February 25, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 25, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chrisfmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washin
m.,.mmwm,,w.wm~- ,-~ .... - " Q • •
J For Sale [ Wanted lassified Service Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate
( ( (lla Deen CHWINN BIKES -- New and used WANTED -- Cedar logs. Versapane:l, W~. BI.rY scrap It?a. Datt erieg., ~.dlfl- ONE OR TWO bedljooul vacati¢~n o,r FOR SALE OR TRADE---Two-year-old ONE YEAR OLD two-bedroom house
WISit T ) L )CATE R. Z, ,. y, ]S .... : ...... o Tr..= 1.,•~ ~nowlPort of Shelton Induslmal rarK, tore• eopl2er~ amvage •oz aU fllnal,; year-rouno, l)eem~a acce, ss ~(o)" oeacn larger home for mnaller house. Call with full basement on Lake Nab-
s nurse, wilo was employed at lira l-arts anu ;cpa.- ..... : ......... ------ .,~ ~.,.~.~ ~h..~ 4~fl-64')~ Shelton june C~, ]~lrmt anu ~-J and waterfront parK. ,~26-3~. L 12/24 tfnOWNER--MUST--SEL-L---~re-~--I~
Sildt n 11osp t d as late as 1956. [ skis, s.ales,_ rentals, repalrs;~. Clin~ [ Joh .................~l~ 2/18" tfn Streets. Phone 42~[126. S 4/7 tfn S 2/18 tfn 426-4408 after 5 p.m• watzel, Call 426-6885•A 9/17 tfn
At one tilne sh~! lived ill IOWfl City ~ ~on's ~ll~e ~nop, z~3 L:o~.a. ~/x~ t.= ~ ...................
but m,w ~ t¢ olt(d in Pill D(s~Tt ' ~F~W-~,flRE---I=~()pE- tAincl{ 'st('.~-~.i]WAN'I'ED J'~)0-"~~e~-f-JK" ]~JR.WACE CLEANING repairing, In-ANGLESIDE CORNER Lot, 90 x 120 ~)-0--Youi~-FI.~O(~RS-L-(~)OK-IHNGY--n-o bedroom, ll~ bath, large Ih'ing room
"" "~P '~ ~ ~' ~' ' ' ~ -- '" ' ' ~" ' " ' n '• 1 n elto~ for sale Phone 426-8563. No Satur- matter what you do? Cleaning Serv- with fireplace, Large convenient kit-
Calif. Willis H. Millr, Box 147 I -',:ore., 17Vzc foot. John Knedand, Mt. | _ Rubber Welders, Mt. Viewr__lJ10_~n a tallation~,, oil co~ver~o~¢._S~ r,,.! da" or Frida- night calls please, ices Co., phone 426-4376, 426-8138. chen, utility, extrn room, all on one
lludsou, Wisconsin, 2/18-25 View. Phone 426r4889, K 2/18 tfn | WINDOWS STREAKED? Too higl~to ~ne~Meta~ cJo., ~x ~u• x~,r~ ~t'~ll " " ° ' k 7/4 trn 1t7 tfn level witi~ view across town to Olym-
~tJORlS, 1)EAR w,ry S~ii:ry ~/IJ0ut the tLAWN SEASON- Use moss and fun:| reach? C~l^Cleanln!~.Serwces uo,, ~---~-v-r-~-~--~_--'-'~.~i~d.; ~-~-~~~~ WOODED WATERFRONT view lot pie Mts. Price reduced from F.H.A.
