February 27, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 27, 1964 |
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February. 27, 19{ 4 ,q -iELT0] --MA,q0N COUNTY JOUT NAL" Published in U.,q.TlJ', ,qhe|fon, Waah|ng 0n PACE 5
- - -%
i ..............................................
W ". Final Goncer| RACHEL KHOTT GglLD TO OFFER WIDE SELEt TION OF Teacher Receives PTA U :-DUCTmLe
$ Se@sm Enjoyed In STYLES AND AT "HAT P/ TY" NEXT TH RSB. Y Life Membership
Mt. View P'I A met Monday eve- ~L...~ ~ (ALONG WITH
ST reu.dings"" 'I ning at the school. Dr• Larsen ex- I ~ /
(.~Olln|y (.~onlln!tnity COllC(~Ft l'~l:!ll"t- A life nzenlbershil) to PTA was
bets to the final pert m'nm,,ee ot presented to Mrs. Eva Willis, Mt.
this yenr's se~ie; m".isticallv pro- View school teacher. Mrs. %Villis
• senied by the Pa[;'anini StrintT
Ouartct :~t the Bq,e Ox q'hc:~t];e has taught in many Mason County ~IQ~[| Arpich,, t%~d ,~medlm
schools including Grat)eview, Pic- ~J.~*.x. cou~h syrup=--more
Monday evening. Future concerts kering, Oyster Bay, Ehlon and than.fl0~l othcx. Item= can be de-
will also be held at the theatre
gin(',~ tile reeen[ (h'ive added many
new members to the rolls, mak-
ing uossible a return to the la~gm•
A ne:u'-cal)acity atldience heard
f(mr artists who play Stradiwu'i
instruments or/ned at one time by
the legendary virtuoso. Paganini,
perfmm t.'/ree st,'ikingly individual
tiumbers cmmnencmg with the
classic Beethoven Quartet Op. 18
Oakland Bay during her 30 years
in the profession. Members pre-
dut~ible on ~,ouv Income tax. But
most people don't know what can
be dcductlbl~l Or they 1o1~ thelz
senting the membership to her be-
lieve She has gone way beyond
lhe call of duty to help her own
students, as well as some who
have not been her own. She has
also ahvays been active in church
ules dlpsl
]sat we 4e ~ whaea deducd-
ble.-and we'll be glad to keep •
l~,e tax ,~,co~1 for you. Evt'ry
purchase you make here of • de-
,~luctible~natmm will be reco~led-..
"and ot ycar's end we'D send you •
Coavenleatl Accuratel An&--moet
lmlportant--lt can-save you tax
Inoney that row/ haw been goshI
down the dralm
No. 6 enjoyed for its flawless cx- ItEART DRl~'E REPOIIT Come in today and re~' fret
cellem'e and deep expressiveness. ~ A business meeting of the Shel- ~b _9~tal 8eri, i~. We call .It
f o ~r~xax. ~rz utvmI tax monq~
Ravel's Quartet, an impression- ~ %, o ton Business and Pro essi nal Wo-
istic selection favoring the more "¢ ~ men's Club will be held next Wed-
unusual tonal qualities of the viola .... i '~ nesday at 7:30 p.m. in the home
and featuring muted and pizzicato t ,~:~ of Mrs, Susie Pauley. Co,hostess I I:DW_
effects was the second number ,'~ / ~ for dessert preceding the meeting sstI~SS U
t "~~-~ " will be Mrs Robert Tembreull.
