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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Div. of P. N. Hirsch Co. Men's and Boys' Dept. Pants 100% cOrduroy, reg. 8.95 $4.99 s' SWeaters ess.up card" ~;es 6.18 ,/gan and full button ..... k , , -~y. to/.98 ................. I/Z trice rs C°rds 88 ~0%~OttOn, slims only, reg. to 7.98 .......... $3. rt Coats ~:;.'~O/yester and poly blends "~ oU.O0, 10 on v .~")4 R8 Ties ........................... 100% p. [ Olyester, reg. 3.00 ................... 99¢ Shirts i~°.U~Northwest brand shorts eeve $988 L, "" reg. to 16.00 . .' ................ h's Shirts keSs/S-o ~n ~, rt, Perm prest 9Sleeve, reg. to6.0b .... 3/$8.50 ea. $2.99 Jackets !11111's dac/cttn blend, reg to 10.00 ............ $6.00 Sweaters 6 99 !r;`gun, sizes s-m reg to 16.00 .............. $ , !a Slacks 16 00 ~r, cuff fashion double knit ............. $. I ' lacks ~ili~p°lyester double knit. and fancies, reg. to $t6.00 .......... $ I 0 00 Men's 100% Polyester Swim Suits 4 on y, small size ......................................... $1.50 Flare Leg Jeans one group, values to $10.00 .......................... $5°00 jI LARGE SELECTION LADLES' DRESSES Reduced to Clear Sportswear One group ........................................... 1/2 Off Pant Suits Ladies', 100% polyester .............................................. $23.88 Accessories and Lingerie Panty Hose Famous brand petite, med. tall ............................ 351~ Ea ..... 3/$1.00 Bikini Nylon print, sizes 5-6-7 ..... i. ........................................ ~.4~ Handbags d,, White, beige, Navy, red, black ...................................... ¢b4 - $5 - $6 and Scarf 2 only, reg. $7.00 ................................................... $2.99 LADLES' 100% POLYESTER DOUBLE KNIT / Get-it-together with skirts . . . pants . . . or shorts. All machine washable, permanent press. Colorful screen prints splashed on solid white background. Featuring button front and short sleeves. Ladies sizes S-M-L and 40-44. Reg. toS°lids' 39-4 s . 9S Dresses Girls' Dept. Entire Stock $45.00 '~ COatoSn y reg to220 II ThrOWRLlg Door Buster Extranice, reg. 8.00 ............................ $3.99 ..... I Pa-'-- , ",x ,gun o .......................... 3 $1 r~l'C/nYl°n, cotton/nylon, reg. 59c ........ 3/$1.49 Tonight Only! Winter Coots ,ce i p.,c= I ] Entire Stock '~luQ~'rdwinter, we hava plenty ...... 1/2Pr" Sprjng jN? kree:Spurpe ¢~t~r~ I Bl;dspreads ~S'nyl°n ,a Dresses-'' ........................ "u~'u'/ I I :~l~/!~C I ~'te169'5 Yawayf°rnextwinter f°r$1d°wn $1288 20°nly'.r.eilt].l.2"iiii-.....-iiii..-....iiii..-....iil.i/~2Of~ 20 OFF E k SI Reg. retail price, LUG~ I~.~ tonight only ~ . I [~ (~~ IAGE SJ Save Now! I Dresses , ~ Shipl~en't fr°rn a tam°us name c°mpan ' I EntireStock o r hOFFo I "U""[Y! Large ass°rtment °f c°l°rs" Y LADIES LUGGAGE I Blan, cet: TOTE BAG...REG 30.0 ......... 18.88 T BEAUTY CASE... REG. 35.00 2 ' .88I ) OI IIFF O'NIGHT...REG. 38.00 ........... 23.88 Tonight Only, " 3 P ec ;e 24" PULLMAN...REG. 4.~.00 28.88 26" PULLMAN...REG 5500 34.88 CAPRI BLUE--PALM GREEN VENETIAN RED. ecorati MEN'S LUGGAC;E Knit Suits Pillows / ~~ 100% wool, reg. $49.94 21" COMPANION.-. REG. 38.00 23.88 Reg. to $4.00 24" COMPANIOH...REG 4,5.00 28.88 " " ' ' SUITI R'eeREG" 55"00CARDOVAN v"'" .............. "--'"EB' "O"N" "Y' 34.88 9 ) ,88. 3SUITERe eeR EGR, 6,0, O 0 B3LA(.KS"= 8 8 Ton ight On lyI Ton ight On ly, Thursday, March I, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9 Lingerie Onerack ...................................................... Off 1/2 Off Better Handbags One group, reg. 10.00-35.00 ........................................ 20% Knit Shawls 7 only, aJ,es to 14.00 ............................................... $2.49 Polyester Knits One group 54'"60" reg. to 5.49 ...... Yd. $1.99 Powder plus cologne ..... $3.75 and $5.25 Hand Lotion ........... $3.00 and $1.50 Soap ................... 5 bars $2.50 Spray Cologne $4.50 size only ...... $2.50 2Two Hours Only Entire Stock----- DRESS SALE 0% Off Regular Price ii ii i Strapless Bras Reg. 5.00 ..................................................... Now $2.00 ,eg. 3.00 ..................................................... No, $1.25 , ,, * )' Cardigan Sweater ,/ One only, reg. 12.00 ....................... Now $5.88 C Wool Coat ........ t _. One only white, fur trimmed, reg. 60.00 .............................. Now $29.88 Blouses Reg. $12.00 One group ......................................................... 1/2 Off Knit Suits 11 on,y, 3 piece woo,, reg. 49.95 ................................... Now $19.88 Yardage D t. Household Linens Wool Coats One group, reg. to 40.00 .......................................... Now $1 6.88 Knit Skirts 100% Acrylic Knit Polyester and cotton blend, reg. 4.00 ................................ Now $2.99 Prints of many colors, reg. 3.29 ..... Yd.. $1,98 Decorator Pillows Fur fabric or corduroy, many colors, reg. ~ ~ ¢ House Dresses 1.99 ........................ 7 7 Bath Towels Ladies cotton, reg. 8.00 .......................................... Now $5.88 Polyesters & Blends Assorted if perfect 1.49 ea 69~ Bean Baq Skirts .............. 2 r g. 8.50 .......................................... .... Now $2.50 VVo en 6o" wi e reg. 2.9s- .69. yd.. $2.00 Pillow Cases Ladies Belts o*ed. reg. .oo ..................... $2 O0 One rack ............................................ 99 Double Knit Dress Hangers .............. One large group, polyester 54"-60" Place Mats Padded ........................................................... 2/99( reg. ,.9,, yd. $3.00 P,astlc, package of G reg 99c 69' Polyester Double Knit Boxed Place Mats Onegroup, menswearlook, reg. 6.5g, yd.. $4.98 Set of p,ast c .apk, , or co ste,,, 1.49 reg. 2.00 ........................... ~1. Assorted Remnants Calendar Towels wide, reg. to 200 ............. yd. 49 reg. ....................... 25' Felt Decorator Calendars Quilted Fabric Reg. 1.49 ........................... 50¢ .eg. 2.9 ................... yd. $1 .49 Remnants Once-A-Year One group, reg. 89c .............. yd. 25= FABERGE' SPECIAL Tigress, Woodhue, Aphrodisia, Flambeau