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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Armour's CUDAHY Lean Ground Beef ......... ,b• 89c Beef T.Bone Steak Sl" Beef New York Steak • s289 Beef Top Sirloin Steak ,. Sl °° Countrystyle Spareribs.• Pork Loin oO0 1/4 Sliced *.,..d. Cu, F,am • . . 14-16-1b. Lain, Ib. Prices effective Wed., February 28th through Saturday, March 3rd. No sales to dealers. Small, Young, New Zealand, Has Been Frozen r lb. Fresh Mushrooms ,b 88c D'Anjou Pears ....,b 29c Fresh Rhubarb ,o. ,o.o.,b 39c Winesap Apples Bog 69c Romaine Lettuce Eo. 19c Crisp Radishes 10' Baking Yams .... n, Country Pure Grape Jam Variety Peanut or Marmalade Jam Butter ,,.. 49c ,,.o,. 69c i .o,. 73c O (Sliced, lb. 89') lb. Beef Chuck Roast ,ana,.,, S119 • . Choice, lb. Pork Rib Chops ........ ,b. S1'9 Ground Turkey .......,b Turkey Breasts **ad.r0,c.d • . . Boneless, lb. Safeway Wieners .... 59c Wash. Grown Clean Russets Whole or Half Water Added E-Z Carve Sliced Bologna... 76c Rainbow Trout .... SlZ9 Cooked Sole Fillets • ,b Fish Sticks ............. Fish Cakes .... Captain's Chuice, 12-oz. Con venience Items • ,b 29 Sparkling Fresh Bunches lO-Ib. Bag Lb. C 1 C # Helpers .... far Hambucgar 49" Betty Cracker, Each Tamales .... VanCamps 41" Beef, 15 !7 .oz. Pork&Beans ,owa House, 30-uz. ~11 dr Divider Puck $1 | | Chow Mein Ch.,iug..-o, 10OO Island• P,ui,.,,, 42" • Dressing, I~uz. Cookies ....... ,unsh, n. 60 Hydrux, 20-oz. Diet Mix . ,r,ica, Seg..4, Grated Tuna• Von C.p's.,,,-a,. CREAM THE CROP Med. Doz• U & I Sugar ........ ,0,h S138 Candi Cane Sugar ,0,h S13' Kitchen Craft Flour .. s1°9 Cake Mixes. ,,..w,i,h,..,,.. .... 29' Royal Satin ..... Sho,fenmg, 3-lbs. 8 5c Mrs. Wrights Pineapple Rolls 89c Butter & Egg Bread Skylark. 22V2-oz. 39C Sandwich Bread .... 41 Mrs. Wright's English Muffins.. 37 WILDERNESS CHERRY Fruit C 21 -oz. COPYRIGHT 1960 SAFEWAY STORES, tNCORPORATEO Green Beans. Do, Mont. 25c Cut, 16-0ante TOWN Regular ur .OusEGreen Beans 23' French Cat, 16-uz. EARLY OARO,, Peas .... D., Monte. ,7-oz. 23" TOWN .OUSEureen Peas ..... ,,-Oun,. 20c TOWN .OUSEt, ream Corn ... ar Cut ,,-a,. 20" DEL MONTE CREAMED or Cut, t C 17-oz. Peanut 93' Macaroni 0, Spaghetti 3 5C • . . Dinner Hour, 22-az. ~ DINNER c .OUR Noodles. E,. 3 1 ,ooo ,s,an°.41 ' Dressing... ,,-o. Dressing .... ,r,, ,a,.,,.,. 7A' (S-OZ. 42¢) 1 G-oz. ~r Jr Tartar Sauce...Sna,,SavenB-u,. 4 3' ROZEN FOODS REFRI(;ERATED FOODS Cottage Cheese,,.. Margarine .... ,h 27' Kraft Spreads P'neoPP14~.O`~ver ,..antes.a. 3 9' Kraft Spreads. 