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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 1, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 1, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed amendments to the City of Shel- ton Design and Construction Standards A public hearing before the City Com- mission is scheduled for March 5, 2007, at 6:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Commission Chambers, located at 525 West Cots Street. Public comment will be accepted on the pro- posed updates to the Design and Construc- tion Standards providing for changes in the requirements for sidewalks and frontage im- provements on infill development. A copy of the proposed changes is avail- able at no charge from the City of Shelton Public Works Department. For information, please contact Jay Ebbeson at (360) 432- 5120. 3/1 It NOTICE OF SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHR2006-00038 Notice is hereby given that MALCOLM STEWART, who is the owner of the de- scribed property, has filed an application for a Shoreline Management Permit for the de- velopment of: Sub. Dev. Pier, Ramp and Float. Site Address: 4071 NE NORTH SHORE RD BELFAIR Parcel Number: 222025100907 Location of Project: North Shore Rd. to address. Within: NE (quarter section) of Section: 2 Township: 22 N Range: 2 W, WM. in, Mason County Washington. Said development is proposed within Hood Canal and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on the ap- plication should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P O BOX 279 SHELTON, WA 98584 in writing of their interest. The comment period is at least 30 days from the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173- 14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 3/8/2007. Written comments will be accepted up to the date of the hearing. A public hearing will be held on this permit request. Contact this office at (360)427-9670, ext. for date and time of hearing. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on 3/14/2007 under WAC 197-11- 340. Written comments regarding this deter- mination must be received by 3/28/2007. 3/1-8 2t NOTICE OF SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHR2006-00022 Notice is hereby given that STEN KARLSEN, who is the owner of the de- scribed property, has filed an application for a Shoreline Management Permit for the de- velopment of: Sub. Dev. New pier, ramp, and float. Site Address: 12881 NE NORTH SHORE RD BELFAIR Parcel Number: 322345000009 Location of Project: North Shore Rd. to address. Within: NE (quarter section) of Section: 34 Township: 22 N Range: 3 W, WM. in. Mason County Washington. Said development is propbsed within Hood Canal and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on the ap- plication should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P O BOX 279 SHELTON, WA 98584 in writing of their interest. The comment period is at least 30 days from the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173- 14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 11/30/2006. Written comments will be accepted up to the date of the hearing. A public hearing will be held on this permit request. Contact this office at (360)427-9670, ext. for date and time of hearing. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on 11/15/2006 under WAC 197-11- 340. Written comments regarding this deter- mination must be received by 11/29/2006. 3/1-8 2t ORDINANCE 1689-1206 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SHELTON, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO LAND USE; AMENDING THE CITY'S CRIT- ICAL AREAS REGULATIONS TO INCOR- PORATE BEST AVAILABLE SCIENCE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 21.64, CRITICAL AREA PROTECTION, AND INTRODUCING A NEW CHAPTER 21.64, CRITICAL AREA PROTECTION, AMENDING SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 21.66, AQUIFER RECHARGE AIEAS, AND AMENDING SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 18.10, FLOOD DAMAGE PRE- VENTION OF THE SHELTON MUNICIPAL CODE. The ordinance is on file with the City Clprk and is available upon request. 