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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 27, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 27, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FREDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1920 THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ........ PAGE SEVEN i , . ,, mi.,. , li iilll . ]% r k I HOUSE PASSES RAILROAD BILL 1 Washington.--The compromise Each. Cummins railroad bill was approved by the house, which adopted the con- ference report after four hours of de. bate. Adoption of the conference re. port came after the howse had defeated, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • .(btilce of tlle StnAc, llighway Board, • .Olynlldll, Wash., lCcbrual•y 24, 1.9°0. seamed bids will he z'eeeiv,d at tiffs ollh'*, tlllli] t%vo o'c]oc[{. |). In., Rial'eh 2{), IP20• and Ilion o])cil(!d 1'o1" tlw following l Iii pl'OVq,lll CAll . : ( I ) (; rading, dl•atning nnd paving with Ctllt:l'l*{(! about LO nli]t}S Of tll I )I.v ml,ic llighwty betw.'n "l'h ul'st on {'Otllll" Line and Kandhqe In Mason ('q,till[y, l',*st l¢o:td Project No. 6. (2) (?h!arinK, grltding, dlainhlg nn(l Slll'|i(!lng .vi|h l•HV()l ab,mt 2.0 nlilt,s 28 to 171, a motion to l•eeouzmlt. I of the Ntvy Yard ]-llghwtty, l)etwecn Chairman Escll of lle interstate com. Clifton and Holyeke CrecR In l\\;lasm i County, lhst l{oad I'roJect No. 58. meres committee then called for the, l,:aeh bid must be accoml)anlcd by It previous question and there was a buzz eertiflcd c.h(q.k p v tbl( lo thc Slat,, In tile chamber as the voting began. I Treasurer t'(,r live 1)er cent. of the amount bid• The right Is reserved to There never was any doubt as to the reject any and all bids• The check of all UllSuecessful bidders will be re- outcome, leaders said, although the ef- turned after the eontract is awarded feet of pressure from labor leaders and the bond given. par. Plans and specifications are on tlle against adoption of the bill was tn the offices of tile County Engineer of tously interpreted. Mason County, at Shelton; the Pacific P, uilder & Engineer, Seattle; the Em- During the debate, In which more ployers' Association of the inland Era- than a score of representatives took part, Chairman Esch declared that the roads would be handed back to their owners on March 1, regardless of whether congress enacted legislation meanehile, but he warned the house that defeat of the bill at this stage would put half the roads of the coun- try in the hands of the receivers in three months. The house adopted the conference re- port by a vote of 250 to 150--a clean margin of 100 votes. The vote for the adoption of the con- ference report showed 205 republicans and 45 democrats supporting it. The opposing vote included 125 democrats, 23 republicans, one independent and one prohibitionist. R. J. Donahue, chief of the depart- ment of dairy and livestock in the com- missioner of agriculture office, has resigned to become manager of the Carnation Stock Farms company. The resignation will be effective March 20. The company operates extensive stock farms at Tolt, King county; Granger, Yakima county, and Cherry Valley, Snohomish county. Donohue will be succeeded by L. C. Pelton, veterinary inspector for western Washington for tlm eommJslol of agriculture• _ .. pire, Spokane; the Employers' Associa- tion of Washington, Tacoma; Asso- , elated General Contractors of the Pac- lllc Northwest, Portland, Oregon, where i they ma'y be inspected. Plans and specifications may be ob- tained from this effice by depositing $2.00 for each set of .plans required to insure the return of them on or before the day the bids are opened. JAMES ALLEN, State Highway Commisioner, Secretary of the Higilway IJoard. 2-27-3-19-4t. CALL FOR BRIDGE BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, will re- ceive sealed bids for the construction ef the Stretch Island bridge, about half a mile south of Detroit, Wash- ington, bids to be opened on Tuesday, March 2nd, 1920, at 2 p. m. Plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Engineer and the County Auditor, at the Court House in Shelton. Each bid must be accom- panied by certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of bid. Commis- sioners reselwe the right to reject any and all bids. Bridge consists of 1-48 Ft. Span, Queen-Rod Truss and 320 Ft. of Pile Trestle Approach. Date of first publication, February '6, 1920. lONE W. DOYLE, (Seal) Auditor of Mason County, 2-6-27-4t Washington. Carrying aTon a Mile * for less-than a Cent Freight rates have played a very small part in the rising cost of living. Other cam--the waste of war, trader-pro- duction, credit inflation--have added dollars to the cost of the n'.sities of life, while freight charges have added only cents. The average charge for hauling a tea; of freight a n'd]e k less than a €t. A suit of clothing that ld for $30 before the war warn carri 265 milm by rail from Chicago to Los Angeles for 16 cqmls. Now the freight charge is 22 cants and the sult sells for $50. T eoet ef the mlt bm  30 4allam. frsight OI Je tins lncasod only 0! teanopeadon  aml into the ' eo  ths Rnlshed m'dclo.