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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Gimme an O-r-c-a! ringing a little cheer to Hood Canal School are members of the Orca Drill Team. tanding in the middle of the group is Kalina Spicher, and the others are clockwise Vrom top left: Amanda Caldwell, Andria Wypych, Brittany Giles, Bridgette John- Mickensie Pyle, Kaytlyn Wiseman, Amanda Gorham, Shelby Trumble and Emily The Hood Canal School Board has extended the logo design contest from the date of March 2 to Tuesday, April 10. The public is invited to participate the process by submitting an idea or illustration for the new "Orca Mascot" that be used on school uniforms, shirts and caps and for other related school pur- POses. The winner whose art is selected will be recognized in the local newspapers, d the logo will be on permanent display in the new school. Contact the school for rules and entry forms. • g would allo,00z more sing by Shelton airport A Public hearing on zoning and in the vicinity of Sand- Field Airport is scheduled Thursday, March 8, before the ton City Commission. hearing will begin at 6 p.m. the civic center at 525 West z Street. Goins, the city's director COmmunity and economic de- last week submitted a and a draft of an or- establishing the zone and the regulations that will indicated in his writ- report that the city is obliged by the state's 1990 Growth Act, which seeks to development in urban while limiting de- in rural areas. Toward end the plan is to establish compatibility zone" the airport, which is used planes. proposed zone would in- all of Goose Lake, a little than two miles of Highway the northwest corner of the Proper and a sizable chunk of managed by the Port of which owns the airport rauch of the land around it. Proposed zone is bounded on aorth by the intersection of arid State Route 102, and on by the southwest of Island Lake. )onents of the pro- are two "airspace protection extending from the airport, to the south shore of Lake and the other pass- z and Phillips stated purposes of the or- dinance are: to minimize the pub- lic's exposure to excessive noise and safety hazards resulting from "incompatible land development" around the airport; and to protect Sanderson Field from potential en- croachment by land uses that are incompatible with airport activi- ties and that may interfere with uses planned for the airport. Progress in developing the pro- posed zone and its attendant air- space follows a decision in October of last year to approve a prelimi- nary plat for the construction of 84 new homes on Shelton Springs Road, which is just a stone's throw fl'om the airport. Regulations related to the zone would allow for additional devel- opment on property adjacent to existing structures that are not in compliance with the new rules. People owning property in airspace protection areas would be obliged to observe height regulations es- tablished by the Federal Aviation Administration and to light or oth- erwise mark any obstructions as required by the FAA. STATE LAW requires the city to make some changes in its code if it is to continue to qualify fbr grants and loans from two state agencies: the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development. City officials were guided in the process of developing the proposed ordinance by the Shelton Airport Advisory Committee and regula- tions adopted by Mason County. Copies of the draft ordinance have been circulated to members of the Shelton Flying Club, the Aircraft ,ai! ..... ..... The Nanny Tax: A person is a household employee under the FICA statute for the entire calendar if household CASH WAGES OF $I 5,000 (for 2006) or more are d Id during the year for household work in and around a private resi- .,nce. Cash wages does NOT include the value of food, lodging, or :thing or any other non-cash form of compensation. An employer i '° does not withhold FICA taxes from an employee is liable for the s. II amount of the FICA tax anyway. The $15,000 threshold applies tlarately to each employee. A household employee must complete , ennplovee section of Form I-9. The employer must maintain the i' "4 and I-9 on file. Note: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services c'L.n.°w a part of the Department of Homeland Security. Spouse, your ',Id Under 21, employee under 18 and not still in school, or your arents are exempt. 00-Pv4 1635 Olympic Hwy. N., #102A 360.462.1040 New rodeo queen will be crowned Saturday A new rodeo queen and her court of two junior princesses will receive their crowns during Ma- son County's fourth annual Rodeo Shindig this weekend. The event will run from 6 to 10 p.m on Saturday, March 3, in Building 17 on the Mason County Fairgrounds. It will feature the traditional taco bar, silent and live auctions and live music by The Varmints, as well as coronation of the rodeo royalty. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for kids under 12 and senior citizens. This is an annual fund-raiser to support the Mason County Rodeo Royalty who travel in Washington and Oregon to promote the Ma- son County Fair & Rodeo and "the great western way of life." Leanne Gunter, the 2006 Mason County Rodeo Queen, will crown the Ma- son County Rodeo Royalty. Michele Hunter will accept the crown and title as the 2007 Mason County Rode() Queen. The daugh- ter of Curt and Sandy Hunter of Shelton, she is 20 years old and a li[blong resident of Mason County. MISS HUNTER has also been the 2006 Mason County Rodeo Princess. She graduated from Shelton High School in 2005, was a member of Mason County 4-H and has been involved with horses all her life. She attended a national competition in Kentucky with the Mason County 4-H horse judging and hippology teams. Heather Goldsby will be one of the two 2007 Mason County Ju- nior Princesses. The daughter of Tim and Shari Goldsby of Shel- ton, she is a 16-year-old junior at Shelton High School. Heather has been involved