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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t e'age 4. SIq,LTON-MASON COUNTY 30URNAE ..................... ' D ,,J,i Of .... I, Lawrence Saeger [ D°r°thy Ann Vail Mr" and Mrs" Blair Leave on Honeymoon nrace, s ¢, Weds Miss Baker. , Weds Renton Man Mr and Mrs Jack Blair left Women' and Children's RAINCOATS, DRESSES, SWEATERS 528 Franklin Street III I I I I I _ J L I L I JI IJl I cold wave Give yourself a You  ua¢ FoursdE a pcrfect, soft, natt laking pr¢ wave-doae at hera€,- in thre hears or less -- with the s/mpl% ready-to-uae CROWN ING GtX)RY C.old*grave Permaneat Sohions. Sa fi for CbiJrtn"s Hair, tom permanent , " It s as simple as thisi i (wllhcurler=) 2 (plu= taa) yF McCONKE S FIR DRUG PRESCRIPTION 21a nailroud PHARMACY Phone 63 329 Railroad Ave. Prescriptions Phone 303 / vl bright as a new morning LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor PHONE 100 Oregon, and Lawrence M. Saeger (,J Shelton. were united tn mar- riug'e Tlle:drly evening, February 26. iu n simple quiet ceremony pert'orme(l at 5:30 o'clock in the parsonage or: the First Methodist Ciuu'ch. key. Hardwick W. Harsh- man read the single ring service. F(,r her wedding the bride wore an aquv., suit with black and white a,ceessories. Her corsage was of wllite carnations. Her only at- tendant, Mrs, Avis Saeger. wore 'a grey suit with brown accessor- ies. Tile best man was Clarence Saeger, father of the groom, The bride is  graduate of the Fiat River High School in Flat River, Missouri• Mr. Saeger re- ceived his education in the Shel- ton schools. After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Saeger will reside in Shelton• Shelton Mixed Chorus To Practice Monday Eve The. Shelton Mixed Chorus will meet Monday evening, March 6, and each following Monday fn the Senior Band room a¢ 7:30 sharp. All members are firged .to be p resent.  '/l}l The books are open for a short time to those interested in choral work. The group is now working on the Spring Concert to be pre- sented iu May. thodist Fellowship eti,g is Reported The Methodist Youth Fellowship of the First Methodist Church met' at tim parsonage for their meet- ing on Sunday evening, February 2, at 7 o'clock. After the business meeting, pre- sided over by the 9resident, Guy Beckwith, those preent enjoyed several reels of moving pictures taken by the Beckwith family. Fentiman-Eundquist,, Wright-Smith Nuptials Held in Methodist Church The Methodist Church was chosen by two Sielton girls the past week for their weddings. The first wedding was held Saturday evening when Miss Dollie Frances Fentiman became the bride of William M. Lundquist and the second followed on Tuesday evening when Miss Betty Elain Wright and :lames A. Smith were united in marriage. hl a beautiful candlelight cere- mony Miss Betty Elaine Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. \\;V. Wright of East Elinor Street, be- came the bride of James A. Smith, A.M.M, 2/c, United States Navy, son of Mr. lind Mrs. Perry Smitil of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Tues- dlty evening, February 26, in tile sanctuary of tile First Methodist Church. Large baskets of cola lilies in the light of many tapers made a lovely setting' for tile single, ririg cereruony read by Rev. Hardwick VV. Harshlnan at eight o'clock. Daffodils. snapdragons, and blue iris added to the enchantment of the setting. Given in marriage bY her father the bride was lovely in a white lace and net gown styled with a keyhole neckline and a train. Her fingertip veil was attached to a beaded coronet. She carried a white prayer book centered with an orchid in a shower of stream- eI's• Miss Beverly Dorman, maid'of honor/ wore  lle pilate gown :of taffe'ta and car'ied a shower bou- quet. Carrying a similar bouquet the bridesmaid, Gertrude Thom- assert, was gowned ill aqua or, sandy. Candleligkters were Misses Jer- "ine Deer and Emogene Berch who wore orchid and pale blue taffeta gowns respectively. Anthony Tru- ji!lo, A.P. l/c, United States Navy, was best man and ,Frank Guyer, Q.M. l/c, United States Navy, acted as usher. The ' bride's mother, Mrs. Wriglt, chose a black and white dress with white velvet trim. Her corsage was of gardenias. The bridal music and accompan- iments were played by Mrs. No ma Spring. M2ss Joan Soper sang "I Love You Truly" preceding the entrance