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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page ,,2. ' Casein extracted from milk is the basis of a bouillon which has a tic.h, befy flavor but no beef in its content. HOME LOANS . Convenient Terms . Reasonable Rates * NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL • " III . II ., Schools Asking for I Wilbert Catto Shrubbery Donations A,t effort will be made this f0pens Nursery spring to beautify some of the 0'n Bay Acreage school btlildings that lack shrub- bery. Anyone having shrubs to Fruits of a year's work have spare tlmt would be satisfactory begun to bear for Wilbert Catto for this purpose should contact with the first commereiai returns R. W. Oltman, superintendent of now coming in from the nursery schools, hc has been shaping on oseveJ acres of Hammersley inlet water- Hilicrest Hardware m)nt property. Remodeling Finished Titled the Aldercroft Nursery, Remodeling actions which have Mr. Carte aims to propagate all been in progress tim past several his own stock eventually but in weeks have now been completed at getting started has been fortun- the Hil]crest Hardware store, ] ate in securing a large variety of Owner Jint Roush reports. I clean, healthy stock from leading Nir/e new fluorescent lighting Northwest nurseries despite the Tixtures have been installed and a acute shortage during the War wall separating the merchandise years. He will carry a complete room from the repair shop has line of nursery stock, greenhouse been removed, increasing the plants, evergreen shrubs, and available space and improving fruit and shade trees. greatly the store's interior ap- At present the Aldercroft Nur- pearance, sery has 500 Oregon field grown rose bushes of 40 of the best var- #OURNAL Want A(IB are used Dy ieties available for marketing and belated Yule celebration marked the first occasion in four years when the Bead family have all been togetller. Four of the five brothers are n6w in civilian clothi'ng again af- ter longservice with the army and navy. LeRoy, chief commis- sary steward in the navy, is now stationed at the Puget Sound na- val shipyard. He will be accom- panied to the family reunion by his wife, Ruth Ann. Roy, discharged infantry private first class and twin of LeRoy, is now employed in the naval ship- yard and is residing with his wife, Pearl, and tbeir young son, "Butch," 2.. Billy, former IM 2/c in the Bead Family, Reunited After War, Eats Christmas Dinner at Belfair Feb. 24 A belated Christmas dinner for now employed by the Seattle Ice tlte "battling Bead brothers" was Delivery and is unmarried. held last Sunday at the home of Charlie, :[el'frier arlny ('m'poral, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert recently recovered from an at- Bead, at their Belfair home. The tack of recurrent malaria and is rcstinK before ceturninK lo a civil- iqn occupation. He is ulmlarric(I. At one time durinK the war LeRoy and Billy were aboard ships :mchored a few hundred yards al)art during tim battle for Lnzoll, but colll(l 11o[ have it re- union because of the situation be- ing critical in the zone. At the same time, Chariic was only about a mile away with an army heavy artiUery unit. Arcadia Economic Club Slates Coming Meeting The Arcadia Economic Club ntet with Mrs. O, J. Archambault ca Tuesday, February 19. This was n special meeting with Miss Fox- well giving a demonstration on .......  