-cmvyix ths wool to the mills and tl cloth to the tsdlom--but / [ those other cJzU usouat to bt a Iow oentO /, mor The $10 pair of shoes that used to sell for $5 goes from the New Eng- land factory to the Florida dealer for a freight charge of 5 cents---only one cent more than the pre-war rate. Beef pays only two-third of a cent a pound freight from Chicago to New York. American freight rates are the low- est in the world. q00sadvertiseme00_ is oublished by the ocia00on of 00ailwau r.00mtives L. Byron of Portland, Or., and Ed. ward M Comyns, Seattle, ¢chaxged with having used the mails to defraud In connection with a land settlemeni schem, were found guilty of 46 o| the 50 counts against them by a jury In federal court at Seattle. Influenza seems to be quite preva. l(mt in Cowlltz county and at a feces| meeting of the board of country com. missioners places of public gatherings including all l)ublic schools, clmrches, theaters, entertahmlents of every kind and public dances were ordered closed. L ' ls more Cat:urh In this section o. .as country than all other diseases put together, and for years It was sup- posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional con- dlttons and therefore requires constitu- tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi- cine. manufactured by F J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, Is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re- ward Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medlelne falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 73c. 14all's Family Pills for constipation. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the offices of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Postoffice Building, Shelton, Wash, Open 9 to 12--1 to 5 Evening by appointments. DR. J. J. MUSTARD Res. phone 755. Office over Capital National Bank, Olympia. Offlcephone 639. Office hours 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. 2 to 5 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEY--AT--LAW, Phone 463. SHELTON, WASH. (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.) ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelton PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash. A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash. GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyancing Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARREVJ[' No. 324. UMMON POR PLIC&TXO f FORCLOBIZRE OF TAX :LvN In the Superior Court of the Stats of ,Vashlngton for Mason County. W. 1t. MAXWELL, Plaintiff VS, JOSI,JPH M. HAWTHORNE and N.E. of N.W.%; S.W, of N.W.%; S.l.Nt of N.W.A Sec. 17 Twp 22 N. It. 3 W. W. M. and all persons unknown, if any, having or c'lalming to hays an interest in and to the real proper- ty hereinafter described, Defendants. THE STATE O1' WASHINGTON to Joseph M. Hawthorne and N.E.4 of N.W..; S.W. of N.W.t; S.E. of N.W.4 Sec. 17 Twp 22 N. It. 3 W. W. M. and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest In and to the real property hereinafter described: You and each of you are hereby sotS- fled that W. H. Maxwell is the holder of Certificate of Dellnqueacy numbered 1716. issued on the let day of Juns, 1917, by the County of Mason, State of Washington, for the amount of One Hundred, Two and 63-100 Dollars, tbs same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1915 and 1916 together with penalty, inter- est and costs thereon, upon real prop- erty assessed to you a.nd of which you are the owner or reputed owner, situ- ated in said County. and particularly bounded and described as follows, to- wit: North East Quarter of the North West Quarter (N.E.% of N.W,) South /Vest Quarter of the North West Quarter (S.W. of N.W.) South East Quarter of North West Quarter (S.I,2. of N.W.