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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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about country life Antiques forum will return eclectic series of Country Liv- ing Your On-Site Septic System; is slated for this State University Me- Extension, the Master of Mason County, Mason District and Thurston District are sponsor- may learn to pro- maintain their septic sys- or just stop to smell the roses. array of classes will help grow productive pus- plant container gardens, and the latest techniques in weed Workshops include of a commercial horse farm a successful boarding facility For those confident that landscapes, pastures and sep- are in order, there are ideas for Northwest .gardens. for the nxt two include the following: 11, Grow Healthy, Produc- ; March 12, Maintain- Events March 1 p.m., Family Bulldog Reading Bordeaux Elementary School. March 2 p.m., "With All Your Heart," Net Pregnancy Center of Mason 2007 dessert fund-raiser, Pavilion at Sentry Park, 190 Sentry Drive, Sheiton. p.m., Kellen Gold presents is to benefit Victory As- Church in Liberia, Shelton School Auditorium, 3737 Shel- Springs Road. March 3 p.m., Mason County's fourth Rodeo Shindig, Building 17 Fairgrounds. Meetings March I 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport, Library, 40 North School- Road. a.m., Shelton Morning Star Li- Taylor Station Restaurant and 62 SE Lynch Road. -11 a.m., Thursday MOPS meet- Baptist Church of Shelton, Cote Street, Shelton. a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take Off Sensibly) meeting, 3740 Lake Cushman Road, State 119. 10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilt- club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Creek Road, Hoodsport. a.m., Mason County Board of commissioners' chambers. .0 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off Sensibly), Mountain View Church, Washington and J Son, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint d's Parish Hall. :15 p.m., Adult Grief Educe- Group, Faith Luther- lurch, 1212 Connection Street. P.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with dinner Prom at 8. P.m., Parents Helping Parents, Start facility, 2412 West Rail- venue. 1:30 p.m., South Mason Relay For Peninsula Credit Union, 521 Avenue, Shelton. P.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio- School Gym. P.m., Humane Society of Mason McDonald's. P.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union Hall. P.m., Mason County Genealogi- Church of Jesus Christ of Saints, 12th and Connec- Streets in Shelton. P.m., Red Cross disaster meeting Sanderson Field, call March 2 a.m., MOPS support group for of preschoolers, Shelton Adventist building, 210 Valley Road. Childcare program provided. a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off Sensibly), Hood Canal Corn- March 16, Best Ideas for North- west Gardening; March 17, Com- mercial Horse Farm Tour; March 30, Container Gardening; April 13, Roses with Raft Island Roses; April 23, Maintaining Your On-Site Sep- tic System; and April 25, Noxious Weeds and Ornamental Invaders. Times and locations of classes vary, and a few classes have a nomi- nal fbe to cover expenses. Work- shops on noxious weeds, growing productive pastures and the com- mercial horse ihrm tour are free and are made possible through a grant from the Washington State Depart- ment of Ecology. Those planning to attend those three classes are asked to call the Mason Conservation District (427- 9436) or Thurston Conservation Dis- tric (754-3588) for more information or to register. To register for all the other workshops or for more infor- mation call 427-9670, Extension 680, or 275-4467, Extension 680. Attention antiques collectors: The third annual Antiques Fo- rum sponsored by Hypatia-in- the-Woods will begin at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 12, in the PUD 3 Auditorium, 307 West Cote Street in downtown Shelton. A popular South Sound event, My dream again is shattered. Once it might have mattered. Now, I'll dump the remnants $ far away. If it were pieced together how would I know whether the fragile glue would hold from day to day? 00ommunity 00alendar munity Church, Hoodsport. Call 360- 877-9814 for information. 12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694, dessert and card party, Memorial Hall. 12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for infor- mation. 7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxil- iary, Memorial Hall. Saturday, March 3 2 p.m., Mason County Chapter, People First of Washington, Excep- tional Foresters Manor. 7 p.m., Open microphone, Sage Book Store, 116 West Railroad Av- enue, Shelton. Sunday, March 4 Mason County invites you to at- tend the church of your choice. Monday, March 5 9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road North. 