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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• Thursday, Februaryi VISITS PARE Jack Sceva, now a the Univeruity of came home on the hol lrsday, February 28, ]946. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ih-ii,]liiiJi]Jiiiimiiil&apos;l mhi ,i|lii. [ ................................................................................................ " ...... " ......... ": ......................................... Federated Women's Clubs Sponsoring Vern Hill Weds !Garden Club A Treat For The Health Survey Thruout Mason County Bellingham Girl ] Holds Meeting • Page 5 I ' i i , i ' i [ l' [ [[ilii I Eldon Ladies Club I Juauita Miller Flies Adult Typing Class leports Meeting To East on Vacation Starting on Monday Mi's. E. M. Smith entcrtaiued Miss Juanita Miller is enjoying At the request of a munber of on v ir left , on a to__stay over the week Family M,s,m County District Fedcr- detail about the health survey. The wedding of Miss Bess Onk- The Shelton Garden Club meet- the Eldon Ladies Club Friday af- 'S'e2BlairFeb- :"  D liwaup home of his p ternocm at her home on Ho(,d Can-  N-- J. Scevas. ated clubs are being asked to par- Z'rvs. C. E Hill. I)]'esident of the rop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs ins was llel(1 Monday at the home al. [. The • d De- ticipate in a. health project sport- Mason County District Federation Clmyles Oukrop of ]ellingham to of Mrs L. D. I-Iack. sored by the State Federation ()f or x.Vomon's Clubs. is asking each 'Vern Hill, .h'., son of r. and Mv:. I Mrs. George Cropper. prc.,':ident. The George Vashingtm - day  7omen's Clubs, in cooperation member club to scud al: least one Vern Hill, Sr., of Lake Cushman, presided over tile bus/uess meet- motif was carried out iu a delic- t Brem- -&'  with tile education department of reprcsontative 1o attend this was solemnized February 23, at 9 ins. Several informative papers ious hmcheon served at 1 o'clock. rzice as the State Department of Health. m('etinE p.m. in the presence of 29 guests on "Care of the Lawn,' "Culture Sewing for the Red Cross was the D A N C I T.o project is to 00ppraise and r. .... 0000ai..g tl.s survey ,v., an .t the home ,,f the br.les parents of.oses" and "Shrubs" were read• main diversio,00 of t.e aftornoon le South  __ _.  _ ,l[  port on the community resources education in community health in 13ellingham, Wash. A romld table discussion followed Those enjoying the afternoon rill visit LESS0]0000 and services health. Maso. l,r,,l,ie00ns, s00a00csMrs .ill "O.r W.ite cre.c paper .00re00mers00the reading of the 00rticles Tho,worct Mrs C.arles Diosen. Mrs several county club women will work in club:-: have indicated their interest decorated the room and the m'n'- club voted to hell) finance the Gaii Ewtns. L.Irs. ]uel Pierce and TAP, TOE, BA!- conjunction with Thurston county in health serwces• especially in riage was performed in front of transphmting of shrubs on the daughter. 3anice, Mrs. Nels Mor- Lelton to . ties form a district for public peoi)le. This will be an opportun- John K. Mitchell who officiated A report was given by several Webb and daugilter, Jean, Mrs. Wedll health services, ity for us to learn what health at. the double ring ceremony, members who attended the City Dick Schauffler and "daughter, Every Miss Martha Shamberger of the services are available and what The bride was lovely in a. blue Planning meeting recently, at Doris, from Bremerton and tle ; . to 6 p.m. :L state Health Department is plan- needs are. I hope we whici time it was stated the hostess. Mrs. E..M. Smith. glaw-...