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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 27, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 27, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SIX I II I I (From Journal o1&apos; February 23, 1900) J B Forbes of Kamilche v(as in town 'l?hursday on business• • Miss Fva Tow siren(; several days this week visiting relative in town. Mrs. Herman Thrash i:; spcnding a week in town visiting her sister, rs• B. C. Willey. J. F. Riley, M. F. Reed and W. R. Lotz were in Olympia Wednesday on bu siness Ellsworth Freeburger went to Olympia Tuesday to tile on a home- stead which has been in contest for ,rome time. L• W• Speece, eonnty assessor, i:: vtter.ding t?e conventi<m of county s-.e:;sors at Eller0,urv this week. It be,:ins  i.t,k as if t;rPort Ang,,ies Eastc.rn wouhl surpr:se tile doubtm'G sure enough The projectors are t)e>i,cinV to th|'ow dirt already. Joe (:a!,, was over from Oyster ):ay 'lues, by and claims thai they have tl¢! lib)st lll'(spt!l'ons ('onlTTILIn{Lv in Mason County, the oyster men ]ow to(riving "mple reward for the hard labor of past years. Charh,s A. Carson, a veteran er the l)hilippines, hel.:l forth at the laptist church on Saturday with a laietorial show of the battles, scenes gml incid,,nts encountered by the F'rst Waslfingtml boys in their cam- lmigning. There were 150 illusta- t,ens and they were well shown by dm h o(nlment / M'rl),'m:dd & O'Neill llave solveA the prel)lem of more roonk by having a gallery constructed on two :rides of tlw ]am. Four old vet,, re'e, ill,tk[111" "the chanp,'e:q Wendell Shelly, VT. W. Sll,ilb, Dan Keelty v.nd H. I.. Alden. 'J !'v Ii p:. ., ¢,r f 1Tr V¢(.)CI]O:I S')],.' ?.le- '('he Nance Pro(hers aml ,V, A. 0 i-h"en of tI.,. ,',> r, stnri:d on re lotu:n trip to l ,v:,.n Wed):, l/'g>, lumber, everywl'rc but nr,t a vacm-.t house ia Shelton. Weather bureau at H(md Canal re- ports the following rainfall for Feb- ruary in the pa&s four years: IH!i6, 6.58 inches; 1897, 7.83 inches; 1898, 16.:;0 inches; 1899, 7.ql inches. los. Thomas and xxife of Holly have just returned from a three • ' ' " s months trap 1o Kan,'as. , .. Miss Ma Gray closed her school at Riverside last week, but will begin in about six weeks when the weather is better. Herbert MeReavy and John I). Dow spent part of last week at lake Cush- man relocating the mines of the l\\;la- s,m County mining and developing eollipany. ,John l)ow has " cmtt'm't frorn the st:de fish (,.onmissionm' to build a lh'.hway around the falls of the Eko- kom,sb. Never before has such mild worn(h- er been known at l.,ake Cushman since 1888. Snow only two or threc times and nevqr over :foul" inches at a time• All trees -rod shrubs are now THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL iin ul i I .tltOO.4 I01' U!' :- 50"]]ot]lill ' I1QW. I)" old & O'Neill. CORRESPONDENCE i I i I PICKGRING PAU2.' GE ] I k :t: Roy Wilson o1' S,>:,tle is m;:hf,: his wi:f :wt on J2 Jr. :- short visit.  Wib,: a and m at:: stay- ing \\;xith ,,i,.s. : .... . r.'