• ' n s~" I won'th't (n ol now pnonesa'z~-a~o or a~-~xao. ~F..AU~~-~ ~.*..~ "--.~.~- ~.~ ~,~l~.v....~v,,.x.2 ........ -
oth ~r night. ] pig1 i. gUS control and insect c) tr • ,, ~ 'e 0
....... • .... PI ,,~s, r rot~I e c, t~,.,~ v,~t~ ~,,,,o, l~t 2/25 3/4/ 1/7 tfn aid tschnician. RegularCare Pr.e- placts. 1 ~ baths i0 Ill s out $5 0Deeded beach access 90 x 300 $12001 appraisal of $10,500 to $9.950:_ Ct~ll
t. t dk lhm s (~ S gned Home~. " . ....... ~:w -~o~;~ ~WANTED -- Huck Picker full time vents Costly Repair . Call Olym~ls down Owner w 11 hntnce. Ph( nc $15 rag. Nothing down. Ph. 352-3"/32 426-20(~_.: .........._~!_ z/z0 t n
_, .. ~ ....i. ' .g' • ~'' ~' ~ .... i;, ! FREE --- One galh)n of A .......... , ....... , ...... ;:t'(ad'" "'ear 943-8713 or 857.6622 or Shelton 426- 426-8002 ]P 2/24 t:'nOlympia. S 2/18 tfa T~WO-----B]~DROOM modern cabin for
t: .S.--.Wlll t)uy you ll]e t, eut p,zz~ ~ ~'-e- *,, ~'rai'~ Eliot P O Box 158, I JOb, nave ow, ~ea.cv, vt ~ ~ x. -~,_ ' ,~ o~o **u ............ ' .................... , ......~__~r~-~----T-------------~- sale on Island Lake. Lot 50 ft. front-
you ever ate. at 114 2nd St.. Friday I S'l~e/ton: ~ ~i~nor's A &'~' I)rive In [ around market. Also opening for__~f~oQ ............. '~_2_°L"" ~'-., TRADE EDMONDS 6-year-o~d honm age by 202 ft. deep. ph. 426-4222.
night. 2/25 va~' ~i~,i,,, ' 2/25 [one more fern picker, same as above. CARPETS DIRTY? Company coming.? I for Shelton income property or large ~ ~ S 2/18 3/4
I - " ....... : ........ .-, ........ """ .... ~s I Call 426-4313 W 2/18-25 call Cleaning Services Company, pn• i house. Private party. Phone 426- ..~f ~]~ ~/-l~r--~dv~0,--CA-BiN~-~-~--1-00,x300,-iot:
~iC~!!! [: [ ~~tfI ~ ] T-4~!:i!!! ~[~ iV'f~" "furnished'An electricity in. Near Lake@
~~----- i ~ • ~ir 8P'W 8w Isabella. Price $2500 cash. Phone
~~ 426-4884. M 2/18-25
Real ' nov oo
for a Me,le Norman Cesmetlc dem-' S pic up cano0y P,I- T O ,0 t,. REDUCED FOR. ICK NH
........ " ', I 1202 C0ta St, EXPERT .ADTO Gt~*l:i~- I[~tal)atlon ~)~-'ice now $3400. Sell equity for ~f~f~
A O BUY A WATERFRONT HOME homes in this area. 3 large bed-
~:l-()Vl.l~-AND-..GRfi~SS-ttAY-f(Tr-:~./d~-| PARTS AND- SERVICE-'for--K|rby,/i:ADY--WANTE --FR-- - _---a .................. / WITH $750 DOWN? rooms, 1V¢ baths, built in kitchen,
"J~ J~Estes phone McCIe[u'y 495•36061 v~(uums. Als(~ new and rebuilt Klr-i work to start with. Work includes FOR EXPE, RT ~A~NRY ttreulaees .......................... Unheard of, but that is precisely 3 car garage,
dining room, living
• ' " "' ! °E 2qS"3/lt| bys. Phone 4.6-4303. K 2/20 3/11, s.ome sale.s work, answe,'in~ tcle* ¢himneye, pl=ter~, ~ = on: Cl O/itC evWAoT r OeNZ ~or~ee.r~w~ what this owner will acept on his room has fireplace wall and car-
..... - ............ o. .... ,~/,~ ...... :/Fn~e~'WOOD~ORSALE-- AnyiengU,] [ °neu2n° 2x£'n, L°io2we,m .... ~I~ t~n er can h~ndle contract Ph. 426-3~7S. Walker Park bomel 100 feet or peting. If you enjoy the finer
t}()()t) l~]ASTl~Ir~l~ *v~S~*~G*.J~ =°'*Y/ A-~t]el "r ,'.',-,n or dry f I Phone/ ~o~.o, v,.,z farce ....... ".~..~u ... ~.,.. --" __ .... ___ '' v o.ss .¢..
for" .-;at(!, by bah;. Phone 426-6685. | ]-~.~,~2~ ,, g, ee "H 2/25 tfnl round part-tlme work need apply. HAw .GUI~. ~ ~I~I~Y! ~.n~ ............. ~_2/~5A~2~ no-bank waterfront, about 750 things, this is a must to see!
