February 27, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 27, 1964 |
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Percy M Pio
6017 8.E. 86 h Ave
portland, Ore
High Low Precip.
2 .............. 53 28
1 .............. 52 29 --~
22 .............. 55 28 ..... ~ m
23 .............. 55 28 .02
.............. 53 2s 02
.............. 56 25 "__ X
YEAR--NO. 9 ' ---- Ch iis :!stT
February 2,,1964 Pubi~'~ih~d~i;°!: wn:~lPs~!;~!~c?~hSi~;~! ~a~htfint~ion 16 /OeCsents2P~:ct~;PYs
The Shelton Port Con]mission
signed two leases at their meeting
• last Thursday night which will
mean two new business operations.
The two, both lumber opera-
:' tions, are located on the Navy
Annex industrial site on John's
on the Widening and in- The commission approved the
o~ storm sewers on Pion-sale of $23,000 worth of revenue :
'has started, it was an-bonds to the Fir•men's Pension
at the Shelton City Corn- Fund for the purchase of the pro-
meeting Tuesday night• perty of Mrs. Grace Beckwith ad-
COmmission approved the jacent to city hall
of a proposal on equip- No one appeared at the cere-
al for the job from mission meeting Tuesday night to
isdale Construction Co. support or oppose the "bond sale
rVisor Pat Byrne said for the property purchase at a
Grtsdale proposal was hearing.
received from a re-FIRE CHIEF T. E. I)EER an-
local contractors, nounced that Michael Mirka, Ta- A motion by Defense Attorney
th ..... w.hieh is beingcoma, would begin work Marc]Y 1 John Ragan for a new trial in the
, = joo ns some whichas a fireman, first degree murder conviction of
taan that the city has T lsoa )noved Robert L. Booth, 42, Shelton, has
own str ~+ ~^- - '.. he commission a. l t• -
e~ ,,epartment been set in Mason County Super-
id .... " a suggesting by Deer that the
re tee street was closed rank of lieutenant in the fire de- ior Court Friday.
W~ Closed for aboutpartment be eliminated and that The motion will be argued be-
me Work was $15 a month differential in pay ~e fore Judge Warner Poyhonen of
I divided between the city'sthree Grays Rarbor County ~;ho prestd-
led at the trial i~ere last month
S doing the work full-time firemen. • THE TREES CAME DOWN-~The four bulldozers pushing a bunch of trees ahead of them toward l as a visiting judge.
he rented equipment ---~ which cleared land for the Exceptional Foresters at the pile into which they were stacked. The trees I Ragan and Robert Snyder are
~ o~.o,o~u,,~oo~o~.,,o,, ogler • the Shelton Airport over the weekend lined up here will be burned this Saturday afternoon. I[c°urt'app°intedBooth. The motion attorneySfor a new trialf°r
[ 1 ,~ml 1 [] I l• I [ will be opposed by Prosecuting At-
.t of the street, wid- , ' torney Byron McClanahan
installing cat0h bas. C Land ~;iearecl i or I~xceplrlOnal ]
m sewer lines. The l ll(ff r I Booth is still being held' ill Ma-
adcOne in anticipation vv=te u t -- ,so,, County Jail awaiting the out-
clng the streetin [ ~ 1 ' ~ m I " ~_. A I come of the action Friday and for-
~A~~'~ ~ll~ rll~ ~l~~,~N~m [mal sentencing to the State Pen-
p Second Week --"" rBu.Bymam j= Iitentiary if it is denied"
]ei'iiiii~!lbweA°afssi~!!di*hel~XPe::':i:e|"'~mm~" Another big step was taken in to comt)letcthe~clcaring of the] .OVERALL ILANS call for[__ --
menxe , citing the Exceptional Foresters first unit are ph reed in the fu- eventually eight units of 25 to 301 F ..... R .....
