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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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( Fag2. , 6 i i iii d READER&apos;S DIGEST 2 Years For $3 To Veterans of World War II SEND ORDERS TO EARL IIARKINS Manette Station Bremerton, Wash. "-- .... Z:= ........ SUMMONS Felt I'I:BI,ICATION IN TIiE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ocar Sund and Karolina Sund, hus- band and wife, Plaintiffs, ---vs,-- Jacob S. Odegaard, Carrie Ingeberg, Elaine Miller, Erland Odegaard, and the unknown heirs of Erh:k Odegaard, De, ceased, Defendants. .................................................. TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON Srmviomg of distress arising from stomach al0ers duo to excess gold. iour it0ma0h, p0er dl0eitl0.. heartburn, gas, etc,. duo tO eCcss ald relieved suleker than Yqu would believe possible tmlesa yeu'v0 tried ?ESI2. Mane# bek If y0u'ro not xelioved qaickoT, more offecUrol.v, 6A McCONKEY PHARMACY Calvin Wilson Co. HOODSPORT Plumbing and Heating Denng Pumps PHONE Hoodaport 17 !IIIIIIIIIilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIP- t = i - Mason County Creamery Says: _-. • =-- Total milk production in =_ the United States during January reached only 8.6 -= billion pounds, 3 per cent i less than in January 1945 and the lowest for the month since 1941. Reported at 63.4 the percentage of milk cows being milked on February 1 was the lowest in 21 years of record. e Hank Durand says that people are now being hound- ed to buy butter. A local kennel advertises they give one pound of butter with E each dog purchased. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'I I I l (, the said Jacob S. Odegaard, Carrie Ingeberg, Elaine Miller, anti the un- known heirs of Erick Odegaard, De- ceased, Defendants'! You are hereby summoned to appear within 60 days after the date of the first publieation of this summons, to- wit: within 60 qlays after the 24tit day of January, 5946, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer tits corot)taint of Plaintiffs and serve a (;opy of your answer upon the undersigned Attorney for Plaintiffs at his office below stat- ed, and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the comphlint, wlfleh has been filed with the Clerk of said court. The el)Jest of this action is to fore- close the lien of Plaintiff's mortgage in the sum of $781.25, together with Interest thereon according to the terms of one promissory note secured by said mortgage, set forth tn Plaintiffs' comphtint together with costs and attorney's fees in the sum of $125,00. to have said hereinafter described real estate sold according to law and the practice of this com't tn satisfac- tion of Plaintiffs' judgment, interest, costs, attorney's fee and increased costs, to secure possession of said premises at date of sale and in due thee to receive a deed therefor, in the event said premises are not re- deemed according to law. Said mortgage premises are situated in Mason County, Washington, and described as follows, to-wit: The Northwest quarter (NW%) of tim Southeast quarter (SEEK), Section 13, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M., Excepting therefrom a strip of land forty (40) feet in width conveyed by the mortgagor to Charles Seiners hy deed dated December 18, 1928, re- corded December 18, 1928, in Volume 51 of Deeds, page 595, under Auditor's File No, 57457. Government Lot 2, Section 13, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W,M., Excepting therefrom a tract of land conveyed by the mortgagor to Celia M, Fix, a Widow, by deed dated March 26, 5927, recorded November I, 1930, tn Volume 55 of Deeds, page 159, nnder Auditor's File No, 65530, said tract being particularly described as foll0ws: . .. Beginning at an Iron pipe at tee quarter section corner on the East line of Section 13, Townshtp 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M.; thence West 213.3 feet to the East line of the County Road and the Northwest cor- ner of this tract; thence South 10°05 ' West, 194,2 feet, along the said East line of said County RoaO, to the Southwest corner of this tract thence North 83 ° 23 East 249.5 feet to th0 meander line on