in 4-H for the past five years and is a member of the Wind Riders 4-H Club. She is a lifelong resident of Mason County and has been a member of the equestrian team at Elma High School. She has com- peted in team penning, jumping, gaming and performance. She has been riding for eight years, has appeared in performance at the Western Washington State Fair in Puyallup three times and is a member of the American Paint Horse Association. Joining her as a 2007 Mason County Junior Princess is Kailyn McIrvin. The daughter of Mike and Lynette McIrvin of Shelton, Kailyn is a 14-year-old, ninth- grade student at Oakland Bay Ju- nior High School. KAILYN HAS also lived in Mason County all her life and has been involved with horses for just as long. She has been a member of Mason County 4-H for the past nine years, participating in the Wind Riders 4-H Club. She has also com- peted in performance at the West- ern Washington State Fair in Puy- allup three times and has served on the state 4-H judging team. Kailyn also likes to hunt and fish. More information about the shindig is available by calling Ju- lie Gray at 432-0145. Hoodsport book group will meet The PageTurners at the Hood- sport Library will meet next week to discuss The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch. This adult book discussion group will meet from 1 to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6, at North 40 Schoolhouse Hill Road. For more infbrmation, call 877-9339. Owners and Pilots Association and the Aerodrome Flying Club. A handful of people with an interest in aviation attended last week's city commission meeting, with some of them expressing a range of views about developments in the vicinity of the airport. Jack Krause is a pilot living in the Shelton area who expressed concern about the future of the airport when the city gave the green light to platting of the 84 homesites on 29 acres near Shel- ton High School. He noted last week that the Washington Pilots Association and the Aircraft Own- ers and Pilots Association have made suggestions as to how the ordinance could be improved. "WE WANT TO thank you for keeping us in the loop," he said. Jim Carlton of Shelton identified himself as a retired U.S. Air Force pilot and the one-time mayor of Ketchikan, Alaska. He questioned (Please turn to page 20.) 00ason at C next "We Make House Calls" TIME FOR A NEW ROOF?, I I I I OFF ANY COMPLETE ROOFING SYSTEM* Present this coupon at time of appointment. Hot valid with II any other offers. Expires 3/31/07 | *Minimum 1500 square feet of roofing space required to qualify for discount # $0 DOWN, 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH! O.A.C. • Commercial flat roofs • Skylights • Year-round re-roofing • One-day service (in most cases) • 24-hour emergency service • Free estimates ,,\\;,// • Top-quality roofing products • Professional clean-up ,,6,, 427-8611 Serving Western Woshington 1 131 W. Kam,lche Lane, Shelton s00nc. 1959 Just off Highway 101 BBB Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13 Gimme an O-r-c-a! ringing a little cheer to Hood Canal School are members of the Orca Drill Team. tanding in the middle of the group is Kalina Spicher, and the others are clockwise Vrom top left: Amanda Caldwell, Andria Wypych, Brittany Giles, Bridgette John- Mickensie Pyle, Kaytlyn Wiseman, Amanda Gorham, Shelby Trumble and Emily The Hood Canal School Board has extended the logo design contest from the date of March 2 to Tuesday, April 10. The public is invited to participate the process by submitting an idea or illustration for the new "Orca Mascot" that be used on school uniforms, shirts and caps and for other related school pur- POses. The winner whose art is selected will be recognized in the local newspapers, d the logo will be on permanent display in the new school. Contact the school for rules and entry forms. • g would allo,00z more sing by Shelton airport A Public hearing on zoning and in the vicinity of Sand- Field Airport is scheduled Thursday, March 8, before the ton City Commission. hearing will begin at 6 p.m. the civic center at 525 West z Street. Goins, the city's director COmmunity and economic de- last week submitted a and a draft of an or- establishing the zone and the regulations that will indicated in his writ- report that the city is obliged by the state's 1990 Growth Act, which seeks to development in urban while limiting de- in rural areas. Toward end the plan is to establish compatibility zone" the airport, which is used planes. proposed zone would in- all of Goose Lake, a little than two miles of Highway the northwest corner of the Proper and a sizable chunk of managed by the Port of which owns the airport rauch of the land around it. Proposed zone is bounded on aorth by the intersection of arid State Route 102, and on by the southwest of Island Lake. )onents of the pro- are two "airspace protection extending from the airport, to the south shore of Lake and the other pass- z and Phillips stated purposes of the or- dinance are: to minimize the pub- lic's exposure to excessive noise and safety hazards resulting from "incompatible land development" around the airport; and to protect Sanderson Field from potential en- croachment by land uses that are incompatible with airport activi- ties and that may interfere with uses planned for the airport. Progress in developing the pro- posed zone and its attendant air- space follows a decision in October of last year to approve a prelimi- nary plat for the construction of 84 new homes on Shelton Springs Road, which is just a stone's throw fl'om the airport. Regulations related to the zone would allow for additional devel- opment on property adjacent to existing structures that are not in compliance with the new rules. People owning property in airspace protection areas would be obliged to observe height regulations es- tablished by the Federal Aviation Administration and to light or oth- erwise mark any obstructions as