Pla I~3; i);"~4:e:t ab)£n :thli '! rog,•am going forward' over the, Lure• " . ' acres to i~e planted to young trees, ~r,#ug~ ~gr.~
1 Teekend when land for tl~e first ] ~ ~[ in the tree farm. Income from the [
e nned ;' i I y ~h niL'of thc tree farm for Christ- ~ | = ,~ ]tree farm will be used to austain [ "]~ ,r ]fit ,
t las Tree culture was cleared with[ ~lfll~ n. "USA IA .Lthe program. ] uea~/~ IO rut ufl
'-° I l Olympia Oyster Eo. againut Ray- e " " • " I / The purpose of the Zxceptionall
olunt(el labor and equtplnent VUllU )Uig IU --'
[onier Inc. Friday land was cleared for the n Foresters proffram is to train [ • .. • . • ]1 • I
"-'-'--# [ The oyster firm alleges damage ree nursery and shake mill sitellIe m • I • It~/mentally retarded youths of overI ImtlatlON PrllISv
be - -. [to its oyster crop from waste liq- and Saturday and Sunday
about:l iTi r¢ ]l lar, n nil/school age ill forestry work withI 1
~Y:~°~i,a ~Will0am.Defense luorSto I onier'sfri)mpulpthCmi!]°perati°nhere in ].955°f RaY-and sexcn ..... ames of the ftrst 'umt' o~ ~V~|~lP |1 ||,1|~|| |V/an emphasis on Christnms Tree l A brand ~e\v Grin --e ~ee
the tree farm at the Shelton Air- J [ culture. ] . '... 1_ :. lge. D/g"
|es, inch, ding, 1956 Rayonier ch)sed its 'pulp port was ch, ared. , Voters in the Hood Canal School ,,m.~ e ,.,,,,,~ ..... .......... ~,.~lteamw~put~'.~ne~n'stann
Y, Will participate [ plant here in 1957. ........ I ]Dintttct" wtll ............................... vote March 10 on a ' I ~econa ~)egree ~mtiation ~'riaay•
I~otn hulldozms wml(ed tht t~o winked thinwecke d wine do
' headquarters at [ The irial is well into its second. , • " • ~ $100 000 bond tssue" to finance' the ." " ," ~ n ", " night at the Shelton Valley Grange
)C for Ma~on Coun-[week ~ith tl~e plaintiff still pre- days. clearing ..the 3ack pine from. coustrucuon" *' o~" a "ne~ nlutu-'*" ur- naI:ed by. John Kneeland Castle/H,~ll, , be:~innin~'~ ~ at 8 v."m., it was
the land• Adchtmnal work partmsl ' . .. . P, ] and Coleman Lo~ain~ Comnanvl ............. ~ ,.., ,~,.,,.,,^0 D ~ ......
Civil Defense office Isenting its case The" trial is ex- __~ IPOSC gymnasium at tne Jura•r| and Kimbel L o-'~in~ Com,,an~, "I .................... ~ ................ ~'"'
nent of the Court ]pected to'last about lla,'ee weeks. " Hi~-h u~:".,~l ' ~, ,, v* .,. ,Master of Mason County Pomona
.. . -- , i ~" ......... [ OPERATOI~S who donated their/Grange
~ / IT IS BEING h(-mrd by a nine- V~~ ~ ~~'~ / The 20-year bonds would take[ time to operate the equipment/ All Grano'es of the count,, Say-
: aas been dcsi,~nat r man three-woman ju'{'y with
X. The relocatioi~ of ]Judge Gem:go H. Boldt presiding. ][ [flg$|il,) J~lltl~l[~ ] not mor.:, than a two-mill le, vy a/ were Norm Casth; Lylc Coleman J a~e said ~re welcome *(;r'brin~
~gencies; especially / David McMillin, ShelL•n, man-- -- - _ -- / ~i~" to retire, Supt. John Pill/ Adc Kopperman, hi (],•ecnwalt,] ca~ndi~latcs for initiation.~ Grange
, ~s or, e of the put:- lager of the Olympia Oyster Co,, ~ ~]l...~.~m.. ~[~m~.~ ] ' ,.: ........ ......... / Everett Morken, Ray Bridenbach ~ members arc invited to attend and
J'ne ~cnotn ~mn,(( gm ~zaouu and Bob Kmabel
Ill OU[tllCll-V I-IUIJ~ |. ..... . ." ;. t; "'.. | " • | see the new Mason County Degree
xercise It will con | took the stand 'Monday {:o explain ~ ~ | m ~e~erai. ~ot'est /non(~y n'om t.ne | Don Sperling, Richfield Oil Dis- | Team exemplify the fii'st two De-
lated missile attack |how oysters are born: r'~ised and All 18-year-oldyouth is heing[ c°~uY=t,,n~s ye, a r ~ortneproposea/ tributor, donated the diesel fuel/grees of the G~range.