%)All In Section 17 Townshll) 22 North Range Three West W. M. and upon which he has paid taxes assessed against said property as fol- lows: Year's tax, 1917; Date paid, June 20, 1919; Tax Rcceil)t No., 2803; Amount, $57.81• Total amount of taxes paid since date of Certificate of Delinquency, $57.81 all of said amounts bearing interest at the rate of fifteen per cnt per annum; and you are further notified that he will apply to the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for said County, for a Judgment foreclosing his lien against the property hereinbefore mentioned, and you are hereby sum- monad to appear within sixty days aftr the date of the first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due, together with costs; and in case of your failure to do so, Judgment will be rendered foreclosing the lien for said certificate of delinquency, taxes,, penalty, interest and costs, against the lands and prem- ises hereinbefore mentioned. Date of first publication February 6 1920. Any pleading or process may be served upon the undersigned at the address hereatfer mentioned. M. W. LOGAN. Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address, ShMton, Wash. -6-3-19-7t In a comprehensive review of the In- tensive fishing operations of the last six years, which have resulted in great depiction of the salmon fisheries of the state of Washington, In common with those of lle rest of the north Pacific coast, State Plsh Commissioner Darwln In his biennial report to Governor Ilart gives ll as his opinion that the salnmn fishing can host be restored and pre- served by the creation by the legisla- ture of a fisileries or conservation conl- mission Imtterned after the public servlee commission and empowered to regulale fishery operations to the ex- tent of saying how, when and where they may be carried on and with am- ple authority to enforce iuch regula- tions. NO. 528. NOTICE OF T' Alq"D FLACE PXXED POR WEARG FAL REPORT AND PETITION POR DXTRWaUTION. In the Superior Court of the State of XVasiflngton In and for Mason County IN PltOBATE• In the Matter of the Estate of 1,'EItRIN BATCIIEL1)EIt, Deceased. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, That a final report and petition for dlstrib- ntion have been filed with the clerk of thc above court ill said estate, gild the court Is asked to settle such report and distribute the l)roperty to the per- sons entitled to the same, namely. Levi lhttchclder, and discharge the admlnls- tratrlx. That the court has fixed the --. [Lilac and ])htee of ht!arhlg of said rcp,)rt ' I.tnd petition for distribution, as fol- lows: the 13th day of Sial'oh, ]9')(1. at. . the llour of 10 o'chmk, A. .I., tit .the /.' ('curt llousc in Shclton, ]Ias()n Colin- ! ty, Washington, at whieh thne sll per- sons |utvtng ally objections are rcqull•ed to aPl)ear. IIA'I'TII,] E. IUCI4.EFt-GARFIh]IA). (;lark of said (.?ollrt, and 0[' Mason County, Washington. 2-13-3-12-5t NO. 194. NOTICE OF rEARINb AMENDED AND CORRECTED FINAL IEFOBT AID PETITION FOR DXSTRIU. TION. In the Superior Court of the State of VCashington in and fer Mason County 1N PIlOBATE. In the Matter of the Estate of NATHAN VHITE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that R• C. "Vllley, administrator of the estate of Nathan XVhlte, dec'eased, has lllcd in the olliee of the clerk of said Court his amended and corrected l,'Inal I¢el)ort and Petition for l)lstrll)uthm, asking tile (?onrt to settle said 14Cl)ort, dis- tribute the I)rOl)crty to the pcl'sons (,ll- titled and Io discharge said adnllnts- tl';|lt,l•; and th[Lt slid anl*,n(l(,d and COl'- l'(,('t od I,'i nal lt(,port and IN•t J| ion for ])l¢tr[hlllion will l)c ll,,al'd on lhe 131h (hty ')1' a]D.l'(h, ]!)'0, at 9:30 ;\\;. 5]., It| tit(' ?Ol.lPt ]'(){)Ill ()I' thc ((ll.|t'[ I[(lUN,' ill Phl*] t Oil, 510.son ('OUIIt V. V;tsllinKton, N()'I'IC I,] IS l"[" I{'l'l t I'H { (;IVI':N Io all pll'tios to :ll)])tqtr at said tillll, all(] said 1)l:lcp, ltll(1 shj)w (•aust,, l|' lny, *.vh,v .'Itid Illa,,lld,!d and ct)l•l',,ct,d l,'innl ..\\;(!- Ci)un| elld Po|it Jell |'OP ])lst rJl)tlt h)ll sllouhl noL be al)ro\\;'*,(I, th,' os|aLt! dis- I rlbut'd and the adnlinisl rah)r dis- ('hari4t!d• Ihtit,d this 7th day of l;'ehrtllry, 1920. IIATTll,] E. I{U(H(1,:I{-(;AI{I,'I],:IA), CIcrk of sahl (!,)urt, Chas. R. I.cwts, :\\;ttol•ney l'l)l" Adllltnls- ll•ttl(ll •, l()lllllS 7 & S, 1Allnbol•nl(qls Baihling, Shelton, Wash. 213-312-5t i No. 552. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Mason• In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of ANDERS SWANSON, Deceased. To the Creditors of the Above En- titled Estate, and to Whom It lIay Concern: Pursuant to orders entered in the above entitled matter, notice is here- Thrift THE GATEWAY TO ?. YOUR FUTURE lAPPINESS STATE BANK OF SHELTON !