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February 28, 1946 |
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February 28, 1946. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ' Page 9
Mrs Bitney of 3 Point Anti Inflation Program Set .................... ""
Ornamental " I
g Chokecherry is one ' " " " Graneview
I namenial of the large DANCING Lake Cushman Up by National Ass of Manufacturers ........................ - "
'n Miss Jean Daigity visited :Mr. . : --Yours for the telephoning!
Dies __in Tacoma :Now York city., :Feb. ll.--The you less to spend." and Mrs. H. E. Peterson over the
t National Association of Manufac- Here is the A,;sociaLion's pro- holiday weel¢ end. Miss Dalgity One call and we'll pick up
Every. = _.,aturdav Night (. Frances Radtke) turers published today a three- gram designed to remove these is Mrs. Peterson's sister and is a your laundry, do it up "hos-
Cushman residents were sad- point anti-inflation program "to ruadbh)cks: special teacher in the Everett,
dened by the loss of out" dear end the strain which threatens "Establish a labor policy that Wtsh,, school system. { ...!= pital clean" in our modern,
DELIGHT PARK HALL friend and neighbor. Mrs. Ira Bit- the entire nation" and cure "the will treat labor "rod nmnagcment :Mrs, Walter Eckert spent the ..'
hey, who passed away Friday, semi*paralysis now upon us." exactly :dike, and above all be fair week end in Tacoma visiting her '"''d scientific plant and return
February 22, in the Tacoma Get,- Robert R. Wason, :SAM presi- to the t)ublic, two sisters, Mrs. Frank Bampton ,
ON LAKE ISABELLA eral Hospital. Her death was due dent, said that the association is "Remove the ha<:ldes of price and Miss Natscheim: ?-']A=.u.,t it to you packaged and ready
to a heart ailment from which she convinced that the problems now control (m manufactured goods, in the interest of post-war no-
BERT RAU'S ORCHESTRA ha been suffering some time. besetting the country "must be "Cut down (,n govcrmwent tivities: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ba- for use.
Featuring MADGE McCARTY AT THE PANO Surviving arc her husband, solved in the interests of the spending now and balance the con arc having their home elec-
Eddie White, King of the Drums K(.nth: two daughters, Mrs. whole people and not for the ben- Federal budget by tim fiscal year trificd. Mr. and Mrs. Vilbur
Robert Smith of Shclton and Mrs. efit of any particular group or beginning in 1947 at a ]evel of in- Reeves' hdmc is almost finished, MaN ..r- ,,:" Steam . .. l aunar.,
Ray Peterson of Cushman; a groups." come and outgo that taxpayers Mr. and Mrs. Paul Luther have on un
Sponsored by Shelton Eagles Aerie No. 2079 grandson, Jim Smith: father, Three "roadblocks to production can stand." " made a good start on their new
GOOD Dancing 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m Shernmn Evans of Tacoma; and and prosperity" are listed by the "No bombast, no lab(,r-baiting place and the well digger is busy and Dry Cleallers Phone 88
UNITS two sisters, Mrs, A. J. Bassett and association in its program. They or union-busting, no anti-adminis- digging a new well at the school
Mrs. George Hagen, Jr., of Ta- are: tration venom will win the Battle house.
Are the foam coma. "Strikes---Vhatcver their jus- of 1946=-and none of" those things Mr. an<t Mrs. Hugh MerriLL and
of an e n d u I. In ' A resident of Cushman for the rice or injustice, strikes paralyze appear m this anti-inflation pro- ] yotmg Marylin and Hu'gh, Jr.,
structure. We past eight years, Mrs. Bitney was FIREPLACE FURNACE
th bt ANNOUNCING • • • an active club woman, having held production, force people to use up gram," Mr. Wason explained were dinner guests of Mr. and "
isis, every u office in the Hop4 Canal unit of their savings, and result in losses "A calm discussion of the cur= Mrs. E. L. Merritt on Saturday. I
stamped for the Washington State Federation that can never be made up. rent situation in this country The occasion was a joint birthday
protection. All Change of Management of Women's Clubs, a past presi- "Price Ceilings--Fullproduction should reassure the American pub- c.elebraLion for Hugh, St'., and arid MILL WOOD
o u r dent of the Cushman Club and isn't possible when industry*stff- lie disturbed by t.he velter of :M'trylin.
assures of " was this year worthy matron of fern losses because of rising costs name-calling and demagogery Walter Burkhardt. U.S.N., has a
Either chapter OES number 177 and frozen prmes. Price ceilings which c.louds tie prospects for short leave and is visiting his sis-
best or the of Union, Wash. She was also a limit production goods just don't early and sound solution of crit- ter. ;Mrs. Jerry Finger.