<,'sen, her nlothel' Wi ]2 .l,. Potero,m is away. Gus Itaa, : was ; visitor at Olym- pia 'luc>daS, :..aking the trip on the t)ovc. Mr. and3h's. Jacohson are helping Theodore Tremper at Arcadia {luring" Mrs. Tremper's illness. Mrs. Munro was a caller at Mrs. Peiel son's .hmday. M:'. Fdwards has completed his in- cubator house and now is busy in- stalling inc.ubators. Mr. Scott is busy with his tractor, teurinlr up things in general, when not taking the high clive with the tractor a clese second. The school ehihh'en seemed to en- [joy the holiday Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I)roseher have a fine big ten-pound boy which re'rived Sun- day n@ht. l'lath mother and boy m'e i (h/ing nicely; ( 5i 's. S m'(Ig' 'ass was a caller at the IW,o(laJ] home 'J2ue,;day. 1 Josqdfine ]nlnan an(l Viola Stone "*cc.nlm,.te(I Mrs. Edwards to b2elton Wednc.sdtty. M'r. Gardner is making' splendid he;ldway with his clearing', 'having al- rcadv :,et out a small orchard. Ml's. Inman has been on the sick 1 st for the past week, but is feeling I I OAKLAND BAY t .,.r. Bowman has torn down the ohl chimney at th- :-ohool housc and Mr. Oakh!y of Rot:. ; :: huihlinff a new one, which will " ,:<d for both l'oon3s. On account ,. -old weath- er causing:: it to he iml-); to keep the room walqn eTn)Hgh, school ]1as been closed for the re:,( of tim week, to re-el)on again Monday. John Kubil{ of Shclton is painting the new addition to the school house which adds greatly to the appearance of the entire building'. On ac}:ount of Monday being a hol- iday the mail man failcd to make his appearance that (lay, and was gener- ally missed alon' the route. Also roasted by people who forgot about George Washington. Mrs. Georgc Kellogg and little daughter Patricia returned Monday from Olympia where they had spent several clays with Mr. Kellogg, who has been spending most o1! M',-.: ti,n(, in that city coaching and directing the play, "Stop 'l'hi(dT," recently given in Shelton as one of the numbers of the lyceum course. Mr. Kelloglz takes the same part he plaved thin. The play is being sLag'ed by the t]lks ' lodive, an(l a number or Vlhelt,m peo- ple have arranged to attend. Miss Alma Larsen, te,wher at the. Grant school, spent Sunday and Mort- clay as the guest of Miss Pearl Doak. Mi::s JMable Doak is spending the leaiing ou't. Througt the courtesy of State l,'ish Comm s'ioner A. C. l,ittle a party of I Shclton people visited the Skokondsh tish hatchery last week and went through the works which was an un- llsua] experience. The Shelton party con,:isted of Thos. O'Neill, Arthur Ncedham. l)r. leach, At J. Munson, Chas. i,calo.,, A. L. IMI, Ford Staben- fehlt, O. C. /tanson, W. H. (3hu'ke, A. W. Shelly, W. IL I,otz =rod Mr. ,rod Mn's. G. C. Angle. Serlptur Mc- ,better at this writing. We hope she week in Olympia as the guest of Mr. eonOnue>', and Mrs. l;ot'est Meeker. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews is staying with Mrs. Mrs. Mocker drove from Olyml.'ia in I)roschcq' during her illncss so every- their cvr Sunday and veporL the roads one l:mows what good care Mrs. in good eon(lition. Mr. Meekcr is to Droscher will receive, be remembered as one af the earoen- ters who assisted his b|othc,. Ernest Meeker, in bt|ihting" the l:h|chanan 'CONING TO TACOMA DR. R(.avy and son Herbert als.) came up I fl'onl Union. S :I: I)A YTON I The school ehihlren eljoyed a vaca- tion Monday in honor of Washing- *en's 1-irthday. Wo Itce glad to welcomo a new ]mpil, I.ewis Et;mn, to our school. Mrs. G:trfiold Taylor and daug'later ?darg.'n'ot, Alma l"ennett nnd ]!chm Nhem'er vbdted at the Wivell ]10me SuIld[iv ,'} I'[,('l )IC()H, ]hA>,rt l'erkin, is vFs;ing' with Ms :.istev. Mr:'. Wivell. 8tella Wivell called at the Taylor yt,,,dd( n, c / viday "ll'tOlllCOn. 