scores of your trlend a g'Bbd lifie of shade and ever- navy was discharged last week making slip covers. green trees. Tile Aldercroft Nur- after spending 22 months over- sery is agent in this area for seas. He is married to tlm for- About 16 members were prcs- Buckley, Nirsery fruit trees, mer Jean Stevens, of Belfair. They ent, Mrs, Arehambanlt served a P GenuineA .'l'y S ' L;gat6d a "after'mile bey°nd have a daughter' Sharlene' 2 years h°t hmche°n at n°°n" After theFavorsl nortl Fairmont Street, the Aider- Bob, former army sergeant, is served. Sav.a-ge . The next meeting will be March a-d croft Nursery hs a 20 x 40 green: 8 at the home of Mrs. Art Swear- - -- house, 900 feet of hotbeds now ingen. There will be a demonstra- plagted, an4 will cover seven Strictly =res when completed, Mr. Catto Loan to Britain tion on tieing springs in furniture. This will also be the birthday Said. He Drned the nursery bus-; mi meeting for those whose birthdays • loess while Workhig for the Bon-'As Econo c Aid are in March. A potluck lunch- nell' Nursery in Seattle. He has " con will be served at noon. i vv v v v ,q)..v,v'v ,q).,v v v . v v' , v ,,it ' v v' Matlock Grangers, don't forget Grange Saturday night, March 2. Albert Winkleman passed away Friday at; the Shelton Hospital from a heart attack at the age or 72. Ite was born in 1-3crne, Swit- zerland. At; the age of fonl'te(?n be ('Alnlc t(/ MtlSOll county and made hi:; home first at Cam 1) then fqrnled the fat'm formerly owned by the N. C. Nelsons fro" ten ycars. For the past 30 years he has lived on his farm in the Beeville district. Mrs. Winklmnan is survived by three sons, Edward of Olympia. Frank of Shelton and Robert at home, three daughters, Frances Harris of Montesano, Glennie Kelly of Camp 3 and Elsie Wolliver of Tacoma. and 12 grandchildren and he also has two brothers in Switzerland The community extends their sympa- thy to the family. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dietz, Fritz Paul and Mr. and Mrs. James Nee]', all of Olypmia, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rossnmier and children and Richard Neer spent Sunday at Capolis Beach. Troop-i0-0.Lays Plans For Next 3 Months Plans for three months ahead were laid by officers of Troop 10 meeting at the home of Gerry and Jim Hart recently. A scavenger bunt last Tuesday was the open- ing event, with a camping trip for March 9 and 10, and Parents' New Motors • Direct from Factory-- • Not Rebuilt • Not Reconditioned @ STRICTLY NEW FOR ALL CHRYSLER CARS and INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler- Plymouth - International 306 Olympic Highway IN WAR THE RED CROSS livd in Shltoll siDce 19,34 and is pi, omlent in Masonic !dge ac- tivities. Pentecostal Church Has Guest in Pulpit ' Rev. William J. Caddy of Se- :attle will be guest speaker and ,,.ger at the Calvary• Pentecostal Ohurch of Shelton Sunday, March 3; for both 11 a,m. and 8 p.m, servides, according to Rev. Rich- ard I. Caddy. Tbe public is Tel- General Repairing WE!DING LUBRICATION Tire, Battery Service BITTLE'S REPAIR SHOP At Union, near Schoolhouse Ural E, Bittle, Phone Union 350 NOW IN P00CE SERVED the WARRIOR Washington, D. C. (Speeial)--- Appr0yal of the proposed loan to Grdat Britain will metal more pay- rols for American Workers, Rep. Charles Savage (D., Wasb.) de- clared recently in a radio address over the Mutual Broadcasting System. Rep.. Savage went on to point out that unless Britain receiws the 10an, she may be forced to make preferential, trade agree- meats with her colonies, to whom she owes nearly 14 billion dollars. Thi could amount to a shut-out, as far as trade is concerned, With the Unite4 States and could be the beginning of a new economic war that might eventually endanger world peace. Representative Savage a 1 s o pointed out that the most import- ant commercial fact about Brit- ain's trade relations with the United States is not that we are compett0rs, but that Great Brit- ain is the largest single foreign customer for American products. Anothca" important fact is that Great Britain has for many years bought much more from us than her. Remember your Red Cross was with him . . • on Leyte, at Iwo Jimo, in Anzi'o . . . or was it Normandy ? Wherever he was, the Re Cross was at his side when he needed it n,at, That same friendly