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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 27, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 27, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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WAGE TWO -- l Uliii i i ii ii i THE :MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i i i i FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1920 MASON COUNTY AUDITOR'S ANNUAL I REPORT, YEAR ENDING DEC. 31, 19191 ' / Cash (Continued from last week) DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENDITURES (Continued) January 1, 1919 to December 31, 1919 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 8 Supervisor's Wages ................ 646.75 Labor ......... .................... 1,787.65 Team ............................. 793.46 Lumber ........................... 173.24 Pipe .............................. 20.00 Nails, Bolts, ets .................... 99.26 Explosives ........................ 83.93 Lubricants ......................... 12.70 Repairs and Replacements ......... 11.70 Equipment ........................ 339.86 Total . : ............................. Total Road District Warrants Issued .......... SPECIAL ROAD FUND Supervisor's Wages ................ 808.00 Labor ............................. 5,643.09 Team ............................. 1,735.45 Damages (including Right of Way). Lumber ........................... Pipe .............................. Explosives ........................ Lubricants ........................ Engineers ......................... Repair and Replacement ............ Equipment (Tools, etc.) ............ Blacksmithing ..................... Gravel ............................ Rent of Tools ..................... Total ............................... LIQUOR FUND Traveling Expenses ................ Securing Evidence ................. Expert Witness ................... Justice Fees ....................... Jury Fees ........................ Witness ........................... Special Counsel .................... Total ............................... 140.00 2.88 13.70 74.50 52.73 797.50 28.65 101.98 35.20 62.00 144.25 63.85 381.81 97.00 9.50 6.00 40.00 50.00 3,968.55 $54,772.92 9,639.93 648.16 MEMORANDUM ACCOUNT, OF SCHOOL General Fund Detail Balance January 1, 1919 ....... $ 10,145.36 Receipts Special Tax ....................... 41,760.77 County Apportionment (transferred) 13,940.73 State Apportionment (transferred).. 14,799.54 Miscellaneous Sources ............. 290.95 High School District Tax ........... 605.90 School Bonds ...................... 10,000.00 Total ............................... Disbursements Warrants Redeemed ............... 76,689.71 Interest on WalTants Redeemed .... 314.27 Remitted to Grays Harbor Co ....... 1,378.61 Transfer .......................... 25.75 • Total ............................... Cash Balance December 31, 1919 .............. BOND REDEMPTION FUND Cash Balance January 1, 1919 ....... 982.48 Receipts Special Taxes 4,169.93 Total ................................ Disbursements Bonds Paid ....................... 3,300.00 Interest on Bonds ................. 1,005.25 Total ................. ., ............ Cash Balance December 31, 1919 .............. BUILDING FUND Receipts Bonds Sold ........................ 10,000.00 Total ............................... Disbursements Warrants Redeemed ............... 