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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Rebecca Murdock Teen receives medallion for church works Rebecca Murdock, 15, was re- cently awarded the Young Wom- anhood Recognition medallion by The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints. She is a ninth-grader at Oak- land Bay Junior High who began taking steps to achieving this award at age 12, which is typical of other young women involved in the Mormon youth program. This achievement program is designed to be completed in six years but Miss Murdock finished it in only three. "Every Sunday I would just look (Please turn to page 9.) Mail Ballots cast by mail in the Pio- neer School District bond election have started arriving at the Mason County Elections Department, ac- cording to Pat Sykora, the super- intendent of" elections. Sbe said Tuesday that 5,465 balh)ts were mailed to district vot- ers on February 21 and 21 came back on Monday. It will require a return of at least 1,563 ballots, 40 percent of the turnout for the last presidential election, and a 60 per- ;livers Pione(00r ballots cent supermajority of "yes&apos;,' votes, to pass the bond issue. : Pioneer School District's $9.8- million school construction bond issue will be decided in a special election Tuesday, March 13. Bal- lots must be postmarked by that day to be counted. Proponents of the measure have visited neighborhood organiza- tions and taken to the byways with signs and to the telephone lines with a four-night informational Tomorrow is Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer, a world- wide movement of women and men of many faith traditions com- ing together to observe a common day of prayer each year, is tomor- row. It's always on the first Fri- day in March. Each year people of a different country serve as the writers of the World Day of Prayer worship ser- vice. The 2007 service has been deveh)ped by the Paraguayan committee along the lines of the theme, "Under God's Tent." The service this year will take place at 1 p.m. on Friday, March 2, in the parish hall of Saint Edward's Catholic Church, 332 North Third Street in downtown Shelton. More information is available by calling 426-6134. House of homeless. will host classes on radical welcoming The word "radical" is most often associated with descriptors such as "rabble-rouser," "left-wing" and "fringe element," or it is used to dismiss an idea as "too radical." However, in a class to be led by Reverend Dr. Jeff Sells, "radi- cal" is used in the sense of getting to the heart of the matter or the ...mmm"mmmmmmm" root of the matter. "When we talk JvWisrriva about radical welcoming we are not talking about something out ,,mmmm,,m,m,mmmmmmmmmm,J in left field but something cen- tral: to open our arms to everyone Benjamin Michael Thomas within reach," he said. "It is not Ireland radical but at the heart of the gos- was born February 15 at Ma- pel and the root that feeds us as a church." Sells is rector of Saint David of Wales Episcopal Church in Shel- ton. His class series on "Radical Welcoming" is open to everyone. Te format is a tbur-session pot- luck and class on Tuesday eve- nings, March 13 through April 3, from 6 to 8 p.m in Saint David's Parish Hall, 218 North Third Street in Shelton. Sells said a synergy exists be- tween what some theological writ- ers are talking about and what the local Episcopalian congregation is doing on a daily basis. He gives as examples the work of Saint David's congregation in the com- munity. Missions of the church in- clude partnerships with the Cold and Hungry Coalition and United Immigrants of Shelton. The con- gregation provides meals and showers to those in need. Sells points to a church service llllJlllllllDillllllllllllHIlllllllllllllllllHlllIllllIlIlll 13/larriage £icenses llllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Applying for marriage licenses during the past week, according to the Mason County Auditor's Of- fice, were: Clyde Clint Burkhart, 83, Shel- ton, and Haldis Sofie Fosse, 96, Shelton. son General Hospital to Brian and Greta Ireland of Shelton. He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. Benjamin joins siblings Zachariah, 6; Julianna, 4, and Jonathan, 3. His grandparents are Elaine Ireland of Shelton, Roger Mi- chael of Shelton, and DeThll and Suzanne Kirk of I,ynden. Great- grandparents are Norma Bruget of