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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publications Legal PulAkations BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON BE IT HEREBY ORDERED, that the undersigned Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, acting in conformity _ _ ._ with Chapter 156, Sessions Laws of 1949, make the following report on the final cost of road projects: A Personalized Real Estate Service CR, No. Road Nam~ Final Estimat______~e Dat__~e 703 Mill Creek Bridge FAS 144,242.39 Oct. 26, 1970 742 County-Wide Signs 740.40 Jan. 3, 1972 -- Knauf R, ;alty-- ,,3 County-WideCulverts 5,052.65 Jan. 3, 1972 744 St. Andrews Drive 3,808.31 May 8, 1972 745 McReavy Road 10,900.44 May 30, 1973 offerl 740 Agate Road 11680.03 May 30, ]972 747 Binns-Swiger 2'258.66 May 30, 1972 748 Ryan Road '944.07 May 30, 1972 HOUSE BURNED DOWN leaving over 8 acres of 749 Bayview Road 840.40 May 30, 1972 750 District No. 1 BST 20,132.07 June 12, 1972 prime creek front property with a good drilled well 751 District No. 2 BST 5065.32 June 12, 1972 rch ]973 _..Phone 42b-2646 near Matlock. Get details! 753752 CANCELLEDDistr ct No. 3 BST 5360.34, June 12, 1972 ":~, .~-.--~. ~-- 754 Skokomish Valley 8,128.94 August 21, 1972 MOBILE HOME all set up with well, septic system 755 Finch Creek Road 6,093.86 August 21, 1972 L~I'~LeLr and large covered parking area on approximately 1 756 Tahuya-Blacksmiths-i/2 acre close to town. $9,950.00 buys all! 757 No.Mt'shoreView 17,930.611,430.42 Nor.OCt°her6, 19722' 1972 0'_of waterfront on LAKE LIMERICK - wooded low bank for easy access. $9,500.00. and f'"ueveloped FORBES LAKE 6 miles from Shelton. Two 5- and 13-acre parcels priced from $45.00 per DOWNTOWN 2 BEDROOM HOME away from The preliminary cost estimate covering the above-named projects h °°t e on SPENCER LAKE 54' of waterfront- only $7,500 00 was formally ordered on the indicated days, as provided by Chapter • traffic. $7,600.00 cash. Needs redecorating. Some 156, Session Laws of 1949. ,,early one acr financing available. DATED this 26th day of February, 1973. Choice BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TIMBERL_KELAKE^ 90"watetherfr°nt lot 89' 'y°nhalftheacreWaterin $7,500size. $1001,500 with $2,000 down. BARGAIN PRICED high and dry commercial /s/Martin Auseth OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON P',ILLIPSM= on water, near, tract. 110 feet on frontage road just off freeway Chairman itlr.__ WATERFRONT south of Shelton. $1,250.00 is the full price. ATTEST:/S//S/Williamj°hn BariekmanO" Hunter 220_ HAMMERSLEY INLET low-bank waterfront. 3¼ acres of land that can be subdivided. Only $130.00 80 FEET of absolutely no bank salt waterfront. CERTIFiED/S/Ruth E. BoysenBy: Clerk of the Board 701~~ Southern exposure, pebble beach. $13,200.00. /s/J.C. Bridger, Mason County Engineer 3/1 It 100 FEET of low bank salt waterfront, terrific ,,or nkParcelSwaterfrontat $12,950500 $ , 00.00. view, faces southeast, plenty of depth to county 324 of OAKLAND BAY waterfront. Nextto the Bayshore Golf Club Has old cabin. $23,950.00. road. $7,500.00, less for cash. =--J''a I -Publimtbn$=-----=------=---- .... .... 2/3 ACRE level mobile home site on county ,~~--__--~--------- _________________=, blacktop road. Isolated,no neighbors.Just -__ER ACREAGE $1,20000 ORDINANCE NO. 844 miles SW of Belfair within Section A N O R D I N A N C E 14 of Township 22 N., Range 2 AMENDING ORDINANCE W.W.M., in Belfair, Mason Fa • No. 682 THE CITY OF County, Washington. Said Get more detmlsl s H E L T'O N Z O N, N G development is proposed to be BAY and mounta nice woods road $6,900.00 low down. ORDINANCE. - within Hood Canal of Puget from WHEREAS, the following Sound and/or its associated of OLYMPICS line through Close Shelton zone change has been duly wetlands. ,uuu 00 10 secluded and wooded acres - close to electric power $7,50000 "Skip" Ness ' or - Dick Knouf C,tytherequestedandplann mgof SheltonC°mm'ss'°nheanngSand theheld°f CitythebY eXof P rAe n Yi per s ° ntheSS SactioneWS Ortakentod as i r, n onn°t'f'edthis't° ~dl~d~..