March 1, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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:(?ii:i :! i iiii!il/ii II ...... :
:ii , L::(I
COLOR THIS CRITTER green with envy when there's a mouse in the
house set up on the stage of the Shelton High School Auditorium.
tale has rhythm;
tale delights kids
Junior Programs is
two stage productions
this week: one about
who caters to a mouse and
the music and stories of
in fourth through
grades who attend schools
Shelton area will see to-
and Rhythms from Africa
by Boxtales Theatre
r of Santa Barbara, Cali-
This will be presented in
High School Audito-
d is sponsored by Shelton
a local nonprof-
production blends the
tale, "Brother Son,
Moon and the Pretty
with such others as the
Story, "The Hunterman and
," and the Ethiopian
Lion's Whiskers." The
is Michael Katz, who
on stage by actor Jeff
and musician Michael An-
who brings to the produc-
West African rhythms:
Adoonde and Czar.
one presented on Wednesday by
the Omaha Theater Company,
which staged its own production
of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie in
the auditorium. Students in first
through third grades were treated
to a play about a young boy who
finds himself running in circles to
accommodate the demands of a
bossy mouse. If you give a mouse
a cookie, then he will surely need
a glass of milk. If you give him a
glass of milk, then he will surely
need a straw, then a napkin. The
demands never end!
"It's a very humorous play,"
said James Larson, artistic direc-
tor of Omaha Theater Company.
"The play teaches children the
meaning of life is to be happy and
to make others happy."
Joining the actors an stage
were giant-sized specialty props
and a special "split-stage" design
that allows for the illusion of two
co-existing worlds of different
"One side of the kitchen is
scaled to the size of a young boy, a
little bit bigger than normal since
the boy is played by an adult,"
Larson said. "The other side of
the kitchen is scaled to the size of
a little mouse, so it is much, much
larger than normal. Both sides of
the stage represent the same area
of the kitchen."
THE STORY is based on au-
thor Laura Numeroffs children's
book of the same title. It was
adapted for the stage in 1992 by
playwright Jody Davidson. She is
the founder or co-founder of sev-
eral prominent children's theaters
including the Rainbow Company
Children's Theater of Las Vegas,
The Omaha Theater Company
is one of the nation's leading tour-
ing companies for children's the-
ater. It serves more than 500,000
people each year by performing
coast-to-coast at more than 60 dif-
ferent venues.
Shelton Junior Programs is an
organization of local volunteers
who have been working with
partners in Olympia since the
1998-1999 school year. Their goal
is to bring theatrical productions
to Mason County.
Member is needed for
county housing board
Interested persons are invited
to apply for appointment to the
Mason County Housing Author-
ity Board. A person is needed to
fill a position on this board that
will be vacant after April 30.
The Mason County Housing
Authority is managed by the
Bremerton Housing Author-
ity and administers vouchers
through the Section 8 Housing
Choice Voucher Program of the
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development. It is the
owner and manager of Pine Gar-
den Apartments, Goldsborough
Cove Apartments, Fairmont
Cove Apartments, Kneeland
Park Apartments and the Mallon
Board members meet at 8 a.m.
on the third Thursday of each
month. Meetings typically take
place at the Alpine Way Retire-
ment Apartments, 900 Alpine
Way, in Shelton. The time com-
mitment is approximately two to
three hours per month. Appoint-
ment will be for a five-year term
expiring in April 2012.
An advisory board form may be
downloaded from the Web site at by click-
ing on "forms and brochures." Ap-
plications will be accepted until
March 23. for more information
call 427-9670, Extension 419.
Forest Festival
group to meet
Members of the Mason County
Forest Festival planning commit-
tee will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 6, at Godfather's Pizza, 301
East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard
in Shelton.
The committee meets every
first and third Tuesday to take up
the myriad of details necessary for
successful presentation of Forest
Festival, set for June 1-3. Volun-
teers are still needed for various
committee positions.
More information is available
by calling Lisa Fox at 426-3487.
The Mason County Veterans of Foreign Wars
and Auxiliary would like to say
To all the professionals and businesses
that donated to our youth flag program.
