February 28, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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20 words or less
charge) 3 weeks $1.00.
Lower rates for
more Insertions.
Reader notices 3c per
mtnimum charge on
Card of Thanks, $:
poetry 50e per
display rates on
the telephone from
scribers. Cash should
all other orders
within five (5) days
insertion to save
lng. An extra char
be made when
FOR SALE: Attractive
house with 40-gallon
ter tank electric
venetian blinds. Phone
quire 535 Fairmont.
on Arcadia Road
place for buildiil
stumpage, lots
Crawler, Box 112,
FOR SALE: 5-room
large lots. Also 1936
Inquire Joe Kirk, Mt.
Pines Park.
s reward, bowling's elder
Woods in these parts. At
"Woo(isy" is still one of
most COnsistent tmmdlers; in
[tows exceptionally active pin
and lie is the oldest team
in the city association in
of service 110 8eas(-)ll l ]ltVillg
by since the re-actix at*on of
ng here ten years ago with-
reprcentng the Me-
Laundry and
H. hasn't been bowling so
goes, for his
to the game ('sale
years ago %vllen l'aul
brought the first mod-
Shelion and
Odd Fellows
in at the
a! ,10" siege,
hit the peak of his
Career about six years
the Spokane
drives for a 672 pin
still stands as lhe
International Bowl-
acres land. 3 miles
Road. O. E. Green
Box 35: Shelton.
room house located
chard, 11 miles from
in or near
son..aid, it was I good ihing
lhe eapt:tin identified him a
evel. lle eoiild ]l;ll'dly rel'ogmze
lhe picture, doe, incidentally,
is assigned to instruction at the
%%'el, Point Milii:try Academy.
lie's a eal)iain in lhe Army Air
Corps, in e-lse you didn'l know.
Otis Rosenbush. boss of the
crew which is coming ilere to
build the new Mason County fish-
hatchery in Skokomish Valley, is
the fellow who had the interestinl
• assignment from the State Game
Department to remove by barge
the elk marooned on :Ill island
in the Snoqnalmie River recently
where feed was Lop sen,it to inain-
taiu them. Life mgazine had
pictures and an article on the
• /chievenlent in a recoil* leslie.
Whoever wins the 1946 Soutb-
west Washington northern divis-
ion prep basketball crown this
season will have something to
take home other than just the
LING'S PATRIARCll er me:nb:'rs of the field but as
Doe Beach has passed his wife. t]le former Anll J||cuh-
FOR SALE: House, singles record, glory for the Shelton Chamber of
timber, electricity,
$2.000 on terms. 10'. 165 average about Commerce has come to the fore
3, Box 233, Sl}elton.
e of the list in tim city and donated a handsome silver
I 7-room modern home ,u,,ague' his. totals, in leagu'e• trophy for that worthy purpose.
B-2-14-28 rooms, ftreplac hare [:"*Y ule instrumental ri{ere havE; been football and
........ I full basenmnt and ulng his laundry.team to baseball titular trol)hies in ex-
pod con- This property'i well )r I.H 'ets ), ,,,,; ,,
20 Alder has everything lesh'a t as le . -'F L"" ..... istencc for some years, donated
I-2-21--37 home. I will b glad ! • @urn ac poKane. by lioquiam' and olympia ser-
interested.part* ,s. i " v](.e organizaiions, if memory
20-acres of land and 4JOe ;?RT|NG AROUND serves right, hut there has been
ut " ,te, ex-( li h a
house. Located . abe .eer ,-. • " y ; gun bas- no basketball ixophy until the
west of Shelton. Several 2L,t' getthur in , 1, ,,r
ua ......... Shelton CltamlJr stepped up
,IC der plow. Worth the ,} t°Ssing +baCk at Stewart with Its offer this scason.
'--. . . : : ' ' 'Under the terms of the Cham-
[S F in possession of tile winning school
• each yea{" and become permanent
property of the first School in the
conference to win the northern
$2500.00. George L. division title three times, not nec-
Box 316B.
F--Oil" SALE: 4-roonl I
Work Guaranteed
Rt. 2, Bcx 18,
Mervin Getty, Editor
0lks: Fall has pass-
ter is here. Winter
when the grass-
pLeaching }*her-
l the time of year
* keep the house
as t'was in sum-
en y o u kicked
season when people's
to skiing. Skiing,
sport you learn
B. Franklin
Phone 312
Address: Shelton,
Rt. 3, Box
Eliot Electric E{
Title Insurance
Phone 645
Wright and
Charles T. wrl
Virginia C.
