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FlED "is words or less-- S6S0 •Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
• 10 cents for each additional word over 15 •Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
• Four insertions for the of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(360) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors in the first
insertion only.
DRESS, 2 piece, size 3. Worn
0Xcellent condition. Paid $210.
292-0221. T3/1
COVER for 1998 Dodge
pickup, $800. Tow bar, Stow-
$200. Electric Scoot-N-Go,
$75. (360) 426-2352. P3/1
WALNUT veneer dining table,
3 leaves, 6 chairs, china cabi-
(360) 427-1550. M3/1
Remodeling. Works great. You
426-0824. W3/1
ISED plant sale. Dayton Hall
Friday-Saturday 10 a.m.-3
WASHER/ dryer, $200.
Style washer/dryer, $35 each.
mirror, $50. Serious inquiries
868-2268. A3/1
TO senior citizens. Garages,
sheds built. You pay costs, our
free. 24 hr. msg. (360)
COACH seats, triples $75;
$50. call (360) 427-5441 Men-
8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Cash only.
LIVING room set - sofa, Io-
chair, all leather. $800. Dining
6 chairs, $75. (360) 427-3984.
186 annual Vacation Interna-
timeshare points per year,
points currently banked. There
resorts in the continental U.S., Ha-
and Whistler, B.C., and you
with RCI and II. Selling two
Contracts with 27 yrs. and 29 yrs.
Total cost is $14,900 including
877-9175. F2/8-3/1
ramps. We specialize in cus-
and have stock sizes too. Wood-
426-0820. L6/29tfn
but hate to clean? Love
home parties? Love the perks of
rties? Consider upgrading your
and bakeware to what profes-
chefs usel For more information
SChedule a home party for you and
call Penny Wilson, your De-
Home Independent Representa-
490-2515. P9/21tfn
moving to smaller spot
25-40% OFF
!tarch 1st, 2nd, 3rd
ha0010is PIaa0s
quality sandy loam
• No Rocks • No Clay
Lawns • Sprinklers
Plants • Bark
Backhoe ° Dozer
Bulkheads • Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
Fatten your
with a
Want Ad
IRON PIRATES' Treasures. Antiques,
collectibles, consignments. Floor space
available. New treasures weekly. 22551
Hwy. 3, Belfair, (360) 275-6525. A2/15-
ANNUAL RUMMAGE sale, Faith Lu-
theran Church, 1212 Connection Street.
March 2nd and 3rd, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Lots
of really good stuff. F2/22-3/1
RAIN OR shine! Sofa sleeper, table/
chairs, barstools, microwave cart, TV
trays, bunkbeds, dressers, microwave,
brand new sewing machine, kids clothes,
miscellaneous. Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-
4 p.m. 763 SE Old Arcadia Rd. P3/1
KITTEN RESCUE is having our first ga-
rage sale of the year. Saturday, March
10. More details next week. K3/1
1948 DODGE sedan, guns, antiques,
tools, lots of collectibles. 250 E. Hillcrest
Drive (off Agate at Shorecrest) 9 a.m.-4
p.m. Saturday-Sunday. W3/1
WE'RE INTERESTED in buying any-
thing old: glassware, furniture, jewelry,
pictures, postcards, toys, knickknacks.
One piece or a house full. We also do
estate sales. (360) 866-8489. B3/1-8
BUYING GOLD and silver, costume
jewelry, DVD movies and CDs. Kiss Me
Clothing and Boutique, 129 Railroad.
NOW ACCEPTING donatio;ls of vin-
tage/reusable household items, small
furnishings. More info call (360) 451-
1476. N2/8-3/1
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
your cars, boats or
RV's to the
"Toys For Kids Plus"
program for
a tax deduction.
We pick up/
(360) 432-2995
NOW HIRING Drivers/roof loader. Wanted
for local deliveries. Full benefits, 401(k),
vacation. Class B CDL required, drug-free
workplace. Call Troy at (360) 534-9496.