!~'/~ presented by the experienced !* " ~ k .~' Reports on the Heart Drive win Rexail Store
group. Concl~vting the evening's(: Ill be given by the captains• " "
offerings, the four men wbo work
harmoniously together, played the
mplodic Dvorak "Ame,'ican" Qua,'- [] / [ OES BUMMAGE SALE Ask Us About
tel. his most popula.• w...l.i., this I 1 I Elinor Chapter OES ,,'ill have r)=.m¢=Tax
Henry Temianka. first violinist, [] 1 I its rummage sale fl:gm 9 a.m. to "'~" ~,~';o~T,,'~
d commented informally on the
npn~bers performed and expressed HATS . . . HATS . . . HATS . .. Between 400- as she tries on several hats. Mrs. Delbert Johnson, In,4 l):m•th~tne *'uu Dmlatng'F[!day and S'~turday J~
p a ure at being invited for a re- 500 of them will be available in the latest styles (right) Statewide Representative for Mason County I '
turn engagement. The group last and colors next Thursday when the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Assoc. offers a mirror.for a better I
'MAN, this week's recipe donor, is shown in the played in Shelton Jan. 2,'t, 1957, Guild sponsors its Hat Party from 10 a•m. until view. All hats will be priced at $3.95 and $4.95. I ~ -~ - - I
nearly 700~ concerts ago, as he 9 p•m. in the PUD auditorium. In the above Journ- Refreshments will be served. All proceeds will go [ . " " " = I
• Photo with her twins Trudi nd Jeffer and bab remarked• The other members, vi- al photo Mrs. Harry Deegan, (left) chairman of to the Seattle Children's Orthopedic hospital and / ~
ua's • , a y, Y President of M~son County Orthopedic Association, ~;~ " ' all n~ S 1
..... Y . rec,pe for Frozen Fruit Salad is a wonderful olinist Stefan Krayk, violist AI-the event, assists, Mrs. William H. Smith, (seated) Medical center. / ~ .... , ~. /
"',=,rzazn,ng on special occasions, bert Gillis, and cehist Lucien La ~ / [ The wrey organ makes
' " * * * Porte, all most capable and sensi-
mtt Salad is What's found nearl enou h hme fm m
week j y g " j tive performers, helped establish , . . ' HILLCREST ItOMEMA, KERS - : ~ • ' ~ r '
'ci'-e ' udy Hartman the last few years•
[ the most distinguished string en-~'IJ @UI~I TMIIkl l~_MMlfll~I! ~%11lO U[UD[D@ The Hillcrest Homemakers Club] , ....... I
• v an exceptionally Frozen Fro]It Saclh~e[ese ]the group's reputation as one of
special occasions an[l 2 3-oz. pkgs. cream • . I sembles of our time. run onr-LI U#~flUg~ ULUD ml;l.o,cno will meet next Weanesday in the[ .... ,,,~ ~r,~,o"~'v"~ A ~" t'~ !
is Prepared ahead of 1 cu ma onnaise [ Association president, Andrew When th he home of Mrs John Jansson on l~
enlence for busy hos- 1 cup heaYvy cream whipped, e S lton Garden Club Christmas cactus to give to the " . ~ . " . I on ~ lUJ.)~L~-Y ~l~ow
[Beelik, thanked the Shelton Gar- met at the home of Mrs W A _ ",, "." ..... Mill Creek Rosa. ~egumr meet-| ,1.
~a .... ~.:, cup maraschino clterries. [ den Club for stage decorations and Witsiers Feb 17 there were 24 memoers, mrs. ornery m'ougnt a ing and potluck lunch will be held [ __ e '. ~ ~ r~ ~t -- r, -- i
,,]','~ moved to Shel- 1"No. 2 can crushed pineapple
~Lue about two years (drained) J announced the third attraction for ' " ,oo,M,: ,-,^ branch of Japanese lantern which Club members are ked t ! l ~'~m~.~ m,~t~¢~ '| |g%ILl~n~_ I
~next season, The American Brassmembers...and one gl ...... • .•..'~. ,..u- nuu' ...... m:.en ~'e'*~ on the• v"lant and m'in~ ....... meas ana pat~ernsaS zorn- "°/a~ •i ~l.~t~&a.~l~ a.~a& II'Lt~I VV a~.~e i
novan x-almer, resent. • ~" • " "'" [ k ' I
]Sn~oS~mpson q'imbcr 21,., cups marshmallows (diced[ Qtiartet. To replace the eight re- ,, ., P , was transparent m a coppery tone. club re ect Two more quilts will . s
• ' t P J " " :
mrs tienry Hansmemr pies uent , ,
-tLfy=. a ney have or miniature). [ tiring board members the follow .... A delicious tea ~as serxed by be tied.