Angle Building, Shelt
essarily consecutively.
Who the first poessor of the
Shelton Chamber trophy wilt be is
anybody's guess with four teams
still very much in the running for
the title, Unfortunately we know
it won't be the Shelton Htghclimb-
As the weeks roll by city league
basketball lineups are getting
more and more like their old pre-
war flavor as the boys doff their
military uniforms and don their
maple court togs.
Latest o the familiar old faces
to' pop up in city league lincups
are Bill Seiners and Danny Cor-
rater, a couple of the bes inpre-
war league history, who made
the2r curtain calls in recent
games, Bill with McConkey'
Pharmacy, Dan with Pantorium
Dan topped city league scorin
in the 1941 season with 323 points.
nearly 100 better than his nearest
competition, when he played for
Kimbel Oil and led that club to
the title in the split-season play-
off with McConkey Pharmacy.
Bill placed seventh in league
scoring that year. with 181 points
and' h'%lVeays rated as one oI'
the best team players and play
e, ngineers the leagqe tins ever had.
He is a former University of
Washington snpervarsity letter-
That 1911 season was the last
the city casaba circuit operated,
and it's a warm welcome back to
all its old personnel during this
first yea," of revival
Reforestation Trees
Trees for reforestation are grown
in a nursery from one to four years,
depending on the rate of growth of
the type of tree or the size that is
needed in n partleular area. Most of
these trees are grown in public nut.
* .2: *
the' time of year
build up lusty
because of the
Should over-eat dur-.
Season. and should ge
ou feel the need of
m your diet
and dimes
Soup. That'll gve you
"% :l: *
it. Well, here's
sensible. When
need of a little
,on drop into the--
Cigar Store
I 8..,2n d St. Phone 18
flare You a Gadget--
in Need of Repmr.
We have the Knowledge, Experience and
quipment necessary to Overhaul, Repair
or Recondition any Mechanical Device.
L. C. (Lea) NELSON
General Supply Building
See Those Luscious Ladies of Sport
119-121 South
Shelto n,
Title Insurance
Opposite First
Phone 23 -..
Lloensed Embalt
W. A, Witsiers,
Phone 180--
Aooountln g Tax
t23 "4th St.
In an Exhibition of
Office at Angle
Against the
John Ry
Office at Court
Big Brother
A beaver is the lar
of the rodent family.
2:30 P. M. -- SHELTER GYM
Adm.: Adults 75¢; Students 50¢ (tax incl.)
................................................ ........................ " ........... r ...... .: ...........................
Famed Feminine
Traveling Team
Plays at 2:30
Feminine pulchritude replaces masculine muscu-
larity as the attraction on the m:tple boards Stm-
day afternoon when the All-American Red Heads
pay their first post-war encore co Shclton.
The glamour girls of the cos.r*, who pleased
Sheltan basketball fans no end in couple of
pro-war visits here. return with three six-foot-plus
redheaded performers m their ranks, topped by 6-
foot. 4-inch Gone Love. When 6-foot. 2-inch Tobey
McGee and 6-foot-even Tex Nabors gather around.
too. there's a lo of auburn flow way tip thor.
The Red Heads have never been defeated by
a girls basketball team. according to the advance
dope, and they give first rate men's teams all they
can handle on ihe maple boards.
This year the Red Heads are in*rod,icing' a
system 5f play calted "wheel ball" handling, but
advance information doesn't make clear just what
that is. You'll have to fiid that out for yourself.
\\;Vomen always are so darned mysteri(ms, don't
you zhink!
Anyway. the Red Heads and tt!eir "wheel ball"
system ta{'e the flora' agahmt tile Shelton Legion-
naires at 2:q0 p. re. Stmday afternoon iu the new
ELOISE PURKEY, 5-foot, 1Q-inches of iulch- HAZEL REYNOLDS quite ikey w draw most of
ritude, is one of the glamour girls of the All- the men's votes as prettiest of the Red Heads who
American Bed Heads who play" in 'Shelton wilt try to, bst the Shelton Legionnaires under
next Sunday at 2:3 p. m. against tle Sheiton men's ba=ket6all rules in Shelton gym at 2:30 p.m.
Legionnaires. " ..... Stmdy aftr,n@on.
Hoquiam Sending 5
Basketball Teams
To Shelton Friday
Five Hoqulmn basketht!l
teams-invade SheRon's maple
covrt premises this Fri(lty and
will play in the following order:
Shelton jmdor high Varsity,
2 p.m.