6 DAYS/5 NIGHTS • APRIL 9-14, 2007
=309 dbl occ ' $399 sgl occ ¢ Hotel Circus Circus
Bus pick-up at
She/ton Burger King
8:30 a.m. April 9th
Price includes
motor coach transportation,
hotel accommodations,
casino packages and
some meals
For info or reservations call Donna Heikkila
Canal West:
p Club will
potluck affair
Lilliwaup Community Club
its monthly potluck on
March 8. The potluck
at 6:30 p.m. at the Lil-
Morgus, a harmonica
be the featured guest
beef will be served in
of Saint Patrick's Day.
Who attend are asked to
I salad, side dish or dessert
own dinnerware. Every-
invited to wear
With summer's approach comes
news that Hoodsport will again be
the scene of a Fourth of July cel-
ebration. This will take place July
6-8, with a fireworks show planned
for the 7th.
The organizing ,committee is
asking for help from the communi-
ty with new ideas, donations, sug-
gestions and assistance. For more
information, call Frank Benavente
at 877-5301.
to 100 students are an-
the after-school program
4-H clubs. Activities take
at Evergreen, Bor-
View elemen-
More information
program is available by
MacCracken or Diana
at the Mason County Ex-
Office at 427-9670, Exten-
Unlimited Hours, No Contracts!
'9.9$ dO
. Instant Messaging - Keep your buddy Ileal
• 10 e-mall addressee with Webmelll
• FREE Technical Support
• Custom Start Page - News, Weather & motet
-ud up to dX fosfer/
" just,3 more
Sign Up Online!
: Call Today & Save
Reliable h,teNiet Acce",s Silica 199,1
ylor, CLU
Has your insurance company
- k
recently dropped earthqua e
The Hartford still _ THE
offers earthquake HAnTFOnD
insurance for your
home and possessions.
O Stop in today for a free quote.
104 E. "D" St. #1 Shelton, WA 98584
360-427-1989 • 360-426-5595
loss change the way
@ m uch
i i world
Take our FREE, no-obligation hearing test*
and take the first step toward a better quality of life:*
If hearing loss has become a concern for you, your spouse or a close friend or relative, you're not
alone. One in 10 Americans -- more than 31 million people -- experience some degree of hearing
loss. But because it can happen so gradually, most people don't notice anything's wrong until it's be-
come painfully obvious. But you don't have to suffer in silence. With our FREE hearing test,*
we can identify any loss you or your loved one may have. If a Miracle-Ear hearing aid can help,
here'smore good news:
Two AudioChoice ® hearing aids !
I for the price of one. I
II Valid at participating Miracle-Ear tocaUons. Limit one Coupon per I
I purchase. No other offers o¢ discounts apply. Discount does not apply to I
prior sales, Cash value Z/20th cent. Offer good on AudioChoice contour I
I model AC7021 only. Offer extras 03/09/07.
IB === mm , am= mm mse mm BB= mm mm IB = mm JI
Hurry! Offers end 03/09/07
Miracle-Ear Center
1718 Olympic Highway N.
(Across the street from A&W)
(360) 427-3187
I FREE Canal Inspection:
II Using a miniature video otoscope camera, we'll painlessly .
II look inside your ear canal and show it on a "IV monitor-and
II you can watch alongl II
I Video Otoscopic Inspection Is always free. Thts Is not a medical exam or I
I diagnosis, nor Is it Intended to replace a physician's care. If you suspect I
a medical problem, please seek treatment from your doctor.
Sears Hearing Aid Center
South Sound Center
651 Sleater-Kinney
(360) 923-0464
Hear/ng A/d Centers
Free Recorded Message and Free Report. Call Toll Free (866) 672-0404 or, visit
*Hearing test Is always free. Not a medical exam. Audtometric test to determine prepay amplification needs only.
* *Hearing aids do not restore natural hearing, Individual expederes vary depending on severl of hearing loss, accuracy of evaluation, proper fit and
ablll to adapt to amplification. A Mlrecle-EaP representative can determine which models and oDtlona may be fight for you. See store for details.