EXPERIENCED COOK needed, full or
part time. Apply at Lefties Pub & Eatery,
2810 E. Spencer Lake Road. L2/22-3/1
Electric. Serving Mason County only. Full
time. Pay DOQ. Call (360) 426-9799.
CASHIER/CLERK, part-time 25-30 hours,
evenings, weekends. Must be 21, mail
resume: Alderbrook Country Store, P.O.
Box 498, Union, WA 98592. A2/22-3/15
CERTIFIED YOGNMovement Facilitators
wanted to conduct 2-4 times weekly, be-
ginning yoga/movement classes, at Har-
mony Hill Retreat Center in Union, WA.
Please call (360) 898-2363. H2/22-3/1
LOOKING FOR in-home childcare, 3-4
mornings per week. No other children
please. (360) 432-8535. C3/1-22
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire CHS Program Specialist. This po-
sition is responsible for community out-
reach and education, Contract Health
Service (CHS) data entry, client prob-
lem solving and advocacy for the CHS
Program. This position serves as the
CHS Resource Patient Management
System (RPMS) data entry operator and
requires extreme accuracy and timeli-
ness in all phases of work. Complete in-
take, registration and eligibility activities
for CHS clients. Provide information to
clients in regards to the CHS payment
process and requirements. Work with
outside medical care providers regard-
ing contract health payment and billing.
Work closely with Skokomish Clinic staff
regarding referrals. Bachelors degree,
preferably in Health Services, Account-
ing or related field, or a High School Di-
ploma/GED and two years experience
in managing budgets/financial manage-
ment of health care services. Must have
computer experience, e.g. with Microsoft
Office; must have the ability to learn the
IHS RPMS system as relevant to CHS.
Must have the ability to exercise consid-
erable tact in maintaining effective work
relationships with coworkers and clients.
Closes 3/2/07. $22,800-$27,040. For a
complete job description visit our web-
site at or contact
Winona Plant Personnel at (360) 426-
4232 x209. S3/1
CLERK WITH the Mason County Sher-
iff's Office. Performs general office duties
as required for the operation and admin-
istration of a law enforcement agency.
Minimum qualifications: type 50 wpm,
high school diploma or GED. Requests
for applications must be postmarked by
March 15, 2007. Send a self addressed,
stamped (78¢) 9x12 business envelope
to: Chief Examiner, 415 E. Soundview
Dr., Shelton, WA 98584. M3/1-8
people person. Apply in person, Curves,
1718 W. Railroad. C3/1
testing mandatory. Salary DOQ. Re-
spond to (360) 866-4594 or (360) 432-
0971 before 5 p.m. or leave message
after 5 p.m. Mc3/1-22
small one-time project. Must know grind-
ers. Call for information (360) 432-3147.
CDL DRIVER, Class A combo wanted.
Must provide clean driver's abstract and
recent physical. Drug testing mandatory.
Truck and trailer experience necessary.