buWv~nSL..Trudi andCombine cheese and mayonnaise]ing were elected: Mrs. J. E• Bar- called the nteeting .to order asking ......... [ NBC Television
....... e • " M.rs. v rank Travls, ~r., ana awl's, I .... / 1
al~ ea~tUe Gregory,and blend until smooth. Blend in] ,'on], Dr. R. L. Casebier, Dr. W. E. mrs.. wtrsiez•s, vice. presto .nt .t° Roy Rector, with Mrs. Hansmemr DS '
t__ y rs old. whipped cream, then f,'uit. Place, Lucke, Mrs. Dean I~alme,', To,]] 10res,de because she was to g,ve "o-,in- I ROCKHOUN, ,o / m.,._ __..~ n
2~? are ntembers of in freezing trays or 9" x 9" py- Peters, Mrs. R. L. Ring, Mrs. H. the program later. The secretary, t, 2 s.. ...... MEET THIS EV]ENING ./ / [] ] ] [] I ~ [~
~aam)ez of Corn- rex, Place in "freezer overnight E. Seiners and Mrs. Tom Ward. Mrs. Isaac Jeffery, read the mitt- mrs. taauoe t~rosey an~ mrs. I The Shelton Rock attd Minerat/ i I I 1 lll~ [] l 1 1 IIM l
',~ .... ',,~ Yet, unnamed,' Shce' m' squares and serve on let-' Next season's officers elected utes of the last meeting followed Eugene Dorman will be in charge I Society will hold its regular meet-|
b" Mrs Frank Trovis Sr's trea of the annual Consetwationlun-[ing at 7'30 p m. tonight in thel .... ~ ,= ^-- ,,___~ o ., ~= -~ == .-
-,,rex Wlticb theyLure. ' Monday night are: Dr. Andrew ~ • ~ ~ "" - theGn A"ril 20 ~"'~" '2"" •'m The businesst ~-eo. z/ - .:*,~ - u:oa p m. --- ,.,a,-u,, o - .:-,~ - .:~ .~.,,,.
~ieo!~i~ii:I ~'~!e P~I!~ N ! ~ ':{" 'm ~N~?Beelik. president; Mrs. Rudy Nor-surer's report P . t-uJ9 aumtorlu . | "
void, first vice president; Dr. R.L. Communications from the na- In celebration of the 25th anni- meeting will be followed by a dis-[
t:eh I litn Casebier, second vice president; tional and state presidents were versal•y of tile founding of the ]play and talk on crystals by Grace| ~]~ ~] J_~l
Mrs. Warren Moo, secretary; and read and several announcements Shelton Garden Club a tea will Delph. [ / ~ I~ I~
comes froze] tl~e PUD conference'room. Col. Sam Fritz. tt•easurer, made. It was voted to donate $5 be held at the home of Mrs. Gee. I Refreshments wi!l be served.|
she has not ............................. to the Capitol District plant sale Cropper March 16. The public is welcome to attend, l 205 Cota St.
to be held in Tacoma March 16-22,
HEW HOOD CANAL CLUB PROGRAM SUMS UP the p ceeds oing towa, d the
purchase of plants for the Japa-
nese gardens at Point Defiance
~S 10W as By Frances Catto group ,~ere .rams riarrmtt ~ate~" • ~ ' " "
.............. There will be a Capitol District
......... a meeting next quesd'ty beginning
'-- ,,, -00 :a.ly yoars,n the history of the ,a er to .ecome corge = *
............ f at lu a m at tne Top of 1he oee'm
37 year-old organization were re-Ivenoar) ann 2¢llSS _M.arlan t-lOi- ~. • • . ..... '
.... o n- in wacoma ~vtarch 31 April 1-2 a
called at the meeting of the Hood man wne two energeuc y u g .~ .._' . _ ' ' . ;.
• - ' - nd ~lower ~now Juoging scnool will
Canal Federated Woman's Club women, partners m a oce a , . ' "
• " " " ..... n oe neld at the Center Garden at
, yes held last Thursday in its clubhouse noney Ouslness, livea m a cam ....
on ~g t:reeK near ~ooosport w . _ '
at Potlatch. M,'s. John ~V,. Sho,'L- ~-' ~- • " -- " - hen ~omt uenance
.... local ~vtrsHansmcicr reported she
e specialists sleeves 0f Hoodsport ~as chair- they ~egan mteresung • had V~ ......
~VOnlen in tile iOt'l]laLlon ot ~t . " "
Y built n~n in the afternoon Founder's " "" ....... club' itten three letters frottl the
......... hel ~ club regarding the proposed black-
_~_.Planning and Day program which traced th ±wrs Ann l%lasell now o~ ~ -. " "
• " ..... "" " s'd nt ~ topping of the loading entrance to
development of the club from its ton. was tne CtUD s 11rst pro , e , t the ost offlc" " ""
enee have .re" ' " p . e when tne new ad-
first meeting February 22, 1927 under whose leadership various de- .... . "
" " - ( omics ot ' onion to the building is completed
in the old Hoodsport school gym-partments in nome ecru " g Jack-za ....