required by the FAA. STATE LAW requires the city to make some changes in its code if it is to continue to qualify fbr grants and loans from two state agencies: the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development. City officials were guided in the process of developing the proposed ordinance by the Shelton Airport Advisory Committee and regula- tions adopted by Mason County. Copies of the draft ordinance have been circulated to members of the Shelton Flying Club, the Aircraft ,ai! ..... ..... The Nanny Tax: A person is a household employee under the FICA statute for the entire calendar if household CASH WAGES OF $I 5,000 (for 2006) or more are d Id during the year for household work in and around a private resi- .,nce. Cash wages does NOT include the value of food, lodging, or :thing or any other non-cash form of compensation. An employer i '° does not withhold FICA taxes from an employee is liable for the s. II amount of the FICA tax anyway. The $15,000 threshold applies tlarately to each employee. A household employee must complete , ennplovee section of Form I-9. The employer must maintain the i' "4 and I-9 on file. Note: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services c'L.n.°w a part of the Department of Homeland Security. Spouse, your ',Id Under 21, employee under 18 and not still in school, or your arents are exempt. 00-Pv4 1635 Olympic Hwy. N., #102A 360.462.1040 New rodeo queen will be crowned Saturday A new rodeo queen and her court of two junior princesses will receive their crowns during Ma- son County's fourth annual Rodeo Shindig this weekend. The event will run from 6 to 10 p.m on Saturday, March 3, in Building 17 on the Mason County Fairgrounds. It will feature the traditional taco bar, silent and live auctions and live music by The Varmints, as well as coronation of the rodeo royalty. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for kids under 12 and senior citizens. This is an annual fund-raiser to support the Mason County Rodeo Royalty who travel in Washington and Oregon to promote the Ma- son County Fair & Rodeo and "the great western way of life." Leanne Gunter, the 2006 Mason County Rodeo Queen, will crown the Ma- son County Rodeo Royalty. Michele Hunter will accept the crown and title as the 2007 Mason County Rode() Queen. The daugh- ter of Curt and Sandy Hunter of Shelton, she is 20 years old and a li[blong resident of Mason County. MISS HUNTER has also been the 2006 Mason County Rodeo Princess. She graduated from Shelton High School in 2005, was a member of Mason County 4-H and has been involved with horses all her life. She attended a national competition in Kentucky with the Mason County 4-H horse judging and hippology teams. Heather Goldsby will be one of the two 2007 Mason County Ju- nior Princesses. The daughter of Tim and Shari Goldsby of Shel- ton, she is a 16-year-old junior at Shelton High School. Heather has been involved in 4-H for the past five years and is a member of the Wind Riders 4-H Club. She is a lifelong resident of Mason County and has been a member of the equestrian team at Elma High School. She has com- peted in team penning, jumping, gaming and performance. She has been riding for eight years, has appeared in performance at the Western Washington State Fair in Puyallup three times and is a member of the American Paint Horse Association. Joining her as a 2007 Mason County Junior Princess is Kailyn McIrvin. The daughter of Mike and Lynette McIrvin of Shelton, Kailyn is a 14-year-old, ninth- grade student at Oakland Bay Ju- nior High School. KAILYN HAS also lived in Mason County all her life and has been involved with horses for just as long. She has been a member of Mason County 4-H for the past nine years, participating in the Wind Riders 4-H Club. She has also com- peted in performance at the West- ern Washington State Fair in Puy- allup three times and has served on the state 4-H judging team. Kailyn also likes to hunt and fish. More information about the shindig is available by calling Ju- lie Gray at 432-0145. Hoodsport book group will meet The PageTurners at the Hood- sport Library will meet next week to discuss The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch. This adult book discussion group will meet from 1 to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6, at North 40 Schoolhouse Hill Road. For more infbrmation, call 877-9339. Owners and Pilots Association and the Aerodrome Flying Club. A handful of people with an interest in aviation attended last week's city commission meeting, with some of them expressing a range of views about developments in the vicinity of the airport. Jack Krause is a pilot living in the Shelton area who expressed concern about the future of the airport when the city gave the green light to platting of the 84 homesites on 29 acres near Shel- ton High School. He noted last week that the Washington Pilots Association and the Aircraft Own- ers and Pilots Association have made suggestions as to how the ordinance could be improved. "WE WANT TO thank you for keeping us in the loop," he said. Jim Carlton of Shelton identified himself as a retired U.S. Air Force pilot and the one-time mayor of Ketchikan, Alaska. He questioned (Please turn to page 20.) 00ason at C next "We Make House Calls" TIME FOR A NEW ROOF?, I I I I OFF ANY COMPLETE ROOFING SYSTEM* Present this coupon at time of appointment. Hot valid with II any other offers. Expires 3/31/07 | *Minimum 1500 square feet of roofing space required to qualify for discount # $0 DOWN, 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH! O.A.C. • Commercial flat roofs • Skylights • Year-round re-roofing • One-day service (in most cases) • 24-hour emergency service • Free estimates ,,\\;,// • Top-quality roofing products • Professional clean-up ,,6,, 427-8611 Serving Western Woshington 1 131 W. Kam,lche Lane, Shelton s00nc. 1959 Just off Highway 101 BBB Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13