Shelton jtmior high reserves,
3 p.,n.
Shelio,t Highclimber reserve.%
7 p.m.
Shelton llighclinber varsity,
8 p.m.
Shelton grade school, between
halves of Hoqtdam-Sheiton vars-
ity game.
AH lhe casaba conflicts will
take place ill the new gym.
ActMans Move
5 Games Ahead;
4 Tied for 4th
• )"
Active Club ................ 37 23
Simpsotz Log .............. 32 28t
Associated Oil ............ 30' 30
L. M ............................. 29 31
Mason Laundry ........ 29, 31
Pastime ...................... 29 31
Reed Mill .................... 29 31
Beckwith's .................. 26 34
Matches Frkhty
7----Associated vs L.M..
Activians vs Reed
9--:Mason Laffndry vs Pastime
Beckwith' vs Simpson Log
Activians stretched their lead to
five games and a four-way tie for
fourth place resulted from Fri-
day's weekly city league bowling
Continuing the sizzling pace
which set up a new scoring mark
the previous week, the A(tivians
trounced Lumbermen's Mercan-
tile 2 to 1 Friday with Jack Bish-
op setting a tiffgait. That out-
come, along with Mason Laundry s
victory over Simpson Log, Beck-
with's 2 to 1 verdict over Pas-
time, and Associated Oil's similar
lacing of Reed Mill, created a
four-team scramble in fourth'
Associated moved into sole pos-
session of third place behind
George Young's and Gus Gustaf-
son's rolling and achieved the vic-
tory despite Reed Mill's individual
sc0rhlg honors which went to
Mark Fredson's 234 single game
and Bud Forbes' 607 total. George
Merrick and Ron Dodds paced
dungeon-dweRing Beck@ith's tri-
umph, leaving the jewelers with-
in striking distance of shaking the
collar. Mason Laundry won be-
hind Cliff Reader's wood work.
The lineups:
Mason Ldy. (2) I Simpson Log (1)
Handicap 1561 Handicap 140
I. H. Woods 424 IAronson 4491
Dunbar 4661 Petersen 546
C. Reader .r.o3o F. Snelgrove 424
B. Smith 4811 Funk 463
W. Woods 488]P. Fredson 5051
Total 2565[ Total 2527
Aetivians (2) [ L, M. (1)
Handicap 297 Handicap 101
Bishop 506 Stewart. 546
Fourre 461] Gibler 442
McCaslin 445 P. Roberts 556
Price 50,7 Lindeman 468
Westlund 525 t Gavareski 506
Total 2,74i Total 2619
Associated (2) Reed Mill (1)
Handicap 511 Handicap 111
Skelsey 462' M. Fredson 562
Nobler* 497 Drummond 444
Holt 509 W. Snelgrove 451
Young 536 Carter 445
Gustafson 552] Forbes 607
Total 2607 Total 260
Beckwlth's (2) I Pastime (I.)
Handicap 1801 Handicap 45
Dodds 5611 Allen 560
Merrick 550 • Staler 471
Deer 415[ Kopperman 472
Mifflin 4251 Dotson 447
Barley 508 K. Fredscn 498
Total 2639 Total 2493
Steelhead Season
Closing February 28
Mason County steelhead fishing
addicts were getting in their last
licks this week for the annual
winter season closes today, Feb.
28, Game Protector Joe Simpkin,q
reminded nimrods this week.
Simpkins also announced the
planting of 13,000 rainbow finger-
lings in T Lake. in tl*e Tahuya
district, last week.
Blazers Drop Two
As Offense, Then
Defense Fizzles
Failing on offee on one oc-
casion and on defense on the oth-
er, the Shelton jumor high Blaz.
ere dropped a pair of tight bas-
ketball scraps over the weekend.
Offensively the Blazers just
couldn't get rolling as they took
the shot' end of a 15-14 score last
Thursday afternoon against Che-
halls in the Shelton gym, and
Tuesday their defense fell apart
in the last quarter as Olympia
won a 40 to 32 verdict at Olym-
The Blazers trailed by two to
three, points throughout the first
half as Chehalis took an 11-9
half time edge and failed to score
at all in the thit'd canto as the
visitors ran the count to 15-9. In
the final canto. Chehalis was held
scoreless while Wayne Clary
went on a one-man sortee, scor-
ing five point s himself, but none
of his teammates provided any
help and that left the Blazers a
point down at the final gun. Gone '
WgU and Norm Buck both mise,.
foul shots in the last minute
w.hich could have tied or won the
battle for Shelton.