Salary DOQ. Work will be seasonal. Re-
spond to (360) 866-4594 or (360) 432-
0971 before 5 p.m. or leave message
after 5 p.m. Mc3/1-22
OLYMPIA CHILDCARE center looking
for cook and toddler/preschool teach-
ers. Positions available now. Call (360)
753-8646. R3/1
BUSY MEDICAL office in Shelton seek-
ing LPN/RN or MA, also seeking tran-
scriptionist. Send resume to: Resume,
PO Box 9, Union, WA 98592. O3/1-8
GREAT CAREER opportunityl Now
accepting applications for immediate
openings, working for the developmen-
tally disabled within their homes. Start-
ing salary part-time $8.25 hour, full-time
$1,550 monthly. Plus benefits. Send
letter of interest and generic application
or resume, Place One, Inc., 5107 Lacey
Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503. Or e-mail pla- P3/1-22
CITY OF Shelton - City Commissioner
of Finance & Accounting has given the
City notice that he intends to resign his
position on the Commission, effective 3-
20-07. The City is publishing this notice
to solicit qualified candidates to fill this
position. Full details are found in the Le-
gals section. C3/1-15
seeking part-time kitchen help. Must be
at least 21 years of age. Pay DOE. Ap-
ply in person with resume: 330 E. Coun-
try Club Dr., Union. A3/1-8
needed. Professional appearance and
attitude, experience preferred. Submit
resume and application in person to:
50's Diner & Fifth Street Espresso, 506
West Railroad. L2/8-3/1
us out. We have new
business and we want enthusiastic peo-
ple to provide customer service for our
clients. We have openings in our finan-
cial and wireless departments. We'll pay
you through training to assist our cus-
tomers in application processing, ac-
count information, billing questions and
tech support. We offer our employees
medical, dental, and vision after 90 days
and company paid LTD, life insurance
and accidental death and disability. We
also have great paid time off benefits,
up to 128 hours within your first year
of employment. Starting wage $8.50
hourly. Excellent bonus programs. Ap-
ply now, or call us at
(360) 786-0373. A3/1-22
IMPORT SERVICE Technician. Must
be excellent at diagnostics and repair.
Bring resume to Service Manager, Gil-
lis Auto Center, 180 W. Hulbert Road,
Shelton. G2/22-3/15
ACTIVE MAN in wheelchair needs care-
giver, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Thursday through
Monday (COPES). Need assistance
with bathing and personal care, trans-
fers, some meals and light housekeep-
ing. Must have driver's license and
ability to drive a van to shopping and
doctor's appointments. Ability to travel a
plus. Experience preferred but can train.
Sense of humor a must. Union area.
(360/898-0001. B2/22-3/15
SERVICE ATTENDANT duties include:
washing vehicles, shop clean-up. Full-
time, Tuesday-Saturday. See Service
Manager, Gillis Auto Center, 180 W.
Hulbert Rd., Shelton. G2/22-3/15
WASTE WATER Plant Operator II-A/
Utility Maintenance for Mason County.
$3,725-$3,915/monthly. Minimum re-
quirements: High school graduate or
GED, vocational/technical training in
wastewater treatment and 2 years re-
lated experience. Valid Washington
CDL, Washington Certificate in Group
II Wastewater Treatment and ability to
obtain Washington Certificate for Class
A Water Distribution within 6 months.
Pre-employment drug test. Application
required and available at Mason County
Human Resources, 411 N. Fifth St.,
Shelton, WA 98584; (360) 427-7265. Closes 3/9/07.
PART-TIME DAYCARE assistant. High
school diploma or GED. STARS a plus.
Call (360) 427-1334, ask for Sandy or
Leissa. B2/22-3/1
GREEN DIAMOND Resource Company
has an immediate opening in Shelton,
WA for a GIS Forester. Incumbent will
be responsible for planning, supervis-
ing, and completing forest inventory
in Washington and Oregon. Will also
provide expertise in use and calibra-
tion of forest growth models, assist in
the preparation of tree farm wide for-
est management plans, analyze natu-
ral resource data, complete GIS up-
dates, and provide support for all NW
timberlands. Candidates must have a
minimum of three years of operational
forestry experience, concentrating on
forest inventory, experience with ESRI
ArcGIS software, and knowledge of
various computer applications and rela-
tional databases. Minimum requirement
is a bachelor's degree in forestry or AA
degree with equivalent experience, with
additional education in statistics, biom-
etry, and business desired. Qualified
individuals, please request an applica-
tion packet by calling (360) 427-4749, or
Closing March 12, 2007. Applications
will also be available at Mason County
WorkSource, 2505 Olympic Hwy., Suite
420, Shelton, WA 98584. Equal Oppor-
tunity Employer. Drug Free Work Envi-
ronment. G2/22-3/8
NOW HIRING! The La Factor Day Spa!