lar value in ical problems. Remember the school election Up
building material, member of Laurel Court number get made. to 24-Inch Lengths
26 Amaranth of Shelton and Le- "Government Spending---Con- '"Everybody wants goods. Man- to be held on March 2rid at the
Forest ,o,, N[ethodist Church. tinned huge government spendin.g ufacturers want to make them for school house. We are to vote for
Funeral services will be held at means continued high taxes. High you. Yet months after the war's one school board member--also
MASON th, c. o. Lynn Co. Chapel at 11 taxes discourage production, hin. end, you still find it difficult €o the question of a special levy (Sold Strictly On a C.O.D. Basis)
p.m. Tuesday. Elinor Chapter, Or- der the creation of jobs, and leave get many of the things you wrxnt will be voted upon.
and should have. •
der of Eastern Star. will officiate "Let's look ahead and agree on
Successors to Beach with burial at Mountain View 3000-lb. Club hip fulls programproductionthateverybodyWill insurC.agreesthe We Have Also Arranged to Have
is the real answer to most (,f our NEED A
PRODUCTS C0, Sunday callers of the Karl tins- Gets Members ,ob0m" S A C K C 0 A L
7LhPHONE123St. Bridge cott family were Mrs. W.A. Had- _ =o,=poso.o=h. PLUMBER
ley, :Mrs. Clyde Sandgren and In Many Herds fut force of nation-wide advertis- Available for
children, .Toy and David, all of ing and publicity in the present
:Malone, and Mrs. Sylvan Sandgren Prize dairy cows from many "war o ideas" in order to spread Eacrett's Hillcrest Service Station
Tavern and son, Gary, ofHoquiam, well-known herds in the State of on the record its views as to Phone
Week end visitors of :Mr. and Washington have membership in "sound correctives for the econ-
Mrs. Edward Radtke were :Mr. and the "3000-pound butterfat club," omic confusion of the day."
Mrs. Rodney Smith and daughter, says M. B. Nichols, extension dair- "This is the time for all of us Carl oran Fuel o,
susy, of Seattle. yman at the State. College of to take stock to learn a lesson .... . L. CATTO
Mr. and Mrs. ]:)ave Co]]ins were Washington. to find out, if we can, what wil]
Two Miles North of Twanoh State Park visited by :Mr. and :Mrs. Arcfiie Latest applications to be re- cure the troubles we are having HARDWARE Phone 381-J
Calahan and :Mr .and Mrs. Alvin ceived are for six animals in the and prevent their recurrence," the
Johnson all of Seattle, wlm ar- Peter Henning herd at Arlington. :NA;M program states.
• .-' rived Friday evening and left Sat- All of these half-dozen cows are o
urday. Mrs. Collins was delighted still producing. The applications
Saturday evening to hold 1000 were checked and submitted by .,," .... f ........... .
-vanen., :ver" Night aces in a game of pinochle. Harold Lockhart, DHIA supervis ..... .. | .....
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis were ore[ SnohomishcountyandZ. A. "'7
E pt SU day visited over the week end by :Mrs. Smith, Snohomish county cxten-
xce n Lewis' mother and father, Mr. and sion agent.
Mrs. Carpenter. Also among the applications .
submitted are those for 13 daugh- .. ] +,
2 P Typi ts tern of the registered Holstein - ------- /
• ** rep S " sire, Skagit Chief Glassa Sclah. ,. ...
BEER Tho daughters of this bull have
WINE -- SANDWICHES Awarded Honors mdo their production records as --..
DANCING Among shorthand and typing members of the herds of J. M.
:' papers recently judged in the tGunderson and Grant Nelson at
:No Minors Allowed Gregg Writers Standard Awards l:Mt.] Vernon. Additional animals
$,,fewu) program were those written by which have been entered in the )Y
Event that Virginia Lance and Phyllis Arbo- 3000-pound club are five daugh-
ters of the registered Jersey bull ;
of housewives wait lugs.Cast' which received superi°r rat" La L°mita End°wment W°nder" WAGES • TAXES • MARKETS • BUSI HESS
BUY BY THE DOZEN[ Save at Phyllis Arbogagc received a pin This bull was used by the Wivell
for having the highest score and dairies at Shelton. :From the
E^C¢ 12C Announcement best f°rm °n a C°mplete The°ry [ Scudder dairy herd at Yakima /
Test in shorthand. Fourteen cer- have come applications :for six
tificates were awarded students daughters of the registered Guern-
,uuy, y, z/2""'anc","0. '- can 1 = • I whose papers met the standards, sPy sire, Fircrest La Francis
• and three students who had not Prince.