of the bridal party, and as the Wedding party gathered around the altar the soloist sang "Till the End of Time." An im- pressive part of the service came when the bride and groom knelt before the cross for the closing prayer and while :Miss Soper sang "The Lord's Prayer" by Malotte. Foh)wing the wedding a recep- tion was held at the bride's home. The bride's table, centered with a three-tiered cake, was covered with a hand made lace cloth, a gift to the bride from her mother• rs. Frank Guyer and Mrs. Carl lains presided a't the urns. The wedding cake' was cut by Mrs. Ray Sharpe. Gertrude:Thomassen was in charge of tile guest book• Mrs. Smith graduated from h'ene S, Reed High School and has be(m employed in Dr. Dee- gan's office in this city. The groom received his education in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. and is now stationed at McCord Field in Tacoma. He is expecting his dis- charge soon and after a week's honeymoon in Victoria, B. C., he and Mrs. Smith will make their tmme in Batm Rouge, Louisiana. Out of town guests included Mrs. J J. Wright, grandmother of the bride, from Burlington, Mrs. T. C. Merchant, aunt of tile bride, from Seattle, and an uncle, Don- ald Wright and daughter, Carol, also of Seattle• Cheskehamay Girls Plan Council Fire The Cheskchamay Camp Fire Girls held a Valentine party, Feb- ruary 13, at the home of Mrs, Winston Scott, their guardian. Re- h'eshments were enjoyed and the ffternoon was spent making Val- One of the loveliest weddings of this season took place Satnrday evening m the First Methodist Church when Miss Dollie Frances Fentiman plighted her troth to William M. Lundquist. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fentiman.and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Molder Lu n dquist. Reverend Hardwick 7. Harsh- ]nan performed the double ring candle-light ceremony at 8 o'clock before an assemblage of over o*m hundred relatives and friends. White stocks and daffodils decor- ated the altar wifile each window was marked with lighted tapers and the aisles were marked with greenery and white bows. Tall lighted tapers in candelabras lighted the setting. The bride was radiant in a gown of white satin wil.h a finger-tip veil. The low-cut sweetheart neckline of the dress outlined a higl}-necked inset of white mar- qnisette. The gown was made with short sleeves and she wore long white gloves and carried a white Rainbow Girls' Bible with gardenias a.ttached. With a single strand of pearls, the bride wore earrings, a gift af the bridegroom. Maid of honor. Florence Fcffi- man, sister of the bride, wore a dress of blue taffeta with three- quarter length sleeves and a V- neckline. Miss Laurene Lundquist, sister of the groom and brides- maid, was dressed in a gown of pink with a satin top and net skirt. Both wore single strands of pearls and carried bouquets of blue iris encircled by pastel sweet- peas. :, 1 Lois Schwark and Gerri Waite, candlelighters, wore identical dresses of aqua with square neck- lines set off with single strands of pearls. Mrs. Fentiman chose a navy blue suit with pink accesser ies and a corsage of pink carna- tions while Mrs. Lundquist wore a fuschia dress and hat with white accessories and a corsage of white caruations. Harry Anker was best man and ushers were William Chase, cousin of the bride, and Alfred Jones. Mrs. L6ui Larson sang "God Gave Me You," "All For You" and "The Lord's Prayer.' She was ac- companicd by Mrs. Lantz Wiss. The reception was held at the Fentiman home, 423 Grant Ave- nue. Cutting the three-tiered wed- ding cake topped with the tradi- tional miniature bride and groom was Mrs. Aubra Vaughan. Miss • Annie Fentiman. aunt of ttle bride. and'Miss Ellen Lundquist, aunt of the groom, presided at the silver urns. Mrs. C. H. Grunert, Mrs. ] Harold Mead and Mrs. F. L. Wor- den assisted in tile serving. Miss Virginia Gray was in charge of the guest book and Miss Dorothy Turner and Miss Connie Wilinson were in charge of the gifts. ' Following a wedding trip to Victoria, B. C., the young couple will make their home in Slielton For traveling Mrs. Iundquist wore a blue wool suit matching accessories and a brown hat. Her corsage was of garden!as. The bride graduated with the class of 1945, Irene S. Reed high school, and has been employed at Shelton Branch Seattle First Na- tional Bank. Mr. Luudquist grad- uated from the Shelton high school in 1942 and served with the Army, receiving his discharge last November. He is now em- ployed at the Puget' Sound Navy Yards, Bremerton. Out of town wedding guests in- cluded Miss Annie Fentiman, Van- Bright as a new mornlng and colorful as%-rainlmware these new cotton in sersaekers, chambrays and ginghams. The ckoi of checks, plaids or itrila is left to you, but we know whabet 0¢ choose you'll look pretty and gay in colors Ihat flar and tyles that seem made for your rigure.  