LMP, hair, nail, aesthetician, acupunc-
turist. Send resume to 117 N. 8th St. or
bring into the spa. L2/15-3/8
TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time,
evenings and weekends, good 2nd in-
come. 5 year good driving record, good
people and driving skills, some com-
mercial experience required. Must be
able to pass drug screening. Knowledge
of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older.
Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (360)
426-8294. M2/8-3/1
Shelton Health & Rehabilitation Center
currently has openings for the following:
• RN/LPN Eves, Noc
• NAC Days, Noc
$8 hourly to start. Glen Ayr Resort in
Hoodsport. 15-20 hours weekly or more.
(360) 877-9522. G2/8-3/1
MASSAGE THERAPIST, room for lease.
(360) 427-8684. C2/15tfn
ONE STATION for rent, Chez Beaujeas.
(360) 427-8684. C2/15tfn
RN/LPN - Come join our dynamic team
of dedicated nursing staff at Shelton
Health and Rehabilitation. Evening and
night shifts available. Competitive wag-
es and an opportunity to work at a great
facility. Call Patti at (360) 427-2575 or
deliver applications to 153 Johns Ct.,
Shelton. Apply online at www.ever- $2/15-3/8
ton Health and Rehabilitation currently
has openings on evening and night
shifts. We are seeking an individual
who has a good attitude, can work in a
team, cares for others and will show up
on time. Competitive wages. Come ap-
ply at 153 Johns Ct. or apply online at EOE.
DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles
and top pay. Call Werner Enterprises for
regional openings today. 800-346-2818,
ext. 126. A2/15-3/8
CNC MACHINIST - Night shift, 4 tens
with Friday off. Must be able to work
independently and setup 3 and 4 axis
mills. Experience a must. Top pay for
right individual. Fax resume to (360)
426-6175 or email to dpanchot.whiskey- W2/15-3/8
be experienced in programming 3 and 4
axis CNC mills with smartcam software.
Top pay for right individual. Fax resume
to (360) 426-6175 or email to dpanchot. W2/15-3/8
(360) 432-8837. E2/8-3/1
MASON COUNTY Transportation Au-
thority (MTA) is currently seeking On-
Call Drivers. These positions provide
transportation service for seniors, dis-
abled, and the general public through
Demand Response trips, Fixed/Deviat-
ed scheduled routes and Special events.
These positions are on-call during all
hours of operation and there is no guar-
antee of hours you will be called in for
work. These positions require the appli-
cant to hold a current Washington State
Driver's License, Class B CDL (with air
brake and passenger endorsements), or
have the ability to be trained to obtain
such a license, a minimum of (5) years
driving experience, no moving violations
within the last (3) years, no involvement
in any at fault accidents within the last
(5) years (driving abstract required),
must successfully pass Washington
State Patrol Background check and re-
quires successful physical exam upon
hire. For a complete job description and
application packet contact: Mason Tran-
sit HR at (360) 426-9434 x133. Position
closes March 6th at 4 p.m. M2/22-3/1
WE ARE currently searching for the right
person to fill a part time position with our
company. This position will start at three
days a week. We are looking for a goal
oriented, energetic self starter that likes
to work with the public on a retail level.
This person must have some basic com-
puter skills and preferably some knowl-
edge of some of the products we carry.
If you like working as a team member
and this job sounds appealing to you,
then apply in person at City Pawn,123
S. 2nd St., Shelton. Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5
p.m. C2/22-3/1
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters,
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
fall cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. $15
per hour/per person. (360) 359-2014;
(360) 359-2017. P11/23tfn
STARVING COLLEGE student looking
for work till Americorps job assignment
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently
as smart, I will do most any home- and
yard-type work with a smile. Shane,
(360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn
New benefits package/Competitive payl
Great working environmentl
Please send applications/resumes or apply in person:
ARm HR, 153 Johns Court, Shelton, WA 98584
or apply online @
Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33
Find a honey
of a deal ...