4,678.99 Total ............................... Cash Balance December 31, 1919 .............. Grand Total, Warrants issued during the year.. $158,573.28 DETAIL OF BOND ISSUES Date--August 15, 1919. Issued by--State of Washington. Purpose---Building (School District 18.) Interest---5% ' per cent, Interest payable annually• Term of Bond--Due. Option--15 years. Amount-- $4,000.00. Date--August 15, 1919. Issued by--State of Washington. Purpose--Building (School District 43.) Interest--5A per cent, Interest payable ,annually. Term of Bond--Due. Qption--10 years. Amount--J3,000.00. Date-- October 1, 1919. Issued by--State of Washington. Purpose--Building (School District 3.) Interest--5% per cent, Interest payable annually. Term of Bond--Due, Option--10 years. Amount--J3,000.00. Date--August 1, 1919. Issued by--State of Washington• Purpose--Road Improvement. Interest-5 per cent, payable corot-annually. Term of BondTo be paid August l, 1939. Amont--$25,000.00. Total--J35,000.00.  ' : :I ': ", i /: DELINQUENT TAXES "" Personal Real Total 1913 ............... 123.55 123.55 1914 ............... 294.71 294.71 1915 ............... 964.80 964.80 1916 ............... 34.71 4,414.26 4,448.97 1917 ............... 42.13 6,340.63 6,382.76 1918 ............... 358.05 10,497.13 10,855.18 Totals ........ $434.89 $22,635.08 $23,069.97 AUDITOR'S TRUST FUND Marriage License Recording Fee Cash on Hand January 1, i919 ......................... $1 00 REAL ESTATE OWNED BY MASON COUNTY Collected During Year ............................... 32.00 Total ........................................ $33.00 Remitted to Clerk of County ...................... ,... 26.00 Remitted to Clerks of 'Other Counties .................. 4.00 Total Remitted ............................... 30.00 Cash on Hand December 31, 1919 ...................... $ 3.00 POOR FARM Average Number of Inmates Daily ..... ................. 6 Average Cost of Maintenance Daily per capita .......... $1.30 ACcommodations for how many ................. ......... 10 Number of Inmates January 1, 1919 .. ................... 5  :Number received during the year ....................... 1 Total .. ........................................ 6 Number Discharged ................ .................... 1 Number Died .......................................... 1 Number Remaining December 81, 1919 .................. 4 4umber of Employes .................................... 2 (Superintendent of Farm and a Housekeeper) The Mason County Poor Farm consists of a 40.acre tract of land, situated about six miles from Shelton, on which are located a five room modem Superintendent,s cottage, and four smaller cottages comfortably furnished for hqusing the poor. The farm has its own light and water system, and Is ery well equipped. The fertile soil of this tract is largely under eultivationp and greatly improved. COUNTY JAIL ....... FUNDS Totals $ 91,543.25 78,408.34 13,134.91 5,152.41 4,305.25 847.16 10,000.00 4,678.99 5,319.01 / Sec. Blk. or Est. Name of Plat or Subdivision or Lot Twp. R. Val. David Shelton's 3rd Add .......... 2 'to 6 18 David Shelton's 3rd Add .......... 7 to 8 18 $ 3,000.00 !David Shelton's 1st Add .......... All of B 16,000.00 :Detroit No. 2 ......................... 2 38 2.00 Tax No. 114 _2 20 3 45.00 Tract No. 15 ::::::::::::::::::::::::zb 22 ' 3 5.00 Seattle Syndicate Add. to She]ton..All of 70 25.00 Frances Shelton's Donation Claim ...... 20 3 75.00 NE% of SW/4 (Co. Farm) ............ 2 19 4 4,800.00 Tax No. 638 ......................... 34 24 3 5.00 One acre in SE corner of W% SE% NW¼ ................ 28 20 5 5.00 One acre in ......................... 14 20 6 5.00 Allyn ................................ 1 3 25.00 Hoodsport ..................... 20 to 30 1 15.00 McReavy's 1st Add. to Union ...... 1 to 8 5 8.00 McReavy's 1st Add. to Union .... 1 to 10 13 10.00 McReavy's 3rd Add. to Union ......... 3 17 1.00 McReavy's 3rd Add. to Union ..... 3 to 6 4 4.00 Union City ...................... 1 to 3 47 3.00 McReavy's Sup. Add to Union ..... 1 to 8 B 8.00 McReavy's Sup. Add. to Union ..... 1 to 5 A 5.00 McRevay's Sup. A'dd. to Union. .7 to 8 A 2.00 8.00 4.00 300.00 1.00 Cash llalance Funds Jan. 1, 1919 Reeei ])t S OPERATION OF FUNDS Total Transfers Crcdits Disburse- Total CaslL Ial'. ments Transfers Debits Dec. 31:, 1919 State General ..... $ 38.98 State School ....... 1,49].49 State Military ..... 7.65 State Pub, Highway. 27.30 State Porto. " 38.86 Vniversity ......... 18.75 College ........... 11.60 Belttngham Normal.. 3.81 Cheney Normal ... 3.25 l!]llensburg Normal. 2.75 State Game ....... 7.30 State Capitol ...... 10.93 Current Expense .. 20,982.77 County School .... 2,429.26 Soldiers' Relief ... 918.51 Road and lrldge .. 5,586.25 C. H. Sinking ..... 1,083.99 Schl. Dist. Gen .... 10,145.36 Schl. Dist. Bond... 982.48 H. S. Dist ......... 94.43 Shelton General .. 32.45 Shelton It. & B ..... 91 Game ............. 1,789,97 Redemption ....... 91.13 Fire Patrol ........ 02 State Fisheries ... 250.00 Harbor imp ....... 371.31 McReavy's Sup. Add. to Union ..... 1 to 8 C McReavy,s Sup. Add. to Union ..... 1 to 4 "D Land in Lot 5 ....................... 21 20 3 and in NWI£ NEI£ (Co. Park) .... 28 20 3 M. A. Garrish Add. to Union ......... 19 6 Townsends Add. to Union. ........ 7 to 8 15 R. of.W. in Lot 1 ..................... 1 19 4 N% SW SW NEK ............... 1 23 2 SE NE% NE% SE1£ and NE£ NW% * NWl£ NE SE% and NWlA NWK NW NEK SE .................. 2 23 2 5 Acres plus .................  .... in 2 23 2 W 1-5 of S½ NE SE SW NE; $ 10,047.76 .......... 10,086.74 1 ;.130.98 50.00 19,672.47 1,(;41.09 .......... 1,648.74 5,591.4;I .......... 5,618.73 7,913.64 .......... 7.952.50 4,061.77 .......... 4,080.52 2,599,0.t ........... 2,520.{;4 ,49.16 .......... 852.97 727.3,i .......... 730,69 600.71 .......... 603.46 496.60 .......... 503.90 2,763.77 .......... 2,774.70 48,229.97 25.75 69,238.49 13.960.19 .......... 16,38!).45 1,009.09 .......... 1.927.60 22.057.18 .......... 27,643,43 7,801.30 .......... 8,885.35 52,051.72 29,34(;.17 91,543.25 4,169.93 .......... 5,152.41 745.16 .......... 839.59 6,022.00 .......... 6,054.45 172,95 ........... 173.86 4,049.40 2.90 5,842.27 2,116.93 .......... 2,208.06 877.95 .......... 877.97 150.00 .......... 400.00 284.67 .......... 655.98 Adv. Taxes ........ Institute .......... Perm. High. Malnt. Law Library ...... Special Road Fund ........... Liquor Fund ................ oad District No, 1 Road District No, 2 :koad District No. 3 Road District No. 4 Road District No. 5 Road District No. 6 Road District No. 7 Road District No, 8 16.56 .. .................. 16.56 93.81 35.00 200.00 328.81 3,168.00 16,107.42 .......... 19,270.42 4,00 .......... 3.00 7.00 25,000.00 .......... 25,000.00 373.00 275.16 648.16 1,369.75 3,132.21 .......... 4,501,96 1,388.05 '7,113.93 367.30 8,869.28 767.25 6,077.59 .......... 6844.84 468.06 5,031.93 774.37 6,274.36 139.21 830.90 .... ,..., 970.11 8,104.32 14,803.33 .......... 22,907.65 5,170.73 6,988.31 .......... 12,159.04 59.46 4,725.98 .......... 4,785.44 Total ........ $ 67,165.81 $309,251.39 $31,044.65 407,461.85 292,846.93 -- i OPEt{ATION OF ,VARRANT ACCOUNTS 10,063.19 ........ 10,063.19 23.55 3,530.44 14,799.54 18,329di3 1,342.,19 1,648.7 1 ........ 1,6,1.7,t ......... 5,604.51 ........ 5.604.51 14.22 7.933.47 ........ 7,933.47 1 il.03 4,074.77 ........ 4.074.77 5.75 2,514.54 ........ 2,51,t.5,i 6,40 8, 0.J ......... 50.92 2.05 728.!)0 ........ 728.90 1.7) 602.13 ........ 602.13 1.33 495.00 2.90 497.90 6.I)l) 2,768.53 ........ 2,708.53 6.1T 47,885.33 528.16 48,413.49 2(),25.0@ ........ 13,940.73 13,940.73 2,448.72' 215.00 ........ 215.00 1,712.60' 23,004.45 1,141.67 24,146.I2 3,497.3]: 8,000,00 ........ 8,000.00 885.3. 78,382.59 25,75 78,408.34 13,134.9[ 4,305.25 ........ 4,305.25 847.16; 121.81 605.90 727.71 111.8: 6,046.89 ........ 6,040.89 7.56; 173.66 ........ 173.66 .20' 4,034.68 ........ 4,034.68 1,07.5 2,200.30 ........ 2.200.30 7.76 875.97 ........ 875.97 2.00' 400.00 ........ 400,00 ........ 80.00 ........ 80.00 575.9S: 16.56 ........ 16,56 ........ 238.95 ........ 238.95 89.86; 12,747.85 ........ 12,747.85 5,522,57 7.0@ • ....... .•...... ........ 8,410.63 ........ 8,410.63 I6,580.37 646.96 ........ 646.96 1.20" 3,392.47 ........ 3,392.47 1,109.49 7,919.13 ........ 7,919.1.3 950.15 5,475.44 ........ 5,475.44 1,369.40 6,120.00 ........ 6,126.00 148.36 127,07 ........ l 27.07 843.04 8,276.19 ........ 18,276.19 4,631.4 9,302.73 ........ 9,302.73 2,856,31 3,625.88 ........ 3,625.88 1,159.56. 31,044.65 323,891.58 83,570.27 Funds-- Jan. 1, 1919 Outstanding Outstanding Redeemed Dec. 3l, 1919' Issued Totals $ 43.787.62 $ 47,093.90 $ 43,410.52 $ 3,683.38: 215.00 215,00 215,00 .......... 23,595.42 24,222.15 23,004.45 1,217.7@ 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 ....... ... 3,926.62 4,304.34 4,034.63 269.6{ 80.00 80.00 80.00 .......... 238.95 238.95 238.95 .......... 13,668.66 14,77261 12,747.85 2.024.76: 9,639.93 9,639.93 8,410.63 1,229.3@ 648.16 648.16 646.96 1.2@ 3,756.04 4,094.47 3,392.47 702.00, 7,667.18 8,354.08 7.919.13 434.95. 5,269.69 5,868.94 5,475.44 393.50" 6,057.9 6,239.10 6,] 26.00 , 113.1@ 48.18 127.07 127.07 .......... 17,952.32 18,746.39 1,276.19 470.20, 10,052.98 10,99.18 9,302.73 896.45, 3,968.55 4.009.96 3.625.88 384.08 8,298.07"* $158,573.28 NW SE of SWK NE; S½ SW SW of SE of NE; E 1-6 of W 3-5 of N NWK NW SEK of NE4; WK of E 2-5 of N½ NW, NW of SE NE; W% of E% of W 2-5 N½ NW of NW of SE NE ..................... 20 19 3 E 6 2-8 acres NW NE NW and E. 1 2-3 acres of N½ W S½ NE of NW; N½ of NW NW.; .... 12 21 3 Eldon, Lot 17, Blk A, or Tract 4 Eldon Lots 5 and 6 Blk B, or N½ of Tract 7 and Lot 15, Blk E or W½ of Tract No. 3 ............................. 22 24 3 S½ SWA NEM. and SE NEA and N½ NEA SE ......... . ........ :.6 19 4 NE SWZA NE4 and SE SW NWA and SW. SE4 NW ....... 7 19 4 R. of W. 50 feet wide across N½ SE SWA SE ....................... 17 19 4 NE SW NW. and NW SW NW 31 20 4 N½ SE SWA .......... . .......... 32 20 4 SW SE4 SW½ ................... 83 20 4 Tax No. 689 ........................ 12 19 5 N 16½ ft. of NWA SEA ............. 13 i9 5 N½ NW% SWA NWA NE; NEK SE NW NE and S NW SE NW NE 22 5 W SE NW ex. piece' 210x210 in Se cor. 28 5 Union City ............ ............. 1-6 Union City ......................... 1-6 Union City ......................... 1-6 Union City ........................ 1-12 Average Cost of Maintenance Daily ..................... 60c Union City ........................ 1-15 Accommodations for how many ....................... 9:Union City ........................ 1-15 Number received during the year ...................... 30 Union City ........................ 1-13 Tumber of Inmates January 1, 1919.. ........ ...... None Union City ....................... 21-22 Union City ............... .......... 19 Total ...............................  .........  30 Union City ........................ 1-16 Number Discharged 26 Union City . .1-22 Number Remaining ................................... 4 MeReavy's 3rd Add. to Union..15 and 16 McReavy,s 8rd Add. to Union ......... Number Employes, Jailers, etc.Sheriff and One Deputy part Bay View Add. to Union .............. 3 time. General Remarks--Meals Furnished by Local Hotels. Town of Allyn ............. 11-16, 18-20 Town of Allyn ................. 1 and 2 PRICES PAID FOR MISCELLANEOUS STATIONERY Town of Allyn ....................... 3 20 20 27 28 29 3O 81 44 46 51 54 58 67 17 7 10 5 25 22 39 55 23 33 33 1 2 5 urrent Exl)ense ...... .................. $ 3,314.10" Soldiers' Relief ................................. Road and Bridge ........................ 633.53t Court House Sinking ............. • .............. Game ................................... 877.72 Harbor Improvement ............................ Institute ........................................ Permanent Highway Maintenance ........ 1,103.95 Special Road Fund .............................. Liquor Fund .................................... Road District No. 1 ...................... 338.43 1coati I)lstrict No. 2 ...................... 686.90 Road District No. 3 ............... : ...... 601.755 Road District No, 4 ...................... 181.12 Road District No. 5 ...................... 78.89 Road District No, 6 ...................... 794.07 Road District No ....................... 146.20 l{oad District No. 8 ...................... 41.41 Price per M or Volume $26.40 43.97 30.35 38.54 44.25 34.25 7.00 58.00 14.50 .. 17,37 17,70 15.70 20.OO 45.OO '" 43.22 " 86.20 15.00 Town of Allyn ................. 7 and 8 Town of Allyn ....................... 2 McReavy's 1st Add to Hoodsport..•16-27 McReavy's 1st Add. to Hoodsport ..... 1-4 15-28 Lakeside . a ....................... 11-12 Lakeside . ............................ 24 Lakeside ............................ 14 Lakeside, lot 15 blk 8, lot 24 blk 8 lot 11 blk 10 ......................... SEA NW ......................... 7 23 NEA SEA ......................... 10 23 Tract No. 4 in ....................... 19 20 Seattle Synd. Add. to Shelten .......... 1 68 Tract No. 76 in ..................... 20 20 E½ NEA NE½ NWK .............. 12 21 SE NEA NE .. ................. 14 20 NW½ NEA of ...................... 24 20 NE4 NE SE½ of .................. 5 19 SW½ NW NW of . ............. ".17 19 $166,854.23 $155,033.95 $11,820.25 **$17.12 Total Cancelled. Totals ..... • .................... $ *$7.82 Cancelled; %$6.80 Cancelled; $$2.50 Cancelled; Number Description Purchased Assessor's Detail Sheets ............... 1500 Tax Rolls--Real (Av. 180 pp.) .......... 6 Tax Rolls--Personal (100 page) ....... 2 Mortgage Record (640 pages) .......... 1 Deed Records--Printed form (425 pages) 1 Blank Warrants--Blocked (Road) ...... 2100 Blank Warrants--Blocked (School) ..... 5000 Envelopo---Small (Treasurer) .......... 500 Envelopes--Large, Manila (Treasurer).. 1000 Letterheads---Long .................... 8000 Letterhead--Short .................... 7000 Tax Reeelpt--Real .................... 5500 Tax Receipts--Personal ................ 10OO Delinquent Tax Certificates ............ 1000 County Clerk!s Record Book (Osteopathic) (160 pages) ................. ...... ., 1 Conmiesioners' Index (Loose Lee2) 500 pp.. School Sheets ....... . ........ ......... 100 Monthly Statements ..................... 10g. ........ 15.00 ROAD DISTRICTS--OPERATION Cash Be1. From Misc'el- Total Dist. No. Jan. 1,1919 Taxation laneous Transfers Credits 1 $ 1,369.75 $3,132.21 OF FUNDS Warrants Total Rcdeemcd Debits Cash Balance Dec. 31,1919 $ 1,109.49 ........ $ 4,501.96 $ 3,392.47 $ 3,392,47 2 1,388.05 3 767.25 4 468,06 5 139.21 6 8,104.32 7 5,170.73 8 59.46 Totals ..... $17,466,83 6,963.93 150.00 367.30 8,809.28 6,077.59 ................ 6,844.84 5,031.93 ........ 774.37 6,274.36 8J0.90 ................. 970.11 14,803.33 ................ 22,907.65 6,988.31 ................ 12,159.04 4,599.98 126.00 ........ 4,785.44 $48,428.18 $276.00 $1,141,67 $ 67,312.68 7,919.13 7,719.13 950.15 5,475.4 5,475.44 1,369.4@ 6,126.00 6,126.00 148.3 127.07 127.07 843,04:- 18,276.19 18,276,19 4,631.4 9,302.73 9,302.73 2,856.31 3,625.88 3.625,88 1,159.56; $ 54,244.91 $ 54,244,91 $ 13,007.77 2.00 1.00 MEMORANDUM ACCOUNT OF TR ANSFERS APPEARING IN THIS REPORT 60.00 Date Reason for Transfer From Fund To Fund Amount "0 0 ^ I January 31, 1919..Apportionment ........... . .. State School ...... School Dist. Gen .... $ 2,557.47 o^.^v t January 31, 1919. IMarch 31, 1919 .. |April 30, 1919 ... April 30, 1919 .. April 30, 1919 .. May 31, 1919. .. May 31i 1919... May 31, 1919. .. June 30, 1919 .. .Apportionment .............. State School ...... School Dist. Gen .... . Credited to Wrong Fund .... Current Expense .. Law Library ....... .Apportionment .............. State School ...... School Dist. Gen .... .Apportionment .............. County School ..... School Dist. Gen ..... . High School Dist. Tax ....... Non H. S. Dist.... School Dist. Gen .... .Apportionment .............. State School ...... School Dist. Gen .... • Credited Wrong Fund (Fine), Current Expense .. School Dist. Gem... .To Auditing Account ....... School Dist. Gem ..Current Expense ... .Apportionment .............. State School ...... School Dist. Gen .... June 30, 1919 ...Apportionment .............. County School ..... School Dist. Gen .... July 31, 1919 ...Apportionment .............. State School ...... School Dist. Gen .... August 31, 1919 ...Expenses of Institute ...... '. Current Expense ..Institute ........... October 31, 1919 ..Appoionment .............. State School ...... Schbol Dist. Gen .... October 31, 1919 . .Reimburse .................. Current Expense .. Liquor Fund ...... October 31, 1919 . .Reimburse .................. Road and Bridge Road Dist. 4. November 31, 1919.Reimburse Road and Bridge Road Dist. 2. December 31, 1919 Reimburse .................. State Game ....... County Game ...... 2,429.26 3.00 6,359.46 9,858.10 605.90 1,122.2 50.00 25.75 1,683.39 1,653.37 1,683.3 200.00 1,393.57 275.16 774.37 367.30 2.90 Total ....................................................................... $31,044.65 TAX LEVIED ON 1918 ROLLS--SCH L DISTRICTS Special Bond Total 60.00 140.00 40.00 Levy Red. Levy ,, H Mills Tax Mills M s i 1 $5,83666 1,069:66 10 10 46'.60 4 4 812.17 8 8 1,044,20 2O 20 2,607.53 9 3 12 1,142.29 16 6 22 1,192.71 ' 8 8 1,075.86 20 2O 1,457.82 20 5 25 489.59 20 20 1,393.10 15 15 1,334.29 6 6 1,126.99 5 5 2,305.88 4 4 882.22 5 5 318.88 10 10 1,123.46 1 1 ,346.55 5 5 576.18 15 15 2,604.09 10 10 635.31 10 , 10 872.75 10 10 630.25 15 5 20 3,089.85 8 8 1,673.32 10 6 16 1,743.56 10 10 820.57 15 15 1,813.87 10 10 2,350.21 36O.O0 150.00 ['IIIDIMIr A okm, Cesnsl.g, '. II W - "" ". Relreshlnl ud Ileslln '  .Lolion--Murlne ior Red. N-,- '-'-- .'' tion,ltching and Bund,g |i2yIrl,._.r. of the Eyes or Eyelids| "$. .ro." ftW t h$ Movlt, .MotorinK.or Gglf will win Yoor ofldence. ,sx ¥oururuggit oa Murlnwnen your r.yel Need Cam. 10.00 80.00 40.00 70.00 60.00 10.00 1 2 8 8 8 2 2 4 4 Total .............. : ................... ...$27,453.00 40.00 160.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 24.00 30.OO 30.00 26.00 2.00 1.OO 32.00 44.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 27.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 33.00 33.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 6.1)tl 330.titl 280.00 10.OO 2.00 8OO.OO 90.00 IO0.O0 240.00 70.00 50.00 i Dist. No. Valuation 1 (303) ........... $416,900 303 .............. 118,850 2 .............. 46,758 3 .............. 82,965 4 . ............. 78,036 5 ...... ........ 130,518 8 .............. 130,371 10 .............. 95,173 11 .............. 54,213 12 .............. 134,476 14 .............. 72,888 15 .............. 19,577 16-57 ............ 69,655 18 .............. 88,973 20 .............. 187,830 22 .............. 461,148 25 .............. 220,535 42 .............. 63,772 43 .............. 112,345 45 .............. 346,585 46 .............. 115,229 47 .............. 173,606 50 .............. 63,52 51 .............. 87,273 52 .............. 62,929 54 .............. 154,487 56 209,159 300 " ............. 108,970 802 ............. . 82,054 304 120,748 305 .............. 235,020 i i 'l i 306 .............. 689,279 2 2 1,378.57 307 66,434 10 10 .664.36 17-58 ............ 138,594 15 15 2,078.90 Total .................................... $46,873.64 Total General Tax on Rolls ................. $239,995.09 Population (U. S. Census 1910). ........................ 5,156 Number of Acres Assessed ......... .............. 410,58'/.82 Taxable Valuation 1918 Tax Rolls. ................ $5,238,879 (Class of Twenty-first) .... ,. Towzn's IiJH BRAND ,7 :i