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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 25, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 25, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page B-24 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 Building Permits Mahan in the 400 block of East Jared David Lucas on Southeast Mya Lane in in the 300 block of East Queens Way A building permit for a new detached Road in Shelton. Shelton. in Shelton. pole building was issued Feb. 2 to Wil- A building permit for a new single- A building permit for a ductless heat A building permit for gas piping for a liam Johnson in the 100 block of West family residence was issued Feb. 5 to pump was issued Feb. 9 to Jennifer generator was issued Feb. 11 to Frank Wivell Road in Shelton. Rick and Kri Sheridan on East Hofaker McKenna in the 17000 block of West Fry in the 1200 block of East Eagle A building permit for a new garage Road in Allyn. CIoquallum Road in EIma. Point Drive in Shelton. was issued Feb. 2 to Andrew Savoie A building permit for a furnace and A building permit for a ductless heat A building permit for a furnace and in the 300 block of East Mason Lake heat pump was issued Feb. 8 to pump was issued Feb. 9 to Ken Quirin water heater was issued Feb. 12 to Road in Shelton. Thomas Hall on North Queets Place in in the 400 block of North Fairway Drive David Nooney in the 100 block of East A building permit for a ductless heat Hoodsport. East in Hoodsport. Warren Drive in Union. pump was issued Feb. 2 to Travis Cal- A building permit for a LPG furnace A building permit for a reroof and A building permit for a heat pump derwood in the 200 block of Southeast was issued Feb. 8 to Bruce Douglas truss replacement was issued Feb. 10 and air handler was issued Feb. 12 to Alder Road in Shelton. in the 2600 block of East Mason Lake to Tim Shanks in the 200 block of East James Goodrich in the 200 block of A building "permit for an addition and Drive East in Grapeview. Stavis Road in Shelton. East Ballantrae Drive in Shelton. renovation of an existing garage was A building permit for a ductless heat A building permit for a new roof was A building permit for a new ductless issued Feb. 8 to Michael Williams in pump was issued Feb. 8 to Nancy issued Feb. 10 to Todd Bowra in the system was issued Feb. 12 to Jill Jef- the 4400 block of 61st Avenue West in Kreienkamp on East Weymouth Place2700 block of East Mason Lake Drive fery in the 200 block of Southeast Sto- University Place. in Shelton. West in Grapeview. tsbery Road in Shelton. A building permit for a new single- A building permit for a ductless heat A building permit for a new roof was family residence was issued Feb. 4 to pump was issued Feb. 8 to Jerry We- issued Feb. 10 to Wilmington Savings Upcoming Public Meetings Jim Walker in the 4800 block of North- ber on West Lost Lake View Drive in Fund Society in the 5400 block of East east North Shore Road in Belfair. Shelton. Mason Lake Drive West in Grapeview. To submit a public meeting, email A building permit for a new electric A building permit for a mobile A building permit for a ductless heat heat pump was issued Feb. 4 to Timo- home was issued Feb. 8 to Dolorespump was issued Feb. 10 to Tim Both- Feb. 29 -- 2 p.m., Shelton City Com- thy Shanks in the 2300 block of South- Roundtree in the 7000 block of South- well in the 200 block of East Bayshore mission study session, 525 W. Cota St. east Binns Swiger Loop in Shelton. east Arcadia Road in Shelton. Drive in Shelton. March 1 -- 9 a.m., Mason County A building permit for a new heat A building permit for a detached ga- A building permit for a new detached Commission, 411 Fifth St. pump was issued Feb. 5 to Sean rage was issued Feb. 8 to David Kes- garage was issued Feb. 11 to Robyn March 1 -- 2 p.m., Port of Shelton Sanchez in the 100 block of East sler on North Mount Seattle Place in Patterson in the 100 block of East Commission, 21 W. Sanderson Way McLane Drive in Shelton. Hoodsport. Gray Avenue in Shelton. A building permit for a new detached A building permit for a propane tank A building permit for a deck replace- garage was issued Feb. 5 to Dana and two outlets was issued Feb. 9 to ment was issued Feb. 11 to Pat Folton PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA AS TRUSTEE FOR BEAR STEARNS ASSET-BACKED SECU- RITITES TRUST 2005-SD2, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES SERIES, 2005-SD2 Plaintiff, vs. ESTATE OF ALBERT K. BITTNER, ESTATE OF VERA O. BITTNER; ROSE OSTER, Informant; STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEARPTMENT OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES; TIM- BERLAKE COMMUNITY CLUB; UNKNOWN HEIRS, SPOUSE, LEGATEES AND DEVISEES OF ALBERT K. BITTNER, VERA O. BITTNER; DOES 1-10 inclusive; UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS of the subject read property; PARTIES IN POS- SESSION of the subject real property; PARTIES CLAIMING A RIGHT TO POSSESSION of the subject property; and also, all other unknown persons or parties claiming any right, title, es- tate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein Defendant. Case No.: 12 2 324 0 TO: ESTATE OF ALBERT K BITTNER and ESTATE OF VERA O BITTNER