March 1, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 1, 1973 |
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Jeanne Baker, wife of
Superior Court Judge Frank
Baker, Olympia, was released
from St. Peter Hospital in
Olympia Tuesday after being
Drama reunion
is planned
A reunion is planned for
anyone who currently or
previously has participated in the
activities of the Shelton High
School Drama Department.
Distinguished, professional
actor Brooks Woolley, who will
portray the role of Gramps in the
high school's production of "On
Borrowed Time" will be in
The reunion will be held after
the March 10 performance on the
stage in the Reed Auditorium.
Refreshments will be served.
This will be an opportunity for all
former Shelton t-{igh drama
alumni to renew old
confined there since last Thursday
when she was injured in a golf
cart accident at the Olympia
Country and Golf Club.
Thurston County Sheriff's
Deputies, who investigated the
incident, said the golf cart which
Mrs. Baker was driving apparently
overturned on an incline on the
golf course and tipped over on
George Earsley, an Olympia
City Commissioner, and Mrs. Paul
Zech, who were nearby
administered mouth to mouth
resuscitation and heart massage to
Mrs. Baker after the golf cart had
been lifted from her, officers said.
Judge Baker was presiding at a
jury trial in Shelton when he
received word of the accident and
was escorted to Olympia by
Mason County Sheriff's Deputies.
The case he was trying had
one more day to go, with final
arguments and jury instructions.
The trial proceeded as scheduled
Friday with Judge Robert Doran
presiding while Judge Baker
remained in Olympia to be near
his wife.
City gets questions
about garbage operation
Discussion about garbage look
up most of the time of the
Shelton City Comndssion meeting
Tuesday night.
Tenna Stockwell appeared to
ask the commission about
information she had received that
a charge was going to be
instituted for those dumping at
the garbage dump.
Public Works Commissioner
Mike Byrne stated there was no
immediate plan fo: charging a fee
at the dump.
Mrs. Ina Leonhardt asked the
commission if she had to pay the
compulsory garbage fee of $2.70
every two months even if she had
no garbage.
City officials stated the city
ordinance read that all homes and
businesses must pay the garbage
fee whether or not there is any
garbage picked up or not.
Mrs. Leonhardt stated she was
on a limited income, and, that the
money she paid for the service she
did not use would buy one bottle
of the medicine she needs.
Officials stated the ordinance
allowed no exception to the
Don Smith of Arnold and
Smith Insurance Agency, which
has the city's liability insurance
appeared to ask if something
could be done about a dog which
the dump caretaker had at the
dump which had bitten three
people in the past several months.
lte stated the city might be
faced with an increased insurance
premium if the problem
Mayor Frank Travis told
Smith action had been taken
Monday to have the caretaker get
the dog away from the city dump.
The only other action by the
commission Tuesday night was
the approval of the
recommendation of City Engineer
Howard Godat that a contract be
granted to Ronald W. Wilder,
Olympia, for a drainage project in
the Evergreen School vicinity.
Wilder's bid of $14,143.60
was low of three received on the
Other bidders were W.B. Davis
Construction and Wood
Mayor Frank Travis stated
that on the recommendation of
City Attorney B. Franklin
Heuston the commission would
take no further action on a
request received from members of
the Shelton Police Department
that there recently-formed guild
be named as the sole bargaining
agent for the officers with the
Charlie Hall, Shelton branch manager of Capital
Savings, saves money monthly the easy way!
1. No strings around the finger for reminder!
2. No checks to write!
3. No envelopes
4. No stamps
5. No monthly trips to Capital Savings.
Automatic withdrawal of funds from your
checking account each month. Start saving
today ....
pellman addresses
Lincoln Day dinner
County gets
Support for President Richard
Nixon's revenue sharing plan and
cutting back on some other
federal programs was voiced by
King County Executive John
Spellman when he spoke to the
Mason County Republican
Lincoln Day Dinner last Thursday
Revenue sharing, Spellman
said, is sharing the basis of power
of government with the people.
The federal income tax is the
most efficient way of raising
money and doesn't leave much
left for local and state
governments, he commented.
Nixon's plan to do away with
some programs, Spellman said, is
planned to keep the good
programs and get rid of the
wasteful ones.
Congressmen and senators
have been saying revenue sharing
will not work, he commented, but
Congress did not want to approve
revenue sharing but was forced
into doing it.
Congress, he said, is either
going to have to fund the budget
for programs it passes or admit to
causes inflation.
One of the big faults of the
present federal programs is that
there are too many middlemen
who soak up too much of the
money before it reaches those
whom it is intended to help.
In his remarks Spellman
"Abraham Lincoln was a
genuine patriot. One who believed
that preserving and improving the
United States was his sacred duty.
"He had no illusions about his
role and said: '1 have no desire to
have God on my side. What 1
want is to be on God's side.'
"So today the Republican
Party, under Richard Nixon,
wants to be on the side of the
constitution, of a balanced federal
system with state and local
government each playing their
proper roles. We want to be on
the side of those who take pride
in the good things this great
country has accomplished in its
almost-200 years of
independence. We want to be on
the side of individual initiative,
with each man assuming his
responsibility. We want to be on
the side of economy and honesty
in government. We don't want
God on our side - we want to be
on God's side.
"The message of the 1972
presidential election is that the
vast majority of the American
people share these Republican
"The people are weary of
those who can see the history of
the United States through gloom
colored glasses.
"The people are weary of
those who divide Americans into
competing activist segments and
encourage a 'What's in it for me'
attitude in such newly-formed
militant groups.
