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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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February 25, 1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE U VIIF MEATS ARE BES EVERY CUT OF VNF BEEF IS PERSONALLY SELECTED, U.S. CHOICE QUALITY ... BECAUSE YOUR SHOP-RITE MEAT PERSONNEL ISSO QUALITY CONSCIOUS ONLY ABOUT 1 OUT OF 10 BEEF GET THE VNF STAMP OF APPROVAL! VALUE-NUTRITION AND FLAVOR ARE WHAT YOU ARE SEEKING IN MEATS . . . YOU GET ALL THREE AT YOUR SHOP-RITE FOOD CENTER. I} VNF U.S. CIiOICE BEEF . . . JUICY BLADE CUTS, RICH IN FLAVOR. SHOP-RITE ROASTS GIVE YOU VALUE, NUTRITION AND FLAVOR WITH EVERY PURCHASE. t The Aristocrat of Pure, Fresh Ground Beef Lb. 35¢ LBS, or 7-Bone Roasts. VNF U.S. Choice Beef POUND VNF U.S. Choice Beef. Pound First Cut, Small End Pound ,I 14yg rade's Fiesta .................................... Lb. Milwaukee The Firlcst ...................... Lb. Milwaukee Chunk ~X ......................... Pound ~ VNF U.S. Choice Beef, Tender Well-Marbled Juicy Steaks POUND BEEF STEW Bone,ess ........................................ Pound SHORT RIBS VNF U.S. Choice ................................ Lb. PORK CHOPS Smoked Fiesta .............................. Lb. VNF MEATS ARE TRIMMED TO GIVE YOU VALUE! FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS .. . WELCH'S 6 OZ. Tins ASSORTED "FRESH AS A DAISY" PRODUCE . . . IDAHo NO. 1 FROM THE FAMOUs _POTATO ~;OUNTRy, POUNDS ARDEN FLAVOR FRESH ¢ GAL. LETTUCE CARROTS ONIONs .................................................................... HEADS ..................................................................... CELLO PKG. ................ .................................................................................... LB, IGS "ANOH F.ES. AA MED ..................................................... DOZ. 3/$1 LLOWs ............................. lO oz ATU.E ..................... 2 .KGS 49 iI ROSE TEA BAGS o ¢O %cKAGE ...................................................... 59 MIHCED CLANs 4 T,NS CLA I CHOWDER 4 T,NS FOiL ............................................................ 1;)', HOUSEHOLD SIZE ............................................ 25 FT. ROLL 29 NHAiSE SHOP QUART -- HI'S BAKERY -- LARGE (Raised) ............ DOZ. We Fealure German Ohoc. Cake I, 2 and 3 Layers PHONE 426-3179 PiE CRUST MIX Carnation Instant Non.Fat 14 QT. BOX Liquid Bleach .................. Y2 GAL. FACIAL TISSUE 400's HILLS BROS. Lb. 73¢ 3 Lb. $2.09 2 LB. TIN Wllite Star Chunk Style Darigold Fancy Pound Hormel's . , . With Beans DeLuxe Flavor 15 oz. Tins BETTY CROCKER ........................................................................ 20 OZ, BOX TOP QUALITY AT THIS TERRIFIC LOW PRICE 8 OZ. TIN WOW! YOUR POOCH WILL LIKE IT. • . AND JUST LOOK AT THIS SHOP-RITE PRICE] ALL PURPOSE MIX .................................................... JUMBO 60 OZ. PACKAGE BETTY CROCKER CASSEROLE VARIETIES .................................................................... PKG. INSTANT COFFEE ........................................................................ 6 OUNCE JAR PACIFIC PEARL 6I/- OZ. TIN FLEISCHMANN CORN OIL POUND BREAD Shop-Rite Poly Wrap White .............................. Loaf Chiffon ................................ 60 Ct. Liquid or Dry ............................ Giant Size Liquid : $1 Diet ................................ 4 Tins Mission Wide ............ 12 oz. Pkg. .................. 11 oz. Jar By Malml Kidd DAYTON .... Charlene Alice, a little seven pound, 20-inch bun- dle (>f feminine charm was bom~ at 7 a.m. Feb. 20 to gladden th(, hearts of her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Rube Cuzick of Lost welcome her were grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rue Cuzick of Lost Imlke Road and ~'TVLr. and Mrs. Wa~'- ren Wiliams, Dayton, g r e a t- grandmother, Mrs. Esther Kidd of llyn, and great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Edens of De- queene, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Simpson Sr. were tmnored Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simpson Jr. and Myrl Simpson wil21 a fiftieth anniversary dhmer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wills host- ed the Traveling Pizlochle Party Saturday evening. High winners were Dolores Nichols and D i c k Worthy, low Dorothy Moore mid Joe Kirk, traveling pinochle, Bob