K 2/18-25 ~.=-~"~'°~ ~ .... --~ ............... "" n 1 %0 1Write Box 10 c/o Journal• ann mter~or. Free .~tmmtea.__wor~ ISLAND LAKE for summer fun or feet deep, loads of fruit trees, an
................................ : ..... -,-. .......... THREE-FII!;CI~ Dr( wn secuo a ¢ . 2/11 tfn men. ~me~ x-~an~m ~. t. of ter
'•CHRI~TMASTOW~I U•S.A, ruDber[ ~,,,.~o. ¢~ e~ ..... ,,H.or in verv~ ......... ~ dg~ ~Le ~1]~0 t~ year round living, 115 f . wa " excellent drilled artesian well and VIEW HOME .
Stazaps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 [ ,-cod condition ¢30 One Reeliner/WANTED --- Cedar logs and timber ....... trent suitable for one or two Iam- a comfortable 2 bedroom home, Hood • Canal •at Umon.. A top
each. ~ Weet Cots. 1211 tfn I $20 Phone 426-4227 ' F 2/18 tfn[Call Olympia 352-3178. Schel~y Bros. ~ SAW S.~, .~e~ llies' enjoyment. Call 426-8589 an.y-
~.tXy "Foi~'~E'-----,~5c--~--ff~le.--S~t~-~ ] -:~_.:. ~ ~. ..... ~,,.--:=--_ ~h=ee:b~d-i Lumber, z¢oute 4, Box ~..ta~, olympla~ ~curn%e pre~L~lgn ~D'j~_.9.1ng..-N~o~ at time. = ...... with an extra storage room that quality nolo w,th many line ~.ea-
Johnson 4~:8q74 1/14 tl'nlA~v~m ~-.~x~z~• ?(k^t r -_.-I Wash, 9/17 ttn Saeger Motor Shop. /~lllCr~nqne=-~.~ .~,~,~,# ~,~ Cara~,e nice can be used as a 3rd bedroom lures, uuih in appuances, tire-
' ~ ? ........................... room mODllO home ac ,~i~ a ZI1UILUI. -- ...... 4~-4~ lrJ~ ~ J~-AvEJ _-~*ff'.JJ.VJI. l~.~v~*=* -- ~ m ,
ICQDACOI.OR ENLARGEMENTS (5x7) [ Call 426-4749 after 5 p.m• [ WANTED ~.. Ironl_ng_in my_homeL ~ ~ neighborhood, half block tO school. Full price reduced to $12,950 with place, col,or bath, large patio, car-
2 for $1.49, reg. $2.50 value, Jmnbo A 1/28 tfnl an hour• ~none 426~2"0. L ~/~. un SAND AND GRAVEL, top ?oll,_p.eat Good rental property. Phone^ 426- $750 down. Ca l us right now for port,
and loads of storage room.
color reprints from Kodacolor nega- ] I A-VO-N-'-C-.~I~LING -- Have a few ter- s011, ctmtom tractor worm Jonn~ 2484. i~ xu/zz un details This is a new home with a lot of
~ves only 5 for $1.19. Offer expires T ..~.~- ~r ~-,.~..~1 i ritories open In the Shelton are.a-- Creek Sand & Gravel Co,, phon.e 4~ -------~ • appeal. Let's drive out this week!
next. March 31. Ziegler's Camera [ ~L~U~V uv ~, ~u.u I Mattock, Hoodsport, Union and Bruno ~52. ~/13 tm KA~ ~k~^~Ik~Ldk~.4[
Shop, 124 N. 2nd St., phone 426-{ ..... ] non area. For private interview in ~~-~r- ~F'~F'~F'~F'~~ ~r ~r~ READY FOR YOU . . .
6163. 1/21 3/25 PART OF the McC-arvle~ lamuy isi your homo write Mary Rasmussen, ~.]~.~.~.~ o~.~..=~.~v~ tn ~"~m .......... • ~m~ Here is a furnished, 2 bedroom LOVELY NEW HOMES
"~ ........... -=------------" er~ missing. Chico, a Toy .V'OX Termer. I 600 N. "I" St., Aberdeen, WaSh. • ..........................