the beach of Plek- ering Passage; thence North, along said meander line, 562,9 feet to the place of beginning, containing .94 acres, more or loss. Also, all tide lands of the second- class owned by the morlgagor adja- cent to or abutting upon the upland hereby mortgaged, subject to provi- sions, exceptions and reservations con- talned in the deed from the State of Washington conveying the same. All of the land hereby mortgaged being subject to existing public road rights-of-way, CItAS, R. LEWIS, Attorney fox. Plaintiffs, Post Office Addresh: 119 So. Fourtlt Street, :Bell Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 1-24-31--2-7-14-21-28--3-7--7t. National Forest Timber Sale Sealed bids ill be received by the Forest Supervisor, Box 187, Olympia, Washington, up to and not later than 2:00 p.m. March 18, 1946, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting, and all merchantable dead timber located on a area embracing about 25 acres within Sec. 35, T22N, R8W, W.M., Wynoochc Watershed. Olympic National Forest, Wash- vvvvvvVvvvvvvvv WANTED 5.IELP WANTED:' ttclp With general housework, home nights. Write Box E, c-o Journal. E-2-14--2-28 WANTED: Mechanic, will pay cash for wrecked car suitable for rebuild- ing. Write Box 4, Shelton, A-2-14-:-2-28 WANTED: Fir and cedar poles, all sizes. Quote prices F,O.B. shtpplng point, quantity can supply, earliest shipment. Niedermeyer-Martln Co., Spalding Bldg. Per[land 4, Oregon. ' 2-14--3-28-7t WANTED: e pay good prices for clean cotton rags, white or colored. Yell Chcw'olet Co,, First and Grove, Phone 114. 2-14-28-3t WANTED FURNITURE RANGES SEWING MACHINES APPLIANCES 322 South 2nd St. Shelton - - Phone 661 DDT and other profitable products to farmers in Mason County. No ex- perience or capital required. Must have auto and good references. Per- manent. Whtte or wire McNESS COMPANY, Dept, D, 2423 Magnolia St, Oakland 7. Calif, 2-28--3-7 7¢ANTED: women to work as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- tance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn WANTED: used stoves, ranges, furni- ture. 322 S. Second St., Shclton. 1-10tfn. WAITRESS and kitchen help wanletl Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop. WANTED: men to woz on oyster beds. For particulars inquire at Cliff Wivell's Texaco Service in per- son. Olympia Oyster Co. 12-14tfn feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia, Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn FOR RENT FOR RENT: 2-room apartment, oil heat, lights, hot and cold water, stationary tubs, washing machine, laundry room inside, $25 month. Bsysldc Apts. w. A, Bcakl%,.¢2..i,  FOR RENT: 3-room house, with bath, running water, washing machine. Plckerlng Pass, at. 2, Box 135. L, Geist. 2-25--3-7 FOR RENT: Room with kitchen priv- ileges. 534 Fairmont, Phone 329W after 5:00 p,m. A-2-28--3-54 FOR RENT: Furnished 4-room house with 3-piece bath near Union. Phone 413 Uniofi, H-2-28 i n STATE 'O.F WASIUNGTON Office of Supervisor of IIydraullcs Olympia NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 6905 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is llereby g_lven that Philip Foster Andersen of Bremerton, State of Washington, under date of Feb- ruary 16, 1946, filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, an application for a per- mit to dlwu't the t)ubltc waters of An- dersen Crec.k tributary of Hood Cared, in the amount of 0.03 second-foot, subject to existing rights, from April 15 tO October 1 of each year for the purpose of irrigation, and continu- ously for domestic supply; that the approximate point of diversion is lo- cated within SE% of SE/ of Seetton 13, Township 22 N., Range 3 W. W,M., tn Mason Counly. A map showing the location and plan of said diversion and the place of the proposed use is on rite ill the office of the Su- pervisor of Hydraulics, Olynzpia Wasliington, together with such oth;J er information as s required by law., Any t)erson, fh'm or corporation whose right will be injuriously al- l' Jee'tions or repl:csentattons, ill writing, :as he may desire to make, within thh'ty (30) days after date of last puhlieation, wthch date is March 7, 1946. Witness my hand and official seat this 20th dliy of February, A, D. 1946. RODNEY RYKER, State Supervisor (,f Hydraulics. For the poultry raiser wire wants a money-making flock, of high egg producers and more profitable birds for market, select your chicks from us. Bred for health and vigor, early pa- turity and big egg size. we Handle CENTENNIAL and HOLM CHICK FEED Olympia Feed Company O'Niell Bldg. - Shelton SAVE TIME ! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY --BREMERTON - SEATTLE L. Seattle Lv. Bremertor 12:30 A.M. 12:15 A. 1:30 12:55 4:0O 2:45 15:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 P.M. 12:30 P,M. 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:40 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 6:00 6:00 ,6:30 6:30 7:15 7:15 7:45 7:50 8:40 8:30 9:30 9:00 10:20 10:00 11:30 11:10 BLACK BALL LINE ington, estimated to be 1,Q00,000 2-28--3-7-2t feet B.M., more or less, of Douglas fir, 20,000 feet B.M,, more or less, I No, 4652 SUMMONS of western redcedar, and 80,000 ] IN THE SU] ERIOR COURT OF THE feet, B.M., more or less, of western hemlock, No bid of less than $9.00 per M feet for Douglas fir, $5,00 per M feet for western redcedar, and $3.50 per m feet for hemlock and other species will be consid- ered. Bids with raes m excess of those permissible under MPR No. 460 will be reduced to the allow- able maximum in making the award. In addition to tl]e prices bid for stnmpagc a cooperative de- posit of $0,10 per M feet B,M. to t cover the cost of tree planting, ] eed sowing, and timber stand im- 1 provement work on tle area cut'l over for the total cut of timber 1 under the terms of the agreement ] will be rquired. $10,000.00 must accompany each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ] Percy William James, Plaintiff, vs.-- Laura J'ames, Defendant, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID LAURA JAMES' You are hereby summoned "h) ap- I pear wtthln sixty (60) days after ths .date of the flr't publication of tills summons, to-wlt: wlthtn sixty (60) days after the 31st day of January, 1946, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the conipleint of the plain- tiff, Percy Wtllimn James, and serve a COl)Y of your answer upon the 1 nndersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at lhelr offlcc below stated; and in, case of your failure, so to do, .judg- ment will be rendered agalnst you aecordlng to the demand of the com- plaint, whlch has been filed with the clerk of said Court. The object of this action Is to ob- tain a divorce. WRIGHT & MALLO, Attorneys for the Plaintiff or retained in part a liquidated office and Post Office Address damages, according to conditions 'Angle Building Shelton, Washington of sale. The right to rejeet any 1-312-7-14-21-283-7-547t and all bids is reserved. Before: bids are submitted full informa. tion concerning the timber, the condition of sale, and the submis- sion of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger, Shelton, Washington, or the Forest Super- visor, Olympia, Washington. 2/14 and 28-2t No. 4618 s00MMo00s IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY . IIazel M. Hutsingh, Plaintiff, --vs,-- i Sllir]ey Hu[slngh, Defendant, THE STATE O! WASIIINGTON TO THE SAID SHIRLEY HUISINGH: I"RhNCIlISE AIq'LICATAION NO. 17i9 NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matte,' of the Applicalion of PtT(II,T SOUND POWEF & LIGIIT COMPANY, a corporation, for a fran- chise to construct, operate and main- taln an eiectrk: tranmnission and dis- trlbuting line el)tin and along a per- tim1 of Secomtary State IlJghway No. 14.A. in Mason County Washington. WHEREAS, the ,pUGET SOUND I;OWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a cor- poratinn, has filed with the Direct)r (,f Highways of the State of Washing- tOU, under the provslons ef C}lai)tcr 5 Laws of 1937, an appl cation for a franvhlse to construcl, operate and maJntalH an e]P.ctrlc translhiss|on and dJv(rihtlting line: upon and ahmg a, portion of Sc,+'ondary State Ilighway No, 14-A tn Mason Ct)uaty, Watflflng- perlod of twenty-five (25) the. fo]olwing designated oil tbc WCS I ,dary State High- 14-A, a ;low located and d In the office of the. Di- e ru;t u" of ]lJghways at Olympia, Wasliington, said Point bciag q)- posits approxhnately Hlgllway