3/1 It Notice of Vacancy Shelton's City Commissioner of Finance & Accounting has given the City notice that he intends to resign his position on the Commis- sion, effective 3-20-07. The City is publishing this notice to solicit qualified candidates to fill this position. The selection process includes the following schedule. Staff reports on the recruitment docu- ments / process Feb 26 Commission approves recruitment docu- ments / process Feb 26 Application forms available to prospective candidates Feb 27 City advertises for candidates Mar 1 - Mar 15 Applications delivered to City Commis- sioners Mar 16 Commission reviews applications Mar 16 - Mar 23 Commission interviews candidates Mar 20- Mar 23 Commission makes decision Mar 23 Commission takes formal action Mar 26 Candidates for this position must meet these qualifications: 1. Citizenship of the U.S. & WA State First Baptist will host 'Creation Sensations!' "Creation Sensations!" will be presented by Dr. Tom Hoyle at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 7, at Shelton First Baptist Church, 428 West Cots Street. This digital multimedia program demonstrates that speaks full time about the Bible and science. He has delivered his messages more than 3,400 times in 47 states. Included in his program are a live and colorful "intelligent Mt. Olive Lutheran church www.mtoliw true science agrees with the design" slide show, displays and Bible, said Dr. Hoyle, who electrordc quiz contest. T. A/ld CJuIcJ  Co fi] FreedornPreachedandPrasticed Church of UIILiO] Worship Sundays {with childcare):  .... 1"1 ' K( English // mrmay Gath¢ ia----.y ] Services ...... 7'30 & 10'30 a m ,,,,.,, (All are wehomH) i lle She's bound for Washington, DeC. spanish .................. 9:00 a.m. WORSHIP SER__ I,ea Worship at 324 West Cedar Street :,,,,R qn o,,,a lfl .q .It hi" (Continued from page 31.) the college application process. In Office phone: 426-8472 tt'e ":0 ,g0 o lege admissions. Through work- some locations, students will be m'""'-;'h ............ T;h.I C©nter.. shops, presentations, excursions able to tour several area tmiversi- Heavenly Gifts Tribal Center Rd., off HwY. lw [lltlide and discussions, student leaders ties. Thurs.-Sat. It a.m.-4 p.m. ,, one ,,= Ieh attain a clear advantage as they The program is coordinated by Phone: 469-4438 ,J°u'°°°'°°'f.€^ ,_'" A ta_ Ctlctl wed rote: www.ncculll 8 pursue and fine-tune their selected People to People Ambassador Pro- ..4,.=lec fields of interest, grams to fulfill the vision President 4 / .ti.! Students will have the oppertu-Dwight D. E isenhower had for los- _pj¢. .j#p. eW36  nity to meet with admissions offi- tering world citizenship when he cers and get advice in navigating founded People to People in 1956. n study 7 P Sunday Bible Study 9:4. a.m. y Bi lc b'tuaY. r" lll'ad Worahi & Communion 10.45 a m Christian Counse,n l!a_ , P .... tl" Worship 2 p.m. Agape CounseliTo¢Centff...,'a_f LEGAL NOTICES 2. Registered to vote in City of Shelton at least 30 days preceding date of appoint- ment. 3. Convicted felons are not eligible for this position, unless the courts or the Governor have restored this right. 4. Persons declared mentally incompetent by the courts are not eligible for this position. Application founs available from Shelton Human Resources Dept., City Hall, 525 W. Cota Street. There is no closing date for ap- plications. The Commission seat is open until filled, 3/1-8-15 3t Notice of Intent to Pursue USDA Funds The Mason County intends to pursue grant and low-interest loan financing with USDA Rural Development for the construc- , tion of improvements to the Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant. For more infor- mation contact Tom Moore at 360-427-9670 ext. 652. 