c0nnset a,nd helping hand • . . that warm and htman touch which hpe4 him through his darkest days and months . • • will stray with him in 1946 and for as long as he needs it . . . if you help. To whom can he turn o the advi he may sorely need? For assistan¢ in fig his ¢lim? " The Red Cross has his aswers. Wleo can he get the ready cash he may need tQ te him over until his bnefits start to come through? The local Red Crtss--your Red Cross. There's a Chapter in every community. Through it you can give him € strng shoulder to lean on .... a steady hand to guide him. For it is your contribution that k¢PS the Red Cross at his side. Remember, you are the Red Cross Give Now! This space Donated to the Red Cross bf Members are urged to come early and visitors will be wel- comed. Taylor Radio Moves To Fourth and Cota New quarters are being taken up by the Taylor Radio Electric Night" March 19 the next attrac- tions. A farm home or farm building catches fire every 15 minutes dur- ing the day in the United States, and the cost of these farm fires ]totals around a (tuartcr of a mil- lion dollars each day, reports the Sales & Service at Fourth and U.S. Department. of Agriculture. Cota streets in the Bell Building .................... in the corner space once occupied by the old Shelton Dairy but more lately used only for storage. The Taylor Radio ScIwice is moving from its location at 123 Cots street to the new quarters March 1, Proprietor Garold Taylor announced thk week. No. 1777. NOTICE TO CItFDITOIlS IN THE SUPERIOR COtIR'r OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOB. MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of WARREN I4. STETSON. Deceaased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that the undersigned, Fhn'enee Kendall and Georgia Loretta Seeley have been ap- pointed Executors of the Estale of Warrell I-I. Stetson. (h,eoased. and that all persons having claims against the said estate arc lmreby required to serve tile ssme, duly vel'Jfle(I upon the said Executors or upon their duly ap- pointed agent or attorney, J, W. (.)'aham, Suite 5 Covey Bldg., Shellon, Washington, the same having been designated as tile place for the trans- atttion of the business of said estate, and file tim same with tile Clerk of above entitled court togetller with proof of such Sl}l'VlCP within six months after first publication of this notice, to wit: February 21, 1946 or said elainm will be forever hnr,'ed, FLORENCE KENDALL GEORGIA LORETTA SEELEY Executors of said Estate. J. W. GRAIIAM Ath)rney for Executors. Suite 5 G-ovey Bldg., Shelton, Washington. 2-21-28--3-7-14- 4t STATE OF ASIIIIGTON g)ffic, of Supervisor .f tly(lraulics Olympia NOTI('E OF IVATER R/GIlT AI'PLICATION NO. 6882 TO WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Emil Johnson of Olympia, State of Wash- ington, under date of February 2. 1946. filed with the Stale Supervisor of IIydraulics, Olympia, Washing'ten, an application" for a permit to divert the public, waters of na nnnamed spring tributary of Deer Creek in the amount of .01 second-foot, subject to. existing rights, h)r the purpose of domestic supply continuousP,, that the appr(x- imate point eft d'iverMon is h)cated within NW! of NEq (ff Section 36, Township 21 N,, Range 3 .V.W.M, in'ffason Cotulty. ,A nlal) showing the location and plan ,of said diversion and the place (ff the proposed use is on file iu the office of tile. State Su- rvisor of 1Hydraulics, Olympia, ashington together with suel other informati(m as is required by law. AnY person, ftrnl or eorl)oratlon whose rLght will be injm'iomly af- fected by, said applicati'on may file with 'the State ' Supervisor of Hydraul- ics, Olympia, Washington, uch objec- tions or representations, in writing, ,as he may desire to nmke, within thirty (30) days after date of last publication, whieh date is February 28, 1946. Witness my hand and official seat th s 6th day of February, A. D. 1946. State Supervisor of'l-Iydraulics. RODNEY RYKER. 