EuO CA~ PUMX" more wat [ .................... *,, +h,~ M~tlnck ~ ~m~ *~ Prices reasonable• Call 426-4900. IilB[II; Rl flll¥ home on a large tract rose to the You choose the finish, floors,
longer with Fedrbanks Morse pumps. I ...... ~:~ ....~ .... qk~"~i'~':~ _____ "" ~*,"2' ~ M 1/28 3/11 ==•=Hm•m =•-= .... Southside school in rural Arcad- cabinets and location. These are
See them at Shelton Electrm uo,, I area. -..~- ............ "-"~ICE" CONKS Collect ....~----='~=---'-~----~ .... -'--'-:"-
a~o w~H,,~l RilS tfn I ...... ~'uJu~. . ~• ~. _ L__~ . __" SALE. Now $1.u~ oII on ~prea ~9.un ~ a areal Large iiv ng room, new homes ,of the finest materials and
~_t~_~" 271:~"=-'_. ~ teel l --'-i'e I TT~,~.ll f~,,~ ors ple.a~, conmczppx..~yF, ~/o ','he and Lustre paint--qusrts orgallons ........ ,~, e~=~,IAL roof, excellent well and pump workmanship, We will begin con-
FOR.fiA.b/~ -7 u.se~e .].pates, ppe, I ~e~vu ~J~ll~ Journm. we pay nighest prlc.es. .... ---419 Railroad Ave,, Shelton Electric ou~un~,~ o~,~ --- $7'500 with terms available, " struction soon arid still have a
p~.eys anu sna ts.A I t es sin- ~~ 21~. allX 2 11 tfn •
Junk ..................... Co. / Here Js that seldom offered
v a~a. She~o~,~ ..... Co., ~Pr~n~t=~d }CREAM-PUFF ]960 Che)~.~xcylinder, WANT TO RENT -- Three bedroom ~ ,-~mhln~+ton nit mnw nrice, close WE HAVE fair selection of sites available.
m,=., u,u=== ~-o,~. o~o u-i stick. $1095, Phone ,~=o-s~o. h,~me~ in Bavshore area Can give !.= • ~. ~_ ~ .............. '. "- ~.. " . • • Our office will be glad to show
~--R [t.~,Ll~ -- Large selection ot re-[ E 2/18 tfn references 426:4181 " W 2/18-25 lf~e~l JI~S~]bT~ in location anti small acreage.
cnnditmned ranF~.2s,,, ret ri~eratqr~, i~55--B~H-CK--St, ECTXL~Standhrd ~LL--=CARE--FOR'---~LDI~EN--in ~ This new listing is priced right Several 1, 2, or 3 bedroom 'fixer you a model home at your con-
~sae~s,c,~a~y~ers. ~eus ~t vaue~,~,: transmission, $125 or trade._ Phone my homo Phone 426-4683. Capitol FOR SALE -- Rental vroperty, One 8- at $7,950 and boasts of 3 bed-upper" homes available at VERY venience and help you plan your
....................... 2 1 trn attractive prices and reasonablenew home. Call anytime.
m,r~ ¢'~'~ a,,~,,~ .... ~. .......... . _426-3747. ................ S /8 ....... Hill, Shelton. Mrs. Arthur L. Job.n- bedroom, one 2ebedroon~ and....one rooms, extra large living room,
~"= .~'~'~. "A''= ~..~. ~'.'"~.'~.~ FOR SALE -- '61 Dodge V-8, auroras-son, =/a un 1-bedroom nouns: uooa conaluon ~...=m...=.~. u~+~o, mn~,n ~n,~ terms can be aranged. Better call
e qmlb~nen~. ~rom ~lregtow ¢o ~Tan~- tic transmission, no-slip rear axel, c'm~m~m- ~rORK- DONE-'by-the"-day close to school and business district. "='*"'Y °"~ .......... "='""=' "'Z Dick Belling right away for de- NEED ROOM .. , ....
