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Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 - Mason County Journal - Page B-23
The Journal of Record is produced Domestic dispute -- a caller in the
using 911 call information Mason 600 block of West Franklin Street in
County Emergency Communica- Shelton reported that a man and a
tions, the Mason County Sheriff's woman in a wheelchair were shout- Estray -- a caller on East Lambeth
Office and the Shelton Police De- ing at each other in a store. Firearms -- a caller on Northeast Way in Shelton reported that a small
oartment provides. Tiger Mission Road in Belfair report- white dog who looks malnourished
FEB. 19 ed finding a .357 magnum, keeps coming into her yard.
FEB. 17 Domestic dispute -- a caller in the
Estray -- a caller on Holman Street 300 block of East Agate Drive in Theft -- a caller in the 200 block Vandalism -- a caller in the 900
In Shelton reported a stray aggres- Shelton reported that he had been of Northeast Riverhill Lane in Belfair block of Fairmount Avenue in Shel-
sive rooster, locked out of his house by his land- reported the theft of multiple items ton reported that someone threw a
lord. from a vehicle, rock through her windshield.
Theft -- a caller on Southeast Cer- Shelton reported a man on his prop-
mak Lane in Shelton reported finding erty taking photos.
a large stack of stolen mail.
Drug paraphernalia -- a caller on
Northeast Mission Creek Road in Traffic hazard -- a caller on North- Found -- a caller on North 13thTheft -- a caller in the 18000 block
Belfair reported finding a lot of hypo- east Mahonia Drive in Belfair report- Street in Shelton reported finding a of East State Route 3 in Allyn re-
dermic needles, ed that a semi is blocking traffic in a Stingray bicycle, ported the theft of a wallet from a
cul-de-sac, vehicle.
Suspicious behavior -- a caller in Trespass -- a caller in the 700
the 400 block of East Birch Street in Fraud -- a caller in the 400 block of block of East Coulter Creek Road in Illegal dumping -- a caller on Me-
Shelton reported a woman who was East Birch Street in Shelton reported Belfair reported a homeless man that ridian Court in Shelton reported that
cutting herself, credit card fraud, refuses to leave his property,people had illegally dumped a dish-
washer, a mattress and a bumper.
Welfare check -- a caller in the Domestic dispute -- a caller in the Trespass -- acaller in the 300
5200 block of East Pickering Road 17000 block of West Shelton Mat-block of East Agate Drive in Shelton Suspicious behavior -- a caller in
in Shelton requested a welfare check lock Road in Shelton reported being reported that his girlfriend who he the 100 block of East Wallace Knee-
on her daughter who she feared was harassed on Facebook by her ex- had just broken up with refused to land Boulevard in Shelton reported
in a cult. husband, leave, that a person who had stolen some
oil is now trying to return it.
Trespass -- a caller in the 300 Fraud -- a caller on West State Theft -- a caller on West Grouse
block of East Wallace Kneeland Route 108 in Shelton reported re- Road in Shelton reported the theft of Assault -- a caller on North Qu-
Boulevard in Shelton reported a cou- ceiving a counterfeit $20 bill. a battery from a vehicle, inault Place in Hoodsport reported
pie going through cars in a parking that his girlfriend is being held at
lot. Estray -- a caller in the 300 block Suspicious behavior -- a caller in gunpoint in a motel.
of West G Street in Shelton reported the 200 block of Northeast Santa
Traffic hazard -- a caller on East that a German shepherd is running Maria Lane in Beifair reported that FEB. 22
McEwan Prairie Road in Shelton loose, a man is walking down the road, Citizen assist -- a caller in the
reported a speeding car heading for screaming and throwing bags 1500 block of Southeast Dickinson
Lake Limerick. Aggressive behavior -- a caller in around. Avenue in Shelton reported that she
the 300 block of East Campus Drive can hear her lost kitten in the woods
Trespass -- a caller in the 900 in Beifair reported an unruly student. Citizen assist -- a caller in the 200 nearby but is afraid to go into the
block of Fairmount Avenue in Shel- block of East Spencer Glen Drive in woods herself to get it.
ton reported seeing two men looking Citizen assist -- a caller in the 2400 Shelton reported that she is afraid of
into her windows, block of North 13th Street in Shelton her husband, that he lies to her and
reported that she is being restrained has guns.
against her will.
FEB. 18
Estray -- a caller in the 100 block
of East Mason Lake Drive East in
Shelton reported being bitten by a
stray dog.
Estray -- a caller in the 700 block
of James Drive in Shelton reported
seeing a stray dog that has bitten
people before.
Theft -- a caller on East Maple
Drive in Shelton reported that some-
one ran a vehicle into the garage to
gain entry and then stole the stove
and dishwasher.
Fraud -- a caller in the 24000 block
of Northeast State Route 3 in Belfair
reported that he has some counter-
feit money to turn in.