Bill Snaza, smallest player on
either team, won the game for
Chehalis with his fine floor play
and sharpshooting.
The Blazers enjoyed a 19-17
halftime lead over Olympia but
couldn't hold the home club after
the. :0iddle o the thir quarter,
when Gone Wells sprained an an-
kle and had to retire, and poor
shooting 'also handicapped Coach
Arne Johnson's boys in the final
quarter as they missed a half doz-
en setups. Norm Buck's 13 points
topped both teams but Olympia
had a better all-around scoring
The lineups:
Olympia (4,0) Shelton (32)
Wstovex 4 f Clary 8
Slosson 7 f
Jorgensen 9 c
Phillips 8 g Wells 2
Norton 7 g Tobey 4
Subs: Olympia -- Lindskog 3,
Canfield 2. Shelton -- Jackson,
Levett, Heuer.
Clihalis (15), Shelton (14)
Snaza 9 f Clary 7
Fredrickson 2 f Skagen 1
Rosback 2 c Buck
Dietz 2 g Wells
Prate g Tobey 2
Subs: Chehalis--Brooks. Shel-
tonLevett, Honer, Daffinbaugh,
Cote, Koch.
Pastime, Mac's
Duel for Second
Place Gets. Hot
Cash Grocery ............ 43 20
Mac's Corner ............ 38 25
Pastime ...................... 38 25
McConkey Pharm ..... 29 34
Pantorium .................. 28 35
Mason Laundry ........ 27 36
Werberger Winery .... 26 37
Wilson's Cafe ............ 23 40
Matclte Tuesday
6:30--Gocery vs Werberger
Pantorium vs McConkey
9:00--Laundry vs Mac's
Pastime vs Wilson's.
LOTS OF LOVE--Stretching
6 feet, 4 inches into the atmos-
phere, Gene Love is a hard gtl
to miss when the All-American
Red Heads step onto the maple
court and she's one of the main
reasons the feniinine casaha
gadabouts ean play on equal
terms with men's teams all over
the country and win about half
their games. Miss Love leads
her Re Heads lnto Shelton On
Sunday, March 3, to play tho
Shelton Legionnaires.
Skagen 5
Buc00 13 Kimbel Oil Clips
Burgoyne's Edge
To Single Game
W L a f
Burgoyne's .. 6 3 236 201
Kimbel Oil .. 5 4 257 255
Mconkey's 4 5 251 246
Pan*prism .. 3 6 210 267
lsults Feb. 20
McConkey's 33, Pantorium 28
Kimbet Oil 26, Burgoyne's 20
Games March 6
7Pantorium vs Burgoyne's
8--McConkey vs Kimbel Oil
Paced by Captain Bill Levett's
13 tallies, Kimbel Oil hoisted it-
self to within one game of the
city basketball league lead last
week with a low-scoring 26 to 20
verdict over the pace-setting Bur-
goyne Photographers.
McConkey Pharmacy slipped
Pantorium Cleaners its sixth
straight defeat, 33 to 28, in the
other game hut Pan*or*urn showed
definite signs of shaking out of
the offensive doldrums which have
shackled the cleaners for several
weeks now as Danny Cormier be-
gan to exhibit a little of his old-
time scoring genius. The phar-
macists spread their scoring pret-
ty evenly.
The lineups:
- McConkey's (38)
Pastime and Mac's Corner clung Cole 8 f
to each other like bark on a tree P. Smith 8 f
in their second place battle in fern- Seiners c
*nine pin play and also gained a B. Vigor • g
Pantorium (28)
Levin 4
Mel Morgan
Cormier 9
Eacrett 1
Holt 3 . g Gardner 4
Subs: McConkey Dickenson 4,
Jeffrey 4, Schermer. Pantorium
Rector 1, P. Roberts, Buck Price
1, Valley 8.
game on the leading Shelton Cash
Grocery by sweeping t heir
matches with Werberger Winery
and Pantorium respectively.
Mac's hd a tight squeeze in ac-
complishing its shutout Job, win-.
ning a tie in the last game when
Rubye Frisken produced a doubIe
in the roll-off. Rubye had a good
night with a 443 total on her 131
average while' Marg Tiffany was
another big aid in Mac's triumph.