The 3000-pound club is for cows
qualified previously received mem- that have produced 3000 pounds or
T, Libby fancy, 27-oz. 2/33c 1, b+,,hp certificates.
ili W A I d i Virginia Lance was awarded an m°re °f butterfat °n DHIA start"
BEANS " e re ntro uc ng Order of Artistic Typists pin for dard plan or on official tests by
_,. tom.sauce 2/17c the prize typing paper. Thirty-six the national dairy breed associa-
Typing I students were awazde,, Lions. A staLe-wide, report .list-
.... H ......... - - - ......... . .... - .......... - .... 1Ig the nume,'oitPington
UP, Heinz, 11-0z. can 10c 1' T E NEW CURL RESISTANT Certmcates. 3000-pound butler fat produce,',
.... v.,vvv,,,,.vT.,v.,vv will be issued at the time of the
Preston Peach state meeting o£ dairymen at Pu-
SOUP, Mushrm,, 10Y2-oz,17¢ Mid-Skokomish yallup early this spring. Certifi-
vvvvv...............vvvvvv eateN of merit will then be award-
(By Mary Valley) ed to the owners o£ these animals,
SOUP, Chick. N00dle.2/29¢ M,. and Mrs. Don Miller of In addition to this club, the dairy-
Seattle visited :Mrs. Miller's par- men's award program will feature
IC[, Libby fancy, 47-0z. 22c lastentS'weekMr" andend.Mrs. Arvid Johnson, aof QuarterdairymenCenturYwho haveClUbbeenC°mp°sedbreed- There's MIIi00h
Margaret Valley and Carol ing registered dairy animals for
• _ -_ _ The only ABSOLUTELY FREE STONE quality Hunter spent the week end with 25 or more years and, finally, an
:E, Libb/s fancy 19-0z. can 21( PEACH, free from stringiness, grown on the O'hop,Mr" andwash.Mrs. Jerry Valley at haveOld TimerS'been onClUbcontinuousf°r hcrdStestWhiChfor Need Ye|
...... oast , • The Mother Tree, grown by Grover Miss Elaine Stenberg had as her 10 years or more. &
Spe lb,- I guest over the week end Miss .
, ncer Farms Citrus, 2. ,to, at Mud Bay, has been curl free and has Rhoda Wallstrom of SeaLtle. ,,vvvvv ..................
Mr. and :Mrs. H. Sparks of Spo- H ti I l d
ar II borne Peaches for the past ten years, of a quality kane visited with :Mrs. Sparks' ars ne s an
g C parents, Mr. and :Mrs. J. A. Mur ......................... The war is over, insofar as the shooting goes, but the
, Dinin ar ............. 36.0z. J cf ¢°nPared to Hale, Elberta or Gold Medals. play. " (By Mrs. Carl Harriman) job of the AMERICAN RED CROSS never ceases. Whether
all p' The Skokomish third and fourth Thefl-Iarstine Grange ladies gave
LK, Cherub, Wh.0z ....... 6 t We have found, up to now, the local peaches ton Valley last Thursdag evening Handkerchief party Sunday after-
degree drill team went to Shel- Mrs. Bessie Hitchcock a surprise there is war or peace.therea;('always--unf<)rture)lc
i, Libby's, m0sf varieties, doz. 1' to help, people who are the victims of circumstances beyond
' and exemplified the work to about noon at her home.
&RE NOT acceptable tocanning or freezing plants, twenty candidates. Grangers! Mrs. Doris Jacobsen and chin their cmtrol.
becaUse they cannot be run on the assembly lines Don't forget this coming Sunday dren of Randle spent the week
,anterbury, 48.bag ctn ..... ctn. like Pomona Grange will be held at end at the Oscar Jacobsen home.
1 ' the Skokomish community hall. Mr. and :Mrs. Jack Smith and To them the helping hmd' of the RED CROSS is ex-
IC BLFAC 2 0al 11 east-of-the.mountain peaches. THE PRESTON Meeting starts at 11:00 o'clock daughter, Jacqueline, of Seattle tended regardless of race, color or creed. To the RED
...................... , PEACH CAN BE RUN the same, and steamed and with dinner at 1:00 p.m. spent the week end on the Island
Ronnie Johnson and Jimmy visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. CROSS they look for comfort and relief from their misfor-
$[, Norgada & Silva....5th 1,i .Peeled easily. Hunter went to Bremerton last Sinclair and Mr. and :Mrs. Eric tunes, and in the RED CROSS they find it.