l]n- dnemg Siatien 848 71, ill lhe W ofHn SWI i Io17. Section 82, Township 2" Nortli, Range I West, W,M,' thence ill a southerly dh'ee- tion along ihe westerly side of said hlgllway ioa pottit opp2aite ap'- prt,ximatcty Highway .nglaeers 4tatinn 729+.3(t on tll! southlhm of Sectt0n 8, Townsmp 22 North, ange 1 West, W.M. NOW TItERICIPORE, NOTIt:E :IS II{REBY GIVEN hat it llearhlg will be held llll ssid application by ti!e Dlrector Of High- Ways uf 1,11e Stste of 7¢ashington at his off lee In t|u Transportation Build- ing O|ympia Was)iingtou, oil lhe 191h day Ill' Marci], 1946, at](I o'elock A,M., or ,tS leon thereafter aa Ilcarhig nuly bc had. Da(*'d at Oh, nlphl, Washington, this 29th day of January, 1946. (s) 'AS. A, DAVIS, • Asslstsnt Director of IItghrays, 2/2t *.28--3/7-3t Journal Want Ads. get resultu! You are hereby sunlnlonod to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first 1)ublicatlon f this smn- mons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 7th day ef February, 5946, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and an- swer the complaint of the plahltiff Hazel M. HuisingiL and erve a copy of yore* answer Upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at theh" 0ffico beh:,w stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered agstnst you according to tile demand of the complaint which hits been i ncd with tho clerk of said Court. The object o£ this action is to ob- tain a dLvorce, WB.IGIIT & MALLOY, Attorneys for the Plaintiff Off lee and Post Offlce Address Angle Building Shelton. Washington. 2/7-1.4-21-28-3/7-14-21-7t NOTICIb,' OF H I!:AItING ON Ie/NAI. . REPOItT AND PETIT/ON Fell DIt4TRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHSNGTON FOIR MASON COUNTY IN PROIIAT E SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL | i i BN i I J iiii , ii ii Classified Service TREE TOPPING: Phone 24J. Clyde. Townsend, 1222 Cota Street. 2-25--3-7 MAIE YOUR OLD LINOLEUM look like new with NU-ENAMEL Linol- eum Lacquer. Shelton Electric Co., 110 Fourth St, 2-21-tin 'OUR WOODwoRK-wiil--wash like a China dish when it's painted wlth NU-ENAMEL Modern Finish Paint, Shelton Electric Co., 110 Fourth St. 2-21-tin IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS cotact C. L. Col- lins. Business Agent, 1612 Division. Phon.e 240W. 3-30tfn CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING: have our locker meat cut the right way. eel veal, pork. cut and wrapped 8c lb. Don Williams. Phone 381M. 604 Deaiborn. ll-Stfn USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B. Smith Co.. Legion and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. U. S. Tires and batteries. 11-15tin. ELECTRIC MOTORS checkcd over and repaired, Al Kilmer's Electric Store. 409 Railroad, phone 208. i 12-6tfn. USED FUINITURE Classified Ads lvp-v..,iFv v r v-q .ql,..v..irq v v .v'v .qr-*.v'if v 't Classified Service BURGESON R A D I O REPAIRING, near Junior High School. Closed Saturdays. 1221 Franklin. Phone l12W or leave work at Killmer Elec- tric, 4-7 HANDY MAN: day or contract, All kinds home repairing, remodeling, carpentry, gardening, trimming, leaf raking, cleaning. Phone 100. C12-27--2-28 f BUILDINGS RAISED, new founda- tlon placed under them and other alterations. C. N. Allen, at. 1. Shel- ton. 12-27--1-17tin. CURTAINS LAUNDERED, lace pan- els or ruffled, Also tinting. Also lace table cloths. 5409 Railroad. 1-24--3-23 2 Monarch Ranges ................ $39.50 1 V¢ood<,irculator ................ 39.50 BUILDINGS RAISED. 1 Wood Circulator . ............... 19.50 1 1 Incinerator .......................... 29.50 1 Montag Wood Circulator., 49.50 1 Mohair Davenport, as is .... 39.50 1 Velour Davenport,' as is .... 29,50 1 Chair and Ottoman ............ 19.50 1 3/3 Bed and Coil Springs.. 11,50 1 4/6 Steel Bed and Coil Springs " I4.50 1 Buggy .................................. 