... in the Journal
mm mmmmmm • mmmmm mm
FlED "is words or less-- S6S0 •Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
• 10 cents for each additional word over 15 •Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
• Four insertions for the of three • Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(360) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors in the first
insertion only.
DRESS, 2 piece, size 3. Worn
0Xcellent condition. Paid $210.
292-0221. T3/1
COVER for 1998 Dodge
pickup, $800. Tow bar, Stow-
$200. Electric Scoot-N-Go,
$75. (360) 426-2352. P3/1
WALNUT veneer dining table,
3 leaves, 6 chairs, china cabi-
(360) 427-1550. M3/1
Remodeling. Works great. You
426-0824. W3/1
ISED plant sale. Dayton Hall
Friday-Saturday 10 a.m.-3
WASHER/ dryer, $200.
Style washer/dryer, $35 each.
mirror, $50. Serious inquiries
868-2268. A3/1
TO senior citizens. Garages,
sheds built. You pay costs, our
free. 24 hr. msg. (360)
COACH seats, triples $75;
$50. call (360) 427-5441 Men-
8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Cash only.
LIVING room set - sofa, Io-
chair, all leather. $800. Dining
6 chairs, $75. (360) 427-3984.
186 annual Vacation Interna-
timeshare points per year,
points currently banked. There
resorts in the continental U.S., Ha-
and Whistler, B.C., and you
with RCI and II. Selling two
Contracts with 27 yrs. and 29 yrs.
Total cost is $14,900 including
877-9175. F2/8-3/1
ramps. We specialize in cus-
and have stock sizes too. Wood-
426-0820. L6/29tfn
but hate to clean? Love
home parties? Love the perks of
rties? Consider upgrading your
and bakeware to what profes-
chefs usel For more information
SChedule a home party for you and
call Penny Wilson, your De-
Home Independent Representa-
490-2515. P9/21tfn
moving to smaller spot
25-40% OFF
!tarch 1st, 2nd, 3rd
ha0010is PIaa0s
quality sandy loam
• No Rocks • No Clay
Lawns • Sprinklers
Plants • Bark
Backhoe ° Dozer
Bulkheads • Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
Fatten your
with a
Want Ad
IRON PIRATES' Treasures. Antiques,
collectibles, consignments. Floor space
available. New treasures weekly. 22551
Hwy. 3, Belfair, (360) 275-6525. A2/15-
ANNUAL RUMMAGE sale, Faith Lu-
theran Church, 1212 Connection Street.
March 2nd and 3rd, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Lots
of really good stuff. F2/22-3/1
RAIN OR shine! Sofa sleeper, table/
chairs, barstools, microwave cart, TV
trays, bunkbeds, dressers, microwave,
brand new sewing machine, kids clothes,
miscellaneous. Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-
4 p.m. 763 SE Old Arcadia Rd. P3/1
KITTEN RESCUE is having our first ga-
rage sale of the year. Saturday, March
10. More details next week. K3/1
1948 DODGE sedan, guns, antiques,
tools, lots of collectibles. 250 E. Hillcrest
Drive (off Agate at Shorecrest) 9 a.m.-4
p.m. Saturday-Sunday. W3/1
WE'RE INTERESTED in buying any-
thing old: glassware, furniture, jewelry,
pictures, postcards, toys, knickknacks.
One piece or a house full. We also do
estate sales. (360) 866-8489. B3/1-8
BUYING GOLD and silver, costume
jewelry, DVD movies and CDs. Kiss Me
Clothing and Boutique, 129 Railroad.
NOW ACCEPTING donatio;ls of vin-
tage/reusable household items, small
furnishings. More info call (360) 451-
1476. N2/8-3/1
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
your cars, boats or
RV's to the
"Toys For Kids Plus"
program for
a tax deduction.
We pick up/
(360) 432-2995
NOW HIRING Drivers/roof loader. Wanted
for local deliveries. Full benefits, 401(k),
vacation. Class B CDL required, drug-free
workplace. Call Troy at (360) 534-9496.
