora a three Tuesday--Turkey and
wouhl suggest to the Park Board, [ 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. veeek honeymoon in Hawaii, the snap green b~{ans,
of vehw:~ :.:..~ i,~ a nv~mber, tha~ ! Mrs. I:tichard Brewer is generalsurprise party was enjoyed by 28 custard, hoL rolls and:
':Dine el ii c :h~uh.s i,: the "tri- chalvman of the saie with Mrs. friends in addition to the guests of
i:l:?,le' Le t J(),,e I I. fili m the. ! George Cropper handling publicity, honor. Wednesday -- Chili ¢
,:,t:,,k :-~ )ul:;. l Other committees will be announe- A pink and white centerpiece of carrot and celery sticl
~)we~|crs 4 L~hs. A. J. t;, :,!:;or will give a ed later. Mrs. Les Shelver was ct)- gladioli and daisies for the dining butter sandwich" choc~
I ~ ,.cix):t cn ~.:.~ p.(,,~,.es:~ o~ L',te Con- hostess for the luncheon, table set the color scheme and fruit and milk.
Lion ot' its preside.nt, Mrs. Sam- cake served after dinne~' and in Thursday -- Fried
I IV[Us!C .;~, ¢aL~(.n h m',:(.,n tx) t~ ~x,:~ Ap- Tile g~,iid accepted the resigna- was carried out in the decorated
of the G:I:'~ ~n Club t,) I)o hC~:l ~1 tlcl Fritz, with reg:et. Mrs. Fritz the corsage of pink and white sandwich, cabbage
Friday & Saturday I ,',t ~,~), a~ .... e ~...a, ch L', ,:,eetin~;
[. rosebuds presented to Mrs. Carl- pepper salad, n
~,11(~ t;,nil(: t), ~d,':i. (J(:o/',;~ (_,/t,i)peF. Yesigned DecltlSe she 0ald her hUS-
,~,~,~,~,~,~,~A,,~. "I.q~is nlectiug ,viii c~,;eL'.rate the band are moving to Portland. She son who wore a white knit dress, fruit and milk.
.......................................................................... 2t~th ~'d:niv(vsacy of ti:v fi'st meet- ~nnounced the nominating corn-
- -r --.,~'~"-[ ing o, Uxe clur~ ia t~..c home t)~ mitLee to .~elcct officers for the A toast was made to the happy Frlday--Creamed tune
} I ONLY HAD FOUR I ,,~,~ L D. i~ack, next year as to!lows: Mrs. Seldeu couple by Warren Moe who thenbiscuits, tossed gree~
i.. rs. 1-ian.:paeien" a~Lc, I menibers Vander %Vegen; chairman, Mrs. presented them with a gift and cobbler and milk.
i ~ for suggesti,ms Lo help the Ways Harry. Deccan and ~Irs. Bed the best wishes of the entire staff. Suppement your ~!
Grout. Table prizes added fun to the diet with Plenamlnt
and I~'~x~ans commitLt:e de(:ide on l~rs.Grover Brewster, PennYtoeveninglucky numbersf°r the undergUestStheirWh° coffeef°und P I~p--~S
project~ Lo raise mo:~cv. She also
a:~ked members to wri'l.e lo their Drive chairman, said there is =¢e~
be a change in the districts each cups. Stew "Coney, Mrs. Dave
le~islatms. Paul H. Conner and guild in Mason County will coverGroll and l~h's. Lionel Neau were132 RR. Phone
Charle'~ Savage, at the State recipients of these, t~
House in Oly~lpia, regarding the the first 'of May.
Bill 13:)art biil ]obbvisL.~ are try- l~Irs. Cropper read a letter from .... ., - ----------~---
ing to pass 1. put' billboards on Mrs. Lucy Getty giving the history
the. new freeway, of Miss Rachel Knott's life hem '
the: time she was a' young, girh KEEPS gilT COLD
Stm also *innouuc'edDiatrict tl~eremeetingWOUklat Tile ~,,,,~ .,o s to .,v; memor- HOLDS IN ==rat ] f'a "~:
,,e Cap, o, ,el., omo to the o,,tho e ,e ...., t
day bc;gnnin/l" at 10 a.m. with eh, b history when the memorial is sent. Saves upt0 40r, nfuel
report,; and an A~L~ amt Crafts Mrs. Fritz thanked the hmcheon im~[~il~.
exl~ibit with Mrs. John I)eeney, I hostesses. The April 16 meeting .~t [
There will be a Ig,~gional meet- Cropper with Mrs. ~eorge Gris-
in~ of clubs from Oregon, Calif- dale as co-hostess.
