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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 27, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 27, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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February 27, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton,. Washington PAGE 9 t 19" Imperial TV PLUS Modern TV Tabh Both For I I I | II III I eee PARTNERS---Owners and operators of Shelton's: newest business firm, Western Auto Associate Store, are the father-son partners of Bob and Mike Welwood, shown here with a pair of the tires their store will feature. Grand opening of the new Western Auto store is taking place today, tomorrow and Saturday (see ad- joining ad for details), 2p.q344o REG. ~ Between start and finish we hope to convince you that By Betty Dean l of their old friends as riley gath- $179.95TV | -- WESTERN AUTO is the place to find what you need in auto- , 'r ~!~ UNION -- There were many tared at the Langes nora,-" Satur- l motive and " general household supplies at surprisingly low ,~,~.~ sightseers oll the canal due to the 1 day afi:mnc.:m to visV with them. Reg. $5.95 ~'q good weather we have been hay- I Later that evening a group motor- k T-ABLE / prices for the high quality merchandise we carry. We're positive ~! you'll be pleased at our wide choice of goods, at our low prices, thelng" weekend.The traffic was heavy over II edoringLO HoquiamGrapd Adaht° a receptiOnof the Granahen- at the high quality of our stock, at our service, and at our There will be a card party to-IChap~vr of ~V'tshington Order ot monx)w night Feb. 28 at the corn- ] the Eastern Star at the Masonic - ' ........ -it" " " desire to give you your money's worth on every cent you spend . -, .,..... ...-- munity hall at 8 p.n~ This is given ] Temple. by the Union Ladl.s Civic Club lThe Ho,--I t ....... , ,.~-, .... here. Please come in and get acquainted, have a cup of coffee Custom Automatic . . . . .............. ,.,,,, and the public ]s mwted to at- • , . ~. • |will meet Match ,) at. the ~Vomans with us, register for our door prizes, and get the gift we have .. m • tend. Cake. . and coffeE, will be. ] Club House in PotlatclL The blls-. Pushbutton Washer ser,,od, hostess•, re, the a, l,,oss , , . - for " ,. ' "~ ... Ial't (f the rneetmK wall you. fair are Lillian Hou~,h and Clara lstart at 11 a.m. Mr. Emil Lauber NO a3 power stages for best picture anywhere, .Gets ,amlly.slze 10-lb. wash No.~ .I-- ..lq.A4, G~'~:{na""" Gatewood m home he,,,I°f' Hoodsport will f~l~ow picttn'es ' " " " ' " | of wi]0 flowers, ~isitors are ilzvit- -",=.,t,-z • ...... ~ ~U~ ~i~i ~~~!~r~~p~ •Completely automatic tempera-Dew# $229.g5 at the Swedish Hospital. When| ..................................... ]~(%law~. r(lemory tuner . . . set ;t ano zorget ill she was released from the hospital| --Vwvi~l • Safety glass! Easy-carry handle! ~-'~!i ture, speed, time selection! " ;~he ~tayed with l~er daugllter| ~r~m||A~~ ~.A- --I- • 5-cycle Fabric-Match . , . anything from denims to daintiest hi llian until size was well enough| I~¢IIIlIllI~IIU wYup|~ " " ~" ~ : ....... . .... - . , ,,, • Automatic fill . . . full tub in high or low pressure areas! to come hom~. i m , P .