March 1, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 1, 1973 |
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A district meeting of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
and Auxiliary will be held in
McCleary on Saturday beginning
with a no-host dinner at 6:30
p.m. The business meeting will
start at 8 p.m.
Howard Swope, District 5
commander from Shelton, will
preside. There will be
exemplification of memorial
services at the auxiliary meeting.
At 2 p.m. on March 18,
District 5 will hold a district
Voice of Democracy banquet at
Today, Thursday, March 1
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Tops Washington Chapter No.
313, 7 p.m., courthouse annex.
Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.;
business meeting, 8 p.m.,
Democratic Central
Committee, 8 p.m., courthouse.
Mason County Recreation
Association, 8 p.m., Colonial
Fair Harbor Grange, 6 p.m.
potluck, 7:30 p.m. meeting,
Grapeview Firehall.
Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild,
7:30 p.m., home of Shirley
640, 7 p.m., County Health
American Legion and
Auxiliary, 8, Memorial Hall.
Lions Club dinner and board
meeting, 7 p.m., Hy-Lond Inn.
Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m.,
Masonic Temple.
Jaycee dinner meeting, 6:30
p.m., airport clubhouse.
Nimrod club, 8 p.m.,
Faith Lutheran Church
Women, 8 p.m.
Hood Canal Improvement
Club, 7:30 p.m., Union Firehall.
Welcome Chapter OES, noon,
Masonic Temple.
Pancake Breakfast, 7 a.m. to 1
p.m., Saint David's Episcopal
Wednesday, March 7
Tops Washington Chapter No.
341, 7 p.m., county health office.
Shelton Art Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD. Frame Night.
Donnie J. Orthopedic Guild, 8
p.m., home of Dorene Ray.
St. David's Guild, noon,
Parish Hall.
Thursday, March 8
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Tops Washington Chapter No.
313, 7 p.m., courthouse annex.
Union Ladies Civic Club
potluck luncheon, Union Firehall.
DPW, United Methodist ~~
uce a ,o 0 t Pass/rig
High S h I Sp tlight
Friday, March2
Chamber of comme~e board
C OO O meeting, 7:30 a.m., Hy- ond Inn. ~ Feature Writer, JAN DANFORD (~
VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m.,
Bamford was recently Bamford, his father Bob, and Memorial Hall. ~:
name,"Cutes.,, That his mother, Bobby, live a little
Moonlight rummage sale, 5
p.m. to 8:30 p.m., PUD, by
Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild.
Family Night, 7 p.m.,
Skokomish Community Church.
Rummage sale, 9 a.m. to 5
p.m., IOOF Hall by Ruby
Rebekah Lodge.
called these days at
School, where he's
dus, drafting, civics,
and senior choir,
C]Pating in the German
Committee and
ways out of Shelton. Barb, his
sister, is in her second year at
Central Washington State College.
There's a '48 Plymouth at their
place, now on its third generation
in the Bamford family, that Bruce
is restoring.
Although he chose not to
Saturday, March 3
Tyl k compete against other rifle clubs
S CZCI two years ago when he was a Little League registration,
member of the club at Shelton noon until 4 p.m., Simpson
present High, Bruce is a good shot. He's Timber Company, Third and
been hunting for years - stalking Franklin.
progrclm deer with his father, and duck, Sunday, March 4
pheasant, and pigeon with his
=dent during the fall 1972 friends. Shelton churches invite you
of the world's only Through paper routes and his to attend the church of your
program, Margy job at the Safeway, Bruce has choice.
is available to been saving money for college for CYO breakfast, Timbers
experiences and tomany years. He figures on saving;. Mason County Little League,
e color film, enough to take aviation, possibly board meeting, 7 p.m., Colonial,.
at sea," to student, at Central, by working one. mor~: i House.
ty, civic and social year. He doesn't have the perfect ......
does this as an vision required to be a pilot, but Monday, March 5
member of the would enjoy going to some other PUD No. 3 Commission
lrollment Team foraspect of that field just the same. meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
World Campus Bruce is currently the room.
president of his church youth
When an orchard was new
and an apple was offered,
it proved to be true
that the apple thus proffered
was fruit then forbidden
and so double-sweet;
but the pair, passion-ridden
and most indiscreet,
promptly ate it. The fruit
was organically grown.