02007 MlrsclEar, Ir 11OSOROPA3xIO
Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
:(?ii:i :! i iiii!il/ii II ...... :
:ii , L::(I
COLOR THIS CRITTER green with envy when there's a mouse in the
house set up on the stage of the Shelton High School Auditorium.
tale has rhythm;
tale delights kids
Junior Programs is
two stage productions
this week: one about
who caters to a mouse and
the music and stories of
in fourth through
grades who attend schools
Shelton area will see to-
and Rhythms from Africa
by Boxtales Theatre
r of Santa Barbara, Cali-
This will be presented in
High School Audito-
d is sponsored by Shelton
a local nonprof-
production blends the
tale, "Brother Son,
Moon and the Pretty
with such others as the
Story, "The Hunterman and
," and the Ethiopian
Lion's Whiskers." The
is Michael Katz, who
on stage by actor Jeff
and musician Michael An-
who brings to the produc-
West African rhythms:
Adoonde and Czar.
one presented on Wednesday by
the Omaha Theater Company,
which staged its own production
of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie in
the auditorium. Students in first
through third grades were treated
to a play about a young boy who
finds himself running in circles to
accommodate the demands of a
bossy mouse. If you give a mouse
a cookie, then he will surely need
a glass of milk. If you give him a
glass of milk, then he will surely
need a straw, then a napkin. The
demands never end!
"It's a very humorous play,"
said James Larson, artistic direc-
tor of Omaha Theater Company.
"The play teaches children the
meaning of life is to be happy and
to make others happy."
Joining the actors an stage
were giant-sized specialty props
and a special "split-stage" design
that allows for the illusion of two
co-existing worlds of different
"One side of the kitchen is
scaled to the size of a young boy, a
little bit bigger than normal since
the boy is played by an adult,"
Larson said. "The other side of
the kitchen is scaled to the size of
a little mouse, so it is much, much
larger than normal. Both sides of
the stage represent the same area
of the kitchen."
THE STORY is based on au-
thor Laura Numeroffs children's
book of the same title. It was
adapted for the stage in 1992 by
playwright Jody Davidson. She is
the founder or co-founder of sev-
eral prominent children's theaters
including the Rainbow Company
Children's Theater of Las Vegas,
The Omaha Theater Company
is one of the nation's leading tour-
ing companies for children's the-
ater. It serves more than 500,000
people each year by performing
coast-to-coast at more than 60 dif-
ferent venues.
Shelton Junior Programs is an
organization of local volunteers
who have been working with
partners in Olympia since the
1998-1999 school year. Their goal
is to bring theatrical productions
to Mason County.
Member is needed for
county housing board
Interested persons are invited
to apply for appointment to the
Mason County Housing Author-
ity Board. A person is needed to
fill a position on this board that
will be vacant after April 30.
The Mason County Housing
Authority is managed by the
Bremerton Housing Author-
ity and administers vouchers
through the Section 8 Housing
Choice Voucher Program of the
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development. It is the
owner and manager of Pine Gar-
den Apartments, Goldsborough
Cove Apartments, Fairmont
Cove Apartments, Kneeland
Park Apartments and the Mallon
Board members meet at 8 a.m.
on the third Thursday of each
month. Meetings typically take
place at the Alpine Way Retire-
ment Apartments, 900 Alpine
Way, in Shelton. The time com-
mitment is approximately two to
three hours per month. Appoint-
ment will be for a five-year term
expiring in April 2012.
An advisory board form may be
downloaded from the Web site at by click-
ing on "forms and brochures." Ap-
plications will be accepted until
March 23. for more information
call 427-9670, Extension 419.
Forest Festival
group to meet
Members of the Mason County
Forest Festival planning commit-
tee will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 6, at Godfather's Pizza, 301
East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard
in Shelton.
The committee meets every
first and third Tuesday to take up
the myriad of details necessary for
successful presentation of Forest
Festival, set for June 1-3. Volun-
teers are still needed for various
committee positions.
More information is available
by calling Lisa Fox at 426-3487.
The Mason County Veterans of Foreign Wars
and Auxiliary would like to say
To all the professionals and businesses
that donated to our youth flag program.