Illegal dumping -- a caller in the
Illegal dumping -- a caller on West 1000 block of West Euclid Avenue in
Little Egypt Road in Shelton reported Shelton reported illegal dumping in
illegal dumping at an abandoned the woods.
Suspicious behavior -- a caller
on East Timberlake West Drive in
Shelton reported that teenagers
were prowling the area carrying a
Estray -- a caller on Turner Avenue
in Shelton reported seeing a husky
running loose.
Fraud -- a caller in the 200 block of
East Susan Lane in Union reported
fraud on Craigslist.
Suspicious behavior -- a Caller
on East State Route 106 in Belfair
reported that when she confronted
a driver about reckless driving he
pulled his pants down.
Domestic dispute -- a caller in the
500 block of Grant Avenue in Shel-
ton reported that his ex-girlfriend is
threatening to ruin his life.
Domestic dispute -- a caller in the
400 block of Henry Street in Shelton
reported dog barking.
Noise -- a caller on Turner Avenue
in Shelton reported a party with loud
noise. Trespass -- a caller in the 200
block of East Burrows Lane in Shel-
Theft -- a caller in the 700 block ton reported that a woman who was
of East Krabbenhoft Road in Grape- dropped off by deputies is trespass-
view reported the theft of a newborn ing and won't leave.
Theft -- a caller on North Hamma
FEB. 20 Hamma Drive East reported that her
Domestic dispute -- a caller in the husband stole her car but that he
Animal welfare -- a caller in the 200 200 block of West Fairwind Lane has someone else driving it because
block of West Mealista Road in Elma in Shelton reported that a man is he has a broken leg.
requested a welfare check on some throwing things at a woman.
cows. FEB. 21
Trespass -- a caller in the 700 Public disturbance -- a caller in the
Illegal dumping -- a caller on block of West Pine Street in Shelton 200 block of Northeast Bryan Lane
Southeast Kamilche Point Road in reported that two men are trying to in Belfair reported that a fight had
Shelton reported an ongoing prob- break down her door. broken out involving several people,
lem with illegal dumping.
Domestic dispute -- a caller in the Found -- a caller in the 300 block
Domestic dispute -- a caller in the 2400 block of Laurel Street in Shel- of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard
6000 block of East Brockdale Road ton reported that someone is threat- in Shelton reported finding a jacket
in Shelton reported an ongoing dis- ening to send him to jail if he doesn't with money in it on the ground near
pute with his neighbor, pay the money he owes. the pharmacy drive-up window.
Trespass -- a caller in the 1100 Theft -- a caller in the 100 block of Burglary -- a caller in the 24000
block of West Birch Street in Shelton East State Route 302 in Belfair re- block of North US Highway 101 in
reported that someone broke into an ported the theft of his truck.Hoquiam reported a burglary in pro-
abandoned house, gress.
Theft -- a caller in the 100 block of
Child welfare -- a caller in the 6600 Wallace Kneeland Boulevard in Shel- Public disturbance -- a caller in the
block of West Skokomish Valley ton reported shoplifting. 300 block of East Wallace Kneeland
Road reported three children left Boulevard in Shelton reported a
alone in a house. Speeding -- a caller in the 900 woman yelling at customers entering
block of Northeast Larson Boulevard a store.
Theft -- a caller in the 1600 block in Belfair reported seeing a quad
of Adams Street in Shelton reported ddving at 80 mph. Trespass -- a caller in the 21000
the theft of a bike. block of North US Highway 101 in
Public disturbance -- a caller on
West State Route 108 in Shelton
reported that about 30 people had
gathered on a bridge to have a party.
Assault -- a caller in the 900 block
of West Golden Pheasant Road in
Shelton reported being chased by a
man with a hatchet or garden tool.
Traffic hazard -- a caller on East
Julian Road in Shelton reported that
a car is blocking the roadway and
that a man is passed out in it.
Estray -- a caller on Southeast
Cook Plant Farm Road in Shelton re-
ported seeing a pack of stray dogs.
Citizen inquiry -- a caller in the 200
block of East Grape Lane in Grape-
view asked what she can do when
her husband drives under the influ-
ence of alcohol with their child in the
Threat/intimidation -- a caller in the
100 block of West Dry Creek Bed
Road in Matlock reported being har-
assed over the phone.
Citizen inquiry -- a caller in the
1500 block of West Gallagher Road
in Shelton wanted to know how to
retrieve the cellphone that her hus-
band had when he was arrested.
Motor vehicle accident -- a caller
on North Staircase Road in Hood-
sport reported that a car went down
an embankment.
Estray -- a caller in the 1500 block
of Southeast Cole Road in Shelton
reported that some stray dogs at-
tacked his chickens.
Ham_ssment -- a caller in the 1800
block of Lake Boulevard in Shelton
reported being harassed over Face-
• Compiled by Linda Fri>Tell