EXPERIENCED COOK needed, full or
part time. Apply at Lefties Pub & Eatery,
2810 E. Spencer Lake Road. L2/22-3/1
Electric. Serving Mason County only. Full
time. Pay DOQ. Call (360) 426-9799.
CASHIER/CLERK, part-time 25-30 hours,
evenings, weekends. Must be 21, mail
resume: Alderbrook Country Store, P.O.
Box 498, Union, WA 98592. A2/22-3/15
CERTIFIED YOGNMovement Facilitators
wanted to conduct 2-4 times weekly, be-
ginning yoga/movement classes, at Har-
mony Hill Retreat Center in Union, WA.
Please call (360) 898-2363. H2/22-3/1
LOOKING FOR in-home childcare, 3-4
mornings per week. No other children
please. (360) 432-8535. C3/1-22
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire CHS Program Specialist. This po-
sition is responsible for community out-
reach and education, Contract Health
Service (CHS) data entry, client prob-
lem solving and advocacy for the CHS
Program. This position serves as the
CHS Resource Patient Management
System (RPMS) data entry operator and
requires extreme accuracy and timeli-
ness in all phases of work. Complete in-
take, registration and eligibility activities
for CHS clients. Provide information to
clients in regards to the CHS payment
process and requirements. Work with
outside medical care providers regard-
ing contract health payment and billing.
Work closely with Skokomish Clinic staff
regarding referrals. Bachelors degree,
preferably in Health Services, Account-
ing or related field, or a High School Di-
ploma/GED and two years experience
in managing budgets/financial manage-
ment of health care services. Must have
computer experience, e.g. with Microsoft
Office; must have the ability to learn the
IHS RPMS system as relevant to CHS.
Must have the ability to exercise consid-
erable tact in maintaining effective work
relationships with coworkers and clients.
Closes 3/2/07. $22,800-$27,040. For a
complete job description visit our web-
site at or contact
Winona Plant Personnel at (360) 426-
4232 x209. S3/1
CLERK WITH the Mason County Sher-
iff's Office. Performs general office duties
as required for the operation and admin-
istration of a law enforcement agency.
Minimum qualifications: type 50 wpm,
high school diploma or GED. Requests
for applications must be postmarked by
March 15, 2007. Send a self addressed,
stamped (78¢) 9x12 business envelope
to: Chief Examiner, 415 E. Soundview
Dr., Shelton, WA 98584. M3/1-8
people person. Apply in person, Curves,
1718 W. Railroad. C3/1
testing mandatory. Salary DOQ. Re-
spond to (360) 866-4594 or (360) 432-
0971 before 5 p.m. or leave message
after 5 p.m. Mc3/1-22
small one-time project. Must know grind-
ers. Call for information (360) 432-3147.
CDL DRIVER, Class A combo wanted.
Must provide clean driver's abstract and
recent physical. Drug testing mandatory.
Truck and trailer experience necessary.