===O Commission of the City of application should huffy county Shelton and no objections were commissioners of Mason County "f .m- ql~ IIB~IU ~lm 7 made to said changes at said in writing of his interest within HAMMERSLEyACREAG' 165acre ar uf ReCl|ty hearings, t irtyh days of the last date of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT publication of this notice. Klnml iceH ORDAINED BY THE CITY Publication dates of this notice of COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF are February 22, 1973 and March SHELTON: 1, 1973. 1. That Section 14.01 of 2122-3/1-2t Ordinance No. 682 is hereby ------ -'-- " ¢111(:1 2201 O y p" "ghway North Shelton, Wa. changed and amended as follows: NOTICE OF CLOSING I That the classification of the OF REGISTRATION BOOKS (Evenings - Cal1426-3049 or 426-8110) following described property NOTICE IS HEREBY situated in the City of Shelton, GIVEN: That the Registration Mason County, Washington, Books for Kamilche Precinct, to-wit: lying wholly within the BAN RE ;IDENCE PARCEL A: N. 59.19' of S. boundaries of School District No. 260' of Lot 19, Block 2 N. 40' of 401, Mason County, Washinoton, S. 300' same Healy's Addlhon. will be closed for ORIGINAL Lot 7, Block 2, Goldsborough REGISTRATIONS on March 3, " 'Legal Publkations " 'Legal Publkations Addition. 1973 until the day following a hree bedroom rambler ½ land, acre all fenced PARCEL B: N. 80' of Lot 19, Special Election to be held by Block 2 Healy's Addition. Lot 5, School District No. 401, on Block 2, Goldsborough Addition, Monday April 2 1973. NOTICE IS THEREFORE Soil Conservation Service, be and the same is hereby HOVVEVER', Registration GIVEN: That the Board of Kneeland Center Shelton, changed from R-1 to C-3. Books will remain open for ~LALL County Commissioners will hold a Washington. 2. The City Engineer is hereby TRANSFERS only through public Hearing at 1]:00 A.M., All landowners and tenants directed to change all zoning Friday March 16, 1973. Said Monday, March 5, 1973, in theirwithin the District are eligible to maps to conform herewith. Transfers covering only the voters Office in the County Courthouse, vote. The purpose of the election INTRODUCED at regular moving from some other Precinct to consider granting said is to elect one supervisor of the Commission Meeting this 13th to theabove-named precinct. day of February 1973. DATED this 22nd day of $300 00 !~11~ iI - - annual meeting will include a full PASSED in regular February, 1973. Per tOOtp...... "-~, recelvedneeds in the ofhce of the DEPARTMENT~:DATED._ .... thisOF20thEcoLOGY.:day .°f reportNOTicEOf ToDiStriCtcREDiTOR~activities, movingC°mmissi°nfromisPOrtiOnSsomeMeetingherebyty WashOtherOfgiventhiSingtonArCadia,Precinctthat20th ( ~/11•1•1 Ruth426.4440E. Boysen~or 426-2294 acres on SKOOKUM INLET. 2 houses - 430' low-bank waterfront. Land cleared. Only $13,950. No,be f it and on PICKERING PASSAGE. Beautiful - 21 5 BUZZARD BAY 50' waterfront lots - $3,750.00 each. Wooded and secluded. acres. Lightly wooded - view of OAKLAND ins. $2,750.00. res on paved county - Close to public saltwater access. ^,iew _ power easement property, to - 10 acres, only ear MASON LAKE - lree 5+ acres ,n AGATE area - woods - easy access. $3,950.00 each. tG. fR lie_w INLET from the front of this . p cel. Nice woods and only $19,200.00. 3 cres_next to SHELTON/OLYMPIA freeway. Wooded and rolling hills. $26,500.00. . 