hours dllration fit./har~es'ted. ' " " "
~alnage assessm'ent | His brother Gene an iustruc- held in Mason County jail for in-|~.; ..... ,~?,~-'~'.,~-,, ,~.~,, s,,~ y~,,,::~l~or t.ne eclu.~pment usea m theI The new Degree team is made
r r Ileal the ~;tl:y OI lee•In& rol the clealln PO ect
ow. A recovery pet'- ltor in marine' bioiog'y in the Se- vestigation of burglary and three | _ .. • " " | • " g P J " • / up of members from Shelton Val-
• • .' . • nev¢ DUll•lag
~ressed tim'•, will / attle school system, testified on juveniles havc been maphcated m | .._. ' • • .. t ..... | ley and Southside Granges as fol-
• rue prop•see gymnasmm woum " " l •
ree hours repres- ] tests he had made in Hammersley several breakms. | ...... ': - . .. - | -- -- ,.._ / lows, wRh Donalo W• C a~k as
_ . ~ / ename tne sen•el to or]ng ItS Dny- I :~ ~ t~ m mo [ r,..,,,.;,,
[ Inlet while eraployed by the Un{-myron M• Ttmmpson J~, ,was/sical ~dtwaqo ........ " ....~..."d'.^ I~ ]~t~|l ]~llllFImt~ t .~,.v ..... ;
this count~ will ~-~l~ersity of Washington Department altestcd 1)y Shelton l')'olice who/ . . ,' ,.•,, ~,,,~,? ..... v ~".~"~|?~lff~llllig;;V~fflg~llll~ | Ma,ster Joe Simpson Overseer
.... . ....... , ..... ~ ..... • .... I3at~ Strops•n, Leeturm, Lois
say he has tdmAted bteakmg.~}itb rt tion for'a ~u~itol hi-" s ........... .... '" ~ ' • ' "" ""
Ig operatiffd8' cor~: t6f Ocea~iogrgph~¢ ' fi'bha 1955 'to. * ' " ..... e r~qmreq,~ "LaKe l~,el for aecrmaics'= ' - .... -- ¢~.~,,~lt .... , '
) d l" l', ,1 j ..t _it ]$ Bouaht By |Simps°n' Chaplin Bill LundqlllSt,
elter damage' | 1958. ' ...... one h(me an stea mg tq mr, " scho " ' "
ent, and disaster/ Among those who testified last .... "el now has a condKtmml ac- e ," 'd m •
.15ason County c~h,n [ week :wan Dr. Vance Tartar zon- of a second home from which beer[ ~uaie facili~~t~ u~ ~=.=~ m~tue- ~ / [tent Steward, VVinnifred Carr; As-
haters, as ~el~'as fogy professor at the: University ....~°"'~ ~.....~t-.uo .~.,.." ....... . ~.f .............. ..~..~ ..~.~,/qoarv~..~.. . es ~ot pnymcal., eott- --~" •_ ,# ,8'- , ," --[sistant Steward, Walter Sire',
Defense Board of "Washington, wlm related th•e taken and entering a bakery truck [ ~ ~'~ BUll D~Z~. w-,,1,' "~'o~ '- [_t,~D$~'~n [_~'~ U~'.|Gate~.eep?''' RalphSimpson; Flo-
Paxtici ate ' the reaults of studies he made in T-Iam ............... ~tI'Ct.L ~41ttl L~tl~.lI[~ elnde facili 'e -- ' ' -' ' ' "" '
P In ""~ mersley Inlet• during' low, tidcs in bread and other baked goods. / musi~ ¢lc~n~rtSnf(;~t a.~.afete~:ia, tl~e ................................ e.., Olson;Ceres,. Ella Chappetl; .Sec-
from the State Ci 1945 while employed by the State .......... ~_ : .....~ .;. ........se ..........~ ...... ~ ~,~,~..c~: ~ ....... e .... - rotary, tna. Kmaoeu ann tne Plan-