3/1 It NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FORTHE CITY OF SHELTON PROPOSED URBAN GROWTH AREA PLAN, ASSOCIATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS, AND REZONING OF PROPERTISS. Notice is hereby given that the City Com- mission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a public hearing beginning at ap- proximatety 6:00 p.m. on Mondw March 19, 2007 at the Shelton Civic Center located at 525 West Cota Street to consider the follow- ing project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed Su Crossword Answers are on page 33. ACROSS 48 Blue hue 102 Have -- 1 Applies 60 The ven/ over or's hghtly bottom I'Nlad 5 Helicopter 112 Tijuena lille 104 "My Sweet sound SS ".Sr Wars" --'('70 9 Swedish ,Sl/walk r Imash) rockers 57 Fawn's 101 Debtom' 13 "whole -- lather Satire1 Love" 59 Pride of 108 Indat)nlts ('69 hit) Itons? pronoun 18 Guinness Or 81 Re a pest 10S Bold and Baldwin 6:1ACIreu EIvta 111 Aclmss Helgen- 111 "Roaso Skye berger River" Mart 20 Crwysler 1111 Aladc, lot 1111 Funnyman competitor one Phllpl 21 Toils fi7 Easily read 117 Hailing from 22 "Butch 71 Kedmvl H,,iia Casstdy of "Tom 1111 Paw part and the Cutteln" 120 OnmD Sundance 73 Unwell eround Ihe Ragazzo" 74 Gulf mint rack star? 7S Pelt of EEC 121 "Peter Pan" 2S O'Netlrs 76 "The Tm pirate "The -- Stell*" star?. 122 Pound the Cometh" 711 Wmlh Im 26 New Hemp- 20 Fateful 15th 121 SUdlO shim city 112 Demoliehed role 27 Postpone a Dsh 1:10 Puts up :18 Loaf pan 113 Rain hard? 132 "How Ihe 30 Marhe (14 Incotpor- Ores Was Mile. flied, as Wort" stlrt :11 Ted0ell or terrttory 1M AclrNa Lupine fit Smith or TySOn City of Shelton Urban Growth Area Plan and Associated Comprehensive Plan Amend- ments. The project also includes the proposed rezoning of the following properties within the City: 1) Properties bordered on the West by Brockdale Road, on the South by the Bat- stone Cutoff Road, and on the East by John's Prairie Road a request to rezone from Neigh- borhood Residential (NR) to Low Intensity Mixed Use (MU) and CommemiaVlndustrial (C/I). 2) Properties located to the south of the Simpson Railroad Tracks and to East of SR 3 near Oakland Bay a request to rezone from Industflal (I) to Commercial Residential Val- ley (C/R-V). Questions regarding the proposal may be directed to Steve Gains, Director of Commu- nity and Economic Development by calling (360) 432-5136. Written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to: City of Shelton Department of Community and Economic Development Attention: Steve Gains, Director of Com- munity and Economic Development 525 West Cots Street Shelton, WA 98584 The complete project file mw be at the same eddress. Inlormetlon regarding the propoeal may also be obtained by logging on to the City of Shelton website at: www. and following the link for the "Shelton Urban Growth Plan". **The public hearing draft documents are anticipated to be availabla on the website by March 6, 2007**. 