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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I " "" 1 Pi°neer I b...., u., , ._ ru g o p p a n n for $215 ] lrua By JAN DANFORD rehabilitation modai{ties, and. drug County youth. Darrell and Narlita Klein formerly were connected with, to seq state museum ~oe, ........ me cnrecuon, o* D'',CK lecture-discussion,emer g e nc le s. slidesF i I mS,and Menominee,B°yle' whoseMichigan,home tOWnservediS the Hy-Lond corporation in a / B ...... N YATE" l H Boyle, drug abuse coordinator toy demonstrations will be employed, with the US Army. For two and a [nursing home in Spokane. | yLAKMI: 5 T' othof the 4- .groups/ the Thurston-Mason Counties a drug ........ [When they were transferred to |PIONEER-March 1 the fifth [meet zrotters and the Agate- ,, ' , . Jne 1acuity recruited from half years he was stationed at |Shelton they had come to | and sixth grades will travel to Tip-Top will meet at the school a.ouse workshop, sponsored ,oy the Spokane Regional Drug Abuse Madigan Hospital where his work • ' g er Will been slated for March 9 in the .......... |bweal~eV:otmsua~ta~lenVoSr'n:ll ho~Te [ Shelton to see the First Chamber on Thursday evening of this week. the community drug program, has T rai n in Cent "'" in the psychiatric ward brought Alice Chapman will be |,,eo,,le / Dance Company perform. . ........ lncmoe a nusoanu ano wlte team, him for the first time into contact ~, ,- . ~ommumty t;enter, 1314 Last .... J " D D with treatment for drug abuse. / In fact, they had often seen | Friday Mrs. Yaeger's fourth demonstrating how to make a ....... ~nucK and nay evore, evore /the deterioration of older /grade students will be on their Raggedy Ann Salad for the rourm Avenue, ulympla, is Educational Coordinator for The Army had no drug lPeople who had no business in | wav to Olvmnia to snend the day Tip-Top group. Times are Timber From 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. thethe Spokane County Drug program, he explains, "and such • n I ~ ~ /~el~Utr~gn:e~t~e'T;:oYnS~r°r~; / visiting the Washington StateTrotters 7:30 p.m.and the workshop will focus on many Coordinating Council. Also problems were ,handled in the lfor a different concept, a| Historical Museum and also the Tip-Top 7 p.m. aspects of the problem. Topics instructing will be Andy psychiatric ward. [retirement center for those not / state legislature. This should be a February 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. covered will include the definition Anderson, director of The Way The heroin withdrawals and table to perform all of their | very educational experience for and March 3 from noonto4p.m, of drug abuse; drug abuse Inn- Youth Help Association, a the bad LSD trips witnessed at lC~°?e~ngbu~nt~til/°;c~vK:ePandg / about 30 boys and girls, there will be an opportunity to education; prevention; treatment; multi-service center for Spokane that time sparked the interest that / . . ' 1 March 4 the Pioneer School sign up for Little League baseball, prompted his continuance in the /alert. / work after his discharge from the | So they developed such a | band will play a concert with the The place is the Simpson Timber |retirement center in the / Griffin and Littlerock Bands at Company building at Third and PRE-REGISTRATIONCARD service in May of1969. | Hy.TLond, a .place where the / the Griffin School. The concert is Franklin in Shelton. Ages eight As an employee of the / retirees WOUlO De given the t ........... NAME Tacoma-Pierce County Narcotics | services they required along / scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. A !larougn ,l~ quamy Ior .Little (Please print) Center, Dick Boyle gained widely /with a dignified place in the | Pioneer bus will transport the League. r~ote: ooys must bring | community. | band students and as many birth certificates when signing up diversified experience. He became Both Narhta and Darrell | " r | parents as room allows. This bus even if you have previously been AFFILIATION ~ familiar with the residential / have been associated with olde / ........ - " " Little Lea ue treatment unit which provided a lneonle and have become/ WIll leave me rioneer achoolm g " 24-hour-a-day live-in program for |attached to them and[ promptly at 2 p.m. The Pioneer Basketball team ADDRESS ~ heroin addiction. |understanding of their/ The Pioneer PTO will hotd anclosed out its season last week / problems, their good days, and | executive board meeting with a game against Griffin. The He next sought work as | their bad• [ Thursday (todav~ at 1 n m at the sixth grade team compiled a 4-win ~ ZIP __ assistant director of the Tacoma "What we offer them here .... " " . Free Clinic where in less than a / is 3 meals a dav what when / school. Room mothers are invited and 1 l-loss record and the fifth PHONE ~ AMOUNT ENCLOSED __ year, he was promoted to director,; | and where they'want them -- / to sit in• grade team wound up with 8 wins | including room service -- maid ~| April 7 has been set as the and 7 losses. Students are now (Please make checks payable to: Community Drug Program) 'Then the funding ran out, and laundry servtce m a famdy forw 1 • • . " '. | date of the Art Fair. A number of looking ard to baseball and Please return card to: Community Drug Program, Community Mental he recalls, "and 1 went to work /living atmostpnere where they / ........ track for the Coordinating Center for | are not isolated from the |appucauons nave mreaay oeen ~';lne moneer ....... Student t;ouncu Health, 1801 East Fourth Avenue, Olympia, Washington 98506. the Prevention of Alcohol and ]community activity and / submitted. If you or anyone you . . " Drug Abuse in Fort Lewis. er l c ls sponsoring another bake sale | people, at a cost of $215 p | know needs an app i alien they Wednesda In March of 1972 he accepted | month. | may be obtained at the school, this y during the noon They have the prwacy of | ' " [ Ever,,one in the communit,, is hour. Fourth, fifth and sixth are his present position. He now / their own rooms with baths 1 ] ] ..... " Water ¢;1; ,., attends Evergreen State College to asKe(l to eying some OOOles lOt land their independence to | invited toparticipate, g rl l,U .unln study treatment techniques and | come and go as they please." / Den 3 of Pack 155 won first the sale. ] Right now the Kleins are in | place at the Pack blue and ~old Parents ,on or stu.e.ts, information available w.o community organization. |the process of adding a n~w | dinner on February 22 for (heir don't forget all three bus ' ' A 11 c it i z e n s o f fire detection aria sprinKe • • Thurston-Mason Counties who | -. | table decorations and good schedules are all being revised as Computing the amount of department of ecology / system, as well as improveo Tire / ...... lescaoe exits to conform with | manners. Members of Den 3 are per the dlrectmns at the last water used each year when filing a developed the brochure, are interested in learning more /state licensing codes. A staff of / Floyd and Leslie Muslen Kevinschool board meeting. So if your water rights registration form is estimated that at least 30 per cent about drug abuse are welcome to /16 people is on duty to / Kappa, Charles Hamilton Bob child was not in school lastnot always an easy task, as of the water rights applications attend the workshop, he states. ]maintain the high standard of / ,-. .r .. ' ......... thousands of Washington citizens received have to be returned A $10 registration fee is ...... • L, icKinson, 5teve Hinck Donluesaay when me schedule was / service set at the Hy-t_ono. (pal. / .... ' ........ have already discovered, because the form was filled out required to pay for the facilities - • . = meacnam and George Cook sent out, De sure to contact me / nov.} • • t .] Congratulations to allof you school for a copy of the revision. The Washington State incorrectly, and for the traveling expenses of " boys. This is to take effect March 5. Department of Ecology now is At least 40 per cent of these the faculty. A pre- registration distributing a brochure explaining were returned because people did card is supplied below. in simple terms how to compute not know how to determine the -- Feelthe Weter l l/ quantities when filing water rights normal quantities required for the W88k and saSe., applications. The brochure, which various uses of water. This will be included with eachbrochure is designed to make 1 differs| classes are application mailed, can also be filling,out the application form W00dsmsn obtained by contacting theeasier, ' she said. • 1 1 department's regional offices in Washington residents must ---- -- plannea Redmond, Spokane and Olympia. register water right claims before b~--~- The Thurston-Mason County Miss Betty Martin, an June 30, 1974, or lose any prefer ® ~ Chapter American Red Cross is engineering aide for the claimed right. HOMEL!TE ~~~ offering awatersafetyinstructor -.. • _ ,eaker toI;;ll i ~ ~~ course starting March 5, at 6:30 ,~ p.m. the 30-hour course will be mlSS,onary s _ .. 