Hn . stoves_, grates to.gm~s seers: also 30" electric range, both excellent "~'or'--t~.'th'e s-uare foot Phone 426- 2328 Adams St. Fhone 426-4228. a full basement. It's in exceP tails. This ,one nas all you u neea ana
~arlson~ TILe aria ~'~repmceA~ ~.~ condition Reasonable. Phone 426- 3608 ~fter 0 u~.m 'W 2/25 4/15 P 7/16 tfa lent condition, too, so you had want. 3 extra spacious bedrooms,
Company, phone 426-.fi~76 or 426-8138. "-" "' "" rossfrom KMAS. Plmne ~o-~' This attractive 2 bedroom home lent, 2 lots, convenient location.
features a full basement,
1/7 tfn Phone 426-4428. J 1/21 tfn . B 2/11 tfn land.Price is $22,500. With easy terms.
~p:J(ND--~F,W-~i,'i(ie[--Poia~:o]d-'c~):lor 1954 F()RD 4-dooi:.-Mecl~an~ily--ex~e-I:" QUALITY One Bedroom__ .d.owntown. ............. scaped yard, hardwood floors, A fine home. See it today.
pack camera at a sensational $117.50, ient 426-3443. N 2/11 tfn apartment. FurnisheS. W/W e~arpe~, HOME IN COUNTRY --- Five acres, ANOTHER SPECIAL--
$75 per too. Contact Idlurt Mann,drilled well, new septic system, two fireplace, view, forced air heat,
Zloglcr's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. FOR TRADE ::Z-J952-Cl~c:')l:01eit-4do()i: Realtor. 426-6592. 1/14 tfn bedrooms down, dormitory up. This is the one for the growing All for just $13,000 with conven- WANT TO TRADE
Z 11/19 tfn and 15 ft. Aloha travel trailer for
tent terms.
~]~W--M(>C)-N--nmb~ie---tl°m-es"i--Nati°fi-'s one,equitYor two°n bedroomd°wn paymentl~ouse in°norSmallnear NICEroom,LIGHTturnished.APARTMENT~Oneinquire 718 Northbed': 426-3443. " N 2/11 tfnfamily. It's located just at the We have several trade opp0rtu-
Shelton. Must be liveable. Phone Sixth. D 2/25 tfn ~'R SAI-~ -- Three bedroom house edge of town with a choice water nities now available. One is a 2
...................... at Five Corners. Phone 426-8158 a- and mountain view. At present, it's DOWNTOWN . . .
NO• 3570
In the Matter of th0
L. SIMANTEL, Deceased,
Rueben Bell, Executor :
late, }uls filed with said
final report and petition f
tion, asking the Court to
report, uistribute the pro[
persons thereto entitlesI
charge saidExecutor. '
and petition will be _hfl
19th day ofMarch, lg6,ib,
in the Courtroom of sal~
the County Courthouse
Washington. j
DATED THIS 15th day u,
1965, N~,
_ . Clerk of the Superl0r~
~to~ert L. Snyder
125~ North ~Sth
Shelton, Washington
Attorney for Executor, 2/18
NO. 3613 ...,
fn the Matter of the
Mary Greva Tobey is t h~
and qualified Executrix o~
All. persons having .claitnS "~
deceased are required to
same in duplicate, dulY.,~'~
said Executrix or her at~
ert L. Snyder, at the ad~
stated, and file the sam~
Clerk of said Court, t01~
proof of such service,
months after the date of P
cation of this notice, or
will be barred. .,
DATE of first publicati0~!