3it. :,nel :',.Jr;...Ia.,q E!son 'i:dted "it ib li:t],}'<i. lm,;l/' ,vl!'!n<l:l,' >v('ltiu,':. JU. ar:l ;',ir. iobert (2. John,aon ,'.n(i [",,l/ti)v- w(,rr, to i.?,i, homo in Si:o]:(m, \\;.'!!h 'e N:dnr,[ay morninR'. ]'('lliF)iI!L )}',ild;ly t,,elllPl:y. Mr. John- .'<t)ll b )L fur li:- sclmO1 ill ,:t[L';Op 'J?m" d:U i')l II;,,ff. M'. -rod Mrs. T'ctm' Abrahamson a:'e risking; with. the former'. sister, I',: .... t.'ra(l< Holman of this valley. [,'rank t;arlu, r visited at his home in K.mVlcl,e \\;raliey Satm'day. Ills f:ttmr rt.tllrned with him, I ,M)'. and Mrs.\\;V. H. F[all and sen Davotn has had quite a si, g'e of the flu. Mrs. L. P. Adams, Mrs. J. H. John:,ton, Arnold ,h)hnston :,n,I Mrs. G. McKay have been ill with it. and Mr and Mrs. Rct)inson have it now. Mrs. Southard ]las a large herd of very fine bred sheep. We think she is settinL a Food example for some of the ranchers. lay Bailey is the latest victim of the mumps, Ethel Baih'y hvainR" ;it st recow,red Dora them. How were t!acy Ray'[ Hope you enjoycM .them as lntl(h as the rest (lid. I,ynn Robhson '; s.(:vinp' wilb his brotbe.r Howard and l'amiiy at pros- e nt. l!]tl,l Kirl< was injured qite s'ri- ously Monday, b'eint,: thr,,wn, f:' m the merry->o.-remM at sdimot. W< h(hm ::!.(, will ,7oon ill' [lJ'ollnd DfTDfill a:; hai)]w :s ev(,r. ]tl1',,;. 17. E. So,d:hn,'d callo<l ai- (bo .([ it')GaOII I'.n(.h rl'i|e;.;[:ly I1 "{A'm.'lo{ll, V(ol| (d. ur(,elin- :1<11 85-fo(,1 oll €!('l MELLENTHIN & C0- SPECI A LISTS I)o Not Use Surgery Will be .q Tacoma Hotel Thursday, Friday and Saturday 3IARCH 4, 5, 6 Ol]ice houis 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. THREE DAYS ONLY No Charge for Examina[ion, The doctor in charge is a graduate in medicine and surgery and is li-, eened by the state of Washington. He visits pro£cssiofially the more im- portant towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip con'aui- tation and cxamin'ttion free except tile (xt,cnse of Lreatlnent- ,V]lCn dc- :;ired. A(:c,rding to his method of LFCt.Lllent he (lOtS 11015 ()])el'alo for chronic aplendi.eitis , gall st, ones, ul- ('o,'S (.if SI(Jllltl(:ll tonsils or adenoids. lie has to his credit many won(ler- I'ul l'e,;tdt:.; ill diseases of the tom- 'a('h. }ivm', boels, t)lood, s]dn, no)wcs catatrh, weak [ t.nlgs t'h oU in ai:[s!tl, <,, ili, i,':l, l('R' (Ih'ers' an,1 recta] ail- i !] e 1'. . b'. If" ;,ou l,avo been ailinl?" for any ,.tli of 1;iiile rind do llot 2,*(tlD ally StllBni(w i-loille, ]T/'. Meeker slates he is basily cnt,'aged at present erecting a spb.mlid ne.w holne fvr hhnsclf near OlYmlAa , which he ('xpccts to havt! completed in a short Lime. Mrs. Arthur Moran I'CLL;rlvxI ho/tlc la:t E::turda.v /'roln Seattle wher( Sll(' trod spent a wcek visiting her daugh- ters, Mrs. i,ivermore and ][cs. l:l Quct• -;lc ha,.1 aec.mpvnied th,, lat- l;cr who Jiad st,eni a ['(;w d&y.-, o1' the previous x(.ek nt the Moran lioin?. ]s'S• J)unc;ln VdaS a TaeoNia vi:dtor lasL \\;vcek-eild. While in that city she visited ller sister, Mrs. Paul, who is quite ill, and who has found it neces:_ary to remain in Tacoina for medical attention. Mis. Paul's con- dition has l:rovcn q,ita sovmus amt the doctors state she will not be able IO return h0111e, in less tllall a month. Sunday e.vcning :t few young peo- ple g'athered at the home of Mr. mid Mrs. ']'aylor of Grant, W)eic a Vt!i'y (:njoyable twining, was ,,'. tit> sides llayiilg ' 4"al]les• they were de.