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March 1, 2007 |
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Su00_perior court roundup:
00odriguez facing
at $195,000
:l mllee incident appeared on Mon-
St bY, February 26, in Mason Coun-
ii SUperior Court to face possible felony charges that he tried to
Z i''Uence the alleged victim.
|:. Ivan Lewis Rodriguez was
!'Y,ltified in an investigation of
tCiki: COUnts of tampering with a
ttii,ess and three counts of viola-
"41°| :: ofno-contact order.
ts ]. Ill the other case, Rodriguez
let:,Jlltered not-guilty pleas on F ebru-
.L/rY.12 to charges of robbery in the
el degree, attempted assault in
1 | second degree and the unlaw-
i0| ilaprisonment of ]ammy Marie
_Ltlllard, with whom he had a dat-
|l|relationship. The alleged inci-
s/J t took place on February 5. He
,,mAl,.P, rohibited from having contact
rl | rtl Willard.
k-|r_he''" new allegations are re-
,,.,,ilL. qct Ulto that case. According to a
tyirt by Officer Mark Hinton of
Shelton Police Department,
, pfllard said she was contacted on
ti, $ I 1 bruary 9 by a third party from
/' r blason County Jail, who told
cot to come to court so Rodri-
] alez would not go to prison.
, !. rhen Rodriguez was in court
Ipebruary 12 he allegedly at-
ted to have contact with Wil-
Jlll through Teri Lynn ,Utheim,
).l¥a0 is a friend of Willard s. He al-
| 'IiLtll' Y told Utheim, "Tell Tammy
Ve her. Tell Tammy not to come
COurt so they will not prosecute
' 1' Hinton wrote in his report.
',n¢litheim's mother, Sandy Lynn
- orris, reportedly overheard what
uo, i, Said. Rodriguez also reportedly
rs ][,llled a next-door neighbor, Alvin
'llatler, after his arrest February
dow of the trailer, run through
several yards and onto the beach,
but they were not able to find him.
The protection order is valid until
January 22, 2009.
Judge Sawyer appointed Andrew
Rubenstein to represent Boxberger
and Ronald Sergi as defense attor-
ney for Chamberlain. The judge
set bail at $50,000 for Boxberger
and at $5,000 for Chamberlain.
He ordered Boxberger to have "ab-
solutely no contact" with Kristina
Boxberger. The men are scheduled
for arraignment March 12.
On Thursday, February 22,
Carlos Ray Goyette, 33, was
identified in an investigation of
attempted robbery in the first
degree. He had been in court the
day before after being arrested
on a warrant issued for failing to
pay legal financial obligations in a
1998 superior court case. Goyette
provided an address of 89 West
Satsop Road, Elma, but on Febru-
ary 21 he said he was living in Ta-
coma and working for a masonry
Judge Sawyer said Goyette did
not qualify financially for court-
appointed counsel. He set bail at
$50,000 and scheduled arraign-
ment on March 5.
Goyette was arrested about
eight hours after he appeared in
court on February 21 by Officer
Tasesa Maiava of the SPD who
said he was responding to a report
of an attempted vehicle theft in the
parking lot at Wal-Mart. The al-
leged victim, who is not identified
by name, said he saw a man trying
to "hot wire" his pickup truck and,
when he confronted Goyette, the
suspect pulled an object from his
pocket which resembled a knife or
vt 1
ld told him to talk to Willard
tt not pressing charges, screwdriver and took off running
Jdge James Sawyer appointed down Olympic Highway North. m"m"m"m""m""mm""m"""mm""""m"m""mm"""m""m""m"""mm"m""m""""""m""m""""""m""""m""""mm"mmm
5bail at $45,000 and scheduled tempted theft followed the sus- Wethel •
e Valley as defense attorney, According to the probable-cause
statement, a witness to the at-
aignment for March 12. With pect and detained him in the 2500
or bail set at $150,000, he
... to produce $195,000 in bail
',ett Ind to get out of the Mason witnesses reportedly identified
ity Jail. to
aWyer ordered Rodriguez
'% no contact with Willard, Mor-
o men arrested with sus-
Vted methamphetamine also ap-
r][i ed in court on February 26.