3/1-8 2t SPAGHETTI WESTERNS 143 Pro0het 40 Vinegar's gO Menial penner lebomr DOWN 41 Dejected 94 Tlbeus' 1 TV'a *-- 42 Detergent remade? Shldows* Ingmdkmt 11111 A Great 2 Bum remedy 44 ACtreSS Lake $ Neuwlflh or Geltz 97 Sister Daniel 45 Slyng 99 Lad 4 Picturesque 48 I.Jnda el 100 Bed and S Humor "Alice" brealdast 6 Car pert Iil Join the tO1 Pigidn prop 7 Menlo lUlrt iaiaura 103 Poorly II Ssube te class? made 9 Insult 53 Kimono 106 CoeteMo or 10 Dmstve cry cloN Del Rio 11 "It's $4 Maslga 107 Uu a raw InmzmgP M Fromm or 110 Compass 12 Co.rues SeSal pt. 13 Tabltoth fil Comk 112 Neighbor ol filbd¢ Radner Tenn. • 14 UK honor 110 Sterl the 113 Wefts 1 § "Rldem slaw oFooits of the t2 Shimmer 114 Modifies Puqumo 64 Rub it in 1111 Vole in company 118 "King Lear" Granl" 68 wnr role 1 Tripoli WeMy 11 WWII site netlve tl9 "The 12:1 Verdi opera 2,11 Change It Gmneie 124 -- de Ioroe decor Country" 125 Firing )4 I::*rt -- Itsr? welport Blue 70 Go in 127 Full-grown 33 Theh JOhn, e.g. 1:17 Poker lake 29 Hockey'e 36 Spfingmo. BID Junket 138 Peter and Bo0Oy 37 "Duello at 111 Petite Gordon :12 Cummt unit Diablo" pooch song, e.g, 34 Honey stsr? 92 Forster's bunch? 1:19 Small 43 Punjabi "-- With • combo 3IS Wild child pnrK:es View" 140 Asian :17 "M'A'S'I'¢" 46 Ornamental el3 Evaluate capitol extras vine M IAwel 141 Tavern 38 "-- 47 It may be INI Aooount staples hadl" bdter entry 142 Dt|tdct 119 Wilier Rand 72 BlaZing filly 77 Kidney- 128 Soft oheese relateo 129 ,.,ent 7S De HaUlend 131 Dor Ron or Ht,IeW 1311 ShiINI -- II1 l-ialr net (Jalnee II11 Sten to dog) imooze 134 Giant 11| novel vowel !52 I ii Page 40 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1, 2007  CrossPoint Service Traditional Service A more contemporary service A more traditional service that begins at 9-'00 AM that begins at .. ..... Praise Band • Praise Team 10:45 AM • Contemporary Message Choir Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childc:are both A place to experience God's presence... A place to belong... Sunday School -- 9:30 AM 1331 E. Shelton Springs Rd Worship Celebration -- 10:45 AM Shelton, WA 426.1298 Sunday Evening -- 6:00 PM http://nazarene.hclc com ......... ,m I  jLltly sil CALVARY FELLOWSHIP ' and tou OF SHELTON Nondenominational. Family Centered Corner of Highway 101 and Railroad Ave..4;)6-70  ) Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. t A casual and uplifting worship experience  ! P'S I00FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCI0000%e00 E.L.C.A. Pastor Steve Ols0  W So. a' 426-8611 1212 Connection 00ikK,._ Traditional Worship ...... 8:45 a.rn. [ -'' A Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m. C/n-ve'r,d Contemporary Worship... l l a.m. ! iF::: * Bible Study * Daycare M-F 452-5437 * Youth . SEVENTH-DAy ADVENTIS00r l-- "Sharing o Message of Hope s' Sabbath School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. Saturday ' e . Worship Service 10:50 a.m. Saturday .Y Fo 210W. Shelton Valley Road -- (360) 426-2776  t SHELTON VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL  Grades K' I1 ay. wOtzh Washington Sate Accredited -- Certified Teaching S=ff k O. 20l W. Shelton Valley Road --(360) 426-. e re www. sheltonfl,  V ' 360.426.84bl email fb ctv ',e ' lifesi00 , I f tv a # !1 ,C t, + Ftr;t 8aptit=t Church 428 I/. Cota Street, Shelton, f/ 98584 Pastors: Gary Schwarz and Glen Keeffe Sullay WOhip Sesvi: 90 & 10:30am Adult Bbe C/asses: 8, 9 & 10:30 am ] Latino ohip: Chitdren's Mlnlst 9 & 10:.30 am [Nursey--2nd grd.] - [ SUlI¢I Tenrs Discovery CMes: 9 am {3rd--Tth 'd.J Pastor Esau 0 YOU  Truth Project: 9era [8th--t 2th grd.] Lino youl lVednesd Nights: YOUChurch SSSpm [-12m rd. I Thu AWANA CLUe-wednesday 6: I S - 8,0 m [K-SIh, SelXrU l Small Groups . mnom ae week. sharing liJigiving hope, Jbr e reO¢ GATEWAY CHRISTIAN FELL her, 405 S. Seventh St. 41, Shelton, WA 98584 41, 360.426.2758 41, ssit ,,,,,,,,mssss= Iil II *8 I Sunday 9:00 a.m, Celebration Service ,. Iilll,9. 10:30 a.m, Celebration Service, Attended Nursery Childrei I' ' W] Mmis,+ +:++ i'm mm' " H:=: ;nB :?:l)e :i r s2 -hsPeS  .... I:[:ai 7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service, SoulFire Youth and ChildreS/are Wednesday Ministry £d--im" "Helping people become whole in Jesus Christ" Shdton Unit00i Meal,edict O00urch www, sheRonumc,com Youth Group Children's :tlvltk. Spldt.