- liKhtfully (ntertainvd with .:(,vei'al vocal sele('Lh)ns: ., nd,,i ,'d b.¢ 3,I r. 'J'a.y-. lor. A ]ivlt nnet waa secvd hit.. in tke evening. 'l'ims+'. gvn:a' from this lieigi:horiiood \\;,.'ere, a\\;ii.-' Ah'na tA/'t'Sl'll, Miss t',arl /)oak. ]lytl-ttr all(] t']<'u'l Fi+chett, Rudolf ,-liliti,:tl'onl :.trltl ?,[ii c.; Howoll. t AI:'. and Mrs. Grant Ovcrh,, are mo'i;'hl{y into the (k.i'fic[d house this \\;,'(.e!. The: are s[;l.ty]nF, ut 111e (]'gess- l)If)2"l tlOJLI() {;h[;i [Jil 5 L, , L!II'It' !it-',. t"- Ilol,1. l.ood:4 h ,re. ']'I-C lltll'l,:llli,ll i'ami!v  I'o'.11 tl'itcOIlll] • ,lie]]I; Ln(' V,'Otis2-('[UI :/15 {_;L it" SI',l'ill/of t  x, aild. taltilU-' <:,J'.I)I1L{H_C (1' L lO bolida-, did. not 1'(.1..{11 rl 1: 'fi!c.(llia tiit.i] ], on :.ty ,,v('nil)l'.'. l)r• Willi'tnl Nippol win; their truest from Ta- ( • lick cast of '[onlostllO L)y lht W2,'o. }}"" ' de, llot I'ail to call. as lll- [li'o I Pl' iTl(,'.iSui'e,<-i i'attler t]ll/ll (liseae IllOlll Oi.] e, Olll][i;lt;y has |)o*'11 COlI]l)letft] '..1'(! v(,l'y o['t(,n t.he t, ai.l,.h) 0]7 yOUF aad niaoblll¢:l'y is heillg lliSialled, rl'}lc i 1( 1',,,,. F, tall()ilg [roult](L corllllally ha; leases O11 '2,00 acl'e Ol ]{'c},lep.ibcl. above, date, that exatl- COllla },lorldLt..', laIKt Jn the ,icinily o[ I'll(-; l)l'(q)OSO(1 inuti,m on this trip will Is() fi'ee aa,i." l 51i,;s ±{111:_ Lar:.; lind A]is, Pearl well. Ahout $'}5,000 will be represent- that }IFs treatln(qlt is ditferent. Doak wel'o l.ft(,1,n(!o;'l txlld :-;ii::l)er ed in ectli"nlent , .&ddress: B36 Boston Block, Min-. 'F.,,'lmsCs of Mrs. Ardem's Monday evc-  I  ' neapolis, Minn. (atv213-26-Bt) nirlg. I , Mr. Graves and Mr. I'rib,barlt (,anm The Chevrolet :"490" " welcomes the test of the cost sheet. Divide the amount spent for gasoline, oil, tires, and repairs by the number of miles travelled. In this manner Chevrolet economy is appreciated. Cchevrolet ¢0mf0rt, convenience and dependabality are a matter of course. C SHELTON GARAGE Phone 391 from Seattle Saturday lo spcnd the we(k-end looking after their interests in the Oaldand Bny Logging Cenl- l)anv. Both Mrs. ('l'avc, and Mrs. Prit'ehard accompa=ied them. John Mc]ntosh from Aate was a caller at the Arthur Moran farm Sunday. Ed. Crossman is reported on the sick list this week. Sunday evening guests at the Eli Willey home were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ttuntley, Mr, and Mrs. Mar- vin Tillman, Miss Jennie Chester, Roy Bowman, Jack Price, Clifford Livingston, Miss Jewel Duncan, Ron- ald Gosser and David Crossman. John and William Buchanan and ,Miss Alma Larsen were visitors at school Monday afternoon. SHELTON VALLEY l J. Shafer returned home Sunday after a two weeks' visit with relatives in Seattle and Charleston. G. Kirkwood of Seattle spent last week-end at the Shelton home. Win. Shearer and family of Char- leston spent Sunday and Monday at the Sharer home. H. A: Winsor and family, Mrs Frank Bennett, Alma and Vearl Ben- nett and Niss Helen Shearer were visitors and callers at the D. G. Ben- net home Sunday. Mrs. Wm Madden and-children, Danny and Jacquetta returned this week to their home in Portland. The children who have spent the trust two years on the farm with their grand- parents will enter school this fall. The Misses Alma Bennett and Helen Shearer called at the Wivell home in Isabella Valley Sunday af- ternoon Miss Edn£ Shelton was over from Olympia to spend Saturday and Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Shelton. Several from here attended the armers' meeting at the Chas. Wivell home in Isabella Valley Tuesday night. Saturday night, February 28th, is the regular Grange meeting night and the officers who, on account of having the popular malady, did not attend the last meeting will be in- stalled• The Skokomish Grange has invited the Shelton Valley Grange to isit them Saturday night, March,6th, and the latter grange will give a pro- gram. Mrs. Gordon McKay, Mrs. i:tarry Winsor and Miss Stella Wwell have been appointed to arrange the program. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1920 II i A TRIAL WILL YOU. OTHING that we could say would so thoroughly convince you of the value of Chamberlain's Tablets as a personal trial. We can tell you of thousands who have been permanently curedof chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver, but this will have little weight with you as compared to a personal trial. That always convinces. r Decision to push a demand for a 50 I per cent salary increase has been made Passports to West Indies to Cost $10. by the board of director of the Asso- ciaiion of Instruciors ot' the University of Washington. The campatgn will be conducted until satisfaeiory results are obtained, according to the diroctors, even if it is neeessary to carry the drive before thc next session of thc legislature. This is the receptiou giv- en the recent award of 25 per cent In- crease_ by the board _of_regel}ts. Washington. A charge of $10 for passports to Cuba, Bermuda, The Ba- hama islands and Mexico has been tentatively agreed upon by the con- ferees on the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill. Under the original measure such passports were to bo granted free. Revenue from passports to these countries now is estimated at $800 daily with prospects of great ia- creases bocause of prohibition SHELTON-OLYMPIA Mail Stage Line L. M. STEWART, Prop. Daily Schedules Leave Shelton 8:30 a.m. 8:00 p. m. 11:30 am. 4:45 p m. FARE ONE WAY $1.0(}--ROUND TRIP $1,50 Tickets on sale at Johnson's Garal,'o--Waiting Room Tickets good until usod, Leave Olympia 7:00 a m. 3:00 p in. 1]:00 a n: 5:00 p. in Headquarters at Central Bus Station WMfing Room a.d Lady Atfendant. Phone 22. SHORTY THE ONLY TAILOR IN TOWN New spring samples have arrived so order that hew suit now Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Ladies Suits sponged and pressed . , 1.00 Suits cleaned and pressed 2.00 Skirts . 100 Jackets . . 1.00 Dresses " . 1.75 up Fancy Dresses cleaned and pressed ........ 2.25 up Gentlemen Suits sponged and pressed . . $1.f}0 Suits dry cleaned a,txd pressed 2.00 Coats • 1.00 Pants " 1.00 Pants sponged and pressed . .50 Overcoats dry cleancd and pressed 200 Overcoats dyed ...... 5.00 Suits dyed ........ 5.00 J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton n n i W,H. SMITH - = =_ _= = CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND HIGH GRADE CANDIES --= -_ Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods ----- I • All the Daily Papers. ! = E ] Headquarters for Cigars, Tobaccos, Cigarettes & Fine Candies -- I |nnmi| SOFT DRINK STORE i Ii I i i EaVIIL PAULSON, Prop. All kinds of pleasing Soft Drinks, Hot Drinks and Light Lunch Fine Candies)' Cigars aud Fresh 'ROasted Peanuts Furnished Rooma for Transient Guests. Shelton, Washington i I i ii I iii f II ill J. [. CONNOLLY Shelt000 Market and Ice Plant