Alice Kopperman was Pastime's
ring leader. The league leaders
won from Mason Laundry, 2 to 1,
but lost a game to the second
place clubs nevertheless. To*lend
Wilson's Cafe made use of timely
pin spilling by Vera Bishop to take
pair from McConkey Pharmacy.
With her 118 average, Vera pro-
duced 168 pins her first game and
198 ,ler last and those were th
two her team won. That 195 was
high individual single game and
her 461 total was ditto•
Kimlml Oil (26) Burgoyne (20)
Levett 13 f Parsons 3
Baze 6 f Chase 6
B. Armstrong 3 c Phillips 2
B. McComb 2 g Burgoyne 6
Dronen 2 g R. Vigor 1
Subs: Kimbel--S. Armstrong,
Deffinbaugh, Howarth. Burgoyne
--Barger 1, Coburn, Gruver.
Bounty on Predator
Lumbermen Gain
Mbre Ground in
Commercial Loop
Morgan Lumber ............ 9 3
Grunet's Service .......... 7 5
Pantoium ...................... 6 6
Cushman Resort ............ 6 6
Local 161 ........................ 6 6
Olympic Plywood ........ 6 6
Meli Chevrolet ................ 4 8
Kimbel Motors .............. 4 8
Bud Forbes and Toad Sergeant,
dividing individual scoring honors
between them, steered Morgan
Lumber & Trucking into a two-
game lead in the Commercial
Bowl*lag League in last week's
matches, in which the lumbermen
scored an odd g'ame verdict over
Lake Cushman Resort while sec-
ond place Grunert's Chevron Ser-
vice was dropping the odd game
to tailend Moll Chevrolet.
Forbes hit the night's biggest
three game total at 598 and Sgr-
geant's 212 was best single game.
Joe Forrest was going hard for
the resort five hut didn't get
enough help, while Ray Babcock
was MeWs bLg gun.
, -Olympic lalywood achieved the
biggest gain of the night's com-
petition, sweeping its matches
from Kimbel Mo£ors with Hal
Eppler and Ken Rose doing the
spadework. Local 161 notched a
2 to 1 triumph over Pantorium in
the fourtt match with Tiff Skel
ey and Norm Westiund holding
the rains. The lincups:
biell Clmv (2) [ Grunerts (1)
Handicap o 561}Handicap 435
R. Babcock 488 C. Bare 499
N. Ran 365 C. Rank 563
A. Toney 401R. Brown 364
R. Gerhardt 405 H. Cole 314
P. Stappler 439. L. Struthers 521
Total 2659 Total 2696
Plywood (3) Kimbel Me. (0)
Handicap .... 627 Handicap 471
H. Bohn 389 J. Wilde,' 446
F. Bencher 383 R. Puhn 359
K. Rose 454 W. Earl 370
J. Evens 382 Dtunmy 428
H. Eppler 452 Christenson 450
Total 2687 Total 2519
Local 161 (2) Pantorium (.1)
Handicap 450 Handicap 336
A. Wright 3731Linderman 432
W. Carlson 367 J. Keever 342
H. Skelsey 5091G. Lindberg 398
C. Rains 38 B. Beech 479
N. Wee*lurid 487 E. Anderson 507
" Total 2575 Total 2494
Morgan (2) Cushman (1)
Handicap 384 Handicap 282
B. Forbes 5981H. Durand 427
,T. Sargent 553 J. Roles , 399
C. Morgan 328 L. A. Carlso'n 427
: r. Morgan 455 J. Forrest 561
lebel 438 A. Robinson 465
Total 2736j Total 2561
Green Lake Hoop
Teams Play Here
Saturday Night
Postponed at the last minute
last week, the Green Lake Boys
Club basketball eams tutore by
Stan Wyatt, former Shelton atli-
lete, are re-scheduled for their
Shelton appearance this Saturday
evening against the Shelton L6-
giommires in the new gym.
The first game at seven o'clock
will be followed b the mai event
at 'eight o'clock putting' Wyatt's
first string against the lineup o£
younger players from the Shelto
c :y league.