10.00 Olsen Furniture Co. 32i Railroad Phone 102 i YOU MAY ENRQL now for regular business courses. Also we are of- fering special courses in Business Organization and Management, In- come Tax Accounting and Dale Car- negie course in effective speaking, human relations and leadersnlp training. Thse courses are open to veterans. Phone 6088. DIETZ BUSINESS COLLEGE 209 Capitol Park Bldg., Olympia 1-I4--3-14 i i PAPERHANGING INTERIOR PAINTING KEMTONING Now's the time to plan your Spring Renovating George W. Sawyer Front St. ii MASON COUNTY PLUMBING AND HEATING Union Shop Insured & Licensed Mechanics 222 South Second Shelton, Wash. Phone 4t  C. R. Brldge . i For" BULLDOZING ROAD BUILDING LAND CLEARING See PAUL BROS. Route 2, Box 108 Shelton, Wash. Phone 10F21 After 5:30 p.m, 12/13-tin Mr£CHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O SPECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton WE HAVE THE NEWEST TYPE BAR FOR REBORING Clean Its Own Cut, No Shavings To Clean Out Afterwards O Crank Shafts Ground MITCHELL'S Automotive Shop 407 S. First St, Phone 628 HI I I H I I HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard, also but- tonholing. Mrs, Ellis Wells. 405 Ar- cadia Avenue, (Corner Arcadia and Eoundary Streets.) 2-28-tin SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Service. Will pick up and deliver. Saeger Re- patr Shop, 201 Thh'd Ave., Tmuwater, Wash, Phone Olympia 21455. 2-28--3-28 new founda- tion placed nnder them and other alterations. C, N. Allen, at. Shelton. 2-28--5-30 tln HANDY MAN Call the Shelton FIX-IT SHOP for Quick Service PHONE 462-J Pickup and Delivery Equipped To Do All Kinds of EXCAVATING BASEMENT DIGGING BUILDING SITE CLEARING DIRT FILLS --Drop Me A Card JIM DAILEY Star Rt. 1, Box 117 (Skokomish Valley) I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 132-M Prompt Service AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK OO EATON Body and Fender Works Across from Mason Co. Creamery PHONE 84 SWEDISH MASSAGE Rheumatism, overweight, underweight. Regulates functions of skin, nerves, digestion, lumbago, circu- lation and elimination. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of " all kinds FOR RENT Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cola PHONE 243 i For Dependable PLUMBING SERVICE Phone 550 C. W. WESTCOTT 1st and Mill Sts: with General Supply Co. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: wrist watch. Iaquh, e Jour- nal 0fficc. 1-24 v.v..v v .vr v.!rr v v.v vv v.v .q v v.v v .v. !vv v FOR SALE CANARIES for sale: Singers and fe- males. Rollers all colors. Zebra finches. Cages and stands, White, 5064 Adams Street, Olympia, Wash. 2-14--28 FOR SALE: Trash burner, white enamSl, like ncw. Harry Anker. Allyn_Wash. Phone 22-F14. 2-54--28 IF YOU LIKE SATIN finish wood work, use NU-ENAMEL interior finish. $4.95 gallon. Shelton Elec- tric, Gerry Building. 2-28-it . o__. I()R SALE: 12-ft. x 54-in. Plywood rowboat and trailer. $35.00 Shclton Shoo Repab', 121 3rd Street. 2-28 FOR SALE: 2-wheel trailer and hitch. Good tires, A bargain for quick sale. $25.00. 5nquire 324 Grove Street. W-2-28 FOR SALE: "Trihnont" electric heat- er. Floor niodel. Phone 623W or in- quh'o 421 Cookson. 2-28--3-14 FOR. SALE: Model A nlotor, just been overhauled : new 36-in. buzz saw blade and m'lndrel, All for $75. Scc or write J. B. Schott, Belfalr, Wasl% 2-28--3-14 HOW ABOUT AN OVERCOAT for ypur car? You can paint it your- self with NU-ENAMEL for only $2.95, Shclton Electric Co,, Govey Building. 2-28-5t ELECTRO-LUX CLEANER: Rccondi- tioaed like new with all latest parts. Call or see G. H, Louthan, 416 North H Street. Aberdeen 1649. 2-28--3-21 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Home freez- ers, locker plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, p, ortahte coolers, power meat saws, Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kohl- cr Power P!ants, Prices right-- quick deliveries. MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph, 9690, Olympia, on the Highway at Mud Bay "Y". P.O. Box 612, 2/7-tin Taylor RADIO ELECTRIC Sales and Service Repairs on ALL MAKES Home and Auto RADIOS PHONE 128 New Location at 4th and Cota toasters, $3.95, at ltillcrcst Hard- re, 2-28-1t F SALE: Just received a shipment *of enamelware at Hillcrcst Hard- ware, 2-28-it FOR SALE: Electric hot water tanks at Hillcrest Hardware. 