ltriek Gene Boxberger,
) lof 80 East Huckleberry Drive,
.,_Peview, was identified in an
_Stigation of violation of no-
st¢ TM..,.,,act order by means of an as-
sn'" [t and possession of metham-
[Talt_ .mine. David Brian Cham-
l:_,hlzn, 22, of 50 East Carr Place,
llr, was identified in an in-
I, ation of possession of meth.
s t'" Jey were arrested February 23
Ig _eputies from the Mason Coun-
flheriffs Office who said they
_.,i' w Boxberger drive by the resi-
,e on Huckleberry in violation
'- .4ltlperior court no-contact order
, , , , • .
et'L'.n hi :; tgra? d[ie rlKa :s '
XVas a passenger in the vehi-
s arrested on Mason County
ct Court warrants. Officers
ed the vehicle and said they
r',;dl-' a bag containing 1.3 grams
!t¢' white substance which field-
pCk' positive for meth.
Xberger also is suspected of
|tiag the court order on Feb-
|IkrY 21 and assaulting his wife.
|t'Ptties said they responded at
I: 1.. to a 911 hang-up call
fhe residence °n Huckleberry
|: a s. Boxberger told them she
|1 OVmg out and there was no
|£. of disturbance• Then there
|:_allother call at 5:24 p.m. and
|k a deputies returned Ms. Box-
|gr reportedly ran out of the
|q,r and said: "He's choking me
! al ra getting out of here."
0 |l,ePttties reportedly saw her
)]|l' |::ard jump out of a back win-
i00vested but
F p v
|h;: charges were riffled in Mason
tllt':a'tY Suverior Court against
P' |dsport man arrested on po-
, $, t 1
' |1 drug charges. Joe Paul
€ |ltiebach, 54, of 27041 North
01aY 101 was scheduled for
'-" |Kgaaent on Monday, Febru-
II I . I-Ie was released from con-
lrrposed after his arrest
block of Olympic Highway North.
The alleged victim and two other
Goyette as the man who tried to
steal the truck.
On Wednesday, February 21,
Temotio "Tom" Spurt Caeho,
33, of 40 North Enatai Court, Shel-
ton, was identified in an investiga-
tion of possession of methamphet-
amine. He also faces theft charges
in a 2006 case. A $5,000 warrant
for his arrest was issued on Febru-
ary 12 when he failed to appear for
a pretrial hearing in that case.
(Please turn to page 29.)
High Low Precip
Fahrenheit (in.)
February 21 46 32 .16
February 22 48 30 .05
February 23 41 30 .11
February 24 43 33 1.04
Februory 25 46 37 .44
February 26 45 33 .06
February 27 37 30 .10
Measurements are recorded for
the National Weather Service at
Sanderson Field.
Wednesday morning the Na-
tional Weather Service predicted
mostly cloudy skies with a chance
of showers on Thursday morning
and cloudy skies with a chance of
rain in the afternoon. The high
should be in the 40s. Expect rain
at times on Thursday night with
lows in the mid-30s to lower 40s.
Rain is in the forecast for Friday
and Friday night. The high should
be in the mid-40s to lower 50s with
a low in the lower 40s.
Forecasters expect rain chang-
ing to showers on Saturday and a
high in the lower to mid-50s.
There is a chance of showers on
Saturday night and Sunday with
mostly cloudy conditions. The lows
should be in the lower 40s with
h'_hs in the mid-50s
The extended forecast calls for
cloudy skies and a chance of rain
Sunday night with lows in the low-
er 40s. Expect rain at times from
Monday through Tuesday. The
highs should be in the lower 50s
with lows around 40 degrees.
Guilty pleas:
Man says he stole two cars
A 20-year-old Shelton man ad-
mitted stealing two different ve-
hicles within the course of a single
month when he changed his pleas
in two Mason County Superior
Court cases.
Jacob Raymond Anderson
of 1561 West Railroad Avenue,
entered guilty pleas on Friday,
February 23, to charges of theft in
the second degree and malicious
mischief in the second degree in a
2006 case and to charges of theft
in the first degree and attempting
to elude a pursuing police vehicle
in a 2007 case. He faces a possible
prison sentence for the first-degree
theft conviction.