18, 1965. -
312 McKinley . ".
Shelton0 Was]dngtOa
Attorney at Law
125~& N. 5th
Shelton, Washington
lot overlooking wat~
tains. Three bedroo~
and den, carpets, ga~
shop. Phone Union
fenced, two bedroom
ter and lights on
Box 394, Arcadia
room house. Big
after 6 p.m•
best seller, your best buy. DeTray's bedroom home offeredJn trade
Mobile Homes, 1617 Fones Road,
Olympia. Phone 352-2907• D 10/15 tfn426-6033. H 2/25 FOR RENT -- Newly furnished thre0 FOUR BEDROOM horn(
T~ICiMA'S-ORG:AN L---i20--B~'s-ch'ord~ 1960 FoILD--~l-~lool:.--g()od--condition~ room apartment. $65, references re-I ter 5 p,._mm, B 7/~ tf.nn a roomy 2 bedroom, but there is aBetter look quick! This is an ex-for a waterfront tract.Value is double garage, w/w c~
$250 Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cots• Priced to sell. Phone 426-4138, quired. 426-8277. 2/25 tfn RE.~SONABLE nice 2 ~edroom home full upstairs for future expansion, tra nice 2 bedroom downtown $4,000. We would welcome your cabinets, fireplace ,¢
' 4/16 tfn E 2/25 :FOR--RENT-- -T~'a{ler-~e-ciose--toClose to stores and school, Call 4=6- Pretty kitchen with dinette, a h o m e in excellent condition trade offering, and will work out 426-4711, 307 West "D'
~ALE! Ni}W $1100 0i'f-i)i~-Si:;r~id- satin downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn 8553. B 10/1 tfnlarge living ~oom, lots of storage, throughout and it won't be avails- a trade on many of our listings.TW0-BE])R~00M HOM]~'*
and Lu.~,,.,~ i,,i,,t. Qu ,rt. o,. gallons, Sporting Go~s C-O-l~'PL]~T-~,Y---fu]'~hed coStage b.e: plus a full basement. Priced athie long at just $8750. Fireplace, For more informationcallor ntshed. Ideal hlcatiOn
OOD CANAL of Christmas trees,
419 Railroad Ave. Shelton Electric on Hood Canal Hiway. Handy to H with just $550 for down pay- yard.
Co. 2/25 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- tween Unicn and Twanoh State par~ , $10,500 andyou can purchase electricheat,carpeting,fenceddrop in. from city, $7500.
()NI,]'i~ARGE VANiTYwith h-trg0 bey:- ment at Walt.'s Marine Supp._l~, on buses and fishing $45. St. at. Box 255 LOOK AT THIS ~fC~I=Y"
beautiful Hood Canal. Phone ]~ooo=- Union. 898-$276. Just south of Union, panoramiclent and closing costs. OUT OF TOWN . . . A very cozy and comfy 3 bed-
eled nfirror. Twill bed with spriong ........ 1/1fl ten C 10/1 tfn Mountain view, 2 bedroom witll room home with
Dow]ltown, close to
~.~(¢)~ Im~ttr,!,~s. ~lso other t]ling~. 4..6- DO. "t-rt ........
• . E ./2519~5~(.A~-N-I~R'-travel trailers and--S~-2 FOR :RENT -- Unfurntshed--t;~-~-~- basement, new condition, creek, Just a few minutes from town, room home on Hillcrest for only shopping eent,,r, on
Wc:stngh(usc lark horse trailers on sale now at[ room modern, new apartments on landscaped $12,000. PRIVATE PARK: this late model 4 bedroom home $5,950. This one has an extra liams, 426-3169.
{0 iil('{~ i'ang~ '$F)0' and r'.'l'rig~,rtt r Shelton Union Service Station, 3321 Mr. View. Wall-to-wall carpeting,
' ' ' • , ~ 'So 1st St R 10/15 tfn draperies laundry facilities a pin home is surrounded by one full acres with attached garage, ex- kitchen, carpeted living room and house, fireplace, thr~
$3.,. Both good condition. 426-43o3.~ '--" = "- ........................... ;, ............ ; ..... [ .......=',a+e ,~arkin," and'nr~v]ate 3 bedroom older home, shop This unique and interesting is offered for only $14,250. On 2 large lot. Nice 2 car garage, large ~UST-SELL ~-Lo~:~;e
B 2/25 FOR SALE -- 17 fL. cat)In cruiser, =-~, #, .... a- o ~-
:HillcresL Phone 426-411
: ........ ,'~'-~-p~E~'---'~]=~,i'~---'~tei~ 35 h,r,. Evinrude just overhauled. [ locked storage sp_aco. Heated swim: ~oom, creek, 130 ft, t,delands $13,- acre of p~rivacy. You will eq- ceHent well, lovely fireplace, forced as neat as a pin. A fine homefor trees. Near stores s~
L)NE "IHR 2-__= .:, ": : - - "" ' ............ ae +,aih.r all in rood con- I ling pool, Sb~J.bu monm. ~ontact 500 joy living in this home with it*s air heat. the right party. See it today. ~ or weekends.