one ot tne mree 3uvennes, ~ar-| tacmues for ,nressing rooms, and •ruble outlook to Mason County's ist "Virginia Clark
' ~ ,.m ~:_ . '." tgepartment of Fisheries ry ~eighton, 17, is being laeld in/storage tor ~dramatics and provi- economic future was noted this ~k notluck hmch 'it was announ
~d~':a~tioc m each Als0 testifying last week were Mason County jail fro" parole vie-/sions for possible future use of week when Capital Centcr Inc., ted ~,ill i~e served fol{owin~ the
BOlsLcv n~°~r~t~e Charles Woelke and Ronald West.- lation. He was recently paroled| educational TV. a business and land development deg:rec work ~'
-, -~*x~.~,.~.v.,l, ]e 0
~een assi-- - -- Y, b Lh State Department of from Greenhill Academy, author-[ The cost of the new building firm, completed details for the
7: " st, co ~ Fisheries employecs, The cases of the other two juv-|$100,000 to come from thc pro-pany building in downtown Shel- SWALLOWS ARRIVE
mtason County. Woelke said "that samples Lak- ities said. | is estimated to be $195,000, with purchase of the J. C. Penney Corn ............................. - .......... ' ..........
llyn, State Civil en from Olympia Oyster Company eniles have been turned over to/posed bond issue and the remain- ton." AT SPENCER LA'ZE
and between 15 beds in 19,56 showed an extremely
from State ant{hig'h mor~alit'y ,'ate. ,I}wenile. Probation Officer Mar-, der from money now in the build- Dick Yeager, president of Cap- , " a~ ,
vln Clarmtensen. J]ng fund or anticipated, iDd Center Inc., said the pro'chase ~[l~A LA! TRA LA!
II pay a short
price was in excess of $134,000., Spring has sprunff in Mason
Y during the O' The building was built in 1958 County!'
is Welcome to attend
:rs last Satur-
at the Com.
m Olympia,
riVers, mech-
!ng track
of a
alber of con-
as the guest
Ring, in
STUDENT SPEAKERS~A student speaker's
bureau of six members has been formed at Shelton
High School to explain the American Field Services
'program for bringing a foreign student to Shelton
High School for the 1964-65 year. The young
speakers are available to address any club or or-
ganization in the community desiring to learn
The naulcs of two applicants as
"families" for a foreign student
here have been submitted L• the
American Field Services nutional
officc in New York, it was rc-
vealed aL a meeting of the group
heading the local AFS Chapter
last wcek.
She|Log High School studcnts
have raised more than $200 to-
ward the project alrcady and have
othcr money-making ideas in the
works, it was reported.
A sttldent speaker bureau, con-
sisting of nix studenfs, has been
formed and is contacting local ser-
vice clubs and organizations to
ask if "they would like to have
the ~rogtaza e~plalaed to ~c.m.
