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Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 - Mason County Journal - Page B-5
continued from page B-1 Youngquist said. "It's
certainly good for our
was his leadoff in theprogram. I like that our
200-yard freestyle. Hecommunity respects our
was faster than the rest program and I think any
of the field. I thought recognition our program
that last race of the meet gets is good."
was really exceptionalBrown-Garcia said
and a testament to howhe and the rest of the
much he learned and put team were excited when
it together when it really Youngquist received his
mattered." award.
At the meet, "I'm very proud of
Youngquistwas also him," Brown-Garcia said.
named the 3A State "He's just a very amaz-
Coach of the Year. ing coach and he's good
Youngquistwas one of to me, the teammates
three finalists lasg year. and everybody. He puts
He laughed and re- in a lot of hard work and
marked his morn was re- teaches us really well.
ally proud of the award. I'm proud to have him as
"It's a really cool hon- a coach."
or to have your peers rec- Now, the Climbers
ognize you in that way," look toward next season.
"On speed, ! think we'll be
better. Some of the guys that
are doing weft at the end,
they'!! continue to get better,
Some ef our sophomores and
freshmen have potenUa|, |'m
opt|mistic with what we
coming Wn,"
Chad Youngquist, Shelton swimming coach
This year they finished
third in the 3A Nprrows
League with a 4-2 league
record. Youngquist said
this year's squad was
well rounded and showed
the depth of Shelton's
Next year, the High-
climbers compete in a
new league, which will
bring in some new league
opponents who they
swam against already in
non-league meets.
"Dual meet wise we
won't look as good, but
on speed I think we'll
be better," Youngquist
said. "Some of the guys
that are doing well at the
end, they'll continue to
get better. Some of our
sophomores and fresh-
men have potential. I'm
optimistic with what we
have coming in."
At the swimming and
diving banquet, four
swimmers were recog-
nized for their hard work
and dedication this sea-
Senior Levi Vance was
given the Inspirational
Award, junior Taylor
Toney was bestowed the
Coaches Award, Brown-
Garcia was awarded
MVP and sophomore
Brayden Ordonez was
presented with Most Im-
Troy Krumpols leaps
Journal photo by Brianna Loper
off the diving board during a dive at state swimming.
very high school
athlete's dream
is to make it to
state. For the Shelton
Highclimbers and North
Mason Bulldogs
wrestling teams,
usually two to
three wrestlers
make the journey
to the Tacoma
Dome. All season
I heard about the
lights, the crowd
and the magic of
the state tourna-
This weekend,
I finally got to see what
everyone was talking
about as I covered Mat
Classic XXVIII.
Let me set the scene
for folks who haven't
been to the state tour-
nament. The floor of
the Dome is concrete
and there were 24 mats
spread out in groups of
four. There were six dif-
ferent classifications of
wrestling taking place
on mats: 1B/2B, 1A, 2A,
3A, 4A and girls wres-
tling. It wasn't sweaty
or stinky on the floor be-
cause there was a steady
stream of air flowing
through the area.
I was covering the
Shelton boys, Shelton
girls and North Mason
boys. It was just my luck
that North Mason and
Shelton were in opposite
corners, so I definitely
got in a lot of walking on
Friday and Saturday.
When I started walk-
ing around the floor,
I felt like an ant. The
stands filled with fans
and banners
hung around
allegiance to
their school.
The lights
shone bright
and fans
cheered when
By their wres-
VALDEZ tlers won. I
started to feel
the magic.
There were start
times for each bracket,
but those were only
guesstimates at best. At
times, I would be watch-
ing a match and then
see someone else across
the dome getting ready
to start their match.
It was exciting to see
and watch some of the
best wrestlers in the
state of Washington.
Some girls sported corn-
rows, wrestlers wore box-
ing-styled silky robes and
people were constantly
moving around to stay
On Saturday, myself
and other fans ran into
some trouble with traf-
fic. Early that morning
in Lakewood, there was
a major traffic backup
due a police shootout.
I left my house at 9:15
a.m., not knowing what
the cause of the backup
Journal photo by Brianna Loper
Shelton senior Colton Paller looks to coaches for
guidance during his first match against Bowen
McConville of Kennedy Catholic School.
was. I spent three hours matches.
in traffic as police offi- As the matches ticked
cers worked on securing down, it was exciting to
the crime scene on Inter- watch Shelton's two se-
state 5. niors wrestle. I felt a lit-
It even affected the tle honored to know that
Shelton girls team, who I was watching their
was recognized as state last high school match
academic champions for because I was in their
the second year in a row. positionnot too long
As they sat in traffic, the ago. After Alec Manke
wrestlers not competing finished his match, I
missed the presenta- could see the emotions
tion ceremony. Luckily, run through his face as
they were able to have he looked around the
a smaller ceremony Tacoma Dome.
in between the finals It may be the end of
'North • Shelton • 4261467 i
high school wrestling,
but for the seniors the
memories and bonds
they created will last
forever. I'm already can't
wait for the wrestling
tournament next year.
• Alexandria can be
reached at alexandria@
masoncounty.com or
517 Franklin St. • 426-1000
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