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February 25, 19G5
Stt'ELTON--MAS0N COUNTY ff0URNAI;--Publistie in "Cb, r . tr a. town, U.g.A.", ghdton, Washington
PAGE ] 2
By Frances Catto
~- A Ben Voyage
~ group from Lilli-
eb• 27 on a South
crUise, Wag hem Saturday
• the Holiday Beach clu'b
for the affair, at-
nearly 50 relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Win.
and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
of Holiday Beach.
honor, mlrprised with
rty, were Mr. and
Mrs. Flo-
ISS of Seattle and Lilli-
Zoo Sceva. Mrs•
joined on the tour
T3 eonla, 1V[I'S.
They will be
Vancouver "B. C. on
andwill be on the
;heir return voyage
ver the p & O
stops down the
see and Los
Honolulu Yuko-
and Aus-
ports of call
ad, New Zea-
Honohllu and
,'ntree to the City
by the Lil-
due to Mrs, Fie-
been asked
of Seattle
the Mayor of
resolution from
Council of the
Professional We-
the State of Wash-
ers have been
"Sister City" honor-
in the
cherry trees
of the state• Mrs.
president of the
area club in Seattle,
" ~ ups of Business
o~.~Women's Clubs
at the Ben
travel post-
ship model
the party
tner, Mrs. Herb-
Angle Agency.
were present
& buffet potluck
Covered With a gay,
PrOVided refreshments
of damcing.
with am-
small gifts from
the sea voyage,
e merriment by
the travel advic'e
g them. Florence
tain in charge of
of the King
s office, was pro-
s "special Police"
from the "Chief
to keep
'ior of the
aboard the Iberia
i,'es and friends
in Vanccuver, B.C.
g:}~P. To see Allie
umnsoR off, Allie's
a~d daughter-in-law
Madge's son-in-law
:Bob and Jean Bur-
fron L Bellevue,
b Erh~rt and his
come from Clear
brother-in.law and
Ed Knox
for her
take her to
Will leave with
and sister, Mr
Tottler, in the
days last
in Ta-
her shopping
farewell to
and Lewis
Ross of Se-
With B0, Veyage Party
stile, and a granddaughter, Mrs. Mrs. /¢.binson and she expressed
Cliff Nel,~ou of Edmonds. al)Proval of the jet mode of travel.
STARTING A NEW series the
Lili~aup-, Conmmnity Club is phm-
ninga pinochle party to be l]eld
Feb. 26, in the Lilliw,mp Comumn-
ity Hall. There are prizes and
refreshments and the public i,'; in-
vited to attend. (2ar(i pl'tying will
start at 8 p.m.
enlerLained Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
A. Evans and Mrs. Evans' moth-
el', Mrs. Floreltce P~r)ss, at dinner
Sire,Jay evening 'it their Triton
Head home.
Continuing ih)'ough the whole
family with the exception of the'
father, measles have slowed school
and social activity recently for the
\Vill)m' J. Bolenders of Indian
Beach. M~s. l-l~lender was much
surprised when she finally came
down with the measles, 'fiLer the
ehild:'en had aequired the disease,
reported to be prevalent in the
t,hre? local schools.
My. an:l Mrs. Barney Zaltl had
their son-in-law and danghter, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Sellers, and
their son, Lee Zahl, all from 'Pc-
coma, for a weekend visit with
them. Lee is enthusiastic about
tile boat-t:milding cou)'se h.e is
taking in vocational school.
Monday, friends from Olympia
took adwmtage of the holiday It)
visii the Zahls. Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Peters ant! Mr. and Mrs,
Rllssell Surratt, who have honles
,it Bo,~,on Harbor, clinic lip 1()
spend the day.
i Nil'. and Mrs, Bruce Aplen of
Seal]:le, who were here for the
weekvnd at their Indian Beach
collage, were SmMay night snpper
iMrs. Start \:Vhile,
g'uests at (,h:" ilonle of Mr. and
her briefly, were, 'Tin tired now
and want to sleep."
Josie will l)e missed by many
friends in this comnmnity where
[she had lived for many years.
Funeral services are lo be held
Thursday at 1 p.m, at "Wiggen
and Sons Mortuary in Seatt,ki.
As ihis et)h)r,qn was being closed
Monday nighl word came of the
(leat.h thnt evening of Mrs. S.
,To~ei)l,i:m lNderson in the Shelton
l l',~ ~: ,*v:::*::~ ~ *;V)~:'v;~ r?~;r,s~'~e¢~: ~i::~:~!~gF{:.~::!:.i:. i!~:-~-i~~i:?~!::!:.i~Jii{:,i:;::~'i!:':~; :::~ :;:~>:!i :~;i~:;:Z,:" " :ii:i:!::::~:":~{;;: :< ! ::::: !.!~: +: '~ :::~ ::::!:?!~g!:sii~{:~i~i~!:!~i~'~i;i::!;~,~ "~:h'.'~:!~::i:~i :!5:}~
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