TilE STUDENT speakers are
Jim L)ocrty, John Hcmbroff, Sue
Gilliland, Molly Taylor, Carol Har-
din awT ,loan Quimby.
The sLudenL speakers have pre-
pared brief talks on the projccL
and a,'e awtilable to speak to auy
service club or organization which
would like lo have them. They
were ready t,) begin speaking as-
siguments Tuesday.
Plalls to sell "sh'tres of stock"
in thc foreign student to raise
money for the project are in the
making. The "shares" will be of-
fcred to high school students and
to thc general public.
Individuals who wish to assist
the project with a donation may
~end ~ontributions to th~ t,t'oaa-
half a
hover steep
eavv loads.
d tl~eir gum-
safe years
by theCascade-Olympic:Construc- ~Vhah~ver other evidence Is
tion Company of Shclton, of whichavatlalde, the proof i)ositlve
Yeager is also president. It has popped up ~Vedne~da.y morning
11,000 sqnarc feet of floor spacewhen the first blue swallow was
• on main and nlezzaninc floors. The sighted at: Spencer Lake.
structure ha¢I been owned I)y theMrs. If. I. (, ay, recuperating
Quinn-Smith Company of Seattle. from a recent hospital sesshm,
YEAGER SAIl) Capital Ccn- saw l]le little feathered harblng-
.............. , :: ter Inc. made the purchase as an er of spring from her h~! in the
investment in a community whose front room overh)oking the lake
~, economic outlook is highly favor-and hnmediately phoned the
able due to the nearlng'comple- good news to thc Jourlm, l.
Lion of 1he Washington Correc- This is one of 1he earliest ap-
Lions Center, Simpson Timber Co. pearanees of the swallows Mrs.
expansion, and olher coming en- Clay can r,uncmber as thcy us-
: terprises such RS the proposed new redly show up a.ronnd St. Pat-
,: '~ Shelton bank (of which he is one tick's l)ay in mhl-M~reh.
' :: of the organizers), new industrial Om'e al~ont five or six yea.r~
developments on the port commis- ago tlmy came in February, shc
sion's industrial park site on Johns rcealls. IVhen ihe swallows a.r-
Prairie, etc. rh'e sl)rlng is here, sure ItS
Capital Center is pre.sently alsoshootinff.
involved in const~ction of a new ...... ------r
nine-story officc building in
Olyn pia: oagor said. l,'rank Ba- Go.nty Approves
ker, an Olympia. attom~ev, is sec-
reta,'y of t~hc co,~oratio,{:Nodh Shore :Road
Fire.Damaged Plywood Resolution ,
Plant Ba0k A! Work The Mason Count3 Conm, isslon
]when they met Monday approved
a resolu(ion and ag'r~emcnt for
Simpson Timher Company s' lhc federal aid road project on
Capilal Plywood Pl'nl O1 "m "ia
• ' .. 3 P . the North Shore Road
was hack in fllll production Ioday The road had been design'~t.ed
followinI~ a fi,'e there Feb. 19. a Federal Road Secondary pro-
It. took firemen from fhc C)lvm-ject for which the county r'cceivcs
pin. Tu,nw':tter and Imeey fire"dc- i'edcral financial assistance.
partments severul hours t~ put
out the st.ubbo,'n blaze mad(.r thc S.S. Hughes presidcnf, of the:
floor. Nine fi,'emen rec(ived minor Maggie Lake Improvenaent Cluh,
injm'ies, appeared to ask about the request
• the connnission made to the ch,b
more about the AFS program. The student speak- Damage to the plant and equip-lasL week to poll the~d" inembers
ers are, left to right, Sue Gilliland, Jim Doerty, ment were ,'elatively n~inor andon their feelings on banning too-
Molly Taylor, Sue Ogdenp publicity chairman, tenq)ora.,,y repairs, primarily to tor boats o]~ the lake.