2-28-1t FOR SALE: Writing desk and hook- case combined, oak writing chair, large wicker chair. Mrs, D. F. Parcr, Route 2. Mt View. , 2-28 FOR SALE: Washing machine in good condition, Phone 320R. T-2-28 FOR SALE: Extension dining roonl table and 5 cilairs. Walnut flntsll. Pbooc 520, Gcorgiebel Webb. 2.28--3-14 FOR SALE: Gas range. Phone I93J. /)'-2-28--3-14 TYPEWRITER: Will trade excellent Underwood Stmdard portable with case. for small, sound rowboat. Ad- dress P.O, Box 7, Potlatch, Wash- ington. S-2-28--3-14 FOR SALE: Electric portable sewing machine, excellent condition, $50.0U. Call Olympia 21455. Saegcr Repair Shop. 2-28 FOR SALE: Excellent young New Hanlpshire laying hens $1,75 each, 5 hose 590W. 1P-2-28--=3-14 FOR SALE: One brhtdle cow, ntilking, one. thoroughbred Jersey bull, year- ling past. Chris E. 01sots, Route 2, _.B_ox 95._ Telephone__16-. '15. - 2-28 FOR SALE BEDROOM SET DINING SET DAVENO---TABLES--CHAIRS HEATERS --- RANGES INCUBATOR GARDEN TOOLS ELECTRIC IRONS R.C.A. RADIO TRUNKS =- LUGGAGE 30-1n. CIRCULAR SAW 7-ft. DRAG SAW BLADE N[ISCELLANEOUS TOOLS 322 South 2nd St. Shelton - - Phone 661 Pulley and weight-box type Overhead Garage D O O R SETS ........................................ $1{).50 Spring Type ............................ 24.30 Rural MAIL BOXES " 1.50 Coleman Gas LANTERNS .......................... 9.85 Extra Heavy Flexible Gal- vanized CLOTHES LINE WIRE ........ 50 ft, 45¢; 100 ft, 75¢ Bumper JACKS ..................... 5.25 We Have a Complete Line of vvvvvvvvvv vv FOR SALE TIE SLAB FOR SALE in 2-cord loads. Phofie 52. G1-3-30 NEW PRINT JERSEY DRESS size 14. Side drape style, $7.50. Never worn, too small. Cost $50. See at Journal office. AS1-8tfn COLUMBIA RIVER BOW PICKER for sale. 23 x 7, Moored at City Dock, See Cole at Journal or 323 Cookson, phone 623J. 1-24tin, CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co,, Legion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7759. 15-55tin. FOR SALE: deep and shallow well pumps. Pipe and plmnbing supplies. General Supply Contpany, First and Mill Itrcets. Phone 550. 15-15tin BRIGGS-ANDSTRATTON air cooled gas engine. Smtth and Binger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn FOR SALE: Wood. Mixture second growth and small old growth. Phone 454. P-2-7-1t FOR SALE: Rhode Island Red roosters at $4.00 each. Call 543W. O-214-2-28 FOR SALE: Gas stove and gas refrig- re'at m', 619 Fairmont. T-2-14-28 FOR SALE: 2-wheel trailer, very good condition. $60.00. Camp 3. M-2-14--2-28 FOR SALE: Northern black muskrat coat, tuxedo front. Worn very iittls. See at 425 West Pine, Apt. No. 2, A-2-14--2-28 FOR SALE: Practically new Trilmont electric heater. Phone 683. B-2-14-28 FOR SALE: Glt'l's bicycle, good con- dition, good tires, $25.00, 620 Alder Street. S-2-25--37 40-Gallon NATIONAL ELECTRIC WATER TANKS Specially Priced $s0.95 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE FOR SALE: Loganberry plants, "3 to 5 year Filbert trees, lierman Dc- witz, Grapcview, Wash, Phone 16F4. 2-21--4-11 FOR SALE: The well known trail horse, Ranger. Phone Hoodsport 55W4 or P.O. Box 25, Lilliwaup. R-2-21-tfn FOR SALE: 8-piece solid oak dining set, 45" round table, $50. 527 Belle- vue Ave. Phone 163J. R-2-14-21 FOR SALE: Cruiser 27x9, 3 bunks, sink. toilet, New Chrysler Marine c'ngine. Rigged for commercial troll- lag, Inquire 1324 Edgcwood or at Boat Haven, K-2-21--3-7 FOR SALE 50-foot Heavy Cruiser Teakwood Cabin 6-cyl. semi-heavy duty Standard Marine engine SHELTON MACHINE SH(P E. Pine (Near City Dock) Phone 384 FOR SALE: Teen-age corduroy Jmnp- c,r, crept; date dress, Each cost $7.95. Sell $3.00 each. Perfect condition, never worn ht Shclton. Phone 80W. K-2-21--3-7 FOR SALE: Galvanized hot water tank. Used three months. $9.00. Also as hot water treater, $12.00. Phone 248, W-2-21-1t FOR SAL: 2 Jersey-Guernsey cows. Call evenings or weekends, Sells Ranch, Route 3, Box 235. O-2-14--3-7 SMALL PIGS for sale. C. W. Peter- son. Route 1, Box 94A, Shelton, Wn. 5 miles south on Olympic Hiway. 2-21.--3-7 FOR SALE: Good second growth for- (:at wood, $'10 cord. Route 1, Box 218A, McL-2-21--3-7 FOR SALE: Hydraulic barber chair, towel stand, mirror and wash bowl. P. O. Box 539, Tenino, Wn. W-2-14--2-28 FOR SALE: 2 riding horses wlth saddles and bridles. L, W. Gid- dings, phone 165M. 1-31--3-7 FOR SALE: 0 to 4 inch Universal micrometer, $25.00. Mitchell. 