$tll[ --a Your Ring to meet witil representatives shall have the cooperation of every bouquet of white double tulips plantings along Railroad Avemm Mrs. Allie Ahl will entertain k Kenzie ake Thursdays A.N. Sheiton Ea from the Mason County Federated club in our district with white ribbon streamers and will be saved and transpanted Night Clubs at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Marcil 1 House•Whurs" Phone Union 1 to Dine• Out ,,5 in the courthouse to explain in Engagement of LloydhyacinthsNcwell.Matr°nwore°fa ilonOr,corsageMrS.of Avenue.When the city widens Raih'oad dWi I gardenias. Best man for the groom The Garden Club is planning hen the0ut WhOleyou,ll famiwant ytheis AUTOMOTIVE Mrs. Charles Oukrop, mother of Fair. A contribution yeas given to 00.0,o,og .A,NT,NG Miss Bell Revealed was Roy Banner. on participation in the County ..,,/le'"ll* In fOOd, the most GLASS INSTALLED Mrs. Herbert Angle entertained tile bride, poured at the buffet the Infantile Paralysis fund. -; uunerzl : -'---- ' ,:?" ' 'S for twelve guests at the Colonial supper, assitGd by Mrs. Vern Hiii, ] ored After the business meeting col- slides /h'om the Seattle Ar- ': ;:u o00h:tt R I D L E Y 00oUSec,,mplime.tSaturdaY,1101. sister,FebruarYMiss 23,Doro.tO twoSr" gardenias.Each lady w'orc a corsage of boretum wei;a shown. The slides des--9;30 p.m. to 1:30 0 Body and thy Bell. . I Guests at the wedding includedand were on native flowering shrubs. C _ I o u i a, l Fender Works Miss Bell at this time announced Roy Banner, Mrs. Ben Banner Slides of local gardens were also her engagement to Walter A. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie J. Banner of shown. "' ..... s , Schmitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Shelton, Stanley Greenlaw and Guests at the meetmgWere MLs Door o,il._ 14_. o u s e PICKUP A. Schmitt of Oakland, California. Mr. and MIJ. Victor A. Kircher :Elizabeth Kirkwood, sister of Mrs. S 1 , The bride-elect is the daughter of of Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs• Vern La.ura K. Plumb, Mrs. Luhm and ---'-'"IPEclAL and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell of Shelton. Hill, Sr., and Robert McLachlen Mrs. Charles Runacres, former Valley u .: Iag.J: fllNNERsFAMILYHalf ............ Portmns$1"50NIGHT DELIVERY A. pale yellow and pale green of Lake Cushman, and Fred L. member. color scheme was carried out in Oukrop Mr• and Mrs. Charles Ot- Tea was served at the close of I •/E Ill _ I--ml Children SERVICE the ta.ble decorations. A heart- to, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kircher, the evening. a ' ' " shaped cake tied with a large yel- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Newell, WaN .'--- _ -L#- .... "l.. nquets, Private Parties woRK GUARANTEED low bow bearing the names of the tel" Kircher, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- Kenny Eae-rre Has engaged couple centered the table, dore W. Cox, Mrs. Minnie Reed, Birthday Anniversary ,DAY, MARCH 2 0000n00eons a S,ee,a,ty 1 Mile South On At each place was a dainty spring Mr••and Mrs. Tally Wilson, Leou- Kenny ]acrett celebrated his 7 by Reservation Olympic Highway corsage and small envelope place ard Barnhill and Miss Donelda ;OMANE'S RANGERS ROGERS BROS. GARAGE card. Inside the mvelope was a Johnson of Be]lingham. eighth birthday on Washington's birthday, February 22. Games PHONE 480 Phone 218R-2X card reading "Dodie and Schmitt The young couple will spend a were plaved during the afternoon ssion 75¢, tax included in June." Pastel yellow tapers few days in Bellingham, a week at and delicious refreshments served Y SHELTON ,VALLEY GRAN6 IIllillllqllllillllllllllllllllllllllll' , • completed the table getting. Cushman, and will then leave for from a table attractively decor- __ II Mr. Schmitt is well known here Bremcrton where the groom will ated in red,white, and blue color through his duties as sergeant in begin his spring training for pro- motif. ...........  ............... ; charge of the Army Observation fessional baseball. Invited guests were Barbara ................... IT'S SPRING CLEANING TIME FOR posts in this area. ] and Betsy Bell, Billie Lee Wilson, y Tho wedding wi,1 take place in Hood Canal Club Karen McKinney, Mary Jorsan, ti To a Tr t ' n B M ti on ea OUR June. Patty Jacobson. Russell Oberg, Li 1 P T A as usy ee ng BillMoado Jimmy Frisken, Donny ,,R Jacobson, Lawrence Jordan and ,,,t' / _..a]l$ W D)BES! nc0 n .- . . Twenty-nine club members were Bobby Ferguson. a   ]-) present at the Hood Canal Worn- The honored guest, son of Mr. • ''**"'e""' ' -1: ((', , With buy only what you -dun-ors .00ay en's Club 19th Anniversary dinner and Mrs. Francis Eacrett, received --'1% need" in mind, many of . On Thursday, February 21, Par- February 22 held in the Hoodsport many race ifts. II]--"Ii  fl - last year's spring ward- outs and Teachers gathered to school basement. M ll /  -] robes will go "on duty" celebrate the anniversary of the Mistress of ceremonies, Mrs. Mr. and rs. Forrest /%  again this year• Make Parent - Teachers organization Vera Linscott, introduced the ]]lrtain Saturday T E what you have do dry founded forty-nine years ago. president, Mrs. Frmlces Hill. who    clean your clothes fox' Mrs. Seansell's fifth grade gave made a short speech of welcome Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forrest en- l T.  longer wear. Our expert the historical background of Abra- which was followed by a response tertained the members of their [  i service removes stains-.- ham Lincoln and George Washing- delivered by Mrs. Helen Anderson, bridge club at a dinner party Sat- l[  : leaves garments in. "new" ton. Interesting dramatizations who presented Mrs. Hill with a urday evening at the Colonial [ 1- I X t condition, were presented entitled "Lincoln lovely corsage on behalf of the ouse. The evening following Goes To Gettysberg" and "George club members, was spent in cards•   I ,f . Washington and the Cherry Tree•- , A delicious dinner followed, Guests included Mr" and Mrs' • The folk dancing class in color- which was cooked by Mrs. Earl HaroldFaubert.HuerbY,Frank Mr.Lynn,and :Mr.Mrs' andEd ful colonial costume danced the Turner and servod by five teen- Mrs. Harold Smyth of Olympia i%1 CLEANERS & TAILORS "Minuet" and the "Virginia Reel " age girls, Nancy Lockwood, Joyce and Mrs. Hemphill of Seattle• • Lockwood, Orpha Hill, Myrna A short business meeting fol- Whittaker and Martha Palmer. Egles Auxiliary • lowed and Mrs. Week's second The girls were charmingly at- grade won the attendance award, tired in aprons and hats of gre2n L'%S Birth•day Meet Tim effective candle lighting and yellow crepe paper. These be- The Lady Eagles met Monday |liSt Arrived service was read by Mrs. Eliason. ing the club colors, the idea was night, February 25, with 35 mere- ':' - -A COMPLETE LINE OF Maurcen Simmons lit the memory also carried out in the table dec- bers present. One new member. BIRTH[DAY PARTY candle: Mrs. Wells, the national orations of cleverly made floral Daisy Powers, was initiated at Mrs. I)avid Kneeland enter- • candle: Mrs. Weeks, the state can- arrangements consisting of crepe this time. rained a roup of children Friday dle and Mrs. Smith the local can- paper daffodils pussy willows, Nine members who had birth- (Washigton's birthday) at a • , " dle. days "in December, January and in g The president, Mrs Smith, in- and soasonal greens• Small in- troduced the following past plsi - dividual menus of green and ycl- February received gifts ad love- wa:'one year old that day. The L'm ][ . r  !1   o Mrs. Guy Hutchinson, low with candles and .holders of ly corsages. They were also seed little guests were each favored lit lr" .It' 1 25. Ib  I I;:; iO 1929; Mrs. Clyde Wells, 1938; Mrs. similar color completed the table a large birthday cake. The nine with a cupcake adorned with a ---, I tl John L. Dotson, 1940, and :Mrs. decorations• members ez'e Opal Moore, Per- candle. /"]1 Lawrence Carlson, 1943. Between courses, an interesting tha Lord Mildred Collett, IrenI - '-...' , The beautiful birthday cake resume of former club anniversar- Rodenbur" Elsi ^ Vanderwal'l BROWNIE,,SCOUf LEADERS EVERYONE LOVES, --<,_-,,,z.