11:45 a.m., Mason General Hos- pital Auxiliary, Ellinor Room at the hospital. Noon, AARP, Shelton United Methodist Church, 1900 King Street. 2 p.m., Shelton City Commission Workshop, Shelton Civic Center. 6 p.m., Mason County Optimist Club, Shelton's United Methodist Church, 1900 King Street. Call 426- 0248 for more infbrmation. 6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160, Faith Lutheran Church. 6:30 p.m., Mason County Repub- lican Central Committee, Dogwood Room of Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, 900 West Alpine Way. 7 p.m., Mason County Jobs and Training Council, 110 West K Street. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island Eake Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis- trict 1 chief meeting, Station 1, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 7 p.m., Fire District 5 Citizens' Committee, Station 53, 2520 East Mason-Benson Road. Tuesday, March 6 9 a.m., Mason County Commis- sion, Mason County Building I. 9-11 a.m., Tuesday MOPS meet- ing, Seventh-day Adventist Church, 210 West Shelton Valley Road, Shel- ton. 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, boardroom, Third and Cote streets. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 2 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commis- sioners meeting, district office in Pot- latch. 2 p.m., Port of Shelton Commis- sion meeting, port office, Sanderson Field. 5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church. Call 360-426-2843 for infor- mation. 5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate TOP SOIL LIQUIDATION! Huge Inventory -- 40,000 Yards of Top Soil Economy Top Soil $7°°per yard picked up Double Screened Top Soil $95pe rA yard picked up (Delivery available for extra charge -- 5-yard minimum) Land Clearing • Excavating • Hauling • Danger Tree Removal Demolition • Drainage • Beauty Bark • Site Preparation Forestry Consultant • We Buy Timber 360-432-0971 B,LLMe008,BN 36o-866-4594 Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for infor- mation. 6 p.m., Shelton Football Associa- tion Youth Football meeting, Public Safety Building, Municipal Court Room. Call 360-426-0513 for ques- tions. 6 p.m., Forest Festival Planning Committee meeting, Godfather's Piz: za. 6:15 p.m., Shelton Lions Club din- ner meeting, Alpine Way Retirement Center. 6:30 p.m., Hood Canal Improve- ment Club, Union Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Fire District 16 Commis- sion, Dayton Fire Hall. 7 p.m., American Legion and aux- iliary business meeting, Memorial Hall, Second and Franklin streets. 7 p.m., Equestrienne of" Mason County, regular meeting, Taylor Sta- tion. 7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110, United Methodist Church. 7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicron, home of member, 360-426-3156. 8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn Clubhouse. Wednesday, March 7 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memo- rial Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shelton. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Ki- wanis Club, Spencer Lake Resort. 9:30 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class of'45 (and spouses) breakfast, Roosters. 9:30 a.m., free bingo, Maple Glen Assisted Living, 1700 North 13th Loop Road, Shelton. 10 a.m.-noon, Mindful Parenting Community, William G. Reed Pub- lic Library, 710 West Alder Street in Shelton. Noon, Community Mobilization Against Substance Abuse interagen- cy meeting, Roosters restaurant. 1 p.m., Mason County Widows and Widowers Support Group, Shel- ton Roosters, 3001 Olympic Highway North. @30 p.m., Shelton Model Railroad Club, Southern Peninsula Rail Lines, historical museum building, Mason County Fairgrounds. Call 432-8126 for information. 7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge. 7:30 p.m., Ladies of the Elks, Elks Lodge. Thursday, March 8 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport, Hoodsport Library, 40 North School- house Hill Road. 7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Li- ons Board Meeting, Suzan's Grill, 1927 Olympic Highway North. 9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take Off the forum will present speakers and open-forum opportunities for collectors to show their treasures to area dealers and collectors for evaluation and a possible opinion as to the nature of its origin. John McKillop of Bainbridge Island, a specialist in Native American crafts, will return as a featured speaker and be joined by Bill Henderson of Olympia, a specialist in Native and Western American works. Particularly appropriate to Shelton will be a display of vin- tage axes collected by Len Hunt- er, a retired supervisor of U.S. Forest Service timber sales. He is an avid tool collector who spe- cializes in hand logging equip- ment. Other persons lending their expertise to Hypatia for the event will be Annette Kaiser of Frontier Antiques in Shelton, a specialist in lighting, jewelry and Pounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State Route 119. l 0 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilt- ing club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington and J streets. 