The point may be moot
but the fair seed was sown
in polite virgin soil
undefiled, unpolluted,
according to Hoyle;
and in pure undiluted
non-chemical drops
rain water from heaven
fell down on the crops
six days out of seven.
A reptile reclining
in undulant ease
recommended the dining
while both birds and bees
encouraged in chorals
reptilian words
that corrupted the morals
of both bees and birds.
Applesauce for the goose
isn't sauce for the gander
enjoying the juice
and escaping the slander
which water-like pours
from his duckling-like back
while his poor paramours
are impaled on the rack.
While women await
orange blossoms in chapels
each potential mate
may be polishing apples.
If man is permitted
to sow his wild oats
while unbenefited
by Mendelssohn's notes
let woman plant appleseeds
throughout her garden,
fulfilling her needs
and asking no pardon.
What difference, indeed,
in the land of the free,
who planted the seed
or who shook the tree?
Though seldom confessed
is the giving to teachers
of apples unblessed
in the churches by preachers,
in shadow of steeple,
apparently biders
of time, many people
are drinking hard ciders.
Surreptitiously sipping
the broth of the devil,
quite willingly tipping
the bowl while they revel
in scorning the flesh
and imbibing the broth,
they are drawn to the mesh
as to flame is the moth.
Ripe apples are wasted
each wonderful day.
Bright apples are tasted
and soon tossed away
to the film and
account, Margy
available which
neraries, courses, the
Campus, in-port
Cap received
StUdent activities,
requirements, costs
by local girl
aids available for
County commission meeting,
I0 a.m., courthouse.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pick ups.
Simpson Pinochle Club, 7:30
p.m., Memorial Hall.
S ki C 1 u b, 7 : 3 0 p.m., Too often the apple by the people who quibble
During February, Marian L. Mountain View School. of some woman's eye and innocence claim,
litional information or Eveleth of Shelton was among the Southside PTO, 7:30 p.m., at at the slightest mishap'll denying the nibble
for a program 65 nursing students receiving caps the school, turn into a stye. but playing the game,
Mason County Park and Boys can be boys so sorely afraid
interested personsat the annual nurses cappingRecreation Board, 7:30 p.m., with eachmischievousAdam
:t Miss Tylczak atceremony at Pacific Lutheran of the serpent they see
or 407 N. 6th in University in Tacoma. county commissioners room. pursuing his joys when they sit in the shade
Marian is a sophomore at AARP, 2 p.m., PUD. with a maiden or madame, of the old apple tree.
PLU; the annual capping Tuesday, March6 ~t¢~ ~**~cll¢*~=*~*~l*~l=*:ll;l¢llllll~
ceremony marks the completion Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
COsmetics of one-and-a-half years of nursing Timbers Restaurant. ~ FASHI¢ )
education, particularly the first City commission meeting, 2
[ YOu six months of in-hospital duty. pm,cityhall.
DUarlngshhe nl;xt two-and-a-half " Tops Washington Chapter No. ~ and
y e wi be working in
tKEuP increasingly specialized areas of ''luck--Janned MOIID [
wnplexion is rath(nursing. I~O!" IJ
t makeup tends t
Can I avoid ~ A daughter of Mr and Mrs Welcome Chapter OES
re ..... thi. O.J. Ashford of Shelton, Marian is meet in the Masonic Tempi,: It,, ~
"=mener t a graduate of Shelton High noon potluck luncheon on
kT-' the excess oil School. Tuesday.
. .oo LIWW
makeup "oe~ ^~
~OOthly = ~ ~" ~ ..
" now makeu
hat are f..._ P.s.on.