4 3* Cheese Bacon, S-OZ. .%Topping (.,,,....49') 89' .... Lucerne, IS-oz. .." . Topping . ,., ..... ,,_,, .... 47' Margarine .... Sunnybank Co,n Oil. lbl 3 5' Reg. Imperial 44' Blossom Time Milk .... Sly° Sharp Cheddar ,..ayCh ..... SlY' Kuminost Cheese Sl°S Garden Supplies Non Burn Canadian Fertilizer Sphagnum for your lawn Compressed # 25 Cubic Bog Bag Tree Bark .... ,..,..k.,..'-c*,rBng 99c Tru Cow .... ,.,, ,, ,., ,hrahs. , ,, ,., 89c Rose Bushes .... ,,, ,..urt.,.,.. 79c Holland Bulbs .. '"ng 79' Varieties, Pkg. It's Time For Coffee/ Folger's Coffee ,,,. ,.,. .,.,,) SlS, ..... Instant, 10-e,. Red Rose Black Tea Bags. ,B., 60 Adolph's Salt Substitute.. 59c Kava Instant Coffee..•,.... Sl" Yuban Coffee ......... ,-,-,, $16° Hills Brothers Coffee ..... ,aaud, S1'4 Maxim ,REEZE *1" OR,EO Coffee .......... ,.ou.,. Instant Maxwell House• ,.,.u,,o..,. sis" Maxwell House Coffee.h.."22' Coffee Mate ........... ,,.0unc. 93c Lucerne Coffee Tone ...... ,, For Your Laundry GREEN GOOOE S Salad Dressing 45C Fruits &Juices TOWN .ousEOrange Juice .. Uaswt.,46-uz. 49c Del Monte Pl,,,PP,E- 38c Juice.. ,-.,. LaLani0R,PE,,u,,P'"E"P'" Juice ......... 46-o.. 34' Town House Pear Halves . ,..,. 3 3' TOWN .Gas, Fruit Cocktail .......... ,,-0ante 29' Fruit Cocktail ......Da,,.fa.,,.., 31' ~ LADYELBERTA Peaches ....... Freas,an.,,,-.,. 4 3c Snow Star (Gallon Sl.31) V2 Gal. Onion Rings. ,.,_.,.., .... 33' ,ho..r,.o 22' Tater Boy . . ,o,., .... Vegetables ,.,..,,. ,o,, ,o,. ,-*. 65' BEL ~_ L Corn ..... 2-,b.,o,y,.o 63' "'-"59' Peas & Carrots• ,.,~. poly Bag 'a', 59' Bel-air Green Peas Be0. French Fries. "-'" 46' . 2-1b, Poly Bag Blue 73' Don't Forget Paper Items/ nl--_A._.*., kl..A.- Borax M ,o Team O#' C ..... 5-,b *o, u,J Royale Paper Towels ........ 1 ~ ' ' ' 3 3c Tide Detergent ..... 84-Ounce s139 Royale Bathroom Tissue" ..... ,,, 21' M. D. Bathroom Tissue ..... 43' White Magic Detergent 8,.oz s1°9 Trash Can Liner ........ .,.h..C....,O'. 75' Breck Shampoo ..... is .... s12' Breck One ...... 99' Dandruff. 6-oz. ,0,.,o. Creme Rinse . ,,..,., .... 87' Hair Spray ..... ,,,.,,,.,, ,, .... 59' Toothpaste ..... ,.,...y., .... 45' Micrin ..... ,,h, 00,,,.. ,, .... 99' "Safeway Guaranteed Quality' Pr. Riqht Guard ....Dead .... ,., .... 69' Foot Guard ........,.o .... 99c Rubbing Alcohol .... ,,., 25' Safeway Aspirin ..... 00.. 3 S' 1 l Vitamin E .... ,.,...,, ,oo,u. ,oo,, s2" Sanitary Napkins 69' Page 12 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1, 1973