Saturday for the junior high baN- Christenson relatives as well as
6old, Chesterfields, etc. c+n. , o,, Ten-Acre Planting is Completed, and we are ketball game and later in the eve- looking over their own summer
ning they were escorted with a cabin. In the next few days you will be asked to contribute
/ "
= offering 1,000finetreesforsale. group of other junior high stu- :Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Snow and
dents to Seattle to see the Ore- son, John Robert, of Seattle spent to the annual RED CROSS FUND DRIVE. the principal
,, Wash, Co-Op .................... d0z., con and Washington game and the holiday at their summer home lr "upon which, this great organization of comfort and
reported a grand time. on the west side and also enter-
] UTz to 6' TREES- $4.00 EACH m.. and :Mrs. Ted Richert at- tained Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Waite • rescue to the unfortunate leans for the finances which
|£IIII H I tended a welcome home party for of Shelton Sunday afternoon, keep it operating. Give as generously as you can to this
5 to 5' TREES -- $3.00 EACH Mr. pnd Mrs. James Shrum at the Mr. and :Mrs. Ted V. Hile are
home of Mrs. SAturn's parents, visiting a couple of days in Puyal- worthy cause and you will help someone sometime, some-
lion or Treasure, f0rZ'S"^00J00-[ to 5' TREES -- $2.00 EACH Mr. and Mrs. Antbn Charleson. lap this week.
- Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph :Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russo of where who needs help urgently.
Wilson Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Seattle and Joe Glaser of Brem-
rural (Doz, 1,00) tIi L Clarence Shattuck of Cle Elm. erLon were week end guests of Mr.
Mrs. Roy tanning entertained and :Mrs. Hugo A. Glaser.
ES, PEARS, CHERRIES, ETC. at a handKcrchicf shower in honor Mr, rtex" Donnie Otterstad of Pa-
I H of Mrs. Gee. Tozier on Thursday, cific Beach is staying with his
I who will be leaving soon to spend grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
For Sale at Our Nursery on the Highway the summer in Maine. f Harriman, while his father is con-
A 4-H group of irls met at fined to thc Aberdeen Hospital
I|ce"Brand, large at Mud Bay the home of their leader, :Mrs. from a serious logging accident,
30 ZclmaBailey, lastWednesdayeve. " Mr. and :Mrs. Earl Harriman
lin .... (Doz. 1.63) 0Z, or ning and have chose as the name entertained at Sunday dinner for .... 4
of their club Knittin' Kittens. their son, Pfc, Clyde L. Harriman.
' SHELTON HAROWARE They also held an election of of- who has just returned home from
OILI00 ricers. Europe. Those present were Mrs.
I __ Cpl Jim Rose has left on a Mamie :Nicholson and Donald Sly-
• transport for France and Ger- ter of Agate and :Mr. and Mrs. Ted
wITH I'U many to bring more troops home. V. Hile and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose are en- Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Johnson
M!l • joying a visit with their daugh- and Thor Johnson called Sunday "" -. --
te's Mary Esther and Lyla, who nmrning at Lhc Lylc O'Dell home
ck meals doz, 3.00 I "IU, 4[= ,m. = Im was just ,ccontly matured, m Agate. ,o ,
I_am,,-- I. AIIIIII " Stev!e Valley of) Bremerton is b)Th:n%n of tbhe winter is ,€
• + II"IiIIII rilIIIII visiting his grandlarents, for a ' ," a e een hearing ......
, -- iIIMliIIk IIMIIIII couple of weeks, the fyogs croaking .and the little • € I U I I=O H I I IW. IW. I H I. I H DA H Y
SUNNY DAW Donna Naric Halbert visited sea p,geons m'o coming back. [] III r w 111 = I v v • 111 1 I I IIi i-- ii 111 /
TOMAT0 :i Telephone 987i her .untie, Mrs. Ted Ferris in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weischcldof- ' '
week. Her mother arove over Fri- spenaing a few Imys at te Ed
I C day and brought her home. Wilson home. II m ' .... ,, m -
........ ...................................................................................................................................................................................... .
,n¥ Sawn Tomato Juke is mad '| " " _'.%" " ' " ' ! :
-- .... .... " " ; ..... : ......... TENDERCRUST
. sele¢,ed Iota,lees., [,NCY |uIO | rTA4 , S i
t tastes iust like FRESH.TOMATO[St ! R 0 L L ,
";-.L ". ' ....... . ?.:" : . ' ': .,
46-0Z., EACH 2]€; DOZ. 2.47 [ (/ " " - = " !'":'Ii' ':
i,i; (ooz. ,.oo) k- ,F" 4
15 E