407 So. First. t 1-17tfn SHELTON MACHINE SHOP Phone 384 Machine. Work  Wclding Portable Equipment EAST PINE STREET Near City Dock Route 2, Bgx 56, Shelton USED CARS long wheel base, platform body. Bill Pcarson Sales & Service, Shelton Garage. . 2-28-t FOR SALE: 5936 Terl'at)lan, $125.00, or trade for boat and niotor. Shake Cabins No. 5, Union, Wn. o ,) McN--21-2-8 FOR SALIi 1(2 ' i]: 9'9 Model A coupe, in good condiHon, $200.00, E, Julian, Route 2, Box 259, Shelton, Wash. 2-28 FOR SALE: 194t Chcvroht, radio and heater, 825 South 1st Street, be- tweeii 5 itnd 7 L-2-28 FOR SALE: 1935 Wlllys t/j-ton pick- up. Ruus good. :Route 1, ]ox 155o Thursday, February  rsclay, Februar 28 ] 9 CLASSIFI ADVIii RATES 20 words or less{'! IDELIN charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 ! '. O _ _ Lower rates for larger.! ; uy l=ilL more insertions. :" ' " <* " .' " ese |)nrt,s A the telephone from. PYears. '"/cio(is," :, oi 7;:,,, scribers. Cash shoulO, rl'l ar,[ i . ,., 1 sl..lli Ulit • all other orders or paYS. lte., L consistent trtlndler.; i within five (5) days o! .....s exceptionally 'etiw pi insertion to save expe ,uy anti he is " ' " ' , " ue oldest teal ing. An extra charge  o1 in the city association i be made when billing o service no se,son h tx in e b si '' .......  ' sary. PHONE 100 l ,- nee the re-activation ,: , -- "-s nere ten years ago wit] am entry reprccntng the M ....r County Steam Laundry an REAL ESTA  .ers v.......v.  I. H. hasn't heen bowling sn FOR SALE: Attractive 2 ,' as experience oes, for his house with 40-gallon al ;.:v?-ede,l to the'game canle tcr tank, electric range nl-,ellSn)ears agu when lhtul vcnotian blinds. Phone quh'c 535 Fairmont. '. II orought the first nlo[|- bOR SALE: 80 acres, tr#  ,.o_Wling alleys io Shelion 'rod i,,U tip in the Odd ]leellows on Arcadia Road, spring  ,mlllff. . . ' place for buiidiim ab01 ire _ge-' tarhng in at lhe stumpagc, lots of-good'] l,_ . Kms ai ,10" staffe, Crawley, Box 512, shell0 gluSy,, hit the peak of ills . ,?, . career about six years FOR SALE: 5-room lioUe  W lea he sizzled ihe Sl)(kane large lots. Also I936 Che i el'e4 tlon drives for a (172 fin Inquire Joc Kirk, Mt, al," " ] Pines Park. ),.. ,hnch still stands "is 1he ttlL'y  . * ' ' FOR SALE: ,House, 60  C.. est International Bowl- , tigress singles record. timber, electricity, rail[dl of the list in the cit $2,000 on terms. F, W$, 1 ollli find his 165 avciage abou 3, Box 233, Slelton...- l league, his totals in leagu 7-room modern home rooms, fireplace, hard iiae- quently the instrument, full basenmnt and o : tulng his t This property" is well l{g r, L0 r I:I.. gets hot now an has everything desirable home. I wiZl be glad tO J m as le did at Spokan( interested, parties. , • * t,: ro SPORTING AROUND 20-acres of land and  e Tath ..... . house. Located, aboU.ilr iT" .-(lly leaglle Das- west of Shelton. Severa,'  getth in , . .r der plow. Worth tll0 ..IJa tossing-b'k al.-St'e,art • --, ...... :FOR SALE: 4-room modef " . Road. O. "E Green, Stl 35: I SAL0000erv's Musings I ,oo00 ho00ff00e_rv's Musings J chard, 11 mile from Nav  -- I like properW t.  quire joetiy, Editor -= ttOWd. _,' * * PL'-T "n:Uvv  - o, KS Fall has ass Rd,,Wihter is here. VTnter .t.tT !,_,.v..,_ '{';'° <. time when thegrass- i er starts preachinz iber- HARROWI :"' to the ant' It'- ' * * * GARDEN or ACI ; alt the time of ear Work Guaranteed Satt! "a/m 0" keep the hoYuse rne  '" as it 'was in sum- " When F. E. OGD: t it y o u kioked Rt, 2, Box 18, $ season when people's to skiing. Skiing, sport you learn PROFESSIONAL A. K. Personalized Service Address: Shelton, Rt. 3, Box Phone: CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL ENGIJ Eliot Electric E Title Insurance Phone 645 Wright and LAWYER8, Charles T. wrll Virginia C. Mall Angle Building, Shelt0 Telephone 337: CHARLES R. I ATTORNEY AT l,, 119-121 South FoU Bell Builditag Shelton, Washita ALDEN C. BAI ATTORNEY T ' Title Insurance Bttl Opposite First NatlO Phone 23 -,, SP FUNERAL Lloensed W. A, Witsiers, Phone 180 - . the' time of yeas build • up • lusty because of the ShOuld over-eat dur-. Season. ad should get feel the need of m your diet, and dimes SOup. That'll give you lange. it. W.ell here's sensible. When need of a little ton drop into the-- Cigar Store l.,.2nd St. , Phone 18 00ave You OR A DIE1 In Need, We have the Kno