John Hembroff and Carol Hardin. The sixth student burned underpinning, were made The engineer was granted per-
speaker, Joan Quimby, was absent when the pic- ovcr the weekcnd.
ture was takcn, mission to purchasc a car for the
.............................................. |,'AS inspector through su,'plus
Some Students To p,,,pe,.ty when ono bceomcs avail-
urcr of the' local AleS chapLcr, able.
Mrs. i,n Giilil, nd, S. 10th, Be Given TB Tesls o,,,an N. Cos, ln,an
Shelton. to the commission iu a letter that.
~VIT]l Tile NAMES of pros- Shelton school studenis iu the n°Liccs had becn posted for a hear-
pective families submitted and first, sixth and ]2ih grades will ing on a replat of a part of Par-
fund raising projects underway, begin getti,tg tuhercuh)sis skin adise Shores Estates on Mason'
the prospect of a forcign studcnL tests, it, was revealed this week. Lake.
in Shelton High Scimol for the The testing prog'ram will run .............................................
1964-65 school ycar now awaits through Ma,'ch. Thc tests will be STOLEN VEltlCLE
tlm decisi(m from the AFS officegiven by pe,'sonncl from the Public ltECOVElCED
in New York as to if there is a ~ealth Department. A pick-up, reported stolen from
student available who nautches one The ntaterial for the tests is the I~VA parking teL in Shelton
of the families \vlm have becn furnished by the Mason County by Arnold Livings'ton, Saturday
submitted. Tuberculosis and Health Associa- night was recovered at Hood Can-
Any chlb or organization which tion as part of it.s p,'og,'ana, al Junior High School Monday
might like to have the student Thc association also conducts Livingston told Police the 1947
spcakcrs address their group caneducational work thrm,ghout theDodge pick-up was takcn from
contact Rocky Hembroff, presi- year supported by the funds it the parl¢ing lot where he ha(I left
dent of the local AFS Chapter for collect.~ in its Christmas Seal fund it sometime between 5 p.m. Sat-
d~t~s. ............... drive, , urday and 2 a.m. Btmday,
Prairie whtch the Port District
L. R. Smith, Longview, has tak-
en a 15-vear lease on 20 acres of
land on ~'hich he plans to operate
a hardwood mill.
Allard Johnson. Hoodspo,'t, has
taken a 10-year lease on an ad-
joining 20 acres for his Versipan-
el fence and panel making oper-
SMITH BUII.T a hardwood mill
on the same site about four years
ago, and, after about a yea,: sold
out to another firm wi~en natur-
al gas, which he had attticipated
for the operation, did geL arrive
in Shelton.
The firm to which he so.ld i.he
hardwood mill removed the nm-
chinery and let the site revert
back to the Port Commission.
Now, with the arrival of natur,
al gas here, Smith is again lea~-
ing the site to go ahead with the
plans he had four years ago.
F..,quil)ment has been installed in
the mill building and operation
is expecled to start soon.
Johllson is moving his oper'tlion
to the port site with more room
from its present h)cation aL
Versipancl makes cedar and
hardwood p&neling, fcnciug and
other wood produclls.
The two firms hope to hegeL it
f,-o,n Cl2c2!::io2s.
The Mason County Sheriff's Of- A, fk....,
flee is continuing Its investigation ~ )~]lkllIll~ ~i~IICllIq~l
of an alleged assault on James
Doran, Shelton service station op- im•l I = •
Doran came to the Shelton Po- I'ui ed Aoaunst
lice Station Monday night and '
stated that as he was about to =u ram,
leave the White Spot Tavern aI ~A '~ ~|rfll~~"
short time earlier a man who]|V| ~eV|||~|l|qJ||~
identified himself as Don Sum-I
mers haa hit him, knocking himn Mrs. Thehna Marie Viramontes,
down. Doran said while he wast42, Allyn, was formally charged
down, Summers kicke~ him in the with first degree a.ssatllt in Ma-
mouth, and when he got up, hit son County Superior Court last
him again. , Thursday ~mrni}tg.