In his plea statement, Anderson
admitted taking a 1987 Subaru
station wagon belonging to Denali
Glavin from the parking lot of the
Red Apple Market on December
22, 2006. He also admitted dam-
aging the vehicle by driving over
a rock.
He also wrote: "On January 23
I took a van not belonging to me
with the intent to deprive owner
of use. When the police came in
clearly marked police vehicles I
attempted to get away." Eduardo
Perez had reported the theft of his
1994 Chevrolet Astro van after his
wife left it running outside their
residence at 624 West Cedar Street
in downtown Shelton. After a brief
chase down Franklin Street, he
went off the roadway and crashed
the van into a tree.
Judge Toni Sheldon said the
sentencing range for the first-de-
gree theft conviction is from 12
months plus one day to 14 months
and for eluding, the range is four
to 12 months. Sentences of over
one year are served at a Washing-
ton State Department of Correc-
tions facility. She noted concur-
rent sentences are not a part of the
plea agreement and told Anderson
he could receive consecutive sen-
Anderson is scheduled for sen-
tencing on March 12.
On Friday, February 23, gen-
aro Fernando Paseual, 23, of
1312 Warren Avenue, Bremerton,
pled guilty to hit and run with
injury. In his plea statement he
wrote: "On November 3 I drove a
motor vehicle that was involved
in an accident which resulted in
an injury to another person and I
failed to stay at the scene and pro-
vide contact information•
With no prior felony criminal
history, the sentencing range is
from three to nine months, Judge
Sheldon said. She scheduled sen-
tencing for March 19. Court-certi-
fied interpreter Mariana Spark-
man translated the plea form and
the proceedings in English and
On Monday, February 26:
• Stoney Randall Coreoran,
36, 0f218 North First Street, Shel-
ton, pled guilty to two counts of
assault in the fourth degree, both
gross misdemeanors. He had been
charged with one count of third-
degree assault, a felony, and one
count of fourth-degree assault.
In his plea statement he admit-
ted being involved in an incident
on October 27 in a parking lot in
the 2500 block of Olympic High-
way North. He admitted assault-
ing Jerri L. Wright and officers
of the Shelton Police Department
who responded to the scene. He
struck one officer and spit on the
other officer, Deputy Prosecutor
Mike Dorcy said.
The sentencing range is from
zero to 365 days Judge James
Sawyer explained, noting a rec-
ommendation from Dorcy for 365
days with 305 suspended and com-
munity supervision for two years.
Sawyer scheduled sentencing for
March 19.
• Alan Lynn Upson, 47, of
1600 West Deegan Road, Shelton,
entered an Alford plea of guilty to
residential burglary. In exchange
for his plea the state agreed to dis-
miss a charge of burglary in the
second degree.
In an Alford plea a person does
not admit guilt but pleads guilty
because the evidence is such that
a jury would be likely to convict
and to take advantage of an offer
from the state. "I did some things
out of desperation," Upson said.
Judge Sawyer asked attorney
Andrew Rubenstein about Up-
son's mental health, since the de-
fendant had been sent to Western
State Hospital for a mental-health
evaluation after his arrest. "After
he came back from Western State
Hospital, he has told me clearly
and consistently this is what he
wants to do," Rubenstein said.
Deputy Prosecutor Dorcy said
Upson was arrested on October
1 by Deputy Ken McGill of the
Mason County Sheriffs Office
who was responding to a report
of a disturbance on West Deegan
Road. Randy L. Weaver said he
followed a man into his driveway
and said it was the same man his
girlfriend, Debbie C]egg, had seen
on the property at 350 West Coble
Road on September 27 when she
reported a vehicle prowl and tres-
Weaver also said that on Sep-
tember 26 he reported a residen-
tial burglary where a handgun
and other items were taken. After
obtaining a search warrant for
Upson's trailer, deputies reported
finding items taken from the shop
and residence on Coble Road, Dor-
cy said.
Judge Sawyer explained that
with an offender score of zero the
sentencing range is from three to
nine months in the Mason County
Jail. He said Upson could also be
sentenced under the First-time Of-
fender Sentencing Option, which
provides for a sentence of zero to
90 days followed by 24 months of
community custody.
Sawyer released Upson from
custody on his promise to appear
for sentencing on March 19. He
told Upson that he must maintain
his medications.
Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County dournal - Page 27
Su00_perior court roundup:
00odriguez facing
at $195,000
:l mllee incident appeared on Mon-
St bY, February 26, in Mason Coun-
ii SUperior Court to face possible felony charges that he tried to
Z i''Uence the alleged victim.
|:. Ivan Lewis Rodriguez was
!'Y,ltified in an investigation of
tCiki: COUnts of tampering with a
ttii,ess and three counts of viola-
"41°| :: ofno-contact order.
ts ]. Ill the other case, Rodriguez
let:,Jlltered not-guilty pleas on F ebru-
.L/rY.12 to charges of robbery in the
el degree, attempted assault in
1 | second degree and the unlaw-
i0| ilaprisonment of ]ammy Marie
_Ltlllard, with whom he had a dat-
|l|relationship. The alleged inci-
s/J t took place on February 5. He
,,mAl,.P, rohibited from having contact
rl | rtl Willard.
k-|r_he''" new allegations are re-
,,.,,ilL. qct Ulto that case. According to a
tyirt by Officer Mark Hinton of
Shelton Police Department,
, pfllard said she was contacted on
ti, $ I 1 bruary 9 by a third party from
/' r blason County Jail, who told
cot to come to court so Rodri-
] alez would not go to prison.
, !. rhen Rodriguez was in court
Ipebruary 12 he allegedly at-
ted to have contact with Wil-
Jlll through Teri Lynn ,Utheim,
).l¥a0 is a friend of Willard s. He al-
| 'IiLtll' Y told Utheim, "Tell Tammy
Ve her. Tell Tammy not to come
COurt so they will not prosecute
' 1' Hinton wrote in his report.
',n¢litheim's mother, Sandy Lynn
- orris, reportedly overheard what
uo, i, Said. Rodriguez also reportedly
rs ][,llled a next-door neighbor, Alvin
'llatler, after his arrest February
dow of the trailer, run through
several yards and onto the beach,
but they were not able to find him.
The protection order is valid until
January 22, 2009.
Judge Sawyer appointed Andrew
Rubenstein to represent Boxberger
and Ronald Sergi as defense attor-
ney for Chamberlain. The judge
set bail at $50,000 for Boxberger
and at $5,000 for Chamberlain.
He ordered Boxberger to have "ab-
solutely no contact" with Kristina
Boxberger. The men are scheduled
for arraignment March 12.
On Thursday, February 22,
Carlos Ray Goyette, 33, was
identified in an investigation of
attempted robbery in the first
degree. He had been in court the
day before after being arrested
on a warrant issued for failing to
pay legal financial obligations in a
1998 superior court case. Goyette
provided an address of 89 West
Satsop Road, Elma, but on Febru-
ary 21 he said he was living in Ta-
coma and working for a masonry
Judge Sawyer said Goyette did
not qualify financially for court-
appointed counsel. He set bail at
$50,000 and scheduled arraign-
ment on March 5.
Goyette was arrested about
eight hours after he appeared in
court on February 21 by Officer
Tasesa Maiava of the SPD who
said he was responding to a report
of an attempted vehicle theft in the
parking lot at Wal-Mart. The al-
leged victim, who is not identified
by name, said he saw a man trying
to "hot wire" his pickup truck and,
when he confronted Goyette, the
suspect pulled an object from his
pocket which resembled a knife or
vt 1
ld told him to talk to Willard
tt not pressing charges, screwdriver and took off running
Jdge James Sawyer appointed down Olympic Highway North. m"m"m"m""m""mm""m"""mm""""m"m""mm"""m""m""m"""mm"m""m""""""m""m""""""m""""m""""mm"mmm
5bail at $45,000 and scheduled tempted theft followed the sus- Wethel •
e Valley as defense attorney, According to the probable-cause
statement, a witness to the at-
aignment for March 12. With pect and detained him in the 2500
or bail set at $150,000, he
... to produce $195,000 in bail
',ett Ind to get out of the Mason witnesses reportedly identified
ity Jail. to
aWyer ordered Rodriguez
'% no contact with Willard, Mor-
o men arrested with sus-
Vted methamphetamine also ap-
r][i ed in court on February 26.