ornirt. Arizona a.nd V~rashinffLnn in ......................
the Benjamin Franklin Iqoiel in :~Tark
,¢?e,tl tle IvIay 18-.1 9 the Na- Father-Son Banquet I I
tional C(mncil of Garden Clubs
wil! meet Ma:¢ 24-27 in Lbe Hilton 1Tor Pioneer Rest;dents
: Hotel in Portland. The annual lPather-Son banquet ~1~ ~-"~
Sponsored by the Pioneer PTO will ~,~w.u,h~ ~.-'~o~..~[ u.,~.,.. J
Anyone wishing Lo altend either HARSTINE ISLAND HOMEMAKERS attending The meeting, sponsored by the County Extensionbe held this Saturday at 7:30 in =w,~=.=~.~,, =,,.w=.a.,,,e,~..a~,.,o-w
l~a~, V,~.I, ll~a~rl~,.,~ of these meetings should contact a recent meet ng in the home of Mrs. James Mc- department, was devoted to the many methods of ..... ,, ~r.. ..... ,,...~.
....... =JUVV'===I~ Mrs. Hansmeier. The State con- Auliffe included (left to right) Mrs, A v n Prid- preparing oysters. Arrtumber of those ideas are~ne a~gas~en~[nngl~et~?;ne~sc~;=;1 =--W]: HAVE GENUINE
~.~ , vention will be held in Spokane in ham, Mrs: Eugene Seward and Mrs. McAuliffe. presented in this column today. ,~t~¢.r~ot n~' invit o a '
uonvenmnce ,Tune. ~ I • • , , ...~t ...... ' ....... ed t_ _trend ttus
• . .... For the profit'am Mrv. Nina Mil- n the spring and summer ing in hot wateror heating grad- ter, one teasooon of prepared mus- funntghL.. ................ Plus Such Other Winter Protectors
A General overnaunng rowe a tam wi,~ nowers, months Pacific Northwest resi-lually in a moderate oven. eutltard and two tablespoons of Vet- K2°a° l~:~tu:o~:w~l'i'leSn°'~h;ty~l~er~
dents minds turn to the available lar e o ste~s in pieces Pack into mouth or dry sherry Spread this , ,+u fha ~,tna~ gm'viaa.~ C'.am
of Aristotle and the Elizabethian ' [ g Y .... " rs d ' ~ ............... es
including or Aristotle and the Elizabethea seafood in our ,area and tile vat'- half pint jars and add two Imble- liquid over the drained oyste . an ::,~.~" C~n~.~:;~d_.. shmentSnnd ,~fres , Aluminum Windows • Storm:
, ~. clays t.hrougb ~m 18th century, ious methods of preparing it. Sev- spoons of oil ~/i teaspoon of li, roll in cracker crumbs until coV-lwiii l~e ~'er~ed" by-th-e-~'eereation
ueturns ~;,s. Miller ~rave a list of many eral local housewives' seafood quid smoke and ~/i teaspoon of salt I ered.. Place on .a cooky sheet and I committee headed by Mrs. Phillip
............. books on wild flowers which she recipes will be featured in this or smoked salt. Process the jars broil untit gomen orown. 'turn --. ' Storm Window Kits
Masking will give to anyone who is inter- column in the next few weeks. 90 minutes at 10 pounds pressure, once and sezwe immediately. These
- ested. ' This week's column m devoted/ PICKLED OYSTERS, a recipe[maY be prepared far in adds. rice[ ..................... ~*~.. v .........
W th ,qt nt
to oysters and the methods used zecommenaedby 5hs. Wz ] ...... I ............. ...... s at
~.~] Tea and coffee were served by . , ' ',,iam or a ainaer par~y an(/ relmger- ~ttu ..
.... the hostess ns~ sted by Mrs. A. by the women on Harstine Island Roy Baker of Pickerlng Homema-[,atea.°n tne. cooky sneers awax~-] .,.~vl~2~-~_.w~,E,a,~l, es ~ux~liar.,
o 1,. Almaden'and M,'s. Orville Oppelt ..... , ,i of mg ~;ne m'ou u, ........ ~ ~o s
where the deheaey is plentiful kers Club, will be a faro te [ ' _ . . ........
~weep tmrs ........................ ii................... i plus ideas presented by Mrs. Jane / many men. Cover two quarts of / MRS. JOHN BUDD makes oy- I carabaeger,partY.wtatWeZ:ey x~ eeunam-~;°ra- r~ll%anu ARom-
Windsor, County Extension Ag- oysters with boiling vrater and/sters into a chowder just like clam ." " "
EASTERN ~TAI~ ANNUAL enL at a recent meeting with the add '~ cup salt. Boil until firm--[chowder but does not add tomaL- bert~oRaga~,' aPni~m~hli~ ~,?~ehelnd" =.U.IV=R.