|i m HOTEL SHELTON i BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks [] ffi EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr. [] [] ffi [] liiiuiiitiiiiii NEW SOLES AND HEELS will give you a new pair of shoes and save you the expense. We invite attention to the fact that' in our modem shoe re- pairing we use only the best grade of leather. That means longer wear and a greater sav- ing, things not to be ignored in these clays of soaring shoe :osts. ,_.,,.,gB CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR H. M. Rosebolt, Horn Bldg. W. W. BARRETT . PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing guaranteed as to work and matelal for one year, . . , II II II II IIII I by given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Estate of Anders IlIIi||IiI|i|iiIiiIi|iiII > Swanson, deceased, j 3 And that all persons having claims against the said deceased or against ..... '  " the estate of the said deceased are  Shelton Shoe Factory --_- hereby required to prepare them in the form required by statute and to = - AND QUICK REPAIR SHOP -- serve the same on the undersigned or [] [] his attorney of record, and file them with the Clerk of the above entitled I " Manufacturers of heavy work shoes We also ,_= _ Court with proof of such service ;__. have a line of servzceable, high-topped logger within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice,------ boots. All kinds of shoe repairing neatly done. . to-wit: Within six months from the 30th day of January, 1920. i HANSEN BROS. [ The place for the transaction of = the business of said estate and the office of the attorney for the under- |||i|||||m|mm|||||i|||i|||| siged, where claims against said es- tate may be served, in the Law Office of Alden C. Bayley, Shelton, Mason ' ' County, State of Washington. SIMPSON And you are further notified that STR S G if any claim is not filed within the time aforesaid it shall be barred. @ @ • P. O. SWANSON, Executor of the Estate of Anders Swanson, Deceased. " THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE ALDEN C. BAYLEY, ,, Attorney for Executor, Singte Fare $1.51. Round trip $2.72 Shelton, Wash. 1-30-2-20-4t (Daily except Sundays) " Leave Shelton '/a. m, Leave Tacoma 3 p. m. No. 518. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY The morning trip connects wlth the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle In the Superior Court of the State boat at Municipal Dock. Pmmengera from Seattle to Selton of Washington for Mason County. iahould take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. In, In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Seattle shipments should be delivered to City Dock. DANIEL WALICH, Deceased. SmTON TRANSPORTATION COHPANY That in pursuance of an order of tie Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for said County, made on the 24th day of January, 1920, in the matter of the estate of Daniel Walich, deceased, the under- signed ad:;Pnistrator of said estate, :i;1 in obediem e to said or(l.':', m, cr after the 16th (lay of February, 1920, at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, H A R R Y FORD in Shelton, Washington, the place where offers or bids On the property to be sold will be received, expose for sale at private sale all the inter- est of the said Daniel Walich, de- Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, ceased, in and to the following de- Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook scribed real estate, to-wlt: the fact. We can save you money. Let u figure with you. Lot F, ight (8) and Lot Nine (9) A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matloek. Yards of Block One (1) of the Amend at Shelton. and Corrected Plat of the Town of  Shelton, Mason County, Washington. -------I Said property shall be sold for the best offer for cash according to law, Subject to confirmation of the aid Superior Court. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this " ' W. A. TUCKER, Life, Accident, Health--S in 1. of said Estate. NORTHERN LIFE .N. CHAS. R. LEWIS, INSURANCE CO. has leased the Phil Horn black- Rooms 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Bldg., The Home Company of Seattle smith shop, and is now doing Shelton, Washington. G.E. Kellogg, District Agent. blackamilhing, h o r s • shoeing Attorney for said Administrator. and general repair work. 1-30-2-13-3t  , , , : .,