2-21-28-2t NO. 1748 NOTICE OF HYARING ON FINAL ItElOll AND I'ETITION ]FOR DISTRUcU'rlON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. IN PROBATE In 'tlm Matter of lhe Estate of ROBERT E. EADS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That George R. Ends, Administrator of the estate of Robert E. Eads. deceased, has £iled with the Clerk of the above entitlel .Court his Final Report and Petition or Distribution, among othm' things sking the Court to settle and approve said Final Report, distribute the property to tie persoms thereto entitles and to discharge said Admin- istratm'. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that tle said Final Report and Petition for Distributkm will be heard on Satur- day the 30th day of March( 1946 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Court Room in the Court House in Shelton, Washington. Dated this 3rd day of February, 1946. CLARE ENCELSEN C erk of Mason County, Washington, (SISAL) CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for saidEstate 119 Smtq 4th Street. Bell Building Slelton, Mason County, Wa.shingten. 2-283-7-14 -21-41 NO. 1789 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY• IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of ISAAC S. GOSSER. Deceased. NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN lhat tle undersigned Lawrence Gosser has .been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the estate of Isaac S. Gosser, deeeased and thst all per- sons havi*4 claims against the said deeeascd or the said estate arc here- by reauh'ed to serve the same duty verified with the necessary vouchers al, tac]ed upon the undersigned Ad- ministrator of the said estate or his attorney of record at the office of Chas, R. Lewis, 119 Soath 4th Street Bell Building, Shelton, Mason County', Washington. the same being desig- nated as the place for the transaction of tle business of the said estate, and file such claims, t:oether with proof of serviee wllh the Clerk of lhe shove ,nlitledhCourt wilhin six (6),months after th date of the first publication of thi,q notice to-wit: February 28th. :19,16. or all claims not so served and filed shall be forever harred. LAWRENCE GOSSER. dminLstrator of the Estate of Isaac • Gosser. ,deceased. CI:IAS. 1., LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate 11.9 South 4th Str0et, Bell Building, Shelton, Msson C,)unty, Washington, 2-28--3-7-I¢-21-4t ORDINANCE NO. 415-18 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE FI RE DEPARTMENT OF TIE CITY OF 8ItELTON. THE MEMBERS TttEREOF. AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE ENROLLMENT OF EVERY FIREMAN IN THE CITY OF SHELTON UNDER THE RELIEF AND COMPENSATION PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 261 OF THE 1945 SESSION LAWS OF TE STATE . OF WASHINGTON. DILCLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING FOR THE IS- SUANCE OF EMERGENCY WAR-, RANTS IN THE SUM OF $150.00. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: Every firenmn, botl paid firemen and volunte,er firemen, of the City ,)f Shdlton shall be en- *'oiled under the Relief and Compen- ,'ttion Provisions of Chapter 261 of the 1945 Session Laws of the State ef Wlslling(oI], . for the pnrp,ose of pro- riding prote(,tion for all such firenlen and their familiets from death or dis- ability arising from thc periormance of their didies as firemen: provitled vohlnteer lnelllbers Of the Fire De- )artlilcnt shall not exced 25 firelllen or each 1,000 pOllS]alien or fracthm tllereof, and provided further that in no case shall the membership of the Fire Deparhnent of the City of Shel- toll be less than 1,) firemen. SECTIQN II: That the City of Shelton shall, on or before the 1st Slay of March. 