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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 27, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 27, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Patrol Service • Business or Residcnce • Day or Night • Vacation Security Cornell Merohant Patrol 1524 Mason 426.4384 rid, D.C.N.D. Ph. Hoodsport 877-5322 Plumbing, Heating- RUbinstcin cos, [. Repairs, Remodeling ions [. New Installations ergic Cosmctics I. Sales and Service I• Drains Cleaned PHARMACY IMinor's Plumbing & Heating Ph. 426-3327~Phone 426-8910 or 426.2002 Printing & rewiring [ • Quality Work ed [ of All Klndl ELEC. I THE JOURNAL 426-6520 I 227 C ota Phone 426.4~12 Sand, Gravel c Pumps I • Top Soil |• Peat Soil se APpliances [• Custom Tractor Work ELECTRIC CO. [Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Ph, 426-6283L726.3552 Norm Anderson Sewing Machine,,, i I . Sales, Service Rentals I . New and Used I . Free PickUp &_Delivery I ~inger ~ewmg t;enter | 117 5th Ave, East - Olympia | Open 'til 9 p.m. Fri. Ph. 357-7586 e~wLOOR COVERING Ph, 426.2292 Tire Service l . New OK Tires n~ajor I • RecapRing repafrs. I . Used 426-4673 | Mr. View Ph, 426-4832 | beeorating Travel Draperies I . Air - Rail - Steamship I • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge For Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave 426-8272 426-4134 TV Service Hospitalization I • Radio - TV lVUnd~ I . Phonographs I . CB 2-way radio fited of Omaha | LEROY'8 TV SERVICE " 426-6142 [Mt. View Ph. 426.3172 meeting and Mrs. Dutcher gave the treasurer's report. She also announced that Mrs. Lea Shelver has been appointed to the State- wide Committce by the heads of the Orthopedic hospital. The an- nual meeting ofthe hosDital will be held March 20 at thc Music Hall, theatre. A nominating com- mittee will be appointed by Mrs. Dutcher to draw tip a slate for the election of officers for the guild to be held at the March lnce- ting which will be at the home of Mrs. Samuel Fritz with Mrs. Dex- ter Edge as co-hostess. Mrs. Shelver said Mrs. Delbert Johnson is the new sponsor of the Cogs. It was voted 11o donate $9 toward a transistor "radio which thc Cogs are donating to thc tecn- age wing of the hospital• Mrs. HaluT Deegan and Mrs. Shelver, co-chairmen for thc "Hat Sale" reported on the progress of the plans, asking that all of the men~bcrs be at the PUD audito- rium next Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. to assist in setting tip tables, mirrors, etc. so everything will be in place when the doors open at 10 a.m. Thursday for thc sale. Before adjourning Mrs. Dut- cher thankedthe hostesses for their delicious hmcheon. E gles Auxiliary Plans March Sale The Eagles Auxiliary will spon- sor a rummage sale March 20-21 at the PUD building. Anyone hav- ing articles for the sale is asked to call ~26-2149. Ti~c au×iliary helped the men celebrate their birthday anniver- sary by surprising thent with a beautiful cake, bakcd by Opal Aschc and served with ice cream, after the meetings on Fob. 11. WCTU Institute Is Slated Here March 6 Thc Woman's Cln, istian Teniper- ancc Union will hold an institute March 6 at the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack beginning at 11 A pot- hick luncheon will bo served at noon, then the afternoon session will begin at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Citarles A. Buddc of Seat- tle, state president, will conduct the institute. %VWI VETS I'OTI,UCK AND BUSINE,~S Mi;E~ Members of WoHd %~rttl" I Vets and Auxiliarv, Madrona Barracks No. 1462 wi'll meet next Thurs- day at the Memorial building. A p0tluck hmcheon at 12 noon will be ,followed by sessions of both groups convening at 1:30 p.m. All members are ttrg'ed to be present as further plans for the state con- vention will be discussed. LGE. ill Center Loin Chops ..................... LB. Loin Ends 21z~ to 3 Lb. Avg. Ib ................................................ LB. Whole or Rib Half - A Real Budget Stretoher ............................ LB, Vertfine - Reg. Sliced - Quality Controlled ................ LB. Fleischmann's Corn Oil i-Lb. Cartons Swiftning All-Veg. 3-Lb. Tins Wcsson "Perfect For Frying" 24-oz. Bottles @ Carnation Excellent In Coffee Tall Tins TASTEWELL Serve With Pork ......................... 1 6-oz. Shur-Fresh 8-oz. Frozen .Bccf Chix or Turk .................... Nola Broken ........................... 4~; oz. Wholc Kernel or Mexicorn ...... 12-oz. Tins ASSORTED OR WHITE ................................ 4 PAK ASSORTED OR WHITE GT. ROLLS .................... DETERGENT 5¢ OFF LABEL ........... . ................. LARGE SIZE PKG ........... OPEN 6UNDAYS Extra Fancy Wash- ington Winesaps ............ 4 Lb. Plio Bag il Calif. Lge. Size Heads Each Large Size ~'~/~¢ GREEN PEPPERS Floridas Ea. lll/.L Calif. No. 1 Selected ~j~ /*'Jl¢l White Rose .... Lb.~l / ~-.~¢ California Ncw Crop Zahidis .... 1~/2 Lb. Pk.• 49¢ SHUR-FRESH FOUR TO A PKG. FAN TAN BREAD SHUR-FRESH 15-OZ. LOAF ¢