ltriek Gene Boxberger,
) lof 80 East Huckleberry Drive,
.,_Peview, was identified in an
_Stigation of violation of no-
st¢ TM..,.,,act order by means of an as-
sn'" [t and possession of metham-
[Talt_ .mine. David Brian Cham-
l:_,hlzn, 22, of 50 East Carr Place,
llr, was identified in an in-
I, ation of possession of meth.
s t'" Jey were arrested February 23
Ig _eputies from the Mason Coun-
flheriffs Office who said they
_.,i' w Boxberger drive by the resi-
,e on Huckleberry in violation
'- .4ltlperior court no-contact order
, , , , • .
et'L'.n hi :; tgra? d[ie rlKa :s '
XVas a passenger in the vehi-
s arrested on Mason County
ct Court warrants. Officers
ed the vehicle and said they
r',;dl-' a bag containing 1.3 grams
!t¢' white substance which field-
pCk' positive for meth.
Xberger also is suspected of
|tiag the court order on Feb-
|IkrY 21 and assaulting his wife.
|t'Ptties said they responded at
I: 1.. to a 911 hang-up call
fhe residence °n Huckleberry
|: a s. Boxberger told them she
|1 OVmg out and there was no
|£. of disturbance• Then there
|:_allother call at 5:24 p.m. and
|k a deputies returned Ms. Box-
|gr reportedly ran out of the
|q,r and said: "He's choking me
! al ra getting out of here."
0 |l,ePttties reportedly saw her
)]|l' |::ard jump out of a back win-
i00vested but
F p v
|h;: charges were riffled in Mason
tllt':a'tY Suverior Court against
P' |dsport man arrested on po-
, $, t 1
' |1 drug charges. Joe Paul
€ |ltiebach, 54, of 27041 North
01aY 101 was scheduled for
'-" |Kgaaent on Monday, Febru-
II I . I-Ie was released from con-
lrrposed after his arrest
block of Olympic Highway North.
The alleged victim and two other
Goyette as the man who tried to
steal the truck.
On Wednesday, February 21,
Temotio "Tom" Spurt Caeho,
33, of 40 North Enatai Court, Shel-
ton, was identified in an investiga-
tion of possession of methamphet-
amine. He also faces theft charges
in a 2006 case. A $5,000 warrant
for his arrest was issued on Febru-
ary 12 when he failed to appear for
a pretrial hearing in that case.
(Please turn to page 29.)
High Low Precip
Fahrenheit (in.)
February 21 46 32 .16
February 22 48 30 .05
February 23 41 30 .11
February 24 43 33 1.04
Februory 25 46 37 .44
February 26 45 33 .06
February 27 37 30 .10
Measurements are recorded for
the National Weather Service at
Sanderson Field.
Wednesday morning the Na-
tional Weather Service predicted
mostly cloudy skies with a chance
of showers on Thursday morning
and cloudy skies with a chance of
rain in the afternoon. The high
should be in the 40s. Expect rain
at times on Thursday night with
lows in the mid-30s to lower 40s.
Rain is in the forecast for Friday
and Friday night. The high should
be in the mid-40s to lower 50s with
a low in the lower 40s.
Forecasters expect rain chang-
ing to showers on Saturday and a
high in the lower to mid-50s.
There is a chance of showers on
Saturday night and Sunday with
mostly cloudy conditions. The lows
should be in the lower 40s with
h'_hs in the mid-50s
The extended forecast calls for
cloudy skies and a chance of rain
Sunday night with lows in the low-
er 40s. Expect rain at times from
Monday through Tuesday. The
highs should be in the lower 50s
with lows around 40 degrees.
Guilty pleas:
Man says he stole two cars
A 20-year-old Shelton man ad-
mitted stealing two different ve-
hicles within the course of a single
month when he changed his pleas
in two Mason County Superior
Court cases.
Jacob Raymond Anderson
of 1561 West Railroad Avenue,
entered guilty pleas on Friday,
February 23, to charges of theft in
the second degree and malicious
mischief in the second degree in a
2006 case and to charges of theft
in the first degree and attempting
to elude a pursuing police vehicle
in a 2007 case. He faces a possible
prison sentence for the first-degree
theft conviction.