ntines. They made plans at their meet- ins last %ednesday for a Council fire and Italian spagletti dinner on February 27. The girls will bring their own food and prepare it themselves at the home of Mrs. Scott. After dinner the girls will attend the high school play. 3.98 5.90 I ..... Thursday - Friday aturday, Feb. 28, Mar. I, 2 "GUEST WIFE" Clmidette Colbert, Don Ameche, Dick l¢oran Sundy - Mendy - Tuesday March 3, 4, 5 TOO YOUNG Barbara BHtton, Soon Leslie • i Veinesday - hursday Good Bet m SIavks March 6, 7 Like aiplare luggage-=thi hat is trim,, lightweigh¢ and genuinely smart. The same supreme quality fur felts as other 4,98 Marathons ....... the lighter' Weight ]aerely makes it especially plaropriate for sp'ing wear. If you like to keep up with fashions in good taste.--wear the Phan- tom' Alt" doubts vanish the mo- ment you sffiooth your palm over a truly fine custmn quality fur felt Marathon. The bound-brim hat Squads Right can be worn off-the- face or snap brim• Its crown am1 b,'im proportions are correct for the average man. Spring colors. Men's Firm Weave TROUSERS 4.90& 7,00 A smart choice in spring slacks". The styling, weight and fit men like, in sporty ['ancy weaves, handsome pin stripes and serges. Zipper. TWO FEATURES "IT ALL CAME TRUE" IIumphrey Bogart, Ann Sheridan AND "BORN FOR" TROUBLE" Van Johnson, Faye Emerson Miss Dorothy Ahn Vail, daugh- ter (q" Mr. :rod Mrs. W. E. Vail l OlJ Shelton. beeanle the bride of Marvin Theodore Kindnll. son of Mr. ancl Mrs, iV[, W, Kindall of Ronton, Washington, The wedding was performed by ltevcrend Roy Jenkins of tile Methodist Church. February 16, in the Renton Highlands Admin- istration Building. The bride chose a green street- length dress with black accessor- ies. Her corsage - bouquet was of or('hids. Mrs. Hulda Ingra'm, ma- tron of honor, wore a pink wool suit with black aecessorms and a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Vail chose a black dress with matching accessories and a gar- denia corsage and Mrs. Kindall wore a. brown suit with matching aeessories "tad a corsage of pink (,arnations. The best man was A. L. Ingram and the candle lighter Verne In- gra in. The reception was held in the Administration building also, Bas- kct or white and pink stock dec- orated tile rooms. The bride's ta- ble was covered in wifite lace and lighted with white tapers. rs. Laurence Tozzer. Mrs. Hulda In- STare. Mrs. Alga Schoonover and Mrs. Freda Jerrue were in charge of the serving and Mrs. W. E. Vail and Mrs. M. W. Kindatl poured. Mrs. Steve Rupert, Shel- ton, attended the punch bowl and Mrs. Vernon Davidson, Shelton, was in charge of the guest book. The bride graduated from the Shelton high school with the class of 1945. They will make their home in Renton. Mr. Kindall is employed t the Pullman Com- pany, Seattle, as an electrician. Shelton guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vail, Violet Johnson, Harold John- son. George Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Snyder, Viola Evans, Mrs. Vernon Davidson, Denny and Don- ny, Mrs. Steve Rupert and daugh- ter, Mary. Shelton W.C.T.U. Slates Friday Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Shelton Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held on Friday, March 1st, at the home of Mrs. Lewis Wiley beginning with ' 1 o'clock dessert luncheon. Please not this time it will not be a potluck lunch but a dessert lunch• Mrs. A. L. Belt will have charge of the program. All interested women are cor- dially invited to attend• NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT The Neighbors of Woodcraft will hold a regular meeting on Monday, March 4th, at the home of Mrs. Minnie B. Myers. The meeting will start at 8 o'clock. FOR BETTER Dancing go to the Evergreen Old Olympia-Tacoma Highway Every Saturday Hight Musle by AI Walsh's Orchestra Dancing 9 to 2 Thursday