Dawson and Dick Worthy. T h e next meeting will be March 6 i~ the Shelton home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Booth. Geraldine Sehur was home from Seattle to spend the long week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Delmer Schur. Tamra Bent spent htst week with the Pete Roberts family while her mother, Mrs. Bob Bent, vis- ited her grandparents, Mr. an d iVIrs. Harry Alexander in Seattle. Tom Bmmell of Agate spent Saturday and Sunday overnight with Sandhi Rietdorf. The Ed Pearson family dined Saturday in the Shelton home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic :Matson. Weekend guests of Mrs. A. E. Lcmke we]'e Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolden and children of North Gate and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil /4c- Lain and children. Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Brown call- ed on the Bill Browns Sunday eve- ning. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson were Mr. an(l Mrs. J. R. Middleton of Shelton. Sunday afternoon callers in the Delmer Schur home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lulm~ of Elma. Saturday, the Clyde Scrogham family motored to Seattle for shopping. Elizabeth Hickson was Friday overnight and Saturday guesL of Candi Kuhr of Shelton. Recent callers in the William Rietdorf home WeX'e Mrs. Etta Sherid and children and Richard Meyers of Shelton. Shelley Brown spent tl~e week- end in Kamilche with the Ken- ncth Selvidge family. Mrs, Alvin ttulbert spent Fri- day night in Federal Way with her daughter, Donna. They en- joyed shopping' in Seattle Satur- day. Dolma spent Sunday and Monday with her parents, retina- ing to her home Monday eve- ning. MI¢. AND MIEN. L. A. Todd vim- ited Friday with the A1 Fraisurcs. Mrs. Tlzelma Howard of Issa- quah was a Saturday ovezn~ighL guest of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle How- ard. Spending S u n d a y with :Mrs. Alma Baker was her brother, Vearl Bennett of Seattle. Monday dinner guests in the L. A. Todd home were 1V[r. and Morton Adams. Saturday callers in the Todd home were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd, Shelton. The Shelton V a 11 e y Clovers held an AgriculturM P r o j e c t meeting in the home of Rocky 'and Rmldy Howard Feb. 17. Mike Larson reported on a horse proj- ect activity he had attended in Thurston County. Bob Ruddeli re- ported on a dog show. Junior Leader, Joe Brown ex- plained to garden project mem- bers how to go about getting soil teats at W. S. U. Mrs. Eugene Evers, leader, led a discussion of material in the AutomoLive Project Manual. / Conner Proposes S9 Statistics Agency Sta.te representative I aul Con- TISSUE Ch,ffon -P,y .................................... 2 Roll Pkg 25 MUFFIN MIX Betty Crocker ............ Pkg. We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 2a-2b-27. LIMIT RIGHTS. Ncw Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. --- Sun. 10 - 7 nor today introduced a House bill to create a state agency for the registration of vital statistics. "Present registration of statis- tics oll births, deaths, marriages and so on is fragnnentary," Con- nor said. "We need to set up a central agency where vital statis- tics ca,n be registered and easily obtained." "Chdms and legal data would be more efficiently processed," he said. "Now, people secktng infor- nlatlon on relatives or companies working on claims have to go through a whole maze of agencm,a at the county level." CONNER. PROPOSES that a 9 State Reg'istvar o£ Vital Statistics be created. The bill sets up pro- eedures and deadlines for filing of vital statistics With theft office. Persons performing marriages would have to notify the State Registrar within 30 days. l~Lilure to do so would be =~ misdemeanor. County clerks wouhi be required to report m~trriages, divorces, an- nlllmellts or sel)al'ate nlaintallanee judgments. This would to be done by lhe lOth day of t)~e month. Tile Director of I-tcalth would be in charge of reporting deaths, births and fatal deaths to the state registrar. Conner said veteran's gYoups strongly back the measure be- cause it WOtlld help in processing compensation and pension elailns, The Sbate office would coordin- ale its efforts with the federal agency responsible for registra- tion of vital statistics. If passed by the legislature, the l bill would become effective July 1, 1965.