t EquipmentL necessal or Recondition any L. C. (Le, General Su !RST AND MILL 8TRI see Those Lusci( OLSON'S AI EI:LIOT B. Acoountlng Tax Bookkeeping L23 "4th St. PLAYI RULEE FOUND: rosary beads. "France" GARDEN TOOLS, SEEDS, etc. M-2-28 Hospital Beds stanlped on back of cross. Owner ING N Or chtim and PaY for adv. Jeurmtl. In ille Mattlr of |lie Estatc of ,h^, ,,,, .... FOrt. SALE or Trade for car, truck Collrlhind C. Gibbs, Deceased. IIT____ll itll....i  ..,,, uu. l-ai or livestock, equiiy in 1942 Dodge If Louise I,. Gibbs, Executrix ot the cs- ---'--- __ LOST: Sn,all red t,'lcyie. .1559W  Hillcrest Hardware l'/h-ton t, uc,<. I,,qui,'o Cub cc00:2 8 II : INSURAN| taloofCouriiandC. Glbbs,.dcccased _..r..[t.llro;dl.J%onU102 " .bTac:,w'ar  I ,00RB00r, . has flh,'d with the C erk ef the above "d'orr- Phone 499 Olympic & Fairmont WANTED: I932-1937 Coupe. l!*n entitled court her final report and ' Eu'n. va/ucd a4 KCepsakb. Also gold "" _' ""-< | .tCll  II] eom'tPetitl°nto settlef°r distribution,and approveaskingthe saule,tbe[ i _ bow earring with Ztrcon set olhone FOR SALE I I tILt. U[i.aJIM dlstribubt ihe property to the porsons .... -- ............. 526M L 2 1 3 7 dil' , .. u . v ', " " I ' ' theihereunl°said Execulrlx.tUitttlcd' and to discharge 1 CARD OF APPR.ECIA FION 'o;,T---i(-s,,-(- __=-.__!_-- .......... ti .;tT't:lllL°[,:{; l;;;< "$;i.'s i{;' il Office at Angle Btd ' r vti)l;e tt t,lf fill Jim ll,lel,i*l.!-" l)o-toflh'c Saturday This is part tit' sllz , g , ,tldtch. 1:-.-$--3-14. J .... .... .... ..Mliy w. extend In this way our s'a . '  ' . ', ' # . a 'e 'l:,l , , ' " ')'" • sttidNOTI('Efhlal reportIS FU5%THER*and petitton(IIVENfor tluit " su;.dls- paTi{i('s t:hitd,-'bea]{ti{i'fl'o]:a'l')]ec;s l,b]tc lttnsi[uml. t l,ald,etUS:lles NOTIC'E IS "I'EIEB'Y GIVEN iiiat FOR SALE--;35-'M[-i,-t.a C ev if" trlbulhm will bc heard on Saturday, ei[erefl us flaring our uereavement of it-1 (Jlstead 123 Railroad Avenue applications will he received fro" par- , lruck, e×eelicnt tires newly eve'- I[ the 9th day of March, ]946, at the our beloved father, Albert Wlnkelman. = ' o 28' It cnas. of Tax Titlo lands, ill sah: No, hauh, d. $450 Inqu ,', P a s Aulo I/ .l.h. I.,.l* SHELTON L] hour of l0 o'clock In the forenoon, it[ Mfl.. and _J's. Edward W_.lnke;tnlali "i " v  v vvv'" " 26, Up to Sattn'day Maren 9th, lv.t6, Grocel'y. R-2-28--3-14 I/ tav.• . .- I ' I i'v anti .Mrs. Wllllani 2-1arrls { vv'•"vvv vlvv,,r,vv ,r'v v'vv.i, at 1:00 o'clock P M, " -. , I/ ATTORNEY aT b' Shelton.ihe t!om, twasllington,rOom in the court liouso in Ml'; and Mrs. Thomas Kelley [ llit #1"lITriflbi'l rslirl "ifll'l*liTrirl HA1Ri'Y DEYETTE, I/ ---- *" 21  ..... r Dated tiffs 211d day of Februrry, [ r, and _Mrs, Frank Winks man i YI22k£f Jt.J17 IU Iil.L Auditor Mason County CARl) el' TIIANleS | Shelton, WashimV; ;.';'O P. NIl. --'. I  :el tl .lrs. S. (J. Wolover [ ,....-...--.. ..... ,,,-",.-vvv. 2-28---3-7-2t ]{lly we extend tn tlus way our sin- [| .......  1946. CLAREcounty ClerkENGELSEN' I lout;'l t wnikehuan. .................. ,,, ,, ...,,.,, • ., .,..,.., (,:',( z eal [ rcciatlon )  ___  - .-- .f°r the kindnesses ,/ uiI1ce at Court 1 /'r -.- ..r-.. T. By EST51ER ROLES, } .. • .CA liD OF THANK,'-'---- 2*lv frillllt(l!,oftan  . -- 00UNDA Deputy. I we wise u) express our gratitude to 1112 Cota Street, Phone. 129R,- B-2-28 debts in the name of the Victor, our beloved son and broths;'. [[ • -J CI-IAFI. R. LEWIS. [ OUr Ill, any. fr!t.nds for tl!ch, sYiupatiiy i - , . __¶_., " [ Store or any other pel,seu afLer lVhu'ch Mr. and Mrs, Wnl, Buchnmnn [ Rir ll.tlw.r :,l-- Adm Ad.df 7r € Atlorney for said estate, / anu iloral otlernigs given us durhig Mt;MOI¢IAI, :NOTICE 1, 5940. n Iei'dina tud RaT ' i ---el ....... ,inllii ............ r,  l.!lfll Building, 11!) So. Folll'lh Strl:ct, our bcreavclllent • Ill Iovlug lnmi'ory of our MAher I Ml's Annt Is" ban( M ,s Harrhttc d(lv A hcaver t. th lari<,',ii.. • < Sflelt011, Mason County Wtsli. • i , , ' <*  , ........ - < I .Wiillen ,.W:. C.owden i Alice Ahl. Frankand Bernice Ahl, :Mrs, A. G. l*letcll,.l'. I , Mr. and Mrs AI B Ii!llnnllln I nf tk, .nrl=.t fril. ':"! 2/7-14-21-2-4t . l£1r0.1a tplKel lto)ertB. 2-25 . 2-'5--3-7 I htr. and Mrs. Walt T.antphcre, l ........... '" . , :