1946. and m or before the 1st day of March of each and ' ('very year thereafter, pay to the Tr(m:surer of the State of 'ashington SUCll alllounts /IS inay be due under said Chapter 261 of the 19.t5 Session Laws of the State of Washington. • SECTION III'. Ther is hereby c.reated and established a Board of Trusll,es I'or lhe adlllillisirath)n of said Chaph'r 261 or tlw 1945 Session LaWs of the Slate of Vashillgtoll. which said Board shall consist of tim ,ayor and Chairnmn of tim Board of he City Commission of the City of lhelton, Washington, and the City lerk. and on(, men,bet' of the Fire Dl)tli'tl]len| to be elected by the illenl- hers of the City of Shelton Fire De- partlllt'llt, havillg tt ternl of one y0ar and annually thereafter, Such Board of Trustees shall perIorm lheir duties as provided bv law. The board of Trustees shall have the power to nlake provisions fo," the enlploynlent of a regularly licensed praclieing physician for examination ef members of the Fir., Department making appli- cation for nlombership, at a fee of $3,00 for eaell fireul[ul exanlined, whh.h said physician shah visit and exallline all sick and injured fircnlen, alld t)erfornl his other dulies as re- quired by law. A majority of the :Boar, d of Trustees shall r.onstitute a qu()rUlll, and lie bushlcss shall be transacted when a majority is not uresent, and lie claims shffll be al- lowed when a majority oi the Board does not vole in Iavor thereof. SECTION IV: That an emergency exists that could not have been reas- onably foreseen at the time or the adoption of the 194,5 Budge.t, and that emergency warrants in the sum of not to exceed $150.00 be issued for payment to the Treasurer of the State of'Washington as required by law. SECTION V: That it 'is necessary that this ordinance, take effect im- mediately for the nnmedlate preser- vation of Lhepublie health, peace and safety, in order to comply with the laws of the State of .'ashington. Introduced in regular Commmsion meeting this 13th (lay of February 1946. Passed in regular Commission nleet- ing this 19th day of February, 1946. F. A. TRAVIS, Mayor REGINALD SYKES Commlssloner of Finance and Accounting ROY J, KIMBEL. Commiseioner of Streets and Public Utilities. ATTEST : ALMA K. CATTO, Actin City Clerk. (SEAL) APPROVED : CHAS. R. LEWIS. City Attorney. 2/28-1t Thursday,. .,.,, Februar_ rsday' February 28, 1946 I ', NOTICE OF LEASING OF STATE   U M A T I S M I LADS First Baptist I n d A R T H R I T I S TO ALL WI-tOM IT MAY CON- CI,]I{N I I s is L ) ' ' 'it 'V, T at 1} , J. O. Royce, PJ following described land," situated in Mason Comity, 'Wasifington. will hc Snnday School al .sUffered for years "rod %lT] S0 offer(,(l for lease ,m 'ru,, lhe 2rid C]ases for all ages. l[lkful that I founci  "" ' -' - day of AI)ri], l,q,16, al |ell ()''h)t'k gl.lll., .} * ._ I relict lrOlh I Jn front of the C(mrt House ul" A'htsoll MorninK rorsbip [hterrlDle affliction th'tt I will (:'o(lll[y, at I.)lll)lic .ttl('ll()ll to [ho hi'h- ly ('st bitlder. Na('h bidder will t,, r(,(|tlii'cd Jtmior - ]nterl Y answer anyone writing laC to deposit a certified cheek, ccrtifieat( Young People ]]tee;c"] OrmatlOn. ]V[rs. Anna Pautz, ) " toJ°x 825 Vanco [ ¢)f deposit l)ayable to the (?,,unLy Au(I- welt( :he extended ,o , uver, Wash, i|or. ()F ('atl. eqllat ill aillOtUlt t|) Ill(} first year's rental t)17 such land ia ac- people. eordanee with his bid. tog'eth,'r wilh Evening Service P $2.00. tile statutory fee lor issuhul: a lease. Irtstrumental ' NO llnprovenlents shall be placed {,11 in (l Con gr egatiol, al Steam State Lands except by written per- I mission of the Commissioner. Gospel No lessee shall without the written U.R. l eonsent of the ColllnlJssioner renlain ill poession of the land or iITnprove- • 'merits, after the expiration of the  lease. I APPLICATION NO. "27,3 (To Lease, MOTORS The tide lands of the second ('lass. UNITY AND sitnate in fr)nt ,)f. ad}acenl to ()r aatti,g apon U,e fonowi.g described CHASSIS uplands in township 2a north, range 420 Franklin S ',l west. W. M,. 