S( ( licit8! ¢ et ~;~[) une I)('(/ arl(l DOX ~,,,,,=,,,,,,* ~. , o *
~:',~ .. ¢;~ '.~ *A ..... ~,,, S~5 U ) 'dit onCall 426-3157 after 4 p m Jmanager. Phone 426-3100, Ell/26 tfn many exciting features includ-
right vacuum (leant " $10 ,t26-3159. ~ ~/~o o~i ........ ~-~,r ~rv'~,rw*r~'~T living room with nice
'C 2/11-% IFOR RE~T -- Ree¢= Apt. 2 bed~l~. IIN IL)I~IIUI~I ing an unusual living room MT. VIEW . . . ANGLESlDE
.................... ~ ; • " unfurnished, garage, ard. ~ - 3 bedroom ara e car-
W(i()D ANY I FNGTtIS call B(lfa r, Pets, Livestock I ~oo^nie.~ ~encv 4~4668 or 428- New , g g , with pretty stone fireplace and A rare opportunity to own your Here's a modern home in the ator. range. Garage, w
CR 5-2302 aft~or 5 p.m.' D 2/]1 3/25 I ' I "~= "' I) 8/29 tfn port and shop. Nice Mountain high beamed ceiling, a story own home on easiest ,of terms! top Angleside area. This one fen- Phone 426-8077.
]~()CAL BAIJ~I)I-lAYFOR SALE:Z P~nKnIN, GES~E- l~.e.ts or_bre~ding stock, view, quiet area $20,000. book kitchen with built-in ap- Just $8500 for this 3 bedroom lures 3 nice size bedrooms car-
Phone 426-3750. G 2/11 tfn~ou to ~luu. ~none azo-~:~.,~/~ ~f- I House anytime. For information call piianoes, 3 bedrooms (2 carpet- home with 2 full baths. An excel- peted living room with raised
I,~()R SALE .... R,f=:i~r~d(ii:~-t,'mh bur= ............................................... ~ ='~"~ ":=1 426-3959 or 426-2406. ~rn=L~ ~ T~I~TV='~r ed) and a large bath with many lent property with future corn- hearth fireplace, 1~/~ baths, and a
iv' md dryer in good condition. NEW ~.UPPLY.of turtles a nd..fmh, .are | M 6/18 tfn J~/-]ki~ll UJI? ILJJ.~ll.~. plus features. Downstairs is a merciai value, New roof, Shown very convenient kitchen, You'll EXGEPTIg
' ' 3'158 R "/11-25 In AlSO grcotlng earns oi al| KlnUS, ~- --~--L'--~'~~
lhone 426-, .... ~' . .............. ]~E~OTEL on 50 ft lots on no bank beach, full apartment with bedroom, by appointment only. also like the large 2 car garage
;r-R~- 0u~-C~T, XL-~:~-~:o~e ~c apiece, us. ~wnlngs,~O~tnl ~Ohbedrolo~J~sCo~tt~ges" Calhe~61?4~a near Twanoh, $125 per ft. Also bath, kitchenette and large day-CAL ..... with its extra storage room.