*l Growth Chsm Adult Clair Smll Coups 13.H ClIr Intmgestlend Ministdas Dynamt¢ Wonlp ExlnCa NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed amendments to the City of Shel- ton Design and Construction Standards A public hearing before the City Com- mission is scheduled for March 5, 2007, at 6:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Commission Chambers, located at 525 West Cots Street. Public comment will be accepted on the pro- posed updates to the Design and Construc- tion Standards providing for changes in the requirements for sidewalks and frontage im- provements on infill development. A copy of the proposed changes is avail- able at no charge from the City of Shelton Public Works Department. For information, please contact Jay Ebbeson at (360) 432- 5120. 3/1 It NOTICE OF SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHR2006-00038 Notice is hereby given that MALCOLM STEWART, who is the owner of the de- scribed property, has filed an application for a Shoreline Management Permit for the de- velopment of: Sub. Dev. Pier, Ramp and Float. Site Address: 4071 NE NORTH SHORE RD BELFAIR Parcel Number: 222025100907 Location of Project: North Shore Rd. to address. Within: NE (quarter section) of Section: 2 Township: 22 N Range: 2 W, WM. in, Mason County Washington. Said development is proposed within Hood Canal and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on the ap- plication should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P O BOX 279 SHELTON, WA 98584 in writing of their interest. The comment period is at least 30 days from the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173- 14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 3/8/2007. Written comments will be accepted up to the date of the hearing. A public hearing will be held on this permit request. Contact this office at (360)427-9670, ext. for date and time of hearing. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on 3/14/2007 under WAC 197-11- 340. Written comments regarding this deter- mination must be received by 3/28/2007. 3/1-8 2t NOTICE OF SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHR2006-00022 Notice is hereby given that STEN KARLSEN, who is the owner of the de- scribed property, has filed an application for a Shoreline Management Permit for the de- velopment of: Sub. Dev. New pier, ramp, and float. Site Address: 12881 NE NORTH SHORE RD BELFAIR Parcel Number: 322345000009 Location of Project: North Shore Rd. to address. Within: NE (quarter section) of Section: 34 Township: 22 N Range: 3 W, WM. in. Mason County Washington. Said development is propbsed within Hood Canal and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on the ap- plication should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P O BOX 279 SHELTON, WA 98584 in writing of their interest. The comment period is at least 30 days from the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173- 14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 11/30/2006. Written comments will be accepted up to the date of the hearing. A public hearing will be held on this permit request. Contact this office at (360)427-9670, ext. for date and time of hearing. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on 11/15/2006 under WAC 197-11- 340. Written comments regarding this deter- mination must be received by 11/29/2006. 3/1-8 2t ORDINANCE 1689-1206 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SHELTON, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO LAND USE; AMENDING THE CITY'S CRIT- ICAL AREAS REGULATIONS TO INCOR- PORATE BEST AVAILABLE SCIENCE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 21.64, CRITICAL AREA PROTECTION, AND INTRODUCING A NEW CHAPTER 21.64, CRITICAL AREA PROTECTION, AMENDING SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 21.66, AQUIFER RECHARGE AIEAS, AND AMENDING SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 18.10, FLOOD DAMAGE PRE- VENTION OF THE SHELTON MUNICIPAL CODE. The ordinance is on file with the City Clprk and is available upon request. 