Wyatt is bringing a dozen young
ayers of high school and junior
high school age and calibre here
for the games, after which the
players, along with ten or a dozen
members of the Green Lake Com-
mercial Club, sponsors of the
team, will enjoy a banquet at the
Colonial House. The Green Lake
delegation is making a day of it
and will arrive here early enough
to do some sight-seeing in the af-
Sportsmen's Ass'n
Meets Tonight
February business of the Hood
Canal Sportsmens Association witl
be conducted tonight (Thursday)
Feb, 28, at the organization's
Birds Starts March 15 monthly meeting in the Hoodsport
' school house, President L. D. Hack
Ten cent bounties may be col, announced yesterday.
lected on feathered crows, mag ..........................................
pies and ravens starting March 15 method desired but bounty appli-
and through June 30, Game Pro- c!s rrls,t have a minimum of
teeter Joe Simlins reminded all $2,50 wqrth of bounty specimens
persons interested in killing pro- d poses a'esident htmting'and
daters. I hing license before applying for
They may be taken by any c unty, Simpkins explained.
Gulls Peck 'Climbers, -4:9.38, Hoquiam
W L f a
Hoquiam .... 7 2 321 229
Olyml)ia ...... 6 3 29S 229
Aberdeen ... 6 ,/ 345 296
l=aymond 6 4 367 352
Montesano ]] 5 1 263 276
Ehna ......... 2 8 2S2 35S
Sheltou ........ l 8 236 335
cores Feb, 21
Raymond ,t9. Shelton 28
Hoquiant 35, Aberdeen 28
Olympia 52, EIma 28
Games March l
Haquiam at Shelton
Olympia at Aberdeen
*raymond at Ivkmtcsano
Games March 5
Shelton at Olympia
Montcsano at Hoqniam
Aberdeen at Ehna"
Three quintets scored 28 points
each in Southwest conference prep
(.pines Here Friday
quarterly intermis:;ions by 10-7,
25-11 and :;7-].7. Johnny Dunbar
again paces the lit ghelimber
:.;coriuK. while Center Carl Sund-
stetl colltiilued to sh,w ilnl)l'ove-
ntellt and Kave DunbIir a close
.crape or sc0rillg" hollorS.
The victory, the third il a row
for tile Seagulls after a nlid-season
slump, pushed ]Raymond into a tie
for third place v¢itil Aberdeen.
Tile Gulls ,qecoI|d t(q)lll also won
handily, 30 to 10, in the in'elinl.
The tinctlps :
R.aym,uul (.19) She|loll {',o)8)
Wz'o]a 22 f DtLnbar i)
]:/ansen 7 17 \\;Vilson
Ford 10 c Sundsten S
l:uchanan 7 g Eaton 5
Dixon g li'rasot , 6
Subs: Raymond ,.-Cideon 3, (:rt¢-
hey, Gacek, Barber. Shelton--
Cardinal, Whike, Oltnmn, Cart-
basketball play last Thursday wright.
eveninff but it wasn't enough in -- ..............................................................
any instance to return victory.
Shelton did it against Ra:vmond
but lost when the Scag'ulls
scorched the basket for ,19 tallies,
Aberdeen did it against Hoquiam
but were shm'tened by the Grizz-
lies' 35, and Ehna did it against
Olympia but suffered the worst
spanking of the nigh when the
Bears rolled up ,52 markcrs.
Net result of the night's round
was to leave Hoqtfiam in first
i)lace with on):, the Raymond Sea-
gulls, whom they meet at Ray-
mend March 8, stnnding hetwcen
the Grizzlies and the conferencc
crown, to all intents and pur-
poses, as neither Shelton nnr
Montesano figures to give the
Harbor club anything to wor'y
The league leaders crone to
Shelton this Friday evening hut
it would be the season's biggest
upset if the Highelimbes won.
Second l)laee Olympia faces a
tough assigmnent to overhaul Ho-
quiam, for the Bears must meet
Aberdeen on the Bobcats own
floor, with Shelton and Monte-
sane as its other two opponents.
At Raymond Thursday the
Highclimbers found the home floor
Gulls in a bet streak again and
Raymond won without being
pushed behind the 22 points reg-
istered by flashy Ed Wrona at
forward. Raymond led at he
Junior High Athletes
i See College Cage Game
APl)roximately 40 Shelton Ju-
nior high school athletes, includ-
ing members of last fall's wrs-
ity football team. the present
Blazer basketball squad, and some
intra-mural basketeers, sat in on
Saturday night's college basket-
ball game at the University of
Washington pavilion as Oregon
State won a 56 to 37 victory over
the .. Huskies.
The aggregation' was supcrvts.d
by Ned Snelgrove, .junior high
football coach, and Arne John-
son, jumor high basketball coach.
Dean Bradley, who has been
confined to the Shelton General
Hospital for the past nine weeks,
is now at home.
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