Salary DOQ. Work will be seasonal. Re-
spond to (360) 866-4594 or (360) 432-
0971 before 5 p.m. or leave message
after 5 p.m. Mc3/1-22
OLYMPIA CHILDCARE center looking
for cook and toddler/preschool teach-
ers. Positions available now. Call (360)
753-8646. R3/1
BUSY MEDICAL office in Shelton seek-
ing LPN/RN or MA, also seeking tran-
scriptionist. Send resume to: Resume,
PO Box 9, Union, WA 98592. O3/1-8
GREAT CAREER opportunityl Now
accepting applications for immediate
openings, working for the developmen-
tally disabled within their homes. Start-
ing salary part-time $8.25 hour, full-time
$1,550 monthly. Plus benefits. Send
letter of interest and generic application
or resume, Place One, Inc., 5107 Lacey
Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503. Or e-mail pla- P3/1-22
CITY OF Shelton - City Commissioner
of Finance & Accounting has given the
City notice that he intends to resign his
position on the Commission, effective 3-
20-07. The City is publishing this notice
to solicit qualified candidates to fill this
position. Full details are found in the Le-
gals section. C3/1-15
seeking part-time kitchen help. Must be
at least 21 years of age. Pay DOE. Ap-
ply in person with resume: 330 E. Coun-
try Club Dr., Union. A3/1-8
needed. Professional appearance and
attitude, experience preferred. Submit
resume and application in person to:
50's Diner & Fifth Street Espresso, 506
West Railroad. L2/8-3/1
us out. We have new
business and we want enthusiastic peo-
ple to provide customer service for our
clients. We have openings in our finan-
cial and wireless departments. We'll pay
you through training to assist our cus-
tomers in application processing, ac-
count information, billing questions and
tech support. We offer our employees
medical, dental, and vision after 90 days
and company paid LTD, life insurance
and accidental death and disability. We
also have great paid time off benefits,
up to 128 hours within your first year
of employment. Starting wage $8.50
hourly. Excellent bonus programs. Ap-
ply now, or call us at
(360) 786-0373. A3/1-22
IMPORT SERVICE Technician. Must
be excellent at diagnostics and repair.
Bring resume to Service Manager, Gil-
lis Auto Center, 180 W. Hulbert Road,
Shelton. G2/22-3/15
ACTIVE MAN in wheelchair needs care-
giver, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Thursday through
Monday (COPES). Need assistance
with bathing and personal care, trans-
fers, some meals and light housekeep-
ing. Must have driver's license and
ability to drive a van to shopping and
doctor's appointments. Ability to travel a
plus. Experience preferred but can train.
Sense of humor a must. Union area.
(360/898-0001. B2/22-3/15
SERVICE ATTENDANT duties include:
washing vehicles, shop clean-up. Full-
time, Tuesday-Saturday. See Service
Manager, Gillis Auto Center, 180 W.
Hulbert Rd., Shelton. G2/22-3/15
WASTE WATER Plant Operator II-A/
Utility Maintenance for Mason County.
$3,725-$3,915/monthly. Minimum re-
quirements: High school graduate or
GED, vocational/technical training in
wastewater treatment and 2 years re-
lated experience. Valid Washington
CDL, Washington Certificate in Group
II Wastewater Treatment and ability to
obtain Washington Certificate for Class
A Water Distribution within 6 months.
Pre-employment drug test. Application
required and available at Mason County
Human Resources, 411 N. Fifth St.,
Shelton, WA 98584; (360) 427-7265. Closes 3/9/07.
PART-TIME DAYCARE assistant. High
school diploma or GED. STARS a plus.
Call (360) 427-1334, ask for Sandy or
Leissa. B2/22-3/1
GREEN DIAMOND Resource Company
has an immediate opening in Shelton,
WA for a GIS Forester. Incumbent will
be responsible for planning, supervis-
ing, and completing forest inventory
in Washington and Oregon. Will also
provide expertise in use and calibra-
tion of forest growth models, assist in
the preparation of tree farm wide for-
est management plans, analyze natu-
ral resource data, complete GIS up-
dates, and provide support for all NW
timberlands. Candidates must have a
minimum of three years of operational
forestry experience, concentrating on
forest inventory, experience with ESRI
ArcGIS software, and knowledge of
various computer applications and rela-
tional databases. Minimum requirement
is a bachelor's degree in forestry or AA
degree with equivalent experience, with
additional education in statistics, biom-
etry, and business desired. Qualified
individuals, please request an applica-
tion packet by calling (360) 427-4749, or
Closing March 12, 2007. Applications
will also be available at Mason County
WorkSource, 2505 Olympic Hwy., Suite
420, Shelton, WA 98584. Equal Oppor-
tunity Employer. Drug Free Work Envi-
ronment. G2/22-3/8
NOW HIRING! The La Factor Day Spa!