The Su- perior Court of Mason County has directed the undersigned Sheriff of Mason County to sell the property described below to satisfy a judgment in the above-entitled action. If developed, the prop- erty address is: LOT FORTY (40), TIMBERLAKE NO. 4, VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGES 142, 143 INGTON; OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES, WASHINGTON. (RESULTANT PARCEL 1 OF AND 144, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, Defendant Case No.: 142 1774TO: UNKNOWN BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 99-19, WASHINGTON. INCLUDING A 1998 CON- HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF GRANT W. WILD- RECORDED APRIL 13, 1999, UNDER AUDI- CEPT MOBILE HOME, 55'x28', VIN 11825899, MAN; MICHAEL WlLDMAN; STATE OF WASH- TOR'S FILE NO. 1688228) TAX PARCEL NO. AS DISCLOSED*IN MANUFACTURED HOME INGTON; OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES; 22018-54-00022 THEREFORE, pursuant to TITLE ELIMINATION RECORDED JANUARY AND ANY PERSONS OR PARTIES CLAIMING RCW 61.12.060, and in the name of the State 19, 1999, AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 682745. APN/ TO HAVE ANY RIGHT TITLE ESTATE LIEN of Washington, you are hereby commanded to Parcel No. 22018-52-00040 Mobile Home Par- OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DE- sell the Property, or so much thereof as may be tel No. 30-14080 And commonly known as: SCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT JUDGMENT necessary, in order to satisfy the Judgment, in- 261 East Mclane Drive, Shelton WA 98584 The DEBTOR (S) A writ of execution has been is- cluding post-judgment interest and costs. MAKE sale of the above-described property is to take sued in the above captioned case, directed to RETURN HEREOF within sixty days of the date place: Time: 10:00 am Date: Friday, March 11, the Sheriff of Mason County, commanding the indicated below, showing you have executed the 2016 Place: Main Entrance of Mason County sheriff as follows: WHEREAS, on July 31, 2015, same. Pursuant to RCW 6.21.050(2), the Sher- Courthouse, 419 N Fourth Street The judgment an in rem Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure iff may adjourn the foreclosure sale from time debtol" can avoid the sale by paying the judgment ("Judgment") was entered in favor of PHH Mort- to time, not exceeding thirty days beyond the amount of $128,379.46, together with interest, gage Corporation ("Plaintiff") against the defen- last date at which this Writ is mand returnable, costs, and fees, before the sale date. For the dants Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Grant W. with the consent of the plaintiff endorsed upon exact amount, contact the sheriff at the address Wildman; Michael Wildman; State of Washington; this Writ or by a contemporaneous writing. The stated below: SHERIFF CASEY SALISBURY Occupants of the Premises; and any persons or sale of the above-described property is to take MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By:Angel Ev- parties claiming to have any right, title, estate, place: Time: 10:00 am Date: Friday, March 18, ans, Authorized Deputy PO Box 1037, Shelton, lien or interest in the real property described 2016 Place: Main Entrance of Mason County Washington 98584 (360)427-9670 in the complaint ("Defendant"). The Judgment Courthouse on Fourth Street YOU MAY HAVE 8471 February 11, 18, 25, March 3 4t forecloses the interests of all the Defendants in A RIGHT TO EXEMPT PROPERTY from the and to the following described property ("Prop- sale under statues of this state, including sec- PUBLIC NOTICE erty") commonly known as 31 East Treasure tions 6.13.010, 6.13.030, 6.13.040, 6.15.010, SHERIFF'S NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBT- Place, Shelton, WA 98584 for the total sum of and 6.15.060 of the Revised code of Washing- OR OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE $106,422.06 with interest thereon at the rate of ton, in the manner described in those statutes. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH- 6.792% per annum beginning on July 31, 2015 Dated this 26th, day of January, 2016. SHERIFF INGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON PHH until satisfied. The Property situatied in Mason CASEY SALISBURY MASON COUNTY, WASH- MORTGAGE CORPORATION, its successors in County, State of Washigton, is legally described INGTON By: Angel Evans, Authorized Deputy interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff, vs. UNKNOWN as: LOTS 22 AND 23, TIMBERLAKE NO. 6, AS PO Box 1037 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427- HEIRS AND DEVlSEES OF GRANT W. WILD- RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 9670 MAN; MICHAEL WlLDMAN; STATE OF WASH- 184-187, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, 8470 February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 3, 10 6t As a community service, the Journal will publish contact information for organizations that need volunteers. There is no charge for this service. If you would like to contribute some of your time to your community, watch the Journal for listings of places that need you. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY