February 27, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 27, 1920 |
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GRANT C. ANGLE & SON, Publishers
Member of Washington State Press and Washington Newspaper Associations
Entered as second-class matter at the postofiice at Shelton. Washington
Pbllshed every Friday morning.
Subscription: Domestic, $2 per year. Foreign. $2.50 in advance
(All papers discontinued one month after delinquency)
From some source unknown, but
doubtless with an axe to glind, comes
propaganda which presages an or-,
ganized fight against the Carlyon
bonding bill to be voted on next fall.
That the campaign comes from shy
automobile organization is unlikely
because the auto owners will be the
greatest beneficiaries in the long ,n
although the resources of future auto
licenses will be bonded under the
Carlyon law to provide for our fut-
ure hard-surfaced roads. Under this
plan we expect to carry on a very
general system of paved highways
over the state in much shorter time
than is possible under any other
method, and to avoid any direct tax-
ation of the property of the state for
this purpose.
Mason County is one of the coun-
ties which have taken advanced steps
in issuing bonds for this work, which
we hope to have taken over in future
under the Carlyon act, and our peo-
]a]e v are naturally anxious that the
should be approved and will
doubtless be a unit for its pasage. It
is not dear what element could be
against such a favorable plan, aml it
is haped the opposition will soon be
"smoked out."
In other clays it was an axiom that
the carpenter couldn't afford to waste
time picking up hi:; mised nails, but
at the average wage of today one
cannot afford to stop and pick up
lost pennies• The time of the ordin-
ary laborer is worth a cent a minute.
Mr. Gompers says organized labor
is going into the congressional dis-
tricts this fall and pound the life out
of the undesirable (unbluffable) can-
didates for congress, which he says
includes our Albert Johnson. Albert
is unafraid. So are his friends. Not
irreverent in this connection, adds a
Yidette riter, is this thunderbolt
from AIbert Beveridge of Indiana
and national fame:
"Today it is ruthless labor •that
forces its sway by organized intimi- ]
dation, not only of our goverument [
in all its branches, hut of the people t
as a whole; and also by as crafty /
and shameless a lobby as ever capital /
maintained at seats of legislation..
Just as yesterday the question was ]
whether financial plunderers should]
exploit the nation, so today the ques-
tion is whether labor bandits shall
hold up the republic. At this partic-
ular time the crowning, domestic is-
sue immediately before America is e ne sw Zl 19 3. Con. $1.
whether labor Unions shall rul the s. h:. Tayh)r and w to J. J. lrenner
Oyster Co. qcd, 2.3 acres in lot 24 19 3.
American government, or whether Con. $1.
the American people shall run the E.B. Taylor and w to J. J. Brenner
Notice Is hereby given, that on
day, the tlth day of April, 192(i, h,-
t v, ton the hotlrs t) tCll ,,'('lock tll
tile forenooll and four o'clock In the
afternoon, commencing et en o'clock
.in the l'orecen of said day. in front
of the Inl]in entrance door to • the
County Court House in the city of
Shelton, County of Mason. State of
I Washington. either by the c&unty
auditor of said county or by a member
of the Itoard of State I,and Commis-
sioners of the State of rashington,
the following desePibed state lands.
togetiler with the Improvements situ-
WHAT ABOUT PUBLICW0RK ated thereon, will be sold at public
auction to the. highest bidder therefor,
I Application No. 10933.
NICI of Nl!]l,i ,,f section I(;, township
The Mason County Journal calls 19 north, range 5 west r. M., c(,ntaln-
attention of its readers that the $500,- ink 40 seres, niorc or less, according te
the government survey thereof, all-
000 bonds voted in that county last praised at $600.00.
fall for permanent road improvement, i ApplicafAon No. 10708.
will not build the amount of road] w% of N W of section 16, township
planned on• It does not opefily favor ' 20 north,80 acres,rangemore2 weStor W.less.M.,accordingCOntatn-
not attempting to do the work, but iing
to the government survey thereof, ap-
suggests that it may be impracticable I prastcd at $2000.00.
to do it. I Said lands will be sold for not less
than the appraised value above stated
What is true in Mason County island upon the terms and conditions fol-
true in Grays Harbor County. Con- lowing:
tractors here, as well as in Mason I Te*'n*s and Oonal'done of Sale-Not
less than one-tenth of the purchase
County, admit that the prospects for tprico must be paid at the time of sale
making low bids on even big jobs are to the officer making the sale. Tbe
sanest certain to go glimmering, purchaser, if he be not the owner of
the improvements, must forthwith pay
Cement prices are higher than last to the fficer making the sale the full
year, and there is a scarcity. Labor amount of the appraised value of the
improvements, as above stated. One-
conditions are very uncertain. Con- tenth of the purchase price must be
tractors dare not take chances on paid annually thereaftei vln mr(rest
what they may have to pay for men on all deferred payments at the rate
of six per centum per annum, together
anti on the chances of getting men, with accrued interest on any balance
except at figures higher than their st the same rate: ]PreY/dad, That any
bids were made last year. purchaser mey make full payment of
principal, interest and statutory fees at
The outlook is none too pleasant for any time and obtain deed or state
a lot of public work being clone, patent. The purchaser of land contain-
Grays ]=larbor County is fortunate ink timber or other valuable materials
• is prohibited by law from cutting or
in having commissioners who sensed removing any sucl* timber or materials
the possibility of just such a situa-without first obtaining eonsent of .he
tion. That is why they did not call !C°mmissi°ner of Public Lands or the
board, until the full amount of the
for b!ds ou more of the bernie voted, purchase price has been paid and deed
Grays Hm'bor county commissioners l issued.
' ' All sales of state lands are made
re'dize that the county needs and subject to the reservations of oils.
wants the improvements voted, made gises, cei, ores, I l,,e,'lls and Ios:lis
as soon as possihle, bHt on the other o' every i an e, t 1 a ld descr ptlon,
find to the additional terms and cot,-
hand the Vidette believes the), are dltlons l,rescrlhed tn the act of the
brave enough ancl business men legislature approved iarch 20, 1907,
enough to insist on g'ctting what behlg section 3 of chapter 256 of the
Laws of 19()7.
work sLouhl be done, done at a fair Said land will be sold subject to
price considering present conditions, the terms, conditions and reservations
or in refusing to ])ave it clone at all of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of
1911, relating to easements for rights.
---eevn at the cost of paying interest of-way .and the carrying of timber,
on unused money, stone, mineral and other products over
There is the saving situation in the same.
The above desertbed lands are offer-
Grays Harbor county that water ed for sale in pursuance oc an order
transportation and ship load pur- of the Board of State Land Commis-
sioners, and an order of sale duly
chases may result in saving on ca- issued and certtfled by the CommigZ
meat that may make the bids lower sloner of Public lands of the State of
than they wouhl be otherwise.--Mon- ,Vashington now on file n the olfice
tesano Vidette. of the county anditor of said county.
Commissioner of Public Lands.
Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
leal state transfers furnished week- d,'ty, tle 6th (lay of April, 1920, be-
ly l) the lason County Abstract & twecn the hours of ten o's'lock in the.
Title :Company: forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
,commencing at ten o'clock in the fore-
Aug.¢t E. Yeargc, r and w to Freder- .noon of sai] day, in front of the main
irk E. Flmlps, wd, e so 4 19 4. Con. entrance dor to the County Court
$10. ," Iouse in the City of Shelton, County
Robet.t N. Griggs and w to Vinlleld of Mason, State of Washington, either
Griggs ,sp wd, se nw 25 19 ,l. C(m. $10. by the County Auditor of said county,
Arthur J. P, arrett and w to Edwiu or by a member of the Board of State
J. Ahern, wd, e wse ne 18 21 4. Con. Land Commissioners of the State of
$1200. Washington, the following described
state lands, together with the improve-
Fred J. Sets to William l(agless, wd, ments situated thereon, will be sold at
sw se se 7 19 4. Con. $10.
VV. A. Hitchcock and w to Paul H. public auction to the highest bidder
tllerefor, to-wit:
]-lltchcoek, wd, 4 acres more or less Applleaon 7730.
desc. by m. and b. ill se se' ne 12 20 2. All tide lands of the second class,
Violet :M. Taylor to E. JL Tayh)r, qcd, es dellned by section 1 of chapter 36
ot" the Session Laws of 1911, owned by
tim State of X a' hington, situate In
front of, adjacent to or abutting upon
that part ef h)t 2, section 10, township
19 north, range 3 west, W. M., measur-
WANTED--BEES. We will buy bees
in boxes, old hives or anything else.
Must be cheap. Also bees sick with
either kind of Foulbrood if per-
mitred to shake ou premises of
present owner. Safer & Hoffman,
Camp 2, Potlatch. 2-27-1mo.
FOR SALE--Extra fine, Rhode Is-
hmd Red or Barred Rock cockerels,
$3 to $5. Concord Beach Poultry
aml Hog Farm, Mrs. W. E. Ed-
wards, R. 2, Shelton. 3-12
WANTED--Clean rugs at the Jour-
nal office, at 5 cents a pound.
WANTED--100 head stock cattle,
young stock preferred. J. G. Haller, I
box 292, Shelton. 3-5
LODGING ROOMS--Have several
nice rooms open to permanent
lodgers. Apply to Mrs. Mae Scovel,
rear of O'Neill's store. 3 2
LOST--Black velvet bag with linen
table-linen, napkins and three other
articles of sewing, on the road be-
tween McCleary and Kamilche, on
Sunday, February 8. Finder please
return to Miss Margaret Jones,
box 452, Elms, Wash. 2-27-3t
sorrel mare, quite wild. Owner may
have same by provig property
and paying charges. A. E. Mon-
roe, Route 2, Shelton. 2-27-31
E. E. Storts. 3-5-31
FOR SALE--Six-weeks old fullblood-
ed Berkshire pigs, $6. Concord Beach
Poultry and Hog' Farm, Mrs. W. E.
Edwards, R 2 She]ton.
IeOR SALETwo Jersey cows, fresh
in March. F. Duffy, R. 2, Shelton.
FOR SALE--500 egg Petaluma incu-
!bator,in good condition. Price $30.
W. A. Haywar(I, Shelton.--3-12-3t
FOR SALE--Shepherd pups. Good
[ strain. G. Pests, Scott'S t;rairie.
Shelton. 3-12
American government."
What is left of the railroads after
two years of government maladmin-
istration and manipulation go back
to the companies on March let, along
with the peck of troubles, old and
new, includnig the rebuilding of the
roads from the ties up. It was a
costly experiment but We learn our
lessons by hard bumps.
The average citizen should remem-
ber this fall that whatever 'crimes
may be charged against the republi-
can party by its opponents it will at
least know enough to collect the fu-
ture income taxes without bewilder-
ing him several times he lriee o
the moiety so painfully extrceed
Everzbgdy is aware that they• ar
contributing to the support f tht
government but are less hurt by the
painless methods.
Dry moon, dry year, d., eontry--
looks like the mil|enium ndse it is
l. IL Taylor" et al to J. J. Brenner,
deed. 1.909 acres oyster land Thurston
County. also following oyster land in
Mason CoUnty: 5.64 a. in 21 19 3 exc.
0.25 a.; 12.11 a. in 21 19 3 exc. 0.159 a.;
1.558 a. in 21 19 3; 8.24 a. in 22 9 3
and 17.334 acres in 21 19 3. Consider-
alien $100 and ottler eon.
• E. B. Taylor and wet al to J. J.
]renner Oyster Co., wd, n sw and lot
3. sec 21 19 3. $3500 and other con.
Charl Giers and w to Walter V.
Thompson, wd, gov. lot 2 sec 16 22 1.
Con. $10.
Kathryn Vogel and hus to H. Parry
Jones, wd, lots 7 and 8 blk 14 and lot
3 blM 16 D. Shelton's 2nd add. Con.
Thomas W. Webb and w to I. N.
L N. Wood, right of way deed, r of w
across lot 2 sac 7 21 3. Con. $10.
Ole T. Sands to Bertha Sund qcd, sw
Oyster Co., wd, e ne sw 21 19 3. Con.
$2500. led along the meander line ns follows;
I]eginntng at the point of intersec-
tion of the west line of said lot 2, with
said meander line and running thence
N. 66 ° E. 135.66 feet. more or less. tO
tan angle point n isaid meander lille;
i tlence N. 83 ° 48 * lit 363 feet N. 24 °
,)8 b. 2.to feet and N. 60 ° :[8 E. 67.58
' feet to the terminal point of his de-
SW 18 22 2 apd lot 3 sec 19 22 2. Con.
$I. • ....
R. L.' Gelssler to F. L. Carr, wd, s of
se 6 19 6. Con. $10.
".Ssmuel A. Watson to A, L. Wolf, wd,
W ne se 29 23 1 Con, $10.
Wm. T. Blomgren and w to Bertha
M, Hansen an bus, wd, w 20 rods gov
lot 4 sec 18 21 1. Con, $2000. 'r
John Obermelr to Alden C. Bayley,
Wd, ILSl acres more or less in D C nl
nw nW 19 20 3. Con. $I.
Blanch B. Bell and h to Carl E. Af-
des, wd, 13.10 acres in 3 20 3, Con•
I10 b
. ' . I. Remsberg and w to Walter S.
---for some mortals. It is not, how- Allen, qcd, se se sac 3 and part lot 1
sec 10 east of creek and allof lot 2 sec
ever, the sort of a revolution the lI exc 3 acres, also 4 chains tide land