LMP, hair, nail, aesthetician, acupunc-
turist. Send resume to 117 N. 8th St. or
bring into the spa. L2/15-3/8
TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time,
evenings and weekends, good 2nd in-
come. 5 year good driving record, good
people and driving skills, some com-
mercial experience required. Must be
able to pass drug screening. Knowledge
of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older.
Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (360)
426-8294. M2/8-3/1
Shelton Health & Rehabilitation Center
currently has openings for the following:
• RN/LPN Eves, Noc
• NAC Days, Noc
$8 hourly to start. Glen Ayr Resort in
Hoodsport. 15-20 hours weekly or more.
(360) 877-9522. G2/8-3/1
MASSAGE THERAPIST, room for lease.
(360) 427-8684. C2/15tfn
ONE STATION for rent, Chez Beaujeas.
(360) 427-8684. C2/15tfn
RN/LPN - Come join our dynamic team
of dedicated nursing staff at Shelton
Health and Rehabilitation. Evening and
night shifts available. Competitive wag-
es and an opportunity to work at a great
facility. Call Patti at (360) 427-2575 or
deliver applications to 153 Johns Ct.,
Shelton. Apply online at www.ever- $2/15-3/8
ton Health and Rehabilitation currently
has openings on evening and night
shifts. We are seeking an individual
who has a good attitude, can work in a
team, cares for others and will show up
on time. Competitive wages. Come ap-
ply at 153 Johns Ct. or apply online at EOE.
DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles
and top pay. Call Werner Enterprises for
regional openings today. 800-346-2818,
ext. 126. A2/15-3/8
CNC MACHINIST - Night shift, 4 tens
with Friday off. Must be able to work
independently and setup 3 and 4 axis
mills. Experience a must. Top pay for
right individual. Fax resume to (360)
426-6175 or email to dpanchot.whiskey- W2/15-3/8
be experienced in programming 3 and 4
axis CNC mills with smartcam software.
Top pay for right individual. Fax resume
to (360) 426-6175 or email to dpanchot. W2/15-3/8
(360) 432-8837. E2/8-3/1
MASON COUNTY Transportation Au-
thority (MTA) is currently seeking On-
Call Drivers. These positions provide
transportation service for seniors, dis-
abled, and the general public through
Demand Response trips, Fixed/Deviat-
ed scheduled routes and Special events.
These positions are on-call during all
hours of operation and there is no guar-
antee of hours you will be called in for
work. These positions require the appli-
cant to hold a current Washington State
Driver's License, Class B CDL (with air
brake and passenger endorsements), or
have the ability to be trained to obtain
such a license, a minimum of (5) years
driving experience, no moving violations
within the last (3) years, no involvement
in any at fault accidents within the last
(5) years (driving abstract required),
must successfully pass Washington
State Patrol Background check and re-
quires successful physical exam upon
hire. For a complete job description and
application packet contact: Mason Tran-
sit HR at (360) 426-9434 x133. Position
closes March 6th at 4 p.m. M2/22-3/1
WE ARE currently searching for the right
person to fill a part time position with our
company. This position will start at three
days a week. We are looking for a goal
oriented, energetic self starter that likes
to work with the public on a retail level.
This person must have some basic com-
puter skills and preferably some knowl-
edge of some of the products we carry.
If you like working as a team member
and this job sounds appealing to you,
then apply in person at City Pawn,123
S. 2nd St., Shelton. Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5
p.m. C2/22-3/1
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters,
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
fall cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. $15
per hour/per person. (360) 359-2014;
(360) 359-2017. P11/23tfn
STARVING COLLEGE student looking
for work till Americorps job assignment
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently
as smart, I will do most any home- and
yard-type work with a smile. Shane,
(360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn
New benefits package/Competitive payl
Great working environmentl
Please send applications/resumes or apply in person:
ARm HR, 153 Johns Court, Shelton, WA 98584
or apply online @
Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33
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