=t = " ' ~" "" " ' .... M,'. and Mrs. Kenneth Whitaker/ .emrn from/rip L Mrs Steve orris a.d ramie, /110 Bin••sole George and Jtldy Matson (p(n-/ .. . x Reg. ' | ~.~ "S i:I/JiI ~.,~ | " :: - o' ' , ~sy Fram'e.~ Simmons n t%AIVLII L_/~ll~j M! and Mls ',k $1.49 K2631 being closed about a month for|. .~ ..... '. "s. ,.. I i i IBuy 2 For t I ed U,e U,uon th,s week am,'| ...... '. ' .. ' I I IHome, I .e,r ..... va a,.mn. ' ,, ...',,me. . ..... ,'e. ed K.,mil-. -.,. ,,.- I z ! Cur! . , ,,,,,, . ........ ............. . ...... , ................... ............... ehe. .lan. Z9 ,,'ore. a ,neath .... t,'ip l• I i( ........... ...... ,,,.,,ed ,,',e,zd., 5GC400 "~ JaSl: iVlOtl(lav nlgnl; V~'II:I1 [A'~O d~]llleS| ," • ..... I ~,,ol I °Reve'l;i~ I ,,,,~,:~, sturdy¢orn ] Coffee Mugs FOI". k.;lZalTners, l~ll'S. ~l 1SRK 1-~ ~vLl'S./ , ~.. " ~ ,~ ~ '• .~' ,ro,. ,.w, I Sparkling whltel ~1~¢I .............. " ..........., wnei.e they el]jov(m 2r, oegree be- ~.,II~IlILUI'~~I~I,CI'. Itlt~ IIVI.: xll/ . ' ' ' ' . " |1 ShaveRevelati°n Blades = I , , ulympza~'" . , mw zero ...... weather They. ...... ,also ms- '"""''"'" -" " I ,,u,,, I -- " ....... '"°" "' ,,,. I .22 Caliber Shorts I ,,,,,- 8.0.. ¢°pe¢ityl --41 Smooth, we are nappy ul oear u|ll]l'JOS ....... ' ' '~" Close. I .(_orn mb-rl I .,,..... ........ . i..,...,,, ..... ,.,; ........ | parlor, Crosby and Ironton. On the I Ejector-dispenser! 49¢ ov~rlLllZ-ilC(2 ~eal" ,~,Zt,lt£|n. ,~ Fz,t:~t~Lot "a " on t ] d " " " " |lYwinshttrpledge" super~ R I ~':='-°'~1}'~- " | | "~" Rag. 59¢ I .......... "' .... ' ..... ,..•|way, 19thereat theY, l:l stoppedat Yaklmaat. Miss•U-The3 car slid into a ditch whenhe| ', ., ".. ':, ... ..... ," maae tne ]Olllney Dy l]lqln • happy'ned last F~idav | Leon Avery son of Mrs Jerome I REG. $1.30 Vl I Whisk Broom '~="~ Th~s _. ..... ..... [ ...... l i ~ ~" " s ' i lie Sht im to| Burke retm"ned Sat~ ~day of laM: D_nner ouest, at r I . ~ , ' .... ~' , ~~ I 'ZES~ ~~ !aS!and ~"Vedl'esdav was Kati':; Niies" weelCher l.'ath('r wil , v',tm' m(u!th dutyor(Is, ,so 's i:.( g, . from. Guam~ ".,~ .'.after all 18- - :: ~ ' ' KaLie from hack East. |' Visitors to Mrs. Annie ~Vilite- I " I I Full I spending two ~eeks with her|and Mrs. George Sonle;'s and Mrs. da~vhler and family in Olympia.[ Myrtle I~,)berson, t.ho Sm~m's eom- I~ I I IJ [ '~k-'] I Length I ,., ~,p~yko is ,.,,,:,,,i,,,~. '.hol i,z~ ,,.o,~ ~,,com~, and ~,'s. ,,o~e,'- " r I~l,k fli.P.'o, I U,.iver.',ity o£ W'aahingLon in Se,-| son from Olympia. attic. | The two-year:old grauddailghte, r The Itood Canal Marina Ims] of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tayh)r, added a lhollsend square feet lo| of 3.{r. and Mrs. E, C, McMonagh,, 'C 74;" ] $,=el egg~$1~4 ! i Amr_tm Imm ira= ....... I ...