Bellingham and Ed and Mabel Michael of Tacoma. Corhin Tobia King was born to Chip and Norma King of Shelton February 8 at Providence Saint Peter Hospital in Olympia. He weighed 8 pounds, 2.6 ounces. Corbin joins a brother, Amos, 22 months old. His grandparents are Tom and Rena Patch of Olym- pia and Alan and Linda King, also of Olympia. Carly Joy Gale was born February 1 at Stevens Hospital in Edmonds to Tony and Gina (Travaglione) Gale. Her grandparents are Charlie and Cheryl Travaglione of Shel- ton and Stan and Karlene Gale of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Great- grandparents are Albert and Es- ther Erickson of Oakville and Valeria Conrey of Gresham, Or- ego. William Edward Cleveland was born to Jeremy and Jami Cleveland of Shelton on February 14 at Mason General Hospital. Hd weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21V2 inches long. He joins a sister, 2-year-old Hannah. Grandparents are Robert and Becky Cleveland and William and Luayne Hunter Jr., all of Shelton. Great-grandparents are Robert and Stella Cleveland, O!ive Lan- man, Beverly Allen, and Carol and William Hunter Sr., all of Shelton, and great-great-grandmother is Gladis Endicott, also of Shelton. I ructures at comltltlve rlces.  " , I YOU name it, We've built it. irlrIUCTURIES u.,: Plans & Engineering irl I I Offering:: I • Permit Administration I l Steel, Wood Or Hardi-Plank Siding I • steel or s Tab Roofing I a Lifetime Warranty on Steel Avail, I ,Free Building Design on February 9 that was attended by persons of many perspectives and colors as well as gender and sexual orientations. "It was true multiculturalism, and people stayed on because of the commu- nity," he said. "It was a commu- nity of people enjoying themselves ll #ol, a nllll mtmm oral m mmlt k-ou mn'l' IM • IWIR m,uel'ww for 1,4111. Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1,2007 campaign. Dick Parrett, chair of the citizens' group promoting the bond issue, says he's seeing a new level of community support. WITH SUCCESS of the bond measure, the district would receive an additional $2.5 million in state matching funds for bond-funded work, said Pioneer Superintendent Dan Winter. The funds would pro- vide for two separate schools, an elementary school serving K-5 and a middle school grades 6-8. The project would add classrooms to the ry building at Pioneer move grades 4 and 5 ing. Additional work there include an expanded and covered play area. (Please turn to page at a party." His class will use the book Rad- ical Welcome: Embracing God, the Other, anti the Spirit of Trans- [brmation by Stephanie Spellers as a basis for a conversation on opening the doors of the church. It can be purchased at Sage Book Store, 116 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton. People who Armin Baumgartel have not read the book are also welcome. For more information, go to the Web site at www.stda- or call 426-8472. Money 00larltet : Competitive rates : Check-writing choices : Personal service *Current historical 7-day taxable money market yield available on 02/26/07. Effective yield assumes reinvested income. The rate on the money market fund will fluctuate. An investment in the Fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. or any other government agency. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to Iosemoney by investing in the fund. You should consider the investment objective, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information. Your Edward Jones financial advisor can provide a prospectus, or visit our website at:, which should be read carefully before investing. Armin Baumgartel Dan Baumgartel Financial Advisors 821 West Railroad Avenue, Suite A, Shelton 426-0982 • ! -800-441-0982 W+":e dwa r!tj_0nes,(!om ...... Memt)er SIPC Dan Baumgartel d¢ EdwardJones Serving Individual Investors Since 1871 -- LEGAL NOTICE -- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Amendments to the City of Shelton Municipal code A public hearing before the City of Shelton Commission is scheduled for March 12, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the Shelton Civic Center Commission Chambers, located at 525 W. GO= Street, to accept public comments on a proposed amendment to the Shelton MuniCiPn Code (SMC) adopting revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance, SMC Title 19, and the La, Use Hearing Examiner, SMC Chapter 2.36. The public is invited to comment on the proposed amendments at the public hearin! A copy of the proposed amendments is available at no charge from the City of ton Community Development Department, 525 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584. phone: (360) 426-9731. 