0.o.,o,,o wS,,aws Test dxive anew Chevy pickup. School Pool by KathleenOKelly, be at Kamilc te church Red Cross water safety instructor Find out for yourself just how different . " trainer these new Chevy pickups really are. .,~ . . . Reverend Paul V. Greisen, anSlides, curios, and costumes i h a I ght ~..~,~r:.-~, 1--, . ~ .. .~ , . lne course 1s gwen in twoAssemblies of God missionary to from Hong Kong will be featured weight, easy ~"~"~"~"~"~'~, " L)rlve one• ornpare itwlm wnalever ...... . 'r , . _ , parts, each part J~ hours )nHong Kong, will be guest speaker during this special missionaryhandling Homeliteyou--~;~ you e amvmg now compare • length. To be eligible a person March 6 at 7 p.m. at the Kamilche service. Pastor Maser invites the can clean upstorm damage, must be at least 17 years of age, Valley Assembly six miles south public to attend, prune and limb, cut down our deal with anything else in town. We' 11 convince you the new Chevy pickup is your best bet. For sure. 1 Quick Parts & Service, Men. thru Sat. Rental & Lease Cars -- MIC Insurance "S'.t(c It)27'" 1~1 u//(/ (,'/',))'(' hold a current Red Cross Senior Lifesaving certificate and have a desire to teach others to swim. All participants must pre-register at the Red Cross Chapter House, 1214½ Harrison Avenue, Olympia. Since the enrollment must be limited, interested persons should contact the chapter as soon as possible. The Red Cross Chapter is a participating agency of United Way. MAN IS the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be. William Hazlitt on highway 101, the Reverend Maser, pastor, has announced. Mr. Greisen, his wife Louise, and their four children were active during their past term of missionary service at the Ecclesia Bible Institute where Mr. Greisen served as principal. He also was chairman of the Assemblies of God Field Fellowship of Hong Kong and the Evangelical Missions Fellowship in Hong Kong. This past term he established a recording studio for preaching the gospel by radio into mainland China. Upon returning to Hong Kong, the Greisens will open a local office of the Assemblies of God International Correspondence Institute• Smokey Says: Make every week Fire Prevention Week! dead trees and clear brush. Save money on firewood by cutting your own. Come in this week for a demonstration of a fast-cutting, versatile Homellte chain saw. Prices start at $119.95. MOTOR SHOP 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 Shoe Salon Thurs. Nite 7 to 9 only THE SHOE THAT FEELS GOOD! THE SHOE THAT LOOKS GOOD! Regular $8.99 % . ONE by • WHITE Beauty plus full cushion insole comfort, arch support and gore top lined for snug fit! You couldn't ask for more.,. AND look at the SAVINGS! N - W widths.' Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1, 1973 EVERYDAY LOW PRICESI Netted Gem potatoes 50-1bs. $196 Fresh Jumbo, Doz. - PeeWees Doz. ,, 99.o o $|04 Gal. Gal. 3 loaves Yel low O .......... lb. We feature Albers Feed/ Formerly C & M Crossroads owner: Brad Owen Manager: Mrs. Howard Schmidt "Top of the Shelton 34,1 Open Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Sun. 9 a.m. to 6 P.~ March is Spring Clean-up Time LAMBERT PUSH SWEEPERS !. No-rot brushes. 2. Weather-proof hampers. 1 3.26 sweep. aSk: ;, USnh:: ::P :p t:: s y. Two sizes.--No. Mark II 22 iCtFAN., No. Titan 31, I ~~ ~.duty metal' WHEELBARROW! 3 cu. ft. utility size, red color makes clean-up easy. 044 (~f ~>-' SPECIAL • Unassembled SNAP-CUT POLE PRUNER FO;oT;EE ::hi M Mel NoGu nSiNgA P;CrUhTi g hN On: 3 A REG. $16.95 SPECIAL TRU-TEST Start preparing garden areas for spring popular sizes to choose from. Complete with Briggs & Stratton Engines & Rock Sheilds. FROM 95 Kills moss in lawns -- promotes healthy green color. O-Ib .............. 2.95 2S- b .............. 4.95 S0. b .............. 7.95 Replace your old r~at weather-proof grass SPECIAL Luxurious Sat-N-Hue Sat-N-Hue flat latex says "fresh, new beautiful" in every room. 1240 colors, including House & Garden colors for '73l Easy to get the look you want. Flows on smooth, dries fast, keeps fresh-painted beauty through years of wearing. Tru-Test Paint is sold only by True Value Hardware dealers who own their own paint factories. Wood Finishers Clear, semi-gloss ishes in 3-rain. alcohol. COME IN CHOOSE YOUfl Reg. $7.98 SPECIAL Fish "dis $¢il Fin Mollies Red or Yellow l'ail Botia Giant Danio's