~a~mmers was picked up b~v Bail was set at $2,000 by Judge
Shelton Police and questiondd Raymond Clifford. John Ragan,
about the incident, He was re- Shelton attorney, is reprcsenting
leased. Mrs. Viramontes.
The incident apparently stems She was arrested Tuesday morn-
from a difference of opinion be- ing, charged with shooting Leon-
tween Doran and Summers some ard Olson, 59, Allyn, three times
years back. with a .25 caliber automatic pistol.
Since the incident occured out.- Olson was not serionsly injui'ed.
side the city limits, it was turned Mrs. Viramontes posted bail and
over to the Sheriff's office which was released from Mason County
is continuing the investigation, jail last. week.
Non ias,=n
i ....
' ........
~AT NORTH M'ASON--Adriana Jess¢l Reyna, left, arrived about
two weeks ago from her home in Mexico City to spend a year in
the Belfair area attending North Mason School. On the right is
Sallie Travls, a senior at North Mason, with whose family
Adriana is living now. Miss Travis acts as interpreter for the
Mexioan girl, whose English is limited. Miss Travis spent two
months last summer in the home of Adriana'e parents, in Mexico
CRy'and attended school there,
$ $ .'i; ¢
While other, schools in the area
have worked through intevnation-
al organizations which place for-
eign students in schools in the
U.S., North Mason School at gel-
fair has initiated its exam "stud-
cnt exchange" with Mexico City.
Adriana Jessel Re.yna, 14, a scv-
enth grade student arrivcd about
two wee~s ago to begin a one-
year stay in the Belfair area.
She is busy getting settled into
lhe scllool routine and learning
English, which she says is giving
her a liLlle troul>le.
. She is presently living with tltc
William H. Tra~vis family, bul,
will spend some~ time with several
Belfair area familie,~ during he,'
stay he,'•, The Travis' daughter,
Sallie, a senior at North Mason
I-Iigh, spent two months last sum-
nler in the homo, of Adriana's par-
eats in Mexico City and attended
school there. '
Adriana's English was limited,
so, questions to her had to go
through 1Vtiss Travis who acLed as
ADRIANA SAIl) that what ira-
pressed he," most abo~L this area
in her short time here was the
npelmess of the honses. Houses in
her 'homeland are all wa,llcd in to
keep out robbcrs.
She said the students at, sel~ool
here are nice, and, that English
was giving her a little trouble.
The beginning of the contacts
whicl~ brought Adriana to the
Belfair area started more" than a
ycar ago. Robert K. Johnsen ntct
a Port Orchard couple with whom
Adriana's older sistc',: was visiting.
At the time, he was planning the
trip which a group of North Ma-
son Teachers took t:o Mexico City
last spring. He was put in con-
tact with Adriaua's fathc,' by the
Port Orchard man and through
correspondence, Adriana's father
met the gT()llp Of teachers \vhon
they arrivcd in Mexico Ciiv and
assisted the,li (hiring
their: stay
thcre. .
During t ~c teacher's slay in
Mexic,) City it was suggested' that
Adriana c(~nte Io the 13elfair arca
to attend "school for a yeal',
The arrangements have beell ill
tile nlakblg since tbcn for ll(~l"
arrival ahollt two weeks ago.
Ill the inellllt tin•, tv¢o ()thor
visits in this sort of "People-to-
People" program have oecurcd,
Miss Trovts' visit to Adriana?s fa-
mily lasi. smmner and the visit of
a .Mexico City School l('ache,',
F]ore,]cia JllflI'('z Lomeli, here du,'-
ing November alld Dec(~nlb(,,.
The Mason County PUD No. 3
offices in Shelton and Belfair will
be closed on Thursday, February 27th
from 12:00 noon until 3:00 p.m. to pay
tribute to our late auditor Mr. E. R.
Krona who passed away Sunday
afternoon February, 23rd.
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