-- centered the lace covered table ies was given by Mrs. Rule Dick- Maryz,.j _,.i,=oMathes',,Slrleyx,. "eas,*R°bins°n: f ", ma(ersAli Browniear  o conga :and Mh,i 'IT• t, eo-gS(]e t . -' and tea was served by the hos- inson in the absencebf Mrs. Corn ......... ''  ........... [ Cropper, Phone 490, regarding the Peterson, who was ill, and it was ure to make a hit wherever_ all --mv 1"D1" TT11l;/'31''Tn[lN[ .t pitality committee. Mrs. Clyde. mentioned that five past presi- Friendship" " Club correspondence ...... training course ........................ me lplaUUJrVJuxJ Wells and Mrs Guy Hutchinson dents were present as weil as Reports Meeting t wt--AIN-----IRLS • , ,  ptemd d at the mRS Ill like it because its alwayS. I'ITd'&TI=IIKI'_Trrl l"T]rll'll-r ' C " " three charter members. . orsome, so wholesome. On thor JZLJLJUJJ.LJL . lZ.u,xtu,u ..... =------- . The.Friendship Club met at the t The ,ainbow Girls will meet u # l'OlllleK Droner a - " ' " ; when yo want everything J  ' " wasTheanC°Stumeinterestingpageantsight OfandCakeSfea. community hall on February 20 ,Tuesday' Mach... .), at tile Masonm • e Reiman as hostess rentplc Imtmhon will be held ;ream---the perfect dessert. . IN A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF die Johnson's Home tared many unique and original wthA JOlovely lunch was .... served at thin'" time. Members are also • I  Rebekah members and their ideas. Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson CalVes wereser'ed to Joy Reiman reminded to bring their money for .25 per gallon COLORS ,-- SIZES --- DESIGNS husbands enjoyed a potluck dinner and Mrs. Vera Linscott tied for per gal. in 5-qal. lots " _ ............ at Ole JohnsOn's •home Sunday first prize. Mrs. Robinson repro- and Edna Evans for tleir birth- the pictures. 50 to " ' days Anne Pearcy celebrated her - - --,- 7-: from .%R evonsg' e soRted au upside down cake witll ,  ,.'. . .. " • . EJrN(, POSTPONED • $15.00 enid-in- the evening of gloves on her feet, shoes on her oirtnuay.,, a the prevmus. ' ss meemg.meetin_ SHELION'vVOMAN S CLUB -----" ' , 4 €0 ""-- . ,,. ;}.hdBear:t 7ni:e rn. i2 hands and a skirt worn upside thine 'in: exchange po 3WEtLIKG;M ' t down. Mrs. Linscott was unusual rvlle1n:s wuse ;mSettel;:2 5:i?:fstClvahral AI K and games played with prizes go- 5.. "'t "-e'ch " ..... , Fr so, Mr'. a ... Y ,T A H.,T To MEET Iilm00.r Fiaefrm C 00mnanv Coble Mr. and Mrs. W. S. RkWd- with patriotic red, white and blue mgtoWimfredMcDonaldandE - :.= =; ., -.. : 7= . bunting, and a lug'e fire cracker " d t; w en n . m wm mee wiut l-  .... lvtrs, w. , .atcnelor a reyporL , ,  - -.,,,,u,v. ==.,v...-- """'r'-",l inK, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kelly and hat which represented an Inde- , v.. __ rhe next meethg will be March t ' r e evourin" o,,,f • 409 Railroad Phone 208 son, Craig, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. pendence Cake. Other cakes wor-  ' " h  The t e-d o 1 c ..... • d I.,.. .......... I Yule, Mrs. Alma White, Mrs. thy of mention were feather, cup, 6 at the commumty hall wt :heavy-bodied creature which has ICe . --  Grace Barlett, Mrs. May Burgess velvet, birthday, apple sauce, Libbie SacKer as hostess, t large and transparent wings with __ ,r 1-, ,-7-- i I pink veins, will not appear again i#lltlllli • II' .....  and Mrs. Hazel Cummings. andP°Und'ribbonqUeen'cakesbride'S'andlem°n'a cakePan'of llrs, l)Onal(l  na I until 1962. Rebekahs epo rt Camay (soap). Prize for guessing Given Bridal Shower I ......  