• in prices liRe nasium. There were 28 chai'terminer way. vnese mcm ...... ''
• " ....." ........ ~ suchI G" 3' postmaster said that
,re Will build to ..... " " - -" bas square feet would be ample
mentbcrs in the group, then known acuvtues as m'essmamng "" whete~s f'
........ ' f " ; rein the plans snbmitted, :!% !:~
as the Hood Canal. Home Econo- ~¢etry an(/ munnary ~ecause o. ". " •_ •. ; '
Plans or ours. mics Club. her nusDanas lllness, ~tt's l%as-_, . r " " "
• "~ -- '' ....... 1--- I mucn nlol'e lnan tllD.I would be
• ; " " -" - "- " " at t mack-topped, covering the lawn
eu was not ame to ~e present land takm "
"These Are the Years that . " " s ' g out ~ t~e(
the Founder s Day program Mts~ . r ".~.
rowedWercY' tecbniqucsthe programfromWaSa entitledc]n.rent .... " •- old" lestI tie urged individuals to write :..:~ i'~i:il
~ater serveo as tne sec , P'" " to Re-renal ~" " " ':~!:i:i
and the narrators, Mrs. Short-dent t~' ~Arector of the Un-
From tne beginning this g" P[ment ~A,,~:~,~ x~;,,,,, ao,o,. ,.. **.~
LAY women served the community Divisim? ........ *~f, ............ : .....
:i ~¢;:;E, ' _. television sinew. Mrs. Shortslcevcs .......... an~t' " °f Enginteringand Facil" i~: ' .>,~
wlm sorrel ann mwc projects l ities Pos' " ' ' ~, ::::
wore an evening costume frmn the " . , , t uffice Dept Washing
years of tim '20s, as she sketched were act~. e as a part, of Lhe state I ton" 2o,-r- ..... D C; and to The Honor" '- !
the background of world events federatmn of women s clubs• As an J able hfli ' ' " "
' "d a Butler Hansen M C,
early project they contmbute .. ' ... " • , • '
for each ten-year period in the ___= ....... ,ationslr~ouse ufticeBldg, Washington )i::'::::]I: :' i i:f:i :i~
club's histm'Y' Mrs• James Reeder $z'~° t° toe state te(~e'periods in the of the of ed durin:~ne wanal ~ne,ton ,~_~ T~r, . ".. ' ~. . ~ ~ ! i i::~
at the piano played and sang "Save a Tree" program and a tree -*'~)~"~/ ......
.......... , or the program ansme,- ,:::: : ::: ::ii: i
s°ngs cu"rent in each era' Mrs" in the ~n°qualmie ~°rest laear~ ~t c' " ~ }(:i
......... me t " gave a most informative talk
C • , placarn wlm tne ClUD'S na .. on "" "" "'- • :
atto "pmtured each of these , ' ........ I the ' use oI Fmiage in Arrange-
Menlbersnip grew until it came. _ _ ,, : " . "
"OUs|n~'_...= vv~'"s progress . .... ,merits , demonstrating with four
ganization, using imaginary slides from several commumties along ar, an e • "
.... • _ .. .: ..... EvenI " g ments •rod many pictures
I~.~.. aPson Ave. to illustrate her story which Mrs. anu atso .... . . ,
,ul m, Wash. Recder then summed ~lp in original du:~negn:he. . ' . . .'* ..... . ~ne. also Drougnt a oox. m native.
'he GE-8-0332 song verse--"These Arc, The Years v:a°a: :avU:
That Were". " ~ "'~"" " .... am I members t° use these t° accent ~ ~ ~, ,;.z, ~ii
memners joinea (raring a twu-~e th " ' "
m Prime organizers of the original - . . eir arrangementsOLhers exhib-
membership-gaining contest, itin-- -- - • • "• " •
- - ........... ctive ~ ~ were Mrs Arne A,'neson WhO
• lviemoers oi: the eIUD wer~ tt ,,....~ _ .,, " *
.o ^_ ~ u~u a ngurine with green orchids"
~o,~h~, orgD~;~;~::onF°fetrha~io~aSo~ Mrs, Percey Kennerley, forsythia
r%. JIA~
y .... _,and crocus; Mrs Crai liot
Women's Clubs and furmsnea tar variet ...... " - g- '-- ~.
.......... ................. sidentSo.oth"'~' y u~ mooms zrom net" garn- ~: =,1= I~.~
OlStrlct IT.S ilrsr, two pl'e, ' ell ~r ........