10 a.m., SCORE small business counseling available to 4 p.m., ap- pointments 360-426-2021. 11 a.m., Alzheimer's Support Group, Alpine Way Retirement Apart- ments, 900 Alpine Way, Shelton. 11:30 a.m., Union Civic Club, Union Fire Hall. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint David's Parish Hall. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 6:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary 3862, 411 First Street. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio- neer School Gym. 7 p.m., Emergency Medical Servic- es Council, Mason General Hospital. 7 p.m., Harstine Island Garden Club, Harstine Community Hall. 7:30 p.m., Union City Lodge 27 Free and Accepted Masons, stated communication, Masonic Temple, 19341 North Highway 101. For infbr- mation call 426-1689. china, and Mary Faughender, who takes his pottery to Tacoma and Portland antiq'ues shows and has appeared twice on "Antiques Road Show." Sally Faughender will be available to consult with doll collectors and Mary Pauley of Owl in the Attic will evaluate glass, pottery and jewelry. Cut-glass expert Marcie McKaig of the American Cut Glass Asso- ciation also will be on hand, as will Don Maddux of Very, Ltd. Antiques in Shelton, who will look at antique silver and furni- ture. Hypatia invites a donation of $5 for admission, a consultation, and refreshments. The organization currently is completing renovations to Holly House, a woodland cottage on Hammersley Inlet scheduled to open this summer as a retreat residency ibr woman artists. The local nonprofit group is connected with Hypatia Trust in Cornwall, England. More information about the fbrum and Hypatia-in-the-Woods is available from executive direc- tor Elspeth Pope at 427-0760. DECADES AND STILL GOING STRONG HAPPY BIRTHDAY ED MAKOVINEY Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (25 + Years Experience) General Dentistry full service practice Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings) S. Peters, DPD Extractions • Full & Partial Dentures Repairs • Relines Most Insurances Accepted C. Ngo, DDS Thursday, March 1,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 about country life Antiques forum will return eclectic series of Country Liv- ing Your On-Site Septic System; is slated for this State University Me- Extension, the Master of Mason County, Mason District and Thurston District are sponsor- may learn to pro- maintain their septic sys- or just stop to smell the roses. array of classes will help grow productive pus- plant container gardens, and the latest techniques in weed Workshops include of a commercial horse farm a successful boarding facility For those confident that landscapes, pastures and sep- are in order, there are ideas for Northwest .gardens. for the nxt two include the following: 11, Grow Healthy, Produc- ; March 12, Maintain- Events March 1 p.m., Family Bulldog Reading Bordeaux Elementary School. March 2 p.m., "With All Your Heart," Net Pregnancy Center of Mason 2007 dessert fund-raiser, Pavilion at Sentry Park, 190 Sentry Drive, Sheiton. p.m., Kellen Gold presents is to benefit Victory As- Church in Liberia, Shelton School Auditorium, 3737 Shel- Springs Road. March 3 p.m., Mason County's fourth Rodeo Shindig, Building 17 Fairgrounds. Meetings March I 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport, Library, 40 North School- Road. a.m., Shelton Morning Star Li- Taylor Station Restaurant and 62 SE Lynch Road. -11 a.m., Thursday MOPS meet- Baptist Church of Shelton, Cote Street, Shelton. a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take Off Sensibly) meeting, 3740 Lake Cushman Road, State 119. 10 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilt- club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Creek Road, Hoodsport. a.m., Mason County Board of commissioners' chambers. .0 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off Sensibly), Mountain View Church, Washington and J Son, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint d's Parish Hall. :15 p.m., Adult Grief Educe- Group, Faith Luther- lurch, 1212 Connection Street. P.m., 40 et 8 boxcar with dinner Prom at 8. P.m., Parents Helping Parents, Start facility, 2412 West Rail- venue. 1:30 p.m., South Mason Relay For Peninsula Credit Union, 521 Avenue, Shelton. P.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio- School Gym. P.m., Humane Society of Mason McDonald's. P.m., Hood Canal Lions, Union Hall. P.m., Mason County Genealogi- Church of Jesus Christ of Saints, 12th and Connec- Streets in Shelton. P.m., Red Cross disaster meeting Sanderson Field, call March 2 a.m., MOPS support group for of preschoolers, Shelton Adventist building, 210 Valley Road. Childcare program provided. a.m., TOPS 1225 (Take Off Sensibly), Hood Canal Corn- March 16, Best Ideas for North- west Gardening; March 17, Com- mercial Horse Farm Tour; March 30, Container Gardening; April 13, Roses with Raft Island Roses; April 23, Maintaining Your On-Site Sep- tic System; and April 25, Noxious Weeds and Ornamental Invaders. Times and locations of classes vary, and a few classes have a nomi- nal fbe to cover expenses. Work- shops on noxious weeds, growing productive pastures and the com- mercial horse ihrm tour are free and are made possible through a grant from the Washington State Depart- ment of Ecology. Those planning to attend those three classes are asked to call the Mason Conservation District (427- 9436) or Thurston Conservation Dis- tric (754-3588) for more information or to register. To register for all the other workshops or for more infor- mation call 427-9670, Extension 680, or 275-4467, Extension 680. Attention antiques collectors: The third annual Antiques Fo- rum sponsored by Hypatia-in- the-Woods will begin at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 12, in the PUD 3 Auditorium, 307 West Cote Street in downtown Shelton. A popular South Sound event, My dream again is shattered. Once it might have mattered. Now, I'll dump the remnants $ far away. If it were pieced together how would I know whether the fragile glue would hold from day to day? 00ommunity 00alendar munity Church, Hoodsport. Call 360- 877-9814 for information. 12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694, dessert and card party, Memorial Hall. 12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for infor- mation. 7 p.m., VFW Post 1694 and auxil- iary, Memorial Hall. Saturday, March 3 2 p.m., Mason County Chapter, People First of Washington, Excep- tional Foresters Manor. 7 p.m., Open microphone, Sage Book Store, 116 West Railroad Av- enue, Shelton. Sunday, March 4 Mason County invites you to at- tend the church of your choice. Monday, March 5 9 a.m., Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1402, Harstine Community Hall, 3371 East Harstine Island Road North. 11:45 a.m., Mason General Hos- pital Auxiliary, Ellinor Room at the hospital. Noon, AARP, Shelton United Methodist Church, 1900 King Street. 2 p.m., Shelton City Commission Workshop, Shelton Civic Center. 6 p.m., Mason County Optimist Club, Shelton's United Methodist Church, 1900 King Street. Call 426- 0248 for more infbrmation. 6:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 160, Faith Lutheran Church. 6:30 p.m., Mason County Repub- lican Central Committee, Dogwood Room of Alpine Way Retirement Apartments, 900 West Alpine Way. 7 p.m., Mason County Jobs and Training Council, 110 West K Street. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island Eake Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire Dis- trict 1 chief meeting, Station 1, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 7 p.m., Fire District 5 Citizens' Committee, Station 53, 2520 East Mason-Benson Road. Tuesday, March 6 9 a.m., Mason County Commis- sion, Mason County Building I. 9-11 a.m., Tuesday MOPS meet- ing, Seventh-day Adventist Church, 210 West Shelton Valley Road, Shel- ton. 10 a.m., PUD 3 Commission meet- ing, boardroom, Third and Cote streets. Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club, Xinh's. 2 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commis- sioners meeting, district office in Pot- latch. 2 p.m., Port of Shelton Commis- sion meeting, port office, Sanderson Field. 5 p.m., TOPS 313 (Take OffPounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church. Call 360-426-2843 for infor- mation. 5:30 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate TOP SOIL LIQUIDATION! Huge Inventory -- 40,000 Yards of Top Soil Economy Top Soil $7°°per yard picked up Double Screened Top Soil $95pe rA yard picked up (Delivery available for extra charge -- 5-yard minimum) Land Clearing • Excavating • Hauling • Danger Tree Removal Demolition • Drainage • Beauty Bark • Site Preparation Forestry Consultant • We Buy Timber 360-432-0971 B,LLMe008,BN 36o-866-4594 Bridge Club, Alderbrook Pro Shop, 330 East Country Club Drive. Call Ron Bailey, 360-426-4906, for infor- mation. 6 p.m., Shelton Football Associa- tion Youth Football meeting, Public Safety Building, Municipal Court Room. Call 360-426-0513 for ques- tions. 6 p.m., Forest Festival Planning Committee meeting, Godfather's Piz: za. 6:15 p.m., Shelton Lions Club din- ner meeting, Alpine Way Retirement Center. 