~a~y. thOtr~and~)eOfcoitnCt;s We pay ~ttRIE-R--P1~Pl~t']S--fo~--s'~te--Wes(]~-(~T Two ne~ furnishYd~. 3 cottages $14,500-$16,500. Bulk- light living room with fireplace. L ^NYT'M Horn. ,,ke th,s o.o are gett, ng VALUES
arine Su l H[l Ill} hlands and Australian Phone -- ' '
freight. Shelton M P-P ~-- -:-" ~.-o^;,'.~ ~'~.,, .... [ modern one-bedroom houses at Tup- headed. Nice beach, good acreage$21,000 is the price and terms hard to find. Better lookthis
~~D' s KA~~i~j~M S ~ t:¢n,::: :~i~¢'~ ............... e~°i ~:ALC"G::N~:~12!!~I ~m::~si e~:tlC°°~r:r--La-ke" N'h*~atzel'h'°n:~!:ii :~ ;;~O ~arey°ursf°rtheasklng" MAN'N REAL ESTATE ''week' NEW HOME OF yO~
C e o l le l~ 7 wf~;~is~hedO'p fir:~ia~, L.IKE A CREEK? 121 Ra,,road Av,. A. ROY DgNN' O yourACUst°mchoice°r pre-pla~is not ~S
a you many think. We
~-i~V-~--'~(~-pack PoIaroid m~!cs..6~°~e:l: a.ndd~ug~to~rbl(: Y~nacrl~]E~e~rooAmPT~ N-lcely 'furnished. bulkheaded beach and Marine rail- You II have a dandy one here as ~/~[ Phone 426-8363 ~ plans to fit your r,
Pri e ~eau(~d to ~z~5u ann :1 ntns) A ' ' .... '--" of room "lean this well-kept 2 bedroom home is
came "a.~ :. ' ','. 1 ~ ' 'tfn Bm ro saddle " 'Perf(ct for c il ~h dren Automat,c neat. l~OtS ,t~ way $35,000. ,~F [~---~] ~ ranging in price froff
Ziegler's Camera Shop. /' --.-~ " "'" -" ';; - 12 fPtbe:;I and neat From ,$45 mo, At the} located on a four acre tract with EVENINGS CALL
,over 200' on Mill creek. This is
(i:E.~ ()iL'FUr,~NAC, E illl-rti~ni~5 con- ~a~le~-°r$3t5l• :p~°e ~42~.3204 = "1 Shelton Airport. Call 426-8584. [ ..... nru~.~-~ 12S Railroad $21o00 including prol
on 1Ol ~ai Ill(,l ' 12(•-6'• • ' 1/ld +,.I S 12/17 tfnl ~:~'JLOJLI~JI~ of the city's better ~c.i
dit~ ' • ~. " - , • . La ..................... -- the perfect spot for retirement as I Eves. call=
N!~,:ilt~ tO,i~!!~]%~la~'OyN ~ Io:,ncaP~t:a:;hnS?n::e b~wk~?de0d, yourY°U Canowngardenbaok yard.and fiShjustright$6,950in BoBKURTHARVF.Y---877-5262M AN N--426-3228 ,[ .... & Roy Dunn .... 426-4601 in appliances, fire P
.... :: .......... ....................................................... SO.MEONE.WITH re.fl~rqncl~: t°i2anby nished downtown $50"per too. 26-I T~r ~r,~nSpn~ with eome terms. DICK BOLLING--=426-8162 [ Mary Voss ........ 425.8074 wood floors and many
ty features. All hol~(
sn. wnn two Ire-school v ~- . ..... r. 258~ B 2/18 tfn i ll~ J[]t*J~J-~ v~. to F H. A qualificatt
]lome. 426-804o._I .......... ?~--:'----- ~ 3 bed
wILL--D0---i)aby-sitiing and typing FURN.ISHED AND UNFqRm.S. ED[ 2 homes- one_ room. Hot [ HARSTINE ISLAND!l! i ~ ......
in my home.Hi)lcrest area. 426- one bedroom apartments, ~wo mOCKSl water neat. Amso one bearoom l We think that this 36 acre ]
, 2 18 tfn Irom bank shopping center Appli- I ,.,=+~ ^;) ~=~+ ~th have ~1,o., .... GuiVee us a call or sto]
II R¢;¢~ ~ ~l~-Figl 4286 R / ................... ~,o~ooI tract is about as pretty a spot i
' .................. • ............ s anees heat hot water, garbage ser- ' ' " nal
Illllff 'ddP l IJ t,1 ! "' "! WANTED -- Set of hght steol bunk vice ~urnlshed Tried sinks bath-I and beautiful Ca view - to-I as you will ever find and be- I
fin ald~ r el s((ond growth Cowan * - ' stora,e' uie "
i~11-~-~='=" ~~[~l " ~ -' ' ~:~ * • • ' /;~'.-wtugs, showers. Ample g • Q L/gether $27,000. I sides that, it's an excellent buy. I AT LAST--THE I DE
"] '~ " "" ~" ] ~ ~ ' ]'~ " '~ ]' 'M [' ~ (~ ]] ~ () X " *''" a K (~" a''" '' 1 clean attractive surroundings, Also| BROKER
|l~l~._._..J ~.~¢g, ff_~|J~=='l~=~i ..... l