,c ..... v,.,numtecl "ONE STOP"
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6:00 Saturday =X" ~ m "X-
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Ocean Shores. Frank Pennel of
Montesano is the district Voice of
Democracy chairman. Further
information will be published
On Friday at 8 p.m. the VFW
Post and its Auxiliary will hold a
regular business meeting in the
Memorial Building. Further plans
will be made for the auxiliary's
rummage sale to be held March 9
in the PUD Building. Members
may call Jo Sparks, 426-6342, if
they have rummage for pickup or
can help during the sale.
The Olympia Post and
Auxiliary held their annual Voice
of Democracy banquet on
February 25. Attending from
Shelton were Commander and
Mrs. Wayne Robinson, Fifth
District Commander and Mrs.
Howard Swope, Mr. and Mrs.
Darrell Sparks, Jessie Cox, Lucille
Chapman, Mamie Clark and
Colleen Gephart.
Guild to meet
Anthropologist Karen Jane
McCullock will present a program
on the Life of the Indian at the
noon meeting of St. David's Guild
to be held Wednesday in the
Parish Hall.
Mrs. George Brewer,
president, and Helen McCann will
co-hostess the coffee hour.
A JUNE THIRTIETH WEDDING is planned for Hazel Marie
McKenzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McKenzie of
Harrah, and Shelby Darrell Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Rice of Shelton. Both are graduates of Yakima Valley College
and of Central Washington State College, and will wed in the
Harrah Assembly of God Church.
er sJa
Shelton Church women will
join together for the World Day
of Prayer on Friday at 1:30 p.m.
in Faith Lutheran Church. All
women are invited to attend.
Local churches sponsoring the
event are Saint David's Episcopal,
United Methodist and Faith
Civic Club
will meet
The Union Ladies Civic Club
will hold its regular meeting next
Thursday. Hostesses for the
potluck luncheon meeting will be
Ellen Rebman and Edna Johnson.
On February 10 the club will
have a dinner for members and
their guests in the Union Firehall.
The 7:30 p.m. dinner will be
preceded by a social hour
beginning at 6:30. Verna Galyean
and Eleanor Buechel are in charge
of the potluck dinner.
Officers for the 1973-74 year
were elected at the February
meeting. They are as follows:
President Ellen Rebman,
Vice-President Verna Galyean,
Secretary Alice Miller, Treasurer
Karen McCullock, and Sunshine
Chairman Dorothy Aldrich.
The theme of the It)73 prayer
observance "'Alert in our Time'"
expresses tiiL' intention of woltlen
to be aware of the crucial needs in
the world and to be agents of
God's reconciling love in those
Christian belief lhal faith
should not be separated from
Winners named
Shelton Bridge ('lub
North-South wim~ers for the
Monday night meeting were
Howard and Dorothy IIoh, Rex
and Louise tlmphenour, Vick
King and Norm ttulbert.
East-West winners were (;usti
Goldschmidt and Lillian llpdyke,
Jerry and Donna Wagner, Juau
Russell and Helen Ruddell.
Sale scheduled
Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75
will start their monthly rummage
sales on Friday from ~) a.m. to 5
p.m. These sales will be held in
the IOOF ttall over the Coast to
Coast Store.
There will be new items,
including a davcno and chair set,
and there is a big old antique
action is carried out through the
WDP observances. Around the
world women give to the WDP
offering which is used to support
programs of the Intercontinental
Mission the process by which
CWU participates in a ministry to
people all over the world.
Women to hear
Mrs. J. Dolliver
Mrs. James Dolliver of
Olympia will be the guest speaker
at the general meeting of the
Faith Lutheran Church Women
on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Her topic
will be "The Adventure of Being
Cheri Watson will be guest
soloist. The business meeting will
bcgm a~ 7:30 p.m. and the public
is invited to attend.
Guest- attends
All Busy Belles were present
at the February 21 meeting held
at 3:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs.
Drew Cole. Cindy Winters
attended as a guest.
The group witnessed a
demonstration on the cutting of
carrot and celery sticks.
by Julie Ann Stites, reporter
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Thursday, March 1, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7