• ~ I)INNER THIS SATURDAY women on the island in the home two or three minutes. The water/Des. *'~ ...... " • " ON HILLCREST PHONE,:
Welcome Chapter No. 40, Orde.r of Mrs. James McAuliff~. will be black. Drain and wash. [ MRS. ~ID BAUNSGARD uses ] th:;ne~etWrilla~e a~o~ner car(~pa[~y
of Eastern Star will have its an- S I 'S roDS o u Mzx and boil ~/~ cup water one ancake mix made to thin con ~ v
nual matrons and patrons dinner MRS. ~VIND,!'O ¢ ~ t p p - ' . ' " .... ] P , ' . "[ Eagles airport hall." ' -- ___-----~
lar technimm of frvinffwas to cup vinegar,one ~amespoon or/sistency with a small amount oII . _____
~~J~.~JE~.'J~i/~ iat 6:30 p,m. Satm'dav in the Ma- m ........... ~ ....
i!~\/ SoIliC Tel~lp!e. Worthy matron Be,~;- use raw -~)r pre-cooked oysters pick!trig spice, one teaspoon Wor-~ lemon juice in the batter, dipping] I I
!:' " :* ' sic Sutherla:nd and worthy patron Lh, at were first shaken in a bag cnestersnire sauce, one Day mar.| her oysters in this before frying. T
Edward Auseth will be honored, of flour to absorb any excess mois- one, sl!ced .onion, two cloves of] BEULAH BASSINDA_LE opens [ •
Lure rne were di ed in a mtx masnea garne one ~amespoon my J
I Entertainment with dancing and '. "" y "pp ' - ..... ' . " | the oysters and leaves them raw l •
ture made u of 75 ereent un mustard, ~wo ~aDmspoons blown
.~.~r~ds will be provided. Dinner P P - . .. .... ' ,[oh the half shell, adds lemon Juice ] • !
~e $1.25 per person, diluted ew~porated milk and 25 sugar (opnona}? and. a a.asn, oZ|to each oyster then spreads a II I • If y?u want it to look like
percent lemon juice or Tarragon 'coDas co: ~.aCK the oysters m 3ars,|small amount of well drained can-I I ~ ~ • ..... your Mercury-C0r
i .................. ....... vinegar which made iL the consis- pour noL wnegar mixture over tO|ned spinach and bread crumbs or-] ~ will cost about $25
.. - ..... • within 1/,, inei~ of the top. ~eai
tenor of thin sore cleam. Fro- - . ..... [ er them. She then sprinkles them]
z and process in a no~ water Dam
ally the oysters were rolled o' " . , d/with Parmesan cheese ~and broils.] ~I
~ shake ' k r S and five minutes or sLore unseated an / MRR G R WILI-ffAM,- nl~e~.~l ~I
. n m crac e crumb , _.__.~,. _AR ..~,~,___S ~ .......
ill ~ dram heal until oldenloosely covered in the refri crater
~~i; br(fried at me ')~q~. ' g (Do. no~/.~,alter ...... ~ne'" ariel- contentg"" oz'|a large pan of milk in her event[and sets the heat at moderate.[ |" YI/ 1I T Ify0u
thin ~ec~pe Dy ~rymg to use home-
To cut calories another techni- %" ' or a combin -" .|Meantime she sautes the oysters/ I
, . maoe vinegar atlon 0I"
! /~?~'~;~J~ II~f/[ ! IA i ~ [ que was shown. 'I he same flouring .......... :.... r,, .......... ,..]for her stew in bUtter, cutting the { • ) kJ~- ][ V V to go like
a $5(
] [~. ~-~li~,l []i ~\~] II I~ ~ i I ~1 I and rolling m milk was used but ~:v:~:~e =ci"~'enou'~h"t~o~ac'~all'~|larger .ones in small.pieces. She~ i ~_
~:'::~' ; / ~-e ................ then p p ne ]heated milk, adds salt, pepper andI sports j0;, add ar0
.,~.__,~t!~l th ........ ' .......... of corn flakes ...... ~- .- . "/aacts tne sautes oysters ~:o tne I •
[ l~~/It ~i~!~ /----~~] ickleor leservet oyster) [b Ib
~e,r'~l~x ~.~'I The oysters were placed on ~ d ze i "2 ,, ~._
.... ~-2~_...~_ i~ , ,, ~o-h~v ~reased cookY sheet ~uggesuons an • c pes zromI caye~me and nerds this in the oven I • "
-----~ 'i ~ "_ff~?.:~....~" ~;1~ ~.a i.~ ~a ,~ Harstine Island women follow:] at moderate temperature until
(................................ k ..... " ...... i ] | $500 to Comet s basic pl