3/1J( : <+ SERVICE SAVINGS with these coupon ! , $4 hare0., 3€I+0.:, $ +. 1 0 IW189.001 " FULL DETAIL INCLUDES: I l.l  Hand Wash a Dry I. 1  Hand Wash a Dry l| .I + Hand Wash a Dry 1. ' I I  Bug & Tar Removal / I I I  Bug & Tar Removal I III  Bug & Tar Removal II I I + HandWax / I |1 [ HandWax II ',1; == :1: '1 Pc,,,, ou, Most Fine Scratches/' '1 out Mo00, Fine Scratches I' Mot Fine ScratCh I I  Vacuum Interior a Clean Vents /I II 1' Vacuum Interior & Clean Vents II i I + Vacuum nter+or & C,ean Ve. II I I L_+ Clean & Dress All Vinyl / III t-+ Clean & Dress All Vinyl I III  Clean & Dress All Vinyl h I I + Clean & Dress Leather (if + I I[  Clean & Dress Leather (If Applies) /I II ; Clean a Dress Leather (If Applies) II ' '") ' J J I, +ooo u+o,st+, Shampoo Upholstery & Carpets / I I [ Shampoo Upholstery & Carpets I III I +' +' CleanWind°wSwheelsCleaned& Rims(Ins+d s o.f)/l/I ' Windows Cleaned (Inside& Out) / i I f Windows Cleaned (,nme & Out) I / I Clean Wheels & Rims / I I I Clean Wheels & Rims I I/F_ DressTires / I '1  DressTires / I I[ DressTires ....11 I - Animal Flair Extr a I I' -- Animal Hair Extr a I I I Animal Hair Extra hide /Ittl I • Discount price subject to size & condition of vehicle With • • Disoounl price subject to size & condition of vehicle. With • . Discount price subject to size & condition of ve _nJol€ 1 coupon only, By appointment only Not valid wtth any 1 1 coupon only, Byappointmentoniy. Notvalidwithanyother 1 1 coupon only, Byappointmentonly, Notvalidwtt}a t ill olher offer. Expires 3/31/07 offer. Expires 3/31/07. offer. Expires 3/31/07. ..,,=  -- ll I I I I I I I I I Ill ll I I I I I I I I Ill ll I I I I I I I lm" FREE Shuttle Service Available 360.426.5585o I Radroad CHEVY, TOYOTA, " Avenue & U.S. 101 Interchange, She NISSAN, ETC. I lo:Certified Monday-Saturday 8 a.m.-7 p.m. sstr,C,. I ++:::::::  Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ***" WE SERVICE ALL I MAKES AND MODELS.J Parts and Service opensMonday-FridaYa.m..4:30 8 a.m.-5 P'R' Rebecca Murdock Teen receives medallion for church works Rebecca Murdock, 15, was re- cently awarded the Young Wom- anhood Recognition medallion by The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints. She is a ninth-grader at Oak- land Bay Junior High who began taking steps to achieving this award at age 12, which is typical of other young women involved in the Mormon youth program. This achievement program is designed to be completed in six years but Miss Murdock finished it in only three. "Every Sunday I would just look (Please turn to page 9.) Mail Ballots cast by mail in the Pio- neer School District bond election have started arriving at the Mason County Elections Department, ac- cording to Pat Sykora, the super- intendent of" elections. Sbe said Tuesday that 5,465 balh)ts were mailed to district vot- ers on February 21 and 21 came back on Monday. It will require a return of at least 1,563 ballots, 40 percent of the turnout for the last presidential election, and a 60 per- ;livers Pione(00r ballots cent supermajority of "yes',' votes, to pass the bond issue. : Pioneer School District's $9.8- million school construction bond issue will be decided in a special election Tuesday, March 13. Bal- lots must be postmarked by that day to be counted. Proponents of the measure have visited neighborhood organiza- tions and taken to the byways with signs and to the telephone lines with a four-night informational Tomorrow is Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer, a world- wide movement of women and men of many faith traditions com- ing together to observe a common day of prayer each year, is tomor- row. It's always on the first Fri- day in March. Each year people of a different country serve as the writers of the World Day of Prayer worship ser- vice. The 2007 service has been deveh)ped by the Paraguayan committee along the lines of the theme, "Under God's Tent." The service this year will take place at 1 p.m. on Friday, March 2, in the parish hall of Saint Edward's Catholic Church, 332 North Third Street in downtown Shelton. More information is available by calling 426-6134. House of homeless. will