Lodge Meeting d the largest number of cake names Mrs. Donald Bina, the former TrY T| 0w Rz| The Rebekahs met in the Od went to Frances Radtke. Alviene McCord, was compli-a  Ii 111 --  Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson read merited with a bridal shower on illll|lSDI ' [t||lllt • Ill - I[•  ' |][WI | [l 111 •l •• -- regularFell°ws lodgehall Onmeeting.Friday evening. This wasf°r some highly,,entertaining verse de- Friday, February 22, at the home U[Uil [lllAIUIC ' . followed by an enjoyable hour of scribing a Club Cake" and in- of Mrs. William Homan of Hill-  ............. _ . _ = games in honor of George Wash- gredients. The verses were her crest. Mrs. John White was co- An Outstanding Success-- T. ][n*r¢**;+ D*onh ---- ington's birthday. Mrs.'Elizabeth own original composition, hostess with Mrs. Homan and they In Oanada--M=dn ;.. ll - " - - MIS Ga le --.-... .,. ,., v.,-= llOtlb 1' dVUIIL::; I llUL%lrla]Jlt --= Simpson and Mary Dobson were in Skits were then presented by the were assistca Dy ' . y ....... " _ ---- charge. Delicious refreshments ladies of Cushman, Hoodsport and Wntz nnd Mrs Tom Aaron - roat tar =roncn|aJ t, oug= or 0 TM IFIL"  , ' -- were served. Lilliwaup. Characters in the ha- "'Gues includ'ed Mrs Irma Ma-! Throat Irrltationl Due to Col& " rlcture ., - The next regular meeting will morous hill billy skit by Cushinan ...... - .... ,, , .... 17. nn' • Tho I(ing of all cough mediclnes 2Yq ='L  °*L'" .?__a''t'lel-''az e' to,, coughs or bronchtal irrlttlons vea ancne, lvlr ............ " ladies were, Mrs. Ruth Hadley, ...... t Bor an Olafson resulting from colds In cohl wintry ::::*: ::::::':::::': : ::::::':  ;;!::;:i l -- be March 8 ho ,:: :::: ........ ,,:: ........ ¢::: =: Mrs. Blanche Radtke , Mrs. Vera marina wni e g y , .Canttda is Buckioy's CANA.DIOLt aid Have :,,, ::::i::;: ............... ::::: _-- • Linscott, Mrs. Iva Collins and Mrs: rs. Hazel Vincent, Mrs. Lillian Mixture. Fast working--triple act- .  i:::: :::il ::::i = .Sheltomtes Attend o-.,-o ,o ,,oo, o-oo,1 ,.g ele's m.t..o q.l¢l,i ioos- •  frame : :::::m _ _ . Frances Radtke. 2t ..... =' ........ "X.%:_ins-'Irs ' ens and ,'ames I)tllegnl lodged in the IVLrS lawrence t_lCt g , u letts air m:;iif1::im _= Meeting in Seattle Mrs. Katie Abbey made a very . . . t bes--c ' passages--eoothes " ::" :" "::::::4 : : :::'.:: i;ii.!. ---- On February 20, Mrs. Walter real looking senti€mum ticket sell- Gayle Wentz, Mrs. Tom Aaron, raspod raw tissues, on0 or two slps ... '..'. . " Iiii::ii'."i!!.::l := Elliott, Miss "Alice Gee, Mervin er in the railroad skit presented the hostesses and the honored  and worst ,eeugMng spasm eas(s. • _ " ] You get results fast. You f0el the [ ' ' [i}ii}}:'!;i! - Wingard and Rev and Mrs H W by Hoodsport. Other ladies parti- guest. , effect of Buckley's lastantly. ' :':::::'4:: : ''::::':+::: mm " ' " ' OU Prhk,, ,.- :i;i}ii:l, _ Harshman attended the evening cipating were Mesdames Flora The honored guest received'. Compounded from rare Canadian '--'"'  "=" "' " "" " '  a  " •  .._ healing ingredients ]3uckley's ¢2kN:- Fin. - ll,ll[li [] servme of the New Life Mmsion Lockwood, Carrie Gifford, Gladys many lovely ifts t :Pine Balsam and other soothing t, . axactly the Iiiii::il -- at the First Methodist Church in LockWood, Berenice Ahl , Anna l)micious refreshments were " . . " ADIOL iMixtue i different from ,"'ght One . . , by , I[]:[[ili!li _---- Seattle. . . .Dickinson, HazelBleeckerandVir- served at the clos of the after- ever tried--a]; me(l'- . • i!  : *:::+' ":": ' noon A lovely cake decorated in cattonnb syrup. et a bottle o- '\\; LOOking Over" the I):l = ..... __ • ginia Pecker. "- :: "- "'" -' " ti  wFh day at any good drug store. Stls- :ne eor e wasnm ton P/10 I L t n nt ( ( o ' argo e.,,o+;^. Bii:l _= nell;on urange ro An original and highly amusing , g " g factlm P ' , ''el )rmon.y back. o, .......... if- : ==< .... - 1 =' ri ' €] " HillPlayletwasWrittenpresentedbYbyMrS'the ladiesFranCeSof tin:v hatchets and red cherries M centcred the refreshment tablc. PREPP'S REXALL STORE ............ II -- =, Sonsor ..r Part, .  , oCONKEY PHARMACY _  -.-...-..2 _= I The fourth in a series of five Lilliwaup, • entitled "A woman's .......................................... r, ........... . ..... :--- -- _ card parties sponsored by the place in the home." Mrs. Hill Girl Scout Troop ' =J Shelton Valley Grange will be held gave a grand performance in the ,  at the Grange hall on Thursday, part of a modern club woman Reports on Work __a.__ ---- February 28 Play will star at president. Mrs. Zoo Sceva and Girl Scouts of Troop 3 are mall- OWS FRAMF00 at PRICE - 8 p.m., with'pinochle and 500 the Mrs. Shirley Kammerer were ex- ins friendship bags for the Girl ceedingly well cast as her two Scouts of Czechoslovakia. While -- games of the evening. ------'t The public is cordially invited, teen-age daughters, and :Nh's. Ev- making the friendship bags, the " --- Supper will be furnished by the elyn Russell with :Mrs. Elizabeth girls are also making a complete ' -- Grange. Robinson were neighbors, study of the natives of Czecho- ---- Altogether, the evening was one slovakia. We Offer You as Long as They Last.-- =' Moose Ladies Slate for Hood Canal Club Women to Through these Friendship Bags remember with a great deal of the American Girl Scouts hop.e to iaiature to 8 x i Bingo Party Friday pleasure due to the efforts of all make many friends ill the Euro- [0 PLASTICS ........ $2.10 to $4.75 Women of the Moose will hold a who contributed to the entertain* peaR countries. The bags will I.  10 ORIGINALS bingo party on Friday, March 8, merit, and the club committee, contain sewing thread, bobble i Wooden OVERTON $1.65 at the home of Mabel Hall, 421 Mrs. Vera Linscott and Mrs. Cora pins, toothbrush and paste, but- lniature OVERTON ORIGINALS .................. $1.10 Cookson street. Play will start Peterson, who worked hard on the tons, notebook, candy, pins, comb, at 8 o'clock, planning and decorations• ThankB hair ribbon, pencils, crayons, wash "   to 8x 10 ALL GLASS .............. 25c t 75C The public is invited to attend, also should go to Mrs. Ruth Had- cloth, game or trinket. The bag |trl¢• i---- e ley for h'er assistance in this part will also containa greeting card • _ ASSO R Mrs. Ed Eacr tt of the affair, and snapshot of the donor with :E TED WALL and DESK FRAMES Returns After Visit It should be mentioned that the her name and address. , topic picked for discussion last Girls who are making Friend- Ia odd sizes, with nd without 4[  . Mrs. Ed Eacrett of Port An- week by Senator, Black Who ad- ship bags are Mary Olsen, Doro- £U€ = soles who has been visiting the dressetl the Hood Canal Women's thy Rogers. Joann Clark, Jean Pictures in them .......... as low as past week at the home of Mr. and Club, was "Cooperative" rather. Hadsell, Barbara Bingham, Betty :Mrs. Francis Eacrett returned to than "Socialized,' medicine, thbugh Walton. Jean Russell, Jeanne Sivo, Port Angeles on Sunday. both subjects vre touched upon. Joyce Demmon, :E[aret 4-Iansen, A family dinner was enjoyed Margaret Oltman, Joyce Price, Sunday, February 17, at the Ea- General Welfare Chlb Patty Hunter, Chloe Arbogast, Su- rett home. Mr. and Mrs. Walt | t |' ". Eckert of Grapeview, parents of Schedules Card Party ' san Hatch, Ginny Hensel, and 00r00narews 00tUQIO Carolyn Pierce. Mrs. Eaerctt, were present also. The General Welfare Club will i Monday afternoon a number of sponsor a public card and bingo A successful war experiment I 1 RAILROAD PHONE 152 friends called at the Eacrett home party on Saturday, March 2, at may result in canned ham and on Hillerest to wish Mrs. Ed Ea- the Odd Fellows Hall. eggs soon appearing on the mar. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIilIlIlIIlIIIIlilIIIlilllIHHIIIIII'IIIII, crett a happy birthday, t Play.will start at 8 o'clock, ket. a month's vacation, begun Feb. 16, visiting friends and retaLives in Lhe East. Employed by the Simpson Logging Company, Miss Miller flew from Scuttle to Bos- ton to visit Lieut. and Mrs. Tug Wilson (she is the former Helen Johnson), then expected to visit relatives in New Jersey, the Charles Savage and Dick Watson families in Washington, D, C., and the Frank V¢illards in Virginia, before returning to Shelton. Forest and shade trees are not harmed by the powerful new in- secticide, DDT, but care should be exercised in its use as some of adults an evening class in typing will be started at the Irene S. Reed high school. Monday even- ins, March 4 at 7 o'clock. The work will be offered for approx- imately two hours each Monday evening. Anyone into.rested shotfld contact Mr. Hermes, high school principal, or atLend class tlfis Monday evening'. Another adult class will be or- ganized at the same time, all those interested in studying every- day English usage being invited to meet with Miss Ahna Burke t seven o'clock in the senior high school auditorium. the group March 8, at her son's home on the Harems Harems foliage. river. V.F.W. Auxiliary [I Ce!(brates Birthday {[ The Veterans of Foreig:n Wars ] Auxiliary celebrated its 16th I birthday" anniversary at their last 1sooting. I Mrs. Wally Anderson was init- iated into the organization at this time. A report on the Wallace Brown gift wrappings indicated tte sales are bringing in a nice  sum for the Auxiliary. ! Jim TouglWeds' Miss Judy Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tough re- ceived a telegram from their son, Jim Tough, last week telling of his marriage to Miss Judy Hardy of Abilene, Texas. The young couple are honeymooning in San Ant(mid. 4-H Club Reports Birthday Meeting The Soutiside 4-H club enjoyed a Washington Birthday party at their meeting February 22. • Caroliue Raimon and Shirley Abel presented a humorous skit, Jeanne Seay played several trom- bone selections and group singing wa.s en ioyd. Luncheon was served. CALLED TO MONTANA , W.S. Rawding returned to Shel- ton last week frona Montana, where he was called two weeks before because of" the t itnesS of his brother, Phil. His brother died while he was there, HERE FROM GRAND COULEE Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Myers and , fantily Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Torn Kneeland and fam- ily, nd Mrs. Wihnot Burger of Grand Coulee, Washingtom Mrs. Barffer, a sister of Mrs. Myers and aunt of Mr. IOeelad, spent the week end in Shelton with her daughters, Ann and Donna. at the ]3. S• BarKer home and with other relatives and friends. the emulsifying agents burn the they really get results: Use the Journal Want Ads. [ . I II I I Oregon Field Grown Rose ..Bushes • ,  Aldercroft Nursery WALKER PARK  W, S, CATTO 591W ....... II ........ ' ' ' .... r r I I LI ..J Early Delivery Made on . . . liiil ? ( ' =L e s Iillll 1 e Wagmis " .][' ] • I00]Cf;u;T00ruCkSr, v IIIIII t o0"oo00 T,00o o o []][[] i • Passenger Cars Distributed in Mason County by BILL PEARSON Sales andService Temporarily Located at the SHE LTON GARAGE FIRST AND C?.A , PHONE 52 ,J'EWELRY I I If you choose your jeweler carefully... "1 I I [ you can buy your diamond confidentially. i ! I I Yes, that is the real way to buy that dia- I ! I I mond ring for "her." Choose a jeweler, who, I i I I reputation is trustworthy and takes I I ! I pride in a policy of uaranteed value-giving. I | ! ! We are proud of our many satisfied cus- [ | !1 tomers and always strive to please. ,[I i I ou are cordially invited to come in at I I ! I any time and see for yourself our selection I ! Ii II of quality diamonds. Angle Bu Id ng .Phone 74.W / i ..... i  Money to 00oan $50 to $500 Informal Personal Confidential EDDY BUSINESS J S:ERV00CE UNDER STATE REGULATION