~.~t~'~:[J ~.~ ~ 400 degrees for 15 minutes in the MRS. HUGO ~&~Elt recom-] serving tlme. I = 1
(;ven. mends using heavY butcher pa, per/ This is" especially useful for ser-I q
A METER OAN'T MEASUBE A ,l~,~wllra~&ST OMELET us- for flouring. Place the flour, salt|vinff oyster stew to a large group ]
;_~" ^:;2[='L'~','.,'o': a,,,,roved b,, the and pepper on this and work the/ withou't having to wonT about] •
womo as a way ,ereas g pro- oysters w. y seore ,ng. / pay for a medium-priced ear. So, consider
tein in the diet. P or this ~ thick rne nan(is aOith a for'- t~e m~x- : MRS. ERNEST BYERS fries ]
~~"~~~~~ The cream sauce made of three table- rare. "men W_li_h~l. ~Lmp m,e the oysters and as she turns them what a 10w figure you have to start '~
ur and butter oys~els rote s ~ y beaten egg
spoons each of flo • ~" '" t fur" .... "" over she places a slice of cheese
~] ] [---] [ True ~, ~ and one cup of rich milk would ana iry wttnou mer crummng, on the top, finishing the frying
/ ]'L.-3 [ Value _t~ be made. A pint of firmed by- A delicious casserole also sug.. as the cheese melts. • | you always end up with a bar
sters should be mixed with the gested by Mrs. ~taser ls made by Other Harstine Island Home-
U~.._.~~ of ~ sauce and stored in the refrigera- cutting two or mree strips of ba; makers attending the meeting In-
ter. Place some of the sauce-by- con and frying until golden brown cluded the Mesdames Nels Bauns- I priced C0met.(That's why you
ster mixture in the center ofand crisp. Add onion and continve g~rd, Gene Seward, Stanley Yate%
the omelet just before folding and cooking, Place th.is, m th~ bottom Glenn Yates,, LaPry Jerrell, Bill • SOmany running around
let it warm through thoroughly of a casserole (nsn. Kdd oysters Williams; arid Marie Crouch.
before serving. The recipe makes and partially cooked rice. Cover "
enough for six two-egg omelets, with tom,ate sauce and mashed
garlic Bake about 20 minutes in' Mt~,~i~e PO~B Night
CANNED SMOKEY OYSTERS, . n ........ r t ---e~---
the basic idea being developed by 400 degree eve • " Club
Mrs. Hal Condon of Arcadia, prey- MRS. ALVIN PRIDHAM rec- Bridge . Winners
Monday mght was M a s t e r
ed to be a favorite with the Har- ommends opening oysters in the ...... '
The electric meter, .~;tine women. For these vm, "-~"':e oven then serving them on the Poiht night tor the Shelton Du-
half shell adding butter and broil- plicate Bridge Club. N o r t h-
as ,.ocurate and pre- any size oysters firm b'y blanch- ing them for about five rdtnutes south winners ,at the meeting held
rise as man can make. H0~~;~ 0D C~ ...........
measures the amount before serving, in the PUD auditorium were Gusti
of electricity you use MRS. JAMES LOI'IRER has ad- Goldschrnid and Dexter Edge, Dr.
each month, opted a favorite recipe developed Lynn W~nite and Bob Quimby, and
by Mrs. Frank Bishop and her Dick Perry and ~.ou Stewart.
But even this accu- late husband after many year~ of I East-west winners Were Mr. and
rate instrument can't ~B~ experiment. Drain onepint of me- Mrs. Yim Fletcher, Ray Walker
measure the real val- dium oysters ,and Wipe dry with and Dorothy ~duartier, and Mary
ue of electrloitv---the a towel. Melt one Cube of but-Keller and Eva Aamodt.
family pleasure from ----
TV, radio, record play- Union
e r. el ' the work-say-
. eet~ wt~her' &
[AVE P,F,T I l,l{
EDWIN TAYLOR, president; T. W. WEBB, vice president;
JACK A. COLE, Secretary JERRY SAMPLES, manager
Holscl w
Little Dude
Bank Ter:=-,~ Available
Open Tuesday thru
Ph. 898.2252
If there Isn't at least one person in thia
book who'd love to hear your voica tonight,
...throw it away,
Pert of the Nationwide Befl System
501 Rail o A, n e