6 DAYS/5 NIGHTS • APRIL 9-14, 2007
=309 dbl occ ' $399 sgl occ ¢ Hotel Circus Circus
Bus pick-up at
She/ton Burger King
8:30 a.m. April 9th
Price includes
motor coach transportation,
hotel accommodations,
casino packages and
some meals
For info or reservations call Donna Heikkila
Canal West:
p Club will
potluck affair
Lilliwaup Community Club
its monthly potluck on
March 8. The potluck
at 6:30 p.m. at the Lil-
Morgus, a harmonica
be the featured guest
beef will be served in
of Saint Patrick's Day.
Who attend are asked to
I salad, side dish or dessert
own dinnerware. Every-
invited to wear
With summer's approach comes
news that Hoodsport will again be
the scene of a Fourth of July cel-
ebration. This will take place July
6-8, with a fireworks show planned
for the 7th.
The organizing ,committee is
asking for help from the communi-
ty with new ideas, donations, sug-
gestions and assistance. For more
information, call Frank Benavente
at 877-5301.
to 100 students are an-
the after-school program
4-H clubs. Activities take
at Evergreen, Bor-
View elemen-
More information
program is available by
MacCracken or Diana
at the Mason County Ex-
Office at 427-9670, Exten-
Unlimited Hours, No Contracts!
'9.9$ dO
. Instant Messaging - Keep your buddy Ileal
• 10 e-mall addressee with Webmelll
• FREE Technical Support
• Custom Start Page - News, Weather & motet
-ud up to dX fosfer/
" just,3 more
Sign Up Online!
: Call Today & Save
Reliable h,teNiet Acce",s Silica 199,1
ylor, CLU
Has your insurance company
- k
recently dropped earthqua e
The Hartford still _ THE
offers earthquake HAnTFOnD
insurance for your
home and possessions.
O Stop in today for a free quote.
104 E. "D" St. #1 Shelton, WA 98584
360-427-1989 • 360-426-5595
loss change the way
@ m uch
i i world
Take our FREE, no-obligation hearing test*
and take the first step toward a better quality of life:*
If hearing loss has become a concern for you, your spouse or a close friend or relative, you're not
alone. One in 10 Americans -- more than 31 million people -- experience some degree of hearing
loss. But because it can happen so gradually, most people don't notice anything's wrong until it's be-
come painfully obvious. But you don't have to suffer in silence. With our FREE hearing test,*
we can identify any loss you or your loved one may have. If a Miracle-Ear hearing aid can help,
here'smore good news:
Two AudioChoice ® hearing aids !
I for the price of one. I
II Valid at participating Miracle-Ear tocaUons. Limit one Coupon per I
I purchase. No other offers o¢ discounts apply. Discount does not apply to I
prior sales, Cash value Z/20th cent. Offer good on AudioChoice contour I
I model AC7021 only. Offer extras 03/09/07.
IB === mm , am= mm mse mm BB= mm mm IB = mm JI
Hurry! Offers end 03/09/07
Miracle-Ear Center
1718 Olympic Highway N.
(Across the street from A&W)
(360) 427-3187
I FREE Canal Inspection:
II Using a miniature video otoscope camera, we'll painlessly .
II look inside your ear canal and show it on a "IV monitor-and
II you can watch alongl II
I Video Otoscopic Inspection Is always free. Thts Is not a medical exam or I
I diagnosis, nor Is it Intended to replace a physician's care. If you suspect I
a medical problem, please seek treatment from your doctor.
Sears Hearing Aid Center
South Sound Center
651 Sleater-Kinney
(360) 923-0464
Hear/ng A/d Centers
Free Recorded Message and Free Report. Call Toll Free (866) 672-0404 or, visit
*Hearing test Is always free. Not a medical exam. Audtometric test to determine prepay amplification needs only.
* *Hearing aids do not restore natural hearing, Individual expederes vary depending on severl of hearing loss, accuracy of evaluation, proper fit and
ablll to adapt to amplification. A Mlrecle-EaP representative can determine which models and oDtlona may be fight for you. See store for details.
02007 MlrsclEar, Ir 11OSOROPA3xIO
Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7