-'~q = II Jlll~ I I '] ]~k\'.,] [ "=ilFI .| " ......... l-- repair shop. Randall Updykc Hospital last: Sunday. Funeral set* I Elect.r|¢ REG. 93¢ I .do,! , I ~~..,.,I I~ \ .;~ I ,,,o,. ~,,,.,,n, ~o,,,~,~ m.,o,' .,o,,,w,~,... ~,:.,.,. o,',,,,,,o",' e,k,,0,, .co. ., 9G the owner. | viers were held Wednesday at the ]B~ sR 9 ___. - , ,,.~ ~, ,.,,.,,. , ¢ ,o.o.o.._ I i .... ." ...... i I ~n~l~'~ll, .Ill..2o¢~1., i ] ~ ~j_____~x,6in.I- ] birll,day %Vednesday. | Kent. ....... ~.~:__~" less batt. ] I, | :Mr. and Mrs. PetTy Dilworth[ St|nday dinne]' guests ;it the took ]~{r. and Mrs. Frank Dean|Eugene Taylor home wm'e Mrs; | -rgrlul,m ~ ~--'"~J |' ~ 9JC3515 ~ |' to Millo's Diner for diIlner lastI Carrie Dur~ind ttlld Edwin Tayloi~. iliiiiii:iiii!i! i iiili ill ii~ ! ~ J i ~t0: i iii i! i ii Monday, the occasion being :Mr.[ My. and Mrs. Ed Sigo attei, ded Mr. ~.nd Mrs. Pete F, orge ot l urday where baked clan~s and bar- Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Lange. TheI 300 people. Borges whc used to live on theI There will be a Grange meeting : ................ ' ............................... ":~:'~* ;': ~ canal were happy to see so many at 8 p.m, Friday. Filter c.,, doei ,, ' Aut.omatic nsm,ssion Fluid ] " R9¢i ~o,. , ,,,.,,,0, ~ ~°° '15¢ I rot Fords a?.s_a; Chev.I L.00 :. o :"2__ I IRVI = others using F-4 From, power $teetin tool IIItk Irubl Type Approved Type A. I 12;oz. Reg. 55¢ "Plu~ rex ond 7.$0x14 Slaekwall11.88 Tubeless 7,$0x14 Whltewtll tobalats ........... 13.$8 Reg. 60¢ AS The cleanest way to heat your home is with built-in ELECTRIC home heating--the modern system that cre- ates heat instantly, silently, automatically. • Test-proven 7-lib tread design! Electric heat is as clean as electric light--and as Heavy Duty. Will meet • 100% nylon tit~ corot lea. safe and silent, too. \ or surpass S.A.E. specs, t • Rugge~ consttucdon! Built to take the I ~ ", ~, beating of modern With warmth-by-wire, there's nofuel, no storage "- i'~" ",., , .. , . . . Over 40,000,000 Mofor/sfs Hm~e Chosen Famous Dav/s Y/r•s/ ~i high.compression requirements, no flue, no fumes--just the even warmth ttllO.6~ engines, that you can control, room by room, with indiv=dua! GUARANTEED 24 MONTHs! --" " --"-"----" furnituretherm°stats'wi,, YOUrstay o,oanWa"S',ong0r.Y°ur draperies, oarpets and ..'t., J ,~ ............... ¢ ~' about the home heating system of Wizard 6-volt : :'"- , Ask for the facts SChamp 1 44BatteryI,, -- ~le$ Xk~ l l ll //// I ~.,p,s ~;--:1 iWizurd 0ver.ight___ I ~i "'"" I I |Battery Charger R ] I .,,,,. ,0 ,., ,, :BMost '-{0-54 Chev., '39-55 321 Railro d Ave. " I 'ii o t at=o/, I 12-V01t. Most 55-6)f Char., , Phone 426-3515 IIIIIItlXX\', I t.. ,,.-.-.aLCl01 Ramb. Dodge, Stud., others I ~LI: ....... ~[ ..... ~ .... ~CZ~I~ .................... 01.U0Exch. OWNED AND OlU,mA'rli:l~ I~X Bol~ and ~,t]l~,: \VELWOOD MASON COUNTY JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice pres!dent; ED TAYLOR, secretary; JERRY SAMPLES, manager /