21 acre parcels -- 2 miles north of ALLYN on Rt. 3. Hilly and wooded. rely pasture with a stream through one corner. Only 5 miles from Shelton. $29,950.00. =rm or development property 62 acres mostly pasture. Some woods and a stream. $50,000.00. NR 0RRECTIONS CENTFR ROAD 10 yrs old T ) ...... ~- , • • -4,950 HORSE RANCH - five acres, edge of Shelton, corral, stable, large 1800 sq. ft. three bedroom ,. - needs some work - $25,000. _ . . _ CABIN overlooking Mt. Rainier, 100' high bank waterfront on lotten Inlet. $]5,000. Y .ND LAKE - neat, well-cared-for mobile home-house combination, ¾ acre. $14,950. ,!-VAN HEIGHTS Snacious rambler Iovelv wooded settino outside Shelton Cit limits on 1 acre ,, ^^_ - , . Y . • UU. Anxious seller, hurry! emergency budget extension of District for a three-year term. The February, 1973. including a financial report, day of February 1973. Auditor & Registrar for BOARD OF COUNTY B Y O R D E R O F T H E /s/F.A. Travis Mason County, We. COMMISSIONERS OF WASHINGTON STATE SOIL Mayor 3/1-1t MASON COUNTY, A N D W A T E R ATTEST: ~ - WASHINGTON C O N S E R V A T I O N /s/Helen W. Stodden ~~~ /s/By Ruth E. Boysen COMMITTEE City Clerk ~~'~ Clerk of the Board. Date: February 15, 1973 APPROVED: ~~.--~-~ • ..-------------_-______. ______ A--_________ . ~ 2/22-3/1-2t /s/By G.C. Digerness /s/B. Franklin Heuston " ~" . Pubhcations Legal Publications legal Publications Legal Publications ~ G.C.ExecutiveDigerneSSsecretary City Attorney 311 It ~-~.~.~ ~-------.----_-__._______~ ----__-----_ ~ NOTICE OF SURFACE 2/22-3/1-2t WATER RIGHT ~11 ;.()F SALE FEDERAl AID SECONDARY was a ublic necessity and yellow cedar determined ursuant APPLICATION No. S2-20704 NOTICE OF CLOSING II " OF REGISTRATION BOOKS II~ .~.~ .... LE -" P . . P STATE OF WASHINGTON, El ,~L?TATE PROJECT NOTICE OF instructed the Clerk of the Board to publlc nearlngs to be surplus to N OTICE IS HEREBY I ~lil~l.iE t ti;~'~OSALS will APPROVAL OF LOCATION to set up a public hearing thereon, ot domestic users and GIVEN: That the Registration I 11 • • TAKE NOTICE: No. 4369 - Books for ' OIEoun[ .] fi~=a###lic Utility AND DESIGN FURTHER, said ._resolution processors is exempted from T h a t G R ETCHEN C. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Kamilche 2 and Mill Creek I UJL~Ib,,V~4~,,,,I,. t ,ft... - ~ounty at Th e Wash inQton State instructed the Lounw ~-ngineer to. umesttc Processing. A total M A T Z E N o f O I y m p in, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON precincts, lying within the | ,.~ .... .~ .......... i:"~ch, Wash. until Highway Commission does advise report on said road establishm.ent of 500 M board feet inWashington on January 15, 1973,FOR MASON COUNTY )r le -v!onoay, March that th(~ Department of Highways and requested the Prosecutl.ngaeration to that which is surplus filed application for permit toIN THE MATTER OF THE bounder es of School District No I Uwn Z. or more cars: 0 ~e¢l purcllase of real had .... =~,~,r,,vedv the f*,ll,,win-,, ,, ~ Attorney to rev ew and g=ve. to needs of domestic users and divert thepublic waters of an TAT E o f J U D I T 42, Mason County, Washington | Insure them with b nere n roce • . ES H R. will be closed for ORIGINAL I A|lstate~orourspec[a| ec y the D=str ~ n a roval to the steps P ssors as stated hereto tf an . s ~-,, " ict descr bed Iocato anddes n on PP . , y, unnamed stream tributary of TSON. Deceased ~: ti~° .._ Federal-aid Secondary Routeg991, ordered. _ ........ ARE ~__exempted from Domestic Oakland Bay, In" the amount of WA OTICE" IS HEREBY" REGISTRATIONS on March 10 | ~,~-ar-cliscount. ~nat~hn? iz#t~ aEot i~eCl ~ti~g~wi~~ i~cf~s~ ~ ..... N GIVEN 1973, until the day following~ |multl