..... .~..,,oT. a,so orought ~ hum- ~S/:!: ~ ".. ~ "' ~l°n"
~at, s ~race ~halt anu 2,,lrs ~ ~ J bel of ' .......
• . I - nelleDorlsplants an0 a
Ambitious projects were success- - .... :/ Panty Gzrdtes
fully undertaken by the clUb J SAD OCCASION MARKS ' ~i~i: L~
throughout its history. It drewI .. SEATTLE VISIT , "~ ~" ~:" !i:~ "..~:~ !
statewide attention for its worR I flomrS-l-~rna McCord has retu'rnedstlll~"~: ~=u P~-al, .' % "~'q~:~.~:i:*~.:.,~ %~"i~ SYes,at~0.its ue. YouOtget
in the field of Fine Arts and took " ~eattle where she spent the ' ~ ,,,.': "
the leadership in a comprehensive past two. weeks with her daughter -:,.. ,i~r~;.
"; .... ~- ....• .... ;ao ca ouzmg the recenL loss of he] hus . ..~
oental-nealtn cuux[cy-w,~,~ edu - , ' . • ,-
tional pl~gram, which won honors ~and who was swept overboard
in a national federatio~l contest• aurmg, a storm while he was at ,--
....... • .....~, in l sea She also s ent time with he~
ItS garuen aepar~m~n~ ~,~w ,~ • _. _ .p •
...... ll became a ~ cmugnter, iNancy, while hel son,
interest until it tina y ,-_
separate group, known as t h.e,~ert°YsG_.]en was seriously ill in
Hood Canal Garden Club; it I
works in many ways with theI , shvi~gs of $3,00 on every
,,.o.[ M " • Golden Playtex Girdle
P~%~?/e gcTn~Pnuing its variou~;;;d' --arrmge Licenses tong teg Panty Girdle/
~ects, the club became ent u l I Applying for a marriage license These are
the girdles Wlth
about realizlng its long-time goa ] at the Mason County auditor's of- fingertip panels that
of a clubhouse of its own. An ath / rice this past wbek was:
=upport your tummy, like firm,
tractive property site at Potlat.c I Leon K. Avery, 20, Shelton, and
had been donated to them by me/Barbara A. Cha~e, 19. Shelton young musdes. The soft
late Mrs. Agrees Anderson, widow[ ' cloth lining gives you COOJ
of the president of the Phoenix' comfort, too. And, the new long
Logging Company. In the '40's a ,** •
number of fund-raising affairs ~ "~ "" ,e legpanty girdle slims your'
ve'll eVer move I" this happy and committed
. Is, by Lon- Distance', after buying the
dreams. Long Dt;tance ~s m~ghty handy for
S You :C:u,a.rranging family occasions. Do you use it as
ra~ ld! HoW about tonight, after 6 PM--
added to the clubhouse building
fund, climaxed by two bazaars
which added nearly $3,000 and evi-
denced community support.
In 1953, most suitably under the
:presidency o~ Mrs. Charles
Wrlght, the club moved into its
elubhous'e, -=- its dream come true.
Helen and Charles Wright had
been leaders in bringing this about,
both of them spending a large
share of their time in actual con-
stnmtion of the building, as well
as in its planning. Many others,
including non-members in the
county, contributed to the achieve-
ment, resulting in a building which
has been an asset to the com-
munity, as well as to the woman's
club and its work.
Mrs. Robert L. Rowe of Potlatch
is president of the Hood Canal
Federated Woman's Club for this
year. Other officers are: Mrs. Ed-
ward H. Jenner, vlce president;
Miss Dora Fredson, secretary, and
Mrs. Archie L. Calahan, treasurer.
Ihs as never before.
Take advantage of the $3.00
savings on Golden Playtex
NOW. Offer good for
limited time only.
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Morkert
1506~Adams, a girl, Feb. 22.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Rosie
Rt. 3 Box 248, a boy, Feb. 25.
Clinic Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hoff, 1405
Fairmont, a girl, Feb. 25.
%" * *
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Dennis, Port
Townsend, became parents of a
baby boy Monday at a Port Town-
send hospital. Grandparents are
former Shelton residents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Dennis. Mrs. Selma
Dion, Shelton, is great-gn'andmoth.
er to the new arrival.
pull-on styles'reg. 10.9,5 $7.95
zipper styles--reg. 12.95 $9.95
Sizes XS, S, L. Exira large sizes one dollar more.
A Subsidiary of P, N. Hlrsoh & Co.