3/1 It Notice of Vacancy Shelton's City Commissioner of Finance & Accounting has given the City notice that he intends to resign his position on the Commis- sion, effective 3-20-07. The City is publishing this notice to solicit qualified candidates to fill this position. The selection process includes the following schedule. Staff reports on the recruitment docu- ments / process Feb 26 Commission approves recruitment docu- ments / process Feb 26 Application forms available to prospective candidates Feb 27 City advertises for candidates Mar 1 - Mar 15 Applications delivered to City Commis- sioners Mar 16 Commission reviews applications Mar 16 - Mar 23 Commission interviews candidates Mar 20- Mar 23 Commission makes decision Mar 23 Commission takes formal action Mar 26 Candidates for this position must meet these qualifications: 1. Citizenship of the U.S. & WA State First Baptist will host 'Creation Sensations!' "Creation Sensations!" will be presented by Dr. Tom Hoyle at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 7, at Shelton First Baptist Church, 428 West Cots Street. This digital multimedia program demonstrates that speaks full time about the Bible and science. He has delivered his messages more than 3,400 times in 47 states. Included in his program are a live and colorful "intelligent Mt. Olive Lutheran church www.mtoliw true science agrees with the design" slide show, displays and Bible, said Dr. Hoyle, who electrordc quiz contest. T. A/ld CJuIcJ  Co fi] FreedornPreachedandPrasticed Church of UIILiO] Worship Sundays {with childcare):  .... 1"1 ' K( English // mrmay Gath¢ ia----.y ] Services ...... 7'30 & 10'30 a m ,,,,.,, (All are wehomH) i lle She's bound for Washington, DeC. spanish .................. 9:00 a.m. WORSHIP SER__ I,ea Worship at 324 West Cedar Street :,,,,R qn o,,,a lfl .q .It hi" (Continued from page 31.) the college application process. In Office phone: 426-8472 tt'e ":0 ,g0 o lege admissions. Through work- some locations, students will be m'""'-;'h ............ T;h.I C©nter.. shops, presentations, excursions able to tour several area tmiversi- Heavenly Gifts Tribal Center Rd., off HwY. lw [lltlide and discussions, student leaders ties. Thurs.-Sat. It a.m.-4 p.m. ,, one ,,= Ieh attain a clear advantage as they The program is coordinated by Phone: 469-4438 ,J°u'°°°'°°'f.€^ ,_'" A ta_ Ctlctl wed rote: www.ncculll 8 pursue and fine-tune their selected People to People Ambassador Pro- ..4,.=lec fields of interest, grams to fulfill the vision President 4 / .ti.! Students will have the oppertu-Dwight D. E isenhower had for los- _pj¢. .j#p. eW36  nity to meet with admissions offi- tering world citizenship when he cers and get advice in navigating founded People to People in 1956. n study 7 P Sunday Bible Study 9:4. a.m. y Bi lc b'tuaY. r" lll'ad Worahi & Communion 10.45 a m Christian Counse,n l!a_ , P .... tl" Worship 2 p.m. Agape CounseliTo¢Centff...,'a_f LEGAL NOTICES 2. Registered to vote in City of Shelton at least 30 days preceding date of appoint- ment. 3. Convicted felons are not eligible for this position, unless the courts or the Governor have restored this right. 4. Persons declared mentally incompetent by the courts are not eligible for this position. Application founs available from Shelton Human Resources Dept., City Hall, 525 W. Cota Street. There is no closing date for ap- plications. The Commission seat is open until filled, 3/1-8-15 3t Notice of Intent to Pursue USDA Funds The Mason County intends to pursue grant and low-interest loan financing with USDA Rural Development for the construc- , tion of improvements to the Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant. For more infor- mation contact Tom Moore at 360-427-9670 ext. 652. 