for Los Angeles on a delayed honey moon.. Mrs. Blair is the former Dorlean Stidd. The young couple were married De- cember 21, 1945. Mr. Blair was discharged Feb- ruary 15 from the Navy at Brem- erton afte'r four years service as radio man. He was in the South Pacific two years. MInr Los Angeles they will visit • Blair's father for several weeks and then go on to Martins Ferry, Ohio, to visit his mother. They plan to return to Shelton to make their home. DINNER GUFTS Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKenzie entertained Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Parrot at a dimler party Thurs- day evening at the Colonial House. DANCI] Every 2 to 6 p.m, Shelton Ea Thursdays Your Phone Union Night to Dine Out he the Whole family ]s out you'll want the  E1 lie.., in food, the most E s-- " " ., al , ouse PEClAL FAMILY NIGHT -- - • • III _  Children Half PorLmns Shelton Valley Dan!t," i ............ ,,.,o -- _ .- __ " ' _ __wW _. - l.a quets, Private Parties IQ ATITDI3 &VuilJzxi 9 MARCH00A00c00 20' I¢ldge Luncheons,. a Spectalty oy Reservation Music by ROMANE'S RANGERS Admission 75€, tax included SPONSORED BY SHELTON VALLEY GRAN0 PHONE 480 !,illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll li IT'S SPRING CL] To a Treat M CLE ONE THING EVERYONE LOVES. The one thing sure to make a hit wherever # whenever served--is our delicious super-crear Ice, Cream. You'll like it because its alway . smooth, so flavorsome, so wholesome. On th0= special occasions when you want everything jg" right, order ice cream--the perfect dessert. $1..25 per gallon $1.10 per gal. in 5-gal. lots AFTER THE SHOW, BALL GAME, DATE 01 WHENEVER YOU FEEL LIKE A TASTY TREAT . . . MAKE IT A HABIT TO MEET /f Ritner's Ice Cream Bal Just Arrived.- INCANDESCE IN A WIDE / COLORS -- SI from AI Killmer Ell 409 Railroad iliilllii, lillilllllllillllli-[ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIk an, North Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Aubra Vaughan, Ehna, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Larson, Tacoma. Mr. and lYrs. Cliff O. Kelly, Wenat- chee, 'Miss Elen Lundquist, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mitchell and daughter, LaVerne, Miss Doris We Are McBratney, Mrs. Ernest Lind- blade, Misses Donna and Marian Russell, Seattle, Mrs. J. Russell Jones, Snohomish, F. W. Mitchell, Everett, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Sund- ling, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- "* V* uUo-'n- ward Anderson and daughters, Joan and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and Son, Jon, and daugh- ter, Marilyn, and Mrs. John Erick- son, all of Tacoma. Roy Frykholm, Misses Shirley and Donna Frykholm, Pau]sbo, to Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Tegstrom, Mrs. John Tegstrom, Mrs. S. E. Jenstead, Mrs. Nan Latrll,,'m Brem- erton, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Short of Union and Ole Johnson, grand- father of the bride._ 4th and C Mr. and Mrs. Walton " ota Returnto Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walton, who have been.making their home iu Everett for some time, have moved back to Shelton. Their son,  ' Charles Leslie Walton, A.R.T. 2/c, who has been stationed in the Aleutian Islands, is returning to resume his studies at the Univer- sity of Washington. , yl r Their daughter, Lt. Lillian Wal- Ta o tSn, Army Nm'se's Corps, recently returned from Germany and sta- Radio Electric tioned at Letterman's Hospital, San Francisco, will be home on a visit soon, SALES AND SERVICE Chapter B,, P.E.O. Mee¢ing is Held PHONE 128 Chapter B., P.E.O. met on Mon. day evening at the home of Mrs. Robert E. Brown. Mrs. A. A. Stratford was the assisting host- ess. The regular business session was followed by a book review given by Miss Georgia Valentine. Delicious refreshments w e r e served tile 119 RAILROAD Andre00 We Offer You as ] Iiaiature to 8 x i0 PL  10 Wooden OVERT, lIiniature OVERTON O ato 8x 10ALLGI ASSORTED WALL In odd sizes, with g Pictures in them ...... FRAMES You probably Can • =rod Exact y the Flight One . . . by L°king Over the La , g e Collection of That Favori or Picture hould Have a Frame couver, B. C., Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fentiman, grandmother a n d grandfather of the bride, John FRAt Fentiman, McCleary, Mr: and Mrs. F. L. W6rden, Carol Ann and A1-