In his plea statement, Anderson
admitted taking a 1987 Subaru
station wagon belonging to Denali
Glavin from the parking lot of the
Red Apple Market on December
22, 2006. He also admitted dam-
aging the vehicle by driving over
a rock.
He also wrote: "On January 23
I took a van not belonging to me
with the intent to deprive owner
of use. When the police came in
clearly marked police vehicles I
attempted to get away." Eduardo
Perez had reported the theft of his
1994 Chevrolet Astro van after his
wife left it running outside their
residence at 624 West Cedar Street
in downtown Shelton. After a brief
chase down Franklin Street, he
went off the roadway and crashed
the van into a tree.
Judge Toni Sheldon said the
sentencing range for the first-de-
gree theft conviction is from 12
months plus one day to 14 months
and for eluding, the range is four
to 12 months. Sentences of over
one year are served at a Washing-
ton State Department of Correc-
tions facility. She noted concur-
rent sentences are not a part of the
plea agreement and told Anderson
he could receive consecutive sen-
Anderson is scheduled for sen-
tencing on March 12.
On Friday, February 23, gen-
aro Fernando Paseual, 23, of
1312 Warren Avenue, Bremerton,
pled guilty to hit and run with
injury. In his plea statement he
wrote: "On November 3 I drove a
motor vehicle that was involved
in an accident which resulted in
an injury to another person and I
failed to stay at the scene and pro-
vide contact information•
With no prior felony criminal
history, the sentencing range is
from three to nine months, Judge
Sheldon said. She scheduled sen-
tencing for March 19. Court-certi-
fied interpreter Mariana Spark-
man translated the plea form and
the proceedings in English and
On Monday, February 26:
• Stoney Randall Coreoran,
36, 0f218 North First Street, Shel-
ton, pled guilty to two counts of
assault in the fourth degree, both
gross misdemeanors. He had been
charged with one count of third-
degree assault, a felony, and one
count of fourth-degree assault.
In his plea statement he admit-
ted being involved in an incident
on October 27 in a parking lot in
the 2500 block of Olympic High-
way North. He admitted assault-
ing Jerri L. Wright and officers
of the Shelton Police Department
who responded to the scene. He
struck one officer and spit on the
other officer, Deputy Prosecutor
Mike Dorcy said.
The sentencing range is from
zero to 365 days Judge James
Sawyer explained, noting a rec-
ommendation from Dorcy for 365
days with 305 suspended and com-
munity supervision for two years.
Sawyer scheduled sentencing for
March 19.
• Alan Lynn Upson, 47, of
1600 West Deegan Road, Shelton,
entered an Alford plea of guilty to
residential burglary. In exchange
for his plea the state agreed to dis-
miss a charge of burglary in the
second degree.
In an Alford plea a person does
not admit guilt but pleads guilty
because the evidence is such that
a jury would be likely to convict
and to take advantage of an offer
from the state. "I did some things
out of desperation," Upson said.
Judge Sawyer asked attorney
Andrew Rubenstein about Up-
son's mental health, since the de-
fendant had been sent to Western
State Hospital for a mental-health
evaluation after his arrest. "After
he came back from Western State
Hospital, he has told me clearly
and consistently this is what he
wants to do," Rubenstein said.
Deputy Prosecutor Dorcy said
Upson was arrested on October
1 by Deputy Ken McGill of the
Mason County Sheriffs Office
who was responding to a report
of a disturbance on West Deegan
Road. Randy L. Weaver said he
followed a man into his driveway
and said it was the same man his
girlfriend, Debbie C]egg, had seen
on the property at 350 West Coble
Road on September 27 when she
reported a vehicle prowl and tres-
Weaver also said that on Sep-
tember 26 he reported a residen-
tial burglary where a handgun
and other items were taken. After
obtaining a search warrant for
Upson's trailer, deputies reported
finding items taken from the shop
and residence on Coble Road, Dor-
cy said.
Judge Sawyer explained that
with an offender score of zero the
sentencing range is from three to
nine months in the Mason County
Jail. He said Upson could also be
sentenced under the First-time Of-
fender Sentencing Option, which
provides for a sentence of zero to
90 days followed by 24 months of
community custody.
Sawyer released Upson from
custody on his promise to appear
for sentencing on March 19. He
told Upson that he must maintain
his medications.
Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County dournal - Page 27