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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 - Mason County Journal - Page B-13 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASH- INGTON FOR GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY In Re the Estate of No. 16-4-00039-1 RAEBURN MORRISON HAGEN, NOTICE TO CREDITOR Deceased. The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal represen- tative of the above estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise ap- plicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal represen- tative or the personal representative's attorney at the address state,d below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were com- menced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020; or (2) four months after the date of the first publica- tion of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonpro- bate assets: Date of First Publication: February 25, 2016 Personal Representative: Wayne D. Hagen, Jr. Attorney for Personal Representative: Hagen Bates & Edwards P.S. Address for Mailing or Service: c/o Hagen Bates & Edwards P.S 110 W. Market, Suite 202 P.O. Box 2016 Aberdeen, WA 98520 Court of probate proceedings and cause number: 16-4-00039-1 Wayne D. Hagen, Jr., Personal Representative 8511 February 25, March 3, 10 3t PUBLIC NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASH- INGTON KIM D. POLLARD, PERSONAL REP- RESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD R. GANO, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF LINDA DOTSON AND RICHARD DOTSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE, DECEASED, INCLUDING DOUGLAS E. DOTSON, DEAN R. DOTSON, DANNY L. DOTSON, AND DEBRA M. BAILEY, TOGETHER WITH THEIR SPOUS- ES, IF ANY; THE HEIRS AND DEVlSEES OF EARL S. COLEMAN AND RHODA COLEMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE INCLUDING DONALD SMITH, ROBERT SMITH AND THEIR SPOUS- ES, IF ANY; THE HEIRS AND DEVlSEES OF ORVILLE E. PEEBLES AND MARY PEEBLES, HUSBAND AND WIFE, INCLUDING PEN- NEE PEEBLES REINHART, TOGETHER WITH THEIR SPOUSES, IF ANY; THE HEIRS AND DEVlSEES OF SYLVEANUS ("VEAN") GREGG, SR. AND DOROTHY GREGG, HUSBAND AND WIFE, TOGETHER WITH THEIR SPOUSES, IF ANY; THE HEIRS AND DEVlSEES OF FRAN- CES B. JOHNSON MESSING INCLUDING SCOTT STUBBERFIELD, TOGETHER WITH THEIR SPOUSES, IF ANY; AS WELL AS THE PRESUMPTIVE COMMUNITY INTEREST OF A SPOUSE OF ANY OF THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS KNOWN OR UNKNOWN AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DE- SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, De- fendants. NO. 15-2-00518-2 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ALL PERSONS CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN; You are hereby summoned to appear within (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Sum- mons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 25th day of February, 2016-and defend the above- entitled action in the Court aforesaid and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff at the address below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The purpose of this action is for quiet title to the following described property in Mason County, Washington: A tract of land in the Southeast quarter (SE 1A) of Section eight (8), Township Twentyone (21) North, Range two (2) West, W.M., particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the quarter corner common to Sections eight (8) and nine (9), said Township and Range; Thence West, 2503.60 feet; thence South, 693.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGIN- NING; thence North 80029' East, 395.50 feet to the shore line of Mason Lake; thence North 34041, West, along the shore line, 85.20 feet; thence South 73o29, West, 373.00 feet; thence South 28054' East, 33.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said land being also known and described as Tract thirtyeight (38) of the un- recorded Plat of Manzanita Tracts. ALSO, all shorelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the above described upland. Tax Parcel No. 22108 50 00038. TO- GETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO an easementHEARING FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO- within the Commissioners Chambers Bldg. I, 411 reserved to all property owners in the unrecorded TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applicants, Beau North Fifth Street, Shelton. If special accommo- plat of Manzanita Tracts to the use of any and all and Kasandra Boutwell, have filed an application dations are needed, contact the Commissioners roads situated thereon, as disclosed in various for a Special Use Permit for the following devel- Office, (360) 427-9670, ext. 419. Any persons instruments of records. DATED this 16th day of opment: Accessory Dwelling Unit. Site address wishing to express their views or to be notified February, 2016. BROWN LEWIS JANHUNEN & and project location: 111 SE Crystal Creek Ct, of the action taken on the application should ex- SPENCER Attorneys for Plaintif By: DOUGLAS Shelton. Parcel No. 31904-44-00004. Sec 4, Twn press their views or interest by March 9, 2016. C. LEWIS, WSBA #6212 101 S. Main Street / PC 19 N, R 3 W. Any person desiring to express their Please send comments to Planning Dept., ATT Box 111 Montesano, WA 98563 (360) 249-4800 view or be notified of the action taken on the ap- Grace Miller, 615 W. Alder Street, Shelton, WA 8512 February 25, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 plication should notify MASON COUNTY DEPT 98584. Please contact Grace Miller of the Plan- 6t OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 615 W. Alder St. ning Department at (360) 427-9670, ext. 360 or Shelton, WA 98584 A public hearing will be held at the address listed above with any questions PUBLIC NOTICE by the Hearings Examiner on the proposed proj- or clarifications on this development and permit. NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PUBLIC ect on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 1:00 PM8520 February 25 It As a community service, the Journal publishes contact information for organizations that need volunteers. There is no charge for this service. If you would like to contribute some of your time to your community, watch these listings for places that need you. Adopt-A-Pet 360-432-3091 Shelton School District 360-426-1687 Mason County Forest Festival Catholic Community Services 327-2230 Community Youth Services 360-943-0780 Crisis Clinic of Mason and Thurston Counties Courtney Ingwaldson 360-586-2888, ext 110 Next training begins in April. Hood Canal Food Bank Kathy Roberson, Director 360-877-9958 Need volunteers to help load Days vary. and Faith in Action 360-275-0535 unload food. Mason County Juvenile Court/Probation Services James W. Madsen 360-427-9670 ext 332 Mason County Sheriff's Department php?volunteers Mason General Hospital Tenielle Masteller, Director Services 360-427-3621 of Volunteer Mason CountySenior Activities Center 360-426-7374 North Mason School District 360-277-2112 Pioneer School District 360-426-9115 Grapeview School District 360-426-4921 Habitat for Humanity of Mason County Volunteer Coordinator - Kathleen Hunter 360-426-8134 extension 204 We need both teams and individuals for house construction and related activities. Hood Canal SchoolDistrict 360-877-5463 Hoodsport Visitor Information Center Mark Franklin 360-877-2021 We are seeking volunteers to assist visitors to Mason County and specifically the Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park in Hoodsport. KAOS Radio The Saints Pantry Food Bank Steve Russell, Director 360-427-8847 Shelton School District 360-462-2237 Senior Services for South Sound 360-586-6181, ext128 Sound Learning 360-426-9733 Sunrise Equine Rescue Janean or Brooke 360-275-2960 Reliable volunteer, hard worker, experience with horses a plus but not required, able to clean stalls, pastures push a full wheel barrow, clean and fill waters. In any weather. Turning Pointe Domestic Violence Service Sherri Donley, Program Coordinator 360 426-1216 Mary M. Knight School District Mason County Historical Society Kristin Fabry 360-426-1020 We are looking for volunteers to help at the museum with a variety of projects having to do with our museum operations and special events. 360-426-6767 The UnitedWayofMason County 360-426-4999 The Volunteer Center 360-741-2622 To list your organization, please contact Linda Frizzell at 360-426-4412 or Red Cross 360-352-8575