6:30 p.m., Hood Canal Improve- ment Club, Union Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Fire District 16 Commis- sion, Dayton Fire Hall. 7 p.m., American Legion and aux- iliary business meeting, Memorial Hall, Second and Franklin streets. 7 p.m., Equestrienne of" Mason County, regular meeting, Taylor Sta- tion. 7:15 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110, United Methodist Church. 7:30 p.m., Epsilon Omicron, home of member, 360-426-3156. 8 p.m., Nimrod Club, Dearborn Clubhouse. Wednesday, March 7 7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis Club, Pine Tree Inn. 7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Memo- rial Hall, 206 West Franklin Street, Shelton. 7 a.m., Pioneer Community Ki- wanis Club, Spencer Lake Resort. 9:30 a.m., Irene S. Reed Class of'45 (and spouses) breakfast, Roosters. 9:30 a.m., free bingo, Maple Glen Assisted Living, 1700 North 13th Loop Road, Shelton. 10 a.m.-noon, Mindful Parenting Community, William G. Reed Pub- lic Library, 710 West Alder Street in Shelton. Noon, Community Mobilization Against Substance Abuse interagen- cy meeting, Roosters restaurant. 1 p.m., Mason County Widows and Widowers Support Group, Shel- ton Roosters, 3001 Olympic Highway North. @30 p.m., Shelton Model Railroad Club, Southern Peninsula Rail Lines, historical museum building, Mason County Fairgrounds. Call 432-8126 for information. 7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge. 7:30 p.m., Ladies of the Elks, Elks Lodge. Thursday, March 8 6:45 a.m., Kiwanis of Hoodsport, Hoodsport Library, 40 North School- house Hill Road. 7 a.m., Shelton Morning Star Li- ons Board Meeting, Suzan's Grill, 1927 Olympic Highway North. 9 a.m., TOPS 1380 (Take Off the forum will present speakers and open-forum opportunities for collectors to show their treasures to area dealers and collectors for evaluation and a possible opinion as to the nature of its origin. John McKillop of Bainbridge Island, a specialist in Native American crafts, will return as a featured speaker and be joined by Bill Henderson of Olympia, a specialist in Native and Western American works. Particularly appropriate to Shelton will be a display of vin- tage axes collected by Len Hunt- er, a retired supervisor of U.S. Forest Service timber sales. He is an avid tool collector who spe- cializes in hand logging equip- ment. Other persons lending their expertise to Hypatia for the event will be Annette Kaiser of Frontier Antiques in Shelton, a specialist in lighting, jewelry and Pounds Sensibly) meeting, 3740 North Lake Cushman Road, State Route 119. l 0 a.m., Ladies of the Lake quilt- ing club, Hoodsport Fire Station, Finch Creek Road, Hoodsport. 10 a.m., TOPS 1188 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Mountain View Alliance Church, Washington and J streets. 10 a.m., SCORE small business counseling available to 4 p.m., ap- pointments 360-426-2021. 11 a.m., Alzheimer's Support Group, Alpine Way Retirement Apart- ments, 900 Alpine Way, Shelton. 11:30 a.m., Union Civic Club, Union Fire Hall. Noon, Shelton Rotary Club, Saint David's Parish Hall. 6 p.m., Parents Helping Parents, Head Start facility, 2412 West Rail- road Avenue. 6:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary 3862, 411 First Street. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 126, Pio- neer School Gym. 7 p.m., Emergency Medical Servic- es Council, Mason General Hospital. 7 p.m., Harstine Island Garden Club, Harstine Community Hall. 7:30 p.m., Union City Lodge 27 Free and Accepted Masons, stated communication, Masonic Temple, 19341 North Highway 101. For infbr- mation call 426-1689. china, and Mary Faughender, who takes his pottery to Tacoma and Portland antiq'ues shows and has appeared twice on "Antiques Road Show." Sally Faughender will be available to consult with doll collectors and Mary Pauley of Owl in the Attic will evaluate glass, pottery and jewelry. Cut-glass expert Marcie McKaig of the American Cut Glass Asso- ciation also will be on hand, as will Don Maddux of Very, Ltd. Antiques in Shelton, who will look at antique silver and furni- ture. Hypatia invites a donation of $5 for admission, a consultation, and refreshments. The organization currently is completing renovations to Holly House, a woodland cottage on Hammersley Inlet scheduled to open this summer as a retreat residency ibr woman artists. The local nonprofit group is connected with Hypatia Trust in Cornwall, England. More information about the fbrum and Hypatia-in-the-Woods is available from executive direc- tor Elspeth Pope at 427-0760. DECADES AND STILL GOING STRONG HAPPY BIRTHDAY ED MAKOVINEY Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (25 + Years Experience) General Dentistry full service practice Restorative care (Crowns, Bridges, Fillings) S. Peters, DPD Extractions • Full & Partial Dentures Repairs • Relines Most Insurances Accepted C. Ngo, DDS Thursday, March 1,2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17