3/1 It NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FORTHE CITY OF SHELTON PROPOSED URBAN GROWTH AREA PLAN, ASSOCIATED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS, AND REZONING OF PROPERTISS. Notice is hereby given that the City Com- mission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a public hearing beginning at ap- proximatety 6:00 p.m. on Mondw March 19, 2007 at the Shelton Civic Center located at 525 West Cota Street to consider the follow- ing project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed Su Crossword Answers are on page 33. ACROSS 48 Blue hue 102 Have -- 1 Applies 60 The ven/ over or's hghtly bottom I'Nlad 5 Helicopter 112 Tijuena lille 104 "My Sweet sound SS ".Sr Wars" --'('70 9 Swedish ,Sl/walk r Imash) rockers 57 Fawn's 101 Debtom' 13 "whole -- lather Satire1 Love" 59 Pride of 108 Indat)nlts ('69 hit) Itons? pronoun 18 Guinness Or 81 Re a pest 10S Bold and Baldwin 6:1ACIreu EIvta 111 Aclmss Helgen- 111 "Roaso Skye berger River" Mart 20 Crwysler 1111 Aladc, lot 1111 Funnyman competitor one Phllpl 21 Toils fi7 Easily read 117 Hailing from 22 "Butch 71 Kedmvl H,,iia Casstdy of "Tom 1111 Paw part and the Cutteln" 120 OnmD Sundance 73 Unwell eround Ihe Ragazzo" 74 Gulf mint rack star? 7S Pelt of EEC 121 "Peter Pan" 2S O'Netlrs 76 "The Tm pirate "The -- Stell*" star?. 122 Pound the Cometh" 711 Wmlh Im 26 New Hemp- 20 Fateful 15th 121 SUdlO shim city 112 Demoliehed role 27 Postpone a Dsh 1:10 Puts up :18 Loaf pan 113 Rain hard? 132 "How Ihe 30 Marhe (14 Incotpor- Ores Was Mile. flied, as Wort" stlrt :11 Ted0ell or terrttory 1M AclrNa Lupine fit Smith or TySOn City of Shelton Urban Growth Area Plan and Associated Comprehensive Plan Amend- ments. The project also includes the proposed rezoning of the following properties within the City: 1) Properties bordered on the West by Brockdale Road, on the South by the Bat- stone Cutoff Road, and on the East by John's Prairie Road a request to rezone from Neigh- borhood Residential (NR) to Low Intensity Mixed Use (MU) and CommemiaVlndustrial (C/I). 2) Properties located to the south of the Simpson Railroad Tracks and to East of SR 3 near Oakland Bay a request to rezone from Industflal (I) to Commercial Residential Val- ley (C/R-V). Questions regarding the proposal may be directed to Steve Gains, Director of Commu- nity and Economic Development by calling (360) 432-5136. Written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to: City of Shelton Department of Community and Economic Development Attention: Steve Gains, Director of Com- munity and Economic Development 525 West Cots Street Shelton, WA 98584 The complete project file mw be at the same eddress. Inlormetlon regarding the propoeal may also be obtained by logging on to the City of Shelton website at: www. and following the link for the "Shelton Urban Growth Plan". **The public hearing draft documents are anticipated to be availabla on the website by March 6, 2007**. 3/1-8 2t SPAGHETTI WESTERNS 143 Pro0het 40 Vinegar's gO Menial penner lebomr DOWN 41 Dejected 94 Tlbeus' 1 TV'a *-- 42 Detergent remade? Shldows* Ingmdkmt 11111 A Great 2 Bum remedy 44 ACtreSS Lake $ Neuwlflh or Geltz 97 Sister Daniel 45 Slyng 99 Lad 4 Picturesque 48 I.Jnda el 100 Bed and S Humor "Alice" brealdast 6 Car pert Iil Join the tO1 Pigidn prop 7 Menlo lUlrt iaiaura 103 Poorly II Ssube te class? made 9 Insult 53 Kimono 106 CoeteMo or 10 Dmstve cry cloN Del Rio 11 "It's $4 Maslga 107 Uu a raw InmzmgP M Fromm or 110 Compass 12 Co.rues SeSal pt. 13 Tabltoth fil Comk 112 Neighbor ol filbd¢ Radner Tenn. • 14 UK honor 110 Sterl the 113 Wefts 1 § "Rldem slaw oFooits of the t2 Shimmer 114 Modifies Puqumo 64 Rub it in 1111 Vole in company 118 "King Lear" Granl" 68 wnr role 1 Tripoli WeMy 11 WWII site netlve tl9 "The 12:1 Verdi opera 2,11 Change It Gmneie 124 -- de Ioroe decor Country" 125 Firing )4 I::*rt -- Itsr? welport Blue 70 Go in 127 Full-grown 33 Theh JOhn, e.g. 1:17 Poker lake 29 Hockey'e 36 Spfingmo. BID Junket 138 Peter and Bo0Oy 37 "Duello at 111 Petite Gordon :12 Cummt unit Diablo" pooch song, e.g, 34 Honey stsr? 92 Forster's bunch? 1:19 Small 43 Punjabi "-- With • combo 3IS Wild child pnrK:es View" 140 Asian :17 "M'A'S'I'¢" 46 Ornamental el3 Evaluate capitol extras vine M IAwel 141 Tavern 38 "-- 47 It may be INI Aooount staples hadl" bdter entry 142 Dt|tdct 119 Wilier Rand 72 BlaZing filly 77 Kidney- 128 Soft oheese relateo 129 ,.,ent 7S De HaUlend 131 Dor Ron or Ht,IeW 1311 ShiINI -- II1 l-ialr net (Jalnee II11 Sten to dog) imooze 134 Giant 11| novel vowel !52 I ii Page 40 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 1, 2007  CrossPoint Service Traditional Service A more contemporary service A more traditional service that begins at 9-'00 AM that begins at .. ..... Praise Band • Praise Team 10:45 AM • Contemporary Message Choir Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childc:are both A place to experience God's presence... A place to belong... Sunday School -- 9:30 AM 1331 E. Shelton Springs Rd Worship Celebration -- 10:45 AM Shelton, WA 426.1298 Sunday Evening -- 6:00 PM http://nazarene.hclc com ......... ,m I  jLltly sil CALVARY FELLOWSHIP ' and tou OF SHELTON Nondenominational. Family Centered Corner of Highway 101 and Railroad Ave..4;)6-70  ) Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. t A casual and uplifting worship experience  ! P'S I00FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCI0000%e00 E.L.C.A. Pastor Steve Ols0  W So. a' 426-8611 1212 Connection 00ikK,._ Traditional Worship ...... 8:45 a.rn. [ -'' A Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m. C/n-ve'r,d Contemporary Worship... l l a.m. ! iF::: * Bible Study * Daycare M-F 452-5437 * Youth . SEVENTH-DAy ADVENTIS00r l-- "Sharing o Message of Hope s' Sabbath School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. Saturday ' e . Worship Service 10:50 a.m. Saturday .Y Fo 210W. Shelton Valley Road -- (360) 426-2776  t SHELTON VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL  Grades K' I1 ay. wOtzh Washington Sate Accredited -- Certified Teaching S=ff k O. 20l W. Shelton Valley Road --(360) 426-. e re www. sheltonfl,  V ' 360.426.84bl email fb ctv ',e ' lifesi00 , I f tv a # !1 ,C t, + Ftr;t 8aptit=t Church 428 I/. Cota Street, Shelton, f/ 98584 Pastors: Gary Schwarz and Glen Keeffe Sullay WOhip Sesvi: 90 & 10:30am Adult Bbe C/asses: 8, 9 & 10:30 am ] Latino ohip: Chitdren's Mlnlst 9 & 10:.30 am [Nursey--2nd grd.] - [ SUlI¢I Tenrs Discovery CMes: 9 am {3rd--Tth 'd.J Pastor Esau 0 YOU  Truth Project: 9era [8th--t 2th grd.] Lino youl lVednesd Nights: YOUChurch SSSpm [-12m rd. I Thu AWANA CLUe-wednesday 6: I S - 8,0 m [K-SIh, SelXrU l Small Groups . mnom ae week. sharing liJigiving hope, Jbr e reO¢ GATEWAY CHRISTIAN FELL her, 405 S. Seventh St. 41, Shelton, WA 98584 41, 360.426.2758 41, ssit ,,,,,,,,mssss= Iil II *8 I Sunday 9:00 a.m, Celebration Service ,. Iilll,9. 10:30 a.m, Celebration Service, Attended Nursery Childrei I' ' W] Mmis,+ +:++ i'm mm' " H:=: ;nB :?:l)e :i r s2 -hsPeS  .... I:[:ai 7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service, SoulFire Youth and ChildreS/are Wednesday Ministry £d--im" "Helping people become whole in Jesus Christ" Shdton Unit00i Meal,edict O00urch www, sheRonumc,com Youth Group Children's :tlvltk. Spldt.*l Growth Chsm Adult Clair Smll Coups 13.H ClIr Intmgestlend Ministdas Dynamt¢ Wonlp ExlnCa