8 p. Ill, ' Lut 8. section 19. h)t 5. section 2{) and that portion of the tide lands in Supply CO. ft'olit or lot 9, secti, mt :, lying fast and Mill Sis, Phone 550 of the east line of vacated State Oys- ter Reserve Plat No. 133 pz)duced across the tide lands, with a total frontage of 50.76 lindat chaired, more or less. Subject, however, to r'ht of way .. ,, w. o. ,.,, .,.. SHIP YOUF 272. 273 and 274 filed Deeember 15, Friday--Teach 1930. Term of lease: 5 years. Leader M. Annual Rental: $100.00. Oysters on the above land raised at 1 on day of .-,&re. Located o the westerly side of Hood Canal at LiLliwaup, in north- eastern Masoa Comity. t NOTE: Lessee intuit be a citizen of the United States or have declared, FAST FREIG: ia good faith, his iRtention to become WITH DOOR DELl% such,Chpter 50, Laws 1921. Tile above described lands will be leased, subject to all the terms, con- ii  ttle Freight slould be rout ditions and reservations oI tlle stat- ," racorna Freight v,a Str. Sko( u,tes, now provided for the leasing of 'hool and Granted, lands. No lOTE.--Receip.ts for deposits made with applications to lease luay he nsed by applicant only, as cash on date of leasing. Witne my hand and, seal of office affixed this 23rd, day of February. 1946. (SEAL) OTTO A. CAS Commissioner of Public Lands of the' State of Washington. 2-28---3-7-14-21-28-5t Welcome TO THE Church of Christ 10, a.m, and 7 p.m. Each Sunday Bible Study, Friday, 8 p.m. 2021 Hay Street Shelton C. S. Hamilton, Minister CIvary Pentecostal Church 120 East Pine St. Sundy Sch0oi--9:45 a.m. iVorning Worship--l1:00 a.m. Sunday Evage]istic, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7:45 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. R. D. Caddy, Pastor CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of L. D. S. Sunday School .............. i0 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall Listen to Spoken Word and Mormon Tabernacle Choir KIRO--9 a.m. Sunday Pres, A. L. Ferwerda Phone 296J or 52 RADIO BIBLE Cl KVL  570 Saturdays  11 SHELTON. SERVIC Sunday ........................ Wednesday .................. Sunday. School .......... ' Reading Room at 302 Alder StW$ Open Monday thru 2:00 to 4 P'¢.I Wednesday Eve 6:45 to 7:45 Sunday, Mar  "CHRIST JE $0 I ' Christian Science Llte milable at all time Church or on request Branch of The otlle The First Church 0 Scientist Boston, Ma  MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN CHIfl HILLCREST--ON THE HIWAY--SHELTOI Sunday School and Bible Class 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. The Lutheran HourK V ISunday 7 p.m. The Rev. WALTER M WANGERIN, Pasto,r 705 Dearborn St., Tel. 395M Clurch Office Tel. First Methodist "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Fourth and Pine Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sermon Topic:' "Christ's Answer to the Wage REV. HARDWICK W. HARSHMAN, Pastor Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276-W Time Schedul Leaves Tacoma daily, exc Olympia a Arrives Shelton da CLARENCE CARL S0UN00 I u) ' .... _'.:' j of l -by financing the hc monthly-reducing mot1 tested plan. Loans mac old-fashioned mortgage advice and helpful s People who know an€ Problems. Dir( HAZEL ' %V. DRAHAM If, ' flARTLOW V. RIDENSTINE 4: Thurston Count) and Loan Telephone 7551 Olympi re Rea, Don't be Fooled by Signs of " YOU MAY STILL HAVE TO HUNT UP YOUR EAR MUFFS AND RED FLANNELS .-- So When Your Supply Runs LoW or 29Z and let us fill up your tank with better burning, cleaner, more economical ASSOCIATED AUTOMATIC BURNER OIL We have a supply of STORAGE TANKS from 50 to 1,00.0 gallon for new oil burner installations. FRISKEN OIL COMPAN' Mason County Distributor of Associated Oil Products f