host classes on radical welcoming The word "radical" is most often associated with descriptors such as "rabble-rouser," "left-wing" and "fringe element," or it is used to dismiss an idea as "too radical." However, in a class to be led by Reverend Dr. Jeff Sells, "radi- cal" is used in the sense of getting to the heart of the matter or the ...mmm"mmmmmmm" root of the matter. "When we talk JvWisrriva about radical welcoming we are not talking about something out ,,mmmm,,m,m,mmmmmmmmmm,J in left field but something cen- tral: to open our arms to everyone Benjamin Michael Thomas within reach," he said. "It is not Ireland radical but at the heart of the gos- was born February 15 at Ma- pel and the root that feeds us as a church." Sells is rector of Saint David of Wales Episcopal Church in Shel- ton. His class series on "Radical Welcoming" is open to everyone. Te format is a tbur-session pot- luck and class on Tuesday eve- nings, March 13 through April 3, from 6 to 8 p.m in Saint David's Parish Hall, 218 North Third Street in Shelton. Sells said a synergy exists be- tween what some theological writ- ers are talking about and what the local Episcopalian congregation is doing on a daily basis. He gives as examples the work of Saint David's congregation in the com- munity. Missions of the church in- clude partnerships with the Cold and Hungry Coalition and United Immigrants of Shelton. The con- gregation provides meals and showers to those in need. Sells points to a church service llllJlllllllDillllllllllllHIlllllllllllllllllHlllIllllIlIlll 13/larriage £icenses llllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Applying for marriage licenses during the past week, according to the Mason County Auditor's Of- fice, were: Clyde Clint Burkhart, 83, Shel- ton, and Haldis Sofie Fosse, 96, Shelton. son General Hospital to Brian and Greta Ireland of Shelton. He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. Benjamin joins siblings Zachariah, 6; Julianna, 4, and Jonathan, 3. His grandparents are Elaine Ireland of Shelton, Roger Mi- chael of Shelton, and DeThll and Suzanne Kirk of I,ynden. Great- grandparents are Norma Bruget of Bellingham and Ed and Mabel Michael of Tacoma. Corhin Tobia King was born to Chip and Norma King of Shelton February 8 at Providence Saint Peter Hospital in Olympia. He weighed 8 pounds, 2.6 ounces. Corbin joins a brother, Amos, 22 months old. His grandparents are Tom and Rena Patch of Olym- pia and Alan and Linda King, also of Olympia. Carly Joy Gale was born February 1 at Stevens Hospital in Edmonds to Tony and Gina (Travaglione) Gale. Her grandparents are Charlie and Cheryl Travaglione of Shel- ton and Stan and Karlene Gale of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Great- grandparents are Albert and Es- ther Erickson of Oakville and Valeria Conrey of Gresham, Or- ego. William Edward Cleveland was born to Jeremy and Jami Cleveland of Shelton on February 14 at Mason General Hospital. Hd weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21V2 inches long. He joins a sister, 2-year-old Hannah. Grandparents are Robert and Becky Cleveland and William and Luayne Hunter Jr., all of Shelton. Great-grandparents are Robert and Stella Cleveland, O!ive Lan- man, Beverly Allen, and Carol and William Hunter Sr., all of Shelton, and great-great-grandmother is Gladis Endicott, also of Shelton. I ructures at comltltlve rlces.  " , I YOU name it, We've built it. irlrIUCTURIES u.,: Plans & Engineering irl I I Offering:: I • Permit Administration I l Steel, Wood Or Hardi-Plank Siding I • steel or s Tab Roofing I a Lifetime Warranty on Steel Avail, I ,Free Building Design on February 9 that was attended by persons of many perspectives and colors as well as gender and sexual orientations. "It was true multiculturalism, and people stayed on because of the commu- nity," he said. "It was a commu- nity of people enjoying themselves ll #ol, a nllll mtmm oral m mmlt k-ou mn'l' IM • IWIR m,uel'ww for 1,4111. Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1,2007 campaign. Dick Parrett, chair of the citizens' group promoting the bond issue, says he's seeing a new level of community support. WITH SUCCESS of the bond measure, the district would receive an additional $2.5 million in state matching funds for bond-funded work, said Pioneer Superintendent Dan Winter. The funds would pro- vide for two separate schools, an elementary school serving K-5 and a middle school grades 6-8. The project would add classrooms to the ry building at Pioneer move grades 4 and 5 ing. Additional work there include an expanded and covered play area. (Please turn to page at a party." His class will use the book Rad- ical Welcome: Embracing God, the Other, anti the Spirit of Trans- [brmation by Stephanie Spellers as a basis for a conversation on opening the doors of the church. It can be purchased at Sage Book Store, 116 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton. People who Armin Baumgartel have not read the book are also welcome. For more information, go to the Web site at www.stda- or call 426-8472. Money 00larltet : Competitive rates : Check-writing choices : Personal service *Current historical 7-day taxable money market yield available on 02/26/07. Effective yield assumes reinvested income. The rate on the money market fund will fluctuate. An investment in the Fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. or any other government agency. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to Iosemoney by investing in the fund. You should consider the investment objective, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information. Your Edward Jones financial advisor can provide a prospectus, or visit our website at:, which should be read carefully before investing. Armin Baumgartel Dan Baumgartel Financial Advisors 821 West Railroad Avenue, Suite A, Shelton 426-0982 • ! -800-441-0982 W+":e dwa r!tj_0nes,(!om ...... Memt)er SIPC Dan Baumgartel d¢ EdwardJones Serving Individual Investors Since 1871 -- LEGAL NOTICE -- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Amendments to the City of Shelton Municipal code A public hearing before the City of Shelton Commission is scheduled for March 12, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the Shelton Civic Center Commission Chambers, located at 525 W. GO= Street, to accept public comments on a proposed amendment to the Shelton MuniCiPn Code (SMC) adopting revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance, SMC Title 19, and the La, Use Hearing Examiner, SMC Chapter 2.36. The public is invited to comment on the proposed amendments at the public hearin! A copy of the proposed amendments is available at no charge from the City of ton Community Development Department, 525 W. Cota Street, Shelton, WA 98584. phone: (360) 426-9731. 3/1J( : <+ SERVICE SAVINGS with these coupon ! , $4 hare0., 3€I+0.:, $ +. 1 0 IW189.001 " FULL DETAIL INCLUDES: I l.l  Hand Wash a Dry I. 1  Hand Wash a Dry l| .I + Hand Wash a Dry 1. ' I I  Bug & Tar Removal / I I I  Bug & Tar Removal I I I I  Bug & Tar Removal II I I + HandWax / I |1 [ HandWax II ',1; == :1: '1 Pc,,,, ou, Most Fine Scratches/' '1 out Mo00, Fine Scratches I' Mot Fine ScratCh I I  Vacuum Interior a Clean Vents /I II 1' Vacuum Interior & Clean Vents II i I + Vacuum nter+or & C,ean Ve. II I I L_+ Clean & Dress All Vinyl / I I I t-+ Clean & Dress All Vinyl I I I I  Clean & Dress All Vinyl h I I + Clean & Dress Leather (if + I I[  Clean & Dress Leather (If Applies) /III ; Clean a Dress Leather (If Applies) II ' '") ' J J I, +ooo u+o,st+, Shampoo Upholstery & Carpets / I I [ Shampoo Upholstery & Carpets I III I +' +' CleanWind°wSwheelsCleaned& Rims(Ins+d s o.f)/l/I ' Windows Cleaned (Inside& Out) / i I f Windows Cleaned (,nme & Out) I / I Clean Wheels & Rims / I I I Clean Wheels & Rims I I/F_ DressTires / I '1  DressTires / I I[ DressTires ....11 I - Animal Flair Extr a I I' -- Animal Hair Extr a I I I Animal Hair Extra hide /Ittl I • Discount price subject to size & condition of vehicle With • • Disoounl price subject to size & condition of vehicle. With • . Discount price subject to size & condition of ve _nJol€ 1 coupon only, By appointment only Not valid wtth any 1 1 coupon only, Byappointmentoniy. Notvalidwithanyother 1 1 coupon only, Byappointmentonly, Notvalidwtt}a t ill olher offer. Expires 3/31/07 offer. Expires 3/31/07. offer. Expires 3/31/07. ..,,=  -- ll I I I I I I I I I Ill ll I I I I I I I I Ill ll I I I I I I I lm" FREE Shuttle Service Available 360.426.5585o I Radroad CHEVY, TOYOTA, " Avenue & U.S. 101 Interchange, She NISSAN, ETC. I lo:Certified Monday-Saturday 8 a.m.-7 p.m. sstr,C,. I ++:::::::  Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ***" WE SERVICE ALL I MAKES AND MODELS.J Parts and Service opensMonday-FridaYa.m..4:30 8 a.m.-5 P'R'