"The people are weary of
those who mouth the word
'unity' while being preoccupied
with the differences among our
people ... weary of those whose
philosophy is divisive, pitting
generation against generation,
race against race, sex against sex,
and class against class.
"The people are weary of those
who talk about giving every
individual an opportunity for a
job, but support a wasteful horse
and buggy welfare system that
demeans the recipient, holds no
hope for his family, and
discourages people from going to
"The people are weary of
those who cry crocodile tears over
the shrinking of the dollar due to
The Mason County
Commission was notified at its
meeting Monday a planning grant
for remodeling of the
courthouse and construction of a
courthouse annex had been
The grant, for $16,800 is
from the State Department of
Planning and Community Affairs.
The commission made no
decision on what the next step in
the planning process would be.
The comn]ission approved a
resolution for the formation of a
county public works department.
The commission was informed
that a 20-foot fiberglass
inboard-outboard boat was
available through state surplus
and it could he used by the
sheriff's office.
George Doak, director of
emergency services for the
county, and Sheriff John
Robinson, appeared to discuss the
possibility of obtaining the boat
with the commission.
Two arrested
Daniel Pierce, 25, and Cynthia
Pierce, 20, both of Route 3, Box
513, Shelton, were arrested at
their home Friday evening on
charges of possession of a
controlled substance with intent
to sell.
Mason County Sheriff's
reckless spending have caused
inflation, and, even today, are
voting billions of dollars of new
programs without providing the
income to pay for them.
"The people are weary of
those who decry the waste of the
program to strengthen law
enforcement, but seek to excuse
the criminal by blaming his
conduct on society's neglect.
"These weary people, seeking
a return to the virtues that have
made this country great and
strong, voted for Richard Nixon."
THE ONLY worthwhile
achievements of man are those
which are socially useful.
Alfred Adler
but who through Deputies, who made the arrest,
said more than 40 grams of
marijuana were found in the
Deputies operating on
information they had received
earlier, obtained a search warrant
for the home before going there
when the arrests were made.
Pierce was taken to the Mason
County Jail and Mrs. Pierce to the
Thursday County Jail's Women's
section, where they were held
until Monday when they were
released on personal recognizance
by Judge Frank Baker after
formal charges had been filed
against them by Prosecuting
Attorney Byron McClanahan.
McClanahan filed the charges
They stated the boat was
available free of charge but, that
the motor and unit need to be
They stated they had
contacted a local boat firm and
had been given a cost estimate of
$2,300 for the necessary work,
which would include taking the
present sheriff's office boat in
Doak stated he had had the
boat placed on hold until he
could contact the commission.
The commission told Doak to
go ahead and try to obtain the
These tides are for the
Union area. For Shelton and
Oakland Bay add an hour
and a half and 2.4 feet.
Thursday, March 1
High ..... 3:42 a.m. 11.3 ft.
Low ..... 9:08 a.m. 7.2 ft.
High ..... 1:42 p.m. 9.7 ft.
Low ..... 8:46 p.m. 0.9 ft.
Friday, March 2
High ..... 4:07 a.m. 11.6 ft.
Low ..... 9:42 a.m. 6.4 ft.
High ..... 2:42 p.m. 10.0 ft.
Low 9:28 p.m. 0.9 ft.
Saturday, March 3
High .....4:30 a.m. 11.9 ft.
Low .... 10:11 a.m. 5.5 ft.
High .....3:28 p.m. 10.4 ft.
Low .... 10:03 p.m. 1.1 ft.
Sunday, March 4
High ..... 4:48 a.m.
Low .... 10:40 a.m.
12.0 ft.
4.4 ft.
10.7 ft.
1.6 ft.
High .....4:17 p.m.
Low .... 10:39 p.m.
Monday, March 5
High .....5:06 a.m. 12.2 ft.
Low ......11:15 a.m. 3.2 ft.
High ....... 5:06 p.m. 11.0 ft.
Low ......11:15 p.m. 2.3 ft.
Tuesday, March 6
High .....5:28 a.m. 12.3 ft.
Low .... 11:51 a.m. 2.1 ft.
High .....5:54 p.m. 11.1 ft.
Low .... 11:56 p.m. 3.1 ft.
Wednesday, March 7
High .....5:57 a.m. 12.4 ft.
Low .... 12:33 p.m. 1.1 ft.
High .....6:51 p.m. 11.1 ft.
Thursday, March 8
Low .... 12:33 a:m. 4.2 ft.
High ..... 6:26 a.m. 12.4 ft.
Low ..... 1:13 p.m. 0.4 ft.
High ..... 7:46 p.m. 10.9 ft.
size car
The best looking mid-size car we've ever had
now comes with a sound-proofing
treatment that's so quiet we call it "Super-
Quiet." Such a great buy we call it
"Gold Sticker Value."
Plymouth Satellite Sebring-Plus
A lot of economy car
for the money.
Big enough for five, yet small enough to handle easy,
gives good economy, too. Duster. A Gold Sticker Value.
Our lowest-priced Chrysler.
Your easy step-up to a big car !
Big Chrysler size, room
and power for the lowest
Chrysler price. Move up
during our Gold Sticker
Value days.
Chrysler Newport 4-Dr. Hardtop
Front and Railroad
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1, 1973
reg. $1.19,
Bath Beads
reg. $1.19
60 min.
100 Assorted
Plastic Bandages
Reg. 98¢
reg. or lemon,
6-oz., reg. 69¢
Reg., dry
or oily.
reg. $2.25
Hair Spray
Reg., super
or unscented,
reg. $1.25
Reg. $1.49
2.8-oz. size,
reg. or mint,
reg. $1.59
Evergreen Square • 426-3456 •